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來看我辛苦拍的演講照片喽: 「第一屆泛太平洋 氣候變遷調適伙伴國際研討會」/因 應氣候變遷確是長期投入.具高度挑戰也充滿機會的艱鉅任務/  加上別的演講 場次 : 共 900 多張. 還要加貼 PHOTOS 中


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清碳聯盟  /  美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員/童慶斌博士跨領域風險評估與回復力建構進行介紹


(以下附註後補.我等一下 晚點 再調亮一點全部再貼一次.) )


Chinese as below : ( English on PART TWO.  Chinese on PART ONE. /  This article in ENGLISH & in Chinese. ) :


2014 第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會

RE : 「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」 & 『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』 & 人人都可能成為氣候難民

PHOTO : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/a.132913976916817.1073741828.128721014002780/289556871252526/?type=1&theater



因應氣候變遷 學者籲各國致力減碳

時間:2014-09-29 20:26 新聞引據:中央社

環保學者 韋伯 ( Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles ) 9/29/2014 表示,氣候變遷已對世界各國造成衝擊,人人都可能成為氣候難民,呼籲共同減少碳排放,才能因應氣候變遷。

行政院環境保護署 9/29/2014 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,邀請中央研究院院士劉紹臣、美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者 韋伯 ( Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles ) 等國內外專家學者,討論因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法等議題。


( Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles ) 韋伯 則認為,台灣不僅四周環海,還有特殊的地理與地質因素,近年來已深刻體會極端氣候對島嶼國家的嚴重危害,因此全民必須善盡減少碳排放的義務。


from : http://news.rti.org.tw/news/detail/?recordId=139702


清碳聯盟 分享了 1 條連結。9月29日

劉紹臣:暖化效應 颱風暴雨增強 - 台灣醒報 Awakening News Networks

雨量極端化,與全球暖化脫不了干係。氣候專家、中研院院士劉紹臣 ======= RE : 「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」 & 『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』 & 人人都可能成為氣候難民 , 清碳聯盟 write:

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路

臺灣為與各國共同推動氣候變遷相關工作,EPA 環保署於 9/29/2014 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,與會各國對於氣候變遷長期合作夥伴計畫均已具高度共識,期望超越地理界限,共同研商有效面對氣候變遷衝擊的策略及資訊平台,分享彼此經驗,一同邁向永續的未來。


本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會) 及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。

而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署 (NOAA) 氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士 Dr. Wayne Higgins 以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。





因應氣候變遷 學者籲各國致力減碳

時間:2014-09-29 20:26 新聞引據:中央社

環保學者 韋伯 ( Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles ) 9/29/2014 表示,氣候變遷已對世界各國造成衝擊,人人都可能成為氣候難民,呼籲共同減少碳排放,才能因應氣候變遷。

行政院環境保護署 9/29/2014 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,邀請中央研究院院士劉紹臣、美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者 韋伯 ( Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles ) 等國內外專家學者,討論因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法等議題。

PHOTO : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/a.132913976916817.1073741828.128721014002780/289556871252526/?type=1&theater

( Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles ) 韋伯 則認為,台灣不僅四周環海,還有特殊的地理與地質因素,近年來已深刻體會極端氣候對島嶼國家的嚴重危害,因此全民必須善盡減少碳排放的義務。


from : http://news.rti.org.tw/news/detail/?recordId=139702


清碳聯盟 分享了 1 條連結。9月29日

劉紹臣:暖化效應 颱風暴雨增強 - 台灣醒報 Awakening News Networks

雨量極端化,與全球暖化脫不了干係。 氣候專家、中研院院士劉紹臣 .


島國如何因應氣候變遷! VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtheNcrZVLY


NOAA 官網刊出 Dr. Wayne Higgins 來台訪問參加研討會消息! : CPO Director to attend the 1st Pan Pacific International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation
Climate Program Office Director Wayne Higgins is scheduled to attend the Pan Pacific International Conference on Climate Change Agenda (PPICCA) in...


CPO Director to attend the 1st Pan Pacific International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation

Climate Program Office Director Wayne Higgins is scheduled to attend the Pan Pacific International Conference on Climate Change Agenda (PPICCA) in Taipei, Taiwan from Sept. 26 - Oct. 3, 2014.

Dr. Higgins will provide a Keynote presentation on U.S. and NOAA activities related to climate change resilience. with an emphasis on the President's Climate Action Plan. He will also provide a second panel presentation on specific NOAA capabilities and products related to climate adaptation using both domestic and international examples.

Additional side meetings include a bilateral discussion to explore future collaborative work between the Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency and NOAA, as well as a visit and presentation to the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB). Dr. Higgins will be accompanied by John Marra (NESIDS/NCDC Regional Climate Services Director for the Pacific region) and Sky Yang (NWS/NCEP). Other U.S. participants include EPA and academic representatives.


9月26日 23:52 ·

台灣舉辦的泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會,第一位到達的是花了三天抵達台灣的吐瓦魯氣候變遷談判代表,H.E. Mr. Pasuna Tuaga,希望大家未來幾天可以花點時間和他互動。


台達電的吳郁娟 出過一本書,可參考




第三位抵台來賓來自夏威夷,是 NOAA 在夏威夷負責氣候服務的主管。 #climatepartner

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.


BLOG : (Words in English)  http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330958242

Donald J. Wuebbles,Wayne Higgins,Anhthu Hoang:9/29 Taiwan,R.O.C.



Keynote Speakers  >>> read more

專題講者介紹  SPEAKERS :

Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.


環保外交  & several photos on  : Blog in English, also for Twitter  AND   Google Plus  for  friends.


BLOG : (Words in English)  http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330958242


Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles

The Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Sciences School of Earth, Society, 
and Environment Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Illinois

Dr.  Donald J. Wuebbles is the Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Illinois.   He is a professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences as well as an affiliate professor in the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and in Electrical and Computer Engineering.   He was the first Director of the School of Earth, Society, and Environment at Illinois, the first Director of the Environmental Council at the University, and Head of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences for many years.

Wuebbles is an expert in numerical modeling of atmospheric physics and chemistry. He has authored over 400 scientific articles, relating mostly to atmospheric chemistry and climate issues.    He has been a lead author on a number of local, regional, national, and international assessments related to concerns about climate change, and on atmospheric chemistry, including the effects of human activities on stratospheric and tropospheric ozone.

He has led past assessments and analyses of potential impacts of climate change and air quality
on urban areas like Chicago and on various sectors for larger regions like the Midwest and the Northeast.

Wuebbles and colleagues received the 2005 Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He has been honored by being selected a Fellow of three major professional science societies, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Meteorological Society.

 He shares in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work with the international Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 

Professor Wuebbles was a Coordinating Lead Author for the major international IPCC assessment of climate change published in late 2013 and was a leader in the U.S. National Climate Assessment published in May 2014, including leading the chapter on climate science and being a member of the Executive Secretariat and the Federal Advisory Committee.

He was one of six U.S.
scientists selected by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences to work with counterparts representing the UK Royal Society on a special report on climate change; the resulting report was published in February 2014. He is also a leader in the WMO-UNEP assessment of stratospheric ozone, and co-leads the chapter on policy analyses, that is to be published in late 2014. Dr. Wuebbles received the Cleveland Abbe Award from the American Meteorological Society in February 2014 for outstanding accomplishments and service given to society.


Dr. Wayne Higgins 


Director, Climate Program Office / OAR / NOAA 

Dr. Wayne Higgins is the Director of the Climate Program Office (CPO) within NOAA’s Office of Atmospheric Research.

In this position he serves as the focal point for climate programs within NOAA, supporting one of NOAA's primary mission goals:



 Irene Nielso



Dr. Liu     ( Taiwanese )  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa

中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 特聘講座、本院院士(二十九屆)
 國立成功大學 物理理學士 19629月至19666
 匹茲堡大學 物理博士 19679月至197212

        1. 央研究院地球科學研究所/環境變遷計畫特聘研究員/計畫主持人199911月至200312
        2. 喬治亞科技大學空氣資源工程中心主任199710月至199910
        3. 喬治亞科技大學地球及大氣科學學院GeorgiaPower與喬治亞研究聯盟傑出學者講座19963月至199911
        4. 台灣大學客座教授19928月至19937
        5. 地球物理文摘編輯委員1990年至1997
        6. 地球物理期刊主編1988年至1991
        7. 美國國家海洋大氣總署理論大氣物理/大氣物理實驗室主任及主管物理研究員19809月至19963 
        8. 美國國家海洋大氣總署理論大氣物理/大氣物理實驗室物理研究員197712月至19808
        9. 科羅拉多大學太空行星及大氣科學合聘教授19798月至19886
        10. 美國國家大氣研究中心客座研究員19778月至197711




    ( Taiwanese )  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa




470 x 246
504 x 561

200 x 142
130 x 200

133 x 200



welcome to Taiwan.


Session 7a: Dr. Wayne Higgins - Climate Change and Trends in Weather and Climate Extremes



Emma Watson, British actor and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, co-hosts a special event for UN Women’s HeForShe campaign. The HeForShe campaign is a solidarity...




Dr. Anhthu Hoang


 Hurricane Sandy made landfall in the NewYork metropolitan area on October 29, 2012, causing upwards of $50 billion indamage and affected 23 million residents – the second most economically costlynatural disaster in American history.

Implementing the National DisasterResponse Framework (NDRF) created under President Obama’s Presidential PolicyDirective, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and otherfederal agencies, under the coordination of the US Federal Emergency ManagementAgency,

worked with stakeholders at the state and local levels, includinggovernment agencies and non-governmental entities, to effectuate an effectiveresponse and recovery to the disaster.  Iwill present a case study of federal support for the recovery in Long Island,New York and discuss the lessons we learned about enabling a sustainable andequitable process for community planning and capacity building that ensures theintegration of resiliency into the area’s rebuilding.


Taiwanese :





    專題講者  >>>read more
    議講者  >>>read more



     2014-9-23 環保署密切關注國際氣候談判趨勢

2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會
時間: 103年9月29日(星期一) 10:00-17:00
地點: 臺灣大學霖澤館 國際會議廳




29, 2014.

Dr. Liu in Taiwan.  TAIWANESE.




Dr. Joanna Lei


Ms. Joanna Lei


Dr. Joanna Lei


Ms. Joanna Lei



Left side : Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien) : 行政院環境保護署


He is good at speak English.  His voice is so good.




Ms. Jenny  (Prof. Hc Jenny Chien



Dr. Liu in Taiwan.  TAIWANESE.


2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Climate Change live online seminar
Vicky Chen
Yesterday 20:52 ·

2 PHOTOS. AskingClimate Change Questions. Asking time.

I'll post a few days 9/29 (we read and listen to) the speech of the screen.

"Adjustment is not an option, but a hope" & "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" & everyone could become climate refugees & Justice Climate:

************************************************** *****************

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future hope of 9/29/2014:


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event)

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.

# Climatepartner

  What is adaptation? (7 photos)
What adaptation is? Meaning of "adaptation" ~ ~


Climate Change Partnership area! # Climatepartner

RE: "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" & "adaptation is not an option, but a hope" & everyone could become climate refugees,

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future of hope

Taiwan with other countries to jointly promote climate change related work, EPA Environmental Protection Agency organized the "International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" on 9/29/2014, the participating countries for climate change plans are long-term partners with high degree of consensus, expectations beyond geographical boundaries, Gongtongyanshang effective strategies to face the impact of climate change and information platform to share experiences with each other, work together towards sustainable future.

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice / several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

Details available to the International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation 2014 Pan-Pacific Partnership:

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice - Life - Liberty Times Newsletter

EPA 9/29 organized the "International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership 2014 Pan Pacific," Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said that the global warming of 1 degree, the typhoon brought heavy rain before the 10% will increase twice. "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" invited three international experts in climate change, namely the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, academician of Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu and the United States Climate Program Office Dr. Wayne Higgins, the U.S. national Climate assessment Report, the Pan-Pacific climate change adaptation, climate science and services and other topics keynote speech.


9/29/2014 wonderful large 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Partnership & online seminar ON LIVE = ZOOM simulcast / can slide the phone, we do very well and very complete 9/29 important climate Transition seminar (FREE SPEECH): 5 PHOTOS by Prof. Jenny & Dr. Peng

Before the end of the afternoon session, before the end of the meeting to send a gift

Limited edition print whale umbrella (worth 1000 yuan)
Black bear card sets
Polar bear card sets


RE: Prof. Shaw Chen Liu GOOD SPEECH.

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions

Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Qing Carbon Alliance added 30 photos.

Shaw Chen Liu Academy of Sciences. # Climatepartner

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to the climate change research

Qing Carbon Alliance

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician: Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research # climatepartner


Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Anhthu Hoang environmental justice commissioner, her speech about the United States after Hurricane Sandy brought severe disasters, the federal government and local organizations on how public-private partnerships, joint reconstruction, while strengthening the disaster area disaster response force.

Hurricane Sandy invasion of New York in 2012, affecting 23 million inhabitants, the second largest in American history, resulting in significant economic losses.
President Obama to create a National Disaster Response Framework (NDRF), based on the reconstruction and the joint efforts of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies.

9/29 are delighted to have Dr. Anhthu Hoang EPA environmental justice experts, share reconstruction Hurricane Sandy: the federal government and local partners to establish a fair disaster response force


The final seminar, invited to the National Taiwan University Biological Environmental Systems Engineering

Professor, Department - Dr. Tong Qingbin for cross-cutting risk assessment and response force to construct introduced. We can understand the different countries face meetings impact of climate change coping capacity.

Dr. Tong Qingbin area of ​​expertise focuses on climate change research, environmental systems analysis, sustainable land and water resources. The speech mentioned Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan, Kaohsiung Kobayashi was the village of issues related to the impact of climate change in 2009.

Climate change impact island facing challenges such as rising sea levels, water scarcity and other problems encountered by countries and continents types have many differences, and thus adapt international seminar focusing on the island or have a long coastline facing the region, such as the impact of rising sea levels adaptation as also invited Taiwan experts to share experience and technology in Taiwan adjustment tools, and explore the climate change vulnerability and build resilience, hope to work with experts on behalf of the Pan Pacific depth exchange.

9/29/2014: Prof. Liu & Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles & Prof. Peng & Prof. Jenny & Prof. L. & .................... ..... etc.

TV NEWS. / BLOG. / Climate Change / Good speech.

Time: Year 2014 9 29 (星期一)
Location: Taiwan's Lin Ze Hall University School of Law International Conference Hall (Taipei City Xinhai Sec on ​​the 30th)



Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership



Wonderful "2014 Pan Pacific First International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation" Less /// Environmental Protection Agency Management Office Executive Secretary Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien): good speech !!

  Environmental Protection Agency Management Office Executive Secretary minus 3 photos.

Ms. Jenny's expertise: air pollution control / climate change and international cooperation / greenhouse gas management / risk assessment and management / vehicle management / business management / public health / environmental health & ...........


9/29/2014 again also very happy to hear Miss Lei Qian's speech:

. Joanna Lei Ms. 雷倩 said:: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!! good speech!" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level "///// I also like her good speech /.. Dr. Lei Qian 9/29/2014, said: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!!" (the words of one of my very stunning.)

! Live fish = Oh, I have to shoot the fish tank and the fish swim around the video I recently posted photos & video will be meaningful & creative aquarium, see the word that line;. Taiwan people who think about row word (tank top Chinese and English fish on) the meaning and implications of !!! "Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian / Prof. Lei and D. Peng Qiming Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny Jane Jenny Executive Secretary & ...... upload photos and FB Climatepartner day lecture clocking speed ultrafast . good & great !!

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Afternoon field first invited to Ms. Irene Nielson EPA Climate Change Commissioner
For US EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
EPA climate change adaptation policies and tools for speech.
On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.


3 photos:




Slide the phone to participate in climate change!

9/29/2014 really big full !!! sit empty seats !!! 1F outfield also close to the screen and chairs for people to listen to the speech OTC is also added two large beautiful fans .... ....... = too intimate and thoughtful. photograph the recently posted VICKY's FB.

Several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


2014 9 29 (星期一) 10: 00-17: 00 lectures photos.

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste
# Climatepartner



  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 ·

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), and sustainable development of.


.!. Joanne 娜雷 = Ms. Joanna Lei Ms. Leiqian good speech I also like her good speech / Dr. Lei Qian 9/29/2014, said: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!!" (I if one is stunning.)

! Fish is alive Oh, I have to shoot the fish tank and the fish swim around the video I recently posted photos & video will be meaningful & creative aquarium, see the word that line;. Taiwan people who think about row word (tank top Chinese and English fish on) the meaning and implications of !!! "Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian / Prof. Lei and D. Peng Qiming Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny Jane Jenny Executive Secretary & ...... upload photos and FB Climatepartner day lecture clocking speed ultrafast . good & great !!

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

3 photos: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290614791146734/290614727813407/?type=1&theater


Slide the phone to participate in climate change!

9/29/2014 really big full !!! sit empty seats !!! 1F outfield also close to the screen and chairs for people to listen to the speech OTC is also added two large beautiful fans .... ....... = too intimate and thoughtful. photograph the recently posted VICKY's FB.

Several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Afternoon field first invited to Ms. Irene Nielson EPA Climate Change Commissioner
For US EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
EPA climate change adaptation policies and tools for speech.

On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste
# Climatepartner


Climate total pen

Hashtag (topic labels)
Can be seen as marking "event" to use, so if you use # Cooking can establish links with other people the same tags, so that we can quickly find related topics, so it was also translated into the Hashtag "theme label "


Facebook # Hashtag feature that allows participants to share experiences in real-time on fb, you can search for this event marked #climatepartner all share (share are required to be disclosed to the search)


************************************************** *****************

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future hope of 9/29/2014:


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event)

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.

# Climatepartner

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste


Climate total pen



Hardworking Team. And lots of person bring their computers & note book and phone and tablet ...............

Many young media friends to sit in the last row, the day 12:18 Fat network news. (Vicky there under as a historic moment ......)

Q & !!! Environmental Diplomacy:

On the left: Ms. Jenny (Prof. Hc Jenny Chien Environmental Protection Agency management room temperature minus counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny): Environmental Protection Agency chief counselor Jane Jenny management room temperature minus Executive Secretary

EPA Environmental Protection Agency Management Counsellor and room temperature minus the Executive Secretary / (experts Jane Jenny committee.)

Ms. Jenny's expertise: air pollution control / climate change and international cooperation / greenhouse gas management / risk assessment and management / vehicle management / business management / public health / environmental health & ............. ..

  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.

  9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste


  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 · Edit Record

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), and sustainable development of.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Watch Online


9/29: EPA held "2014 Pan Pacific First International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation." Invitation from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric experts Administration Climate Program Office of Science, University of Illinois, United States to Taiwan deliver the keynote speech, and the Pan-Pacific region actively invite UN climate negotiators meeting with experts to Taiwan to promote Pan Pacific regions (especially vulnerable to the impact of climate change long coastline island or country) climate change adaptation policies and actions of the exchange.

The impact of climate change facing the island, such as rising sea levels, challenges such as water scarcity issues and the mainland types encountered in the country there are many differences. The coping strategies included soft (concepts, policies), hard (infrastructure) body updates, for example, coastal land conservation and ecological systems, and proper planning of buildings and settlement patterns, etc.; also be required to rely on international cooperation and technical support. Taiwan is located in the Pan Pacific hub location, willing to actively adapt to climate change from the island country's own experience, and promote mutual cooperation in the international community, and the output of their own experience exchange technology and governance, jointly established the face of climate change partnerships.

The seminar invited to the three international climate change expert for "climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)" and "Climate Change Vulnerability and restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building) "both share the theme of lectures and practice. Expectations of views and experiences through agitation and the exchange of national experts, the period of the workshop to create forward-looking, and enhance Taiwan's international visibility of climate change adaptation in.

EPA management room temperature minus Jane Jenny Executive Secretary:

9/29/2014: 2014 PAN PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: ONE OF GOOD SPECIAL PHOTOS: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290613984480148/290613947813485/?type=1&theater


Environmental Protection Agency United State Environmental Protection Agency


Weather Risk Management Xing Technology Development Co., Ltd. Central

Qing Carbon Alliance www.climatechange.tw (Facebook)

Taiwan's China Airlines, Taiwan ZOOM Li Kai Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Energy Research Center, National Taiwan University, Institute for Clean Production and Regional Development Foundation




# Climatepartner

Environmental Diplomacy:

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice - Life - Liberty Times Newsletter

EPA 9/29/2014 hold "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said that the global warming of 1 degree, the typhoon brought heavy rain will increase before the 10% twice. "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" invited three international experts in climate change, namely the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, academician of Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu and the United States Climate Program Office Dr. Wayne Higgins, the U.S. national Climate assessment Report, the Pan-Pacific climate change adaptation, climate science and services and other topics keynote speech.

# Climatepartner: clear carbon Alliance: EPA first session of the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation combat climate change / LAN and partners are start ing online attention


  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.


  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 · Edit Record

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Ms. Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), sustainable development.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


* Photos on: http://ccs.gov2.tw/en/node/1638



Do not buy a cottage: EPA Air Quality Protection Department Deputy Director Jane Jenny said she was most worried about the young man bought the cottage. Because legitimate cell phones, SAR value (Specific Absorption Rate) electromagnetic energy absorption ratio, must meet the requirements NCC 2.0w / kg or less, but the cottage electromagnetic standard is difficult to guarantee.

http: //www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/article.action ......



http: //energymonthly.tier.org.tw/outdatecontent.asp ......

http: //taichung.sambacode.com /....../% E6% 88% 91% E5% 9C ......


Qiongannalei = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian good speech! I also like her good speech.

! Fish is alive Oh, I have to shoot the fish tank and the fish swim around the video I recently posted photos & video will be meaningful & creative aquarium, see the word that line;. Taiwan people who think about row word meaning and implications !!!

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Will in particular invite:

1 Director of State Environmental Protection Administration Wei Yan
2 U.S. National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles
3 Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica Academician Liu Shao-chen
4 U.S. Climate Program Office, Dr. Wayne Higgins
5 Dr. Lei Qian
6. Prof. Hc Jenny Chien Environmental Protection Agency Room temperature minus management counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny

Professor at the University of Illinois and the United States National Climate Assessment Report author -Donald J. Wuebbles, 9 29 against climate change ~ 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership will bring us a wonderful speech!

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research # climatepartner

To participate in the Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership Initiative.

- Major media to come interview -

News footage:

1 sand painting show (09: 55-10: 10)

2 unveiling ceremony and a group photo (12: 30-13: 00): Director of Environmental Protection, Executive Yuan Kuo-Yen Wei, greenhouse gas reduction strategies into infrastructure will 雷倩 chairman of the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, Research Center for environmental Changes, Academia Sinica academician Shaw Chen Liu, Li Yingjie American Institute in Taiwan, Deputy Director, United States Climate program office, Dr. Wayne Higgins, small island developing countries, climate change experts representing the Pacific region, the temperature at the environmental Protection Agency Less management room counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny and so on.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership



  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.

Watch Online

  Online Climate Change Seminar https://sites.google.com/site/2014ppicca/zoomonline


清碳聯盟新增了 2 張相片。


  • 你和張文權都說讚。
  • Vicky Chen

    人人都可能成為氣候難民 & 正義氣候 & 『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』 & 「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」 :

    ⋯⋯ 更多

新增了 13 張相片。

asking questions


正義氣候 & 「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」 & 『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』 & 人人都可能成為氣候難民 :

⋯⋯ 更多

新增了 8 張相片。

special guest.

Handsome man speak English very well. His voice is very good. He speak English very good.

Hardworking Team. and lots of person bring their computers & note book and 手機 和 平板...............



清碳聯盟 write: 10月2日

What is adaptation? (7 張相片)
適應是什麼? 何謂 "調適" ??

⋯⋯ 更多

清碳聯盟新增了 7 張相片。

What is adaptation?


也很開心9/29/2014 又來聽 雷倩 小姐 的演講 :

Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 說: : "越難的事, 越要去做!!! good speech! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. " ///// I also like her good speech. / 雷倩 博士 9/29/2014 說: "越難的事, 越要去做!!!" (我很驚艷的話之一.)



精彩的「2014 第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會」 /// 行政院 環境保護署 減管理室 執行秘書 Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien) : good speech !!


Hc Jenny Chien 的相片。

瓊安娜 雷 = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 good speech! I also like her good speech. / 雷倩 博士 9/29/2014 說: "越難的事, 越要去做!!!" (我很驚艷的話之一.)

小魚是活的喔! 我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video. 我近日會貼出 photos & video. 很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字(魚上的水缸上方的中文和英文)的意義和含意!!! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "

⋯⋯ 更多
  • 你覺得這真讚。
  • Vicky Chen


瓊安娜 雷 = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 good speech! I also like her good speech. / 雷倩 博士 9/29/2014 說: "越難的事, 越要去做!!!" (我很驚艷的話之一.)

小魚是活的喔! 我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video. 我近日會貼出 photos & video. 很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字(魚上的水缸上方的中文和英文)的意義和含意!!! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "

⋯⋯ 更多

新增了 3 張相片。

Joanna Lei. good speech!

目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士-劉紹臣 正針對Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

劉紹臣院士  研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻 #climatepartner

歡迎持續關注2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會



目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士-劉紹臣 正針對Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

劉紹臣院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「⋯⋯



9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到


⋯⋯ 更多
  • 你覺得這真讚。
  • Vicky Chen

9月29日 · 編輯紀錄
下午場首先邀請到 Ms. Irene Nielson 美國環保署氣候變遷專員
針對U.S. EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools


清碳聯盟新增了 2 張相片。


場首先邀請到 Ms. Irene Nielson 美國環保署氣候變遷專員
針對U.S. EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
現場座位有限,歡迎您線上同步關心會議內容,本次主辦單位提供ZOOM專屬頻道同步直播。 ‪#‎climat⋯⋯

  • 你覺得這真讚。
  • Vicky Chen

9/29/2014 精彩的大型 2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會 & 線上氣候變遷研討會 ON LIVE = ZOOM 同步直播/可 滑手機 , 大家辦得很好和很完整的 9/29 重要 的 氣候變遷研討會 (FREE SPEECH) : 5 PHOTOS by Prof. Jenny

Hc Jenny Chien 的相片。
Hc Jenny Chien 的相片。
Hc Jenny Chien 的相片。
Hc Jenny Chien 的相片。
Hc Jenny Chien 的相片。

Hc Jenny Chien
新增了 5 張相片。


  • 你覺得這真讚。
  • Vicky Chen

區域的氣候變遷夥伴關係! ‪#‎climatepartner‬

清碳聯盟新增了 2 張相片。

區域的氣候變遷夥伴關係! ‪#‎climatepartner‬

  • 你覺得這真讚。
  • Vicky Chen


(Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 9/29/2014 也有被 tv news 專訪喔. 原視(原住民 tv台) & 大愛台 9/29 有來專訪她 ( Prof. 郭士筠 ). 相信大家在 tv news & youtube videos 有看到. 我也照她. 近日內貼出 9/29 聽演講的照片集 on Vicky FB.

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.

⋯⋯ 更多
行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 郭士筠博士針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。郭博士主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。#climatepartner

詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會



行 政法人國家災害防救科技中心 郭士筠博士針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。郭博士主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣 候變遷(調適)、永續發展。‪#‎climatepartner‬


  • 你覺得這真讚。
  • Vicky Chen


行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 郭士筠博士針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。郭博士主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。#climatepartner

詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會



行 政法人國家災害防救科技中心 郭士筠博士針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。郭博士主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣 候變遷(調適)、永續發展。‪#‎climatepartner‬



9/29/2014 : Prof. Liu & Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles & Prof. Peng & Prof. Jenny & Prof. L. & ......................... etc.

TV NEWS. / BLOG. / Climate Change / Good speech.

環 保署今天舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,中研院院士劉紹臣表示,全球增溫1度,颱風所帶來的前10%暴雨就會增加兩倍。「2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」邀請3位國際級氣候變遷專家,分別是美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles、我國中央研究院劉紹臣院士及美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins,就美國國家氣候評估報告、泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適、科學與氣候服務等議題發表專題演講。
  • 你覺得這真讚。
  • Vicky Chen

來自美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員,她的演講有關美國在桑迪颶風帶來嚴重災害後,美國聯邦政府如何與地方組織建立公私夥伴關係,共同進行災後重建、同時強化災區的災後回復力。

來自美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員,她的演講有關美國在桑迪颶風帶來嚴重災害後,美國聯邦政府如何與地方組織建立公私夥伴關係,共同進行災後重建、同時強化災區的災後回復力。

來自美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員,她的演講有關美國在桑迪颶風帶來嚴重災害後,美國聯邦政府如何與地方組織建立公私夥伴關係,共同進行災後重建、同時強化災區的災後回復力。


學系教授-童慶斌博士,針對跨領域風險評估與回復力建構進行介紹。 我們可以會議中瞭解不同國家面臨氣候變遷衝擊的因應能力。

⋯⋯ 更多

新增了 2 張相片。

學系教授-童慶斌博士,針對跨領域風險評估與回復力建構進行介紹。 我們可以會議中瞭解不同國家面臨氣候變遷衝擊的因應能力。


⋯⋯ 更多
  • 你覺得這真讚。
  • Vicky Chen

歐巴馬總統以創建國家災害應對框架(NDRF)為基礎,與美國環境保護署(EPA)和其他聯邦機構的共同努力下重建。今天很高興邀請到Dr. Anhthu Hoang 美國環保署環境正義專家,分享颶風珊蒂的災後重建: 聯邦政府與地方夥伴合作建立公平的災後回復力


新增了 2 張相片。

歐巴馬總統以創建國家災害應對框架(NDRF)為基礎,與美國環境保護署(EPA)和其他聯邦機構的共同努力下重建。今天很高興邀請到Dr. Anhthu Hoang 美國環保署環境正義專家,分享颶風珊蒂的災後重建: 聯邦政府與地方夥伴合作建立公平的災後回復力 ‪#‎climatepartner‬



⋯⋯ 更多
今天已經有好幾家媒體紛紛報導,阿拉斯加海邊聚集了破紀錄的 35,000 頭海象,牠們因為沒有海冰可以棲息和生產,群聚到岸邊,其中比較小的還會在推擠上岸的過程中受傷或死亡。


今天已經有好幾家媒體紛紛報導,阿拉斯加海邊聚集了破紀錄的 35,000 頭海象,牠們因為沒有海冰可以棲息和生產,群聚到岸邊,其中比較小的還會在推擠上岸的過程中受傷或死亡。


猜猜明天要做什麼? #Climatepartner
相片:猜猜明天要做什麼?  #Climatepartner


MEETING ON 9/29/2014

美國伊利諾大學教授兼美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者-Donald J. Wuebbles剛抵達台灣,9月29日對抗氣候變遷~ 2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會將為我們帶來精彩的演講!敬請期待~~~
相片:美國伊利諾大學教授兼美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者-Donald J. Wuebbles剛抵達台灣,9月29日對抗氣候變遷~ 2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會將為我們帶來精彩的演講!敬請期待~~~



Donald Wuebble 到了沒? 辛苦的阿龍接機! #climatepartner





ZOOM線上直播:  http://goo.gl/OIwhgL
※ 版本支援:Mac OS、Windows、Android、iOS


2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會
時間: 103年9月29日(星期一) 10:00-17:00
地點: 臺灣大學霖澤館 國際會議廳



轉 不侵台

2014/09/25 北冕颱風北轉 不侵台




區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路 9/29/2014 :


來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)

及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而 是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。


 What is adaptation? (7 張相片)
適應是什麼? 何謂 "調適" ??


區域的氣候變遷夥伴關係! ‪#‎climatepartner‬

RE : 「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」 & 『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』 & 人人都可能成為氣候難民 ,

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路

臺 灣為與各國共同推動氣候變遷相關工作,EPA 環保署於 9/29/2014 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,與會各國對於氣候變遷長期合作夥伴計畫均已具高度共識,期望超越地理界限,共同研商有效面對氣候變 遷衝擊的策略及資訊平台,分享彼此經驗,一同邁向永續的未來。

全球增溫1度 前10%強降雨增加兩倍 / 好幾家聰明機伶的媒體友來採訪講者們........!!!!

詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會 :

全球增溫1度 前10%強降雨增加兩倍 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報

環 保署 9/29 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,中研院院士劉紹臣表示,全球增溫1度,颱風所帶來的前10%暴雨就會增加兩倍。「2014泛太平洋 氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」邀請3位國際級氣候變遷專家,分別是美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles、我國中央研究院劉紹臣院士及美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins,就美國國家氣候評估報告、泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適、科學與氣候服務等議題發表專題演講。

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路



        本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家(包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)及國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署(NOAA)氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士Dr. Wayne Higgins以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。 



9/29/2014 精彩的大型 2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會 & 線上氣候變遷研討會 ON LIVE = ZOOM 同步直播/  可 滑手機 , 大家辦得很好和很完整的 9/29 重要 的 氣候變遷研討會 (FREE SPEECH) : 5 PHOTOS by Prof. Jenny  & Dr. Peng


限量絕版 鯨魚雨傘 (價值1000元)


RE : Prof. 劉紹臣 GOOD SPEECH.

目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士-劉紹臣 正針對Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions

泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

清碳聯盟新增了 30 張相片。


劉紹臣院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻


目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士:  劉紹臣 正針對 Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

劉 紹臣 院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國 前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻 ‪#‎climatepartner‬


歡迎持續關注2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


來自美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員,她的演講有關美國在桑迪颶風帶來嚴重災害後,美國聯邦政府如何與地方組織建立公私夥伴關係,共同進行災後重建、同時強化災區的災後回復力。


9/29 很高興邀請到Dr. Anhthu Hoang 美國環保署環境正義專家,分享颶風珊蒂的災後重建: 聯邦政府與地方夥伴合作建立公平的災後回復力



學系教授-童慶斌博士,針對跨領域風險評估與回復力建構進行介紹。 我們可以會議中瞭解不同國家面臨氣候變遷衝擊的因應能力。


島 嶼所面臨的氣候變遷衝擊,例如海平面上升、水資源匱乏等問題和大陸類型國家所遭遇的挑戰有諸多差異,因而調適國際研討會聚焦於島嶼或具備長海岸線地區面對 海平面上升等衝擊的調適作為,同時邀請臺灣專家學者分享臺灣的調適經驗與技術工具,及探討氣候變遷脆弱度與復原力建立,期望能與泛太平洋地區專家代表深度 交流。

9/29/2014 : Prof. Liu & Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles & Prof. Peng & Prof. Jenny & Prof. L. & ......................... etc.

TV NEWS. / BLOG. / Climate Change / Good speech.




歡迎持續關注2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會



精彩的「2014 第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會」 /// 行政院 環境保護署 減管理室 執行秘書 Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien) : good speech !!

 行政院 環境保護署 減管理室 執行秘書 3 photos.

Ms. Jenny's 專長 : 空氣污染防制/氣候變遷與國際合作/溫室氣體管理/風險評估及管理/車輛管理/經營管理/公共衛生/環境衛生 & ...........


也很開心9/29/2014 又來聽 雷倩 小姐 的演講 :

Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 說: : "越難的事, 越要去做!!! good speech! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. " ///// I also like her good speech. / 雷倩 博士 9/29/2014 說: "越難的事, 越要去做!!!" (我很驚艷的話之一.)

小魚=活的喔! 我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video. 我近日會貼出 photos & video. 很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字(魚上的水缸上方的中文和英文)的意義和含意!!! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 / Prof. Lei 和 D. 彭啟明 Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny 簡慧貞 執秘 & ...... 上傳當天演講照片和 FB Climatepartner 打卡的 speed 超快. good & great!!

" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "

下午場首先邀請到 Ms. Irene Nielson 美國環保署氣候變遷專員
針對U.S. EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools


3 photos :





9/29/2014 真的大爆滿!!! 坐無虛席!!! 1F 外場還貼心的 以 中螢幕 和 椅子可供人 場外聽演講. 還加兩個大型美麗的電風扇........... = 太貼心和體貼. 照片近日內貼在 VICKY's FB.


2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


2014年9月29日(星期一)10:00-17:00 的演講 照片.

9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到



 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 9/29/2014 也有被 tv news 專訪喔. 原視(原住民 tv台) & 大愛台 9/29 有來專訪她 ( Prof. 郭士筠 ). 相信大家在 tv news & youtube videos 有看到. 我也照她. 近日內貼出 9/29 聽演講的照片集 on Vicky FB.

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.


9月29日 ·

行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。

郭博士 主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。


瓊安娜 雷 = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 good speech! I also like her good speech. / 雷倩 博士 9/29/2014 說: "越難的事, 越要去做!!!" (我很驚艷的話之一.)

小 魚是活的喔! 我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video. 我近日會貼出 photos & video. 很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字(魚上的水缸上方的中文和英文)的意義和含意!!! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 / Prof. Lei 和 D. 彭啟明 Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny 簡慧貞 執秘 & ...... 上傳當天演講照片和 FB Climatepartner 打卡的 speed 超快. good & great!!

" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "

3 photos : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290614791146734/290614727813407/?type=1&theater



9/29/2014 真的大爆滿!!! 坐無虛席!!! 1F 外場還貼心的 以 中螢幕 和 椅子可供人 場外聽演講. 還加兩個大型美麗的電風扇........... = 太貼心和體貼. 照片近日內貼在 VICKY's FB.


2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


下午場首先邀請到 Ms. Irene Nielson 美國環保署氣候變遷專員
針對U.S. EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools


9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到



Hashtag (主題標籤)
可視為標記「事件」用的,所以如果你用 ‪#‎Cooking‬ 可以建立與其他別人相同標記之間的連結,讓大家很快就可以找到相關的主題,因此也有人把 Hashtag 翻譯成「主題標籤」


Facebook ‪#‎Hashtag‬ 功能,讓與會者能在fb上分享即時心得,打上 #climatepartner 就能搜尋到此事件所有分享 (分享者需設為公開才能搜尋的到)


區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路 9/29/2014 :


來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)

及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而 是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。



2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


線上氣候變遷研討會 直播
Vicky Chen
昨天 20:52 ·

2 PHOTOS. AskingClimate Change Questions. Asking time.

我近日內會貼出 9/29 (大家看聽)演講的畫面.

『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』 & 「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」 & 人人都可能成為氣候難民 & 正義氣候 :


區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路 9/29/2014 :


來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)

及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而 是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。


9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到   #climatepartner

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路



        本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家(包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)及國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署(NOAA)氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士Dr. Wayne Higgins以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。 






Hardworking Team. and lots of person bring their computers & note book and 手機 和 平板...............

很多年輕媒體 friends 坐最後一排, 當天12:18 發網路新聞. ( Vicky 有照下歷史性的一刻......)

問答時間!!!環保外交 :

左邊 : Ms. Jenny  (Prof.  Hc Jenny Chien 行政院環境保護署溫減管理室參事兼執行秘書簡慧貞 ) : 行政院環境保護署 簡慧貞參事 兼 溫減管理室執行秘書

EPA 行政院環境保護署參事兼溫減管理室執行秘書 / ( 專家學者. 簡慧貞委員.  )

Ms. Jenny's 專長 : 空氣污染防制/氣候變遷與國際合作/溫室氣體管理/風險評估及管理/車輛管理/經營管理/公共衛生/環境衛生 & ...............

 『本 次研討會邀請到 Dr. 童慶斌 & 三位國際級氣候變遷專家 & .......,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。』

面對氣候變遷,除了減緩還有調適工作,這次台美合作,共同舉辦泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會,邀請美國氣候變遷專家來台,包含 US EPA、 Prof. 瑋柏 &  NOAA 等專家學者參加,還有邀請各島嶼、東南亞國家的代表,精彩。

 9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到


 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 9/29/2014 也有被 tv news 專訪喔. 原視(原住民 tv台) & 大愛台 9/29 有來專訪她 ( Prof. 郭士筠 ). 相信大家在 tv news & youtube videos 有看到. 我也照她. 近日內貼出 9/29 聽演講的照片集 on Vicky FB.

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.


9月29日 · 編輯紀錄

行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。

郭博士 主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。


詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會




9/29 :環保署舉辦「2014 第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會」。邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、美國伊利諾大學等專家學者訪臺進行專題演講,並積 極邀請泛太平洋地區聯合國氣候談判代表與專家來臺與會,促進泛太平洋地區(特別是易受氣候變遷衝擊之長海岸線島嶼或國家)氣候變遷調適政策與行動的交流。

島 嶼所面臨的氣候變遷衝擊,例如海平面上升、水資源匱乏等問題和大陸類型國家所遭遇的挑戰有諸多差異。而調適策略包含軟(觀念、政策)、硬(基礎建設)體更 新,例如濱海土地與生態系統之保育,和妥當的建築與聚落型態之規劃等;同時須仰賴國際合作與技術支援。臺灣位於泛太平洋樞紐位置,願意積極從自身海島國的 氣候變遷調適經驗出發,推動國際社會相互合作,交流且輸出自身技術與治理的經驗,共同建立面對氣候變遷的夥伴關係。

本次研討會邀請到三 位 國際級氣候變遷專家,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。期許透過與會專家激盪與交流各國的觀點與經驗,期能創造本研討會的前瞻性,同時提升臺灣在氣候變遷 調適的國際能見度。

環保署溫減管理室 簡慧貞 執行秘書 :

9/29/2014 : 2014 PAN PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION : ONE OF GOOD SPECIAL PHOTOS : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290613984480148/290613947813485/?type=1&theater


行政院環境保護署 United State Environmental Protection Agency


天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司 環興科技股份有限公司

清碳聯盟 www.climatechange.tw (Facebook)

Taiwan ZOOM 中華航空公司 台灣立凱電能科技股份有限公司

國立臺灣大學能源研究中心 財團法人清潔生產與區域發展基金會





環保外交 :

全球增溫1度 前10%強降雨增加兩倍 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報

環 保署 9/29/2014 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」in Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. ,中研院院士劉紹臣表示,全球增溫1度,颱風所帶來的前10%暴雨就會增加兩倍。「2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」邀請3位國際級氣候變遷專家,分別是美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles、我國中央研究院劉紹臣院士及美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins,就美國國家氣候評估報告、泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適、科學與氣候服務等議題發表專題演講。

#‎climatepartner‬ : 清碳聯盟 :環保署第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會對抗氣候變遷/區域網路及夥伴正啟動ing線上關注


 『本 次研討會邀請到 Dr. 童慶斌 & 三位國際級氣候變遷專家 & .......,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。』

面對氣候變遷,除了減緩還有調適工作,這次台美合作,共同舉辦泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會,邀請美國氣候變遷專家來台,包含 US EPA、 Prof. 瑋柏 &  NOAA 等專家學者參加,還有邀請各島嶼、東南亞國家的代表,精彩。


 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 9/29/2014 也有被 tv news 專訪喔. 原視(原住民 tv台) & 大愛台 9/29 有來專訪她 ( Prof. 郭士筠 ). 相信大家在 tv news & youtube videos 有看到. 我也照她. 近日內貼出 9/29 聽演講的照片集 on Vicky FB.

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.


9月29日 · 編輯紀錄

行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。

Ms. 郭博士 主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。


詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


* photos on : http://ccs.gov2.tw/en/node/1638



不要買山寨機: 環保署空保處副處長簡慧貞說,她最擔心年輕人買山寨機。因為合法上市的手機,SAR值(Specific Absorption Rate)電磁波能量吸收比值,必須合乎NCC 2.0w/kg以下的規定,但山寨機電磁波標準難以保證。







瓊安娜 蕾  = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩  good speech!  I also like her good speech.

小魚是活的喔!   我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video.  我近日會貼出 photos & video.  很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字的意義和含意!!!

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.



1. 行政院環境保護署 魏署長國彥
2. 美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles
3. 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 劉院士紹臣
4. 美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins
5. 雷倩  博士
6. Prof.  Hc Jenny Chien 行政院環境保護署溫減管理室參事兼執行秘書簡慧貞

美國伊利諾大學教授兼美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者-Donald J. Wuebbles,9月29日對抗氣候變遷~ 2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會將為我們帶來精彩的演講!

目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士-劉紹臣 正針對Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

劉 紹臣院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國 前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻 ‪#‎climatepartner‬




1. 沙畫表演 (09:55-10:10)

2. 揭幕儀式與大合照 (12:30-13:00): 行政院環境保護署署長魏國彥、溫室氣體減量基礎建設策進會雷倩理事長、美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles、中央研究院環境變遷研究中心劉紹臣院士、美國在台協會酈英傑副處長、美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins、太平洋地區小島開發中國家氣候變遷專家代表、行政院環境保護署溫減管理室參事兼執行秘書簡慧貞等。


詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會



 『本 次研討會邀請到 Dr. 童慶斌 & 三位國際級氣候變遷專家 & .......,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。』

面對氣候變遷,除了減緩還有調適工作,這次台美合作,共同舉辦泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會,邀請美國氣候變遷專家來台,包含 US EPA、 Prof. 瑋柏 & NOAA 等專家學者參加,還有邀請各島嶼、東南亞國家的代表,精彩。


 線上氣候變遷研討會 https://sites.google.com/site/2014ppicca/zoomonline

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路



        本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家(包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)及國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署(NOAA)氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士Dr. Wayne Higgins以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。 






區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路



        本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家(包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)及國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署(NOAA)氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士Dr. Wayne Higgins以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。 



"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Dr. D"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."   in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.
2014 Pan Pacific Partnership on Climate Change Adaptation :

Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang  & Dr. Liu & Dr. Lei & Dr. Jenny Chien  & Dr. CHI-NMING PENG & ............   : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event)

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.


Climate Change Partnership area!      #Climatepartner

RE: "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" & "adaptation is not an option, but a hope" & everyone could become climate refugees,

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future of hope

Taiwan with other countries to jointly promote climate change related work, EPA Environmental Protection Agency organized the "International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" on 9/29/2014, the participating countries for climate change plans are long-term partners with high degree of consensus, expectations beyond geographical boundaries, Gongtongyanshang effective strategies to face the impact of climate change and information platform to share experiences with each other, work together towards sustainable future.

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice / several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

Details available to the International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation 2014 Pan-Pacific Partnership:

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice - Life - Liberty Times Newsletter

EPA 9/29 organized the "International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership 2014 Pan Pacific," Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said that the global warming of 1 degree, the typhoon brought heavy rain before the 10% will increase twice. "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" invited three international experts in climate change, namely the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, academician of Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu and the United States Climate Program Office Dr. Wayne Higgins, the U.S. national Climate assessment Report, the Pan-Pacific climate change adaptation, climate science and services and other topics keynote speech.


9/29/2014 wonderful large 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Partnership & online seminar ON LIVE = ZOOM simulcast / can slide the phone, we do very well and very complete 9/29 important climate Transition seminar (FREE SPEECH): 5 PHOTOS by Prof. Jenny & Dr. Peng

Before the end of the afternoon session, before the end of the meeting to send a gift

Limited edition print whale umbrella (worth 1000 yuan)
Black bear card sets
Polar bear card sets


photo : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/a.132913976916817.1073741828.128721014002780/289556871252526/?type=1&theater

DM WITH POWER POINT  .pdf  INFORMATION : http://www.accupass.com/go/2014taiwanppicca

# Climatepartner

  What is adaptation? (7 photos)

What adaptation is? Meaning of "adaptation" ~ ~


RE: Prof. Shaw Chen Liu GOOD SPEECH.

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions

Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Qing Carbon Alliance added 30 photos.

Shaw Chen Liu Academy of Sciences. #Climatepartner

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to the climate change research

Qing Carbon Alliance

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician: Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research

 # climatepartner


BLOG : (Words in English)  http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330958242

Donald J. Wuebbles,Wayne Higgins,Anhthu Hoang: 9/29 Taiwan, R.O.C. FORMOSA

* several photos on  : Blog in English, also for Twitter  AND   Google Plus  for  friends.


Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Anhthu Hoang environmental justice commissioner, her speech about the United States after Hurricane Sandy brought severe disasters, the federal government and local organizations on how public-private partnerships, joint reconstruction, while strengthening the disaster area disaster response force.

Hurricane Sandy invasion of New York in 2012, affecting 23 million inhabitants, the second largest in American history, resulting in significant economic losses.
President Obama to create a National Disaster Response Framework (NDRF), based on the reconstruction and the joint efforts of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies.

9/29 are delighted to have Dr. Anhthu Hoang EPA environmental justice experts, share reconstruction Hurricane Sandy: the federal government and local partners to establish a fair disaster response force


The final seminar, invited to the National Taiwan University Biological Environmental Systems Engineering

Professor, Department - Dr. Tong Qingbin for cross-cutting risk assessment and response force to construct introduced. We can understand the different countries face meetings impact of climate change coping capacity.

Dr. Tong Qingbin area of ​​expertise focuses on climate change research, environmental systems analysis, sustainable land and water resources. The speech mentioned Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan, Kaohsiung Kobayashi was the village of issues related to the impact of climate change in 2009.

Climate change impact island facing challenges such as rising sea levels, water scarcity and other problems encountered by countries and continents types have many differences, and thus adapt international seminar focusing on the island or have a long coastline facing the region, such as the impact of rising sea levels adaptation as also invited Taiwan experts to share experience and technology in Taiwan adjustment tools, and explore the climate change vulnerability and build resilience, hope to work with experts on behalf of the Pan Pacific depth exchange.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 ·

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), and sustainable development of.


Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future hope of 9/29/2014:


"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.



Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership



Wonderful "2014 Pan Pacific First International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation" Less /// Environmental Protection Agency Management Office Executive Secretary Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien): good speech !!

  Environmental Protection Agency Management Office Executive Secretary minus 3 photos.


Slide the phone to participate in climate change!

9/29/2014 really big full !!! sit empty seats !!! 1F outfield also close to the screen and chairs for people to listen to the speech OTC is also added two large beautiful fans .... ....... = too intimate and thoughtful. photograph the recently posted VICKY's FB.

Several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste
# Climatepartner



  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


.!. Joanne 娜雷 = Ms. Joanna Lei Ms. Leiqian good speech I also like her good speech / Dr. Lei Qian 9/29/2014, said: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!!" (I if one is stunning.)

 "Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian / Prof. Lei and D. Peng Qiming Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny Jane Jenny Executive Secretary & ...... upload photos and FB Climatepartner day lecture clocking speed ultrafast . good & great !!

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

3 photos: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290614791146734/290614727813407/?type=1&theater


Slide the phone to participate in climate change!

9/29/2014 really big full !!! sit empty seats !!! 1F outfield also close to the screen and chairs for people to listen to the speech OTC is also added two large beautiful fans .... ....... = too intimate and thoughtful. photograph the recently posted VICKY's FB.

Several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Afternoon field first invited to Ms. Irene Nielson EPA Climate Change Commissioner

For US EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
EPA climate change adaptation policies and tools for speech.

On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste

# Climatepartner


Climate total pen

Hashtag (topic labels)

Can be seen as marking "event" to use, so if you use # Cooking can establish links with other people the same tags, so that we can quickly find related topics, so it was also translated into the Hashtag "theme label "


Facebook # Hashtag feature that allows participants to share experiences in real-time on fb, you can search for this event marked #climatepartner all share (share are required to be disclosed to the search)


On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste
# Climatepartner

************************************************** *****************

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future hope of 9/29/2014:


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event)

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.

# Climatepartner

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste


Climate total pen



Hardworking Team. And lots of person bring their computers & note book and phone and tablet ...............

Many young media friends to sit in the last row, the day 12:18 Fat network news. (Vicky there under as a historic moment ......)

Q & A !!! Environmental Diplomacy:

On the left: Ms. Jenny (Prof. Hc Jenny Chien Environmental Protection Agency management room temperature minus counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny): Environmental Protection Agency chief counselor Jane Jenny management room temperature minus Executive Secretary

EPA Environmental Protection Agency Management Counsellor and room temperature minus the Executive Secretary / (experts Jane Jenny committee.)

Ms. Jenny's expertise: air pollution control / climate change and international cooperation / greenhouse gas management / risk assessment and management / vehicle management / business management / public health / environmental health & ............. ..

  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.

  9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste



  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 · Edit Record

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), and sustainable development of.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Watch Online


9/29: EPA held "2014 Pan Pacific First International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation." Invitation from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric experts Administration Climate Program Office of Science, University of Illinois, United States to Taiwan deliver the keynote speech, and the Pan-Pacific region actively invite UN climate negotiators meeting with experts to Taiwan to promote Pan Pacific regions (especially vulnerable to the impact of climate change long coastline island or country) climate change adaptation policies and actions of the exchange.

The impact of climate change facing the island, such as rising sea levels, challenges such as water scarcity issues and the mainland types encountered in the country there are many differences. The coping strategies included soft (concepts, policies), hard (infrastructure) body updates, for example, coastal land conservation and ecological systems, and proper planning of buildings and settlement patterns, etc.; also be required to rely on international cooperation and technical support. Taiwan is located in the Pan Pacific hub location, willing to actively adapt to climate change from the island country's own experience, and promote mutual cooperation in the international community, and the output of their own experience exchange technology and governance, jointly established the face of climate change partnerships.

The seminar invited to the three international climate change expert for "climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)" and "Climate Change Vulnerability and restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building) "both share the theme of lectures and practice. Expectations of views and experiences through agitation and the exchange of national experts, the period of the workshop to create forward-looking, and enhance Taiwan's international visibility of climate change adaptation in.

EPA management room temperature minus Jane Jenny Executive Secretary:

9/29/2014: 2014 PAN PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: ONE OF GOOD SPECIAL PHOTOS: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290613984480148/290613947813485/?type=1&theater




Environmental Protection Agency United State Environmental Protection Agency


Weather Risk Management Xing Technology Development Co., Ltd. Central

Qing Carbon Alliance www.climatechange.tw (Facebook)

Taiwan's China Airlines, Taiwan ZOOM Li Kai Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Energy Research Center, National Taiwan University, Institute for Clean Production and Regional Development Foundation


Will in particular invite:

1 Director of State Environmental Protection Administration Wei Yan
2 U.S. National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles

3 Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica Academician Liu Shao-chen

4 U.S. Climate Program Office, Dr. Wayne Higgins

5 Dr. Lei Qian
6. Prof. Hc Jenny Chien Environmental Protection Agency Room temperature minus management counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny

Professor at the University of Illinois and the United States National Climate Assessment Report author -Donald J. Wuebbles,  9/29 against climate change ~ 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership will bring us a wonderful speech!

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research # climatepartner

To participate in the Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership Initiative.

- Major media to come interview -

News footage:

1 sand painting show (   9: 55-10: 10)

2 unveiling ceremony and a group photo (12: 30-13: 00): Director of Environmental Protection, Executive Yuan Kuo-Yen Wei, greenhouse gas reduction strategies into infrastructure will 雷倩 chairman of the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, Research Center for environmental Changes, Academia Sinica academician Shaw Chen Liu, Li Yingjie American Institute in Taiwan, Deputy Director, United States Climate program office, Dr. Wayne Higgins, small island developing countries, climate change experts representing the Pacific region, the temperature at the environmental Protection Agency Less management room counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny and so on.

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership



  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.

Watch Online

  Online Climate Change Seminar https://sites.google.com/site/2014ppicca/zoomonline



Environmental Diplomacy:

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice - Life - Liberty Times Newsletter

EPA 9/29/2014 hold "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said that the global warming of 1 degree, the typhoon brought heavy rain will increase before the 10% twice. "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" invited three international experts in climate change, namely the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, academician of Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu and the United States Climate Program Office Dr. Wayne Higgins, the U.S. national Climate assessment Report, the Pan-Pacific climate change adaptation, climate science and services and other topics keynote speech.

#Climatepartner: clear carbon Alliance: EPA first session of the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation combat climate change / LAN and partners are start ing online attention


  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 · Edit Record

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Ms. Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), sustainable development.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


9/29/2014: Prof. Liu & Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles & Prof. Peng & Prof. Jenny & Prof. L. & .................... ..... etc.

TV NEWS. / BLOG. / Climate Change / Good speech.

Location: Taiwan's Lin Ze Hall University School of Law International Conference Hall (Taipei City Xinhai Sec on ​​the 30th)


Ms. Jenny's expertise: air pollution control / climate change and international cooperation / greenhouse gas management / risk assessment and management / vehicle management / business management / public health / environmental health & ...........


9/29/2014 again also very happy to hear Miss Lei Qian's speech:

Joanna Lei Ms. 雷倩 said:: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!! good speech!" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level "///// I also like her good speech /.. Dr. Lei Qian 9/29/2014, said: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!!" (the words of one of my very stunning.)


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian / Prof. Lei and D. Peng Qiming Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny Jane Jenny Executive Secretary & ...... upload photos and FB Climatepartner day lecture clocking speed ultrafast . good & great !!

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Afternoon field first invited to Ms. Irene Nielson EPA Climate Change Commissioner
For US EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
EPA climate change adaptation policies and tools for speech.
On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.


3 photos:




* Photos on: http://ccs.gov2.tw/en/node/1638



Do not buy a cottage: EPA Air Quality Protection Department Deputy Director Jane Jenny said she was most worried about the young man bought the cottage. Because legitimate cell phones, SAR value (Specific Absorption Rate) electromagnetic energy absorption ratio, must meet the requirements NCC 2.0w / kg or less, but the cottage electromagnetic standard is difficult to guarantee.

http: //www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/article.action ......



http: //energymonthly.tier.org.tw/outdatecontent.asp ......

http: //taichung.sambacode.com /....../% E6% 88% 91% E5% 9C ......


Qiongannalei = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian good speech! I also like her good speech.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路 9/29/2014 :


來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)

及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。


 What is adaptation? (7 張相片)

適應是什麼? 何謂 "調適" ??

photo : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/a.132913976916817.1073741828.128721014002780/289556871252526/?type=1&theater

DM WITH POWER POINT  .pdf  INFORMATION : http://www.accupass.com/go/2014taiwanppicca

 ***    blog 中英文 :  =2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會 議程及手冊 9/29;我們只有一個地球 現在有一個機會   : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330983889   


線上氣候變遷研討會 直播; 滑手機看聽: 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會=ZOOM同步直播/可 滑手機


區域的氣候變遷夥伴關係! #climatepartner

RE : 「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」 & 『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』 & 人人都可能成為氣候難民 ,

「第一屆泛太平洋 氣候變遷調適伙伴國際研討會」/因 應氣候變遷確是長期投入.具高度挑戰也充滿機會的艱鉅任務/
清碳聯盟/美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員/童慶斌博士跨領域風險評估與回復力建構進行介紹   & 
區域網路及夥伴正啟動ing線上關注 調適/Joanna Lei.雷倩 說: : \"越難的事, 越要去做!

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路

臺灣為與各國共同推動氣候變遷相關工作,EPA 環保署於 9/29/2014 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,與會各國對於氣候變遷長期合作夥伴計畫均已具高度共識,期望超越地理界限,共同研商有效面對氣候變遷衝擊的策略及資訊平台,分享彼此經驗,一同邁向永續的未來。

全球增溫1度 前10%強降雨增加兩倍 / 好幾家聰明機伶的媒體友來採訪講者們........!!!!

詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會 :

全球增溫1度 前10%強降雨增加兩倍 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報

環保署 9/29 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,中研院院士劉紹臣表示,全球增溫1度,颱風所帶來的前10%暴雨就會增加兩倍。「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」邀請3位國際級氣候變遷專家,分別是美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles、我國中央研究院劉紹臣院士及美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins,就美國國家氣候評估報告、泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適、科學與氣候服務等議題發表專題演講。

PHOTOS ON BLOG - 3 : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330984069

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.


BLOG : (Words in English)  http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330958242

Donald J. Wuebbles,Wayne Higgins,Anhthu Hoang:9/29 Taiwan,R.O.C.


9/29/2014 精彩的大型 2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會 & 線上氣候變遷研討會 ON LIVE = ZOOM 同步直播/  可 滑手機 , 大家辦得很好和很完整的 9/29 重要 的 氣候變遷研討會 (FREE SPEECH) : 5 PHOTOS by Prof. Jenny  & Dr. Peng


限量絕版 鯨魚雨傘 (價值1000元)


RE : Prof. 劉紹臣 GOOD SPEECH.

目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士-劉紹臣 正針對  Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions

泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

清碳聯盟新增了 30 張相片。


劉紹臣院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻


目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士:  劉紹臣 正針對 Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

劉紹臣 院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻 #climatepartner


歡迎持續關注2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


來自美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員,她的演講有關美國在桑迪颶風帶來嚴重災害後,美國聯邦政府如何與地方組織建立公私夥伴關係,共同進行災後重建、同時強化災區的災後回復力。


9/29 很高興邀請到Dr. Anhthu Hoang 美國環保署環境正義專家,分享颶風珊蒂的災後重建: 聯邦政府與地方夥伴合作建立公平的災後回復力



學系教授-童慶斌博士,針對跨領域風險評估與回復力建構進行介紹。 我們可以會議中瞭解不同國家面臨氣候變遷衝擊的因應能力。



9/29/2014 : Prof. Liu & Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles & Prof. Peng & Prof. Jenny & Prof. L. & ......................... etc.

TV NEWS. / BLOG. / Climate Change / Good speech.




歡迎持續關注2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會



精彩的「2014 第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會」 /// 行政院 環境保護署 減管理室 執行秘書 Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien) : good speech !!

 行政院 環境保護署 減管理室 執行秘書 3 photos.

Ms. Jenny's 專長 : 空氣污染防制/氣候變遷與國際合作/溫室氣體管理/風險評估及管理/車輛管理/經營管理/公共衛生/環境衛生 & ...........


也很開心9/29/2014 又來聽 雷倩 小姐 的演講 :

Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 說: : "越難的事, 越要去做!!! good speech! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. " ///// I also like her good speech. / 雷倩 博士 9/29/2014 說: "越難的事, 越要去做!!!" (我很驚艷的話之一.)

小魚=活的喔! 我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video. 我近日會貼出 photos & video. 很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字(魚上的水缸上方的中文和英文)的意義和含意!!! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 / Prof. Lei 和 D. 彭啟明 Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny 簡慧貞 執秘 & ...... 上傳當天演講照片和 FB Climatepartner 打卡的 speed 超快. good & great!!

" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "

下午場首先邀請到 Ms. Irene Nielson 美國環保署氣候變遷專員
針對U.S. EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools


3 photos :





9/29/2014 真的大爆滿!!! 坐無虛席!!! 1F 外場還貼心的 以 中螢幕 和 椅子可供人 場外聽演講. 還加兩個大型美麗的電風扇........... = 太貼心和體貼. 照片近日內貼在 VICKY's FB.


2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


2014年9月29日(星期一)10:00-17:00 的演講 照片.

9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到



 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 9/29/2014 也有被 tv news 專訪喔. 原視(原住民 tv台) & 大愛台 9/29 有來專訪她 ( Prof. 郭士筠 ). 相信大家在 tv news & youtube videos 有看到. 我也照她. 近日內貼出 9/29 聽演講的照片集 on Vicky FB.

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.


9月29日 ·

行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。

郭博士 主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。


瓊安娜 雷 = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 good speech! I also like her good speech. / 雷倩 博士 9/29/2014 說: "越難的事, 越要去做!!!" (我很驚艷的話之一.)

小魚是活的喔! 我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video. 我近日會貼出 photos & video. 很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字(魚上的水缸上方的中文和英文)的意義和含意!!! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 / Prof. Lei 和 D. 彭啟明 Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny 簡慧貞 執秘 & ...... 上傳當天演講照片和 FB Climatepartner 打卡的 speed 超快. good & great!!

" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "

3 photos : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290614791146734/290614727813407/?type=1&theater


9/29/2014 我看到 Weather Risk company 的  Dr. Lyle Lei 賴r.  &  Dr. Hsin-Hsing Chia  賈r.   也有去 共襄盛舉!!!    賈r.  坐右邊 : 我遠遠有照到 Dr. Chia  (Dr  賈  ) 的背影. 證明你Dr. Hsin-Hsing Chia   與 Dr. Lyle Lei 賴r. 也有參加也很關心此議題.  ^_^     去年在世貿的防災大會也看到 & 照到  此兩位天氣專家去聽演講和參加    ^_^



9/29/2014 真的大爆滿!!! 坐無虛席!!! 1F 外場還貼心的 以 中螢幕 和 椅子可供人 場外聽演講. 還加兩個大型美麗的電風扇........... = 太貼心和體貼. 照片近日內貼在 VICKY's FB.




來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)

及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。


RE : Prof. 劉紹臣 GOOD SPEECH.

目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士-劉紹臣 正針對 Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions

泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

清碳聯盟新增了 30 張相片。


劉紹臣院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻


目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士: 劉紹臣 正針對 Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

劉紹臣 院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻 #climatepartner


歡迎持續關注2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


來自美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員,她的演講有關美國在桑迪颶風帶來嚴重災害後,美國聯邦政府如何與地方組織建立公私夥伴關係,共同進行災後重建、同時強化災區的災後回復力。


2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


下午場首先邀請到 Ms. Irene Nielson 美國環保署氣候變遷專員
針對U.S. EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools


9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到



Hashtag (主題標籤)
可視為標記「事件」用的,所以如果你用 #Cooking 可以建立與其他別人相同標記之間的連結,讓大家很快就可以找到相關的主題,因此也有人把 Hashtag 翻譯成「主題標籤」


Facebook #Hashtag 功能,讓與會者能在fb上分享即時心得,打上 #climatepartner 就能搜尋到此事件所有分享 (分享者需設為公開才能搜尋的到)


區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路 9/29/2014 :


來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)

及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而 是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。



2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


線上氣候變遷研討會 直播

2 PHOTOS. AskingClimate Change Questions. Asking time.

我近日內會貼出 9/29 (大家看聽)演講的畫面.

『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』 & 「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」 & 人人都可能成為氣候難民 & 正義氣候 :


區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路 9/29/2014 :


來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)

及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而 是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。


9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到





Hardworking Team. and lots of person bring their computers & note book and 手機 和 平板...............

很多年輕媒體 friends 坐最後一排, 當天12:18 發網路新聞. ( Vicky 有照下歷史性的一刻......)

問答時間!!!環保外交 :

左邊 : Ms. Jenny  (Prof.  Hc Jenny Chien 行政院環境保護署溫減管理室參事兼執行秘書簡慧貞 ) : 行政院環境保護署 簡慧貞參事 兼 溫減管理室執行秘書

EPA 行政院環境保護署參事兼溫減管理室執行秘書 / ( 專家學者. 簡慧貞委員.  )

Ms. Jenny's 專長 : 空氣污染防制/氣候變遷與國際合作/溫室氣體管理/風險評估及管理/車輛管理/經營管理/公共衛生/環境衛生 & ...............

 『本 次研討會邀請到 Dr. 童慶斌 & 三位國際級氣候變遷專家 & .......,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。』

面對氣候變遷,除了減緩還有調適工作,這次台美合作,共同舉辦泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會,邀請美國氣候變遷專家來台,包含 US EPA、 Prof. 瑋柏 &  NOAA 等專家學者參加,還有邀請各島嶼、東南亞國家的代表,精彩。

 9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到


 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 9/29/2014 也有被 tv news 專訪喔. 原視(原住民 tv台) & 大愛台 9/29 有來專訪她 ( Prof. 郭士筠 ). 相信大家在 tv news & youtube videos 有看到. 我也照她. 近日內貼出 9/29 聽演講的照片集 on Vicky FB.

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.


9月29日 · 編輯紀錄

行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。

郭博士 主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。


詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會




9/29 :環保署舉辦「2014 第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會」。邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、美國伊利諾大學等專家學者訪臺進行專題演講,並積 極邀請泛太平洋地區聯合國氣候談判代表與專家來臺與會,促進泛太平洋地區(特別是易受氣候變遷衝擊之長海岸線島嶼或國家)氣候變遷調適政策與行動的交流。

島 嶼所面臨的氣候變遷衝擊,例如海平面上升、水資源匱乏等問題和大陸類型國家所遭遇的挑戰有諸多差異。而調適策略包含軟(觀念、政策)、硬(基礎建設)體更 新,例如濱海土地與生態系統之保育,和妥當的建築與聚落型態之規劃等;同時須仰賴國際合作與技術支援。臺灣位於泛太平洋樞紐位置,願意積極從自身海島國的 氣候變遷調適經驗出發,推動國際社會相互合作,交流且輸出自身技術與治理的經驗,共同建立面對氣候變遷的夥伴關係。

本次研討會邀請到三位 國際級氣候變遷專家,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。期許透過與會專家激盪與交流各國的觀點與經驗,期能創造本研討會的前瞻性,同時提升臺灣在氣候變遷 調適的國際能見度。

環保署溫減管理室 簡慧貞 執行秘書 :

9/29/2014 : 2014 PAN PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION : ONE OF GOOD SPECIAL PHOTOS : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290613984480148/290613947813485/?type=1&theater



行政院環境保護署 United State Environmental Protection Agency


天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司 環興科技股份有限公司

清碳聯盟 www.climatechange.tw (Facebook)

Taiwan ZOOM 中華航空公司 台灣立凱電能科技股份有限公司

國立臺灣大學能源研究中心 財團法人清潔生產與區域發展基金會





環保外交 :

全球增溫1度 前10%強降雨增加兩倍 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報

環 保署 9/29/2014 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」in Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. ,中研院院士劉紹臣表示,全球增溫1度,颱風所帶來的前10%暴雨就會增加兩倍。「2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」邀請3位國際級氣候變遷專家,分別是美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles、我國中央研究院劉紹臣院士及美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins,就美國國家氣候評估報告、泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適、科學與氣候服務等議題發表專題演講。

#climatepartner : 清碳聯盟 :環保署第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會對抗氣候變遷/區域網路及夥伴正啟動ing線上關注


 『本 次研討會邀請到 Dr. 童慶斌 & 三位國際級氣候變遷專家 & .......,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。』

面對氣候變遷,除了減緩還有調適工作,這次台美合作,共同舉辦泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會,邀請美國氣候變遷專家來台,包含 US EPA、 Prof. 瑋柏 &  NOAA 等專家學者參加,還有邀請各島嶼、東南亞國家的代表,精彩。


 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 9/29/2014 也有被 tv news 專訪喔. 原視(原住民 tv台) & 大愛台 9/29 有來專訪她 ( Prof. 郭士筠 ). 相信大家在 tv news & youtube videos 有看到. 我也照她. 近日內貼出 9/29 聽演講的照片集 on Vicky FB.

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.


9月29日 · 編輯紀錄

行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。

Ms. 郭博士 主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。


詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會



瓊安娜 蕾  = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩  good speech!  I also like her good speech.

小魚是活的喔!   我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video.  我近日會貼出 photos & video.  很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字的意義和含意!!!

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.

環保外交  & several photos on  : Blog in English, also for Twitter  AND   Google Plus  for  friends.



1. 行政院環境保護署 魏署長國彥
2. 美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles
3. 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 劉院士紹臣
4. 美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins
5. 雷倩  博士
6. Prof.  Hc Jenny Chien 行政院環境保護署溫減管理室參事兼執行秘書簡慧貞

美國伊利諾大學教授兼美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者-Donald J. Wuebbles,9月29日對抗氣候變遷~ 2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會將為我們帶來精彩的演講!

目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士-劉紹臣 正針對Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

劉 紹臣院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國 前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻 #climatepartner




1. 沙畫表演 (09:55-10:10)

2. 揭幕儀式與大合照 (12:30-13:00): 行政院環境保護署署長魏國彥、溫室氣體減量基礎建設策進會雷倩理事長、美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles、中央研究院環境變遷研究中心劉紹臣院士、美國在台協會酈英傑副處長、美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins、太平洋地區小島開發中國家氣候變遷專家代表、行政院環境保護署溫減管理室參事兼執行秘書簡慧貞等。


詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會



 『本次研討會邀請到 Dr. 童慶斌 & 三位國際級氣候變遷專家 & .......,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。』


* photos on : http://ccs.gov2.tw/en/node/1638



不要買山寨機: 環保署空保處副處長簡慧貞說,她最擔心年輕人買山寨機。因為合法上市的手機,SAR值(Specific Absorption Rate)電磁波能量吸收比值,必須合乎NCC 2.0w/kg以下的規定,但山寨機電磁波標準難以保證。







English as below :


 "Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."   in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.

2014 Pan Pacific Partnership on Climate Change Adaptation :

Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang  & Dr. Liu & Dr. Lei & Dr. Jenny Chien  & Dr. CHI-NMING PENG & ............   : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.


PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/a.132913976916817.1073741828.128721014002780/289556871252526/?type=1&theater


************************************************** **************

In response to climate change scholars called on all countries committed to carbon reduction

Time: 2014-09-29 20:26 News citing: CNA

Environmental scholar Weber (Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles) 9/29/2014, said the impact of climate change has resulted in the world, everyone could become climate refugees, appealed jointly to reduce carbon emissions in order to cope with climate change.

Environmental Protection Agency 9/29/2014 hold "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership," Shaw Chen Liu invited Academia Sinica, the National Climate Assessment Report author Weber (Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles) and other domestic experts and scholars to discuss the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods, and other issues.

Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said, after a long study found that the Pan-Pacific region over the past 10 years temperatures increased by about 1 degree Celsius, causing water vapor in the atmosphere increased by 7%, so strong typhoon rainfall intensity increased by 200%, which is pan-Pacific countries face common problems.

(Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles) Weber believes that Taiwan is not only surrounded by the sea, as well as the special geographical and geological factors, the recent extreme weather has been a profound experience serious harm to the island country, so the people must fulfill our obligations to reduce carbon emissions .

Weber said that climate change has an impact on the world, everyone could become climate refugees, the Pan-Pacific countries should jointly reduce carbon emissions in response to climate change, and called for the establishment of partnerships between countries in order to make the Earth's environmental sustainability.

from: http://news.rti.org.tw/news/detail/?recordId=139702


Qing Carbon Alliance shared a link. September 29

Shaw Chen Liu: Enhanced warming effect of typhoon - Taiwan awake reported Awakening News Networks

Extreme rainfall, and global warming can not get away. Climate experts, Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu ======= RE: "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" & "adaptation is not an option, but a hope" & everyone could become climate refugees, clear carbon Alliance write:
September 29

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future of hope

Taiwan with other countries to jointly promote climate change related work, EPA Environmental Protection Agency organized the "International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" on 9/29/2014, the participating countries for climate change plans are long-term partners with high degree of consensus, expectations beyond geographical boundaries, Gongtongyanshang effective strategies to face the impact of climate change and information platform to share experiences with each other, work together towards sustainable future.

DEP Kuo-Yen Wei his speech said that for foreign guests warmly welcome from afar, the time of the seminar organized by the echoes just recently held in New York the UN climate summit countries are expected to work together to face the impact of climate change caused; EPA long-term commitment to participate in international climate change network, creating opportunities in Taiwan and the international convergence to facilitate the rapid convergence or accumulate rapidly enhance international capabilities and resources, the guardian of sustainable development in Taiwan.

The meeting invitation from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asian countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam , Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event) and domestic experts for response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.

The Academy of Shaw Chen Liu said the trend showing the abundance of rainfall is more abundant, more dry dry trend, resulting in increased rainfall concentrated number of days of drought, and because of topography, land use planning for the future should be more consideration mountainous ecological conservation, reducing people's loss of life and property. Dr. Higgins American Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Department (NOAA) Climate Program Office, Dr. Wayne Higgins to his participation in the American experience Presidential Climate Action Plan, said the United States plans to provide a bit more than the United States Department of governments at all levels of social face of climate ready to change, and thus collaborative work with countries to climate change, NOAA have the role to provide basic information and interpretation of climate, climate change, materials and simulation tools to support the operation of the United States President's climate Action plan, it is the hope and national work together.

Workshop summary report notes that Pan Pacific is indeed facing a serious problem of climate change, and our common adjustment problems common similarities, for adaptation to climate change of the law, policy, human resources, education, technology and funds are still needed international collaboration, communicate with each other from the experience. Climate services, the regional climate change of data sharing, the impact of climate change on the socio-economic, simulated scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions, the impact of the economic analysis of each of the different aspects of the face of climate change issues in our region is very important, is the goal we need efforts. Future climate change adaptation should strengthen research and education exchanges and promotion, face toward the establishment of a climate change adaptation for the Pacific Alliance partnership, established platform for research partners plan, regular exchanges and cooperation and communication, staff interaction visits and organizing international seminars and other related matters.

The meeting attracted more than 250 from various industry, government, academia representatives and the general public to participate and synchronization provides online live, so that people can not personally participating more, watch the brilliant speech of the meeting and lively discussion.


************************************************** *************

In response to climate change scholars called on all countries committed to carbon reduction

Time: 2014-09-29 20:26 News citing: CNA

Environmental scholar Weber (Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles) 9/29/2014, said the impact of climate change has resulted in the world, everyone could become climate refugees, appealed jointly to reduce carbon emissions in order to cope with climate change.

Environmental Protection Agency 9/29/2014 hold "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership," Shaw Chen Liu invited Academia Sinica, the National Climate Assessment Report author Weber (Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles) and other domestic experts and scholars to discuss the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods, and other issues.

Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said, after a long study found that the Pan-Pacific region over the past 10 years temperatures increased by about 1 degree Celsius, causing water vapor in the atmosphere increased by 7%, so strong typhoon rainfall intensity increased by 200%, which is pan-Pacific countries face common problems.
PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/a.132913976916817.1073741828.128721014002780/289556871252526/?type=1&theater

(Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles) Weber believes that Taiwan is not only surrounded by the sea, as well as the special geographical and geological factors, the recent extreme weather has been a profound experience serious harm to the island country, so the people must fulfill our obligations to reduce carbon emissions .

Weber said that climate change has an impact on the world, everyone could become climate refugees, the Pan-Pacific countries should jointly reduce carbon emissions in response to climate change, and called for the establishment of partnerships between countries in order to make the Earth's environmental sustainability.

from: http://news.rti.org.tw/news/detail/?recordId=139702


Qing Carbon Alliance shared a link. September 29

Shaw Chen Liu: Enhanced warming effect of typhoon - Taiwan awake reported Awakening News Networks

Extreme rainfall, and global warming can not get away. Climate experts, Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu.


How should climate change due to island VIDEO:! Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtheNcrZVLY


NOAA's official website published Dr. Wayne Higgins to visit Taiwan to attend seminars news:! CPO Director to attend the 1st Pan Pacific International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation
Climate Program Office Director Wayne Higgins is scheduled to attend the Pan Pacific International Conference on Climate Change Agenda (PPICCA) in ...


CPO Director to attend the 1st Pan Pacific International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation

Climate Program Office Director Wayne Higgins is scheduled to attend the Pan Pacific International Conference on Climate Change Agenda (PPICCA) in Taipei, Taiwan from Sept. 26 - Oct. 3, 2014.

Dr. Higgins will provide a Keynote presentation on US and NOAA activities related to climate change resilience. With an emphasis on the President's Climate Action Plan. He will also provide a second panel presentation on specific NOAA capabilities and products related to climate adaptation using both domestic and international examples.

Additional side meetings include a bilateral discussion to explore future collaborative work between the Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency and NOAA, as well as a visit and presentation to the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB). Dr. Higgins will be accompanied by John Marra (NESIDS / NCDC Regional Climate Services Director for the Pacific region) and Sky Yang (NWS / NCEP). Other US participants include EPA and academic representatives.


Weather Daren Peng Qiming posted self-cleaning Carbon Alliance
At 23:52 on September 26 ·

Change Adaptation Pan Pacific International Seminar organized by partners in Taiwan climate, first arrived it took three days to arrive in Taiwan Tuvalu climate change negotiator, HE Mr. Pasuna Tuaga, I hope you can take a moment and the next few days his interaction.


Delta's Wu Yujuan out of a book, reference




The third arrived in Taiwan guests from Hawaii, is in charge of NOAA in Hawaii responsible for climate services. # Climatepartner


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event).

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member,

Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.


Climate Change Partnership area!      #Climatepartner

RE: "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" & "adaptation is not an option, but a hope" & everyone could become climate refugees,

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future of hope

Taiwan with other countries to jointly promote climate change related work, EPA Environmental Protection Agency organized the "International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" on 9/29/2014, the participating countries for climate change plans are long-term partners with high degree of consensus, expectations beyond geographical boundaries, Gongtongyanshang effective strategies to face the impact of climate change and information platform to share experiences with each other, work together towards sustainable future.

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice / several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

Details available to the International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation 2014 Pan-Pacific Partnership:

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice - Life - Liberty Times Newsletter

EPA 9/29 organized the "International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership 2014 Pan Pacific," Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said that the global warming of 1 degree, the typhoon brought heavy rain before the 10% will increase twice.

 "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" invited three international experts in climate change, namely the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, academician of Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu and the United States Climate Program Office Dr. Wayne Higgins, the U.S. national Climate assessment Report, the Pan-Pacific climate change adaptation, climate science and services and other topics keynote speech.


9/29/2014 wonderful large 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Partnership & online seminar ON LIVE = ZOOM simulcast / can slide the phone, we do very well and very complete 9/29 important climate Transition seminar (FREE SPEECH): 5 PHOTOS by Prof. Jenny & Dr. Peng

Before the end of the afternoon session, before the end of the meeting to send a gift

Limited edition print whale umbrella (worth 1000 yuan)
Black bear card sets
Polar bear card sets


All Dr. & Prof : Joanna Lei,Hc Chien,Chi-Ming Peng,Shaw-Chen Liu,Guo  &  Dr.  童   of several English words & several  photos on blog on :


blog : 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership TWN

PHOTOS ON BLOG - 3 : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330984069


photo : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/a.132913976916817.1073741828.128721014002780/289556871252526/?type=1&theater

DM WITH POWER POINT  .pdf  INFORMATION : http://www.accupass.com/go/2014taiwanppicca

# Climatepartner

  What is adaptation? (7 photos)

What adaptation is? Meaning of "adaptation" ~ ~


RE: Prof. Shaw Chen Liu GOOD SPEECH.

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions

Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Qing Carbon Alliance added 30 photos.

Shaw Chen Liu Academy of Sciences. #Climatepartner

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to the climate change research

Qing Carbon Alliance

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician: Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research



BLOG : (Words in English)  http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330958242

Donald J. Wuebbles,Wayne Higgins,Anhthu Hoang: 9/29 Taiwan, R.O.C. FORMOSA

* several photos on  : Blog in English, also for Twitter  AND   Google Plus  for  friends.


Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Anhthu Hoang environmental justice commissioner, her speech about the United States after Hurricane Sandy brought severe disasters, the federal government and local organizations on how public-private partnerships, joint reconstruction, while strengthening the disaster area disaster response force.

Hurricane Sandy invasion of New York in 2012, affecting 23 million inhabitants, the second largest in American history, resulting in significant economic losses.
President Obama to create a National Disaster Response Framework (NDRF), based on the reconstruction and the joint efforts of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies.

9/29 are delighted to have Dr. Anhthu Hoang EPA environmental justice experts, share reconstruction Hurricane Sandy: the federal government and local partners to establish a fair disaster response force


The final seminar, invited to the National Taiwan University Biological Environmental Systems Engineering

Professor, Department - Dr. Tong Qingbin for cross-cutting risk assessment and response force to construct introduced. We can understand the different countries face meetings impact of climate change coping capacity.

Dr. Tong Qingbin area of expertise focuses on climate change research, environmental systems analysis, sustainable land and water resources. The speech mentioned Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan, Kaohsiung Kobayashi was the village of issues related to the impact of climate change in 2009.

Climate change impact island facing challenges such as rising sea levels, water scarcity and other problems encountered by countries and continents types have many differences, and thus adapt international seminar focusing on the island or have a long coastline facing the region, such as the impact of rising sea levels adaptation as also invited Taiwan experts to share experience and technology in Taiwan adjustment tools, and explore the climate change vulnerability and build resilience, hope to work with experts on behalf of the Pan Pacific depth exchange.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 ·

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), and sustainable development of.


Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future hope of 9/29/2014:


"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.



Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership



Wonderful "2014 Pan Pacific First International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation" Less /// Environmental Protection Agency Management Office Executive Secretary Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien): good speech !!

  Environmental Protection Agency Management Office Executive Secretary minus 3 photos.


Slide the phone to participate in climate change!

9/29/2014 really big full !!! sit empty seats !!! 1F outfield also close to the screen and chairs for people to listen to the speech OTC is also added two large beautiful fans .... ....... = too intimate and thoughtful. photograph the recently posted VICKY's FB.

Several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste
# Climatepartner



  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Lei & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


 Ms. Joanna Lei  Dr. . Lei good speech I also like her good speech / Dr. Lei Qian 9/29/2014, said: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!!" (I if one is stunning.)

 "Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Lei  / Prof. Lei and D. Peng Qiming Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny Jane Jenny Executive Secretary & ...... upload photos and FB Climatepartner day lecture clocking speed ultrafast . good & great !!

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

3 photos: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290614791146734/290614727813407/?type=1&theater


Slide the phone to participate in climate change!

9/29/2014 really big full !!! sit empty seats !!! 1F outfield also close to the screen and chairs for people to listen to the speech OTC is also added two large beautiful fans .... ....... = too intimate and thoughtful. photograph the recently posted VICKY's FB.

Several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Afternoon field first invited to Ms. Irene Nielson EPA Climate Change Commissioner

For US EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
EPA climate change adaptation policies and tools for speech.

On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste

# Climatepartner


Climate total pen

Hashtag (topic labels)

Can be seen as marking "event" to use, so if you use # Cooking can establish links with other people the same tags, so that we can quickly find related topics, so it was also translated into the Hashtag "theme label "


Facebook # Hashtag feature that allows participants to share experiences in real-time on fb, you can search for this event marked #climatepartner all share (share are required to be disclosed to the search)


On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value Ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste


************************************************** *****************

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future hope of 9/29/2014:


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event)

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.


9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste


Climate total pen



Hardworking Team. And lots of person bring their computers & note book and phone and tablet ...............

Many young media friends to sit in the last row, the day 12:18 Fat network news. (Vicky there under as a historic moment ......)

Q & A !!!      Environmental Diplomacy:

On the left: Ms. Jenny (Prof. Hc Jenny Chien Environmental Protection Agency management room temperature minus counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny): Environmental Protection Agency chief counselor Jane Jenny management room temperature minus Executive Secretary

EPA Environmental Protection Agency Management Counsellor and room temperature minus the Executive Secretary / (experts Jane Jenny committee.)

Ms. Jenny's expertise: air pollution control / climate change and international cooperation / greenhouse gas management / risk assessment and management / vehicle management / business management / public health / environmental health & ............. ..

  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.

  9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste



  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Lei & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 · Edit Record

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), and sustainable development of.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Watch Online


9/29: EPA held "2014 Pan Pacific First International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation." Invitation from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric experts Administration Climate Program Office of Science, University of Illinois, United States to Taiwan deliver the keynote speech, and the Pan-Pacific region actively invite UN climate negotiators meeting with experts to Taiwan to promote Pan Pacific regions (especially vulnerable to the impact of climate change long coastline island or country) climate change adaptation policies and actions of the exchange.

The impact of climate change facing the island, such as rising sea levels, challenges such as water scarcity issues and the mainland types encountered in the country there are many differences. The coping strategies included soft (concepts, policies), hard (infrastructure) body updates, for example, coastal land conservation and ecological systems, and proper planning of buildings and settlement patterns, etc.; also be required to rely on international cooperation and technical support.

Taiwan is located in the Pan Pacific hub location, willing to actively adapt to climate change from the island country's own experience, and promote mutual cooperation in the international community, and the output of their own experience exchange technology and governance, jointly established the face of climate change partnerships.

The seminar invited to the three international climate change expert for "climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)" and "Climate Change Vulnerability and restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building) "both share the theme of lectures and practice. Expectations of views and experiences through agitation and the exchange of national experts, the period of the workshop to create forward-looking, and enhance Taiwan's international visibility of climate change adaptation in.

EPA management room temperature minus Jane Jenny Executive Secretary:

9/29/2014: 2014 PAN PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: ONE OF GOOD SPECIAL PHOTOS: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290613984480148/290613947813485/?type=1&theater




Environmental Protection Agency United State Environmental Protection Agency


Weather Risk Management Xing Technology Development Co., Ltd. Central

Qing Carbon Alliance www.climatechange.tw (Facebook)

Taiwan's China Airlines, Taiwan ZOOM Li Kai Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Energy Research Center, National Taiwan University, Institute for Clean Production and Regional Development Foundation


Will in particular invite:

1 Director of State Environmental Protection Administration Wei Yan

2 U.S. National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles

3 Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica Academician Liu Shao-chen

4 U.S. Climate Program Office, Dr. Wayne Higgins

5 Dr. Lei Qian

6. Prof. Hc Jenny Chien Environmental Protection Agency Room temperature minus management counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny

Professor at the University of Illinois and the United States National Climate Assessment Report author -Donald J. Wuebbles,  9/29 against climate change ~ 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership will bring us a wonderful speech!

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research # climatepartner

To participate in the Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership Initiative.

- Major media to come interview -

News footage:

1 sand painting show (   9: 55-10: 10)

2 unveiling ceremony and a group photo (12: 30-13: 00): Director of Environmental Protection, Executive Yuan Kuo-Yen Wei, greenhouse gas reduction strategies into infrastructure will 雷倩 chairman of the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, Research Center for environmental Changes, Academia Sinica academician Shaw Chen Liu, Li Yingjie American Institute in Taiwan, Deputy Director, United States Climate program office, Dr. Wayne Higgins, small island developing countries, climate change experts representing the Pacific region, the temperature at the environmental Protection Agency Less management room counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny and so on.

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership



  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.

Watch Online

  Online Climate Change Seminar https://sites.google.com/site/2014ppicca/zoomonline



Environmental Diplomacy:

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice - Life - Liberty Times Newsletter

EPA 9/29/2014 hold "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said that the global warming of 1 degree, the typhoon brought heavy rain will increase before the 10% twice. "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" invited three international experts in climate change, namely the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, academician of Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu and the United States Climate Program Office Dr. Wayne Higgins, the U.S. national Climate assessment Report, the Pan-Pacific climate change adaptation, climate science and services and other topics keynote speech.

#Climatepartner: clear carbon Alliance: EPA first session of the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation combat climate change / LAN and partners are start ing online attention


  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 · Edit Record

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Ms. Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), sustainable development.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


9/29/2014: Prof. Liu & Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles & Prof. Peng & Prof. Jenny & Prof. L. & .................... ..... etc.

TV NEWS. / BLOG. / Climate Change / Good speech.

Location: Taiwan's Lin Ze Hall University School of Law International Conference Hall (Taipei City Xinhai Sec on the 30th)


Ms. Jenny's expertise: air pollution control / climate change and international cooperation / greenhouse gas management / risk assessment and management / vehicle management / business management / public health / environmental health & ...........


9/29/2014 again also very happy to hear Miss Lei Qian's speech:

Joanna Lei Ms. 雷倩 said:: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!! good speech!" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level "///// I also like her good speech /.. Dr. Lei Qian 9/29/2014, said: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!!" (the words of one of my very stunning.)


Ms. Joanna Lei.  / Prof. Lei and D. Peng Qiming Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny Jane Jenny Executive Secretary & ...... upload photos and FB Climatepartner day lecture clocking speed ultrafast . good & great !!

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Afternoon field first invited to Ms. Irene Nielson EPA Climate Change Commissioner

For US EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
EPA climate change adaptation policies and tools for speech.
On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.


3 photos:




* Photos on: http://ccs.gov2.tw/en/node/1638



Do not buy a cottage: EPA Air Quality Protection Department Deputy Director Jane Jenny said she was most worried about the young man bought the cottage. Because legitimate cell phones, SAR value (Specific Absorption Rate) electromagnetic energy absorption ratio, must meet the requirements NCC 2.0w / kg or less, but the cottage electromagnetic standard is difficult to guarantee.

http: //www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/article.action ......



http: //energymonthly.tier.org.tw/outdatecontent.asp ......

http: //taichung.sambacode.com /....../% E6% 88% 91% E5% 9C ......


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Lei good speech! I also like her good speech.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Lei & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


因 2014年( 9/29/2014 大盛事 : 9/29 精彩的大型知名 的 「第一屆泛太平洋 氣候變遷調適伙伴國際研討會」/  因 應氣候變遷確是長期投入.具高度挑戰也充滿機會的艱鉅任務 /  2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會 & 線上氣候) 有邀請過 越南 講者 & 泰國 講者 & 菲律賓 講者 , 故下列有這三種語文  :

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 9/29/2014

區域網路及夥伴正啟動ing線上關注 調適/  Ms. Joanna Lei. = Dr. 雷倩 說: : "越難的事, 越要去做!

2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership   in  Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Dr. Joanna Lei, Dr. Hc Chien,  Dr. Chi-Ming Peng,  Dr.Shaw-Chen Liu,  Dr. Guo,  Dr. 童, ............

Dr.Wayne Higgins,  Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles,  Dr. Anhthu Hoang & ........: in TWN,R.O.C.

全球增溫1度 前10%強降雨增加兩倍/3位國際級氣候變遷專家/美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員

大氣二氧化碳濃度升幅30年來最高/聯合國氣候高峰會/清碳聯盟#Climatepartner Joanna Lei


清碳聯盟/美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員/童慶斌博士跨領域風險評估與回復力建構進行介紹

#climatepartner : 清碳聯盟 :環保署第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會對抗氣候變遷/


RE :  Sharing Speech Photos in several languages words  : 我曾參加好幾次環教學會所辦精彩演講的活動照片集&"走出「環境」,「教育」出走"研討會和世界公民咖啡館 World Caf'e佛光山 :

319 photos with several languages  (當時 2013 年 沈世宏 署長 也有去, 我也有照到他. ) 相關的環教 .

International Environmental Education Symposium:Encounter, Crossover and Exchange with Cultural Innovation, Economic Industry, Disaster Reduction and Film Dissemination    


in 5 languages / words : FB PHOTOS BOOK ON :  https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.571224249579672.100000763055653&type=3   

Dr. CHI-MING Peng PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103413125089&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater



*** 葉欣誠 副署長 說: " 開始學習, 發揮潛能, 放開心胸, 換位思考, 堅持理想, 務實作為, 多交朋友, 放下框架, 從小開始, 從大處看 "  and   *** Dr. S. C. Yeh 葉欣誠 副署長 有詳談 : " 熱情, 內容, 知識, 整合, 傳播 "   


Dr. CHI-MING PENG PHOTOS : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103413125089&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater

Prof. Peng  Photo -2 : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103273125103&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater

環教學會辦的活動. / 有講"環境整合"的演講 / 葉欣誠 副署長 的 演講題目 : " 環境教育的框架, 超越與擴散 ".

葉欣誠副署長主持! 葉欣誠 教授是 "環保大使" !! ^_^ 


*** Dr. S. C. Yeh 葉欣誠 副署長 有詳談 : " 熱情, 內容, 知識, 整合, 傳播 " and " 跨領域, 打破框架, 跨越思考, 部會整合 ...... " , 談"策略思考........." , & ............ : 


イェ 欣誠 副長官は葉、サブブランドのスタンド(この写真は親切暁会長Lairongたの副所長で(ハンサムなホストが最高の葉司会主宰副長官です。  
世界市民カフェワールドCaf'e  "環境統合 


外國人講 " Be out there " 觀念 



Phillippines words :

 菲律賓 文 :

May talk tungkol sa " Pangkapaligiran Pagsasama " speech / Deputy Director Dr. Xin Cheng YEH g Paksa: kapaligiran edukasyon framework , lampas at pagsasabog  /  

*** best " Chief Deputy EPA EPA ang Director Deputy Director Dr. Xin Cheng YEH " aralin ( Paksa: kapaligiran edukasyon framework , lampas at pagsasabog );     


 越南文 : Tôi cũng mang hai cuốn sách Ye Tân Để ca ngợi không ?


 泰文   319 สำนักงาน กลาง ของกิจกรรม การเรียนการสอน ที่น่าตื่นเต้น ภาพถ่าย สโมสร เมื่อปีที่แล้ว และ 8/27 & 2013/08/28 ฉันเข้าร่วม กิจกรรมการเรียนรู้ กลาง สโมสร ที่น่าตื่นเต้นมาก ภาพ เก็บ อัลบั้ม Essence จัด : ( ไม่ได้ ถ่ายรูป ลง จะเป็นเรื่องง่าย ที่จะลืม มัน )  


 p.s.  外國人- 2 : Elizabeth Soper 談 Back to School : Back Outside ; How Outdoor Education and Outdoor School Time Create High Performance Students

Ms. Elizabeth Soper : < Associate Director of Eco-Schools USA at National Wildlife Federation >

講 Be out there & Get kids outside....... 和
Dr. CHI-MING PENG ( 彭啟明 博士 ) = 

我在偷拍你們的 彭啟明 博士. Dr. Chi-Ming Peng 他拿攝影器材錄影, 後來他上台演講.     


我參加 環教學會 所辦的很精彩的活動的照片集精華相簿 : (沒拍照下來會容易忘記呀.)  




* 2013年 " 走出「環境」,「教育」出走 " — 與文創、產業、防災、傳播的初相見 國際學術研討會 / " 跨領域, 打破框架, 跨越思考, 整合部會, ...... " , 談"策略思考......" / ............ :


*** 葉欣誠 副署長 說: " 開始學習, 發揮潛能, 放開心胸, 換位思考, 堅持理想, 務實作為, 多交朋友, 放下框架, 從小開始, 從大處看 "
///  欣誠 副署長 : 勤政愛民眾, 關心環保和環教!  ///

*2013年環境教育 國際學術研討會 :
8/27/2013 有 " 葉欣誠 S. C. Yeh 副署長 " & 王鑫 教授....... 


我特別帶來給大家看 和參考 用免費的回收品 抽出 鋁泊包內的紙 做成的 硬紙相框, 很神奇吧! 很好用喔! 都夠環保吧! 我特別拿去當環教的教材教育講解一下讓當場的參加者了解 " 資源回收再利用變黃金" 的實例和實用性 和 紙的觸感超優的... .........


6/29/2012 我為了拍照給大家看照片 我還差點大跌倒(往後跌倒): 我細胞死超多的ㄌㄟ........ = 真是辛苦呀!! 有沒有很用心. 有誰知道ㄌㄟ???⋯


教 地球科學 的 謝隆欽 教授常上報紙和電子媒體....是位很好的老師. 很開心聽他演講. 他是我灣程去聽演講的理由之二. 第一次看到握了好臉友老師......, 他的 FB 我都看過, 此螢幕網頁我也造訪過.....

劉廣英 教授 ( = 他是演講者之一 ) 來坐我前面. 我很高興和幸運和很開心地在後座聽 劉廣英 教授 和他好友談話&聊天.


副館長 蘇小姐也很感動ㄌㄟ.

兩份 貼葉花片 相本 (壓花) 是我的!! 兩張花草貼是我辛苦得來的. 葉子我貼的.

我特別帶來給大家看 和參考 用免費的回收品 抽出 鋁泊包內的紙 做成的 硬紙相框, 很神奇吧! 很好用喔! 都夠環保吧! 我特別拿去當環教的教材教育講解一下讓當場的參加者了解和觸紙.........

圓型環保再生的紙墊, 我送一個給鄉長 & SHOW 給大家看可做成這些環保紙墊 : 鋁柏紙的回收加工做成的兩種好東西. 副館長 蘇小姐也很感動ㄌㄟ.
那天光看蘇小姐副館長的表情和她說話的內容 ; 我就好驚喜和開心喔~! 那天我也一直笑 & smile / smiling.


6/29/2012 我為了拍照給大家看照片 我還差點大跌倒(往後跌倒): 我細胞死超多的ㄌㄟ........ = 真是辛苦呀!! 有沒有很用心. 有誰知道ㄌㄟ???
photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569963539705743&set=a.571224249579672&type=1&theater



我有拍照片才會有記憶! 我跟大家分享環教演講 (環教免費課程) 照片集! 我以前拍的 (當時是臺灣師範大學的 葉欣誠 環教所所長 主持的研討會) 綠色大學 Green University 也很不錯!! 也很精彩!! 請看我 FB 的 3 VIDEOS & My Youtube Videos & Blogs 我有用 movie maker 弄的 "兩岸 綠色大學 videos......." ^_^

3 VIDEOS ON FB : https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=vb.100000763055653&type=2

徐教授 : 很認真做事的人.


2 張指示牌 : 主辦人超用心!! 怕人走錯方向耶! 拍拍手! 我有照片才會有記憶!

認真的 徐教授 指導熱心的同學們佈置6/30/2012 的會場. 很好的紙示方向圖. 還有SEVERAL 腳印圖 在地上ㄌㄟ = 主辦人 很有用心是吧! (我6/29/2012 特別偷照下來給大家看)

我超用心的吧. 6/29/2012 連此海報也特定照下分享給大家看....

看的出我的用心嗎?? 6/29/2012 暖身 & 6/30/2012 重頭戲

海報不錯喔!!  (特別拍徐教授, 真不好意思故意拍您, 徐老師呀! 徐老師去年也很認真在打點各細節我都有觀查到並拍下他和同學們辛苦的一面.) 


A. 左2 : 官大偉 助理教授 講的"環教"講的超好.

柳中明 教授 演講 耶!! 我第一次終於有來聽看到 鼎鼎大名的名教授 柳中明 老師的演講.

B. 左一的 來自台東 的 廖中勳 總幹事講的很好.

Mr. 廖中勳 總幹事 好真誠喔!!! 好古意剛開始"站起來演講"", 後來主持人請他可坐下來演講 , 他的學弟 會後 特別去拍(照)他......... , 我有看到耶! ^_^

中間 : 李奇嶽 助理教授 也講的好, 我很驚喜看到他本人, 我說怎這麼面熟呢.

官大偉 助理教授 談 環教 內容 第2好, 講的好完整喔.... 講的太好了. 官大偉 助理教授 : 都沒想到我會稱讚到 官大偉 助理教授 & 廖中勳 總幹事 ............ etc. ( 費心用心用功的 葉副署長欣誠 演講內容講的最好! ........ ^_^ )


哇! 有 鼎鼎大名的名教授 柳中明 教授耶! 中華低碳環境學會理事長:柳中明 教授.

** 國立政治大學民族學系 官大偉 助理教授 &
行政院環保署 EPA 政務 副署長 葉副署長欣誠 的演講 &
台東鹿野鄉永安社區 廖中勳 總幹事 &

國立台灣博物館 陳濟民 館長 &
國立雲林科技大學建築與室內設計系 的 邱上嘉 教授 &
中華低碳環境學會理事長 : 柳中明 教授 &
環境教育研究所 王鴻瑞 教授 ( 談 環教 ) &

臺北市鄉土教育中心 的 張欽鵬 主任 &
工業設計學系 的 呂琪昌 副教授 &
中華經濟研究院 李永展 博士 &
臺北城市科技大學數位媒體科技系 : 李奇嶽 助理教授 ........ = 演講內容講的很好!!! 他們一定沒想到會被稱讚!!!


還好我那2天都有去喔! 講者很多人都講的很精彩....!!! 官大偉 助理教授 & 廖中勳 總幹事 .... 講的"環教"講的超好. 還好我有去! 我特別照給大家看的.

*** 遠來自台東的 "台東鹿野鄉永安社區 廖中勳 總幹事 " ( 中間拿麥克風&中間"站著講" 的那位: = 好古意又很誠懇的廖總幹事. ) 好古意剛開始"站起來演講"", 後來主持人請他可坐下來演講 , (沒拍照下來會容易忘記呀.)


 / 有博物館館長的演講. / * 遠來自台東的 "台東鹿野鄉永安社區 廖中勳 總幹事 " ( 左邊坐著講的那位 / 拿麥克風講的左邊那位 廖中勳 先生 = 好古意又很誠懇的 廖 總幹事. ) 

* What you do for E.E. 環教???

Photo : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103826458381&set=a.569094166459347.1073741840.100000763055653&type=1&permPage=1  


葉欣誠副署長 葉欣誠 副署長 Dr. S. C. Yeh ( EPA Chief Deputy Director Deputy Director : Prof. S. C. Yeh ) 精彩演講. * 2013年 " 走出「環境」,「教育」出走 " — 與文創、產業、防災、傳播的初相見 國際學術研討會 / " 跨領域, 打破框架, 跨越思考, 部會整合, ...... " , 談"策略思考......" / 有詳談"資源再應用的材料". / 利用水庫淤泥再生利用做成得獎的陶釉盤或好棒的陶釉杯 ................ :

兩張(壓花)花草貼是我辛苦得來的. & 等它乾要等滿久的. 葉子我貼的.

超好用的 圓型環保再生的紙墊若上下層髒了就可斯下薄薄薄的一層紙, 還會剩下滿厚的環保再生的紙墊, 可撕大約12層以上, 真好用, 不用髒了就丟, 至少可用12次以上. 我撕過超好撕的, 我意外發現的方法真太環保和太廢物利用=可做出乾淨的好東西=太好了!! 希望大家知道這種好東西呀!! 


去年 境保護學會所辦的活動. / 有講"環境整合&環境教育"的演講 / 葉欣誠 副署長 Dr. S. C. Yeh 的 演講題目 : 環境教育的框架, 超越與擴散 / 利用水庫淤泥再生利用做成得獎的陶釉盤或好棒的陶釉杯 & '泥漿釉和水庫淤泥'的"再資源利用"做成更優質的器皿和杯盤 / 有講"文創和文化和產學和社區規畫整合....."的演講. / 有 傳播界的專家演講. / 有媒體人 TVBS 新聞部 Mr. 楊樺 主任 演講 / 有觀光業的專家演講. / 有講"建築和綠建築"的演講. / 低碳環境學會 : 柳中明 教授 談環保.... / 數位媒體科技系 : 李奇嶽 : 觀光業的 李奇嶽 助理教授和CEO. / 建築與室內設計系 的專家 / 國立台灣博物館 陳濟民 館長 / 政大民族學系 官大偉 助理教授 演講 E. E. = Environmental Education = Environmental Education / 原住民的演講者演講 / 有講"社區" / * 有 教過臺北師範大學的 ( 和 高雄師範大學的) 葉欣誠副署長 葉欣誠 副署長 Dr. S. C. Yeh ( EPA Chief Deputy Director Deputy Director : Prof. S. C. Yeh ) 精彩演講. *










Do 2014 (2014/09/29 sự kiện lớn: 9/29 tuyệt vời lớn nổi tiếng "Hội thảo quốc tế đầu tiên Pan-Thái Bình Dương về Thay đổi quan hệ đối tác thích ứng khí hậu" / phó với biến đổi khí hậu thực sự là một đầu tư dài hạn với một mức độ cao của thách thức cũng có đầy đủ các cơ hội. loa nhiệm vụ khó khăn / 2014 Pan Pacific Hội nghị chuyên đề quốc tế về thích ứng biến đổi khí hậu và khí hậu tác trực tuyến) đã mời Việt Nam và Philippines và Thái Lan loa loa, do đó có ba ngôn ngữ sau:


Từ Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường Hoa Kỳ, Đại dương và Khí quyển Quốc gia Văn phòng Chương trình khí hậu Cục Quản lý Khoa học, tổng cộng 10 hòn đảo và các nước Đông Nam Á 19 chuyên gia nước ngoài (bao gồm cả những người từ Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Việt Nam, Thái Lan, Malaysia , Philippines, Lào và các quan chức chính phủ các quốc gia khác tham gia vào sự kiện này)

Và các chuyên gia trong nước và các học giả, cho các phản ứng chính sách thích ứng biến đổi khí hậu, các phương pháp và công cụ để xây dựng một lực lượng khôi phục lại để khám phá những vấn đề này để chia sẻ. Người đoạt giải Nobel VIP, Hội Liên hiệp quốc về biến đổi khí hậu (IPCC) thành viên, Giáo sư Wu Bosi Đại học Illinois Giáo sư Donald J. Wuebbles cho biết tác động của biến đổi khí hậu ngày càng trở nên rõ ràng, tác động của sức khỏe, năng lượng, sinh thái và an toàn công nghiệp, chính phủ Hoa Kỳ tăng nhấn mạnh vào sự thích nghi khí hậu, tầm quan trọng của đánh giá rủi ro và thông tin liên lạc của đề nghị và nhấn mạnh "sự thích nghi không phải là một lựa chọn, nhưng hy vọng rằng" chúng tôi muốn đối mặt với sự lựa chọn của con đường hướng tới tương lai của hy vọng.


RE: Giáo sư Shaw Chen Liu BÀI PHÁT BIỂU GOOD.

Trung tâm hiện đang thay đổi môi trường nghiên cứu, Academia Sinica Viện - Shaw Chen Liu tích cực cho thích ứng với các tác động của sự nóng lên toàn cầu trong khu vực Pan Pacific

Pan-Thái Bình Dương biến đổi khí hậu thích ứng bài phát biểu thực hiện ~

Thanh Carbon Liên minh thêm 30 bức ảnh.

Shaw Chen Liu Academy of Sciences. #Climatepartner

Nghiên cứu Shaw Chen Liu Học viện tập trung vào hóa học khí quyển, chất lượng không khí, cán cân thanh toán của khí hiếm và các bình xịt, các chu trình sinh địa, biến đổi khí hậu. Và đã tham gia "Hội thẩm đa quốc gia Liên hợp quốc về biến đổi khí hậu", báo cáo nghiên cứu, và để hỗ trợ nhóm nghiên cứu với cựu Hoa Kỳ Phó Tổng thống Al Gore giành được giải thưởng Nobel hòa bình năm 2007. UNEP gửi thư cảm ơn bạn để ghi nhận những đóng góp của ông cho các nghiên cứu biến đổi khí hậu

Thanh Carbon Alliance

Trung tâm hiện đang thay đổi môi trường nghiên cứu, Academia Sinica Viện: Shaw Chen Liu tích cực cho thích ứng với các tác động của sự nóng lên toàn cầu trong khu vực Pan Pacific
Pan-Thái Bình Dương biến đổi khí hậu thích ứng bài phát biểu thực hiện ~

Nghiên cứu Shaw Chen Liu Học viện tập trung vào hóa học khí quyển, chất lượng không khí, cán cân thanh toán của khí hiếm và các bình xịt, các chu trình sinh địa, biến đổi khí hậu. Và đã tham gia "Hội thẩm đa quốc gia Liên hợp quốc về biến đổi khí hậu", báo cáo nghiên cứu, và để hỗ trợ nhóm nghiên cứu với cựu Hoa Kỳ Phó Tổng thống Al Gore giành được giải thưởng Nobel hòa bình năm 2007. UNEP gửi thư cảm ơn bạn để ghi nhận những đóng góp của mình để nghiên cứu biến đổi khí hậu #climatepartner


Hoan nghênh sự quan tâm liên tục của các thay đổi đối tác thích ứng Hội nghị chuyên đề năm 2014 Pan-Thái Bình Dương khí hậu quốc tế


Từ Hoa Kỳ Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường Bà Hoàng AnhThu công lý môi trường ủy, phát biểu của mình về Hoa Kỳ sau cơn bão Sandy mang lại thảm họa nghiêm trọng, chính phủ liên bang và các tổ chức địa phương về quan hệ đối tác công-tư cách, tái cấu trúc doanh, trong khi tăng cường các vùng bị thiên tai lực lượng ứng phó thảm họa.

Bão Sandy cuộc xâm lược của New York vào năm 2012, ảnh hưởng đến 23 triệu người, lớn thứ hai trong lịch sử nước Mỹ, dẫn đến thiệt hại kinh tế đáng kể.
Tổng thống Obama để tạo ra một khung đáp ứng thiên tai Quốc gia (NDRF), dựa trên việc tái thiết và nỗ lực chung của Hoa Kỳ Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường (EPA) và các cơ quan liên bang khác.

9/29 rất vui mừng được có Tiến sĩ Hoàng AnhThu EPA chuyên gia bảo vệ môi trường, chia sẻ xây dựng lại cơn bão Sandy: chính phủ liên bang và các đối tác địa phương để thiết lập một lực lượng phản ứng thảm họa công bằng


Hội thảo cuối cùng, được mời tham dự Đại học Kỹ thuật Quốc gia Đài Loan hệ thống sinh học môi trường

Giáo sư, Khoa - Tiến sĩ Tong Qingbin đánh giá rủi ro liên ngành và lực lượng phản ứng để xây dựng giới thiệu. Chúng ta có thể hiểu được những quốc gia khác nhau phải đối mặt với các cuộc họp tác động của biến đổi khí hậu đối phó năng lực.

Tiến sĩ Tống Qingbin lĩnh vực chuyên môn tập trung vào nghiên cứu biến đổi khí hậu, phân tích hệ thống môi trường, đất đai và tài nguyên nước bền vững. Các bài phát biểu đề cập đến cơn bão Morakot đánh Đài Loan, Kaohsiung Kobayashi là ngôi làng của các vấn đề liên quan đến tác động của biến đổi khí hậu trong năm 2009.

Biến đổi khí hậu tác động đảo phải đối mặt với những thách thức như mực nước biển dâng, sự khan hiếm nước và các vấn đề gặp phải của các nước và các châu lục loại có nhiều sự khác biệt, và do đó thích ứng với hội thảo quốc tế tập trung vào các hòn đảo hoặc có một bờ biển dài đối diện với khu vực, chẳng hạn như tác động của mực nước biển dâng thích ứng cũng như mời các chuyên gia Đài Loan để chia sẻ kinh nghiệm và công nghệ trong các công cụ điều chỉnh Đài Loan, và khám phá những thay đổi dễ bị tổn thương khí hậu và xây dựng khả năng phục hồi, hy vọng sẽ làm việc với các chuyên gia đại diện cho việc trao đổi sâu Pan Pacific.


"Raise Your Voice, Không Cấp biển." Đối tác khu vực để chống lại biến đổi khí hậu 2014/09/29

. LAN và các đối tác đang bắt đầu thích ứng ing sự chú ý trực tuyến / Bà Joanna Lei = Tiến sĩ 雷倩 nói :: "những điều khó khăn hơn, chúng ta càng nên làm điều đó!

2014 Pan-Thái Bình Dương hợp tác thích ứng biến đổi khí hậu tại Đài Bắc, Đài Loan, Trung Hoa Dân Quốc

Tiến sĩ Joanna Lei, Tiến sĩ Hc Chiến, Tiến sĩ Chi-Ming Peng, Dr.Shaw-Chen Liu, Tiến sĩ Guo, Tiến sĩ Tống, ............

Dr.Wayne Higgins, Tiến sĩ Donald J. Wuebbles, Tiến sĩ Hoàng AnhThu & ........: trong TWN, Trung Hoa Dân Quốc

Nóng lên toàn cầu một mức độ trước khi tăng 10% trong mưa lớn hai lần / ba chuyên gia biến đổi khí hậu quốc tế / EPA Bà Hoàng AnhThu công lý môi trường ủy

Sự gia tăng nồng độ carbon dioxide trong khí quyển lên đến 30 năm / hội nghị thượng đỉnh khí hậu của Liên Hợp Quốc / carbon rõ ràng Giải # Climatepartner Joanna Lei

Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu: sự nóng lên toàn cầu một lần, trước khi cơn bão mang mưa lớn sẽ tăng mười phần trăm hai trăm phần trăm, tăng khoảng 150% tại Đài Loan

Thanh carbon Alliance / EPA Bà Hoàng AnhThu công lý môi trường ủy viên / Tong Qingbin Tiến sĩ đánh giá rủi ro liên ngành và xây dựng lực lượng khôi phục lại giới thiệu

# Climatepartner: rõ ràng Alliance carbon: EPA phiên họp đầu tiên của Hội nghị chuyên đề quốc tế Pan-Thái Bình Dương về Biến đổi Khí hậu biến đổi khí hậu chống /


RE: Chia sẻ Speech hình ảnh trong một số ngôn ngữ lời nói: Tôi đã tham gia một số câu lạc bộ làm một vòng phát biểu tuyệt vời hoạt động giảng dạy Hình ảnh Album "ra khỏi" môi trường "," giáo dục "xuất hành" các cuộc hội thảo và công dân thế giới Cafe World Caf'e Fo Guang Shan :

319 bức ảnh với một số ngôn ngữ (sau đó năm 2013 Giám đốc Chen Shihong phải đi, tôi cũng có bóng anh ta.) Liên quan đến giáo dục môi trường.

Môi trường giáo dục quốc tế Hội nghị chuyên đề: gặp, Crossover và trao đổi với đổi mới văn hóa, kinh tế Công nghiệp, giảm nhẹ thiên tai và phổ biến phim


trong 5 ngôn ngữ / chữ: FB ẢNH VỀ SÁCH: https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.571224249579672.100000763055653&type=3

Tiến sĩ CHI-MING Peng PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103413125089&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater



*** Phó Giám đốc 叶欣诚 cho biết: "Việc học tập bắt đầu, phát triển tiềm năng, cởi mở, sự đồng cảm của mình, tuân thủ với các tư tưởng và hành động thực tế, làm cho những người bạn mới, nằm xuống khuôn khổ, từ đầu nhỏ nhìn lớn" và Tiến sĩ *** Phó Giám đốc SC Yeh 叶欣诚 có phức tạp: "ấm áp, nội dung, kiến thức, hội nhập, phổ biến"


Tiến sĩ CHI-MING Peng ẢNH: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103413125089&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater

Giáo sư Peng ảnh -2: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103273125103&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater

Chiếc nhẫn sẽ làm các hoạt động giảng dạy / có căng thẳng "Hội nhập môi trường" bài phát biểu / 叶欣诚 Phó Giám đốc Chủ đề: ". Khung giáo dục môi trường, vượt qua và phổ biến"

Giáo sư Ye Tân Thành là "đại sứ" !! Phó Giám đốc 叶欣诚 chủ trì ^ _ ^


Phó Giám đốc *** Tiến sĩ SC Yeh 叶欣诚 có phức tạp: "ấm áp, nội dung, kiến thức, hội nhập, phổ biến" và "xuyên suốt, phá vỡ khung, kéo dài suy nghĩ, Bộ sẽ tích hợp ......" nói chuyện "chiến lược suy nghĩ ......... ", và ............:

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イ ェ Xin Cheng, Phó Điều hành lá wa, サ STAB STAB ra nn ド の su Tatari nn ド (ko の ảnh wa thân mật Xiao, chủ tịch Lairong ta の Phó Giám đốc で (HI-nn サ Rousseau na ホ su Suites ga cao nhất の Ye trưởng sẽ thống trị Phó điều hành desu.
Thế giới công ka フ ェ ワ Hikaru ド Caf'e "hội nhập môi trường


Người nước ngoài nói chuyện "Hãy ra có" khái niệm


Philippines từ: Tagalog: Có thể nói tungkol sa "Pangkapaligiran Pagsasama" bài phát biểu / Phó Giám đốc Tiến sĩ Cheng Xin YEH g Paksa: kapaligiran khuôn khổ edukasyon, lampas tại pagsasabog /

*** Tốt nhất ", Giám đốc, Phó Giám đốc EPA EPA ang Phó Giám đốc Tiến sĩ Cheng Xin YEH" aralin (Paksa: kapaligiran khuôn khổ edukasyon, lampas tại pagsasabog);


  Việt Nam: I am well măng hai cuốn List Ye Tân For ca ngoi no?


  Thái 319 สำนักงาน กลาง ของ กิจกรรม การ เรียน การ สอน ที่ น่า ตื่นเต้น ภาพถ่าย สโมสร เมื่อ ปี ที่ แล้ว และ 8/27 & 2013/08/28 ฉัน เข้า ร่วม กิจกรรม การ เรียน รู้ กลาง สโมสร ที่ น่า ตื่นเต้น มาก ภาพ เก็บ อัลบั้ม Essence จัด: (ไม่ ได้ ถ่ายรูป ลง จะ เป็น เรื่อง ง่าย ที่ จะ ลืม มัน)

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  ps nước ngoài - 2: Elizabeth Soper Tân Back to School: Trở lại bên ngoài; Làm thế nào ngoài trời ngoài trời Giáo dục và Trường Thời gian Tạo Hiệu suất cao Học sinh

Bà Elizabeth Soper: <Phó Giám đốc của sinh thái học Hoa Kỳ tại Liên đoàn Động vật Hoang dã Quốc gia>

Hãy căng thẳng ra có trẻ em & Get bên ngoài và .......
Tiến sĩ CHI-MING Peng (Tiến sĩ Peng Qiming) =

Tôi chụp ảnh Tiến sĩ Peng Qiming. Tiến sĩ Chi-Ming Peng video của bạn ông đã thiết bị chụp ảnh, và sau đó anh đã lên sân khấu.


Tôi cầm chiếc nhẫn để làm rất thú vị hoạt động câu lạc bộ giảng dạy bản chất bộ sưu tập ảnh Album: (. Không chụp ảnh xuống sẽ dễ dàng quên nó)


   Bảo vệ môi trường không chỉ là một phục hồi tài nguyên: Liên kết "sáng tạo văn học", "ngành công nghiệp", "thảm họa" "lây lan" trong lĩnh vực này, đối thoại liên ngành


* 2013 "ra khỏi" môi trường "," giáo dục "chạy trốn" - và các ngành công nghiệp văn hóa và sáng tạo, phòng chống thiên tai, phổ biến đầu đáp ứng Hội thảo quốc tế / "xuyên suốt, phá vỡ khung, kéo dài suy nghĩ, Bộ tích hợp, ... ... ", để nói về" tư duy chiến lược ...... "/ ............:


*** Phó Giám đốc 叶欣诚 cho biết: "Việc học tập bắt đầu, phát triển tiềm năng, cởi mở, sự đồng cảm của mình, tuân thủ với các tư tưởng và hành động thực tế, làm cho những người bạn mới, nằm xuống khuôn khổ, bắt đầu nhỏ, từ nơi lớn để xem."
Xin Cheng, Phó Giám đốc ///: tình yêu người siêng năng, quan tâm đến môi trường và giáo dục môi trường ///!

* 2013 Hội nghị Quốc tế về Giáo dục môi trường:
2013/08/27 Có "Ye Tân SC Yeh, Phó Giám đốc" và Giáo sư Wang Xin .......


Trong đó, tôi đưa mọi người xem và tham khảo cho các sản phẩm tái chế miễn phí khung ảnh bìa cứng làm bằng nhôm bên trong gói giấy, nó là tuyệt vời đó! Rất tốt với Oh! Có đủ xanh vòng nó! Tôi đặc biệt cầm đồ để dạy tài liệu giáo dục giải thích cho học viên hiểu tại chỗ "tái chế tài nguyên vào vàng", các ví dụ và liên lạc thực tế và giấy siêu cấp trên ... .........


2012/06/29 tôi để chụp ảnh cho mọi người nhìn vào bức tranh lớn, tôi gần như rơi (mùa thu tới): Tôi là một người nào đó tại trong nhiều tế bào chết ei = thực sự khó khăn ah !! ........ Có rất cẩn thận. Có ai biết ai đó bây giờ ei ??? ⋯


Dạy khoa học trái đất Giáo sư Xie Longqin thường báo chí và phương tiện truyền thông điện tử .... là một giáo viên rất tốt. Rất vui khi nghe ông nói, ông là lý do của tôi cách nào để lắng nghe bài phát biểu của Vịnh II. Lần đầu tiên tôi nhìn thấy một va li tốt bạn bè giáo viên ...... mặt, FB của mình, tôi đã thấy, các trang màn hình này, tôi đã đến thăm .....

Giáo sư Liu xuananh (= anh ấy là một trong những diễn giả) ngồi trước mặt tôi và tôi rất vui và may mắn và rất vui khi nghe Giáo sư Liu xuananh ở ghế sau và bạn bè của mình nói chuyện và trò chuyện.

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Phó giám đốc của Hoa hậu Su cũng rất xúc động ai đó bây giờ ei.

Leaf Motif đăng tải hai giai đoạn này (dập nổi) là !! tôi hai hoa kèm theo là khó kiếm được của tôi. Lá tôi đăng.

Trong đó, tôi đưa mọi người xem và tham khảo cho các sản phẩm tái chế miễn phí khung ảnh bìa cứng làm bằng nhôm bên trong gói giấy, nó là tuyệt vời đó! Rất tốt với Oh! Có đủ xanh vòng nó! Tôi đặc biệt cầm đồ để dạy tài liệu giáo dục giải thích cho học viên hiểu ngay tại chỗ và liên lạc giấy .........

Phục hồi môi trường Vòng bệ giấy, tôi đã gửi một thị trưởng và Show có thể được thực hiện cho tất cả mọi người nhìn thấy những miếng giấy màu xanh lá cây: Giấy tái chế chế biến nhôm Parker thực hiện hai điều tốt đẹp, Phó giám đốc của Hoa hậu Su cũng rất xúc động ai đó bây giờ ei .
Hoa hậu Su, phó giám đốc của ngày nhìn vào biểu hiện và nội dung của bài nói chuyện của mình, tôi thích bất ngờ và hạnh phúc ngày Oh Tôi đã cười và nụ cười / mỉm cười !.

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2012/06/29 tôi để chụp ảnh cho mọi người nhìn vào bức tranh lớn, tôi gần như rơi (mùa thu tới): Tôi là một người nào đó tại trong nhiều tế bào chết ei = thực sự khó khăn ah !! ........ Có rất cẩn thận. Có ai biết ai đó bây giờ ei ~ ~ ~
Ảnh: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569963539705743&set=a.571224249579672&type=1&theater

Tôi tự hỏi hình ảnh đáng giá cho mọi người xem ảnh ......


Tôi có hình ảnh sẽ có những kỷ niệm! Dạy tôi chia sẻ với bạn một chiếc nhẫn bài phát biểu (nhẫn dạy các khóa học miễn phí) bộ sưu tập ảnh! Tôi đã bắn (đã 叶欣诚 giám đốc giáo dục môi trường của Đại học Quốc gia Đài Loan bình thường, chủ trì hội thảo) Xanh Đại học Đại học Xanh cũng rất tốt và rất thú vị !!!! thấy FB của tôi về 3 video & video & Blogs Youtube của tôi tôi nhận được rất hữu ích nhà sản xuất phim "trên cả hai mặt của các đoạn video trường đại học xanh ......." ^ _ ^

3 VIDEO ON FB: https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=vb.100000763055653&type=2

Giáo sư Xu: rất nhiều người rất nghiêm túc.


Hai dấu hiệu: Ban tổ chức sợ sai hướng trong ý định của !! vâng vỗ tay của bạn tôi có một bức ảnh sẽ có những kỷ niệm !!!

Hướng dẫn cẩn thận của Giáo sư Xu 2012/06/30 bạn cùng lớp nhiệt tình sắp xếp địa điểm. Giấy tốt cho thấy mô hình có dấu chân MỘT SỐ tìm ai đó bây giờ trên mặt đất rất cẩn thận ei = tổ chức là nó! (Tôi 6/29 / 2012 đặc biệt ăn cắp chụp ảnh cho mọi người xem)

Tôi là siêu ý định của nó. 2012/06/29 cho tất cả mọi người để chia sẻ, ngay cả dưới áp phích hình ảnh đặc biệt này cũng thấy ....

Nhìn ra ý định của tôi nhưng ấm áp và ?? 2012/06/29 2012/06/30 nổi bật

Oh tốt !! Áp phích (đặc biệt là đánh bại Xu, tôi xin lỗi mà bạn cố tình bắn, Xu ah! Xu cũng rất nghiêm túc trong RBI năm cuối cùng tất cả các chi tiết tôi đã tìm thấy và chụp ảnh triển vọng và các bạn cùng lớp bên cứng của mình.)


A. trái 2: Trợ lý Giáo sư David viên đã nói về "giáo dục môi trường" là về siêu tốt.

Giáo sư Chung-Ming Liu nói vâng !! Tôi cuối cùng đã phải lắng nghe đầu tiên nhìn thấy vị giáo sư nổi tiếng giảng Chung-Ming Liu của giáo viên.

B. chung lại 廖中勋 nói từ Taitung tốt nhất.

Ông 廖中勋 chung chân thành Oh tốt đầu !!! tốt cũ "đứng lên thuyết trình" ", sau đó chương trình hỏi anh ta ngồi xuống và bài giảng, đặc biệt là học tập để bắn anh sau (theo) anh .... ..... tôi đã thấy Chúa Giêsu! ^ _ ^

Trung: Trợ lý Giáo sư Li Qiyue cũng nói tốt, tôi đã ngạc nhiên khi nhìn thấy anh ta cá nhân, vì vậy tôi biết làm thế nào quen thuộc nó.

Trợ lý giáo sư của cán bộ giáo dục môi trường David nói về nội dung của hai đầu tiên là tốt, nói tốt hoàn Oh .... nói về quan tuyệt vời David Phó giáo sư: không nghĩ rằng tôi muốn ca ngợi nhân viên, trợ lý giáo sư của Tướng David & 廖中勋 ............ vv (khó có thể lo lắng về những ý định của bài phát biểu Phó Giám đốc Ye Xin Cheng nói về những nội dung tốt nhất! ........ ^ _ ^)


Wow có các giáo sư nổi tiếng của giáo sư Chung-Ming Liu Ye, chủ tịch của Hiệp hội Trung Quốc về môi trường các-bon thấp :! Chung-Ming Liu giáo sư.

** Bộ Đại học Quốc gia Chengchi chính thức David Dân tộc học và Phó giáo sư
Phó Giám đốc Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường EPA trưởng Phó Giám đốc điều hành phát biểu Yuan Ye Xin Cheng &
Taitung Township Kano Yongan Cộng đồng Liao Trọng Huân chung &

Bảo tàng Quốc gia Đài Loan phụ trách Chen Jimin &
Giáo sư Qiu Shangjia Vân Lâm Đại học Quốc gia Sở Khoa học và Công nghệ Kiến trúc và Thiết kế nội thất &
Chủ tịch Trung Quốc ít các-bon Hội môi trường: Giáo sư Chung-Ming Liu &
Viện Giáo dục môi trường Giáo sư Wang Hongrui (về giáo dục môi trường) &

Zhang Qin Peng, giám đốc của thành phố Đài Bắc địa phương Trung tâm Giáo dục &
吕琪昌 phó giáo sư của khoa thiết kế công nghiệp &
Viện Nghiên cứu Kinh tế Trung Quốc Tiến sĩ Li Yongzhan &
Digital Media Cục Công nghệ của Đại học Quốc gia thành phố Đài Bắc Khoa học và Công nghệ: Li Qiyue Phó giáo sư ........ = nội dung bài giảng nói tốt !!! chắc chắn không hy vọng rằng họ sẽ được đánh giá cao !!!


May mắn thay, tôi đã có hai ngày phải đi Oh! Loa rất nhiều người đang nói về là rất thú vị .... !!! viên David Liao Trọng Huân Phó giáo sư và giám đốc .... nói về "giáo dục môi trường" là về siêu tốt May mắn thay, tôi phải đi! tôi đặc biệt là hình ảnh cho mọi người xem.

Xa Taitung *** "Yongan Township Taitung Kano Cộng đồng 廖中勋 Tổng giám đốc" (trung gian cầm micro và Trung "đứng nói chuyện," người đàn ông: = Tốt cũ và rất chân thành Liao chung) tốt đầu cũ "Hãy đứng lên phát biểu", "điều hành sau đó hỏi anh ta ngồi xuống và giảng (không có máy ảnh xuống nó sẽ được dễ dàng để quên nó.)


  / Giám tuyển có bài phát biểu. / * Xa Taitung "Yongan Township Taitung Kano Cộng đồng 廖中勋 Tổng giám đốc" (bên trái người ngồi nói chuyện / nói ở bên trái để lấy micro, ông người 廖中勋 = Tốt Liao cũ và rất chân thành Tổng giám đốc.)

* Những gì bạn làm cho E.E. nhẫn dạy ~ ~ ~

Ảnh: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103826458381&set=a.569094166459347.1073741840.100000763055653&type=1&permPage=1


Phó Giám đốc 叶欣诚 叶欣诚 Phó Giám đốc Tiến sĩ SC Yeh (EPA trưởng Phó Giám đốc Phó Giám đốc: GS SC Yeh) phi thường phát biểu * 2013 "ra" môi trường "," giáo dục "chạy trốn" - và các ngành công nghiệp văn hóa và sáng tạo, phòng chống thiên tai, lây lan Hội nghị chuyên đề quốc tế về đáp ứng / ban đầu "xuyên suốt, phá vỡ khung, kéo dài suy nghĩ, Bộ sẽ tích hợp ......" nói về "tư duy chiến lược ......" / có xây dựng "nguồn tài nguyên tái áp dụng . vật liệu "/ tái chế sử dụng hồ chứa bùn được làm bằng gốm men chiến thắng đĩa hoặc Terrific men gốm cốc ................:

Hai (dập nổi) thảo dược dán cứng của tôi là kiếm được. & Chờ cho nó khô trong một thời gian dài chờ đợi. Giữ tôi đăng.

Vòng siêu hữu ích nếu tái sinh môi trường của pad trên và dưới của giấy có thể bị bẩn Adams dưới một lớp giấy mỏng mỏng, nhưng cũng phần còn lại của độ dày của sự tái sinh môi trường của các mẩu giấy có thể bị rách khoảng 12 tầng trên, đẹp sử dụng , không vứt bẩn, ít nhất là 12 lần nhiều hơn có sẵn và tôi đã xé rách siêu tốt, cách tôi đã quá ngạc nhiên khi khám phá ra rằng bảo vệ môi trường thực sự và sử dụng chất thải = quá sạch có thể làm cho những điều tốt đẹp = tuyệt vời !! hy vọng bạn biết như vậy là một điều tốt ah !!


Phó Giám đốc Văn phòng năm ngoái, tìm hiểu làm thế nào để bảo vệ các hoạt động môi trường / có căng thẳng "Hội nhập môi trường và giáo dục môi trường" bài phát biểu / 叶欣诚 Tiến sĩ SC Yeh của Chủ đề: khung giáo dục môi trường, ngoài việc phổ biến / sử dụng đã được thực hiện tái chế bùn hồ chứa giải thưởng gốm men đĩa gốm men hoặc Terrific Cup & 'men bùn và hồ chứa bùn "tái sử dụng các nguồn tài nguyên" vào đồ dùng chất lượng tốt hơn và ly và tấm / có căng thẳng "kế hoạch văn hóa và sáng tạo, văn hóa, khoa học và cộng đồng Tích hợp ..... "bài phát biểu. / giảng dạy các chuyên gia phương tiện truyền thông. / người phương tiện truyền thông, ông Birch, giám đốc Sở TVBS chuyên gia trong ngành du lịch nói / bài giảng. / Có nhấn mạnh" xây dựng và xây dựng xanh "bài phát biểu . / Thấp Viện môi trường Carbon: Giáo sư Chung-Ming Liu nói về bảo vệ môi trường .... / Digital Cục Công nghệ môi trường: Li Qiyue: các chuyên gia ngành công nghiệp du lịch 李奇岳 trợ lý giáo sư và giám đốc điều hành / Kiến trúc và nội thất phòng thiết kế / người phụ trách bảo tàng Quốc gia Đài Loan Chen Jimin / NCCU Dân tộc học Bộ Giáo sư trợ lý chính thức EE David nói = giáo dục môi trường = Giáo dục Môi trường / Native loa bài giảng / có căng thẳng "cộng đồng" / * đã dạy Đại học Sư phạm tại Đài Bắc, Phó Giám đốc, Phó Giám đốc 叶欣诚 叶欣诚 (Đại học và Cao Hùng bình thường) Tiến sĩ . SC Yeh (EPA trưởng Phó Giám đốc Phó Giám đốc: GS SC Yeh) phát biểu tuyệt vời *.

Chan không có?




Phillippines words :

菲律賓  文 :

Dahil 2014 (2014/09/29 malaking kaganapan: 9/29 kahanga-hangang malaking kilalang "Ang Unang Pan-Pacific International Symposium sa Klima Baguhin ang paglalapat Partnership" / tugon sa pagbabago ng klima ay talagang isang pang-matagalang pamumuhunan na may mataas na antas ng hamon ay puno ng mga pagkakataon rin. mahirap na gawain / 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium sa klima Baguhin ang paglalapat Partnership & online klima) na iyong inanyayahan ang mga nagsasalita ng Vietnam at Pilipinas at Taylandiya speaker speaker, kaya mayroong tatlong sumusunod na wika:

INTERNATIONAL pakikipagtulungan:

Mula sa Agency Pangkapaligiran Proteksyon ng Estados Unidos, ang National oceanic at Atmospheric Administration Klima Office of Science Program, sa kabuuan ng 10 na isla at mga bansa sa Timog Silangang Asya 19 dayuhang eksperto (kabilang ang mga mula sa Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Taylandiya, Malaysia , ang Pilipinas, Laos at iba pang mga opisyal ng pamahalaan ng mga bansa upang lumahok sa kaganapang ito)

At domestic mga eksperto at iskolar, para sa mga tugon sa mga patakaran sa pagbabago ng klima paglalapat, mga pamamaraan at tool upang bumuo ng pagpapanumbalik ng puwersa upang galugarin ang naturang mga isyu na ibabahagi. VIP Nobel laureate, UN Panel sa Pagbabago ng Klima (IPCC) miyembro, Propesor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles sinabi ng epekto ng pagbabago ng klima maging mas malinaw, ang epekto ng kalusugan, enerhiya, ekolohiya at kaligtasan pang-industriya, ang pamahalaan ng U.S. pagtaas ng diin sa klima paglalapat, ang kahalagahan ng panganib pagtatasa at komunikasyon ng mga ipinanukalang at stressed "paglalapat ay hindi isang pagpipilian, ngunit isang pag-asa na" nais naming harapin ang pagpili ng paraan patungo sa hinaharap ng pag-asa.


RE: Prof. Shaw Chen Liu MAHUSAY na salita.

Sa kasalukuyan Kapaligiran Baguhin ang Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positibong para sa paglalapat sa Mga Epekto ng init ng Mundo sa Pan Pacific Rehiyon

Isinasagawa na salita Pan-Pacific Klima Baguhin ang paglalapat ~

Qing Carbon Alliance idinagdag 30 mga larawan.

Shaw Chen Liu Academy of Sciences. #Climatepartner

Shaw Chen Liu Academy pananaliksik ay nakatutok sa atmospheric kimika, kalidad ng hangin, ang balanse ng mga pagbabayad ng mga bihirang mga gas at aerosols, biogeochemical ikot, pagbabago ng klima. At ay kasangkot, "UN multinational Panel sa Pagbabago ng Klima" ulat pananaliksik, at upang tulungan ang koponan ng pananaliksik na may dating Estados Unidos Vice President nanalo ng Al Gore ang 2007 Nobel premyo kapayapaan. UNEP magpadala ng pasasalamat sulat sa pagkilala ng kanyang kontribusyon sa pagbabago ng klima pananaliksik

Qing Carbon Alliance

Sa kasalukuyan Kapaligiran Baguhin ang Research Center, Academia Sinica academician: Shaw Chen Liu positibong para sa paglalapat sa Mga Epekto ng init ng Mundo sa Pan Pacific Rehiyon
Isinasagawa na salita Pan-Pacific Klima Baguhin ang paglalapat ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy pananaliksik ay nakatutok sa atmospheric kimika, kalidad ng hangin, ang balanse ng mga pagbabayad ng mga bihirang mga gas at aerosols, biogeochemical ikot, pagbabago ng klima. At ay kasangkot, "UN multinational Panel sa Pagbabago ng Klima" ulat pananaliksik, at upang tulungan ang koponan ng pananaliksik na may dating Estados Unidos Vice President nanalo ng Al Gore ang 2007 Nobel premyo kapayapaan. UNEP magpadala ng pasasalamat sulat sa pagkilala ng kanyang kontribusyon sa klima #climatepartner pagbabago pananaliksik


Inaanyayahan ang patuloy na pansin ng international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Klima Baguhin ang paglalapat Partnership


Mula sa Agency Pangkapaligiran Proteksyon ng Estados Unidos Bb Anhthu Hoang kapaligiran katarungan commissioner, ang kanyang pananalita tungkol sa Estados Unidos pagkatapos dinala Buhawing Sandy malubhang sakuna, ang mga pederal na pamahalaan at lokal na samahan sa kung paano pampublikong-pribadong pakikipagsosyo, joint-tatag, habang pagpapatibay ng lugar ng kalamidad puwersa tugon sa kalamidad.

Buhawing Sandy panghihimasok sa New York sa 2012, na nakakaapekto sa 23 milyong mga naninirahan, ang pangalawang pinakamalaking sa kasaysayan ng Amerika, na nagreresulta sa makabuluhang mga pagkalugi ng ekonomiya.
Presidente Obama upang lumikha ng isang Pambansang Disaster Response Framework (NDRF), batay sa-tatag at ang pinagsamang pagsisikap ng Ahensya ng Estados Unidos Pangkapaligiran Proteksyon (EPA) at iba pang ahensiya ng pederal.

"Itaas ang iyong Voice, Hindi ang Sea Level." Regional mga kasosyo upang labanan ang pagbabago ng klima 2014/9/29

. LAN at mga kasosyo ay magsisimulang ING online pansin paglalapat / Bb Joanna Lei = sinabi Dr 雷倩 :: "ang mas mahirap mga bagay, mas namin dapat gawin ito!

2014 Pan-Pacific Pagbabago sa Klima paglalapat Partnership sa Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Dr Joanna Lei, Dr Hc Chien, Dr Chi-Ming Peng, Dr.Shaw-Chen Liu, Guo Dr, Dr Tong, ............

Dr.Wayne Higgins, Dr Donald J. Wuebbles, Dr Anhthu Hoang & ........: sa TWN, ROC

Global warming isang degree na bago ang 10% na pagtaas sa mabigat na pag-ulan nang dalawang beses / tatlong internasyonal na mga eksperto sa pagbabago ng klima / EPA Bb Anhthu Hoang kapaligiran katarungan commissioner

Mga pagtaas sa atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations ng hanggang sa 30 taon / UN Climate Summit / malinaw carbon Liga # Climatepartner Joanna Lei

Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu: Global warming isang beses, bago dinala ang bagyo malakas na pag-ulan ay taasan ang sampung porsiyento dalawang daang porsyento, isang pagtaas ng tungkol sa 150% sa Taiwan

Qing carbon Alliance / EPA Bb Anhthu Hoang kapaligiran katarungan commissioner / Tong Qingbin Dr interdisciplinary panganib pagtatasa at pagtatayo ng pagpapanumbalik ng puwersa ipinakilala

# Climatepartner: malinaw carbon Alliance: EPA unang sesyon ng Pan-Pacific International Symposium sa pagbabago ng klima labanan sa Klima Baguhin ang paglalapat /


RE: Speech Pagbabahagi ng Larawan sa ilang mga wika na salita: ako lumahok sa ilang mga club gawin ang isang kahanga-hanga na salita lagayan ng pagtuturo sa mga aktibidad Album ng Larawan at "out sa" kapaligiran "," edukasyon "Exodo" ng seminar at mundo mamamayan Cafe World Caf'e Fo Guang Shan :

319 mga larawan sa ilang mga wika (pagkatapos 2013 Direktor Chen Shihong mayroon upang pumunta, mayroon din ako shine sa kanya.) Nauugnay sa edukasyon ng kapaligiran.

International Environmental Education Symposium: makaharap, Crossover at Exchange na may Cultural Innovation, Economic Industriya, Disaster Pagbawas at Pelikula pamamahagi


sa 5 mga wika / mga salita: FB LITRATO BOOK SA: https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.571224249579672.100000763055653&type=3

Dr CHI-Ming Peng LARAWAN: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103413125089&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater



*** Kinatawang Direktor 叶欣诚 sinabi: "Ang panimulang pag-aaral, bumuo ng kanilang potensyal, bukas-isip, empathy, sumunod sa mga ideals at pragmatic batas, paggawa ng mga bagong kaibigan, maglatag down na ang balangkas, mula sa maliliit na simula ng pagtingin sa mga malaki" at *** Dr Kinatawang Direktor ng SC Yeh 叶欣诚 may detalyadong: "mainit-init, nilalaman, kaalaman, pagsasama-sama, pamamahagi"


Dr CHI-Ming Peng LITRATO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103413125089&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater

Prof. Peng Larawan -2: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103273125103&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater

Ang ring ay gawin ang mga gawain sa pagtuturo / mayroon stresses "Kapaligiran Pagsasama" na salita / 叶欣诚 Kinatawang Direktor ng Paksa: ". Framework para sa pag-aaral ng kapaligiran, na higit pa at diffusion"

Kinatawang Direktor 叶欣诚 chaired! Propesor Ye Xincheng maging "ambassadors" !! ^ _ ^


Kinatawang Direktor *** Dr SC Yeh 叶欣诚 may detalyadong: "mainit-init, nilalaman, kaalaman, pagsasama-sama, pamamahagi" at "cross-paggupit, paghiwa-hiwalayin ang mga frame, sumasaklaw sa pag-iisip, ay pagsamahin ang Kagawaran ......" talk "diskarte sa pag-iniisip ......... ", at ............:

************************************************** ***************

イ ェ Xin Cheng, dahon wa Deputy Executive, サ ulos ulos RA nn ド の su Tatari nn ド (Ko の wa larawan cordial Xiao, president ng Lairong TA の Deputy director で (HI-nn サ Rousseau Na ホ su Suites ga pinakamataas の Ye Kalihim ay mangibabaw Deputy Executive desu.
World pampublikong ka フ ェ ワ Hikaru ド Caf'e "kapaligiran pagsasama


Dayuhan Talk "Mag-out doon" konsepto


Phillippines salita: Tagalog: Maaaring makipag-usap tungkol Sa na "Pangkapaligiran Pagsasama" na salita / Deputy Director Dr Xin Cheng YEH g Paksa: kapaligiran edukasyon framework, lampas sa pagsasabog /

Pinakamahusay *** "Chief Deputy EPA EPA ang Direktor Deputy Director Dr Xin Cheng YEH" aralin (Paksa: kapaligiran edukasyon framework, lampas sa pagsasabog);


  Vietnamese: Tôi cũng mang Hai cuốn sách Ye Tan Để CA ngợi không?


  Thai 319 สำนักงาน กลาง ของ กิจกรรม การ เรียน การ สอน ที่ น่า ตื่นเต้น ภาพถ่าย สโมสร เมื่อ ปี ที่ แล้ว และ 8/27 & 2013/08/28 ฉัน เข้า ร่วม กิจกรรม การ เรียน รู้ กลาง สโมสร ที่ น่า ตื่นเต้น มาก ภาพ เก็บ อัลบั้ม kakanyahan จัด: (ไม่ ได้ ถ่ายรูป ลง จะ เป็น เรื่อง ง่าย ที่ จะ ลืม มัน)

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  PS dayuhan - 2: Elizabeth Soper Tan Bumalik sa Paaralan: Bumalik Sa labas; Paano Edukasyon Panlabas at Outdoor School Oras Lumikha ng mga mag-aaral Mataas na Pagganap

Bb Elizabeth Soper: <Associate Director ng Eco-Paaralan ng USA sa Pambansang Wildlife Federation>

Stresses Mag-out doon at Kunin ang mga bata sa labas ....... at
Dr CHI-Ming Peng (Dr Peng Qiming) =

Nakuhanan ng larawan ko ang iyong Dr Peng Qiming. Dr Chi-Ming Peng video kinuha niya kagamitan photographic, at sa ibang pagkakataon kinuha niya ang yugto.


Kinuha ko ang ring gawin napaka-kapana-panabik na Album kakanyahan photo gallery pagtuturo club na gawain: (. Hindi nakuhanan ng larawan down na magiging madaling makalimutan ito)


   Proteksiyon ng kapaligiran ay hindi lamang ang mapagkukunan sa pagbawi: Link "pampanitikan paglikha", "industriya", "Disaster" "kumalat" sa field, interdisciplinary dialogue


* 2013 "out sa" kapaligiran "," edukasyon "tumatakbo ang layo" - at ang pangkultura at creative industriya, disaster prevention, maagang pamamahagi matugunan International Symposium / "cross-paggupit, paghiwa-hiwalayin ang mga frame, sumasaklaw sa pag-iisip, ministeryo pagsasama, ... ... ", makipag-usap tungkol sa" madiskarteng pag-iisip ...... "/ ............:


*** Kinatawang Direktor 叶欣诚 sinabi: "Ang panimulang pag-aaral, bumuo ng kanilang potensyal, bukas-isip, empathy, sumunod sa mga ideals at pragmatic batas, paggawa ng mga bagong kaibigan, maglatag down na ang balangkas, simulan ang maliit, mula sa malaking lugar upang makita."
Xin Cheng, Kinatawang Direktor ///: masigasig sa pag-ibig mga tao, ay nababahala tungkol sa kapaligiran at pag-aaral ng kapaligiran ///!

* 2013 International Conference sa Edukasyon ng Kapaligiran:
2013/8/27 May "Ye Xincheng SC Yeh, Kinatawang Direktor" & Propesor Wang Xin .......


Sa partikular, dalhin ko makita ng lahat at reference mga produkto para sa libreng recycling frame karton larawan na ginawa sa labas ng aluminyo foil papel sa loob ng pakete, ito ay kamangha-manghang ito! Napakaluwag magandang sa Oh! Magkaroon ng sapat na berde ito! Ko lalo na pawned ring upang magturo mga materyal na pang-edukasyon ipaliwanag payagan ang mga kalahok upang maunawaan ang mga spot "mapagkukunan recycling sa ginto," ang mga halimbawa at ultra superior praktikal at papel ugnay ... .........


2012/6/29 sa akin upang kumuha ng mga larawan para sa lahat upang tingnan ang malaking larawan halos ako mahulog (susunod na tag-lagas): Ako ay isang tao ngayon sa paglipas ng maraming cell mamatay ei = talagang mahirap ah !! ........ May napaka maingat. May nakakaalam ba ng isang tao ngayon ei ??? ⋯


Turuan ang lupa agham Propesor Xie Longqin madalas na pahayagan at electronic media .... ay isang napakahusay na guro. Napakaluwag masaya na makarinig sa kanya makipag-usap, siya ang dahilan ng aking mga paraan upang makinig sa salita ng Bay II. Una oras Nakita ko ang isang magandang grip guro mga kaibigan ...... mukha, ang kanyang FB na nakita ko, ang mga pahina ng screen ko binisita .....

Propesor Liu Guangying (= Siya ay isa sa mga nagsasalita) upang umupo sa harapan ng akin at ako ay natutuwa at masuwerteng at napakasaya upang makinig sa Propesor Liu Guangying sa likod upuan at makipag-usap at makipag-chat sa kanyang mga kaibigan.

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Napaka hinawakan din Deputy director ng Miss Su isang tao ei ngayon.

Leaf Motif-post ng dalawang phase ng ito (embossing) ay ang aking !! dalawang bulaklak naka-attach ang aking matapang na kinita. Dahon sa akin na nai-post.

Sa partikular, dalhin ko makita ng lahat at reference mga produkto para sa libreng recycling frame karton larawan na ginawa sa labas ng aluminyo foil papel sa loob ng pakete, ito ay kamangha-manghang ito! Napakaluwag magandang sa Oh! Magkaroon ng sapat na berde ito! Ko lalo na pawned ring upang magturo mga materyal na pang-edukasyon ipaliwanag payagan ang mga kalahok upang maunawaan ang mga puwesto at pindutin ang papel .........

Round regeneration sa kapaligiran ng papel pad, na ipinadala ko ang isa sa mga alkalde at IPAKITA ay maaaring gawin para makita ng lahat ang mga berde pad ng papel: Papel recycling pagpoproseso aluminyo ginawa Parker dalawang mahusay na mga bagay, napaka hinawakan din Deputy director ng Miss Su isang tao ngayon ei .
Miss Su, Deputy director ng araw hitsura sa pagpapahayag at ang nilalaman ng kanyang talk; gusto ko ng mga surpresa at masaya araw Oh ako tumatawa at ngiti / nakangiting !.

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2012/6/29 sa akin upang kumuha ng mga larawan para sa lahat upang tingnan ang malaking larawan halos ako mahulog (susunod na tag-lagas): Ako ay isang tao ngayon sa paglipas ng maraming cell mamatay ei = talagang mahirap ah !! ........ May napaka maingat. sinuman alam ba ng isang tao ngayon ei ~ ~ ~
photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569963539705743&set=a.571224249579672&type=1&theater

Siguro sulit mga larawan para sa lahat upang makita ang larawan ......


Mayroon akong mga larawan ay magkakaroon ng mga alaala! Nagturo sa akin ibahagi sa iyo ang isang salita singsing (singsing magturo libreng kurso) koleksyon ng larawan! Na kinunan ko (ay 叶欣诚 kapaligiran direktor edukasyon ng National Taiwan Normal University, chaired ang seminar) Green University Green University ay isa ring napakagandang at napaka-kapana-panabik na !!!! makita ang aking FB ng 3 vIDEO & aking Mga Video & mga Blog Youtube nakukuha ko kapaki-pakinabang movie maker "sa magkabilang panig ng berdeng mga video unibersidad ......." ^ _ ^

3 VIDEO SA FB: https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=vb.100000763055653&type=2

Propesor Xu: Lubos na sineseryoso ng maraming mga tao.


Dalawang palatandaan: ang organizers takot sa maling direksyon sa ibabaw ng intensyon ng !! Oo clap ang iyong mga kamay Mayroon akong retrato ay magkakaroon ng mga alaala !!!

Mag-ingat paggabay ng Propesor Xu 2012/06/30 masigasig na mga kaklase isagawa ang venue. Magandang papel Ipinapakita pattern Mayroong ilang mga yapak malaman ng isang tao ngayon sa lupa napaka-maingat na ei = tagapag-ayos ito! (6/29 ako / 2012 Espesyal na magnakaw ng larawan para makita ng lahat)

Ako ay sobrang intensyon nito. 2012/06/29 para sa lahat upang ibahagi kahit sa ilalim ng partikular na poster larawan tingnan din ....

Hanapin ang aking mga intensyon pa mainit-init at ?? 2012/06/29 2012/06/30 highlight

Oh magandang !! poster (lalo na matalo Xu, Ikinalulungkot kong sadyang na iyong kukunan, Xu ah! Xu napaka-seryoso sa RBI nakaraang taon lahat ng mga detalye din nahanap ko at nakuhanan ng larawan ang kanyang pananaw at mga kaklase matapang na bahagi.)


A. Kaliwang 2: Assistant Propesor David opisyal nagsalita ng "edukasyon ng kapaligiran" ay tungkol sa sobrang mabuti.

Propesor Chung-Ming Liu speech Oo !! ako sa wakas ay nagkaroon upang makinig sa unang upang makita ang mga sikat na propesor panayam Chung-Ming Liu guro.

B. General pakaliwa 廖中勋 nagsasalita mula sa Taitung magandang isa.

Ginoong 廖中勋 Pangkalahatang taos-puso Oh magandang simula !!! magandang old-moderno "tumayo lecture" ", pagkatapos ay ang host nagtanong sa kanya upang umupo at panayam, lalo na pag-aaral sa shoot ang kanyang kapatid na lalaki pagkatapos ng (ayon sa) kanya .... ..... nakita ko na si Jesus! ^ _ ^

Gitnang: Assistant Propesor Li Qiyue nagsalita din na rin, ako ay pleasantly magulat upang makita siya nang personal, kaya sinabi ko kung gaano pamilyar dito.

Assistant Propesor ng kapaligiran opisyal ng edukasyon David makipag-usap tungkol sa nilalaman ng unang dalawang ay mabuti, magsalita mabuting kumpletong Oh nagsasalita ng mahusay na opisyal David Assistant Professor ....: Hindi sa tingin mo Gusto kong papuri sa opisyal, katulong propesor ng Pangkalahatang David & 廖中勋 ............ atbp (mahirap na mag-alala tungkol sa mga intensyon ng mga Kinatawang Direktor Ye Xin Cheng pagsasalita ng pakikipag-usap tungkol sa mga pinakamahusay na nilalaman! ........ ^ _ ^)


! Wow doon ay ang sikat na propesor Prof. Chung-Ming Liu Ye, chairman ng Chinese Society ng mababang carbon kapaligiran :! Chung-Ming Liu propesor.

** Pambansang Chengchi University Kagawaran opisyal David Ethnology Assistant Propesor &
Kinatawang Direktor ng Ahensiya sa Proteksiyon ng Kapaligiran EPA Chief Deputy Director ng pagsasalita sa Executive Yuan Ye Xin Cheng ni &
Taitung Kano Yongan Township Komunidad Liao Zhongxun Pangkalahatang &

Pambansang Taiwan Museum curator Chen Jimin &
Propesor Qiu Shangjia Pambansang Yunlin University of Science and Technology Kagawaran ng Arkitektura at disenyo ng Panloob &
China Mababang Carbon Kapaligiran Society president: Professor Chung-Ming Liu &
Institute of Pangkapaligiran Edukasyon Propesor Wang Hongrui (tungkol sa edukasyon ng kapaligiran) &

Zhang Qin Peng, direktor ng Taipei City Lokal na Sentro ng Edukasyon &
吕琪昌 associate propesor ng Kagawaran ng Disenyo at Pang-industriya
Chinese Economic Research Institute Dr Li Yongzhan &
Digital Media Kagawaran ng Pambansang Taipei City University Agham at Teknolohiya Teknolohiya: Li Qiyue Assistant Propesor ........ = nilalaman panayam makipag-usap na rin !!! ay tiyak na hindi inaasahan na sila ay praised !!!


Sa kabutihang palad, ako ay dalawang araw na kailangang pumunta Oh! Speaker maraming mga tao ang pinag-uusapan ay napaka-kapana-panabik .... !!! opisyal David Liao Zhongxun Assistant Propesor & Director General .... magsalita ng "edukasyon ng kapaligiran" ay tungkol sa super magandang sa kabutihang palad, mayroon akong upang pumunta! lalo na ako ng mga larawan para makita ng lahat.

Malayo mula sa Taitung *** "Yongan Township Taitung Kano Komunidad 廖中勋 Direktor-Heneral" (intermediate na may hawak na mikropono at Middle "nakatayo na magsalita," ang tao: = Magandang lumang-moderno at napaka taos-puso Liao Pangkalahatan) magandang old-moderno simula "Stand up na salita", "moderator sa ibang pagkakataon hihingin sa kanya upang umupo at panayam (walang camera down na ito ay madaling makalimutan ito.)


  / May curators na salita. / * Malayong mula sa Taitung "Yongan Township Taitung Kano Komunidad 廖中勋 Direktor-Heneral" (sa kaliwa na nakaupo sa pakikipag-usap / nagsasalita sa kaliwa upang kunin ang mikropono, Ginoong sino 廖中勋 = Magandang lumang-moderno at napaka taos-puso Liao Direktor-Heneral.)

* Ano ang iyong magagawa para sa E.E. ring magturo ~ ~ ~

Larawan: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103826458381&set=a.569094166459347.1073741840.100000763055653&type=1&permPage=1


Kinatawang Direktor 叶欣诚 叶欣诚 Deputy Director Dr SC Yeh (EPA Chief Deputy Director Deputy Direktor: Prof. SC Yeh) makikinang na salita * 2013 "out" na kapaligiran "," edukasyon "tumatakbo ang layo" - at ang pangkultura at creative industriya, disaster prevention, spread International Symposium sa paunang makilala / "cross-paggupit, paghiwa-hiwalayin ang mga frame, sumasaklaw sa pag-iisip, ang Kagawaran ay isama ang ......" makipag-usap tungkol sa "madiskarteng pag-iisip ......" / mayroon detalyadong "mapagkukunan re-apply . materyal "/ paggamit recycled reservoir sludge gawa sa palayok glaze winning na disk o magandang glaze palayok tasa ................:

Dalawang (embossing) herbal i-paste ang aking matapang na kinita. & Maghintay para dito upang matuyo sa paglipas ng mahabang panahon upang maghintay. Dahon sa akin na nai-post.

Round sobrang kapaki-pakinabang kung regeneration sa kapaligiran ng upper at lower pad ng papel ay maaaring maging marumi Adams sa ilalim ng isang manipis na layer ng papel manipis, kundi pati na rin ang natitirang bahagi ng buong kapal ng kapaligiran regeneration ng pad ng papel na maaaring i-punit-punit tungkol sa 12 na palapag sa itaas, magaling paggamit , huwag itapon marumi, hindi bababa sa 12 beses na mas magagamit at nagkaroon na ako ng sobrang magandang luha luha, ang paraan ko ay masyadong magulat upang matuklasan na ang tunay na proteksiyon ng kapaligiran at pag-aaksaya paggamit = masyadong malinis na maaaring gumawa ng mahusay na mga bagay = mahusay na !! Umaasa alam mo ang nasabing isang magandang bagay ah !!


Kinatawang Direktor ng Opisina nakaraang taon, alamin kung paano protektahan ang kapaligiran mga gawain / mayroon stresses "Kapaligiran Pagsasama & Pangkapaligiran Edukasyon" na salita / 叶欣诚 Paksa Dr SC Yeh ni: Ang framework para sa pag-aaral ng kapaligiran, sa ibayo ng diffusion / paggamit ay ginawa ng mga recycled sludge reservoir award pottery glaze pottery glaze disk o magandang Cup na 'putik glaze at reservoirs silt' "muling paggamit ng mga mapagkukunan" sa mas mahusay na kalidad utensil at tasa at plates / mayroon stresses "pangkultura at creative at kultural at academia at komunidad pagpaplano Pagsasama ..... "na salita. / lecture ang mga eksperto sa media. / media tao Ginoong Birch, direktor ng Kagawaran ng mga eksperto na salita / lecture sa industriya tour TVBS. / May stresses" gusali at luntiang mga gusali "speech . / Mababang Carbon kapaligiran Institute: Professor Chung-Ming Liu makipag-usap tungkol sa proteksiyon ng kapaligiran .... / Digital Media Department Teknolohiya: Li Qiyue: Disenyo ng Kagawaran Turismo mga eksperto sa industriya 李奇岳 Assistant Professor at CEO / Arkitektura at Panloob / Pambansang Taiwan Museum curator Chen Jimin / NCCU Ethnology assistant Professor Kagawaran opisyal David na salita EE = Pangkapaligiran Edukasyon = Pangkapaligiran Edukasyon / Katutubong mga nagsasalita ng panayam / mayroon stresses "na komunidad" / * na itinuro Normal University sa Taipei, Deputy Director, Deputy Direktor 叶欣诚 叶欣诚 (at Kaohsiung Normal University) Dr . SC Yeh (EPA Chief Deputy Director Deputy Direktor: Prof. SC Yeh) kahanga-hangang pagsasalita *.

Chan ay walang?



Thailand words :

泰文 :

เนื่องจาก 2014 (2014/09/29 งานใหญ่: 9/29 ที่ยอดเยี่ยมขนาดใหญ่ที่รู้จักกันดี "ครั้งแรกที่แพนแปซิฟิกประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศปรับตัวหุ้นส่วน" / ตอบสนองต่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศเป็นจริงการลงทุนระยะยาวที่มีระดับสูงของความท้าทายยังเต็มไปด้วยโอกาส ลำโพงงานที่ยากลำบาก / 2014 แพนแปซิฟิกประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศและการปรับตัวของสภาพภูมิอากาศความร่วมมือออนไลน์) ได้เชิญให้ประเทศเวียดนามและประเทศฟิลิปปินส์และประเทศไทยลำโพงจึงมีภาษาที่สามต่อไปนี้:

"ยกเสียงไม่ได้ระดับน้ำทะเลของคุณ". คู่ค้าในภูมิภาคที่จะต่อสู้กับการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ 2014/09/29

. LAN และคู่ค้าที่มีการเริ่มต้นไอเอ็นจีปรับความสนใจออนไลน์ / นางสาวโจแอนนา Lei = ดร雷倩กล่าวว่า :: "สิ่งที่ยากมากขึ้นมากขึ้นเราควรจะทำมันได้!

2014 แพนแปซิฟิกการเปลี่ยนแปลงภูมิอากาศการปรับตัวความร่วมมือในไทเป, ไต้หวัน, ROC

โจแอนนาดร Lei ดร Hc เชียนดรจิหมิง Peng, Dr.Shaw เฉินหลิวดร Guo ดรตอง ............

Dr.Wayne ฮิกกินส์, โดนัลด์เจ Wuebbles ดร Anhthu Hoang & ........ ใน TWN, R.O.C.


จากสหรัฐอเมริกาหน่วยงานคุ้มครองสิ่งแวดล้อม, National มหาสมุทรและบรรยากาศการบริหารสำนักงานสภาพภูมิอากาศโปรแกรมวิทยาศาสตร์รวมเป็น 10 เกาะและเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ 19 ผู้เชี่ยวชาญจากต่างประเทศ (รวมถึงผู้ที่มาจากประเทศตูวาลู, คิริบาส, นาอูรู, ปาเลา, เวียดนาม, ไทย, มาเลเซีย , ฟิลิปปินส์, ลาวและเจ้าหน้าที่ของประเทศอื่น ๆ ของรัฐบาลที่จะเข้าร่วมงานในครั้งนี้)

และผู้เชี่ยวชาญในประเทศและนักวิชาการสำหรับการตอบสนองต่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศนโยบายวิธีการและเครื่องมือที่จะสร้างแรงคืนในการสำรวจปัญหาดังกล่าวจะแบ่งปัน วีไอพีรางวัลโนเบล, สหประชาชาติด้านการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ (IPCC) สมาชิกศาสตราจารย์วู Bosi มหาวิทยาลัยอิลลินอยส์ศาสตราจารย์โดนัลด์เจ Wuebbles กล่าวว่าผลกระทบของการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศกลายเป็นชัดเจนมากขึ้นผลกระทบของสุขภาพพลังงานสิ่งแวดล้อมและความปลอดภัยในอุตสาหกรรมที่รัฐบาลสหรัฐอเมริกา เน้นที่เพิ่มขึ้นเกี่ยวกับการปรับตัวของสภาพภูมิอากาศที่สำคัญของการประเมินความเสี่ยงและการสื่อสารเสนอและเน้น "การปรับตัวไม่ได้ตัวเลือก แต่หวังว่า" เราต้องการที่จะต้องเผชิญกับทางเลือกของวิธีการที่มีต่ออนาคตของความหวัง


RE: ศชอว์เฉินหลิวพูดที่ดี

เปลี่ยนสิ่งแวดล้อมในปัจจุบันศูนย์วิจัย Academia Sinica นักวิชาการ - ชอว์เฉินหลิวบวกสำหรับการปรับตัวเพื่อผลกระทบของภาวะโลกร้อนในภูมิภาคแพนแปซิฟิก

แพนแปซิฟิกเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศการปรับตัวการพูดดำเนิน ~

ชิงคาร์บอนพันธมิตรเพิ่ม 30 ภาพถ่าย

ชอว์เฉินหลิวสถาบันวิทยาศาสตร์ #Climatepartner

การวิจัยชอว์เฉินหลิวสถาบันการศึกษามุ่งเน้นไปที่คุณสมบัติทางเคมีบรรยากาศคุณภาพอากาศสมดุลของการชำระเงินของก๊าซที่หายากและละอองรอบ biogeochemical เปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ และได้รับการมีส่วนร่วม "แผงข้ามชาติของสหประชาชาติเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงภูมิอากาศ" รายงานการวิจัยและการให้ความช่วยเหลือทีมวิจัยที่มีอดีตสหรัฐอเมริการองประธานาธิบดีอัลกอร์ได้รับรางวัลโนเบลสาขาสันติภาพ 2007 UNEP ส่งจดหมายขอบคุณในการรับรู้การมีส่วนร่วมของเขาเพื่อการวิจัยการเปลี่ยนแปลงภูมิอากาศ


เปลี่ยนสิ่งแวดล้อมในปัจจุบันศูนย์วิจัย Academia Sinica นักวิชาการ: ชอว์เฉินหลิวบวกสำหรับการปรับตัวเพื่อผลกระทบของภาวะโลกร้อนในภูมิภาคแพนแปซิฟิก
แพนแปซิฟิกเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศการปรับตัวการพูดดำเนิน ~

การวิจัยชอว์เฉินหลิวสถาบันการศึกษามุ่งเน้นไปที่คุณสมบัติทางเคมีบรรยากาศคุณภาพอากาศสมดุลของการชำระเงินของก๊าซที่หายากและละอองรอบ biogeochemical เปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ และได้รับการมีส่วนร่วม "แผงข้ามชาติของสหประชาชาติเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงภูมิอากาศ" รายงานการวิจัยและการให้ความช่วยเหลือทีมวิจัยที่มีอดีตสหรัฐอเมริการองประธานาธิบดีอัลกอร์ได้รับรางวัลโนเบลสาขาสันติภาพ 2007 UNEP ส่งจดหมายขอบคุณในการรับรู้การมีส่วนร่วมของเขาในสภาพภูมิอากาศ #climatepartner การวิจัยการเปลี่ยนแปลง


ยินดีต้อนรับความสนใจอย่างต่อเนื่องของการประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติ 2014 แพนแปซิฟิกเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศปรับตัวห้างหุ้นส่วนจำกัด


จากสหรัฐอเมริกาหน่วยงานคุ้มครองสิ่งแวดล้อมนางสาว Anhthu Hoang ความยุติธรรมด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมข้าราชการเกี่ยวกับคำพูดของเธอที่ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกาหลังจากที่พายุเฮอริเคนแซนดี้นำภัยพิบัติอย่างรุนแรงของรัฐบาลและหน่วยงานท้องถิ่นในความร่วมมือที่ว่าภาครัฐและเอกชนสร้างใหม่ร่วมกันในขณะที่การเสริมสร้างพื้นที่ภัยพิบัติ ภัยพิบัติกำลังการตอบสนอง

พายุเฮอริเคนแซนดี้บุกนิวยอร์กในปี 2012 มีผลกระทบต่อ 23 ล้านคนที่อาศัยอยู่ที่สองที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในประวัติศาสตร์อเมริกันทำให้เกิดการสูญเสียทางเศรษฐกิจอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ
ประธานาธิบดีโอบามาในการสร้างภัยพิบัติแห่งชาติกรอบการตอบสนอง (NDRF) บนพื้นฐานของการสร้างและความพยายามร่วมกันของสหรัฐอเมริกาหน่วยงานคุ้มครองสิ่งแวดล้อม (EPA) และหน่วยงานของรัฐบาลกลางอื่น ๆ

9/29 มีความยินดีที่จะมีดร Anhthu Hoang EPA ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านความยุติธรรมด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมฟื้นฟูพายุเฮอริเคนแซนดี้หุ้น: รัฐบาลสหรัฐและพันธมิตรในท้องถิ่นเพื่อสร้างการตอบสนองภัยพิบัติแรงยุติธรรม


ภาวะโลกร้อนในระดับก่อนที่จะเพิ่มขึ้น 10% ในปริมาณน้ำฝนหนักสอง / สามผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศระหว่างประเทศ / EPA นางสาว Anhthu Hoang ความยุติธรรมด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมข้าราชการ

การเพิ่มขึ้นของบรรยากาศความเข้มข้นของก๊าซคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ได้ถึง 30 ปี / สหประชาชาติประชุมสุดยอดสภาพภูมิอากาศ / คาร์บอนชัดเจนลีก # Climatepartner โจแอนนาเล่

เดซินิกาชอว์เฉินหลิว: ภาวะโลกร้อนอีกครั้งก่อนที่พายุไต้ฝุ่นนำปริมาณน้ำฝนที่แข็งแกร่งจะเพิ่มขึ้นร้อยละร้อยละสิบสองร้อยเพิ่มขึ้นประมาณ 150% ในไต้หวัน

ชิงคาร์บอนพันธมิตร / EPA นางสาว Anhthu Hoang ความยุติธรรมด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมข้าราชการ / ตอง Qingbin ดรสหวิทยาการการประเมินความเสี่ยงและการสร้างแรงคืนแนะนำ

# Climatepartner: พันธมิตรคาร์บอนชัดเจน EPA เซสชั่นแรกของแพนแปซิฟิกประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศการปรับตัวเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศต่อสู้ /


RE: ร่วมพูดรูปภาพในหลายภาษาคำ: ฉันมีส่วนร่วมในหลายสโมสรทำแหวนคำพูดที่ยอดเยี่ยมการเรียนการสอนกิจกรรม Photo Album & "ออกจาก" สภาพแวดล้อมที่ "," การศึกษา "พระธรรม" ของการสัมมนาและโลกพลเมืองโลก Cafe Caf'e Fo Guang Shan :

319 ภาพถ่ายที่มีหลายภาษา (แล้ว 2013 เฉินผู้อำนวยการ Shihong ต้องไปฉันยังมีความเงางามบนเขา). ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการศึกษาด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม

สิ่งแวดล้อมนานาชาติสัมมนาการศึกษา: พบ, ครอสโอเวอร์และแลกเปลี่ยนกับวัฒนธรรมนวัตกรรมอุตสาหกรรมเศรษฐกิจการลดภัยพิบัติและการเผยแพร่ภาพยนตร์


5 ภาษา / คำ: FB ภาพถ่ายหนังสือ: https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.571224249579672.100000763055653&type=3

ดร CHI-หมิง Peng PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103413125089&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater



*** รองผู้อำนวยการ叶欣诚กล่าวว่า "การเรียนรู้เริ่มต้นที่การพัฒนาของพวกเขาที่มีศักยภาพเปิดกว้างเอาใจใส่เป็นไปตามอุดมการณ์และการกระทำในทางปฏิบัติทำให้เพื่อนใหม่วางกรอบการทำงานจากจุดเริ่มต้นเล็ก ๆ ที่กำลังมองหาที่ใหญ่" และ *** ดร รองผู้อำนวยการ SC Yeh 叶欣诚มีการทำอย่างละเอียด: "อบอุ่นเนื้อหาความรู้ที่บูรณาการการเผยแพร่"


ดร CHI-หมิงเป้งภาพถ่าย: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103413125089&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater

ศาสตราจารย์ Peng รูปภาพ -2: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103273125103&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater

แหวนจะทำกิจกรรมการเรียนการสอน / มีความเครียด "บูรณาการสิ่งแวดล้อม" คำพูด / 叶欣诚รองผู้อำนวยการหัวข้อ:. "กรอบการทำงานสำหรับการศึกษาด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมและการแพร่เกิน"

รองผู้อำนวยการ叶欣诚ประธาน! ศาสตราจารย์เจ้า Xincheng เป็น "ทูต" !! ^ _ ^


รองผู้อำนวยการดร *** SC Yeh 叶欣诚มีการทำอย่างละเอียด: "อบอุ่นเนื้อหาความรู้ที่บูรณาการการเผยแพร่" และ "ตัดข้ามทำลายกรอบทอดคิดกรมจะรวม ...... " พูดคุย "กลยุทธ์ คิด ......... "และ ............ :

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イェซินเฉิงรองผู้ใบวา, サบั่นบั่นรา NN ドの su Tatari NN ド (เกาะのวาภาพจริงใจเสี่ยวประธาน Lairong ตาのรองผู้อำนวยการで (HI-NN サรูสโซ na ホ su สวีท GA สูงสุดの Ye เลขานุการจะครอง desu รองผู้
โลกสาธารณะกาフェワฮิド Caf'e "บูรณาการด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม


ชาวต่างชาติที่พูดคุย "เป็นออกมี" แนวคิด


ฟิลิปปินส์คำภาษาตากาล็อก: อาจพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับอสังหาริมทรัพย์ "Pangkapaligiran Pagsasama" คำพูด / รองผู้อำนวยการดรซินเฉิง YEH กรัม Paksa: kapaligiran กรอบการศึกษา, Lampas ที่ pagsasabog /

ที่ดีที่สุด *** "หัวหน้ารอง EPA EPA อ่างทองกรรมการรองผู้อำนวยการดรซินเฉิง YEH" aralin (Paksa: kapaligiran กรอบการศึกษา, Lampas ที่ pagsasabog);


  เวียตนาม: Tôicũng Mang hai cuốnพกเจ้าTânฝากล็งอยโขง?


  ไม่ (ไทย 319 สำนักงานกลางของกิจกรรมการเรียนการสอนที่น่าตื่นเต้นภาพถ่ายสโมสรเมื่อปีที่แล้วและ 8/27 & 2013/08/28 ฉันเข้าร่วมกิจกรรมการเรียนรู้กลางสโมสรที่น่าตื่นเต้นมากภาพ Essence เก็บอัลบั้มจัด ได้ถ่ายรูปลงจะเป็นเรื่องง่ายที่จะลืมมัน)

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  ชาวต่างชาติ PS - ที่ 2: เอลิซาเบ Soper ตาลกลับไปที่โรงเรียนกลับนอก; วิธีการศึกษานอกโรงเรียนและเวลากลางแจ้งสร้างนักเรียนที่มีประสิทธิภาพสูง

นางสาวเอลิซาเบ Soper: <รองผู้อำนวยการของ Eco-โรงเรียนแห่งชาติสหรัฐอเมริกาที่สหพันธ์สัตว์ป่า>

ความเครียดจะออกมีและรับเด็กนอกและ .......
ดร CHI-หมิงเป้ง (ดร Peng Qiming) =

ผมถ่ายภาพของคุณดร Peng Qiming video. ดรจิหมิงเป็งเขาเอาอุปกรณ์ถ่ายภาพและต่อมาเขาเอาเวที


ผมเอาแหวนที่จะทำกิจกรรมการเรียนการสอนอัลบั้มคลับแกลเลอรี่ภาพสาระสำคัญที่น่าตื่นเต้นมาก:. (ไม่ได้ถ่ายภาพลงจะเป็นเรื่องง่ายที่จะลืมมัน)


   การป้องกันสิ่งแวดล้อมไม่ได้เป็นเพียงการกู้คืนทรัพยากร: ลิงค์ "การสร้างวรรณกรรม", "อุตสาหกรรม", "ภัย" "กระจาย" ในฟิลด์สนทนาสหวิทยาการ


* 2013 "ออกจาก" สิ่งแวดล้อม "," การศึกษา "วิ่งหนี" - และอุตสาหกรรมทางวัฒนธรรมและความคิดสร้างสรรค์การป้องกันภัยพิบัติเผยแพร่ต้นตอบสนองประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติ / "ตัดข้ามทำลายกรอบทอดความคิดกระทรวงบูรณาการ ... ... "เพื่อพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับ" การคิดเชิงกลยุทธ์ ...... "/ ............ :


*** รองผู้อำนวยการ叶欣诚กล่าวว่า "การเรียนรู้เริ่มต้นที่การพัฒนาของพวกเขาที่มีศักยภาพเปิดกว้างเอาใจใส่เป็นไปตามอุดมการณ์และการกระทำในทางปฏิบัติทำให้เพื่อนใหม่วางกรอบการทำงานเริ่มต้นเล็ก ๆ จากสถานที่ที่ใหญ่ที่จะเห็น".
ซินเฉิงรองผู้อำนวยการ ///: รักขยันคนกังวลเกี่ยวกับสภาพแวดล้อมและการศึกษาด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม ///!

* 2013 การประชุมนานาชาติเกี่ยวกับการศึกษาด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม:
2013/08/27 มี "เจ้า Xincheng SC Yeh รองผู้อำนวยการ" และศาสตราจารย์วังซิน .......


โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งผมนำมาให้ทุกคนได้เห็นและผลิตภัณฑ์อ้างอิงที่ใช้สำหรับการรีไซเคิลฟรีกรอบรูปกระดาษแข็งที่ทำจากกระดาษฟอยล์อลูมิเนียมภายในแพคเกจเป็นที่น่าอัศจรรย์มัน! ดีมากกับ Oh! มีสีเขียวพอแหวนมัน! ผมจำนำโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งในการสอน วัสดุการศึกษาอธิบายให้ผู้เข้าร่วมที่จะเข้าใจจุด "การรีไซเคิลทรัพยากรที่เป็นทอง" ตัวอย่างและการปฏิบัติและกระดาษสัมผัสพิเศษที่เหนือกว่า ... .........


2012/06/29 ผมที่จะถ่ายภาพให้ทุกคนมองไปที่ภาพใหญ่ฉันเกือบจะตก (อยู่ถัดไป): ฉันคนนี้มีกว่าเซลล์ตายจำนวนมาก EI = ยากจริงๆอา !! ........ มีอย่างระมัดระวัง ไม่มีใครรู้ว่าใครบางคนตอนนี้เน ??? ⋯


สอนวิทยาศาสตร์โลกศาสตราจารย์ Xie Longqin มักหนังสือพิมพ์และสื่ออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ .... เป็นครูที่ดีดีจาก. มีความสุขมากที่จะได้ยินเขาพูดว่าเขาเป็นเหตุผลที่ทางของฉันที่จะฟังคำพูดของอ่าวครั้งที่สอง. และเวลาแรกที่ฉันได้เห็นการจับที่ดี เพื่อนครู ...... หน้า FB ของเขาฉันได้เห็นนี้หน้าจอผมได้เข้าเยี่ยมชม .....

ศาสตราจารย์หลิว Guangying (= เขาเป็นหนึ่งในลำโพง) จะนั่งอยู่ในด้านหน้าของฉันและฉันดีใจและโชคดีและมีความสุขมากที่จะฟังศาสตราจารย์หลิว Guangying ที่เบาะหลังและเพื่อนของเขาพูดคุยและสนทนา

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ใบ Motif โพสต์สองขั้นตอนนี้ (ลายนูน) เป็นของฉัน !! สองดอกไม้ติดเป็นเรื่องยากที่ได้รับของฉัน. ใบฉันโพสต์

โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งผมนำมาให้ทุกคนได้เห็นและผลิตภัณฑ์อ้างอิงที่ใช้สำหรับการรีไซเคิลฟรีกรอบรูปกระดาษแข็งที่ทำจากกระดาษฟอยล์อลูมิเนียมภายในแพคเกจเป็นที่น่าอัศจรรย์มัน! ดีมากกับ Oh! มีสีเขียวพอแหวนมัน! ผมจำนำโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งในการสอน วัสดุการศึกษาอธิบายให้ผู้เข้าร่วมที่จะเข้าใจจุดและสัมผัสกระดาษ .........

การฟื้นฟูสิ่งแวดล้อมรอบของแผ่นกระดาษที่ผมส่งไปยังนายกเทศมนตรีและแสดงสามารถทำสำหรับทุกคนที่จะเห็นแผ่นสีเขียวเหล่านี้กระดาษอลูมิเนียมในการประมวลผลการรีไซเคิลกระดาษปาร์คเกอร์ทำสองสิ่งที่ดีรองผู้อำนวยการของมิสซูยังสัมผัสมากคนตอนนี้เน .
มิสซูรองผู้อำนวยการดูวันที่การแสดงออกและเนื้อหาของการพูดคุยของเธอนั้นฉันชอบความประหลาดใจและมีความสุขวันโอ้ฉันได้รับการหัวเราะและรอยยิ้ม / ยิ้ม !.

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2012/06/29 ผมที่จะถ่ายภาพให้ทุกคนมองไปที่ภาพใหญ่ฉันเกือบจะตก (อยู่ถัดไป): ฉันคนนี้มีกว่าเซลล์ตายจำนวนมาก EI = ยากจริงๆอา !! ........ มีอย่างระมัดระวัง ไม่มีใครรู้ว่าใครบางคนตอนนี้ ei ~ ~ ~
ภาพ: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569963539705743&set=a.571224249579672&type=1&theater

ผมสงสัยว่าภาพที่คุ้มค่าสำหรับทุกคนได้เห็นภาพ ......


ฉันมีภาพจะมีความทรงจำ! สอนฉันร่วมกับคุณแหวนพูด (แหวนสอนหลักสูตรฟรี) เก็บภาพ! ผมเคยยิง (เป็น叶欣诚กรรมการการศึกษาด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมของมหาวิทยาลัยแห่งชาติไต้หวันเป็นประธานการสัมมนา) กรีนมหาวิทยาลัยสีเขียวของมหาวิทยาลัย ยังดีมากและน่าตื่นเต้นมาก !!!! เห็น FB ของ 3 วิดีโอและวิดีโอ Youtube ของฉันและบล็อกที่ฉันได้รับผู้ผลิตภาพยนตร์ที่มีประโยชน์ "ทั้งสองด้านของวิดีโอมหาวิทยาลัยสีเขียว ....... " ^ _ ^

3 วิดีโอบน FB: https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=vb.100000763055653&type=2

ศาสตราจารย์ Xu: ผู้คนจำนวนมากมากอย่างจริงจัง


สองสัญญาณ: จัดกลัวในทิศทางที่ไม่ถูกต้องมากกว่าความตั้งใจของ !! ใช่ปรบมือของคุณก็จะมีการถ่ายภาพจะมีความทรงจำ !!!

คำแนะนำระวังของศาสตราจารย์ Xu 2012/06/30 เพื่อนร่วมชั้นของความกระตือรือร้นจัดสถานที่. กระดาษที่ดีแสดงให้เห็นถึงรูปแบบการมีรอยเท้าหลายคนตอนนี้คิดอยู่บนพื้นดินอย่างระมัดระวัง EI = จัดเป็นมัน (ฉัน 6/29 / 2012 พิเศษขโมยถ่ายภาพให้ทุกคนเห็น)

ผมตั้งใจสุดของ it. 2012/06/29 สำหรับทุกคนที่จะร่วมกันแม้ภายใต้โปสเตอร์ภาพนี้โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งยังเห็น ....

มองออกความตั้งใจของฉันยังอบอุ่นและ ?? 2012/06/29 2012/06/30 ไฮไลท์

โอ้ดี !! โปสเตอร์ (โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งชนะเสี่ยวฉันขอโทษที่คุณจงใจยิงเสี่ยว ah! เสี่ยวยังรุนแรงมากในปีที่ผ่านมาธนาคารกลางรายละเอียดทั้งหมดที่ฉันได้พบและถ่ายภาพมุมมองด้านข้างและเพื่อนร่วมชั้นอย่างหนักของเขา).


A. ซ้ายที่ 2: ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์เดวิดเจ้าหน้าที่พูดของ "สิ่งแวดล้อมศึกษา" เป็นเรื่องที่ดีสุด

ศาสตราจารย์ Chung-หลิวหมิงพูดใช่ !! ในที่สุดผมก็ต้องฟังคนแรกที่เห็นอาจารย์ที่มีชื่อเสียงการบรรยายของครูจุงหมิงหลิว

B. ทั่วไปซ้าย廖中勋พูดจาก Taitung หนึ่งที่ดี

นาย廖中勋ทั่วไปจริงใจโอ้จุดเริ่มต้นที่ดี !!! ดีสมัยเก่า "ลุกขึ้นยืนบรรยาย" "จากนั้นพิธีกรถามว่าเขาจะนั่งลงและการบรรยายโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งการเรียนรู้ที่จะยิงพี่ชายของเขาหลังจากที่ (ตาม) เขา .... ..... ฉันได้เห็นพระเยซู! ^ _ ^

กลาง: ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์หลี่ Qiyue ยังพูดดีฉันประหลาดใจที่จะเห็นเขาเป็นการส่วนตัวดังนั้นฉันกล่าวว่าวิธีที่คุ้นเคยมัน

ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์เจ้าหน้าที่สิ่งแวดล้อมศึกษาเดวิดพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับเนื้อหาของสองคนแรกเป็นเรื่องที่ดีพูดดีสมบูรณ์โอ้ .... พูดของเจ้าหน้าที่ดีเดวิดผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์: ไม่คิดว่าผมอยากจะสรรเสริญเจ้าหน้าที่, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์นายพลเดวิดและ廖中勋 ............ ฯลฯ (ยากที่จะต้องกังวลเกี่ยวกับความตั้งใจของคำพูดของรองผู้อำนวยการ Ye ซินเฉิงพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับเนื้อหาที่ดีที่สุด! ........ ^ _ ^)


! ว้าวมีอาจารย์ที่มีชื่อเสียงศ Chung-หลิวหมิงเจ้าประธานของสมาคมจีนของสภาพแวดล้อมคาร์บอนต่ำ :! Chung-หลิวหมิงศาสตราจารย์

** กรม Chengchi มหาวิทยาลัยแห่งชาติอย่างเป็นทางการเดวิดชาติพันธุ์วิทยาและผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
รองผู้อำนวยการสำนักงานคุ้มครองสิ่งแวดล้อม EPA ประธานรองผู้อำนวยการในการพูดบริหารเงินหยวนเจ้าซินเฉิงและ
Taitung คาโน Yongan เมืองชุมชนเหลียว Zhongxun ทั่วไปและ

พิพิธภัณฑ์แห่งชาติไต้หวันภัณฑารักษ์เฉิน Jimin และ
ศาสตราจารย์ Qiu Shangjia แห่งชาติหยุนหลินมหาวิทยาลัยวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีภาควิชาสถาปัตยกรรมและการออกแบบตกแต่งภายในและ
ประธานาธิบดีจีนคาร์บอนต่ำสังคมด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม: ศาสตราจารย์ Chung-หลิวหมิงและ
สถาบันสิ่งแวดล้อมศึกษาศาสตราจารย์วัง Hongrui (เกี่ยวกับการศึกษาด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม) และ

จีนสถาบันวิจัยเศรษฐกิจดร Li & Yongzhan
สื่อดิจิตอลเทคโนโลยีกรมมหาวิทยาลัยแห่งชาติไทเปซิตี้วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี: หลี่ Qiyue ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ........ = เนื้อหาการบรรยายพูดดี !!! แน่นอนไม่ได้คาดหวังว่าพวกเขาจะได้รับการยกย่อง !!!


โชคดีที่ผมเป็นเวลาสองวันต้องไป Oh! ลำโพงหลายคนกำลังพูดถึงเป็นที่น่าตื่นเต้นมาก .... !!! เจ้าหน้าที่เดวิดเหลียว Zhongxun ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์และผู้อำนวยการทั่วไป .... พูดถึง "สิ่งแวดล้อมศึกษา" เป็นเรื่องที่ดีสุด โชคดีที่ฉันมีที่จะไป! ฉันโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งภาพให้ทุกคนเห็น

ห่างไกลจาก Taitung *** "Yongan เมือง Taitung คาโนชุมชน廖中勋อธิบดี" (ไมโครโฟนถือกลางและกลาง "ลุกขึ้นยืนพูด" ชาย: = ดีสมัยเก่าและจริงใจมากเหลียวทั่วไป) จุดเริ่มต้นที่ล้าสมัยที่ดี "ลุกขึ้นยืนพูด", "ผู้ดูแลต่อมาขอให้เขานั่งลงและการบรรยาย (กล้องไม่ลงมันจะเป็นเรื่องง่ายที่จะลืมมัน.)


  / ภัณฑารักษ์มีการพูด. / * ห่างไกลจาก Taitung "Yongan เมือง Taitung คาโนชุมชน廖中勋อธิบดี" (ด้านซ้ายซึ่งนั่งพูดคุย / พูดในทางซ้ายที่จะใช้ไมโครโฟนนายที่廖中勋 = ดีสมัยเก่าและจริงใจมากเหลียว อธิบดี).

* สิ่งที่คุณทำเพื่อ E.E. แหวนสอน ~ ~ ~

ภาพข่าว: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103826458381&set=a.569094166459347.1073741840.100000763055653&type=1&permPage=1


รองผู้อำนวยการ叶欣诚叶欣诚รองผู้อำนวยการดร SC Yeh (EPA ประธานรองผู้อำนวยการรองผู้อำนวยการศ SC Yeh) คำพูดที่ยอดเยี่ยม * 2013 "ออก" สิ่งแวดล้อม "," การศึกษา "วิ่งหนี" - และอุตสาหกรรมทางวัฒนธรรมและความคิดสร้างสรรค์การป้องกันภัยพิบัติการแพร่กระจาย ประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติในเบื้องต้นพบ / "ตัดข้ามทำลายกรอบทอดคิดกรมจะรวม ...... " พูดถึง "การคิดเชิงกลยุทธ์ ...... " / มีความซับซ้อน "ทรัพยากรใหม่ใช้ . สาร "/ การใช้กากตะกอนอ่างเก็บน้ำรีไซเคิลที่ทำจากเครื่องปั้นดินเผาเคลือบชนะดิสก์หรือยอดเยี่ยมถ้วยเคลือบเครื่องปั้นดินเผา ................ :

สอง (ลายนูน) วางสมุนไพรได้ยาก. และรอให้แห้งในช่วงเวลานานในการรอของฉัน. ใบฉันโพสต์

รอบซุปเปอร์ประโยชน์หากการฟื้นฟูสิ่งแวดล้อมของแผ่นบนและล่างของกระดาษอาจจะสกปรกอดัมส์ภายใต้ชั้นบางของกระดาษบาง แต่ยังส่วนที่เหลือของความหนาเต็มรูปแบบของการฟื้นฟูสิ่งแวดล้อมของแผ่นกระดาษสามารถฉีกขาดประมาณ 12 ชั้นเหนือการใช้อย่างมีความสุข อย่าโยนสกปรกอย่างน้อย 12 ครั้งมีมากขึ้นและฉันมีน้ำตาน้ำตาที่ดีสุด, วิธีที่ฉันรู้สึกประหลาดใจมากที่พบว่าการคุ้มครองสิ่งแวดล้อมจริงและการใช้ประโยชน์ของเสีย = สะอาดเกินไปจะทำให้สิ่งที่ดีดี = !! หวังว่าคุณจะรู้ว่า เช่นสิ่งที่ดีอา !!


รองผู้อำนวยการสำนักงานในปีที่ผ่านมาเรียนรู้วิธีการป้องกันการจัดกิจกรรมสิ่งแวดล้อม / มีความเครียด "บูรณาการด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมและสิ่งแวดล้อมศึกษา" คำพูด / 叶欣诚ดร SC Yeh ของหัวข้อ: กรอบสำหรับการศึกษาด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมนอกเหนือจากการแพร่ / การใช้ที่ทำจากอ่างเก็บน้ำตะกอนกลับมาใช้ใหม่ รางวัลเครื่องปั้นดินเผาเคลือบดิสก์เครื่องปั้นดินเผาเคลือบหรือยอดเยี่ยมถ้วย & 'โคลนเคลือบและอ่างเก็บน้ำตะกอน "กลับมาใช้ของทรัพยากร" เป็นเครื่องใช้ที่มีคุณภาพดีกว่าและถ้วยและจาน / มีความเครียด "วัฒนธรรมและความคิดสร้างสรรค์และวัฒนธรรมและสถาบันการศึกษาและชุมชนในการวางแผน บูรณาการ ..... "พูด. / บรรยายผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านสื่อ. / คนสื่อนายเบิร์ชผู้อำนวยการของกรม TVBS ผู้เชี่ยวชาญในอุตสาหกรรมการท่องเที่ยวการพูด / การบรรยาย. / มีเน้น" การสร้างและอาคารสีเขียว "คำพูด . / สถาบันคาร์บอนต่ำสิ่งแวดล้อม: ศาสตราจารย์ Chung-หลิวหมิงพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับการคุ้มครองสิ่งแวดล้อม .... / ฝ่ายเทคโนโลยีสื่อดิจิตอล: หลี่ Qiyue: การท่องเที่ยวผู้เชี่ยวชาญในอุตสาหกรรม李奇岳ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์และซีอีโอ / สถาปัตยกรรมและการตกแต่งภายในภาควิชาออกแบบ / พิพิธภัณฑ์แห่งชาติไต้หวันภัณฑารักษ์เฉิน Jimin / NCCU ชาติพันธุ์วิทยา ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ภาควิชาอย่างเป็นทางการ EE เดวิดพูด = สิ่งแวดล้อมศึกษา = สิ่งแวดล้อมศึกษา / พื้นเมืองบรรยายลำโพง / มีความเครียด "ชุมชน" / * ได้สอนมหาวิทยาลัยปกติในไทเป, รองผู้อำนวยการรองผู้อำนวยการ叶欣诚叶欣诚 (และเกาสง Normal University) ดร . SC Yeh (EPA ประธานรองผู้อำนวยการรองผู้อำนวยการศ SC Yeh) คำพูดที่ยอดเยี่ยม *






Due 2014 (9/29/2014 big event: 9/29 wonderful large well-known "The First Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" / response to climate change is indeed a long-term investment with a high degree of challenge is also full of opportunities. arduous task / 2014 Pan Pacific international Symposium on Climate Change adaptation partnership & online climate) have invited speakers Vietnam & Philippines & Thailand speakers speakers, so there are three following languages:


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event)

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.


RE: Prof. Shaw Chen Liu GOOD SPEECH.

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions

Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Qing Carbon Alliance added 30 photos.

Shaw Chen Liu Academy of Sciences. #Climatepartner

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to the climate change research

Qing Carbon Alliance

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician: Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research #climatepartner


Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Anhthu Hoang environmental justice commissioner, her speech about the United States after Hurricane Sandy brought severe disasters, the federal government and local organizations on how public-private partnerships, joint reconstruction, while strengthening the disaster area disaster response force.

Hurricane Sandy invasion of New York in 2012, affecting 23 million inhabitants, the second largest in American history, resulting in significant economic losses.
President Obama to create a National Disaster Response Framework (NDRF), based on the reconstruction and the joint efforts of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies.

9/29 are delighted to have Dr. Anhthu Hoang EPA environmental justice experts, share reconstruction Hurricane Sandy: the federal government and local partners to establish a fair disaster response force


The final seminar, invited to the National Taiwan University Biological Environmental Systems Engineering

Professor, Department - Dr. Tong Qingbin for cross-cutting risk assessment and response force to construct introduced. We can understand the different countries face meetings impact of climate change coping capacity.

Dr. Tong Qingbin area of expertise focuses on climate change research, environmental systems analysis, sustainable land and water resources. The speech mentioned Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan, Kaohsiung Kobayashi was the village of issues related to the impact of climate change in 2009.

Climate change impact island facing challenges such as rising sea levels, water scarcity and other problems encountered by countries and continents types have many differences, and thus adapt international seminar focusing on the island or have a long coastline facing the region, such as the impact of rising sea levels adaptation as also invited Taiwan experts to share experience and technology in Taiwan adjustment tools, and explore the climate change vulnerability and build resilience, hope to work with experts on behalf of the Pan Pacific depth exchange.



"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level." Regional partners to combat climate change 9/29/2014

. LAN and partners are start ing online attention adaptation / Ms. Joanna Lei = Dr. 雷倩 said:: "the more difficult things, the more we should do it!

2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Dr. Joanna Lei, Dr. Hc Chien, Dr. Chi-Ming Peng, Dr.Shaw-Chen Liu, Dr. Guo, Dr. Tong, ............

Dr.Wayne Higgins, Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles, Dr. Anhthu Hoang & ........: in TWN, ROC

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice / three international climate change experts / EPA Ms. Anhthu Hoang environmental justice commissioner

Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations up to 30 years / UN Climate Summit / clear carbon League # Climatepartner Joanna Lei

Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu: Global warming once, before the typhoon brought strong rainfall will increase ten percent two hundred percent, an increase of about 150% in Taiwan

Qing carbon Alliance / EPA Ms. Anhthu Hoang environmental justice commissioner / Tong Qingbin Dr. interdisciplinary risk assessment and construction of the restoring force introduced

# Climatepartner: clear carbon Alliance: EPA first session of the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation fight climate change /


RE: Sharing Speech Photos in several languages words: I have participated in several clubs do a wonderful speech rings teaching activities Photo Album & "out of" environment "," education "exodus" of seminars and world citizen Cafe World Caf'e Fo Guang Shan :

319 photos with several languages (then 2013 Director Chen Shihong have to go, I also have shine on him.) Related to environmental education.

International Environmental Education Symposium: Encounter, Crossover and Exchange with Cultural Innovation, Economic Industry, Disaster Reduction and Film Dissemination


in 5 languages / words: FB PHOTOS BOOK ON: https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.571224249579672.100000763055653&type=3

Dr. CHI-MING Peng PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103413125089&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater



*** Deputy Director 叶欣诚 said: "The start learning, develop their potential, open-minded, empathy, adhere to the ideals and pragmatic act, making new friends, lay down the framework, from small start looking at the big" and *** Dr. Deputy Director of SC Yeh 叶欣诚 have elaborate: "warm, content, knowledge, integration, dissemination"


Dr. CHI-MING PENG PHOTOS: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103413125089&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater

Prof. Peng Photo -2: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103273125103&set=a.571224249579672&type=3&theater

The ring will do the teaching activities / have stresses "Environmental Integration" speech / 叶欣诚 Deputy Director of the Topic: "framework for environmental education, beyond and diffusion."

Deputy Director 叶欣诚 chaired! Professor Ye Xincheng be "ambassadors" !! ^ _ ^


Deputy Director *** Dr. SC Yeh 叶欣诚 have elaborate: "warm, content, knowledge, integration, dissemination" and "cross-cutting, breaking the frame, spanning thinking, the Department will integrate ......" talk "strategy thinking ......... ", & ............:

************************************************** ***************

イ ェ Xin Cheng, Deputy Executive wa leaves, サ STAB STAB ra nn ド の su Tatari nn ド (ko の photo wa cordial Xiao, president of Lairong ta の deputy director で (HI-nn サ Rousseau na ホ su Suites ga highest の Ye Secretary will dominate Deputy Executive desu.
World public ka フ ェ ワ Hikaru ド Caf'e "environmental integration


Foreigners talk "Be out there" concept


Phillippines words: Tagalog: May talk tungkol sa "Pangkapaligiran Pagsasama" speech / Deputy Director Dr. Xin Cheng YEH g Paksa: kapaligiran edukasyon framework, lampas at pagsasabog /

*** Best "Chief Deputy EPA EPA ang Director Deputy Director Dr. Xin Cheng YEH" aralin (Paksa: kapaligiran edukasyon framework, lampas at pagsasabog);


  Vietnamese: Tôi cũng mang hai cuốn sách Ye Tân Để ca ngợi không?


  Thai 319 สำนักงาน กลาง ของ กิจกรรม การ เรียน การ สอน ที่ น่า ตื่นเต้น ภาพถ่าย สโมสร เมื่อ ปี ที่ แล้ว และ 8/27 & 2013/08/28 ฉัน เข้า ร่วม กิจกรรม การ เรียน รู้ กลาง สโมสร ที่ น่า ตื่นเต้น มาก ภาพ เก็บ อัลบั้ม Essence จัด: (ไม่ ได้ ถ่ายรูป ลง จะ เป็น เรื่อง ง่าย ที่ จะ ลืม มัน)

************************************************** ***************

  ps foreigners - 2: Elizabeth Soper Tan Back to School: Back Outside; How Outdoor Education and Outdoor School Time Create High Performance Students

Ms. Elizabeth Soper: <Associate Director of Eco-Schools USA at National Wildlife Federation>

Stresses Be out there & Get kids outside ....... and
Dr. CHI-MING PENG (Dr. Peng Qiming) =

I photographed your Dr. Peng Qiming. Dr. Chi-Ming Peng video he took photographic equipment, and later he took the stage.


I took the ring to do very exciting teaching club activities photo gallery essence Album: (not photographed down will be easy to forget it.)


   Environmental protection is not only a resource recovery: Link "literary creation", "industry", "Disaster" "spread" in the field, interdisciplinary dialogue


* 2013 "out of" environment "," education "running away" - and the cultural and creative industry, disaster prevention, early dissemination meet International Symposium / "cross-cutting, breaking the frame, spanning thinking, integration ministry, ... ... ", to talk about" strategic thinking ...... "/ ............:


*** Deputy Director 叶欣诚 said: "The start learning, develop their potential, open-minded, empathy, adhere to the ideals and pragmatic act, making new friends, lay down the framework, start small, from the big place to see."
Xin Cheng, Deputy Director ///: diligent love people, concerned about the environment and environmental education ///!

* 2013 International Conference on Environmental Education:
8/27/2013 There "Ye Xincheng SC Yeh, Deputy Director" & Professor Wang Xin .......


In particular, I bring everyone to see and reference products for free recycling cardboard photo frame made out of aluminum foil paper inside the package, it is amazing it! Very good with Oh! Have enough green it! I especially pawned ring to teach educational materials explain allow participants to understand the spot "resource recycling into gold," the examples and practical and paper touch ultra superior ... .........


6/29/2012 me to take pictures for everyone to look at the big picture I almost fall (next fall): I am someone now over many cells die ei = really hard ah!! ........ There very carefully. Does anyone know someone now ei ??? ⋯


Teach earth science Professor Xie Longqin often newspapers and electronic media .... was a very good teacher. Very happy to hear him speak, he is the reason of my way to listen to the speech of the Bay II. First time I saw a good grip Friends teacher ...... face, his FB I have seen, this screen pages I have visited .....

Professor Liu Guangying (= He was one of the speakers) to sit in front of me and I am glad and lucky and very happy to listen to Professor Liu Guangying in the back seat and his friends talk & chat.

************************************************** ***************

Deputy director of Miss Su also very touched someone now ei.

Leaf Motif posted two phases of this (embossing) is my !! two flowers attached is my hard earned. Leaves me posted.

In particular, I bring everyone to see and reference products for free recycling cardboard photo frame made out of aluminum foil paper inside the package, it is amazing it! Very good with Oh! Have enough green it! I especially pawned ring to teach educational materials explain allow participants to understand the spot and touch paper .........

Round environmental regeneration of the paper pad, I sent one to the mayor & SHOW can be made for everyone to see these green pad of paper: Paper recycling processing aluminum Parker made two good things, deputy director of Miss Su also very touched someone now ei .
Miss Su, deputy director of the day look at the expression and the content of her talk; I like surprises and happy day Oh I've been laughing & smile / smiling!.

************************************************** ***************

6/29/2012 me to take pictures for everyone to look at the big picture I almost fall (next fall): I am someone now over many cells die ei = really hard ah!! ........ There very carefully. Does anyone know someone now ei ~ ~ ~
photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569963539705743&set=a.571224249579672&type=1&theater

I wonder worthwhile photos for everyone to see photo ......


I have pictures will have memories! Taught me share with you a speech ring (ring teach free courses) photo collection! I've shot (was 叶欣诚 environmental education director of National Taiwan Normal University, chaired the seminar) Green University Green University is also very good and very exciting!!!! see my FB of 3 VIDEOS & My Youtube Videos & Blogs I get useful movie maker "on both sides of the green university videos ......." ^ _ ^

3 VIDEOS ON FB: https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=vb.100000763055653&type=2

Professor Xu: a lot of people very seriously.


Two signs: the organizers afraid in the wrong direction over the intentions of !! yeah clap your hands I have a photograph will have memories!!!

Careful guidance of Professor Xu 6/30/2012 enthusiastic classmates arranged venue. Good paper shows pattern There SEVERAL footprints figure someone now on the ground very carefully ei = organizer is it! (I 6/29 / 2012 Special steal photographed for everyone to see)

I am super intention of it. 6/29/2012 for everyone to share even under this particular photo poster also see ....

Look out my intentions yet warm & ?? 6/29/2012 6/30/2012 highlight

Oh good!! Posters (especially beat Xu, I am sorry that you deliberately shoot, Xu ah! Xu also very serious in RBI last year all the details I have found and photographed his outlook and classmates hard side.)


A. Left 2: Assistant Professor David officer spoke of "environmental education" is about super good.

Professor Chung-Ming Liu speech yeah!! I finally had to listen first to see the famous professor Chung-Ming Liu teacher's lecture.

B. General left 廖中勋 speaking from Taitung good one.

Mr. 廖中勋 General sincere Oh good beginning !!! good old-fashioned "stand up lecture" ", then the host asked him to sit down and lecture, especially learning to shoot his brother after (according to) him .... ..... I have seen Jesus! ^ _ ^

Middle: Assistant Professor Li Qiyue also spoke well, I was pleasantly surprised to see him personally, so I said how familiar it.

Assistant Professor of environmental education officer David talk about the content of the first two is good, speak good complete Oh .... speaking of great officer David Assistant Professor: did not think I would like to praise the officer, assistant professor of General David & 廖中勋 ............ etc. (hard to worry about the intentions of the Deputy Director Ye Xin Cheng speech talking about the best content! ........ ^ _ ^)


! Wow there is the famous professor Prof. Chung-Ming Liu Ye, chairman of the Chinese Society of low-carbon environment:! Chung-Ming Liu professor.

** National Chengchi University Department official David Ethnology Assistant Professor &
Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Agency EPA Chief Deputy Director of the Executive Yuan Ye Xin Cheng's speech &
Taitung Kano Yongan Township Community Liao Zhongxun General &

National Taiwan Museum curator Chen Jimin &
Professor Qiu Shangjia National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture and Interior Design &
China Low Carbon Environmental Society president: Professor Chung-Ming Liu &
Institute of Environmental Education Professor Wang Hongrui (about environmental education) &

Zhang Qin Peng, director of the Taipei City Local Education Center &
吕琪昌 associate professor of the Department of Industrial Design &
Chinese Economic Research Institute Dr. Li Yongzhan &
Digital Media Technology Department of National Taipei University City Science and Technology: Li Qiyue Assistant Professor ........ = lecture contents speak well !!! certainly did not expect that they will be praised !!!


Fortunately, I was two days have to go Oh! Speakers lot of people are talking about is very exciting .... !!! officer David Liao Zhongxun Assistant Professor & Director General .... speak of "environmental education" is about super good Fortunately, I have to go! I especially photos for everyone to see.

Far from Taitung *** "Yongan Township Taitung Kano Community 廖中勋 Director-General" (intermediate holding microphone & Middle "stood to speak," the man: = Good old-fashioned and very sincere Liao General) good old-fashioned beginning "Stand up speech", "moderator later asked him to sit down and lecture (no camera down it will be easy to forget it.)


  / There curators speech. / * Far from Taitung "Yongan Township Taitung Kano Community 廖中勋 Director-General" (on the left who sat talking / speaking on the left to take the microphone, Mr. who 廖中勋 = Good old-fashioned and very sincere Liao Director-General.)

* What you do for E.E. ring teach ~ ~ ~

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=569103826458381&set=a.569094166459347.1073741840.100000763055653&type=1&permPage=1


Deputy Director 叶欣诚 叶欣诚 Deputy Director Dr. SC Yeh (EPA Chief Deputy Director Deputy Director: Prof. SC Yeh) brilliant speech * 2013 "out" environment "," education "running away" - and the cultural and creative industry, disaster prevention, spread international Symposium on the initial meet / "cross-cutting, breaking the frame, spanning thinking, the Department will integrate ......" talk about "strategic thinking ......" / have elaborate "resource re-apply . material "/ use recycled sludge reservoir made of pottery glaze winning disk or Terrific glaze pottery cup ................:

Two (embossing) herbal paste is my hard earned. & Wait for it to dry over a long time to wait. Leaves me posted.

Round super useful if environmental regeneration of the upper and lower pad of paper can be dirty Adams under a thin layer of paper thin, but also the rest of the full thickness of the environmental regeneration of the pad of paper can be torn about 12 floors above, nice use , do not throw dirty, at least 12 times more available and I had super good tear tear, the way I was too surprised to discover that the true environmental protection and waste utilization = too clean can make good things = great!! hope you know such a good thing ah!!


Deputy Director of the Office last year, learn how to protect the environment activities / have stresses "Environmental Integration & Environmental Education" speech / 叶欣诚 Dr. SC Yeh's Topic: The framework for environmental education, beyond the diffusion / use was made of recycled sludge reservoir Award pottery glaze pottery glaze disk or Terrific Cup & 'mud glaze and reservoirs silt' "re-use of resources" into better quality utensils and cups and plates / have stresses "cultural and creative and cultural and academia and community planning integration ..... "speech. / lecture the media experts. / media person Mr. Birch, director of the Department of TVBS speech / lecture tour industry experts. / there stresses" building and green building "speech . / Low Carbon environmental Institute: Professor Chung-Ming Liu talk about environmental protection .... / digital Media Technology Department: Li Qiyue: Tourism industry experts 李奇岳 Assistant Professor and CEO / architecture and interior Design Department / national Taiwan Museum curator Chen Jimin / NCCU Ethnology Assistant Professor Department official David speech EE = Environmental Education = Environmental Education / Native speakers lecture / have stresses "community" / * have taught Normal University in Taipei, Deputy Director, Deputy Director 叶欣诚 叶欣诚 (and Kaohsiung Normal University) Dr . SC Yeh (EPA Chief Deputy Director Deputy Director: Prof. SC Yeh) wonderful speech *.

Chan did not have?


"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.


BLOG : (Words in English)  http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330958242

Donald J. Wuebbles,Wayne Higgins,Anhthu Hoang:9/29 Taiwan,R.O.C.



Keynote Speakers  >>> read more

專題講者介紹  SPEAKERS :

Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.


環保外交  & several photos on  : Blog in English, also for Twitter  AND   Google Plus  for  friends.


區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路臺灣為與各國共同推動氣候變遷相關工作,環保署於今(29)日舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,與會各國對於氣候變遷長期合作夥伴計畫均已具高度共識,期望超越地理界限,共同研商有效面對氣候變遷衝擊的策略及資訊平台,分享彼此經驗,一同邁向永續的未來。         環保署署長魏國彥致詞時表示,對於遠道而來的外賓熱忱歡迎,本研討會舉辦的時間剛好呼應近日在紐約舉辦的聯合國氣候高峰會,期望各國共同攜手面對氣候變遷所造成的衝擊;環保署長期致力於參與國際氣候變遷網絡,創造銜接臺灣與國際的機會,以利迅速銜接或累積國際間正快速提升的能力與資源,守護臺灣的永續發展。         本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家(包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)及國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署(NOAA)氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士Dr. Wayne Higgins以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。         研討會總結報告指出,泛太平洋的確面臨嚴重的氣候變遷問題,而我們共同調適問題有共通相似之處,對於氣候變遷之調適法令、政策、人才、教育、技術及資金都還需要各國攜手合作,從經驗上相互交流。氣候服務、各區域氣候變遷之資料共享、氣候變遷對社會經濟影響、溫室氣體排放模擬情境、各不同面向之衝擊經濟分析對我們區域面對氣候變遷議題相當重要,是我們亟需努力的目標。未來應在強化氣候變遷調適研究及教育的交流及推廣,朝向建立一個針對太平洋區域面對氣候變遷調適聯盟的合作關係,建立平台,進行相關研究合作夥伴計畫,定期交流合作與溝通,人員互訪及舉辦國際研討會等相關事宜。         本次會議吸引超過250名來自各產、官、學界代表及一般社會大眾參加,並同步提供線上直播,讓更多無法親身與會的民眾,一起觀看這次會議的精采演講及熱烈討論。#climatepartnerhttp://ivy5.epa.gov.tw/enews/fact_Newsdetail.asp?InputTime=1030929192234

BLOG : (Words in English)  http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330958242


Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles

The Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Sciences School of Earth, Society, 
and Environment Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Illinois

Dr.  Donald J. Wuebbles is the Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Illinois.   He is a professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences as well as an affiliate professor in the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and in Electrical and Computer Engineering.   He was the first Director of the School of Earth, Society, and Environment at Illinois, the first Director of the Environmental Council at the University, and Head of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences for many years.

Wuebbles is an expert in numerical modeling of atmospheric physics and chemistry. He has authored over 400 scientific articles, relating mostly to atmospheric chemistry and climate issues.    He has been a lead author on a number of local, regional, national, and international assessments related to concerns about climate change, and on atmospheric chemistry, including the effects of human activities on stratospheric and tropospheric ozone.

He has led past assessments and analyses of potential impacts of climate change and air quality
on urban areas like Chicago and on various sectors for larger regions like the Midwest and the Northeast.

Wuebbles and colleagues received the 2005 Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He has been honored by being selected a Fellow of three major professional science societies, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Meteorological Society.

 He shares in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work with the international Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 

Professor Wuebbles was a Coordinating Lead Author for the major international IPCC assessment of climate change published in late 2013 and was a leader in the U.S. National Climate Assessment published in May 2014, including leading the chapter on climate science and being a member of the Executive Secretariat and the Federal Advisory Committee.

He was one of six U.S.
scientists selected by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences to work with counterparts representing the UK Royal Society on a special report on climate change; the resulting report was published in February 2014. He is also a leader in the WMO-UNEP assessment of stratospheric ozone, and co-leads the chapter on policy analyses, that is to be published in late 2014. Dr. Wuebbles received the Cleveland Abbe Award from the American Meteorological Society in February 2014 for outstanding accomplishments and service given to society.


Dr. Wayne Higgins 


Director, Climate Program Office / OAR / NOAA 

Dr. Wayne Higgins is the Director of the Climate Program Office (CPO) within NOAA’s Office of Atmospheric Research.

In this position he serves as the focal point for climate programs within NOAA, supporting one of NOAA's primary mission goals:



 Irene Nielso



Dr. Liu     ( Taiwanese )  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa

中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 特聘講座、本院院士(二十九屆)
 國立成功大學 物理理學士 19629月至19666
 匹茲堡大學 物理博士 19679月至197212

        1. 中央研究院地球科學研究所/環境變遷計畫特聘研究員/計畫主持人199911月至200312
        2. 喬治亞科技大學空氣資源工程中心主任199710月至199910
        3. 喬治亞科技大學地球及大氣科學學院GeorgiaPower與喬治亞研究聯盟傑出學者講座19963月至199911
        4. 台灣大學客座教授19928月至19937
        5. 地球物理文摘編輯委員1990年至1997
        6. 地球物理期刊主編1988年至1991
        7. 美國國家海洋大氣總署理論大氣物理/大氣物理實驗室主任及主管物理研究員19809月至19963 
        8. 美國國家海洋大氣總署理論大氣物理/大氣物理實驗室物理研究員197712月至19808
        9. 科羅拉多大學太空行星及大氣科學合聘教授19798月至19886
        10. 美國國家大氣研究中心客座研究員19778月至197711




    ( Taiwanese )  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa




470 x 246
504 x 561

200 x 142
130 x 200

133 x 200



welcome to Taiwan.


Session 7a: Dr. Wayne Higgins - Climate Change and Trends in Weather and Climate Extremes



Emma Watson, British actor and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, co-hosts a special event for UN Women’s HeForShe campaign. The HeForShe campaign is a solidarity...




Dr. Anhthu Hoang


 Hurricane Sandy made landfall in the NewYork metropolitan area on October 29, 2012, causing upwards of $50 billion indamage and affected 23 million residents – the second most economically costlynatural disaster in American history.

Implementing the National DisasterResponse Framework (NDRF) created under President Obama’s Presidential PolicyDirective, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and otherfederal agencies, under the coordination of the US Federal Emergency ManagementAgency,

worked with stakeholders at the state and local levels, includinggovernment agencies and non-governmental entities, to effectuate an effectiveresponse and recovery to the disaster.  Iwill present a case study of federal support for the recovery in Long Island,New York and discuss the lessons we learned about enabling a sustainable andequitable process for community planning and capacity building that ensures theintegration of resiliency into the area’s rebuilding.


Taiwanese :





    專題講者  >>>read more
    會議講者  >>>read more



     2014-9-23 環保署密切關注國際氣候談判趨勢

2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會
時間: 103年9月29日(星期一) 10:00-17:00
地點: 臺灣大學霖澤館 國際會議廳




  ON SEP. 29, 2014.

Dr. Liu in Taiwan.  TAIWANESE.




Dr. Joanna Lei


Ms. Joanna Lei


Dr. Joanna Lei


Ms. Joanna Lei



Left side : Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien) : 行政院環境保護署



He is good at speak English.  His voice is so good.




Ms. Jenny  (Prof. Hc Jenny Chien



Dr. Liu in Taiwan.  TAIWANESE.


2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Climate Change live online seminar
Vicky Chen
Yesterday 20:52 ·

2 PHOTOS. AskingClimate Change Questions. Asking time.

I'll post a few days 9/29 (we read and listen to) the speech of the screen.

"Adjustment is not an option, but a hope" & "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" & everyone could become climate refugees & Justice Climate:

************************************************** *****************

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future hope of 9/29/2014:


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event)

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.

# Climatepartner

  What is adaptation? (7 photos)
What adaptation is? Meaning of "adaptation" ~ ~


Climate Change Partnership area! # Climatepartner

RE: "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" & "adaptation is not an option, but a hope" & everyone could become climate refugees,

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future of hope

Taiwan with other countries to jointly promote climate change related work, EPA Environmental Protection Agency organized the "International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" on 9/29/2014, the participating countries for climate change plans are long-term partners with high degree of consensus, expectations beyond geographical boundaries, Gongtongyanshang effective strategies to face the impact of climate change and information platform to share experiences with each other, work together towards sustainable future.

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice / several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

Details available to the International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation 2014 Pan-Pacific Partnership:

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice - Life - Liberty Times Newsletter

EPA 9/29 organized the "International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership 2014 Pan Pacific," Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said that the global warming of 1 degree, the typhoon brought heavy rain before the 10% will increase twice. "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" invited three international experts in climate change, namely the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, academician of Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu and the United States Climate Program Office Dr. Wayne Higgins, the U.S. national Climate assessment Report, the Pan-Pacific climate change adaptation, climate science and services and other topics keynote speech.


9/29/2014 wonderful large 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Partnership & online seminar ON LIVE = ZOOM simulcast / can slide the phone, we do very well and very complete 9/29 important climate Transition seminar (FREE SPEECH): 5 PHOTOS by Prof. Jenny & Dr. Peng

Before the end of the afternoon session, before the end of the meeting to send a gift

Limited edition print whale umbrella (worth 1000 yuan)
Black bear card sets
Polar bear card sets


RE: Prof. Shaw Chen Liu GOOD SPEECH.

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions

Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Qing Carbon Alliance added 30 photos.

Shaw Chen Liu Academy of Sciences. # Climatepartner

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to the climate change research

Qing Carbon Alliance

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician: Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research # climatepartner


Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Anhthu Hoang environmental justice commissioner, her speech about the United States after Hurricane Sandy brought severe disasters, the federal government and local organizations on how public-private partnerships, joint reconstruction, while strengthening the disaster area disaster response force.

Hurricane Sandy invasion of New York in 2012, affecting 23 million inhabitants, the second largest in American history, resulting in significant economic losses.
President Obama to create a National Disaster Response Framework (NDRF), based on the reconstruction and the joint efforts of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies.

9/29 are delighted to have Dr. Anhthu Hoang EPA environmental justice experts, share reconstruction Hurricane Sandy: the federal government and local partners to establish a fair disaster response force


The final seminar, invited to the National Taiwan University Biological Environmental Systems Engineering

Professor, Department - Dr. Tong Qingbin for cross-cutting risk assessment and response force to construct introduced. We can understand the different countries face meetings impact of climate change coping capacity.

Dr. Tong Qingbin area of ​​expertise focuses on climate change research, environmental systems analysis, sustainable land and water resources. The speech mentioned Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan, Kaohsiung Kobayashi was the village of issues related to the impact of climate change in 2009.

Climate change impact island facing challenges such as rising sea levels, water scarcity and other problems encountered by countries and continents types have many differences, and thus adapt international seminar focusing on the island or have a long coastline facing the region, such as the impact of rising sea levels adaptation as also invited Taiwan experts to share experience and technology in Taiwan adjustment tools, and explore the climate change vulnerability and build resilience, hope to work with experts on behalf of the Pan Pacific depth exchange.

9/29/2014: Prof. Liu & Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles & Prof. Peng & Prof. Jenny & Prof. L. & .................... ..... etc.

TV NEWS. / BLOG. / Climate Change / Good speech.

Time: Year 2014 9 29 (星期一)
Location: Taiwan's Lin Ze Hall University School of Law International Conference Hall (Taipei City Xinhai Sec on ​​the 30th)



Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership



Wonderful "2014 Pan Pacific First International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation" Less /// Environmental Protection Agency Management Office Executive Secretary Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien): good speech !!

  Environmental Protection Agency Management Office Executive Secretary minus 3 photos.

Ms. Jenny's expertise: air pollution control / climate change and international cooperation / greenhouse gas management / risk assessment and management / vehicle management / business management / public health / environmental health & ...........


9/29/2014 again also very happy to hear Miss Lei Qian's speech:

. Joanna Lei Ms. 雷倩 said:: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!! good speech!" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level "///// I also like her good speech /.. Dr. Lei Qian 9/29/2014, said: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!!" (the words of one of my very stunning.)

! Live fish = Oh, I have to shoot the fish tank and the fish swim around the video I recently posted photos & video will be meaningful & creative aquarium, see the word that line;. Taiwan people who think about row word (tank top Chinese and English fish on) the meaning and implications of !!! "Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian / Prof. Lei and D. Peng Qiming Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny Jane Jenny Executive Secretary & ...... upload photos and FB Climatepartner day lecture clocking speed ultrafast . good & great !!

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Afternoon field first invited to Ms. Irene Nielson EPA Climate Change Commissioner
For US EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
EPA climate change adaptation policies and tools for speech.
On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.


3 photos:




Slide the phone to participate in climate change!

9/29/2014 really big full !!! sit empty seats !!! 1F outfield also close to the screen and chairs for people to listen to the speech OTC is also added two large beautiful fans .... ....... = too intimate and thoughtful. photograph the recently posted VICKY's FB.

Several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


2014 9 29 (星期一) 10: 00-17: 00 lectures photos.

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste
# Climatepartner



  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 ·

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), and sustainable development of.


.!. Joanne 娜雷 = Ms. Joanna Lei Ms. Leiqian good speech I also like her good speech / Dr. Lei Qian 9/29/2014, said: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!!" (I if one is stunning.)

! Fish is alive Oh, I have to shoot the fish tank and the fish swim around the video I recently posted photos & video will be meaningful & creative aquarium, see the word that line;. Taiwan people who think about row word (tank top Chinese and English fish on) the meaning and implications of !!! "Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian / Prof. Lei and D. Peng Qiming Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny Jane Jenny Executive Secretary & ...... upload photos and FB Climatepartner day lecture clocking speed ultrafast . good & great !!

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

3 photos: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290614791146734/290614727813407/?type=1&theater


Slide the phone to participate in climate change!

9/29/2014 really big full !!! sit empty seats !!! 1F outfield also close to the screen and chairs for people to listen to the speech OTC is also added two large beautiful fans .... ....... = too intimate and thoughtful. photograph the recently posted VICKY's FB.

Several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Afternoon field first invited to Ms. Irene Nielson EPA Climate Change Commissioner
For US EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
EPA climate change adaptation policies and tools for speech.

On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste
# Climatepartner


Climate total pen

Hashtag (topic labels)
Can be seen as marking "event" to use, so if you use # Cooking can establish links with other people the same tags, so that we can quickly find related topics, so it was also translated into the Hashtag "theme label "


Facebook # Hashtag feature that allows participants to share experiences in real-time on fb, you can search for this event marked #climatepartner all share (share are required to be disclosed to the search)


************************************************** *****************

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future hope of 9/29/2014:


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event)

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.

# Climatepartner

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste


Climate total pen



Hardworking Team. And lots of person bring their computers & note book and phone and tablet ...............

Many young media friends to sit in the last row, the day 12:18 Fat network news. (Vicky there under as a historic moment ......)

Q & !!! Environmental Diplomacy:

On the left: Ms. Jenny (Prof. Hc Jenny Chien Environmental Protection Agency management room temperature minus counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny): Environmental Protection Agency chief counselor Jane Jenny management room temperature minus Executive Secretary

EPA Environmental Protection Agency Management Counsellor and room temperature minus the Executive Secretary / (experts Jane Jenny committee.)

Ms. Jenny's expertise: air pollution control / climate change and international cooperation / greenhouse gas management / risk assessment and management / vehicle management / business management / public health / environmental health & ............. ..

  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.

  9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste


  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 · Edit Record

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), and sustainable development of.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Watch Online


9/29: EPA held "2014 Pan Pacific First International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation." Invitation from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric experts Administration Climate Program Office of Science, University of Illinois, United States to Taiwan deliver the keynote speech, and the Pan-Pacific region actively invite UN climate negotiators meeting with experts to Taiwan to promote Pan Pacific regions (especially vulnerable to the impact of climate change long coastline island or country) climate change adaptation policies and actions of the exchange.

The impact of climate change facing the island, such as rising sea levels, challenges such as water scarcity issues and the mainland types encountered in the country there are many differences. The coping strategies included soft (concepts, policies), hard (infrastructure) body updates, for example, coastal land conservation and ecological systems, and proper planning of buildings and settlement patterns, etc.; also be required to rely on international cooperation and technical support. Taiwan is located in the Pan Pacific hub location, willing to actively adapt to climate change from the island country's own experience, and promote mutual cooperation in the international community, and the output of their own experience exchange technology and governance, jointly established the face of climate change partnerships.

The seminar invited to the three international climate change expert for "climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)" and "Climate Change Vulnerability and restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building) "both share the theme of lectures and practice. Expectations of views and experiences through agitation and the exchange of national experts, the period of the workshop to create forward-looking, and enhance Taiwan's international visibility of climate change adaptation in.

EPA management room temperature minus Jane Jenny Executive Secretary:

9/29/2014: 2014 PAN PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: ONE OF GOOD SPECIAL PHOTOS: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290613984480148/290613947813485/?type=1&theater


Environmental Protection Agency United State Environmental Protection Agency


Weather Risk Management Xing Technology Development Co., Ltd. Central

Qing Carbon Alliance www.climatechange.tw (Facebook)

Taiwan's China Airlines, Taiwan ZOOM Li Kai Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Energy Research Center, National Taiwan University, Institute for Clean Production and Regional Development Foundation




# Climatepartner

Environmental Diplomacy:

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice - Life - Liberty Times Newsletter

EPA 9/29/2014 hold "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said that the global warming of 1 degree, the typhoon brought heavy rain will increase before the 10% twice. "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" invited three international experts in climate change, namely the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, academician of Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu and the United States Climate Program Office Dr. Wayne Higgins, the U.S. national Climate assessment Report, the Pan-Pacific climate change adaptation, climate science and services and other topics keynote speech.

# Climatepartner: clear carbon Alliance: EPA first session of the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation combat climate change / LAN and partners are start ing online attention


  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.


  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 · Edit Record

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Ms. Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), sustainable development.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


* Photos on: http://ccs.gov2.tw/en/node/1638



Do not buy a cottage: EPA Air Quality Protection Department Deputy Director Jane Jenny said she was most worried about the young man bought the cottage. Because legitimate cell phones, SAR value (Specific Absorption Rate) electromagnetic energy absorption ratio, must meet the requirements NCC 2.0w / kg or less, but the cottage electromagnetic standard is difficult to guarantee.

http: //www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/article.action ......



http: //energymonthly.tier.org.tw/outdatecontent.asp ......

http: //taichung.sambacode.com /....../% E6% 88% 91% E5% 9C ......


Qiongannalei = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian good speech! I also like her good speech.

! Fish is alive Oh, I have to shoot the fish tank and the fish swim around the video I recently posted photos & video will be meaningful & creative aquarium, see the word that line;. Taiwan people who think about row word meaning and implications !!!

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Will in particular invite:

1 Director of State Environmental Protection Administration Wei Yan
2 U.S. National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles
3 Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica Academician Liu Shao-chen
4 U.S. Climate Program Office, Dr. Wayne Higgins
5 Dr. Lei Qian
6. Prof. Hc Jenny Chien Environmental Protection Agency Room temperature minus management counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny

Professor at the University of Illinois and the United States National Climate Assessment Report author -Donald J. Wuebbles, 9 29 against climate change ~ 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership will bring us a wonderful speech!

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research # climatepartner

To participate in the Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership Initiative.

- Major media to come interview -

News footage:

1 sand painting show (09: 55-10: 10)

2 unveiling ceremony and a group photo (12: 30-13: 00): Director of Environmental Protection, Executive Yuan Kuo-Yen Wei, greenhouse gas reduction strategies into infrastructure will 雷倩 chairman of the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, Research Center for environmental Changes, Academia Sinica academician Shaw Chen Liu, Li Yingjie American Institute in Taiwan, Deputy Director, United States Climate program office, Dr. Wayne Higgins, small island developing countries, climate change experts representing the Pacific region, the temperature at the environmental Protection Agency Less management room counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny and so on.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership



  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.

Watch Online

  Online Climate Change Seminar https://sites.google.com/site/2014ppicca/zoomonline


國旗紅了. Johnson 紅了.

猜猜明天要做什麼? #Climatepartner
相片:猜猜明天要做什麼?  #Climatepartner


MEETING ON 9/29/2014

美國伊利諾大學教授兼美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者-Donald J. Wuebbles剛抵達台灣,9月29日對抗氣候變遷~ 2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會將為我們帶來精彩的演講!敬請期待~~~
相片:美國伊利諾大學教授兼美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者-Donald J. Wuebbles剛抵達台灣,9月29日對抗氣候變遷~ 2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會將為我們帶來精彩的演講!敬請期待~~~



Donald Wuebble 到了沒? 辛苦的阿龍接機! #climatepartner





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2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會
時間: 103年9月29日(星期一) 10:00-17:00
地點: 臺灣大學霖澤館 國際會議廳



轉 不侵台

2014/09/25 北冕颱風北轉 不侵台




區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路 9/29/2014 :


來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)

及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。


 What is adaptation? (7 張相片)
適應是什麼? 何謂 "調適" ??


區域的氣候變遷夥伴關係! ‪#‎climatepartner‬

RE : 「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」 & 『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』 & 人人都可能成為氣候難民 ,

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路

臺灣為與各國共同推動氣候變遷相關工作,EPA 環保署於 9/29/2014 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,與會各國對於氣候變遷長期合作夥伴計畫均已具高度共識,期望超越地理界限,共同研商有效面對氣候變遷衝擊的策略及資訊平台,分享彼此經驗,一同邁向永續的未來。

全球增溫1度 前10%強降雨增加兩倍 / 好幾家聰明機伶的媒體友來採訪講者們........!!!!

詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會 :

全球增溫1度 前10%強降雨增加兩倍 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報

環保署 9/29 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,中研院院士劉紹臣表示,全球增溫1度,颱風所帶來的前10%暴雨就會增加兩倍。「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」邀請3位國際級氣候變遷專家,分別是美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles、我國中央研究院劉紹臣院士及美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins,就美國國家氣候評估報告、泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適、科學與氣候服務等議題發表專題演講。

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路臺灣為與各國共同推動氣候變遷相關工作,環保署於今(29)日舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,與會各國對於氣候變遷長期合作夥伴計畫均已具高度共識,期望超越地理界限,共同研商有效面對氣候變遷衝擊的策略及資訊平台,分享彼此經驗,一同邁向永續的未來。         環保署署長魏國彥致詞時表示,對於遠道而來的外賓熱忱歡迎,本研討會舉辦的時間剛好呼應近日在紐約舉辦的聯合國氣候高峰會,期望各國共同攜手面對氣候變遷所造成的衝擊;環保署長期致力於參與國際氣候變遷網絡,創造銜接臺灣與國際的機會,以利迅速銜接或累積國際間正快速提升的能力與資源,守護臺灣的永續發展。         本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家(包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)及國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署(NOAA)氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士Dr. Wayne Higgins以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。         研討會總結報告指出,泛太平洋的確面臨嚴重的氣候變遷問題,而我們共同調適問題有共通相似之處,對於氣候變遷之調適法令、政策、人才、教育、技術及資金都還需要各國攜手合作,從經驗上相互交流。氣候服務、各區域氣候變遷之資料共享、氣候變遷對社會經濟影響、溫室氣體排放模擬情境、各不同面向之衝擊經濟分析對我們區域面對氣候變遷議題相當重要,是我們亟需努力的目標。未來應在強化氣候變遷調適研究及教育的交流及推廣,朝向建立一個針對太平洋區域面對氣候變遷調適聯盟的合作關係,建立平台,進行相關研究合作夥伴計畫,定期交流合作與溝通,人員互訪及舉辦國際研討會等相關事宜。         本次會議吸引超過250名來自各產、官、學界代表及一般社會大眾參加,並同步提供線上直播,讓更多無法親身與會的民眾,一起觀看這次會議的精采演講及熱烈討論。#climatepartnerhttp://ivy5.epa.gov.tw/enews/fact_Newsdetail.asp?InputTime=1030929192234

9/29/2014 精彩的大型 2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會 & 線上氣候變遷研討會 ON LIVE = ZOOM 同步直播/  可 滑手機 , 大家辦得很好和很完整的 9/29 重要 的 氣候變遷研討會 (FREE SPEECH) : 5 PHOTOS by Prof. Jenny  & Dr. Peng


限量絕版 鯨魚雨傘 (價值1000元)


RE : Prof. 劉紹臣 GOOD SPEECH.

目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士-劉紹臣 正針對Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions

泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

清碳聯盟新增了 30 張相片。


劉紹臣院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻


目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士:  劉紹臣 正針對 Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

劉紹臣 院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻 ‪#‎climatepartner‬


歡迎持續關注2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


來自美國環保署的Ms. Anhthu Hoang是環境正義專員,她的演講有關美國在桑迪颶風帶來嚴重災害後,美國聯邦政府如何與地方組織建立公私夥伴關係,共同進行災後重建、同時強化災區的災後回復力。


9/29 很高興邀請到Dr. Anhthu Hoang 美國環保署環境正義專家,分享颶風珊蒂的災後重建: 聯邦政府與地方夥伴合作建立公平的災後回復力



學系教授-童慶斌博士,針對跨領域風險評估與回復力建構進行介紹。 我們可以會議中瞭解不同國家面臨氣候變遷衝擊的因應能力。



9/29/2014 : Prof. Liu & Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles & Prof. Peng & Prof. Jenny & Prof. L. & ......................... etc.

TV NEWS. / BLOG. / Climate Change / Good speech.




歡迎持續關注2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會



精彩的「2014 第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會」 /// 行政院 環境保護署 減管理室 執行秘書 Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien) : good speech !!

 行政院 環境保護署 減管理室 執行秘書 3 photos.

Ms. Jenny's 專長 : 空氣污染防制/氣候變遷與國際合作/溫室氣體管理/風險評估及管理/車輛管理/經營管理/公共衛生/環境衛生 & ...........


也很開心9/29/2014 又來聽 雷倩 小姐 的演講 :

Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 說: : "越難的事, 越要去做!!! good speech! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. " ///// I also like her good speech. / 雷倩 博士 9/29/2014 說: "越難的事, 越要去做!!!" (我很驚艷的話之一.)

小魚=活的喔! 我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video. 我近日會貼出 photos & video. 很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字(魚上的水缸上方的中文和英文)的意義和含意!!! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 / Prof. Lei 和 D. 彭啟明 Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny 簡慧貞 執秘 & ...... 上傳當天演講照片和 FB Climatepartner 打卡的 speed 超快. good & great!!

" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "

下午場首先邀請到 Ms. Irene Nielson 美國環保署氣候變遷專員
針對U.S. EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools


3 photos :





9/29/2014 真的大爆滿!!! 坐無虛席!!! 1F 外場還貼心的 以 中螢幕 和 椅子可供人 場外聽演講. 還加兩個大型美麗的電風扇........... = 太貼心和體貼. 照片近日內貼在 VICKY's FB.


2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


2014年9月29日(星期一)10:00-17:00 的演講 照片.

9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到



 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 9/29/2014 也有被 tv news 專訪喔. 原視(原住民 tv台) & 大愛台 9/29 有來專訪她 ( Prof. 郭士筠 ). 相信大家在 tv news & youtube videos 有看到. 我也照她. 近日內貼出 9/29 聽演講的照片集 on Vicky FB.

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路臺灣為與各國共同推動氣候變遷相關工作,環保署於今(29)日舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,與會各國對於氣候變遷長期合作夥伴計畫均已具高度共識,期望超越地理界限,共同研商有效面對氣候變遷衝擊的策略及資訊平台,分享彼此經驗,一同邁向永續的未來。         環保署署長魏國彥致詞時表示,對於遠道而來的外賓熱忱歡迎,本研討會舉辦的時間剛好呼應近日在紐約舉辦的聯合國氣候高峰會,期望各國共同攜手面對氣候變遷所造成的衝擊;環保署長期致力於參與國際氣候變遷網絡,創造銜接臺灣與國際的機會,以利迅速銜接或累積國際間正快速提升的能力與資源,守護臺灣的永續發展。         本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家(包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)及國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署(NOAA)氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士Dr. Wayne Higgins以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。         研討會總結報告指出,泛太平洋的確面臨嚴重的氣候變遷問題,而我們共同調適問題有共通相似之處,對於氣候變遷之調適法令、政策、人才、教育、技術及資金都還需要各國攜手合作,從經驗上相互交流。氣候服務、各區域氣候變遷之資料共享、氣候變遷對社會經濟影響、溫室氣體排放模擬情境、各不同面向之衝擊經濟分析對我們區域面對氣候變遷議題相當重要,是我們亟需努力的目標。未來應在強化氣候變遷調適研究及教育的交流及推廣,朝向建立一個針對太平洋區域面對氣候變遷調適聯盟的合作關係,建立平台,進行相關研究合作夥伴計畫,定期交流合作與溝通,人員互訪及舉辦國際研討會等相關事宜。         本次會議吸引超過250名來自各產、官、學界代表及一般社會大眾參加,並同步提供線上直播,讓更多無法親身與會的民眾,一起觀看這次會議的精采演講及熱烈討論。#climatepartnerhttp://ivy5.epa.gov.tw/enews/fact_Newsdetail.asp?InputTime=1030929192234

9月29日 ·

行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。

郭博士 主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。


瓊安娜 雷 = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 good speech! I also like her good speech. / 雷倩 博士 9/29/2014 說: "越難的事, 越要去做!!!" (我很驚艷的話之一.)

小魚是活的喔! 我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video. 我近日會貼出 photos & video. 很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字(魚上的水缸上方的中文和英文)的意義和含意!!! " Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩 / Prof. Lei 和 D. 彭啟明 Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny 簡慧貞 執秘 & ...... 上傳當天演講照片和 FB Climatepartner 打卡的 speed 超快. good & great!!

" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level. "

3 photos : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290614791146734/290614727813407/?type=1&theater



9/29/2014 真的大爆滿!!! 坐無虛席!!! 1F 外場還貼心的 以 中螢幕 和 椅子可供人 場外聽演講. 還加兩個大型美麗的電風扇........... = 太貼心和體貼. 照片近日內貼在 VICKY's FB.


2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


下午場首先邀請到 Ms. Irene Nielson 美國環保署氣候變遷專員
針對U.S. EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools


9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到



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可視為標記「事件」用的,所以如果你用 ‪#‎Cooking‬ 可以建立與其他別人相同標記之間的連結,讓大家很快就可以找到相關的主題,因此也有人把 Hashtag 翻譯成「主題標籤」


Facebook ‪#‎Hashtag‬ 功能,讓與會者能在fb上分享即時心得,打上 #climatepartner 就能搜尋到此事件所有分享 (分享者需設為公開才能搜尋的到)


區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路 9/29/2014 :


來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)

及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。



2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


線上氣候變遷研討會 直播
Vicky Chen
昨天 20:52 ·

2 PHOTOS. AskingClimate Change Questions. Asking time.

我近日內會貼出 9/29 (大家看聽)演講的畫面.

『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』 & 「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」 & 人人都可能成為氣候難民 & 正義氣候 :


區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路 9/29/2014 :


來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家 (包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)

及 國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組 (IPCC) 成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授 Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles 表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而 是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。


9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到   #climatepartner

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路臺灣為與各國共同推動氣候變遷相關工作,環保署於今(29)日舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,與會各國對於氣候變遷長期合作夥伴計畫均已具高度共識,期望超越地理界限,共同研商有效面對氣候變遷衝擊的策略及資訊平台,分享彼此經驗,一同邁向永續的未來。         環保署署長魏國彥致詞時表示,對於遠道而來的外賓熱忱歡迎,本研討會舉辦的時間剛好呼應近日在紐約舉辦的聯合國氣候高峰會,期望各國共同攜手面對氣候變遷所造成的衝擊;環保署長期致力於參與國際氣候變遷網絡,創造銜接臺灣與國際的機會,以利迅速銜接或累積國際間正快速提升的能力與資源,守護臺灣的永續發展。         本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家(包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)及國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署(NOAA)氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士Dr. Wayne Higgins以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。         研討會總結報告指出,泛太平洋的確面臨嚴重的氣候變遷問題,而我們共同調適問題有共通相似之處,對於氣候變遷之調適法令、政策、人才、教育、技術及資金都還需要各國攜手合作,從經驗上相互交流。氣候服務、各區域氣候變遷之資料共享、氣候變遷對社會經濟影響、溫室氣體排放模擬情境、各不同面向之衝擊經濟分析對我們區域面對氣候變遷議題相當重要,是我們亟需努力的目標。未來應在強化氣候變遷調適研究及教育的交流及推廣,朝向建立一個針對太平洋區域面對氣候變遷調適聯盟的合作關係,建立平台,進行相關研究合作夥伴計畫,定期交流合作與溝通,人員互訪及舉辦國際研討會等相關事宜。         本次會議吸引超過250名來自各產、官、學界代表及一般社會大眾參加,並同步提供線上直播,讓更多無法親身與會的民眾,一起觀看這次會議的精采演講及熱烈討論。#climatepartnerhttp://ivy5.epa.gov.tw/enews/fact_Newsdetail.asp?InputTime=1030929192234=====




Hardworking Team. and lots of person bring their computers & note book and 手機 和 平板...............

很多年輕媒體 friends 坐最後一排, 當天12:18 發網路新聞. ( Vicky 有照下歷史性的一刻......)

問答時間!!!環保外交 :

左邊 : Ms. Jenny  (Prof.  Hc Jenny Chien 行政院環境保護署溫減管理室參事兼執行秘書簡慧貞 ) : 行政院環境保護署 簡慧貞參事 兼 溫減管理室執行秘書

EPA 行政院環境保護署參事兼溫減管理室執行秘書 / ( 專家學者. 簡慧貞委員.  )

Ms. Jenny's 專長 : 空氣污染防制/氣候變遷與國際合作/溫室氣體管理/風險評估及管理/車輛管理/經營管理/公共衛生/環境衛生 & ...............

 『本 次研討會邀請到 Dr. 童慶斌 & 三位國際級氣候變遷專家 & .......,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。』

面對氣候變遷,除了減緩還有調適工作,這次台美合作,共同舉辦泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會,邀請美國氣候變遷專家來台,包含 US EPA、 Prof. 瑋柏 &  NOAA 等專家學者參加,還有邀請各島嶼、東南亞國家的代表,精彩。

 9/29/2014 就算到了 17:10 還是剩很多 95% 的聽眾和觀眾們在場. 16:48 送 價值 ntd1,000 得漂亮的好雨傘 & 兩個好的手機套. 3 photos. 我近日會貼當天精彩照片很多張. 若你(或你們)也有拍照, 請也c.c. 貼到


 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 9/29/2014 也有被 tv news 專訪喔. 原視(原住民 tv台) & 大愛台 9/29 有來專訪她 ( Prof. 郭士筠 ). 相信大家在 tv news & youtube videos 有看到. 我也照她. 近日內貼出 9/29 聽演講的照片集 on Vicky FB.

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.


9月29日 · 編輯紀錄

行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。

郭博士 主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。


詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會




9/29 :環保署舉辦「2014 第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會」。邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、美國伊利諾大學等專家學者訪臺進行專題演講,並積 極邀請泛太平洋地區聯合國氣候談判代表與專家來臺與會,促進泛太平洋地區(特別是易受氣候變遷衝擊之長海岸線島嶼或國家)氣候變遷調適政策與行動的交流。

島 嶼所面臨的氣候變遷衝擊,例如海平面上升、水資源匱乏等問題和大陸類型國家所遭遇的挑戰有諸多差異。而調適策略包含軟(觀念、政策)、硬(基礎建設)體更 新,例如濱海土地與生態系統之保育,和妥當的建築與聚落型態之規劃等;同時須仰賴國際合作與技術支援。臺灣位於泛太平洋樞紐位置,願意積極從自身海島國的 氣候變遷調適經驗出發,推動國際社會相互合作,交流且輸出自身技術與治理的經驗,共同建立面對氣候變遷的夥伴關係。

本次研討會邀請到三位 國際級氣候變遷專家,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。期許透過與會專家激盪與交流各國的觀點與經驗,期能創造本研討會的前瞻性,同時提升臺灣在氣候變遷 調適的國際能見度。

環保署溫減管理室 簡慧貞 執行秘書 :

9/29/2014 : 2014 PAN PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION : ONE OF GOOD SPECIAL PHOTOS : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290613984480148/290613947813485/?type=1&theater


行政院環境保護署 United State Environmental Protection Agency


天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司 環興科技股份有限公司

清碳聯盟 www.climatechange.tw (Facebook)

Taiwan ZOOM 中華航空公司 台灣立凱電能科技股份有限公司

國立臺灣大學能源研究中心 財團法人清潔生產與區域發展基金會





環保外交 :

全球增溫1度 前10%強降雨增加兩倍 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報

環 保署 9/29/2014 舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」in Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. ,中研院院士劉紹臣表示,全球增溫1度,颱風所帶來的前10%暴雨就會增加兩倍。「2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」邀請3位國際級氣候變遷專家,分別是美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles、我國中央研究院劉紹臣院士及美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins,就美國國家氣候評估報告、泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適、科學與氣候服務等議題發表專題演講。

#‎climatepartner‬ : 清碳聯盟 :環保署第一屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會對抗氣候變遷/區域網路及夥伴正啟動ing線上關注


 『本 次研討會邀請到 Dr. 童慶斌 & 三位國際級氣候變遷專家 & .......,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。』

面對氣候變遷,除了減緩還有調適工作,這次台美合作,共同舉辦泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會,邀請美國氣候變遷專家來台,包含 US EPA、 Prof. 瑋柏 &  NOAA 等專家學者參加,還有邀請各島嶼、東南亞國家的代表,精彩。


 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 9/29/2014 也有被 tv news 專訪喔. 原視(原住民 tv台) & 大愛台 9/29 有來專訪她 ( Prof. 郭士筠 ). 相信大家在 tv news & youtube videos 有看到. 我也照她. 近日內貼出 9/29 聽演講的照片集 on Vicky FB.

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.


9月29日 · 編輯紀錄

行政法人國家災害防救科技中心 (Ms.) 郭士筠 博士 針對氣候科學於調適政策之應用-以台灣災害衝擊評估為例 進行演說。

Ms. 郭博士 主要研究領域與專長為環境政策(政策分析、評估)、環境社會(態度、知識與行為)、科技與社會(STS)、大眾的科學認知(PUS)、氣候變遷(調適)、永續發展。


詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會


* photos on : http://ccs.gov2.tw/en/node/1638



不要買山寨機: 環保署空保處副處長簡慧貞說,她最擔心年輕人買山寨機。因為合法上市的手機,SAR值(Specific Absorption Rate)電磁波能量吸收比值,必須合乎NCC 2.0w/kg以下的規定,但山寨機電磁波標準難以保證。







瓊安娜 蕾  = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. 雷倩  good speech!  I also like her good speech.

小魚是活的喔!   我有拍魚缸和游來游去的活魚 的 video.  我近日會貼出 photos & video.  很有意義&創意的魚缸, 請看那一行的字 ; 台灣民眾們好好想想那一行字的意義和含意!!!

p.s. 清碳聯盟 & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. 雷倩 & ...... etc. 貼演講照片的 speed 真是超快的又很有效率. GOOD & GREAT.



1. 行政院環境保護署 魏署長國彥
2. 美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles
3. 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 劉院士紹臣
4. 美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins
5. 雷倩  博士
6. Prof.  Hc Jenny Chien 行政院環境保護署溫減管理室參事兼執行秘書簡慧貞

美國伊利諾大學教授兼美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者-Donald J. Wuebbles,9月29日對抗氣候變遷~ 2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會將為我們帶來精彩的演講!

目前國內中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 院士-劉紹臣 正針對Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
泛太平洋區氣候變遷調適 進行演說~

劉 紹臣院士 研究著重在大氣化學、空氣品質、稀有氣體及氣膠之收支平衡、生地化循環、氣候變遷。並曾參與「聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組」研究報告,並協助該研究小組與美國 前副總統艾爾·高爾獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎。聯合國環境規劃署發感謝函表揚他對氣候變遷研究的貢獻 ‪#‎climatepartner‬




1. 沙畫表演 (09:55-10:10)

2. 揭幕儀式與大合照 (12:30-13:00): 行政院環境保護署署長魏國彥、溫室氣體減量基礎建設策進會雷倩理事長、美國國家氣候評估報告執筆者Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles、中央研究院環境變遷研究中心劉紹臣院士、美國在台協會酈英傑副處長、美國氣候計畫辦公室主任Dr. Wayne Higgins、太平洋地區小島開發中國家氣候變遷專家代表、行政院環境保護署溫減管理室參事兼執行秘書簡慧貞等。


詳細內容可至2014 泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會



 『本 次研討會邀請到 Dr. 童慶斌 & 三位國際級氣候變遷專家 & .......,針對「氣候變遷調適方法與工具(Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)」與「氣候變遷脆弱度與回復力建立(Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building)」兩項主題進行專題演講與實務分享。』

面對氣候變遷,除了減緩還有調適工作,這次台美合作,共同舉辦泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會,邀請美國氣候變遷專家來台,包含 US EPA、 Prof. 瑋柏 & NOAA 等專家學者參加,還有邀請各島嶼、東南亞國家的代表,精彩。


 線上氣候變遷研討會 https://sites.google.com/site/2014ppicca/zoomonline

區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路臺灣為與各國共同推動氣候變遷相關工作,環保署於今(29)日舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,與會各國對於氣候變遷長期合作夥伴計畫均已具高度共識,期望超越地理界限,共同研商有效面對氣候變遷衝擊的策略及資訊平台,分享彼此經驗,一同邁向永續的未來。         環保署署長魏國彥致詞時表示,對於遠道而來的外賓熱忱歡迎,本研討會舉辦的時間剛好呼應近日在紐約舉辦的聯合國氣候高峰會,期望各國共同攜手面對氣候變遷所造成的衝擊;環保署長期致力於參與國際氣候變遷網絡,創造銜接臺灣與國際的機會,以利迅速銜接或累積國際間正快速提升的能力與資源,守護臺灣的永續發展。         本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家(包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)及國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署(NOAA)氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士Dr. Wayne Higgins以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。         研討會總結報告指出,泛太平洋的確面臨嚴重的氣候變遷問題,而我們共同調適問題有共通相似之處,對於氣候變遷之調適法令、政策、人才、教育、技術及資金都還需要各國攜手合作,從經驗上相互交流。氣候服務、各區域氣候變遷之資料共享、氣候變遷對社會經濟影響、溫室氣體排放模擬情境、各不同面向之衝擊經濟分析對我們區域面對氣候變遷議題相當重要,是我們亟需努力的目標。未來應在強化氣候變遷調適研究及教育的交流及推廣,朝向建立一個針對太平洋區域面對氣候變遷調適聯盟的合作關係,建立平台,進行相關研究合作夥伴計畫,定期交流合作與溝通,人員互訪及舉辦國際研討會等相關事宜。         本次會議吸引超過250名來自各產、官、學界代表及一般社會大眾參加,並同步提供線上直播,讓更多無法親身與會的民眾,一起觀看這次會議的精采演講及熱烈討論。#climatepartnerhttp://ivy5.epa.gov.tw/enews/fact_Newsdetail.asp?InputTime=1030929192234




區域夥伴共同對抗氣候變遷 調適是邁向未來希望之路臺灣為與各國共同推動氣候變遷相關工作,環保署於今(29)日舉辦「2014泛太平洋氣候變遷調適夥伴國際研討會」,與會各國對於氣候變遷長期合作夥伴計畫均已具高度共識,期望超越地理界限,共同研商有效面對氣候變遷衝擊的策略及資訊平台,分享彼此經驗,一同邁向永續的未來。         環保署署長魏國彥致詞時表示,對於遠道而來的外賓熱忱歡迎,本研討會舉辦的時間剛好呼應近日在紐約舉辦的聯合國氣候高峰會,期望各國共同攜手面對氣候變遷所造成的衝擊;環保署長期致力於參與國際氣候變遷網絡,創造銜接臺灣與國際的機會,以利迅速銜接或累積國際間正快速提升的能力與資源,守護臺灣的永續發展。         本次會議邀請來自美國環保署、美國海洋及大氣科學總署氣候計畫辦公室、島嶼及東南亞共10國19位國外專家(包括來自吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、諾魯、帛琉、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、寮國等國家政府官員參與這場盛會)及國內專家學者,針對因應氣候變遷調適政策、方法與工具、回復力建構等議題進行分享探討。貴賓諾貝爾獎得主、聯合國氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)成員、美國伊利諾大學烏博思教授Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles表示氣候變遷衝擊越來越明顯,衝擊健康、能源、生態及產業安全,美國政府越來越重視氣候調適,提出風險評估與溝通的重要性,並強調『調適不是一種選擇,而是一種希望』,我們要積極面對的選擇是邁向未來的希望之路。而我國劉紹臣院士則表示我國降雨量變化趨勢呈現豐越豐、枯越枯的趨勢,降雨集中造成我國乾旱天數增加,且由於我國地形因素,未來對於山區土地利用規劃應多考量生態保育,減少人民生命財產的損失。美國海洋暨大氣科學總署(NOAA)氣候計畫辦公室主任希金斯博士Dr. Wayne Higgins以他參與美國總統氣候行動計畫經驗,表示美國係以上位計畫提供美國各級政府社會面對氣候變遷的準備,並進而協同各國一同進行氣候變遷工作,NOAA所擔任的角色為提供氣候基礎資訊與演繹、氣候變遷教材與模擬工具等,支持美國總統氣候行動計畫的運作,很希望可以和各國一起努力。         研討會總結報告指出,泛太平洋的確面臨嚴重的氣候變遷問題,而我們共同調適問題有共通相似之處,對於氣候變遷之調適法令、政策、人才、教育、技術及資金都還需要各國攜手合作,從經驗上相互交流。氣候服務、各區域氣候變遷之資料共享、氣候變遷對社會經濟影響、溫室氣體排放模擬情境、各不同面向之衝擊經濟分析對我們區域面對氣候變遷議題相當重要,是我們亟需努力的目標。未來應在強化氣候變遷調適研究及教育的交流及推廣,朝向建立一個針對太平洋區域面對氣候變遷調適聯盟的合作關係,建立平台,進行相關研究合作夥伴計畫,定期交流合作與溝通,人員互訪及舉辦國際研討會等相關事宜。         本次會議吸引超過250名來自各產、官、學界代表及一般社會大眾參加,並同步提供線上直播,讓更多無法親身與會的民眾,一起觀看這次會議的精采演講及熱烈討論。#climatepartnerhttp://ivy5.epa.gov.tw/enews/fact_Newsdetail.asp?InputTime=1030929192234

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Dr. D"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."   in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.
2014 Pan Pacific Partnership on Climate Change Adaptation :

Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang  & Dr. Liu & Dr. Lei & Dr. Jenny Chien  & Dr. CHI-NMING PENG & ............   : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event)

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.


Climate Change Partnership area!      #Climatepartner

RE: "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" & "adaptation is not an option, but a hope" & everyone could become climate refugees,

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future of hope

Taiwan with other countries to jointly promote climate change related work, EPA Environmental Protection Agency organized the "International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" on 9/29/2014, the participating countries for climate change plans are long-term partners with high degree of consensus, expectations beyond geographical boundaries, Gongtongyanshang effective strategies to face the impact of climate change and information platform to share experiences with each other, work together towards sustainable future.

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice / several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

Details available to the International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation 2014 Pan-Pacific Partnership:

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice - Life - Liberty Times Newsletter

EPA 9/29 organized the "International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership 2014 Pan Pacific," Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said that the global warming of 1 degree, the typhoon brought heavy rain before the 10% will increase twice. "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" invited three international experts in climate change, namely the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, academician of Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu and the United States Climate Program Office Dr. Wayne Higgins, the U.S. national Climate assessment Report, the Pan-Pacific climate change adaptation, climate science and services and other topics keynote speech.


9/29/2014 wonderful large 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Partnership & online seminar ON LIVE = ZOOM simulcast / can slide the phone, we do very well and very complete 9/29 important climate Transition seminar (FREE SPEECH): 5 PHOTOS by Prof. Jenny & Dr. Peng

Before the end of the afternoon session, before the end of the meeting to send a gift

Limited edition print whale umbrella (worth 1000 yuan)
Black bear card sets
Polar bear card sets


photo : https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/a.132913976916817.1073741828.128721014002780/289556871252526/?type=1&theater

DM WITH POWER POINT  .pdf  INFORMATION : http://www.accupass.com/go/2014taiwanppicca

# Climatepartner

  What is adaptation? (7 photos)

What adaptation is? Meaning of "adaptation" ~ ~


RE: Prof. Shaw Chen Liu GOOD SPEECH.

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions

Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Qing Carbon Alliance added 30 photos.

Shaw Chen Liu Academy of Sciences. #Climatepartner

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to the climate change research

Qing Carbon Alliance

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician: Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research

 # climatepartner


BLOG : (Words in English)  http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330958242

Donald J. Wuebbles,Wayne Higgins,Anhthu Hoang: 9/29 Taiwan, R.O.C. FORMOSA

* several photos on  : Blog in English, also for Twitter  AND   Google Plus  for  friends.


Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Anhthu Hoang environmental justice commissioner, her speech about the United States after Hurricane Sandy brought severe disasters, the federal government and local organizations on how public-private partnerships, joint reconstruction, while strengthening the disaster area disaster response force.

Hurricane Sandy invasion of New York in 2012, affecting 23 million inhabitants, the second largest in American history, resulting in significant economic losses.
President Obama to create a National Disaster Response Framework (NDRF), based on the reconstruction and the joint efforts of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies.

9/29 are delighted to have Dr. Anhthu Hoang EPA environmental justice experts, share reconstruction Hurricane Sandy: the federal government and local partners to establish a fair disaster response force


The final seminar, invited to the National Taiwan University Biological Environmental Systems Engineering

Professor, Department - Dr. Tong Qingbin for cross-cutting risk assessment and response force to construct introduced. We can understand the different countries face meetings impact of climate change coping capacity.

Dr. Tong Qingbin area of ​​expertise focuses on climate change research, environmental systems analysis, sustainable land and water resources. The speech mentioned Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan, Kaohsiung Kobayashi was the village of issues related to the impact of climate change in 2009.

Climate change impact island facing challenges such as rising sea levels, water scarcity and other problems encountered by countries and continents types have many differences, and thus adapt international seminar focusing on the island or have a long coastline facing the region, such as the impact of rising sea levels adaptation as also invited Taiwan experts to share experience and technology in Taiwan adjustment tools, and explore the climate change vulnerability and build resilience, hope to work with experts on behalf of the Pan Pacific depth exchange.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 ·

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), and sustainable development of.


Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future hope of 9/29/2014:


"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles  &  Dr. Wayne Higgins    &   Dr. Anhthu Hoang : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014  in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.



Welcomes the continued attention of the international Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership



Wonderful "2014 Pan Pacific First International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation" Less /// Environmental Protection Agency Management Office Executive Secretary Ms. Jenny (Dr. Hc Jenny Chien): good speech !!

  Environmental Protection Agency Management Office Executive Secretary minus 3 photos.


Slide the phone to participate in climate change!

9/29/2014 really big full !!! sit empty seats !!! 1F outfield also close to the screen and chairs for people to listen to the speech OTC is also added two large beautiful fans .... ....... = too intimate and thoughtful. photograph the recently posted VICKY's FB.

Several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste
# Climatepartner



  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


.!. Joanne 娜雷 = Ms. Joanna Lei Ms. Leiqian good speech I also like her good speech / Dr. Lei Qian 9/29/2014, said: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!!" (I if one is stunning.)

 "Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian / Prof. Lei and D. Peng Qiming Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny Jane Jenny Executive Secretary & ...... upload photos and FB Climatepartner day lecture clocking speed ultrafast . good & great !!

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

3 photos: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290614791146734/290614727813407/?type=1&theater


Slide the phone to participate in climate change!

9/29/2014 really big full !!! sit empty seats !!! 1F outfield also close to the screen and chairs for people to listen to the speech OTC is also added two large beautiful fans .... ....... = too intimate and thoughtful. photograph the recently posted VICKY's FB.

Several clever quick-witted media friends to interview the speakers ........ !!!!

2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


Afternoon field first invited to Ms. Irene Nielson EPA Climate Change Commissioner

For US EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
EPA climate change adaptation policies and tools for speech.

On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste

# Climatepartner


Climate total pen

Hashtag (topic labels)

Can be seen as marking "event" to use, so if you use # Cooking can establish links with other people the same tags, so that we can quickly find related topics, so it was also translated into the Hashtag "theme label "


Facebook # Hashtag feature that allows participants to share experiences in real-time on fb, you can search for this event marked #climatepartner all share (share are required to be disclosed to the search)


On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste
# Climatepartner

************************************************** *****************

Regional partners to combat climate change adaptation towards the future hope of 9/29/2014:


From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office of Science, a total of 10 islands and Southeast Asia countries 19 foreign experts (including those from Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines, Laos and other countries government officials to participate in this event)

And domestic experts and scholars, for the response to climate change adaptation policies, methods and tools to construct a restoring force to explore such issues to share. VIP Nobel laureate, the UN Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member, Professor Wu Bosi University of Illinois Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles said the impact of climate change become increasingly evident, the impact of health, energy, ecological and industrial safety, the U.S. government increasing emphasis on climate adaptation, the importance of risk assessment and communication of proposed and stressed "adaptation is not an option, but a hope that" we want to face the choice of the way towards the future of hope.

# Climatepartner

9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste


Climate total pen



Hardworking Team. And lots of person bring their computers & note book and phone and tablet ...............

Many young media friends to sit in the last row, the day 12:18 Fat network news. (Vicky there under as a historic moment ......)

Q & A !!! Environmental Diplomacy:

On the left: Ms. Jenny (Prof. Hc Jenny Chien Environmental Protection Agency management room temperature minus counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny): Environmental Protection Agency chief counselor Jane Jenny management room temperature minus Executive Secretary

EPA Environmental Protection Agency Management Counsellor and room temperature minus the Executive Secretary / (experts Jane Jenny committee.)

Ms. Jenny's expertise: air pollution control / climate change and international cooperation / greenhouse gas management / risk assessment and management / vehicle management / business management / public health / environmental health & ............. ..

  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.

  9/29/2014 17:10 or even to the left a lot of 95% of the listeners and the audience present. 16:48 to send the value ntd1,000 was pretty good umbrella & two good phone sets. 3 photos., I recently will many photos posted wonderful photos that day and if you (or you) have to take pictures, please also cc paste



  (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun 9/29/2014 there are tv news interview Oh. Primary visual (Aboriginal tv station) & Da Ai TV 9/29 have to interview her (Prof. Guo Shijun). Believe everyone in the tv news & youtube videos have seen and I have photos of her. posted 9/29 listen to the speech of the photo collection on Vicky FB a few days.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 · Edit Record

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), and sustainable development of.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


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9/29: EPA held "2014 Pan Pacific First International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation." Invitation from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric experts Administration Climate Program Office of Science, University of Illinois, United States to Taiwan deliver the keynote speech, and the Pan-Pacific region actively invite UN climate negotiators meeting with experts to Taiwan to promote Pan Pacific regions (especially vulnerable to the impact of climate change long coastline island or country) climate change adaptation policies and actions of the exchange.

The impact of climate change facing the island, such as rising sea levels, challenges such as water scarcity issues and the mainland types encountered in the country there are many differences. The coping strategies included soft (concepts, policies), hard (infrastructure) body updates, for example, coastal land conservation and ecological systems, and proper planning of buildings and settlement patterns, etc.; also be required to rely on international cooperation and technical support. Taiwan is located in the Pan Pacific hub location, willing to actively adapt to climate change from the island country's own experience, and promote mutual cooperation in the international community, and the output of their own experience exchange technology and governance, jointly established the face of climate change partnerships.

The seminar invited to the three international climate change expert for "climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools)" and "Climate Change Vulnerability and restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building) "both share the theme of lectures and practice. Expectations of views and experiences through agitation and the exchange of national experts, the period of the workshop to create forward-looking, and enhance Taiwan's international visibility of climate change adaptation in.

EPA management room temperature minus Jane Jenny Executive Secretary:

9/29/2014: 2014 PAN PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: ONE OF GOOD SPECIAL PHOTOS: https://www.facebook.com/ClimateChange.taiwan/photos/pcb.290613984480148/290613947813485/?type=1&theater




Environmental Protection Agency United State Environmental Protection Agency


Weather Risk Management Xing Technology Development Co., Ltd. Central

Qing Carbon Alliance www.climatechange.tw (Facebook)

Taiwan's China Airlines, Taiwan ZOOM Li Kai Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Energy Research Center, National Taiwan University, Institute for Clean Production and Regional Development Foundation


Will in particular invite:

1 Director of State Environmental Protection Administration Wei Yan
2 U.S. National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles

3 Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica Academician Liu Shao-chen

4 U.S. Climate Program Office, Dr. Wayne Higgins

5 Dr. Lei Qian
6. Prof. Hc Jenny Chien Environmental Protection Agency Room temperature minus management counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny

Professor at the University of Illinois and the United States National Climate Assessment Report author -Donald J. Wuebbles,  9/29 against climate change ~ 2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership will bring us a wonderful speech!

Currently Environmental Change Research Center, Academia Sinica academician - Shaw Chen Liu positive for Adaptation to Impacts of Global Warming in Pan Pacific Regions
Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation conducted speech ~

Shaw Chen Liu Academy research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, the balance of payments of rare gases and aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, climate change. And has been involved, "the UN multinational Panel on Climate Change" research report, and to assist the research team with the former United States Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel peace prize. UNEP send thank you letter in recognition of his contribution to climate change research # climatepartner

To participate in the Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership Initiative.

- Major media to come interview -

News footage:

1 sand painting show (   9: 55-10: 10)

2 unveiling ceremony and a group photo (12: 30-13: 00): Director of Environmental Protection, Executive Yuan Kuo-Yen Wei, greenhouse gas reduction strategies into infrastructure will 雷倩 chairman of the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, Research Center for environmental Changes, Academia Sinica academician Shaw Chen Liu, Li Yingjie American Institute in Taiwan, Deputy Director, United States Climate program office, Dr. Wayne Higgins, small island developing countries, climate change experts representing the Pacific region, the temperature at the environmental Protection Agency Less management room counselor and Executive Secretary Jane Jenny and so on.

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership



  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.

Watch Online

  Online Climate Change Seminar https://sites.google.com/site/2014ppicca/zoomonline



Environmental Diplomacy:

Global warming a degree before the 10% increase in heavy rainfall twice - Life - Liberty Times Newsletter

EPA 9/29/2014 hold "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu said that the global warming of 1 degree, the typhoon brought heavy rain will increase before the 10% twice. "2014 Pan Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Partnership" invited three international experts in climate change, namely the National Climate Assessment Report author Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles, academician of Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu and the United States Climate Program Office Dr. Wayne Higgins, the U.S. national Climate assessment Report, the Pan-Pacific climate change adaptation, climate science and services and other topics keynote speech.

#Climatepartner: clear carbon Alliance: EPA first session of the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation combat climate change / LAN and partners are start ing online attention


  "The seminar invited to Dr. Tong Qingbin & three international climate change experts & ....... for" climate change adaptation methods and tools (Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and Tools) "and" Climate Change Vulnerability degree with restoring force established (Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience building), "two themes lectures and practice sharing. "

Faced with climate change mitigation as well as adaptation in addition to the work, the Taiwan-US cooperation, jointly organized by the Pan-Pacific International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, climate change experts invited to the United States to Taiwan, including the US EPA, Prof. Wei Bo & NOAA and other experts and scholars to participate , as well as to invite the islands, on behalf of the Southeast Asian country, wonderful.


Qing Carbon Alliance
September 29 · Edit Record

Chief National Science and Technology Center Disaster Prevention (Ms.) Dr. Guo Shijun legal adaptation to climate science in the application of policies - in order to assess the impact of the disaster in Taiwan as an example speech.

Ms. Dr. Guo main research areas and expertise in environmental policy (policy analysis, evaluation), environmental and social (attitudes, knowledge and behavior), Technology and Society (STS), the public's scientific knowledge (PUS), climate change (adaptation), sustainable development.

# Climatepartner

Details available to the International Symposium 2014 Pan-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership


9/29/2014: Prof. Liu & Prof. Donald J. Wuebbles & Prof. Peng & Prof. Jenny & Prof. L. & .................... ..... etc.

TV NEWS. / BLOG. / Climate Change / Good speech.

Location: Taiwan's Lin Ze Hall University School of Law International Conference Hall (Taipei City Xinhai Sec on ​​the 30th)


Ms. Jenny's expertise: air pollution control / climate change and international cooperation / greenhouse gas management / risk assessment and management / vehicle management / business management / public health / environmental health & ...........


9/29/2014 again also very happy to hear Miss Lei Qian's speech:

Joanna Lei Ms. 雷倩 said:: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!! good speech!" Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level "///// I also like her good speech /.. Dr. Lei Qian 9/29/2014, said: "the more difficult things, the more we should do !!!" (the words of one of my very stunning.)


Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian / Prof. Lei and D. Peng Qiming Prof. Chi-Ming Peng & Prof. Jenny Jane Jenny Executive Secretary & ...... upload photos and FB Climatepartner day lecture clocking speed ultrafast . good & great !!

"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level."

Afternoon field first invited to Ms. Irene Nielson EPA Climate Change Commissioner
For US EPA Climate Adaptation Policy and Tools
EPA climate change adaptation policies and tools for speech.
On-site limited seating, please care about meeting content online synchronization, the organizer of this exclusive offer ZOOM channel simulcast.


3 photos:




* Photos on: http://ccs.gov2.tw/en/node/1638



Do not buy a cottage: EPA Air Quality Protection Department Deputy Director Jane Jenny said she was most worried about the young man bought the cottage. Because legitimate cell phones, SAR value (Specific Absorption Rate) electromagnetic energy absorption ratio, must meet the requirements NCC 2.0w / kg or less, but the cottage electromagnetic standard is difficult to guarantee.

http: //www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/article.action ......



http: //energymonthly.tier.org.tw/outdatecontent.asp ......

http: //taichung.sambacode.com /....../% E6% 88% 91% E5% 9C ......


Qiongannalei = Ms. Joanna Lei. Ms. Leiqian good speech! I also like her good speech.

ps clear Carbon Alliance & Prof. CHI-MING PENG & Prof. Jenny & Prof. Leiqian & ...... etc. lecture photos posted speed is really fast yet very efficient. GOOD & GREAT.

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