Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles & Dr. Wayne Higgins
& Dr. Anhthu Hoang : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING on 9/29/2014 in
Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa.
BLOG : (Words in English) http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1330958242
Donald J. Wuebbles,Wayne Higgins,Anhthu Hoang:9/29 Taiwan,R.O.C.
Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles
The Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Sciences School of Earth, Society,
and Environment Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Illinois
Donald J. Wuebbles is
the Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University
of Illinois. He is a professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences
as well as an affiliate professor in the Departments of Civil and
Environmental Engineering and in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He
was the first Director of the School of Earth, Society, and Environment
at Illinois, the first Director of the Environmental Council at the
University, and Head of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences for many
Dr. Wuebbles is
an expert in numerical modeling of atmospheric physics and chemistry.
He has authored over 400 scientific articles, relating mostly to
atmospheric chemistry and climate issues. He has been a lead author on a
number of local, regional, national, and international assessments
related to concerns about climate change, and on atmospheric chemistry,
including the effects of human activities on stratospheric and
tropospheric ozone.
He has led past assessments and analyses of potential impacts of climate change and air quality on urban areas like Chicago and on various sectors for larger regions like the Midwest and the Northeast.
Dr. Wuebbles
and colleagues received the 2005 Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award
from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He has been honored by
being selected a Fellow of three major professional science societies,
the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American
Geophysical Union, and the American Meteorological Society.
shares in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work with the
international Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Professor
Wuebbles was a Coordinating Lead Author for the major international IPCC
assessment of climate change published in late 2013 and was a leader in
the U.S. National Climate Assessment published in May 2014, including
leading the chapter on climate science and being a member of the
Executive Secretariat and the Federal Advisory Committee.
He was one of six U.S. scientists
selected by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences to work with
counterparts representing the UK Royal Society on a special report on
climate change; the resulting report was published in February 2014. He
is also a leader in the WMO-UNEP assessment of stratospheric ozone, and
co-leads the chapter on policy analyses, that is to be published in late 2014. Dr. Wuebbles
received the Cleveland Abbe Award from the American Meteorological
Society in February 2014 for outstanding accomplishments and service
given to society.
Dr. Wayne Higgins
Director, Climate Program Office / OAR / NOAA
Wayne Higgins is the Director of the Climate Program Office (CPO)
within NOAA’s Office of Atmospheric Research. In this position he serves
as the focal point for climate programs within NOAA, supporting one of
NOAA's primary mission goals:
Irene Nielson
Dr. Liu ( Taiwanese ) in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa
中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 特聘講座、本院院士(二十九屆)
國立成功大學 物理理學士 1962年9月至1966年6月
匹茲堡大學 物理博士 1967年9月至1972年12月
1. 中央研究院地球科學研究所/環境變遷計畫特聘研究員/計畫主持人1999年11月至2003年12月
2. 喬治亞科技大學空氣資源工程中心主任1997年10月至1999年10月
3. 喬治亞科技大學地球及大氣科學學院GeorgiaPower與喬治亞研究聯盟傑出學者講座1996年3月至1999年11月
4. 台灣大學客座教授1992年8月至1993年7月
5. 地球物理文摘編輯委員1990年至1997年
6. 地球物理期刊主編1988年至1991
7. 美國國家海洋大氣總署理論大氣物理/大氣物理實驗室主任及主管物理研究員1980年9月至1996年3月
8. 美國國家海洋大氣總署理論大氣物理/大氣物理實驗室物理研究員1977年12月至1980年8月
9. 科羅拉多大學太空行星及大氣科學合聘教授1979年8月至1988年6月
10. 美國國家大氣研究中心客座研究員1977年8月至1977年11月
( Taiwanese ) in Taiwan, R.O.C. Formosa