baby baby♥
its our 50th days today :D hehe
i love you so much and i was surprise that you actually remember what day is it. lol xD
didnt get to hang around with you for long today
but im so happy that mom’s actually thinking about us already.
this morning, i was so surprise when she told me to give the pineapple pie thingy to you. i was like WHAT? and then she was like give it to chonghwai and so i was like okay sure.
((this should not let ann know cause she will be REALLY jealous if she finds out cause peter doesnt get any :P ))
anyways i hope everything will go through her brain and she would say YES you two have my permission to be together =)
haha alright.
sorry that i wont be able to cheer for you on sat cause mom wouldnt let me. arghh and so i guess i will be going to the football tournament then. to gain my CAS hours :P haha just to babysit kids =) which will hopefully be fun = =
i love you honeyy♥
hope you had a great day =)
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