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2008-08-15 02:10:14| 人氣62| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

the Brass Monkey talk

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my darling showed up today
8:40PM at the door
saying that he’s not going inside the bar
b/c of the NT300 cover charge and
he’s not staying long due to his test tomorrow

we stood side by side in the sultry air
watching the olympic baseball game through window
2nd innings, Taiwan VS Japan 0:0

it was at that moment i found
we really missed and cared about each other
text msg and emails can never replace the
excitement when my fingers flowed down along his back muscle
and the ecstasy when i smelled him

1.15 hour of transportation
in exchange of 20 mins of talk
my darling gave me 5 kisses on my lips when saying goodbye

台長: yc
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此分類上一篇:dinner at No.24, Lane 13, Pu Cheng St

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