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2005-04-22 16:00:11| 人氣117| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

An extraordinary person in a chaotic society!

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A very inspiring movie this week awaits you to sense the heart of an extraordinary person who brought tremendous warm and tranquility to the needy and touched the heart of many. She saw the sufferings in many people, became the savior for the crippled, and is truly the admirer for all people. It didn’t matter what your religion, race, gender is; whether you are poor or dying.Mother Teresa really had a mission in her life. The breadth of her compassionate heart when she saw the dying and the homeless was beyond the obstacles she encountered when she set out on her mission to help these precious lives.Come to experience!

Our weekly class location:
23555 Golden Springs Dr., Suite C, Diamond Bar, CA. 91765

台長: 麻薯 PuPpy
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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