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2010-09-01 11:47:56
2010-11-01 22:21:31


風傳遞和諧 陣陣吹來心情填滿溫暖 呼呼起飛笑聲拍打岸邊悠悠飄盪

2010-10-01 11:44:09



2010-09-16 18:14:56



2010-09-01 11:47:56

city ballet

That is a great performance. I like the dancer of black cat ( the last show) and she is really charming, touching, and beautiful. It's really happy that Ican seethis show which combines the classicalm...

2009-07-13 23:10:21

這場雨 下得好清脆 這場雨 來得好突然 這場雨 串起好回憶 這場雨 帶來好心情 這場雨 幾時停 這場雨 落在哪 這場雨 滴答滴答  下不停 這場雨 搖晃了睡意 這場雨 打在你我的身旁 這場雨 成了夢裡的美妙背景

2009-03-31 00:07:17

Dinner with the night

Tonight we went to the old place to have a meal toghther. To there should be twice at the dark. At the first time, we got a quarrel about the attitude. That's funny to say so no matter what we has ...

2009-02-11 15:55:40


today, it's a good day. i still do what i want to do. Say hello to the day and also drink a cup of coffee and read one book i like. well, somehow let me think of one poem and I will try to find it as...

2008-07-10 10:46:51
2008-05-08 09:47:46
2008-04-18 18:01:14


She wanted a little room for thinking: but she saw diapers steaming on the line, a doll slumped behind the door. So she lugged a chair behind the garage to sit out the children’s naps. Sometim...

2008-03-31 08:30:15

風吹著 一直吹著 熱氣不斷環繞在你我之間 眼前 一片[雪海] 風讓不知名的雪 飄向大地 讓莫名其妙的氣氛 盤旋在外 乘著風 揚帆起步 橫跨心中的海 風吹著 一直吹著 帆兒從東滑行到西邊 笑聲與海聲合為一體 坐在...

2008-02-21 00:33:17
2008-01-21 17:57:51

陽光大方的照耀充滿綠意的大地 那一種心情是一種愜意 感覺色彩相當柔和 感覺心情相當慢活 漫步於充滿快速腳步的城市裡 似乎自己跟其他人格格不入 談話之間的語言也充滿互不相識 就是這一種陌生的態度 讓心情更加...

2007-12-31 16:39:36


即將要跨越2008囉 日子也將有一個大轉變 希望每天都貼緊幸運星 快樂的生活 開心的迎接每一個人事物 噩夢驅離 悲傷遠走 喜悅降臨 加油囉~

2007-12-31 16:30:36
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