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【200字小說】25 年(下)

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在他們認識的第 25 年,夕陽餘暉的海邊,雲淡風清浪平,心如止水。
Call on Love / Michael Learns To Rock
You're always there
Even in my darkest days
Hey, Superman
Take a break
You give so much of yourself
But you know even heroes need some help
If you've lost the fight
Between wrong and right
You can call on love to guide you
If you've lost your faith
Don't you be ashamed
You can call on love to find you
And love will answer
Love will answer
You can call on love




在他們認識的第 25 年,夕陽餘暉的海邊,雲淡風清浪平,心如止水。


Call on Love / Michael Learns To Rock

You're always there
Even in my darkest days
Hey, Superman
Take a break
You give so much of yourself
But you know even heroes need some help

If you've lost the fight
Between wrong and right
You can call on love to guide you

If you've lost your faith
Don't you be ashamed
You can call on love to find you

And love will answer
Love will answer
You can call on love


台長: 陳雪琍
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