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2012-06-26 15:59:51
2012-06-26 23:32:50
2012-06-11 13:08:52
2012-06-04 15:15:54

2012.6.03 台北藝術大學 TNUA + 草山行館 Caoshan Presidential Resort.

Travel log 9在台北藝術大學拍拍照... 踏踏青..Taking some photos and walking around at Taipei National University of Arts.特別的裝置藝術 還有棉花草地呢XDSpecial artistic decoration and grass with cotton...

2012-06-04 13:10:43

2012.6.03 義美港式飲茶 IMEI Gourmet

雖然天氣不好,還是堅持出門XD 先祭祭五臟廟囉...Although the weather was not so good, we still insisted on going out. We went to IMEI for lunch.牆壁上掛著"動詞"解釋... 讓門外漢們了解一下。There are seve...

2012-06-02 17:31:54

2012.5.13 苗栗故事館 MiaoLi Story Restaurant

逛完了幾個景點,來到苗栗故事館用餐囉。 菜色便宜且不錯吃喔.After several hours of sightseeing, we came to MiaoLi Story Restaurant for dinner. The dishes were good and delicious.裡面擺滿了老闆蒐集的公仔...

2012-06-02 17:10:05

2012.5.13 桐花樂活公園 May flower park+苗栗客家文化園區Hakka Culture Park

Travel log 8天氣很熱HOT~~!! 來去苗栗桐花樂活公園走走。It is scorching hot !! Let's go to MiaoLi May Flower Park for fun.兔年的主燈就放在這裡喔~!The Rabbit Lantern stands here for good?!客家大院~ 超級多...

2012-06-02 08:43:11

2012.5.20 一太e衛浴觀光工廠 Toilet and Jacuzzi + 海之鮇 Seafood Hotpot

Travel log 7衛浴?! 蝦米?! 印象中很貴的東西,其實沒有太貴...Toilet and Jacuzzi?! They are not as expensive as I thought.一太e裡面的造景,呈現基隆的面貌。The background in the factory gives off a vibe o...

2012-06-01 12:15:44

2012.5.20 元璋玻璃館 Stanley Glass +陽明海洋文化藝術館 YM Oceanic Museum

bilingual travellog 6元璋玻璃科技館 in Keelung. 建築外表頗具特色喔~!Stanley Glass in Keelung. It's a company that produces various kinds of glasses. Its facade is colorful and modern.這張是雷射玻璃表現...

2012-06-01 11:09:59

2012.5.26 龍潭大池 Longtan Lake +享夜 Enjoy Night

bilingual travellog 5龍潭第一家麵食館 牛肉麵好吃喔~!The first noodle shop in LongTan. Its beef noodles are really good.龍潭大池夜景。 湖水倒映 呼應出夜的美。The night view of LongTan Lake. The temple ...

2012-05-31 21:55:53

2012.5.26 郭元益 A cake museum in Yangmei+ 白木屋 White Cabin

bilingual travellog 4每周都要出去動,在去賞夜景的途中,來到白木屋買蛋糕吃囉。We have to go out for fun every weekend. On our way to "Enjoy Night", we dropped by the White Cabin fora delicious cake.包裝...

2012-05-31 21:31:54

2012.5.27 糧倉開門 Sugar Mill at WanHua

bilingual travellog 3這一站 萬華糧倉開門。 可是看了友站親子遊的相簿後,想要去的地方。圖中是青蛇白蛇的衣服喔~This stop is a sugar mill at WanHua. We have planned to come here since we looked at those p...

2012-05-31 11:00:00

2012.5.27 林語堂故居 The Lin YuTang House + 陽明山夜景 Mt. Yang Ming

bilingual travel log 2第一站~ 林語堂故居~ 入內30元可以抵消費喔~The first stop - The Lin YuTang House - Admission fee 30 NTD. (Anything purchased in this residence can be discounted by 30 NTD with the ...

2012-05-31 10:59:33

2012.5.27 大車輪 DSR Restaurant at Ximending + 摩斯 Mos Burger

bilingual travellog 1今天來到了西門町大車輪,吃看看這家日本料理囉~ 這張照片的功能是....桌子實在是太亮了!!!On our way to Mt. Yang Ming, we stopped by DSR Japanese Restaurant at Ximending for lunch.I c...

2011-10-15 15:03:15

2011.10 / 10 (一) 花東旅行趣

10/10 (一) 第三天行程 :琵琶湖à小野柳à伽路蘭休憩區à台東鐵道藝術村à大鵬灣F1賽車場à高雄********************************************************************台東森林公園很大,當天我們仍是徒步至琵琶湖,這...

2011-10-15 00:13:14

2011.10 / 9 (日) 花東旅行趣

10/9 (日) 第二天行程 :芭崎瞭望台à北回歸線標誌公園(台9線275.5K)à八仙洞à富里六十石山à池上悟饕飯包文化館+大坡池+伯朗大道à初鹿牧場*********************************************************************...

2011-10-14 22:20:41

2011.10 / 8 (六) 花東旅行趣

10/8 (六) 第一天行程 : 南方澳豆腐岬à七星潭à松園別館à慶修院à東華大學à流流社晚餐******************************************************************因為颱風外圍環流的影響,東部這幾日大多是豪雨天氣,聽到...

2011-09-24 00:53:20

2011.6.14(二)-北海道家庭行_第五天 AND 回程戰利品分享

2011.6.14(二)-北海道家庭行_第五天 _免稅店_Rera Outlet Mall_新千歲機場_桃園機場最後一天啦!!今天僅剩下免稅店和Rera outlet啦!!!都是採買的行程!天氣依然是很差!!陰雨綿綿.....Rera outlet內沒有我想像的好逛~~都...

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