M3cafe摩圖咖啡 11/17/2013 開始試賣一周,試賣期間全餐點八折。 板橋區南雅南路二段11-28號 亞東醫院捷運站三號出口出來右轉步成三分鐘 (在板橋區 亞東醫院捷運站3號出口)_不難停車
11/17 開始試賣一周,試賣期間全餐點八折。
S. C. Yeh) Professional 專業, Knowledgeable, Excellent, Remarkable,
Incisive speech, Good, Great, Very good, Charmming, Outstanding,
Brilliant, Smark, Wise, Kindness, Perfect, Good teacher, Great
professor, Merciful, Gracious, Exalted, Mercy, Concise, Friendliness,
Real good, Friendly, Brave, Famously, Cool person, Cool, Responsible,
There is a strong sense of mission. / Special teacher, Handsome, Honest,
Empathetic, Wonderful, Upright, Intellectuality, Speeches and decent
performance, (Save mankind, Save the earth), Good person, So Kind, So
good, Kind-hearted, Genuineness
................etc. ( I think so. ^_^) (39 張相片)
葉欣誠 教授