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Ray Charles-I Can't Stop Loving You (魂斷藍橋精采片段)

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Ray Charles-I Can't Stop Loving You


I Can't Stop Loving You (1962),《我不能不愛妳》由美國黑人名歌手雷·查爾斯(Ray Charles)獨特磁性的嗓音唱來,百聽不厭。畫面為勞勃泰勒費雯麗演的【魂斷藍橋】,已逾60年了。懷念的老電影,勞勃

雷·查爾斯(Ray Charles,1930.9.23-2004.6.10),美國黑人,7歲時即失明,美國靈魂音樂家、鋼琴演奏家,是節奏及藍調(R&B)音樂的先驅。他是第一批被列入搖滾名人堂的人物之一,《滾石雜誌》亦把他列為「100個最偉大的歌手」中的第10位。法蘭克·辛納屈稱他為「音樂界唯一的天才

I Can't Stop Loving You - Ray Charles

Ray Charles-I Can't Stop Loving You
Lyrics:Don Gibson  Music:Don Gibson

(I can't stop loving you)
I've made up my mind
To live in memory of the lonesome times
(I can't stop wanting you)
It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life in dreams of yesterday
(Dreams of yesterday)

Those happy hours that we once knew
Tho' long ago, they still make me blue
They say that time heals a broken heart
But time has stood still since we've been apart

(I can't stop loving you)
I've made up my mind
To live in memories of the lonesome times
(I can't stop wanting you)
It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life in dreams of yesterday

(Those happy hours)
Those happy hours
(That we once knew)
That we once knew
(Tho' long ago)
Tho' long ago
(Still make me blue)
Still ma-a-a-ake me blue
(They say that time)
They say that time
(Heals a broken heart)
Heals a broken heart
(But time has stood still)
Time has stood still
(Since we've been apart)
Since we've been apart

(I can't stop loving you)
I said I made up my mind
To live in memory of the lonesome times

(I can't stop wanting you)
It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life of dreams of yesterday
(Of yesterday)

台長: Rex Wu
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