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2005-02-03 00:39:07| 人氣133| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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2005.2.2 Wednesday .晴.

< MR.> this song, just for u.. ~^^~

it's the first day that u 're travelling to Japan.

Now is 11:45p.m..
I'm listening to music.. and online-ing..

miss u,
missing u..

Reading the msgs that u sent me..
reading the words that written on the bookmark..
looking at the photos.. ha~ sweet pair ~^^~
closing my eyes, just thinkin' of our sweet memories..

how lucky i am..
meet with u ... precious u.. and all of our precious moment..

Thank you,
thank you for your cherish...

So,let's make a wish,
it won't become a temporary happiness..

台長: .任性大小姐.
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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