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2007-03-02 17:55:00| 人氣81| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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He is my hero. He is a special man, my classmate, who is named Tom. He is not handsome but nice. I call him "borther". He always helps others. And he is nice to me. Long time ago, he was a junior high school student. He took care of people who were weak or sick. I think he is a hero in my heart.

In my opinion, hero is a person whos helping others. He makes me know that helping others makes me feel happy. A hero is a man like as Spiderman. He does the things people needs without knowing his name. He is a real hero. He is modest and doesnt make people think that he is the best and nice. Finally, he gets the name "hero".

台長: 明玕
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