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Research-based Course includes:

Module One: International law 101

Module Two: IP treaties; IP provisions in FTAs

Module Three: Case law

Module Four: In-depth studies

Module Five: Lecture series sponsored by the Taiwn Law Society


Class 1-Introduction: Understanding International IP law; Project assignments


Class 2-Taiwan and Sovereign State: Xin Qiang, Mainland China’s Taiwan Policy Adjustments, 5(1) China Security 55 (2009); Eric Ting-Lun Huang, The Modern Concept of Sovereignty, Statehood and Recognition: A Case Study of Taiwan, 16 N.Y. Int’l L. Rev. 99 (2003); Winston P. Nagan & Aitza M. Haddad, Sovereignty in Theory and Practice, 13 San Diego Int’l L.J. 429 (2012).


Class 3-WTO, TRIPS, and WIPO: Hwan Kim, The World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement System: China—Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, 23 N.Y. Int’l L. Rev. 83 (2010) (describing the history of the WTO); Emir Aly Crowne, Fishing TRIPS: A Look at the History of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property, Creighton Int’l & Comp. L.J. 77 (2011); Zion H. Park, Comment, What the PCT Can Learn from Two African Systems, J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 693 (2007).


Class 4-Paris Convention; Berne Convention; Rome Convention; Phonograms Convention: Four treaties; Graeme W. Austin, Intellectual Property Politics and the Private International Law of Copyright Ownership, 30 Brook. J. Int’l L. 899 (2005); 專利師考試之專利法規考題檢討。


Class 5-FTAs: Mohamed R. Hassanien, Bilateral WTO-Plus Free Trade Agreements in the Middle East: A Case Study of OFTA in the Post-TRIPS Era, 8 Wake Forest Intell. Prop. L.J. 161, 170-71 (2008); Taiwan’s FTAs; China’s FTAs; Japan’s FTAs; Korea’s FTAs.


Class 6-EU Aspect: Kevin P. Mahne, A Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court for the European Union: An Analysis of Europe’s Long Standing Attempt to Create a Supranational Patent System, 94 J. Pat. & Trademark Off. Soc’y 162 (2012); Patrick Coyle, Note, Uniform Patent Litigation in the European Union: An Analysis of the Viability of Recent Proposals Aimed at Unifying the European Patent Litigation System, 11 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 171 (2012); Silvia Beltrametti, Evaluation of the Design Piracy Prohibition Act: Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease? An Analogy with Counterfeiting and a Comparison with the Protection Available in the European Community, 8 Nw. J. Tech. & Intell. Prop. 147 (2010).


Class 7-Judicial Interpretation and Application of IP Treaties in Taiwan I: 智慧財產法院民事判決99年度民商上字第1號(英國籍權利人的訴訟能力);智慧財產法院民事判決101年度民著上字第2號(日本籍權利人);智慧財產法院行政判決100年度行專訴字第10號(PCT);智慧財產法院民事判決99年度民專上字第21號(Paris Convention);智慧財產法院民事判決99年度民專訴字第159號(方法專利的保護)。


Class 8-Judicial Interpretation and Application of IP Treaties in Taiwan II: 智慧財產法院民事判決100年度民著訴字第31號(外國著作的專屬授權);智慧財產法院民事判決99年度民著訴字第69號(中國籍權利人);智慧財產法院民事判決99年度民著上再易字第1號(中國香港籍著作);智慧財產法院民事判決98年度民著訴字第42號(TRIPs46條)。


Class 9-ECFA: ECFA; CSAIPRPC; Pasha L. Hsieh, The China—Taiwan ECFA, Geopolitical Dimensions and WTO Law, 14 J. Int’l Econ. L. 121 (2011); Chi-An Chou, Comment, A Two-Edged Sword: The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China, 6 B.Y.U. Int’l L. & Mgmt. Rev. 1 (2012); 陳秉訓(201212月),”Why the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement Cannot Have Provisions Related to Intellectual Property?”2012企業及財經法律學術研討會,張麗堂文教助學基金會和南台科技大學財經法律研究所主辦,20121214日,台南市。


Six Classes: Sponsored by the Taiwn Law Society


Class 16-Oral presentation I

Class 17-Oral presentation I

Class 18-Term paper due

台長: ma1974
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