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2006-06-04 10:08:52| 人氣434| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Fort Minor -- Where’d you go?

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Where’d you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it’s been forever,
That you’ve been gone.

Some days I feel like SHIT,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,
YOU don’t understand why you have to always be gone,
YOU get along but the trips always feel so long,
And, I find myself tryna stay by the phone,
’Cause your voice always helps me when I feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot, workin’ my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don’t have much to say,
So, I want you to know it’s a little FUCKed up,
That I’m stuck here waitin’, at times debatin’,
Tellin’ you that I’ve had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing ’Where’d you go?’

I miss you so,
Seems like it’s been forever,
That you’ve been gone.
Where’d you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it’s been forever,
That you’ve been gone,
Please come back home...

台長: cityroy
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: Sing for me |
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