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2015-04-02 23:13:49| 人氣4,509| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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"Best in the world, good-looking Fuji" and Daito who says by which Hazamacho, Ashikaga-shi, Tochigi is "by a sea lion, flower park" met best time and took a picture on April 28.

600 mats of big wisteria trellis in which an age of the tree is exceeded for 145 years says that Hanabusa will be also 150-170cm. You transfer 20 kilometers from Asakuracho, Ashikaga-shi in 1996, and I say that a wisteria trellis was about 15 times of size in 17 years.
This year's flower is called good forming of the balance which is sometimes seen in the 17 years.

There is other Fuji of about 300 in the park such as Oosa Fuji Hanabusa will be also in 180 cm at the most and Hashi of Shirato tunnel of a wisteria trellis and 80m and USU Benifuji of a purple wisteria trellis and double Kokuryu to which even the world is uncommon. Double Kokuryu is double Fuji who also looks aromatic rather far in a bunch of a grape. KURUMETSUTSUJI and a peony bloom and are whether it's color Yutaka in the park.

Daito says that it seems rather fun until time May 6. Shirato is being best time gradually, too.

台長: Rex Wu
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