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LeAnn Rimes - The Rose (lyrics)

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LeAnn Rimes - The Rose (lyrics)

Some say love it is a river (有人說,愛像一條河)
That drowns the tender reed (往往淹沒了那些輕柔的蘆葦)
Some say love it is a razor (也有人說,愛像一面刀片)
That leaves your soul to bleed (會讓你的靈魂淌血)

Some say love it is a hunger (有人說,愛是一種饑渴)
An endless aching need (對它的需求是不會停止的)
I say love it is a flower (但我認為,愛就像一朵花)
And you it's only seed (而你卻是它唯一的種子)

It's the heart afraid of breaking (一個怕跌碎了的心)
That never learns to dance (永遠學不會跳躍)
It's the dream afraid of waking (一個怕醒過來的夢)
That never takes the chance (永遠不敢把握機會

It's the one who won't be taken (一個不願意付出的人)
Who cannot seem to give (就永遠不懂得什麼是給予)
And the soul afraid of dying (只有那害怕死亡的靈魂)
That never learns to live (反而永遠學不會怎樣活著)

When the night has been too lonely (寂寞寒夜)
And the road has been too long (漫漫長路)
And you think that love is only (你會認為愛只會眷顧)
For the lucky and the strong (那些幸運和強壯的人)
Just remember in the winter (但請記住在寒)
Far beneath the bitter snow (雪封深處)
Lies the seed (埋的是一顆種子)
That with the sun's love (只要有陽光的憐愛)
In the spring (春天來的時候)
Becomes a rose (會變成一朵玫瑰)

台長: Rex Wu
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