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2013-11-23 07:36:01| 人氣747| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Warsaw Clim. Cha. Conf. TWN exp.,SC Yeh EPA Chief Dep. Dir.

推薦 0 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

Warsaw COP 19 Climate Change Conference Taiwan share experiences ( Dr. S. C. YEH   EPA Chief Deputy Director of the respondents VIDEO.) CNA & TVBS reported

Warsaw Climate Change conference table to share experiences ( EPA Chief Deputy Director = Dr. S. C. YEH  respondents VIDEO.) CNA
Released . TVBS has ㄧ the Dow Jones reported , the rest have been reported H.264/AVC SVC special way .....

Warsaw Climate Change conference table to share experiences / from Israel and around the Indian organized COP 19 meeting Topic : Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation - in the National Stadium, Warsaw

 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cutsDr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.From Warsaw

: COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts - See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/#sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpufhttp://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/ 




COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC From Warsaw Warsaw, Poland

COP19: Taiwan Education Chinese air pollution reduction VIDEO.

Warsaw COP 19 Climate Change Conference Taiwan share experiences ( Ye Xincheng EPA Chief Deputy Director of the respondents VIDEO.) CNA & TVBS reported

COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts / / / Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC / / /

VIDEO in English (speach): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share

COP19/CMP9 WARSAW 2013 handsome earthshaking Dr.Yeh EPA, ROC / Professional

Christine Cheng at the " handsome earthshaking Handsome marrid man Dr. SC YEH Professor Ye / teacher leaves ! ^ _ ^ 'Album added 56 photos COP19/CMP9 WARSAW ...

 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cutsDr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROCFrom Warsaw


: COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts - See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate- china-on-air-pollution-cuts / # sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpufhttp :/ / climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts /

COP19: Taiwan Education China Air Pollution Reduction

Ye Xincheng , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan

: COP19 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013

COP19 (16/11/13) - the world's second classified as air pollution, greenhouse gas

Things , Ye Xincheng Taiwan EPA

video Published: November 19, 2013 Nov. 19, 2013 video.

COP19 (16/11/13) - As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.

Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.

Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.


COP19/CMP9 WARSAW 2013 handsome earthshaking Dr.Yeh EPA, ROC / Professional

Christine Cheng at the " handsome earthshaking Handsome marrid man Dr. SC YEH Professor Ye / teacher leaves ! ^ _ ^ 'Album added 56 photos COP19/CMP9 WARSAW ...

BLOG in English: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC

COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC From Warsaw Warsaw, Poland

Several reports, we take a look


http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=464886&id=1 - the National Stadium, Warsaw


 Fantastic . This video bottom right corner of the first two captions or "CC" press down , you can choose Chinese or English subtitles can show off should be seen = Fantastic . Fantastic. ( Just to point out that I found to be Subtitles term ~ throat . ) do not test everyone and my English listening friends. could be Chinese or English subtitles Click to watch out for with subtitles praise !

 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cutsDr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.From Warsaw

: COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts - See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/#sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpufhttp://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/ 



葉欣誠 ,環保總局行政院

video. COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts / / / Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC / / /

VIDEO in English (speach): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share


BLOG in English: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC

2013-11-22 03:04:46
HANDSOME, Knowledgeable, Incisive speech: Dr. SC YEH photos

Christine Cheng at the " handsome earthshaking Handsome marrid man Dr. SC YEH Professor Ye / teacher leaves ! ^ _ ^ 'Album added 56 photos COP19/CMP9 WARSAW ...
Continue reading ...

Response (0) | Recommend (0) | Favorites (0) | good things and good friends to share ! ^ _ ^
2013-11-22 03:04:38
Dr. SC YEH: Concerned environmental protection, Cool, Good

Christine Cheng at the " handsome earthshaking Handsome marrid man Dr. SC YEH Professor Ye / teacher leaves ! ^ _ ^ 'Album added 56 photos COP19/CMP9 WARSAW ...
Continue reading ...

Response (0) | Recommend (0) | Favorites (0) | Green Love the Earth ! Intention to do environmental protection , but also to do with the brain environmentally friendly !
2013-11-22 02:50:13
COP19/CMP9 WARSAW 2013 handsome earthshaking Dr.Yeh EPA, ROC / Professional

Christine Cheng at the " handsome earthshaking Handsome marrid man Dr. SC YEH Professor Ye / teacher leaves ! ^ _ ^ 'Album added 56 photos COP19/CMP9 WARSAW ...
Continue reading ...

Response (0) | Recommend (0) | Favorites (0) | Taiwan Light ! ! !
2013-11-22 02:49:58
Handsome earthshaking Professional Dr.SC Yeh EPA, Executive Yuan, ROC; COP19/CMP9

Christine Cheng at the " handsome earthshaking Handsome marrid man Dr. SC YEH Professor Ye / teacher leaves ! ^ _ ^ 'Album added 56 photos COP19/CMP9 WARSAW ...
Continue reading ...

COP19 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2013 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts ⋯ ⋯

(Dr. SC Yeh) Professional, Knowledgeable, Excellent, Remarkable, Incisive speech, Good, Great, Very good, Charmming, Outstanding, Brilliant, Smark, Wise, Kindness, Perfect, Good teacher, Great professor, Merciful, Gracious, Exalted, Mercy, Concise, Friendliness, Real good, Friendly, Brave, Famously, Cool person, Cool, Responsible, There is a strong sense of mission. / Handsome, Honest, Empathetic, Wonderful, Upright, Intellectuality, Speeches and decent performance, (Save mankind, Save the earth), Good person, So Kind, So good, Kind-hearted, Genuineness
................ etc. (I think so. ^ _ ^) (9 photos )

Photo : COP19 Side Event (6 photos )
Dr. SC Yeh attended by the Israeli and Indian organized around COP 19 Conference Topic : Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation - the National StadiumCOP19 UN Climate Change Conference Warsaw 2013


COP19 Side Event (6 photos )
Dr. SC Yeh attended by the Israeli and Indian organized around COP 19 Conference Topic : Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation - the National StadiumCOP19 UN Climate Change Conference Warsaw 2013


November 20
Book / flash / video .. pdf /
COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC


: COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts - See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate -china-on-air-pollution-cuts / # sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpuf http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution -cuts /

COP19: Taiwan Education China Air Pollution Reduction

Ye Xincheng , EPA Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan

: COP19 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013
November 2013

2013-11-20 17:44:22
COP19 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2013 : TWN educate China air pollution cuts

COP19 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2013 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cutsCOP19: Taiwan to educate Ch ...
Continue reading ...

Response (0) | Recommend (0) | Favorites (0) | LOVE love
2013-11-20 16:58:40
SC Yeh COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

(Dr. SC Yeh EPA Executive Yuan) COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts (Dr. SC Ye ...
Continue reading ...

COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

November 2013
COP19: Brad Page on the need for confident climate change policies

COP19: Brad Page on the need for confident climate change policies

November 2013
COP19: Jorge Zegarra Reátegui, Petramás – sustainable waste management

COP19: Jorge Zegarra Reátegui, Petramás – sustainable waste management

November 2013
COP19: Susan Carlson on why women farmers are part climate change solution

COP19: Susan Carlson on why women farmers are part climate change solution

November 2013
COP19: Nigerian youth denied access to Poland

COP19: Nigerian youth denied access to Poland

November 2013
COP19: Activists protest ‘climate criminals’ attendance at talks

COP19: Activists protest ‘climate criminals’ attendance at talks

November 2013
COP19: BMW says negotiations provide platform for stakeholders

COP19: BMW says negotiations provide platform for stakeholders

November 2013
COP19: Cornie Juizenga and Michael Replolge on low carbon transport

COP19: Cornie Juizenga and Michael Replolge on low carbon transport

November 2013
COP 19: Tracking climate finance is imperative says Adrian Rimmer

COP 19: Tracking climate finance is imperative says Adrian Rimmer

November 2013
COP 19: Copenhagen students discuss link between climate and health

COP 19: Copenhagen students discuss link between climate and health

November 2013
COP 19: Chris Dodwell on implementing policy in Africa

COP 19: Chris Dodwell on implementing policy in Africa

November 2013
COP19: Pauliina Parhiala on importance of faith in tackling climate change

COP19: Pauliina Parhiala on importance of faith in tackling climate change

November 2013
COP19: Christoph Frei – can we cut our emissions by 2050?

COP19: Christoph Frei – can we cut our emissions by 2050?

November 2013
COP19: Joan MacNaughton on importance of energy security

COP19: Joan MacNaughton on importance of energy security

November 2013
COP19: Balgis Osman-Elasha on the African Development Bank Group’s climate change framework

COP19: Balgis Osman-Elasha on the African Development Bank Group’s climate change framework

November 2013
COP19: John Connor on Australia and the carbon tax

COP19: John Connor on Australia and the carbon tax

November 2013
COP19: Evelyn Araripe & Raquel Helene Kleber on youth engagement

COP19: Evelyn Araripe & Raquel Helene Kleber on youth engagement

November 2013
COP19: Dato’ Omairi bin Hashim talks about Malaysian green initiative

COP19: Dato’ Omairi bin Hashim talks about Malaysian green initiative

November 2013
COP19: Heffa Schücking on banks’ role in coal boom

COP19: Heffa Schücking on banks’ role in coal boom

November 2013
COP19: Hama Arba Diallo talks about drought in Lake Chad

COP19: Hama Arba Diallo talks about drought in Lake Chad

November 2013
COP19: Tempa Gyaltsen Zamlha speaks about Tibetan Plateau

COP19: Tempa Gyaltsen Zamlha speaks about Tibetan Plateau

November 2013
COP19: Caroline Richter & Raquel Helene Kleber on interfaith approach to climate change

COP19: Caroline Richter & Raquel Helene Kleber on interfaith approach to climate change

November 2013
COP19: Augustine Bantar Njamnshi talks about need for climate justice in Africa

COP19: Augustine Bantar Njamnshi talks about need for climate justice in Africa

November 2013
COP19: Andrew Mitchell talks about deforestation in Brazil

COP19: Andrew Mitchell talks about deforestation in Brazil

November 2013
COP19: Gabriel Ouijandria Acosta on COP20

COP19: Gabriel Ouijandria Acosta on COP20

November 2013
COP19: Dirk Forrister on success of ETS in reducing emissions

COP19: Dirk Forrister on success of ETS in reducing emissions

November 2013



Wenshan community-based climate change and environmental education Seeds Training Workshop - Wenshan Community College

free / brilliant can be expected : Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu , researcher Wang neutralization and agri-food expert Chen Jizhong Chung Hsing University , National Taiwan University rainstorm flood control expert Li Tianhao , as well as with food farming implemented permaculture Yaman , and there are two days of outdoor field visit implementation, no cold Oh !

Once upon a time , the rain is no longer a gift of God come down , but disastrously, the curse ? According to the IPCC report and the Academia Sinica 's research, global and Taiwan heatwaves, storms , sea-level change phenomenon has been or is about to change my life with you . To us and the next generation how to respond to the new challenges of climate extremes ? Sponge city , vertical farm , permaculture can adjust how to play the role ? Participants: community college students , are willing to put into promoting climate change ...

Zheng s. Write; did not point into the web page if you look , some do not know that this workshop invited to an unprecedented 32 hours ( I hope not unrepeatable ) of the faculty , including Academia Sinica Shaw Chen Liu , researcher Wang neutralization, National Chung Hsing University Agri-Food Specialists Chen Jizhong , Li Tianhao NTU rainstorm flood control experts , as well as with food farming implemented permaculture Yaman , and there are two days of outdoor field visit implementations , indoor lesson in listening , we will also group discussion , and then by teachers doubts interaction, no cold Oh ! !

http://www.wenshan.org.tw/index.php/component/k2/item/345- Wenshan community-based climate change - environmental education workshops . html? fb_action_ids = 10201098402357518 & fb_action_types = og.likes & fb_source = other_multiline & action_object_map =% 7B% 2210201098402357518% 22% 3A556098824467044% 7D & action_type_map =% 7B% 2210201098402357518% 22% 3A% 22og.likes% 22% 7D & action_ref_map =% 5B% 5D

Wenshan community-based climate change and environmental education Seeds Training Workshop - Wenshan Community College
Once upon a time , the rain is no longer a gift of God come down , but disastrously, the curse ? According to the IPCC report and the Academia Sinica 's research, global and Taiwan heatwaves, storms , sea-level change phenomenon has been or is about to change my life with you . To us and the next generation how to respond to the new challenges of climate extremes ? Sponge city , vertical farm , permaculture can adjust how to play the role ? Participants: community college students , are willing to put into promoting climate change ...
Like · · Share · Promotion

Once upon a time , the rain is no longer a gift of God come down , but disastrously, the curse ?

According to the IPCC report and the Academia Sinica 's research, global and Taiwan heatwaves, storms , sea-level change phenomenon has been or is about to change my life with you . To us and the next generation how to respond to the new challenges of climate extremes ? Sponge city , vertical farm , permaculture can adjust how to play the role ?

Participants: community college students , community leaders , are willing to put into promoting environmental education by climate change

Subscribers: 32 people per game limit , until full

Registration Date : until four days before the commencement of each lecture

Registration: Please register online http://ppt.cc/l4w6 or call ( 02 ) 2930-2627 # 18 Miss Yang

Registration Fee : Free , but lunch costs will be borne

  Organizers: EPA implementation units : National Association Corp. Community College

  Contractor School: Taipei Wenshan Community College , Wenshan District , Taipei City Community Learning Centres







12/ 7

( Six )

9:30 -


Taiwan under the Climate Change

Shaw Chen Liu ( Academia Sinica )

King in the United States

Meeting Room

12 /14

( Six )

9:30 -


Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: heatwave

Wang neutralization ( researcher at the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica )

King in the United States

Meeting Room

13:30 -


Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: Drought

Wang neutralization ( researcher at the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica )

King in the United States

Meeting Room


( Sun )

9:30 -


Introduction to Permaculture

Ahmed ( permaculture farm " Wild Man Park" responsible person )

King in the United States

Meeting Room

13:30 -


Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: edible food forest landscape

Ahmed ( permaculture farm " Wild Man Park" responsible person )

King in the United States

Meeting Room


( V)

19:00 -


Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: Food Crisis

Chen Jizhong ( Department of Applied Economics National Chung Hsing University , Professor )

King in the United States

Counselling classroom

12/ 21

( Six )

9:30 -


Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: extreme rainfall

Li Tianhao ( National Taiwan University 's civil engineering department )

Forest Lawn Avenue

Community classroom ★

13:30 -


Visited Po Shan and detention pond

Zhang Yuan ( Hing home front in the long )

Liu Shuxian ( Jhongpu Mountain Trail Association )

Jhongpu Hill

13:00 MRT Xinhai Station Collection

12 /28

( Six )

9:30 -


Permaculture edible landscape implement

Ahmed ( permaculture farm " Wild Man Park" responsible person )

Wild vine garden

8:30 Jiantan MRT Station Exit 1 collection


★ Forest Lawn Avenue Community Classroom: Xinhai walk to the MRT station is about 5 minutes , Wenshan District, Taipei Xinhai Road, Sec 77 , Lane on the 1st basement floor

★ This workshop can be certified environmental education hours , the number of civil servants lifelong learning , environmental education staff 30 hours extension

Course certification.


12/ 7 Indian Environmental Association president Lin Hui Chen Kan + / EPA management room temperature minus the Executive Secretary, Assistant Professor of Political + + Linzi Lun Xu Guangrong NTU / NTU professor of atmospheric / first registration

12/ 7 Sutanto Indian / Environmental Coalition president + Jane Hui Ching / EPA management room temperature minus + Lin Zailun executive secretary / assistant professor of political science at National Taiwan University + Xu Guangrong / National Taiwan University professor of atmospheric department / first registration

free / brilliant can be expected :

Very rare strong faculty , but also access to environmental education teaching hours , places are limited , please care about climate change , interest friends, hurry up Oh !


14:00 Registration , 14:30

Venue: Public maintained by ( Taipei, Taiwan Taishun 24th Street basement )

Registration URL : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kGpnS_aoKMG0PtWdaSF71guXqKy1gn0n5khOdrK0LXg/viewform

Time December 7, 2013
Time 14:00

Public kept by ( Taipei, Taiwan Taishun 24th Street basement )

A large number of human emissions of greenhouse gases, global warming , leading to climate change. In recent years, the problem continues to worsen climate change , typhoons, storms, droughts and other natural disasters, the strength of the increasingly extreme , the number of increasingly frequent occurrence , the damage is getting worse. 2009 invasion of Taiwan Typhoon Morakot swept across the Philippines and most recently petrel typhoon caused significant damage , that is bloody example. Movie " The Day After Tomorrow ", " 2012 " , due to the strong climate change caused by global destruction of the plot, seems to be in our real life staged. To prevent and respond to the crisis of global warming , the world is bound to work together for common action .

November 11 this year, " the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 19th Conference of the Parties cum Kyoto Protocol 9th Conference of the Parties " opened in Warsaw, Poland , a period of 12 days . The meeting which agreement was reached , in order to facilitate future countries to promote common action to address global warming brought about by the global problems ? Taiwan in response to " Framework Convention on Climate Change ," and what has been done ? Let us follow three long-term participation in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of scholars and experts at home and abroad to understand global warming crisis response to the Road .

Moderator: Lin Indian / Environmental Alliance President
Panelists: Jane Hui Ching / EPA management room temperature minus Executive Secretary
Linzi Lun / assistant professor of political science at National Taiwan University
Xu Guangrong / National Taiwan University professor of atmospheric formations

14:00 Registration , 14:30

Venue: Public maintained by ( Taipei, Taiwan Taishun 24th Street basement )

Registration URL : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kGpnS_aoKMG0PtWdaSF71guXqKy1gn0n5khOdrK0LXg/viewform


Taiwan Environmental Problems and Prospects --- Chen Yu teacher lecture
Public · green community by the National Chung Cheng University (CCU Green Club) initiated

December 4, 2013
19:00 to 21:30
Chung Cheng University School of Law 101 amphitheater
Professor Chen Yufeng , was born in Taiwan, Yunlin , Taiwan early years of the first drive to promote mountain sports , dedicated to promoting Taiwan's nature conservation, cultural transformation and the environmental movement representative figures . This year's 10/ 10 , Professor Chen Yufeng launched in Kaohsiung concave sub- bottom < scrap nuclear power plant millions of people Relay foot line > hope that through this activity in addition to face nuclear controversy in Taiwan , but also hope to arouse the people to the land of Taiwan 's emotional care and consensus .
To promote environmental concept for the purpose of Chung Cheng University, green community honored a formal invitation to Professor Chen Yufeng , at 12/ 4 ( three ) come Chung Cheng University lecture for us to explain forest ecological wealth of knowledge , understanding and forest land in Taiwan . Interested parties are welcome to listen to teachers and students , thank you !

Speaker: Chen Yu- teacher ( Hillwood College Speaker , the former vice president of Providence University , mountain state environmental scholar )
Topic: Taiwan Environmental Problems and Prospects
Date: 12/ 4 ( three )
Time: seven p.m. Admission , lectures began at half past seven to nine thirty
Place: National Chung Cheng University School of Law 101 amphitheater

* Online registration mining activities , would like to register please as soon as possible !
Registration URL : http://ppt.cc/8z8z


Wenshan community-based climate change and environmental education training workshops seeds
12/ 7 Sutanto Indian / Environmental Coalition president = Jane Hui Ching / EPA management room temperature minus + Lin Zailun executive secretary / assistant professor of political science at National Taiwan University + Xu Guangrong / National Taiwan University professor of atmospheric department / first registration

free / brilliant can be expected :

Very rare strong faculty , but also access to environmental education teaching hours , places are limited , please care about climate change , interest friends, hurry up Oh !


14:00 Registration , 14:30

Venue: Public maintained by ( Taipei, Taiwan Taishun 24th Street basement )

Registration URL : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kGpnS_aoKMG0PtWdaSF71guXqKy1gn0n5khOdrK0LXg/viewform

Time December 7, 2013
Time 14:00

Public kept by ( Taipei, Taiwan Taishun 24th Street basement )

A large number of human emissions of greenhouse gases, global warming , leading to climate change. In recent years, the problem continues to worsen climate change , typhoons, storms, droughts and other natural disasters, the strength of the increasingly extreme , the number of increasingly frequent occurrence , the damage is getting worse. 2009 invasion of Taiwan Typhoon Morakot swept across the Philippines and most recently petrel typhoon caused significant damage , that is bloody example. Movie " The Day After Tomorrow ", " 2012 " , due to the strong climate change caused by global destruction of the plot, seems to be in our real life staged. To prevent and respond to the crisis of global warming , the world is bound to work together for common action .

November 11 this year, " the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 19th Conference of the Parties cum Kyoto Protocol 9th Conference of the Parties " opened in Warsaw, Poland , a period of 12 days . The meeting which agreement was reached , in order to facilitate future countries to promote common action to address global warming brought about by the global problems ? Taiwan in response to " Framework Convention on Climate Change ," and what has been done ? Let us follow three long-term participation in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of scholars and experts at home and abroad to understand global warming crisis response to the Road .

Moderator: Lin Indian / Environmental Alliance President
Panelists: Jane Hui Ching / EPA management room temperature minus Executive Secretary
Linzi Lun / assistant professor of political science at National Taiwan University
Xu Guangrong / National Taiwan University professor of atmospheric formations

14:00 Registration , 14:30

Venue: Public maintained by ( Taipei, Taiwan Taishun 24th Street basement )

Registration URL : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kGpnS_aoKMG0PtWdaSF71guXqKy1gn0n5khOdrK0LXg/viewform


COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts / / / Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC / / /

VIDEO in English (speach): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share

video Published: November 19, 2013 Nov. 19, 2013 video.

COP19 (16/11/13) - As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.

Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.

Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.


BLOG in English: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC

COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC From Warsaw

Several reports, we take a look


http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=464886&id=1 - the National Stadium, Warsaw


 Fantastic . This video bottom right corner of the first two captions or "CC" press down , you can choose Chinese or English subtitles can show off should be seen = Fantastic . Fantastic. ( Just to point out that I found to be Subtitles term ~ throat . ) do not test everyone and my English listening friends. could be Chinese or English subtitles Click to watch out for with subtitles praise !

video. COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts / / / Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC / / /

VIDEO in English (speach): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share


BLOG in English: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, ROC

COP19 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2013 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts ⋯ ⋯


With immediate effect to 12 / 31 using the travel card spending over 300 small
Send 50 yuan shopping gold yo ! Conversion time limit per card limit 400000 group !

Details >> http://bit.ly/1eL3dws


 Environmental Protection Society / Central Learning Association / : National Environmental Education Programme of environmental education as " the only planet , environmental justice , intergenerational welfare , sustainable development" concept: 8/26 to 28
2012-01-11 10:08:51
 The Sound of Music Zhi Renyong ! Environmental Education push hands Ye Xincheng care & promote environmental education & environmental philosophy ! Spectacular !
2010-06-25 20:24:50
 Environment + education from home, the Earth unique environmental education , environmental justice , intergenerational welfare , sustainable development as a concept to promote environmental education environmental green university / Ye Xincheng
2013-06-27 00:19:54
 EPD Ye Xincheng serious intentions Deputy Director responsible for environmental education ambassador ( foreground Normal ring Institution Ye Xincheng director ) to promote environmental education to promote environmental concern environmental philosophy , Taiwanese light
2013-07-15 21:57:07
 Environmental Protection Society / Central Learning Association / : National Environmental Education Programme of environmental education as " the only planet , environmental justice , intergenerational welfare , sustainable development" concept: 8/26 to 28
2013-07-02 12:19:13
 Dry F. horrible ! Coca-Cola admitted Maid banned pesticides containing lead cerebral palsy, drink strong silk mold Maid nausea ! Refusal Maid Coca Cola / Minute Maid Service attitude sucks
2013-11-22 18:41:13
12/ 4 Chen Yu- Taiwan Environmental Problems and Prospects teacher ( Hillwood College Speaker , the former vice president of Providence University , mountain state environmental scholar ) online registration

Perhaps the plight of Taiwan to participate in environmental activities and prospects --- Chen Yu teacher lectures Public · green community by the National Chung Cheng University (CCU Green Club) initiated https://www.facebook.com/events/529253653834 ...
Continue reading ...

Response (0) | Recommend (0) | Favorites (0) | Best Our Life
2013-11-22 18:15:28
12/ 7 Green Tea House ─ climate change : urgent ! Negotiation progress and Taiwan's participation : Jane Lin Hui Ching Indian President + + + Professor Lin Zilun Professor Xu Guangrong / first registration

Green Tea House ─ participate Climate Change : urgent ! Progress in negotiations with Taiwan's participation at 14:00 on December 7 Public maintained by ( Taipei, Taiwan Taishun 24th Street basement ) Green Tea House ─ climate change : urgent ! Negotiation progress and Taiwan's participation : 12/ 7 Sutanto Indian / Environmental Coalition will + Jane Hui Zhen / EPA ...
Continue reading ...

Response (0) | Recommend (0) | Favorites (0) | Best Our Life
2013-11-22 17:55:30
12/ 7 Indian Environmental Association president Lin Hui Chen Kan + / EPA management room temperature minus the Executive Secretary, Assistant Professor of Political + + Linzi Lun Xu Guangrong NTU / NTU professor of atmospheric / first registration

12/ 7 Sutanto Indian / Environmental Coalition president = Jane Hui Ching / EPA management room temperature minus + Lin Zailun executive secretary / assistant professor of political science at National Taiwan University + Xu Guangrong / National Taiwan University professor of atmospheric department / first registration free / brilliant can be expected : very rare strong faculty , but also ...
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2013-11-22 16:32:14
Free exciting can be expected : Academia Sinica disabilities Shaw Chen Liu , Wang Chung and research staff , Xing Chen Jizhong agri-food experts , NTU rainstorm flood control expert Li Tianhao , Yaman permaculture farming implements , outdoor implementation, no cold

free / brilliant can be expected : very rare strong faculty , but also access to environmental education teaching hours , places are limited , please care about climate change , concern for community response to the Road friends, hurry up Oh ! Wenshan community-based climate change and environmental education training workshops seeds - Man ...
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2013-11-22 15:48:54
[ Feedback ] Easycard end 12/ 31 before holding EASYCARD small consumer accumulated over $ 300 to send 50 yuan shopping gold

[ Back ] [ end Easycard end Easycard feedback ] 12/ 31 before holding EASYCARD small consumer accumulated over $ 300 to send 50 year-end shopping gold [ feedback ] Easy Card today to 12 / 31 using the travel card spending over 300 small send 50 yuan shopping gold yo ! Conversion time limit per card limit ...


[ Back ] end Easycard

[ Feedback ] Easycard end 12/ 31 before holding EASYCARD small consumer accumulated over $ 300 to send 50 year-end shopping gold [ feedback ] Easycard

With immediate effect to 12 / 31 using the travel card spending over 300 small

Send 50 yuan shopping gold yo ! Conversion time limit per card limit 400000 group !

Details >> http://bit.ly/1eL3dws

[ Back ] Easycard end with immediate effect to 12 / 31 using the travel card spending over 300 microfinance send 50 yuan shopping gold yo ! Conversion time limit per card limit 400000 group ! Details >> http://bit.ly/1eL3dws

EASYCARD back end with immediate effect to 12 / 31 Small spending 300 yuan send 50 yuan shopping gold limited edition 400 000 while supplies last

From now until 102 years ended December 31 , holding small consumer Easycard accumulated over $ 300, which donated 50 yuan shopping gold
All small consumer pathway can accumulate ( does not include public transport , government fees , utility service charges, school fees, medical fees )

Limit one per card exchange , limited 400 000 , while supplies last.

Shopping Gold exchange period 102 years November 15 to 103 years ending January 7 , the cardholder may be 102 years since Nov. 13 card at the cumulative amount of active Web page .

Cardholders shopping gold redemption period , holding meet eligibility EASYCARD conversion to full- Taiwan PCSC ibon click " View Draw" , proximity card to print PCSC 50 yuan shopping gold , single use only non- Keep the change .
[ Back ] end Easycard


Photo: [ feedback ] Easycard end with immediate effect to 12 / 31 using the travel card spending over 300 microfinance send 50 yuan shopping gold yo ! Conversion time limit per card limit 400000 group ! Details >> http://bit.ly/1eL3dws
From now until 102 years ended December 31 , holding small consumer Easycard accumulated over $ 300, which donated 50 yuan shopping gold
All small consumer pathway can accumulate ( does not include public transport , government fees , utility service charges, school fees, medical fees )
Limit one per card exchange , limited 400 000 , while supplies last.
Shopping Gold exchange period 102 years November 15 to 103 years ending January 7 , the cardholder may be 102 years since Nov. 13 card at the cumulative amount of active Web page .
Cardholders shopping gold redemption period , holding meet eligibility EASYCARD conversion to full- Taiwan PCSC ibon click " View Draw" , proximity card to print PCSC 50 yuan shopping gold , single use only non- Keep the change
Activity Name
Guaranteed scare small beep call
During the event
2013/11/1 ~ 2013/12/31
Activities Measures
During the event held EASYCARD small consumer debit accumulated up to 300 yuan, you can exchange to PCSC ibon " 50 yuan shopping money" ( ie 50 cash voucher ) .
Conversion Period
2013/11/15 ~ 2014/1/7

Cardholders Please Conversion Period , the holders of convertible shopping gold meet eligibility EASYCARD to PCSC in ibon machine home left click " View Draw" → select activities " travel card spending full capacity to send shopping money" → Read and agree Precautions → induction EASYCARD to confirm eligibility → Print cash back voucher .
Each EASYCARD only converted once only , and different cards are not mutually cumulative amount of consumption .
Total consumption of a small special institution , please examiner network information.
The cumulative amount of small consumer debit , non- real-time connection , so there will be time lag , the Company will return the transaction authorized institutions based on the time ; cardholders on 11 / 13 began , through the website , the query held conversion of EASYCARD meets eligibility .
" 50 yuan shopping gold " limit 400,000 , converted full, activities that will advance the termination , the Company will not notice.
" 50 yuan shopping money" after printing properly safeguarded and used within the deadline , if late , lost, damaged or improper preservation fuzzy identification is unclear, without replacement ; nor claim the discount , give change , the relevant use and limitations , depending on the set and PCSC coupons shall prevail .
If the Cardholder cancel the transaction for any reason , or because of billing disputes , or falsified transactions , or any other breach of good faith method to obtain the active exchange shopping gold qualifications , the Company will be canceled diameter , without notice .
If any of the activities not attributable to the Company due to causes , leaving those who participate in the activities of the information is lost, error , does not recognize invalid data or damage caused by the circumstances , the Company assumes no obligation to participate in the activities of those who no objection.
Easy Card Company reserves at any time amend , suspend or terminate the right of this activity . Other matters not conducted in accordance with relevant regulations of the company .

Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation explained that during the promotion period from November 24日(周日) until December 23日(周一) only, preferential object as held EASYCARD MRT of travelers ( one-way ticket to maintain the original approved fare ) , offers says:

Incentives one : passing the new road traffic mileage ( CKS Memorial Hall - Elephant Mountain ) , excluding fares remaining mileage to maintain the existing charging methods. ( Details with photos )

Incentives II: Central and lines, Taipower Building Station and Guting out ( excluding CKS Memorial Hall Station ) , and from the north of Danshui Line to Beitou NTU Hospital Station between stations ( including New Beitou Station ) passengers, Easy Card holders 20% discount fares reduced by a 7 fold . ( Details with photos )
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October 24, 2013 ... [ Liberty Times reporter spent Meng Jing / Hualien ] reported the Ministry of Health, Welfare and National Health

12/ 31 before holding EASYCARD small consumer accumulated over $ 300, which presented a 50 yuan year-end shopping gold [ feedback ] Easy Card : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326197565
: Http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fbit.ly% 2F1eL3dws & h = tAQGXrHYe & enc = AZOWQ3jAa5j4Jgt29MtQq8jT9t8MawQOMJrGZzGXoe3Kls75h_D1DX_xwcqWMJ3lbIEg7YE0BEdYif6f_UwzO8p_vzNAm5C5rF6NX4B6MFKtPjBElualKmL4bqmZQTsJquBOBxGACgbE8p9lu8ZqLQ6A & s = 1
maggie04190419: EASYCARD back end with immediate effect to 12 / 31 Small spending 300 yuan send 50 yuan shopping gold limited edition 400 000 while supplies last

Good Life Master

From now until 102 years ended December 31 , holding small consumer Easycard accumulated over $ 300, which donated 50 yuan shopping gold
All small consumer pathway can accumulate ( does not include public transport , government fees , utility service charges, school fees, medical fees )
Limit one per card exchange , limited 400 000 , while supplies last.
Shopping Gold exchange period 102 years November 15 to 103 years ending January 7 , the cardholder may be 102 years since Nov. 13 card at the cumulative amount of active Web page .
Cardholders shopping gold redemption period , holding meet eligibility EASYCARD conversion to full- Taiwan PCSC ibon click " View Draw" , proximity card to columns
maggie04190419: Cardholder shopping gold redemption period , holding meet eligibility EASYCARD conversion to full- Taiwan PCSC ibon click " View Draw" , proximity card to print PCSC 50 yuan shopping gold , limited to a single use do not give change .
: Each EASYCARD only converted once only , and different cards are not mutually cumulative amount of consumption .

Guaranteed scare small beep call
During the event
2013/11/1 ~ 2013/12/31
Activities Measures
During the event held EASYCARD small consumer debit accumulated up to 300 yuan, you can exchange to PCSC ibon " 50 yuan shopping money" ( ie 50 cash voucher ) .
Conversion Period
2013/11/15 ~ 2014/1/7
Cardholders Please Conversion Period , the holders of convertible shopping gold meet eligibility EASYCARD to PCSC in ibon machine home left click " View Draw" → select activities " travel card spending full capacity to send shopping money" → Read and agree Precautions → induction EASYCARD to confirm eligibility → Print cash back voucher .
Each EASYCARD only converted once only , and different cards are not mutually cumulative amount of consumption .
Recovered Like · · Share · Promotion
EASYCARD back end with immediate effect to 12 / 31 Small spending 300 yuan send 50 yuan shopping gold limited edition 400 000 while supplies last

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