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2007-03-04 17:45:21| 人氣818| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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When it comes to love, many young people said they have true love. They always felt love is everything. Speaking of love, their parents always think students have to study and study. As parents say, so teachers say. As far as students were concerned, they considered study and love are two things. They don’t care about and words about what their parents said. They still do the things they want to do. Well goes a sating, "Love is bland." Students always consider love more valuable than study from love is an important lesson.

Considering my thoughts, people always need love. Love and money are both important; the former enriches our spiritual lives and the latter improves our material lives. Love is to us what water is to fish. Love is not everything, but is forever.

台長: 明玕


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