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2004-08-26 15:01:16| 人氣166| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wings of An Angel - For those of u who do not read Chinese^^

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Ever since I was a little girl...
I have always wanted to become a teacher
I can still remember the time when my mom always read the news to all three of us.
When I was in first grade...
she read a news story that I will never forget...
It's what made me decided that I want to be a great teacher one day.

That story was about a teacher who went camping with her students.
They were being attack by killer bees when the teacher used herself as cover for her kids with herself. She was killed by thousands of stings on her body...
But she lives on in the hearts of the little ones who survived under her jacket which she took off to save them.

Ever since then, i felt deeply touched.
And right after that time, i decided that one day i want to be just like her, to be a wonderful teacher who is willing to do anything, including sacrificing her own life for her students.
All i fear is that i might not have the same ability to do so

Right now...
i guess i kinda fulfilled my dream
i am now a Behavioral Therapist and a Behavioral Therapist technician
My clients are mostly children with Autism between the ages two and a half and eighteen years old.

sometimes when i get hit, kick or bit by the kids...
the first thing that came to my mind was not hatred nor being mad
but to feel sorry for them that I do not have the ability to know what they want and how they feel in time.
I wish i can always see their sweet innocent smile

without noticing it... i fell in love with my job...
and also fell in love with every single ones of the angels that I get to know and to cherish.

Mom's story and the story below help me get through lots of tough times
every time when i am lost or frustrated
these two stories would remind me that everything would be worth it
hope I can learn more and more skills and ability
so I can help more and more people who help me to see this world differently...
people who show me true love... a
nd that there are hope in every little things in life.

***to be continued.....

~Wings of an angel~

台長: 麻薯 PuPpy
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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