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2006-07-28 18:54:41| 人氣39| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

(☻)* 今天的英文作文 //

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7/28 In the shopping center

Today , our team goes to the 

biggest shopping center in the 

town . Our mission is to spend 

100 dollars . The more items he

buys . The high scores he gets .

I buy lemon tea and chewing gum .

And they cost fourty - six 

dollars. Guess who win the game ?

Andy does .

今天呢 , 我們去了大潤發押 
再那麼大一間的shopping center 我就只買了46元
一杯純c契茶 跟 一包airwaves 
ha ~ >  <
我買的最少 , 因為我根本不知道要買啥 
ha ha 

管他的 有得寫就好了
超多沒背過的 ex : 海綿菜瓜布阿 全功能標籤 電子護眼燈泡阿
這些東西 根本都不可能背過 ha 

   the end

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