梅艷芳〈風的季節〉1982年第一屆新秀歌唱大賽 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnhSp6QFZXUShe’s a pin in a haystack. ~ 6fallensix

梅艷芳〈心債〉梅艷芳盡顯光華演唱會片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZFk49_pZIAOne of the greatest songs she has ever sang. ~ Blurasis
梅艷芳〈交出我的心〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iBXIEBIt4sThis was translated from Anita’s 1st Japanese song which she sang in Tokyo Music Festival! ~ Suminexsan
梅艷芳〈赤的疑惑〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys5fozThu5wThis is a brilliant translation/adaptation of the Japanese song by Momoe Yamaguchi that has the same name (Yes, Chinese characters). Anita is great, and so is the Yamaguchi. ~ S1357
梅艷芳〈強吻之前〉第十二届東京音樂節獲獎片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7vBhKHlXAwIt brought back memories of hearing Anita singing this song almost every morning on TV in Japan at that time! ~ Suminexsan
梅艷芳第一次獲頒八三年金唱片獎 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmjB3Z1PFVAIt must be and should be Anita!Anita - the Best singer ever!! ~ Suminexsan
梅艷芳〈似水流年〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0ua2E0atkMI am not a Chinese pop-song lover, but I love most of Anita’s songs. She could move listeners’ hearts with her deep voice. She is remembered. ~ JerseyBobo
梅艷芳〈壞女孩〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AzYgsrrnMoClassic 1985. She was awesome! What a legend. Everyone copies her style. ~ Amberamberchan
一九八五年,梅姐初在大銀幕發光,凴〈緣分〉這部電影榮膺第四届香港电影金像奖最佳女配角。同時,〈似水流年〉也提名這届香港电影金像奖最佳電影歌曲。〈蔓珠莎华〉則入選第八屆十大中文金曲。梅姐亦獲頒發商臺最受歡迎女藝人獎。梅姐與哥哥在新加坡舉行〈Leslie & Anita Mui Concert〉。
一九八六年,梅姐蟬聯十大勁歌金曲最受歡迎女歌星獎以及商臺最受歡迎女藝人獎,並獲頒港臺十大最受歡迎人物獎。〈將冰山劈開〉〈夢伴〉膺十大勁歌金曲,〈愛將〉則是第九屆十大中文金曲之一,〈壞女孩〉榮獲香港 IFPI 全年最佳銷量唱片獎。梅姐與哥哥展開七場的馬來西亞〈張國榮及梅艷芳迎春演唱會〉以及七場的新加坡〈Leslie & Anita Mui Concert〉。
梅艷芳〈將冰山劈開〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4SDp7W8FRwI like to play this song when I’m playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Just turn off the game’s music sound track & play the radio for background music! This song makes you a better skater. Anita gives power from beyond the sky. ~ SpankRamen
梅艷芳與〈夢伴〉日版原唱者近籐真彥于一九八六年新秀大賽同台飆歌片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGlaFQyvBTwThis was the song that they fell in love... love is over... Matchy attended Anita’s funeral...so sad! Thanks for posting I love both version! ~ Suminexsan
梅艷芳〈愛將〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXn8KsE3YVkI adore Anita Mui, though i am not a big canto-pop fan, being more comfortable with mandarin. Nonetheless i do agree that sometimes are make up border on being a drag queen. ~ Chelseasian
梅艷芳〈烈焰紅唇〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhTH0_OSAfg&mode=related&search=Her voice was excellent at that time. A surprise with her long legs for sure! Very good. ~ Billcanada
梅艷芳〈似火探戈〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-iYGqJgapwWhat an amazing show of Anita!No wonder she is the Queen of stage!Striking everyone! ~ Zyzbsz

一九八八年,電影〈胭脂扣〉同名主題曲當選十大勁歌金曲。〈Stand by me〉當選十大勁歌金曲以及第十一屆十大中文金曲,〈夢裏共醉〉則獲最佳錄影帶獎。梅姐成爲唯一受邀出席韓國漢城奧運前奏音樂會演出的亞洲女歌手,並且獲頒紀念獎。梅姐繼續雄霸十大勁歌金曲最受歡迎女歌星寶座。同年,梅姐也在馬來西亞舉行兩場的〈百變梅艷芳演唱會〉,七場新加坡〈梅艷芳萬變88演唱會〉及兩場台灣〈百變梅艷芳台北演唱會〉。
梅艷芳<胭脂扣>電影片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO-ZVG5knloStory: She’s a courtesan who met this wealthy guy - they fell in love, but his family opposed their relationship. Under pressure, they decided to take their own lives - she died, but he survived and being cowardly, decided not to follow her. She waited in the underworld for 53 years and didn’t see him, so she got permission to come back for 7 days to look for him. She finally found him - old, decrepit, a druggie with not a penny to his name, hanging out at movie sets waiting to be an extra... The scene: She found him, leaned over, sang a line from ”their song,” returned the rouge box he gave her many years ago. Then she disappeared back to the world of the spirits. The other two people looking on are the mortals who helped her find the guy. Song was sung by Anita Mui too. This was Anita’s most famous role - she won Best Actress awards galore for it in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and in the pan-Asian region. ~ Fysb233
梅艷芳〈夢裏共醉〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnrtXVaT23I&mode=related&search=It’s the ”Last Emperor” Theme! ~ Chinamerican
梅艷芳〈Stand by me〉第十一屆十大中文金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p85bN6EMa_8The award was presented by Chinese gymnast Li Ning(李寧). Funny conversation between Anita and Li Ning. ~ Kat2877
八八八九年,我想是繼八五八六年之後,另一個梅姐鋒頭超勁的年份。當年,梅姐憑借〈胭脂扣〉榮膺四大電影頒獎禮(金馬、金龍、金像以及亞太影展)的影后頭銜;在她的光輝歌唱生涯之外,亦在電影領域登峰造極!同時,梅姐再度馬不停蹄舉行她的世界巡迴演唱會,〈Anita Mui Concert World Tour〉馬來西亞站六場、中國廣州站五場、澳門站、歐洲站四場、新加坡站、台灣站兩場、美國站超過六場,以及多倫多與溫哥華四場。
梅艷芳〈夕陽之歌〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTm2ysfpmoQWhat a beautiful voice. ~ Canuck21
梅艷芳〈夕陽之歌〉十大勁歌金曲金曲金獎片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejKytG7gC44This is one of my favourite songs!Anita did it so well. The lyrics and the performance are both touching. ~ Franhsu3003
梅艷芳〈夕陽之歌〉梅艷芳經典金曲演唱會片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3dP-8Ti6x8I am a new fan of Anita. I gather that this is one of her last concerts in 2003? It is such a pain to see her singing a song like this a few months before her untimely death. I can only imagine that she must know the end is near, yet she put such a splendid show for her fans. This is a true performer who live and die on her stage. ~ Patchin1
Everytime I watched this video. There are tears in my eyes. Anita is amazing and a remarkable woman. She is truly a role model for us. She will always be miss and love. ~ Luckpeace
This is really really so sad. There is really quite a difference in her voice and while she was well. She must have been really sick but she still sang. She’s really a very remarkable woman!!Her strength, her spirt, indeed she’s a great role model. She will always be miss. ~ Arcaneunleashed
She is absolutely wonderful. Despite of her illness, she still perform so well in her final concert. ~ Taxme7
This is actually a memorable scene of this concert. When she was losing her voice while singing this song, it made this song much more emotional. When listen to her earlier performances of this song, you will notice major differences of her voice. ~ Supertrouper
Anita gave such an awesome performance even during her final days.
~ Wgeorge13
Absolutely love Anita singing this song and she looks so beautiful. What a memorable moment. ~ Goddessofhonour
梅艷芳〈淑女〉十大勁歌金曲金曲金獎片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emBhgHec2GYNo offense to Anita Mui. But this is a rip off of the Like A Virgin performance. Anita is a better singer no doubt. But in terms of creativity, originality, and performance skills, I still think there’s only one and only one Madonna. I usually avoid the comparison because both artists are people I truly respect. ~ magiciancols
True, but even though Anita copies Madonna’s style a little what ever she pretends to be she actually looks like. That’s one of the difference between her and Madonna. Another thing is that she can take Madonna’s style and she can do it without being slutty not to mention that in my opinion that Anita’s voice is 100 times better than Madonna’s. ~ LlamaLordofScience
梅艷芳〈心仍是冷〉十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮片段 ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1wBagoC624九零九一年,梅姐又開始她的世界巡迴演唱,實行要艷壓天下。〈Anita Mui Concert World Tour〉的旋風席捲美國、加拿大、法國、荷蘭、英國以及澳洲。此外,梅姐的巡迴演唱會未冷落亞洲,也分別在臺灣展開三場以及新加坡兩場。
To be continue……

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