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2015-10-26 06:37:52
2001-07-21 12:35:04


獨角戲演唱:許茹芸作詞:許常德作曲:季忠平是誰導演這場戲 在這孤單角色裡對白總是自言自語 對手都是回憶看不出什麼結局自始至終全是你 讓我投入太徹底故事如果注定悲劇 何苦給我美麗演出相聚和別離沒有星星的...

2001-07-19 05:35:04


妝成祇是薰香坐 洛陽女兒行唐 王維 洛陽女兒對門居,纔可顏容十五餘。良人玉勒乘驄馬,侍女金盤鱠鯉魚。畫閣朱樓盡相望,紅桃綠柳垂檐向。羅帷送上七香車,寶扇迎歸九華帳。狂夫富貴在青春,意氣驕奢劇季倫。自...

2001-07-19 05:35:04
2001-07-19 05:35:04


長干行·妾髮初覆額 朝代:唐代 作者:李白 原文: 妾髮初覆額,折花門前劇。郎騎竹馬來,繞床弄青梅。同居長干里,兩小無嫌猜,十四爲君婦,羞顏未嘗開。低頭向暗壁,千喚不一回。十五始展眉,願...

2001-07-12 09:35:04

A Red Red Rose

O my Love’s like a red, red rose,That’s newly sprung in June;O my Love’s like the melodieThat’s sweetly play’d in tune. As fair are thou, my bonie lass,So deep in love...

2001-07-04 14:35:04

Waiting for You

The house is so still when you are awayThe furniture assumes a listening airThe figured cretonne, bright and crisp and gayDroops at the window, and the clocks declareTime’s passage with a low, h...

2001-06-28 08:35:04


You are in my heart --It's been so lonely without you all these daysI've missed you in a thousand waysI found myself reading each letter that you sendA thousand times over, from beginning to end&helli...

2001-06-26 22:35:04

Sunset (蔡依林)

When sunset flows into golden glowsAnd the breath of the night is newLove, find afar eve’s eager starThat is my thought of you.落日的光輝燦如黃金夜色的氣息那麼清新親愛的,遠方那顆熱切的星星代表著我對...

2001-06-20 12:35:04
2001-06-20 11:35:04

Release Me

Please release me, let me go For I don't love you anymore To waste our lifes would be a sin Release me and let me love again I have found a new love, dear And I will always want her near Her lips are ...

2001-06-20 11:35:04


納蘭性德 〈采桑子〉誰翻樂府淒涼曲?風也蕭蕭,雨也蕭蕭,瘦盡燈花又一宵。不知何事縈懷抱,醒也無聊,醉也無聊,夢也何曾到謝橋。

2001-06-16 11:35:04


Mirror, mirror on the wall;Who is the most beauty in the world?YouTube http://youtu.be/AJb-Xu2IbZE

2001-06-14 12:35:04


雪人不見了 主唱:姚莉 雪人怎麼不見了 雪人怎麼不見了 雪人只有手 沒有腳 讓他怎麼跑 雪人只怕太陽照 太陽一出雪就消 雪人不會喊呀不會叫呀 太陽出來它就自己融化掉 雪人原來不堅牢 只怕太陽照 太陽...

2001-06-14 12:35:04

驀然回首 (沒離開過)

驀然回首─那人卻在燈火闌珊處 沒離開過 (演唱:林志炫) 我曾愛過 也失去過 嘗過愛的甜與澀擺脫命運的捉弄 我知道我要什麼有一份難言的感動 用所有情緒融合何必再無謂的思索 這世界有什麼好值得 如果沒有你我眺望...

2001-06-01 14:35:04

And I love you so

翁虹 And I love you so The people ask me how How I live till now I tell them I don’t know I guess they understand How lonely life has been But life began again The day you took my hand And ...

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