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2008-05-24 03:20:00| 人氣92| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wake up, readers!

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i now know how gigantic the power media plays
because most of the people in the world are so easily influenced.

they tend to believe whatever they hear and see,
without wondering why or identifying the fact,
esp. if it is from well-known media.

there are many angles to define a truth,
nevertheless, it is pathetic that people don’t even raise a single doubt of the sources or on the articles which they are reading.

while the book ”the cult of the amateurs” hoorays for professionalism of big/traditional key media, i start to wonder how professional they can be and why we should feel more confident in their reports?

the problem is NOT about amateurs/professionals as the author claimed,
it is the readers’ curiosity and consciousness that matter!

** a very precious lesson i’ve learned from involving the all-of-a-sudden crisis management and monitoring negative coverage and discussion of my client spread among Taiwan and Malaysia’s media.

台長: yc
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