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2004-07-07 14:35:09| 人氣263| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

When will I see you again ?

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﹍ (徐志摩的句子)

When will I see you again ?
(The Three Degrees 合唱團)

When will I see you again ?
When will we share precious moments ?
Will I have to wait forever ?
Or will I have to suffer
And cry the whole night through

When will I see you again ?
When will our hearts beat together ?
Are we in love or just friends ?
Is this my beginning or is this the end ?
When will I see you again ?
When will I see you again ?

Are we in love or just friends ?
Is this my beginning or is this the end ?
When will I see you again ?
When will I see you again ?

台長: 其石山人
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