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2004-08-22 17:37:08| 人氣31| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

LU Gathering

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2004.08.19 Thursday HOT

Wake Up at Noon and attend the piano lesson at Shatin…

It's very hurry ……all the time > <

After the lesson, I go to TST to join Cerry and Sharon. They are my roommate and hallmate respectively. Waiting at the MTR station, I am very hungry. I have already brought a bread at Maxim. I ate it and still feeling hungry > < Someone is late…..

Therefore, we go to McDonald to eat ice-cream^^ We haven't met for a long time so we have lots of things to talk! Today, my purchasing want is lessen as I use so much money before. It's so happy that I can go to LCX……Wahaa…… But I buy nothing = =

We wait for Monitor Cheng and dinner at Brazil BBQ. As we need to wait for him so that we can eat for the second session (after 9:30pm). It’s cheaper~ and I think the food is the same. We have already booked the table 1 hour in advance. But it still lots of people, crazy = =

We finished the dinner at about 11:30pm. Cerry insists of traveling home by 81C. Both Sharon and me want to walk for a while, it's too full. Therefore, Cerry and Monitor Cheng travel by bus while we travel by KCR. Haa…

On the way home, we talk so much. And we are talking something about the future. Wahaa…it seem very long, but it's near~

台長: Joooephy
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