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楓情萬種 Nature Autumn

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楓情萬種 Nature Autumn

Anne Murray-You Needed Me 安瑪莉-你需要我

I cried a tear 當我哭泣,
you wiped it dry 你為我把淚擦乾
I was confused 當我迷惘,
you cleared my mind 你為我擦亮心窗
I sold my soul you bought it back for me 你贖回我已出賣的心靈
And held the up and gave me dignity 你扶持著我,並給我尊嚴
Somehow you needed me 不知為什麼,你需要我

You gave me strength 你給我力量,
to stand alone again 讓我再次站立
To face the world out on my own again 再次獨立面對世界
You put me high upon a pedestal 你讓我高高地站在基石上
So high that I could almost see eternity 高得讓我幾乎看到了永遠
You needed me 你需要我
you needed me 你需要我

And I can't believe it's true 但我不相信這是真的
I can't believe it's true 我不相信這是真的
I needed you and you were't there 我需要你,而你卻不在那裏
And I'll never leave, 我永遠也不會離開,
why should I leave 我為什麼要離開,
if I’ve been the fool 如果我是個傻瓜
'cause I finally found 因為我終于找到
someone who really cares 真心對我的人

You held my hand 你握著我的手
when it was cold 當冰冷的時候
When I was lost 當我迷路時,
you took me home 你領我回家
You gave me hope 你給我希望
when I was at the end 當我絕望時
And turned my lies 而且把我的謊言,
back into truth again 變回實實在在的一切
You even called me "friend" 你甚至稱我為 "朋友"

You gave me strength 你給我力量,
to stand alone again 讓我再次站立
To face the world out on my own again 再次獨立面對世界
You put me high upon a pedestal 你讓我高高地站在基石上
So high that I could almost see eternity 高得讓我幾乎看到了永遠
You needed me 你需要我
You needed me 你需要我
You needed me 你需要我
You needed me 你需要我

台長: Rex Wu
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 影音欣賞 |

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