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2006-01-26 19:54:44| 人氣34| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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(不相干的照片. 中餐跟芃. 在微風附近alison’s. 我愛的漢堡排)

went P for interviews with lily this morning.
have to say the style of female and male interviewers are
very different,
after comparing with eric in I yesterday.

lily tends to follow up every setence i said
and pushes me to answer more questions in detais.
i gotta be very careful of what i said
under this circumstance.
glad that this is a position that
i don’t need to lie about my plan to study abroad,
so i answered most of the questions freely...and perfectly :P

but the last question was actually very tricky...
she suggested me to apply for a higher position in her company
cuz she believes i am qualified enough to give that
associate manager position a shot.

oops! for sure? mm...i pondered it and answered
that offer was fascinating but sth. came up in my mind...
first, i am applying for an assisant job now;
second, i actually don’t want to become a manager before
my thirties...
third, okay i gotcha. u want to know if i’ll be satisfied with
the assistant job rite? heheh...

speaking of the eric in I...well well,
he wasn’t pushy at all and allowed me plenty of time
to say whatever i want.
very few followed-up questions, but definately
a sharp observer.
gotta be very careful of the whole stuff i was about to say
and oh, facial expression really matters when
the interviewer is a quite observer.

the lily one was all in english from the very first to
the end. 50 minutes in total.
eric talked to me for 60 minutes. chinese. having a eng
reading and translation test from some clips he showed.

the first-round result will come out after
chinese new year.
fortunately both of the dates are close.

interviews are for ”inter””views”. no doubt.
i enjoy talking with my interviewers.

台長: yc
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