GOOD~ Black Eyed Peas
Where is the Love 愛在何處
what`s wrong with the world, mama? 這世界出了什麼錯, 媽媽?
people livin like they ain`t got no mamas 這些人活著像沒媽的孩子一樣
I think the whole world`s addicted to the drama 我想全世界都對戲劇化的生活上癮了
only attracted to the things that`ll bring the trama 只被會帶來創傷的事情吸引
overseas ya we tryin to stop terrorism 在國外我們試著停止恐怖主義
but we still got terrorists here livin 但是在我們的生活裡還是有恐怖份子
in the U.S.A, the big C.I.A 在美國, 偉大的C.I.A(中央情報局)
the bloods & the crips, and the KKK 流血事件&不堪一擊的對手還有三K黨
but if you only got love for your own ways 但是如果你只以自己的方式來獲取愛
then you only leave space to discriminate 然後你所給予的生存空間是有差別待遇的
and to discriminate only generates hate 然後歧視別人只為了造成仇恨
and when you hate, then you`re bound to get irate 然後當你怨恨的時候, 你被憤怒給困住了
madness is what you demonstrate 你實際呈現出的就是瘋狂
and that`s exactly how anger works and operates 而這正是憤怒所成就和運行的方式
man ya gotta have love, this`ll set us straight 兄弟你必須擁有愛, 這將會讓我們回到正途
take control of your mind and meditate 掌握你的心智和思考的控制權
let your soul gravitate, to the love ya`ll 讓你的靈魂受到愛的吸引father father father, help us 神父神父神父, 幫幫我們吧~
need some guidance from above 需要來自天上的指引
these people got me got me questionin 這些人讓我產生的問題就是
where is the love? 愛在哪裡?
(love) where is the love? (愛)愛在哪裡
(the love) where is the love? (愛)愛在哪裡
(the love) where is the love? (愛)愛在哪裡
IS 黑眼痘痘