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2015-03-08 11:43:03| 人氣2,832| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Love To You Taiwan - Kent "Lobo" Lavoie

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Love To You Taiwan 
Kent "Lobo" Lavoie

Lobo specially made for Taiwan " Love to You Taiwan" - 台灣我愛你 



Love to You Taiwan 歌詞

I come to your land a stranger 
You made me feel at home. 
You open up your arms and gave me warmth I never felt alone.
You won my heart forever 
With your gentle friendly ways. 
So with love I send to you my friends 
This song from far away.

With love to you Taiwan from one 
Who always will be thankful to you. 
Music's what I live and it's all that I can give. 
With love to you Taiwan.
The beauty of your island is more than you can see.
You stood up for what was right you had to be free.
Good friends are forever that's how it's always been.
Words reach out with quiet doubts but music makes us friends.

With love to you Taiwan from one 
Who always will be thankful to you. 
Music's what I live and it's all that I can give. 
With love to you Taiwan.

台長: Rex Wu
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