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COP19 聯合國氣候變化大會2013年  COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C

* 葉老師的名言之一 : "不只要用心做環保, 還要用腦做環保 & 科學精神, 儉樸生活"



名言 : 不只用心做環保,還要用腦做環保

少買手機吧! 血手機 不能制止大家一生中 不要買4~9隻以上...嗎??? 手機有毒? 你是一位低頭族嗎?出門忘記帶手機會讓你心神不寧一整天嗎?手機幾乎是現代人的生活必­須品,但你是否發現,手機的壽命卻越來越短,新手機出得愈來愈快,為了創造需求,大量­的生產手機是否對環境和生態造成了影響呢?廢棄的手機又到那裡去了,會不會對環境帶來­汙染呢?VIDEO.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ya2d-9V-DQ#t=110



: COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts - See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/#sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpufhttp://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/ 



葉欣誠 ,環保總局行政院

:COP19聯合國氣候變化大會2013年 2013年11月

COP19(16/11/13) - 世界上第二個分類溫室氣體為空氣污染







COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

November 2013

- See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/#sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpuf


(Dr. S. C. Yeh)

Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

華沙氣候會議 台週邊SIDE EVENTS 會議受矚 / 「台灣可在減少空氣污染方面教育中國大陸」 

華沙氣候會議 台週邊會議受矚

2013/11/24 07:00 中央社訊 歐洲




  抗暖化,你我有責,現在不做,將來會後悔。 抗暖知行合一,地球無憂慮《地球暖化,怎麼辦?》台灣在抗暖化的態度與行動上要如何與世界接軌 /「不憂不懼抗暖化」/ 讓台灣加速朝向「低碳社會」

ecutive Yuan,ROC;COP19/CMP9


馬英九總統&台灣民眾鄉親 應聽的環教演講如下! 簡體字如下: 數個演講影音檔如下: English as below : 從大陸飄飛髒毒的濃 "霾害"過來台灣的! 難怪葉副署要說下列VIDEO 的話. 台湾教育中国空气污染削减 / ( = "霾害" 有害人的身體健康!!! ) ; COP19/CMP9 ; 數個演講影音檔 Videos 如下 : COP19 Taiwan Education China Air Pollution Reduction / COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts / / 华沙气候变迁会议,台分享经验与气候变迁电视播 Taiwanese (台湾人: 叶欣诚 / 台灣人:葉欣誠 副署長) 叶欣诚 专访 

Out-of-boxing thinking氣象萬千走出環境出走還我Cool地球Be out there戶外美好!葉欣誠


* 有毒的 "霾害"入侵 污染全台 1/4/2014 ~ 1/8/2014 : "霾害" 有害人的身體健康!!! "霾害" 從大陸飄飛 髒毒 的 "霾害"過來台灣的!! 

大陸害的吧!! = 破100 ; 今害!又是全部都破百!


* 视频英语(场合表达)/ VIDEO in English : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share
                                                                                   *下列 n 個演講 中英文 影音檔 (有數個外文字幕可選出 的 演講 Videos 如下 : ) (Videos in English & Chinese & several lauguages & words as below & BLOG :


各國語文新聞!! English & Chinese & 簡體字 & Japanese & 菲律賓文 & ........ several languages as below : 

地球是大家的. 大家只有一個地球可生存...... : 大家和全世界要互助合作一心............ 讓國際社會了解台灣希望對氣候變遷問題貢獻心力。

中國 "霾害" 嚴重 指數破表 懸浮微粒影響"台灣" 近期中國社會高度關注議題:「霾害」 / 中國各省空氣污染物隨著強烈冷氣團的腳步,一路直襲台灣

中國華東霾害嚴重 指數破表 懸浮微粒影響台灣


* 葉老師的名言之一 : "不只要用心做環保, 還要用腦做環保 & 科學精神, 儉樸生活"


Deputy Minister, S. C. Yeh, Ph.D. : Warsaw 波蘭華沙 COP19 : 台灣教育中國空氣污染削減 :

Knowledgeable,Incisive speech


"葉老師真是帥死人~ 不償命喔~!"

帥翻天的 Handsome 已婚的 good man Dr. S. C. YEH 優秀的 葉欣誠 教授 / Star 葉老師! 56張照片 : https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.602466286455468.1073741849.100000763055653&type=3

36 videos: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=葉欣誠&page=3

葉欣誠-WMV-3.wmv :

video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3MVTCewzU8

English VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8kXouVqBo8&list=PLEvXQmqWEg5x26dcKAXSQ_srhH_uosHcu

















气候变迁电视播 叶欣诚 专访: blog : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326326096



PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152843724426988&set=a.241333426987.139885.170435726987&type=1&theater



1/4/2014 受強烈大陸冷氣團挾帶境外污染物移入影響,空氣中懸浮微粒(PM10)及細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度偏高https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=608747455839161&set=a.137444222969489.22778.100001117359319&type=1&theater


叶欣诚博士 Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh ; 抗暖化,你我有责,现在不做,将来会后悔/ 。 ( 行政院环保署政务副署长:Taiwanese Dr. 叶欣诚 work in EPA in Taiwan, R.O.C. FORMOSA )


Dr. S. C. Yeh 參加由以色列與印度主辦的 COP 19周邊會議Side Event,演講題目:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation — 在 National StadiumCOP19 UN Climate Change Conference Warsaw 2013

中央社 – 11/20/2013


「氣候變遷電視」(Climate Change TV)的記者於16日訪問葉欣誠,談代表團的參與及台灣碳排放問題。葉欣誠表示,代表團在華沙會議期間與其他國家代表就降低排放量的策略及因應氣候變遷的措施交換意見。



葉欣誠 Dr. S. C. YEH 表示,台灣產業的架構和中國大陸相似,他相信可分享相關資訊。



Warsaw Climate Change conference table to share experiences ( EPA Chief Deputy Director respondents VIDEO.) CNA

Released . TVBS has ㄧ the Dow Jones reported , the rest have been reported H.264/AVC SVC special way .....


* Dr. S. C. Yeh 得過獎的 優良教師 : 葉老師 / 葉教授 : 146張相片 : https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.599435420091888.1073741848.100000763055653&type=3


well done!! 可貴的談話!自信風度暢言宣揚理念,真的很棒!為你喝采! 葉老師,環教所以您為榮。與有榮焉。 讚讚讚讚讚讚
醒報-低碳新願景 學者:提高減碳層次

此VIDEO 右上角有 52個環保的 Videos 可選看 videos.

台灣第一次~台灣加油~讚啦~政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話 落實執行國際經驗

VIDEO : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8cnlcWX4N4&list=PL7A36D2150FB2E65F

台灣人不要再讓台灣的排碳量成為世界第一名..... ; 要讓台灣人到國外氣候會議有立場和權力能向國際或大國爭取一些台灣島國生存權益............................. etc. 


葉欣誠 ( 叶欣诚 = Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh ) 台灣 行政院環保署政務 副署長 答覆環境教育如何檢驗成果 : 葉欣誠 副署長

Video in English : video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=conO4NLSKfk


COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.


少喝礦泉水 : 瓶裝水的故事 Story of Bottled Water 中文字幕

ENGLSIH VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhYswV33Qg0


【臺灣綠色大學聯盟揭牌 師大發起成立】臺師大挺身而出為環境發聲邀請52所大專院校成立臺灣綠色大學聯盟;  師大生態環保「藝術、人文與生態永續」,將永續生活素養(知識、價值和技能

* Dr. S. C. Yeh 得過獎的 優良教師 : 葉老師 / 葉教授 : 146張相片 : https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.599435420091888.1073741848.100000763055653&type=3







台灣非政府組織主持的兩項週邊會議 SIDE EVENTS 都是於18日舉行。  環境品質文教基金會  與加拿大非政府組織「國際永續發展法中心」(CISDL)在20日上午進行的研討會,主題是「實踐公約第6條:氣候變遷教育與調適措施新功能」。






關注環境議題的知名非政府組織「國際永續發展協會」(International Institute for Sustainable Development)網站對於華沙會議重要活動有詳盡的報導。網站也刊出「朝向低碳社會發展的創新研發整合」研討會的討論重點,並且介紹各與談人。










(Dr. S. C. Yeh EPA Executive Yuan) COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts (Dr. S. C. Yeh)=FILE 8/27/2013 & 8/28/2013 精彩的 研討會. 有欣誠副署長演講 PART ONE哇!真是帥死了又斯文的丹麥商務辦事季安昇處長真帥!葉欣誠和丹麥環教研討非常溫馨圓滿成功! 

 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cutsDr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.From Warsaw

- See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/#sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpuf

 COP17 COP16 COP15
UN COP19 Warsaw
EU directs 20% of budget to climate change on eve of UN finance meeting

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Stanford University reports majority in every state polled wants limits on greenhouse gas emissions

Letter to Russia: don't shoot yourself in both feet at UN climate talks

Russia’s 2020 climate targets are “borderline delusional” says a seasoned Kremlin carbon observer

RTCC 2013 Climate Change Awards: official presentation

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COP19 Warsaw

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Carbon capture vital for China's emissions to peak in 2020s

Professor Jiang Kejun from Beijing’s Energy Research Institute outlines how China could lose its coal addiction

Peru has "no plans" for coal summit at 2014 UN climate talks

Hosts of 2014 UN summit working closely with Poland and France, but no chabce of another World Coal meeting on sidelines

Lord Stern: trillions required for climate change investments

Leading economist says radical injections of finance needed from public and private sector to address climate challenge

Video: coal sparks green protests at UN climate talks

Annual World Coal Association summit fires anger among groups taking part in climate negotiations in Warsaw

Coal industry must face 'climate reality', warns UN chief

UN climate chief tells coal summit that business must “transform rapidly”, while industry leaders emphasise bright future for coal


Live coverage from the National Stadium in Warsaw, home to the UN climate change negotiations from Nov 11-22

Figueres tells coal: leave most existing reserves in the ground

UN climate chief tells World Coal meeting in Warsaw industry needs to diversify and invest in carbon capture technology

Walmart accused of 'greenwashing' over clean energy claims

Report says company would take 33rd place in Greenhouse 100 Polluters Index if included, just behind Chevron


UNFCCC Climate Studio

COP19: Piero Pelizzaro talks about the work of the Kyoto Club

COP19: Piero Pelizzaro talks about the work of the Kyoto Club

November 2013
COP19: Ahmad Alhendawi on inspirational youth in climate debate

COP19: Ahmad Alhendawi on inspirational youth in climate debate

November 2013
COP19: Paul Oquist Kelley on implementing past climate agreements

COP19: Paul Oquist Kelley on implementing past climate agreements

November 2013
COP19: Lorena Burbano Samboni the Executive Director for Red Colombia Verde speaks to RTCC

COP19: Lorena Burbano Samboni the Executive Director for Red Colombia Verde speaks to RTCC

November 2013
COP19: Dina Ionesco on importance of migration during UN climate talks

COP19: Dina Ionesco on importance of migration during UN climate talks

November 2013
COP19: Pablo Suarez says mechanism needed to anticipate loss & damage

COP19: Pablo Suarez says mechanism needed to anticipate loss & damage

November 2013
COP19: Nya Alison Murray on ICT in combating climate change

COP19: Nya Alison Murray on ICT in combating climate change

November 2013
COP19: Adama Alhhassane Diallo on climate change in Africa

COP19: Adama Alhhassane Diallo on climate change in Africa

November 2013
COP19: Linda Carton on finance and divestment

COP19: Linda Carton on finance and divestment

November 2013
COP19: Golo Joachim Pilz speaks about India’s solar power potential

COP19: Golo Joachim Pilz speaks about India’s solar power potential

November 2013
COP19: Nikola Rass & Khatim Kherraz on the Sahara and Sahel

COP19: Nikola Rass & Khatim Kherraz on the Sahara and Sahel

November 2013
COP19: Jayanti Kirpalani calls for spirituality to combat climate change

COP19: Jayanti Kirpalani calls for spirituality to combat climate change

November 2013
COP19: Sufiyan M. B. & Jibo Nura speak about African Research Centre

COP19: Sufiyan M. B. & Jibo Nura speak about African Research Centre

November 2013
COP19: Michael Williams on the importance of understanding the science of climate change

COP19: Michael Williams on the importance of understanding the science of climate change

November 2013
COP19: Carlo Van Wageningen talks about wind power in Africa

COP19: Carlo Van Wageningen talks about wind power in Africa

November 2013
COP19: Yeb Saño calls for commitments on loss and damage

COP19: Yeb Saño calls for commitments on loss and damage

November 2013


UNFCCC Climate Studio

COP19: Shaban Mawanda on the work the Ugandan Red Cross is doing

COP19: Shaban Mawanda on the work the Ugandan Red Cross is doing

November 2013
COP19: Li Gao on China’s role within the negotiations.

COP19: Li Gao on China’s role within the negotiations.

November 2013
COP19: Ronald Jumeau speaks about the ‘backslide’ in ambition by developed nations

COP19: Ronald Jumeau speaks about the ‘backslide’ in ambition by developed nations

November 2013
COP19: Mamdou Honadia says there needs to be more focus on adaptation

COP19: Mamdou Honadia says there needs to be more focus on adaptation

November 2013
COP19: Heinz Kopetz on the benefits of biomass

COP19: Heinz Kopetz on the benefits of biomass

November 2013
COP19: Maimunah Jaffar, Iskandar Regional Development Authority

COP19: Maimunah Jaffar, Iskandar Regional Development Authority

November 2013
COP19: Quamrul Chowdhury on the priorities of LDCs

COP19: Quamrul Chowdhury on the priorities of LDCs

November 2013
COP19: Frank Sperling, African Development Bank, on green growth

COP19: Frank Sperling, African Development Bank, on green growth

November 2013
COP19: Joseph Enric, Spain, on managing climate change

COP19: Joseph Enric, Spain, on managing climate change

November 2013
COP19: Steffen Kallbekken on the impact of IPCC on talks

COP19: Steffen Kallbekken on the impact of IPCC on talks

November 2013
COP19: Ho Chin Siong & Mohd. Azraai Kassim, University of Technology Malaysia (UTM)

COP19: Ho Chin Siong & Mohd. Azraai Kassim, University of Technology Malaysia (UTM)

November 2013
COP19: Philippe Joubert on sustainable energy for all

COP19: Philippe Joubert on sustainable energy for all

November 2013
COP19: Jessica Fritz, Red Cross, on young people and climate adaptation

COP19: Jessica Fritz, Red Cross, on young people and climate adaptation

November 2013
COP19: Cristoph Bals Germanwatch on Europe’s lack of ambition

COP19: Cristoph Bals Germanwatch on Europe’s lack of ambition

November 2013
COP19: Rio Conventions Calendar 2014 Launch

COP19: Rio Conventions Calendar 2014 Launch

November 2013
COP19: Howard Bamsey of the Global Green Growth Institute talks about their work with member states

COP19: Howard Bamsey of the Global Green Growth Institute talks about their work with member states

November 2013
COP19: Fernando Delgado on the use of efficient waste water systems in Mexico

COP19: Fernando Delgado on the use of efficient waste water systems in Mexico

November 2013
COP19: World Coal and Climate Summit Review

COP19: World Coal and Climate Summit Review

November 2013
COP19: Chung-Ming Liu & Ying-Shih Hsieh on ‘Sponge Eco Cities’

COP19: Chung-Ming Liu & Ying-Shih Hsieh on ‘Sponge Eco Cities’

November 2013
COP19: Chizuru Aoki, Global Environment Facility, on reporting emissions

COP19: Chizuru Aoki, Global Environment Facility, on reporting emissions

November 2013
COP19: Dr. Mohammed Bendali, Maroccan Red Crescent

COP19: Dr. Mohammed Bendali, Maroccan Red Crescent

November 2013
COP19: Heherson Alvarez on why Typhoon Haiyan will become the norm

COP19: Heherson Alvarez on why Typhoon Haiyan will become the norm

November 2013
COP19: Climate change alliance – UNESCO, WHO, UN Women & UNITAR

COP19: Climate change alliance – UNESCO, WHO, UN Women & UNITAR

November 2013
COP19: Pål G. Bergan on the storage of energy

COP19: Pål G. Bergan on the storage of energy

November 2013
COP19: Yogesh K. Vyas on encouraging green growth in Africa

COP19: Yogesh K. Vyas on encouraging green growth in Africa

November 2013
COP19: Lord Nicholas Stern on why the costs and risks of inaction will be severe

COP19: Lord Nicholas Stern on why the costs and risks of inaction will be severe

November 2013
COP19: Bouafou Kouamé Guy-Marcel on drought mitigation in Africa

COP19: Bouafou Kouamé Guy-Marcel on drought mitigation in Africa

November 2013
COP19: Ville Niinistö, Finland, calls for global cooperation in climate finance

COP19: Ville Niinistö, Finland, calls for global cooperation in climate finance

November 2013
COP19: Thomas Loster on insuring developing countries against climate change

COP19: Thomas Loster on insuring developing countries against climate change

November 2013
COP19: Kurt Lonsway on financing mitigation and adaptation projects in Africa

COP19: Kurt Lonsway on financing mitigation and adaptation projects in Africa

November 2013
COP19: Wiliam Ehlers on financing the UNFCCC

COP19: Wiliam Ehlers on financing the UNFCCC

November 2013
COP19: James Wilde on unlocking energy efficiency for businesses

COP19: James Wilde on unlocking energy efficiency for businesses

November 2013
- See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/unfccc-studio/#sthash.eLcf5fLT.dpuf

  1. 葉副署希望大陸學台灣將空氣弄乾淨一點, 免得大陸又 常常 飄吹有毒的髒空氣害到台灣. VIDEO in English 有中文日文字幕可點出 : video ; COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration 在 波蘭 講. 

    【1/21 晚間要聞】
    《聯合晚報》大陸霾害 空襲全球
    1 ·  · 推廣 · 
    • 現是葉副署長.

      以前的 VIDEO. 暖化的原因 & 臭氧層問題 : BOOK & 演講 & DVD 有特別提到.

      total video -1 ~~ video 6 : 6parts⋯⋯更多
      台灣環境教育協會-八八風災後的省思 葉欣誠教授-講課實況
    • VIDEO. 暖化的原因 & 臭氧層問題 : BOOK & 演講 & DVD 有特別提到.

      total video -1 ~~ video 6 : 6parts

      RE : VIDEO - 3 ( PART 3 )⋯⋯更多
      台灣環境教育協會-八八風災後的省思 葉欣誠教授-講課實況
    • 你覺得這真讚。
    • Christine Chen
    • VIDEO. 暖化的原因 & 臭氧層問題 : BOOK & 演講 & DVD 有特別提到.

      total video -1 ~~ video 6 : 6parts

      RE : VIDEO - 4 ( PART 4 )⋯⋯更多
      台灣環境教育協會-八八風災後的省思 葉欣誠教授-講課實況
    • 你覺得這真讚。
    • Christine Chen
    • Taiwanese Dr. S. C. YEH SPEECH VIDEO ABOUT world E.E. IN Taiwan . 葉欣誠教授-講課實況 video.葉欣誠-WMV-6.wmv: http://youtu.be/auvXb2BpZio 來自 @youtube
      台灣環境教育協會-八八風災後的省思 葉欣誠教授-講課實況
  2. 葉副署希望大陸學台灣將空氣弄乾淨一點, 免得大陸又常飄吹有毒的髒空氣害到台灣. VIDEO in English 有中文日文字幕可點出 : video ; COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration / 
    是中國的 髒空氣來台灣了 

    忘記什麼 是懸浮微粒

    根據美國德州大學癌症中心的依芳.科伊爾教授(Dr. Yvonne Coyle)的統計資料顯示,如果空氣中的微粒中含有金屬成份,那麼更有可能會引發肺癌。他們用1995~2000年德州254郡的肺癌病人,比對美國環保署所有工業釋放的金屬微粒資料(1988~2000年),估計約有10~15%的肺癌病人(從不抽煙)是由空氣中的金屬微粒所造成。 — 在看一路紅到底;於新營。 小朋友小心空氣污染喔! 

    這個美麗的藍色地球 它屬於你也屬於我,現在就是現在 我們要行動 去關心 去了解 去拯救 

    (台湾人: 叶欣诚 / 台灣人:葉欣誠 副署長) 叶欣诚 专访 / 難怪葉副署要說下列VIDEO 的話)


    * 小朋友們 Care about bad air from China in Taiwan

    台灣民眾們應聽的環教演講如下 : 數個演講影音檔如下: English as below : 從大陸飄飛髒毒的濃 "霾害"過來台灣的! 難怪葉副署要說下列VIDEO 的話. 台湾教育中国空气污染削减 / ( = "霾害" 有害人的身體健康!!! ) ; COP19/CMP9 ; 數個演講影音檔 Videos 如下 : " COP19 Taiwan Education China Air Pollution Reduction " / COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts / / 华沙气候变迁会议,台分享经验与气候变迁电视播 Taiwanese (台湾人: 叶欣诚 / 台灣人:葉欣誠 副署長) 叶欣诚 专访 / 難怪葉副署要說下列VIDEO 的話. COP19 聯合國氣候變化大會2013年 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts / 华沙波兰华沙 ;

    * 视频英语(场合表达)/ VIDEO in English :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share


    主題:台灣人,你的孫子(女)百年後還在台灣嗎 ? – 在氣候變遷陰影下,你的選擇決定你子孫的未來
    講者:柳中明 教授 (國立臺灣大學大氣科學系)

    演講 VIDEO : http://speech.ntu.edu.tw/sng/ci/index.php?c=User&m=vod_search&srh_PID=13&film_sn=1100&show=1&key_no=74

    是中國的 髒空氣來台灣了 
     — 在看一路紅到底;於新營
是中國的 髒空氣來台灣了 

忘記什麼 是懸浮微粒
根據美國德州大學癌症中心的依芳.科伊爾教授(Dr. Yvonne Coyle)的統計資料顯示,如果空氣中的微粒中含有金屬成份,那麼更有可能會引發肺癌。他們用1995~2000年德州254郡的肺癌病人,比對美國環保署所有工業釋放的金屬微粒資料(1988~2000年),估計約有10~15%的肺癌病人(從不抽煙)是由空氣中的金屬微粒所造成。 ·  · 推廣 · 

  3.  OH MYGOD ~ 新溫室氣體 暖化能力強於二氧化碳7千倍 http://e-info.org.tw/node/95751

    科學家發現新溫室氣體 暖化能力強於二氧化碳7千倍
    氣候變遷會議分享經驗~ 美麗寶島不要再讓台灣的排碳量成為世界第一名~吃素環保愛地球! ======= 摘譯自2013年12月10日ENS加拿大,多倫多報導;江惟真編譯;蔡麗伶審校

    溫室氣體和其他空氣污染物質壟罩洛杉磯上空。(圖:Ben Amstutz)




    「PFTBA能停留在大氣中非常長的時間,輻射效率極高;因此其全球暖化潛勢也極高。」研究者Angela Hong說。研究團隊成員Cora Young解釋:「全球暖化潛勢(Global warming potential,GWP)是將特定氣體和相同質量的二氧化碳比較,造成全球暖化的相對能力。也是衡量一段時間內,溫室氣體對氣候造成累積效應的單位。」二氧化碳是最首要且影響氣候變遷最劇的物質,因此成為比較的基準。

    這項研究由多倫多大學化學系的Scott Mabury教授主持,由加拿大自然科學和工程研究理事會提供研究經費,發表在Geophysical Research Letters期刊。 ======= ================

    議題二、Environmental Opportunities

    14:40~15:00 講題:How can environmental education play a key role in
       Sustainable Development
    演講人: 葉欣誠副署長,行政院環境保護署


    * 葉老師的名言之一 : "不只要用心做環保, 還要用腦做環保 & 科學精神, 儉樸生活"
  4. 很糟

    麥寮 247
    朴子 246
    崙背 250

    請附近朋友外出記的 帶口罩

     ·  · 推廣 · 
    • Christine Chen

  5. 嚇死人台西的 空氣懸浮微粒達到424
    中國來的 髒空氣
    讚 · · 分享 · 3小時前 · 
    10 個人都說讚。

    張承盈 好恐怖哦
    3小時前 · 讚 · 1

    真善美 真的
    3小時前 · 讚

    張素琴 政府不管,我們只能自求多福。真悲哀!
    約 1 小時前 · 讚 · 1
    嚇死人台西的 空氣懸浮微粒達到424
    中國來的 髒空氣
    北部、金門及馬祖地區受境外污染物移入影響,空氣中懸浮微粒(PM10)及細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度偏高;臺西、麥寮、崙背及朴子等地區受地表風速增強影響,出現揚塵現象,空氣中懸浮微粒偏高。環保署提醒過敏族群及老人、小孩、心血管疾病患者應儘量避免戶外長時間劇烈活動。 (2 張相片)
    相片 ·  · 推廣 · 
  6. 上傳者:1111goodjob
  7. USE IT
    闊開心門,活力躍越! (2 張相片)
     ·  · 推廣 · 

2013-11-22 03:04:46

HANDSOME,Knowledgeable,Incisive speech:Dr. S. C. YEH photos


Christine Cheng在「帥翻天的 Handsome marrid man Dr. S. C. YEH 葉教授 / 葉老師! ^_^」相簿新增了 56 張相片COP19/CMP9 WARSAW…

COP19 聯合國氣候變化大會2013年  COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C



名言 : 不只用心做環保,還要用腦做環保



: COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts - See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/#sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpufhttp://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/ 




:COP19聯合國氣候變化大會2013年 2013年11月

COP19(16/11/13) - 世界上第二個分類溫室氣體為空氣污染







COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

November 2013

- See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/#sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpuf


(Dr. S. C. Yeh)

Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

華沙氣候會議 台週邊SIDE EVENTS 會議受矚 / 「台灣可在減少空氣污染方面教育中國大陸」 

華沙氣候會議 台週邊會議受矚

2013/11/24 07:00 中央社訊 歐洲



 · · 


  抗暖化,你我有責,現在不做,將來會後悔。 抗暖知行合一,地球無憂慮《地球暖化,怎麼辦?》台灣在抗暖化的態度與行動上要如何與世界接軌 /「不憂不懼抗暖化」/ 讓台灣加速朝向「低碳社會」

ecutive Yuan,ROC;COP19/CMP9


English, Tagalog, Korean, Cebu Wen, international language, French, German of 12/20/2013 "meaningful participation in international forums UNFCCC" activity reports



English, Tagalog, Korean, Cebu Wen, international language, French, German of 12/20/2013 "meaningful participation in international forums UNFCCC" activity reports


相片:參加由以色列與印度主辦的COP 19周邊會議,演講題目:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation

 · · 

  • COP19: Chung-Ming Liu 柳中明 教授 & Ying-Shih Hsieh, Environmental Quality Pro / 可選出英文和日文...字幕喔. 

    PART ONE : 
  • ========== 

    Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan

    Blog in ENGLISH :

    BLOG in English :http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511

    COP19 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts : /// Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh :
    COP19 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013

    COP19 (16/11/13) - the world's second classified as air pollution, greenhouse gas

    Things, Dr. SHIH-CHENG YEH vice minister of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, said that his country, there is a

    Provides great deals neighbors like China.

    Taiwan is in the process of industrial sector emissions standards and has established National

    Targets for reducing carbon dioxide back to 2005 levels.

    Because of its cultural ties, and similar industrial framework for China, he said that Taiwan can

    In order to help China "to skip some steps," When it comes to reducing air pollution. 


    Blog in ENGLISH :

    BLOG in English :http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

    BLOG in English :http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234318
    (Dr. S. C. Yeh EPA Executive Yuan) COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts (Dr. S. C. Yeh)=FILE 8/27/2013 &amp

    精心的傑作!! 帥呆了! 葉欣誠副署長環保大使,年輕有為,親近民意,赤子之心,守護環境資源! 丹麥商務辦事處季安昇=帥 2030~2040年可能平均溫度會升到2~4 度 C......

  • 2氣質美女 Ms. 于蕙清 教授

  • COP19 / CMP9 : Be the one.  Be the change.  Out of thinking.  Be out there.    

    COP19 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts /// Taiwanese Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C  From Warsaw.     COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts.

    COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.

    Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.

    Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.

    VIDEO in English (speach) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share 

    BLOG in English : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069       


    for reference:


    http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx...... — 在 National Stadium,Warsaw


    COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.

    Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.

    Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.


    BLOG in English : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

    BLOG in English :

    BLOG in English :



    * Taiwanese Young man 張良伊 (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei 2012 : Be the one. Be the Change.

    "Taiwan's youth leader of climate change ."   &    Guardian World Environment dream:

    on blog with photos on : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326540193   and   http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326540014

    International Youth Conference (Conference of Youth = COY ) The next day, two young Taiwan held a Open Space Discussion at the meeting , the theme of generations Chancery (Intergenerational Equity).


    UN Climate Change TV interview broadcast Taiwanese Dr. SHIH-CHENG YEH

    CNA CNA - November 20, 2013 5:14 PM
    ( Central News Agency reporter Lin Lin Warsaw on the 20th Reuters ) held in Warsaw during the climate change conference visit of the delegation of the United Nations ' Climate Change TV " to " Taiwan is an education in reducing air pollution in China " as its theme , broadcast Republic of China EPA Deputy Director Dr. SHIH-CHENG YEH interview.

    " Climate Change TV " (Climate Change TV) The reporter on the 16th visit  Dr. SHIH-CHENG YEH , talk about the participation of delegations and Taiwan carbon emissions. Ye Xincheng said that the delegation during the meeting in Warsaw with representatives of other countries in reducing emissions of strategies and measures to cope with climate change to exchange views .

    For Taiwan, the relatively high average emissions problem , Taiwanese Dr. SHIH-CHENG YEH instructions, many of Taiwan's production of commodities on the international market, including bicycles and personal computers in the production process of industrial carbon emissions account for about half of Taiwan's total emissions . Apart from the government hopes to actively promote a bill to reduce carbon emissions , Taiwan's heavy industry has been towards a more ecological protection and development .

    Conduct interviews with reporters asked : Taiwan and mainland China geographically very close , whether this experience allows mainland China learn from the Department ? Dr. SHIN-CHENG YEH said that Taiwan and mainland China industrial structure similar to that he believes can share relevant information.

    He pointed out that cross-strait common in the culture , the residents also been a change in lifestyle , and Taiwan experienced the process of industrial growth , and perhaps Taiwan can share this experience , so that mainland China can reduce air pollution " jump some stage . " 1021120


    COP19: Taiwanese Dr. Chung-Ming Liu 柳中明 教授  &   Taiwanese Dr. Ying-Shih Hsieh, Environmental Quality Pro    

    Dr. CHI-MING PENG Photo on PHOTO ON : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=614591815254137&set=a.298627796850542.68186.298615883518400&type=1&theater

    COP19 (18/11/2013) -:   Chung-Ming Liu, Retired Professor/Chairman/Managing Director, Environmental Quality Protection Foundation & Ying-Shih Hsieh, Chairman, Environmental Quality Protection Foundation

    VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaXT9sRJbPU&feature=share


    ON BLOG with photos : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326540035      :   '8 min. & 33 sec.'

    video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P88xFE47tDY

    Photos on https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=233146850185875&set=a.233146716852555.1073741957.111289515704943&type=1&theater            

    Video - watching : video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2Zl1uuyad8

    video -1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WoT0K90C8E

    video -2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVsR4qXt4iU

    video -3 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL_LyTlE7lk

    video -4 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgpZ1NxkGMA

    video -5 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC0rHo_rkjY    


    Environmental Quality Protection Foundation : http://www.eqpf.org/news.aspx?NwsMsgDBID=644   



    video : http://eeis.epa.gov.tw/eeaward/AwardCeremony-video-yu.html



    English,Tagalog,Korean,international language,French,German "meaningful participation in international forums UNFCCC"


    English, Tagalog, Korean, Cebu Wen, international language, French, German of 12/20/2013 "meaningful participation in international forums UNFCCC" activity reports



    English, Tagalog, Korean, Cebu Wen, international language, French, German of 12/20/2013 "meaningful participation in international forums UNFCCC" activity reports





    優秀 & 難得的 好老師  ////  盡在不言中!

    arsaw COP 19 Climate Change Conference Taiwan share experiences ( Dr. S. C. YEH   EPA Chief Deputy Director of the respondents VIDEO.) CNA & TVBS reported

    Warsaw Climate Change conference table to share experiences ( EPA Chief Deputy Director = Dr. S. C. YEH  respondents VIDEO.) CNA
    Released . TVBS has ㄧ the Dow Jones reported , the rest have been reported H.264/AVC SVC special way .....

    Warsaw Climate Change conference table to share experiences / from Israel and around the Indian organized COP 19 meeting Topic : Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation - in the National Stadium, Warsaw
    希望各媒體能報導此新聞&VIDEOS.: (波蘭)華沙氣候變遷會議台分享經驗 (葉欣誠 EPA 政務副署長受訪 VIDEO.) 中央社發布的。TVBS 有ㄧ則綜合外電報導,其餘有ㄧ些特別方式的報導....
    COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. From Warsaw 波蘭華沙


    COP19 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts /// Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Exec⋯⋯更多
    COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.
    COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmenta...






























    2013-11-22 03:04:38

    Dr. S. C. YEH:Concerned environmental protection,Cool,Good

    Christine Cheng在「帥翻天的 Handsome marrid man Dr. S. C. YEH 葉教授 / 葉老師! ^_^」相簿新增了 56 張相片COP19/CMP9 WARSAW…

     環保愛地球! 用心做環保,也要用腦做環保!
    2013-11-22 02:50:13

    COP19/CMP9 WARSAW 2013 帥翻天的Dr.Yeh EPA,R.O.C./Professional

    Christine Cheng在「帥翻天的 Handsome marrid man Dr. S. C. YEH 葉教授 / 葉老師! ^_^」相簿新增了 56 張相片COP19/CMP9 WARSAW…

    2013-11-22 02:49:58

    帥翻天的Professional Dr.SC Yeh EPA,Executive Yuan,ROC;COP19/CMP9

    Christine Cheng在「帥翻天的 Handsome marrid man Dr. S. C. YEH 葉教授 / 葉老師! ^_^」相簿新增了 56 張相片COP19/CMP9 WARSAW…

    •  ( English also as below : TV News & messages of Taiwan EPA Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director of Home Affairs: Deputy Director Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh in English Full coverage as follows: COP19/ CMP9 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts / Climate change conference in Warsaw, Taiwan share experiences.) 

      VIDEO in English (speach) :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share 

      Taiwan EPA 行政院環保署政務副署長 : 葉副署長 欣誠


      氣候變遷電視播 葉欣誠 專訪 :

      中央社 – 2013年11月20日 下午5:14


      (中央社記者林琳華沙20日專電)在華沙舉行的氣候變遷會議期間訪問代表團團長的聯合國「氣候變遷電視」,以「台灣可在減少空氣污染方面教育中國大陸」為題,播出中華民國行政院環保署 EPA 政務 副署長 葉欣誠 的專訪。

      「氣候變遷電視」(Climate Change TV)的記者於16日訪問葉欣誠,談代表團的參與及台灣碳排放問題。葉欣誠表示,代表團在華沙會議期間與其他國家代表就降低排放量的策略及因應氣候變遷的措施交換意見。



      葉欣誠 Dr. S. C. YEH 表示,台灣產業的架構和中國大陸相似,他相信可分享相關資訊。



      Taiwan EPA 行政院環保署政務副署長 : 葉副署長 欣誠 : Dr. S. C. Yeh 副署長 : 叶欣诚) & 台灣之光 / "抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵" / 作者: 葉欣誠博士 ; 抗暖化,你我有責,現在不做,將來會後悔。/ (行政院環保署政務副署長 : 叶欣诚) 


      COP19 / CMP9 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. From Warsaw 波蘭華沙

      希望各國各媒體能播此新聞影音檔! 華沙氣候變遷會議台分享經驗 (葉欣誠 EPA 政務副署長受訪 VIDEO.) 中央社 & TVBS 有合外電報導,其餘有ㄧ些特別方式的報導....

      COP19 / CMP9 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. From Warsaw 波蘭華沙


      COP19 / CMP9 (Nov. 20, 2013) : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts /// Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. /// 

      VIDEO in English (speach) :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share 

      真、善、美 , 智、仁、勇 的 Taiwan EPA 行政院環保署政務副署長 : 葉副署長 欣誠 : Dr. S. C. Yeh 副署長 : 叶欣诚) & 台灣之光 / "抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵" / 作者: 葉欣誠博士 ; 抗暖化,你我有責,現在不做,將來會後悔。/ (行政院環保署政務副署長 : 叶欣诚) 

      抗暖化關鍵報告 facebook on :https://www.facebook.com/pages/抗暖化關鍵報告/110761798944536?ref=ts&fref=ts

      行政院環保署 副署長 葉欣誠副署長 擔任環境教育大使:綠島大象,和種馬安藤,以行動保護綠島環境! 綠島大象重生, 溜滑梯變環保大使!

      video 發佈時間:2013年11月19日 Nov. 19, 2013 video.

      COP19 / CMP9 (Nov. 16, 2013) (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.

      Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.

      Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.


      BLOG in English :http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

      COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

      COP19 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. From Warsaw 波蘭華沙



      http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=464886&id=1 — 在 National Stadium,Warsaw


      太棒了. This video 右下角第2個字幕或"CC"按下去, 可選出中文或英文可秀出中應文字幕可看=太讚了. 太棒了. (剛我才發現可點出字幕來看~喉. ) 不用考大家和我的 English 聽力啦. 可將中文或英文的字幕點選出來為有字幕可看 讚!

      Warsaw COP 19 Climate Change Conference Taiwan share experiences ( Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh EPA Chief Deputy Director of the respondents VIDEO.) "CNA 中央社 & TVBS" have reported already.

      video. COP19 / CMP9 (Nov. 20, 2013) : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts /// Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. /// 

      VIDEO in English (speach) :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share 

      1.  on reporting emissions November 2013 COP 19: Christiana Figueres on coal and climate COP 19: Christiana Figueres on coal and climate November 2013 COP19: Jameel Mtoor on why Palestine has yet to ratify the UNFCCC COP19: Jameel Mtoor on why Palestine has yet to ratify the UNFCCC November 2013 COP19: Li Gao on China’s role within the negotiations. COP19: Li Gao on China’s role within the negotiations. November 2013 COP19: Carlo Van Wageningen talks about wind power in Africa COP19: Carlo Van Wageningen talks about wind power in Africa November 2013 COP 19: 

      2. Tracking climate finance is imperative says Adrian Rimmer COP 19: Tracking climate finance is imperative says Adrian Rimmer November 2013 COP19: James Wilde on unlocking energy efficiency for businesses COP19: James Wilde on unlocking energy efficiency for businesses November 2013 COP19: Rio Conventions Calendar 2014 Launch COP19: Rio Conventions Calendar 2014 Launch November 2013 COP 19: Pak Oasis’s David James on solar & clean water solutions in Pakistan COP 19: Pak Oasis’s David James on solar & clean water solutions in Pakistan November 2013 COP19: Ousmane Bocoum from Ecowas Bank For Investment And Development speaks to RTCC COP19: Ousmane Bocoum from Ecowas Bank For Investment And Development speaks to RTCC November 2013 COP19: Brad Page on the need for confident climate change policies COP19: Brad Page on the need for confident climate change policies November 2013 COP19: Robert Lewis Carlson on agriculture within climate talks COP19: Robert Lewis Carlson on agriculture within climate talks November 2013ore at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/#sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpuf

      BLOG in English :http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

      COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

      COP19 / CMP9 (Nov. 20, 2013) 聯合國氣候變化大會2013年 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts⋯⋯

      (Dr. S. C. Yeh) Professional, (=專業的), Knowledgeable, Excellent, Remarkable, Incisive speech, Good, Confidence, Great, Confidence, Very good, Charmming, Outstanding, Brilliant, Smark, Wise, Kindness, Perfect, Good teacher, Great professor, Merciful, Gracious, Exalted, Mercy, Concise,

      Friendliness, Real good, Friendly, Brave, Famously, Cool person, Cool, Responsible, There is a strong sense of mission. / Handsome, Honest, Empathetic, Wonderful, Upright, Intellectuality, Speeches and decent performance, (Save mankind, Save the earth), Good person, So Kind, So good, Kind-hearted, Genuineness ...............etc. ( I think so. ^_^) 

      (9 張相片/ 9 photos/pictures onhttp://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=637511846287629&set=a.116331288405690.8908.100000864574422&type=3&theater


      Taiwan EPA Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director of Home Affairs: Deputy Director Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh


      相片:COP19 Side Event (6 張相片 )

      Dr. S. C. Yeh 參加由以色列與印度主辦的 COP 19周邊會議,演講題目:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation — 在 National StadiumCOP19 UN Climate Change Conference Warsaw 2013

      6 photos / 6 pictures onhttp://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=637511846287629&set=a.116331288405690.8908.100000864574422&type=3&theater

      Warsaw Climate Change conference table to share experiences ( EPA Chief Deputy Director Dr. S. C. Yeh respondents VIDEO.) CNA Released . TVBS has ㄧ the Dow Jones reported , the rest have been reported H.264/AVC SVC special way .....


      COP19 Side Event (6 張相片)
      Dr. S. C. Yeh 參加由以色列與印度主辦的COP 19周邊會議,演講題目:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation — 在 National StadiumCOP19 UN Climate Change Conference Warsaw 2013


      電子書 / flash / video. .pdf / 

      COP19 / CMP9 (Nov. 20, 2013) : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts / Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C


      COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts - 

      See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/#sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpuf 


      COP19 / CMP9 (Nov. 20, 2013) :台灣教育中國空氣污染削減

      葉欣誠 副署 可貴的談話! 葉欣誠 副署 Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh 自信風度暢言宣揚理念,真的很棒!為你喝采!

      葉欣誠 ,環保EPA總局行政院

      COP19 聯合國氣候變化大會2013年 在2013年11月
      November 2013

      video can be showed English words & another 16 languages words in video.


      States hope the media can play audio and video files in this News English & Chinese & English Full coverage as follows:! ( Dr. SHIN-CHENG YEH EPA Chief Deputy Director of the respondents VIDEO) Climate Change Conference in Warsaw to share experiences CNA & TVBS Taiwan has a comprehensive foreign reports, the rest have some ㄧ special coverage of the Deputy Director of the way .... leaves, looks really jade tree, there is scholarly .. Warsaw climate Change Conference table to share experiences.

      States hope the media can play audio and video files for this news! Warsaw Climate Change Conference table to share their experiences (Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh EPA Deputy Director of Home Affairs respondents VIDEO.) CNA & TVBS have combined to foreign reports, the rest has been reported ㄧ some special way ....


      這也是新聞沒報導的VIDEOS 之一啦. VIDEO : COP19 / CMP9 (Nov. 18, 2013) : Chung-Ming Liu 柳中元 教授 & Ying-Shih Hsieh, Environmental Quality Pro / 可選出英文和日文...字幕喔. 

      COP19 / CMP9 (Nov. 18, 2013) (18/11/2013) - Chung-Ming Liu, Retired Professor/Chairman/Managing Director, Environmental Quality Protection Foundation & Ying-Shih Hsieh, Chairman, Environmental Quality Protection Blue Foundation

    (Dr. S. C. Yeh) Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.From Warsaw: COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013COP19 (16/11/13) – As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China. 

    Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China “skip some steps” when it comes to reducing air pollution.Interviews from Warsaw: COP19 UN Climate Change 

    Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Administration as Deputy Director of Environmental Education 叶欣诚= EPA環保署 葉欣誠 Ambassador: Green Elephant, and vine species Maan, Green action to protect the environment! Green Elephant rebirth, Ice Slide change ambassadors


    video can be showed English words & another 16 languages words in video.

    Warsaw COP 19 Climate Change Conference Taiwan share experiences (Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh EPA Chief Deputy Director of the respondents VIDEO.) 

    COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

    Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China. 


    (Dr. S. C. Yeh) Professional, Knowledgeable, Excellent, Remarkable, Incisive speech, Good, Great, Very good, Charmming, Outstanding, Brilliant, Smark, Wise, Kindness, Perfect, Good teacher, Great professor, Merciful, Gracious, Exalted, Mercy, Concise, Friendliness, Real good, Friendly, Brave, Famously, Cool person, Cool, Responsible, There is a strong sense of mission. / Handsome, Honest, Empathetic, Wonderful, Upright, Intellectuality, Speeches and decent performance, (Save mankind, Save the earth), Good person, So Kind, So good, Kind-hearted, Genuineness
    ................etc. ( I think so. ^_^)


    Nov. 19, 2013 video.

    COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.

    Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.

    Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.


    BLOG in English :http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

    BLOG in English : 

    BLOG in English : 

    COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

    COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. From Warsaw 波蘭華沙


    Warsaw Climate Change conference table to share experiences ( EPA Chief Deputy Director Dr. S. C. YEH respondents VIDEO.) CNA 


    I hope the media can report this news & broadcast audio and video files ! Warsaw Climate Change Conference table to share their experiences (Dr. Shin Cheng YEH EPA Deputy Director of Home Affairs respondents VIDEO.) CNA released . TVBS has ㄧ the Dow Jones reported , and the rest reported ㄧ some special way ....


    Climate change television interview broadcast
    Dr. Shin Cheng YEH

    CNA - November 20, 2013 5:14 pm

    http://tw.news.yahoo.com/un Climate Change TV broadcast Dr. S. C. Yeh interview -091434562.html

    ( Central News Agency reporter Lin Lin Warsaw on the 20th Reuters ) Head of the delegation during the visit Climate Change Conference held in Warsaw in the United Nations ' Climate Change TV " to " Taiwan can educate Chinese mainland in terms of reducing air pollution , " the title, broadcast Republic Environmental Protection Administration deputy DirectorDr. Shin Cheng YEH interview.

    " Climate Change TV " (Climate Change TV) The reporter access Dr. Shin Cheng YEH on the 16th , the delegation participated in talks and carbon emissions in Taiwan . Dr. S. C. Yeh said that the delegation during the Warsaw meeting with representatives of other countries to reduce emissions in response to climate change strategies and measures to exchange views .

    Relatively high average emissions for the issue of Taiwan , Dr. Shin Cheng YEH instructions, Taiwan's production of many commodities on the international market , including bicycles and PC , industrial carbon emissions during production accounts for about half of Taiwan's total emissions. In addition to actively promote government hopes to reduce carbon emissions bill , Taiwan's industry has developed towards heavier ecological protection .

    The reporter interviews made : Taiwan geographically very close to the Chinese mainland , whether this experience can learn from the Chinese mainland to allow the Department

    Dr. S. C. YEH said that Taiwan's industrial structure and is similar to the Chinese mainland , he believes can share relevant information.

    He pointed out that the cross-strait common cultural , residents also have a lifestyle change, and Taiwan experienced the process of industrial growth , perhaps Taiwan could share this experience , so that mainland China can " jump in reducing air pollution some stage . " 1021120


    Released . TVBS has ㄧ the Dow Jones reported , the rest have been reported H.264/AVC SVC special way .....


    COP19 Side Event (6 photos)
    Dr. S. C. Yeh attend COP 19 side eventsorganizedby theIsrael andIndia,Topic:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation — 在 National StadiumCOP19 UN Climate Change Conference Warsaw 2013


    Nov. 20, 2013:
    E BOOK / flash / video. .pdf / 
    COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C

    COP19 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2013 COP19:


    for reference:


    http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=464886&id=1 — 在 National Stadium,Warsaw


    COP19: Chung-Ming Liu 柳中明 教授 & Ying-Shih Hsieh, Environmental Quality Pro / VIDEO CAN BE SHOWED ENGLISH WORDS ON VIDEO. 

    PART ONE : 

    COP19 (18/11/2013) - Chung-Ming Liu, Retired Professor/Chairman/Managing Director, Environmental Quality Protection Foundation & Ying-Shih Hsieh, Chairman, Environmental Quality Protection Foundation 

    VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaXT9sRJbPU&feature=share


    COP19: Chung-Ming Liu & Ying-Shih Hsieh, Environmental Quality Protection Foundation
    COP19 (18/11/2013) - Chung-Ming Liu, Retired Professor/Chairman/Managing Directo⋯


    : COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts - See more at:http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/....../cop19....../......http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/....../cop19-taiwan....../


    Simplified as follows :

    简体字如下 :



    中央社 - 2013年11月20日下午5:14

    http://tw.news.yahoo.com/un气候变迁电视播叶欣诚专访- 091434562.html

    「气候变迁电视」 (气候变化



    台湾环境保护署行政院环保署政务副署长:叶副署长欣诚:资深大律师叶副博士署长:叶欣诚)及台湾之光/ “抗暖化关键报告台湾面对暖化新世界的6大核心关键” /作者:叶欣诚博士;抗暖化,你我有责,现在不做,将来会后悔/ 。 (行政院环保署政务副署长:叶欣诚)



    COP19 :台湾教育中国空气污染削减博士申诚业,环保总局行政院从华沙波兰华沙

    希望各国各媒体能播此新闻影音档!华沙气候变迁会议台分享经验(叶欣诚环保局政务副署长受访视频。 )中央社和TVBS有合外电报导,其余有ㄧ些特别方式的报导....

    COP19 / CMP9 (Nov. 20, 2013) :台湾教育中国空气污染削减博士申诚业,环保总局行政院从华沙波兰华沙


    COP19 :台湾教育中国空气污染的削减/ / /博士申诚业,环保总局行政院/ / /

    视频英语(场合表达) :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share

    真,善,美,智,仁,勇的台湾环保署行政院环保署政务副署长:叶副署长欣诚:资深大律师叶副博士署长:叶欣诚)及台湾之光/ “抗暖化关键报告台湾面对暖化新世界的6大核心关键“ /作者:叶欣诚博士;抗暖化,你我有责,现在不做,将来会后悔/ (行政院环保署政务副署长:叶欣诚) 。


    抗暖化关键报告的FB有更多的讯息喔! ^ _ ^



    欣誠 教授 與親切美麗的主持人 青蓉合影 & 國民大會:驚天強震紐西蘭(4/4) 20110228
    發布時間:2011-03-01 18:20:47
    葉欣誠 教授 與親切美麗的主持人 青蓉合影

    video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kjor6sBKdZA

    By: Dr. Yeh

    VIDEO (English with Chinese 字幕)






    賓有 " 寫 抗暖化 關鍵報告 的 作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 (師大環教所所長)",

    葉所長 ( 葉老師 ) 有獨到的見解和精闢的分析.

    關心推廣環教&環保理念請看下列網站 :  推廣環教  &  環保理念  / 環保 : 推廣環教.

    環境教育推手 葉欣誠 S. C. YEH


    關心推廣環教&環保理念的朋友, 請看網站 :


    真、善、美 , 智、仁、勇  的 Taiwan EPA環保署 葉欣誠 Dr. S. C. Yeh 副署長   叶欣诚&台灣之光 /抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵葉博士 

    真、善、美 , 智、仁、勇  的EPA環保署政務副署長 葉欣誠 副署長 Dr. S. C. Yeh 叶欣诚






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