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2008-05-28 21:49:53| 人氣131| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I was so in love with you
There was nothing I could do
Wouldn’t give me the time of day
Now you wanna be with me
You say you wanna be with me

You said I was the best
Gave your love out to the rest
There was nothing I could say
But now it’s going good for me
You say you wanna be with me .. Now

Yeah your telling me I am were it’s at
But I ain’t having none of that...

Because I told you, you would live to regret it
Now I don’t wanna make you feel bad
But when it comes to me just forget it
I’ll be the best you never had
You put me through so many emotions
Now baby it’s your turn for that
Cause in your empty heart I have left a mark
The best you never had

No, No, No

You saw me as a friend
Baby I don’t want revenge
But if you must know the truth
What you didn’t see in me
That’s what you’ll never be nooo
When you’re telling me I was always the one
I feel disareason

Because I told you, you would live to regret it
Now I don’t wanna make you feel bad
But when it comes to me just forget it

I’ll be the best you never had
You put me through so many emotions
Now baby it’s your turn for that
Cause in your empty heart I have left a mark
The best you never had

Back rubs... Good love....My stuff
That’s what you missed out on
My touch... soo much we could’ve had
And baby
You miss
My kiss
My lips
The love I had for you
Also so long, baby dont it make you sad...

Because I told you, you would live to regret it
Now I don’t wanna make you feel bad
But when it comes to me just forget it
I’ll be the best you never had
You put me through so many emotions
Now baby it’s your turn for that
Cause in your empty heart I have left a mark
The best you never had

Because I told you, you would live to regret it
Now I don’t wanna make you feel bad
But when it comes to me just forget it
I’ll be the best you never had
You put me through so many emotions
Now baby it’s your turn for that
Cause in your empty heart I have left a mark
The best you never had

Well I will always be the best you never had

The best you never had

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