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2013-10-26 21:48:59| 人氣741| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

行星地球:驚人的自然景觀 Planet Earth: Amazing nature scenery

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Planet Earth: Amazing nature scenery

"Planet Earth" is a 2006 television series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit. After I have watched all eleven episodes, I tried to compress all the beautiful images in one video. That's how I come up with this marvelous 13 minutes. If you really like this I suggest you to watch the hole documentary because at the end of each fifty-minute episode, a ten-minute featurette takes a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges of filming the series.

台長: Rex Wu
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全站分類: 電視賞析(綜藝、戲劇、影集、節目) | 個人分類: 影音欣賞 |
此分類上一篇:Penguin - 企鵝,拍得太好了(背景音樂也很棒)

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