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2008-07-14 10:27:17| 人氣31| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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”...請永遠不要丟棄妳的那份自然的純真, 那也是為什麼有這麼多人喜歡妳的原因, 妳的真誠與熱情會得到好男人回饋的.

偶爾可以試著真正的靜下心來, 跟自己對話, 鼓勵一下自己, 加油一下. 其實妳會發現, Cadence本來就是個有著獨立個性的亮眼女孩, 只是因為她付出的善良未受到應有的尊重與珍惜, 所以暫時失去原來的自信.

嘿, 給自己一個機會, 好好利用這段時間, 過過不一樣的生活, 愛惜自己, 大方樂觀的面對自己內在的真實, 別忘了妳是那朵追逐陽光的向日葵, 只是屬於妳的太陽還沒爬出來呢. 盛開的向日葵是奔放有活力, 鮮明的展現自己, 而我想這朵不快樂的向日葵花, 現在要開始好好的吸取養分, 因為黑夜快結束了, 對不對?”

comforts from friends always make me cry even worse.

i hate my sentiment which always turns to affect my daily life,
though some ppl around me really like, or envy, my overflowing feelings generated from daily happenings. ”it’s painful,” i told them, while they admit they wish to look for inspirations from daily life but oftentimes fail.

ok, right now. i know what triggered that outbreak last night, mainly because i realized that i couldn’t control my feelings toward the guy who we recently have spent some good time with each other. i’ve tried to be rational as i ask/force myself because i know, 1) it is not a good time, 2) my confidence on guys from cal. who stays in taiwan is losing, and 3) i should enjoy single life a bit longer!!

i feel extremely bothered by the fact that i still need to try hard to convince myself of the above and to hold back, for i understand it is the best for me so far.

台長: yc
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