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English & Japanese words & Korean Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師

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English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese as below : ( 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師 )

VIDEO. 8/23/2013  醫療記者自制影片 紀念 懸壺濟世 良醫俠士的  林杰樑 醫師! 中天和台視.......8/23 TV NEWS.........都有不同的影片報導.

VIDEO. 8/23/2013 醫療記者自制影片 紀念 懸壺濟世 良醫俠士的 林杰樑 醫師! 中天和台視.......8/23 TV NEWS.........都有不同的影片報導. KOREA WORDS AS BELOW: (Englsih & Japanese as next video & FB 貼文.)

(超過103張照片如下) 舉國悲慟哀悼! 解毒權威林杰樑辭世: "痛失樑醫"! 痛失俠醫英才! 國失棟樑! 落淚, 好心善心的 解毒專家&懸壺濟世的良醫  林杰粱 醫生8/5 12:42 病逝, 享年55歲.

台灣醫界之寶~~~精神永存~~~典範常在~永別了敬愛的林杰樑醫師, 願你趁願再來守護台灣!


【告別良醫】8/31 上午9點到11點 真英雄 林杰樑醫生 紀念追思會

林口長庚醫院也將在31日 8/31/2013 上午9點到11點,在該院復健大樓第一會議廳,舉行紀念追思會,開放民眾參加,一同感念林杰樑對台灣社會的貢獻。 

8/31/2013 a.m. 9:00 ~ a.m. 11:00


超過 103 photos  林杰樑醫師 的 彩色 (貼圖/貼照片陸續增加增貼中.) : https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.559192887449475.1073741835.100000763055653&type=1


8/23 photo about 林杰樑 醫師的告別式,希望您一路好走!

TV NEWS 8/23/2013 醫療記者自製影片 淚崩哭送林杰樑 VIDEO : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B-to78BvMU&feature=youtu.be



醫療記者自製影片 淚崩哭送林杰樑
PHOTOS: http://youtu.be/0B-to78BvMU



English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師

8/23 photo about 林杰樑 醫師 的 告別式 :


http://ppt.cc/HPyM (俠醫林杰樑魂歸嘉義故里)




【健康】林杰樑醫生 最後的叮嚀


林杰樑醫師是台灣的良心,台灣人的驕傲=正直有骨氣的英雄照顧百姓的仁、對抗奸商的勇,智仁勇兼備 R.I.P. ;願您安息!


永別俠醫林杰樑! 妻哽咽:謝謝你,來世再做夫妻

林杰樑 良醫 = 立德 , 立功, 立言 的 杏林之士 = 台灣之光!

良醫"樑"心! 憂消防員安全 捐20萬器材/俠醫林杰樑早逝 親朋好友不捨永別 / 林杰樑妻:他這生好值得!

天啊! 痛失樑師! 晴天霹靂! 我想哭! 解毒專家仁民愛物的 人間菩薩 林杰粱 醫生 社會良心 永遠偉人俠客辭世, 真的好心痛 ,蒼生笑, 不再寂寥! 活得令國人欽佩的55年. 我們敬佩 國民良醫 林杰粱 醫生, 一路好走! 杰粱 醫生 解毒之王 實至名歸~義行可風, 醫德永留世! 林杰樑兩袖清, 行得正, 真君子, 清廉正直的俠客良醫.學者風範, 錚錚鐵骨! 鞠躬盡瘁,感人肺腑!

林杰樑醫師正義使者真英雄!讚1314. 真的諸事無常,難捨!永別了 大師 永遠敬佩的您

永懷 林杰樑醫師!殞落解毒權威! 我好心痛喔!嗚嗚!敬佩林杰樑醫師永垂不朽!

殞落解毒權威!我好心痛喔~!嗚嗚~!敬佩林杰樑醫師永垂不朽! 褒揚令+1:我們謝謝您!台灣道德勇氣又殞落了一顆.

林杰樑 大愛 待人溫文儒雅不擺架子沒脾氣,外表溫柔內心堅強不怕得罪執政當局真正俠者捐「救命器」

醫界巨人 仁德&仁心.醫者之父林杰樑醫師!不畏財團堅守專業辛苦了! 好難過,謝謝您無私的付出,永懷念您!

風歌頌著高揚的曲調,月顯露出含淚的倒影=林杰樑醫師精神,乘願再來~林杰樑么兒抱醫師袍 說父親節快樂

林杰樑 醫生 : 正直+ 兩袖清,行得正,真君子,好典範,真不捨.清廉正直的俠客良醫.學者風範 錚錚鐵骨!


2,790 筆 俠醫林杰樑 VIDEOS ON http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=台視林杰樑&oq=台視林杰樑&gs_l=youtube.3...33308.52566.0.58008.


video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

林杰樑醫師, 台灣以前有你,真好!




天啊! 痛失樑師! 我也想大哭! 解毒之王 仁心仁術 林杰粱 醫生, 社會良心, 永遠俠客辭世, 真的好心痛 ,蒼生笑, 不再寂寥! 活得令國人欽佩的55年. 我們敬佩 偉大的「國民良醫」解毒俠客 林杰粱 醫生好菩薩, 一路好走! 杰粱 醫生 出錢 出力 又 出心(力),醫德永留世! 綠十字健康網是杰樑的毒物知識網站! 


SONG : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j0K27MndYBk#at=52

林杰樑 成立「綠十字」, 杰樑以前每年自付20萬研究毒和助人及下鄉義診20年 令人敬佩的鐵漢英雄! 林杰樑 7/30自付21萬 捐48個救命器



林杰樑,深入淺出「這樣瞭解了,ㄏㄡ?」, 隨著他的驟逝,經典名句成絕響.....醫界失去了一位有良知的巨擘

【林杰樑兩袖清 拒代言捍衛食安】




" 年代新聞 Mr. 李御榮 " write: 


【壹電視報導】 writ: 
敢言又耿直的良醫林杰樑驟逝讓人不捨,妻子譚敦慈最後更是含淚 同意讓丈夫在滄海一聲笑,這首歌伴隨下,走完五十五年的人生;接下來帶您回顧這位樸實又偉大的良醫。


English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師


English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師


English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師


English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師


English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師


English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師


English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師


English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師


English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師


English & Japanese words & Korean & Chinese 中文 about Dr. Lin Story 林杰樑 醫師


恩文的快樂廚房 write: 







"中天快點TV" write:

感念送救命器! 打火弟兄 送別林杰樑



願 一路好走..相片:又是一個令人不捨的消息,
願 一路好走..
蕭安邦 唉.....林醫師一路好走...:*(
沈小玲 偉大的醫生><

藍天和風 難過……

Chien-Bang Hsu 我就是聽到他說"高果糖糖漿"對人體的傷害, 所以現在很少碰含糖飲料了~

林豐兒 很感傷,沒有搶救回來!偉大的醫生

Wayne Chang R.I.P 以後台灣食品安全還能靠誰啊?

主播 黃文華 write: 


恩文的快樂廚房 write: 

整晚睡不好,因 林杰樑醫師離開了。






Ms. 蕭彤雯 write: 



謝謝你面對我總是臨時一通電話-- "林醫師, 拜託你一定要接受我採訪, 即使五分鐘都好"的要求, 從來沒有拒絕過我.

雖然已經不跑新聞多年,但我依舊記得, 只要有任何跟毒物和食品安全相關的新聞, 我總是捨近求遠,說什麼都要飆車到林口長庚, 只為了做到你的一個訪問. 因你是我心目中, 最信任的毒物科醫師.



《請你跟我這樣過 給林杰樑醫師的信》write: 



您喜愛的那首歌寫著:「蒼天笑, 紛紛世上潮,誰負誰勝出,天知曉...」

給永遠的俠客 Rest In The Peace





"NTDfilm-擁抱道德勇氣系列影片" write: 
有道德勇氣的林杰樑醫師 讓人懷念!

林口長庚臨床毒物科主任 林杰樑 (2012.11.11):「現在市價換一次要兩百萬,這個價錢是足以讓人傾家蕩產的,本人是反對去大陸換腎,第一個,對中國大陸人是不公平的,你等於是 用錢去買的,第二個,你即使有錢去買腎臟,這個腎臟不一定適合你,你要吃很大量抗排斥藥,抗排斥藥吃大量就容易感染,容易得到癌症。」

從大學時期就洗腎,林杰樑對於病患感同深受,2003年他與研究團隊首創以鉛解毒劑治療慢性腎臟病,刊登知名期刊。針對台灣病患赴境外移植有九成前往大陸 ,他認為,政府有責任杜絕移植亂象。

林口長庚臨床毒物科主任 林杰樑(2012.11.11):「因為有利可圖,事實上都有人在做,事實上,公權力應該要徹底貫徹,因為這個影響層面真的是太大了。」



趙婷 write: 
8月5日在 Hsinchuang 附近來自手機




Mr. 翔麟 write:
老婆大人晚上不曉得窩在筆電前畫什麼…原來是… 表達敬意! 感謝!

PICTURE FROM FB : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1401217413433622&set=a.1401217556766941.1073741833.100006361295535&type=1&theater


Mr. 卓亞雄 write: 
卓亞雄 洗腎20年,他早把生死置之度外。


Mr. 李明璋 write: 


東森氣象主播王淑麗分享了 1 條連結。

Ms. 王淑麗 write: 



勇敢、認真、了不起 的 林杰樑醫師=從頭到腳充滿正氣的人.林醫師走了 大家都很捨不得!

Ms. 劉伃芃 write:

林醫師走了 大家都很捨不得
很意外 我們合作的次數並不多
偶爾帶點小幽默 笑聲爽朗

才有餘力再去愛別人 照顧別人

問我懷不懷念 我一點都不否認

自從離開後 好像也沒在更新
僅此 獻給我心目中的你們
大家要身體健康 有空還是要聚一聚
^^ — 和張跳跳跟其他 7 個人




對不起, 請原諒我, 謝謝你, 我愛你 !!!
感謝林杰樑醫師的努力奉獻 !!!



林杰樑病逝 長庚:找不到感染源

將成立 "林杰樑教授研究基金"

林杰樑病逝 讓不少人不捨(林杰樑生前照取自臉書)







不捨!良醫林杰樑驟逝 「滄海一聲笑」伴隨
牛樟芝疑毒 「死前還在等報告」妻哽咽
2013-08-06 18:40
為全民健康把關 林杰樑「最後叮嚀」





【壹電視報導】 write: 敢言又耿直的良醫林杰樑驟逝讓人不捨,妻子譚敦慈最後更是含淚 同意讓丈夫在滄海一聲笑,這首歌伴隨下,走完五十五年的人生;接下來帶您回顧這位樸實又偉大的良醫。







北市消弔林杰樑 感念捐救命器 | 社會新聞 | 中央社即時新聞 CNA NEWS



◎醫生該做的事 林杰樑



每 張照片裡都布滿污穢油漬,焦黑的廢電纜、五金,堆積成一座座如煉獄中猙獰的刺山與蠕動的蛇山,黑水流淌,毒煙冉冉,不知可怕或被窮困逼得顧不得性命的工 人,在山中挑撿特殊金屬,加工賣給國防部做子彈;孩童在這片邪惡商人布置的金屬毒場中對著相機露出無邪笑容,幾年後他們將嘗盡從骨髓深處發出的切齒痛楚, 或被洗腎、肝病、癌症所折磨,臨死前只天真地怨嘆此生歹命,卻不知自己其實身染劇毒。

【毒素 無所不在 】
五 十一歲的林杰樑是長庚醫院腎臟科醫生,也是台灣唯一毒物學教授,他從電腦叫出這些舊檔案,裡面有他在學生時期參加學校義診團的污染調查,也有他二十年前成 立,由醫生與醫學院學生組成的「綠十字醫療服務團隊」,他們查出高雄縣後勁地區的中油煉油廠造成當地嚴重污染,許多人罹患慢性肺部疾病;下一頁是高雄縣大 寮鄉廢五金,滑鼠再點,是二仁溪畔焚燒廢電纜…




【家人 無價之寶】 
對於污染,二十多年來,林杰樑該 氣的都氣過了,他年輕時對工廠毒害居民無比氣憤,開記者會揭發惡行,每次都引起社會的震撼,民眾才知道,台灣已中毒極深,大家吃的、喝的、呼吸的,都受到 毒素污染,也進一步反省,台灣在短時間內靠破壞環境、犧牲人命攢出世界第一的外匯存底,這些污染卻要花許多倍的時間與金錢拯救,還不一定能恢復原本的青山 綠水。

然而一九九一年,綠十字和中研院合作,進行核電廠的染色體突變調查,由於預算低,在有限調查範本中沒發現問題,「結果當時某環保團體打電話 來威脅說,你們學生上課要小心。這些學生都是家長的寶貝,怎麼能害人家?所以就不再做污染調查。」他微微一笑,嘴角推擠削瘦臉龐一道道皺摺說;「我們就去 最貧窮的地方義診,都是救人嘛。」

林杰樑至今每年寒暑假都會排出時間 下鄉義診,他說大概他在鄉下長大,喜歡鄉下。他生在嘉義朴子這個小鄉鎮,祖上四代中醫,他父親則經營中藥行,他排行老三,五個兄弟姊妹中有三個醫生。父母 忙著做生意,他從小由祖母帶大,「國中之後我就離家讀書,越讀離家越遠,所以我很注重家庭。」 



【固執 一路吃苦】 





【大病 改變人生 】



【救人 永不放棄】 
林杰樑說: 「我常告訴年輕醫生,當醫生放棄的時候,病人就永無希望。我當總醫師時,有一個年輕醫生吃中藥結果鉀離子中毒,要洗腎時心臟麻痺倒下去,急救一個小時也無 效,就叫其他醫師繼續壓心臟,我給他接機器,把血壓進洗腎機,結果洗了二十分鐘有血壓,五十分鐘後就醒過來了。」他發明的這個方法,也發表在世界知名的醫 療期刊上,如今成為醫學院教材。 

這時有報社打電話問林杰樑一些毒物的問題,他走到陽台上答覆,掛電話後,我走出去,林杰樑說: 「這幾年黑心食品問題這麼嚴重,今年食品衛生的預算只有八千萬元,全國每人分不到四元,農委會管飼料的一百多人,管食品衛生的只有二十幾個。去年我參加衛 生署全國戴奧辛食品調查的會議,食品管理處長說,戴奧辛調查花了很多錢,到此為止,我說這對老百姓這麼重要的事,你憑什麼到此為止?」

他露出無奈 的苦笑,然而工作上遭遇的不公、死亡、灰心都該阻絕在家門外,於是我們一起看著樓下的綠地公園,他說:「我很喜歡這裡,十多年前我們搬來時,我大兒子說, 我們不要搬家了好不好?呵呵…」然後他有感而發地說:「我大兒子也想當醫生,但是我跟他說,要當好醫生很辛苦…」接著他望著灰濛濛的天空,頭也沒回地說: 「醫生應該對生命不輕言放棄,我做的這些只是醫生該做的,不是嗎?」

【後記 】採訪林杰樑前,聽同事說,林口長庚醫院後門有一家雞排攤,肉厚汁多香噴噴,我的口水滴滿襟,暗暗發誓採訪後一定要咬它一大口。



Box:【林杰樑怎麼吃 】





(撰文:周家睿 攝影:鄺頌廉、王禹仁)





對不起, 請原諒我, 謝謝你, 我愛你 !!!

感謝林杰樑醫師的努力奉獻 !!!



林杰樑病逝 長庚:找不到感染源

將成立 "林杰樑教授研究基金"

林杰樑病逝 讓不少人不捨(林杰樑生前照取自臉書)












不捨!良醫林杰樑驟逝 「滄海一聲笑」伴隨

為全民健康把關 林杰樑「最後叮嚀」




● 毒物權威林杰樑醫師 12:42病逝長庚醫院
( http://tinyurl.com/otlsdqr )

● 疑染棘手病毒 林杰樑病逝
( http://tinyurl.com/motnsgq )

● 林杰樑:再忙,也要陪寶貝一起長大
( http://tinyurl.com/kymcz2t ) (2 張相片)






林杰樑醫師因為敗血性休克,引發器官衰竭,不敵病魔病逝於長庚醫院,這也是他努力工作奉獻所學的地方,非常難過。「心痛,不捨,是台灣的huge loss」

林杰樑兩袖清,行得正,真君子,好典範,真不捨.清廉正直的俠客良醫.學者風範 錚錚鐵骨!



主播 黃文華 write: 






周s. WRITE: 








晴天霹靂!解毒權威林杰樑辭世!滄海一聲笑!「解毒俠客」成立綠十字,下鄉義診20年, 心繫食品安全 


Articles & words all on http://www.cna.com.tw/Topic/Popular/3889-2.aspx


Fionana Wu 一位醫師,在有生之年的所為,得到全民的敬重,離開人世時,不管認識的,不認識的,連採訪記者都忍不住哽咽流淚,林教授應該是前無古人後無來者了。林醫師,是大家的林醫師。
讚 · 回覆 · 29 · 9小時前

Casey Chao 仁心仁術

Ying-Hsiu Chang "救命器"謝謝搶救急診室回答http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

要命的閃燃 燒融勇消「救命器」


8/7/2013 15:30 /////


慟!林杰樑病逝!林杰樑生前依然神采奕奕, 解毒之王 實至名歸~ 醫德永留世!仁醫望有志之士能傳承他<義行> 




林杰樑病逝 靈堂、追思會時間明宣布 - 自由電子報 即時新聞


慟!林杰樑病逝 7月底最後一次錄影仍擔心食品安全

林杰樑最後一次錄東森《現在才知道》,依舊笑容滿面。(圖/東森 …

林杰樑 8/5/2013 因敗血性休克併發多重器官衰竭不幸病逝。他7月底最後一次上東森綜合台《現在才知道》談食物相剋,剛好於5日晚間播出。當天錄影時,林杰樑仍神采奕奕,絲毫不覺他身體有異狀,但2日一早,他突然喘不過氣,送醫緊急搶救,4天來,病情一度趨穩,但最終還是抵抗不了病魔辭世,得年55歲。




台灣缺少的就是 林杰樑 這樣的人,敢說敢做不怕惡勢力,不怕強


我們會記得 林杰樑 寫下的每一字來紀念您,願您安息:


from: 林杰樑醫師的粉絲專頁https://www.facebook.com/pages/林杰樑/112269112124206相片:林杰樑醫師-台灣最珍貴的良醫




This below birthday cake for Dr. Lin.


圖片引用自 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=409420359167238&set=a.319286624847279.68953.233742886734987&type=1&theater





Fionana Wu 一位醫師,在有生之年的所為,得到全民的敬重,離開人世時,不管認識的,不認識的,連採訪記者都忍不住哽咽流淚,林教授應該是前無古人後無來者了。林醫師,是大家的林醫師。

Ying-Hsiu Chang "救命器"謝謝搶救急診室回答http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

要命的閃燃 燒融勇消「救命器」 | 消防員火場殉職


8/7/2013 15:30 ///// 

舉國悲慟哀悼! 解毒權威林杰樑辭世: "痛失樑醫"! 痛失俠醫英才! 國失棟樑! 落淚, 好心善心的 解毒專家林杰粱 醫生8/5 12:42 病逝, 享年55歲.


天啊! 痛失樑師! 我也想大哭! 解毒權威林杰粱 醫生, 社會良心, 永遠俠客辭世, 真的好心痛 ,蒼生笑, 不再寂寥! 活得令國人欽佩的55年. 我們敬佩 偉大的「國民良醫」解毒俠客 林杰粱 醫生好菩薩, 一路好走! 杰粱 醫生 出錢 出力 又 出心(力),醫德永留世! 綠十字健康網是杰樑的毒物知識網站! 


林杰樑 成立「綠十字」, 杰樑以前每年自付20萬研究毒和助人及下鄉義診20年 令人敬佩的鐵漢英雄!


謝謝為人民健康把關的林醫師的 仁醫貢獻! 我們永遠懷念林醫生! 


FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/林杰樑/112269112124206

OMG R.I.P. 慟!

video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

看到棺材, 淚決堤! 難過呀!心痛! 最不想看到的結果,慟! (;_;) 心酸 令人哀傷哀慟不已, 少了對國家有貢獻的英才! 杰樑是正直骨氣英雄生前自許俠客 妻哽咽謝關心. 
淚崩! 台灣少了有醫德的醫生, 讓多人感念就是有意義的一生. 林醫師 一路好走~泣! 好難過! 林杰粱 醫師是位令人尊重的好大夫。

林口長庚臨床毒物科主任林杰樑住院,傳不幸消息 = 我最擔心和最不想聽到不幸消息 : 不治.

台灣的良心,一個都不能少! 台灣的黑心,一個都不留! 願上天留下這一顆良心! 名醫辭世/食品安全無役不與  仁民愛物 台灣之光 智仁勇 不怕惡勢力 的 林杰樑良心俠客, 仁者俠客良心醫生,直言敢作,英姿典範永留人心! 長子追隨遺志/綠十字健康網 

成仙成佛 捨不得,難過, 痛失良才








8月6日 7:54來自手機 · 讚 · 28

Dora Tsai 還有,藉此也須感謝他的另一半敦慈前輩,她默默的守護全家,讓林醫師得以無後顧之憂的奉獻心力於眾生!
8月6日 8:36 · 讚 · 15

Sek Kwong Poon 專業的做法! 其他的各專業學會也可效法
8月6日 8:38 · 讚 · 3

小天地 『蒼生笑,不再寂寥。地獄不空,誓不成佛。』

林杰樑 醫師 效仿 地藏王菩薩 永世度化眾生的精神,


Chin Wang 看完泛淚了...


九把刀分享了 beat生活圖解的相片。

九把刀 write: 



Tommy DengHong 偉大的人不會真的死去,會活在人民的心中...

Sannysanny Sanny 這才是真正所謂的歷史定位吧!

鄭佳銘 祝福林醫師

劉子瑄 謝謝你林醫師 總是為台灣人民的飲食等各方面著想 一路好走..

林湘婷 感謝您〜 林杰樑醫師,一路好走 。。。

Franca Huang 谢谢您,林医生,一路好走!我们永远怀念您,台湾谢谢有您这么一个好医生!

Po Yu Chen 林醫師~謝謝您!!我真的從您的身上獲得很多對食安的觀念~~祝您一路好走 臺灣有您這位好醫生,是我們的榮幸~~

陳又甄 總統頒錯了!他才是該拿獎狀的人

Michael So 林杰樑醫師,我們謝謝您,相信台灣的民眾也都會感謝您。

林宥鋅 為啥好人都無法活久點

Yuehhsiu Chang 敬佩林醫師永垂不朽
8月6日 14:23 · 讚 · 1

黃雄裕 台灣的道德勇氣、又殞落了一顆。
8月6日 14:23來自手機 · 讚 · 6

石秉鑫 台灣的人才阿...
8月6日 15:38 · 讚 · 2

游湘琦 林杰樑醫師,台灣謝謝你..你依路好走....
8月6日 15:39 · 讚 · 1

呂健安 好人不償命
8月6日 16:41 · 讚 · 2

詹宛兒 為什麼!~老天爺都不照顧好人...
8月6日 16:45 · 讚 · 1

吳凱文 摁中肯,他為了台灣人付出很多
8月6日 17:17 · 讚 · 1

李丞恩 醫界又失去一位好人才
8月6日 17:38 · 讚 · 2

陳淑珍 真的是一位良醫
8月6日 18:14 · 讚 · 1

卓正南 感謝林醫師為大家的安全把關.希望未來也能培養出更多像您一樣的好醫師.您的好我們會學習.以及珍藏在心底~感恩
8月6日 18:37 · 讚 · 2

徐悅華 以前常常看你上電視解說有關毒的東西,現在…沒了,一路好走
8月6日 18:58來自手機 · 讚 · 2

羽翎 雖然我只是個高二生 不過真的好崇拜林杰樑醫生
以前看新聞都覺得他真的好強 現在他走了
台灣少一位偉人了 祝一路好走
8月6日 19:06 · 讚 · 4

吳宗璟 我之前看到他上新聞才覺得林杰梁醫生氣色不錯 想不到這麼突然就走了..
8月6日 19:14 · 讚

Anoki Lin 感謝林醫師的奉獻,一生值得。
8月6日 19:40來自手機 · 讚 · 1

竟然有人 褒揚令+1
8月6日 19:41 · 已編輯 · 讚

Nobu Wu 很難不悲傷呢
8月6日 19:56 · 讚 · 1

Boice Lin Lin 雖然台灣還需要你 但是謝謝你
8月6日 20:36 · 讚 · 4

吳艾真 林杰樑醫師 雖不捨 但還是謝謝你 願你一路好行~~
8月6日 20:56 · 讚 · 1

林志勇 眾所皆知林杰樑是毒物學權威,不只重視食品安全,其實也曾獨家研發農藥「巴拉刈」中毒的解藥,登上國際期刊,變成全世界醫師的治療指引,
8月6日 21:20 · 讚 · 1

Selena Chen 林醫師,由衷的謝謝您
8月6日 21:31 · 讚 · 1

王健宇 林醫師,謝謝你陪伴我們那麼多年,我永遠記得你的。
8月6日 21:37 · 讚 · 1

顏韶谷 謝謝您,林醫師
8月6日 21:40 · 讚 · 1

曾彬 真的可惜~~殞落了一位權威
8月6日 23:37 · 讚 · 1

Ali Su 感謝您幫大家健康把關
8月7日 14:53來自手機 · 讚

蔡進錩 林醫師,由衷的感謝你對台灣所付出的一切丶謝謝你
8月7日 17:25來自手機 · 讚 · 3

陳弘儒 謝謝你的付出
8月7日 19:51 · 讚 · 1

Mego Wu 林醫師 感恩 一路好走
8月9日 7:41 · 讚

李銘 難道天妒英才而不懲惡人嗎?林醫師向天訴狀地下惡化真相。

陳頤君 古人說的好呀~~做人要"立德.立功.立言"他都皆備


沈政男 write :








林美枝 心疼! 不捨! 敬佩! 良醫典範!~~
8月5日 18:19 · 讚 · 4

薛素霞 忙了一整天,一上線太讓人驚嚇!無法接受這突來的無常!
8月5日 19:06 · 讚

Anny Lin 好難過又震驚 !


林口長庚臨床毒物科主任林杰樑與死神拔河,至今天中午12時42分不敵病麻魔過世,享年 55 歲
8月5日 22:46 · 已編輯 · 讚

陳春琴 好人不長命,不該走的走了,該走的又說又勇敢的走下去……唉!傷心!
8月6日 18:45來自手機 · 讚


吳海峰 write: 
天高雲淡,放飛心靈,自然率真,慈眉淺笑,憑風臨海,看水天一色,思緒漸漸飄遠,自我悄悄隱沒,水養其身,水潤其魂,此時此刻,我們只想靜靜地守著您,為您心瘁,為您祈禱 ------【林杰樑醫師】----- 我們懷念您 ----

116 個人都說讚。

周美華 好人不長命(林醫生) 

Serena Chiu 吳海峰你道盡我們的心聲
8月5日 19:37來自手機 · 3

Joey Lee 或許離開了 反而是一種解脫 好人真的不長命

吳海峰 有一種緣,放手後成為風景;有一顆心,堅持中方現真誠。世界上,沒有一個人的機緣與別人是完全相同的,所以活著一天,就是有福氣,就該珍惜。

Sharon Tseng 台灣又少了一位有"良心"的人了!!

吳海峰 風歌頌著高揚的曲調,月顯露出含淚的倒影,我們用寂寞的笑聲,蒼白的笑容祝福林醫師一路好走。
8月5日 21:07 · 5

吳海峰 我留意著夕陽斜照的我,再深深地看了它一眼,希冀著能留住些許清香。每憶起林醫師,感覺時空借走了熟悉,從此再不歸還。

蘇懷德 慟!救人無數ㄉ好人走ㄌ~~.

Yee Nyuk Fang 基督耶稣里,我们天堂再见!哈利路亚!

吳海峰 感同身受,謝謝大家。

瑪莉 昨天看著報導林醫師跟家人互動
8月8日 10:24 · 1

吳海峰 健康是自己的,除了自己,別人誰能那麼隨時隨地細緻的關心呢?林杰樑醫師,我們感謝您
8月8日 20:33 · 8





6張相片 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater


哀! 好人不長命, 混蛋永留存, 洪案壞人禍害逍遙法外, 禍害遺千年, 真不公平, 沒了林醫師,該怎麼辦! , 好醫生走了. 



天妒棟樑! 解毒俠客 林醫師不敵病魔, 病逝,嗚嗚,走了!


無私精神奉獻,為後世子孫留下最佳典範,辛苦了,, 感謝林醫師對臺灣的付出!台灣毒害太多太強,林醫師修煉,盼快投胎轉世,再當活菩薩。真很需要您!真不捨,台灣失去一位好醫生

VIDEO : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIMkYOmyYbM

6相片 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater



林杰粱 社會的良心



痛失 良心活菩薩!

南無 大慈大悲 救苦救難 阿彌陀佛 觀世音菩薩...



於 8/5 12:42離開了我們






蒼生笑 不再寂寥





林醫師走了,他建議勿使用 6號毒杯蓋, 星巴克、摩斯等7家 還在用

很多照片: http://images.search.conduit.com/search?q=林+杰粱&ctid=CT2233703&searchsource=1&CUI=UN60988449424776776&UM=UM_ID



外表斯文,戴黑框眼鏡的林杰樑風範深植人心,出身中醫世家,讀 臺北醫學大學)。感染腎炎,長期洗腎,鑽研腎臟醫學,為腎臟毒物專家的基礎。

美牛&塑化劑&食品安全: 林醫師在媒體上宣導飲食安全與環境毒物,至四湖、麥寮、台西多處義診。



昏迷4日後,家屬不忍其受苦,同意拔管,8/5 林杰樑醫師因敗血性休克,器官衰竭,病逝於林口長庚醫院。



吃出健康 專家心得




勿吃生菜,以防吃進蟲卵細菌;勿在颱風前搶購蔬菜,以防買到農民因搶收、還殘留有過多農藥的蔬菜。早餐豆漿、饅頭、麥片、白煮蛋,勿吃麵包,麵包太多油脂,有害人體的反式脂肪。林傑樑認為任何種籽油都不錯,葡萄籽油,水煮、清蒸或微波,少油。吃當令食物不會有農藥殘留,青菜先用流動的清水浸泡, 有皮的橘子、香蕉、龍眼、荔枝,都得先洗過再剝皮,柳丁洗過才能切,棗子、蓮霧削掉皮才吃到菜價飆漲,冷凍蔬菜代替。吃當季盛產小型魚,鯖魚、花飛魚、四破魚、竹筴魚與秋刀魚都是不錯的選擇。海水魚優於淡水魚,愛吃鮭魚的人擇體型較小的野生鮭,大型深海魚太多毒素。 


2).魚要吃巴掌以下的小型魚,因大魚吃多了小魚,也會在體內累積毒素。盡量吃海魚,不吃魚頭及內臟,每週吃四兩 。


6).購買最便宜的當季時蔬,因生長迅速、價格低廉,農人不用也不願多花錢灑農藥。不吃生菜,! 避免蟲卵細菌寄生。 


何美玉 您活在大衆心中,慈愛菩薩,感恩…………

峻吉廖 身為一位在地的台灣人 容許我向您說一聲:一路好走 ,我們會照顧好自己 。台灣有您是我們的榮耀與榮幸 。珍重再見 。

潘茂盛 良醫?俠客?該是台灣的巨人吧

Lillian Hsu 謝謝你,感謝有你,懷念

陳英杰 謝謝您無私的付出,一路好走!有您真好。

林莉 南無阿彌陀佛!

Amy Chang 這麼好的人,真的不捨,謝謝你,為大家付出這麼多。

許隨香 謝謝你的付出"感恩"ㄧ路好走"我們懷念你"也請家屬節哀"

莊有禮 林醫師謝謝你為台灣的奉獻

蓁蓉 一路好走……我們大家感謝你的付出!!

李素珍 我真的很不捨

蔡采靜 謝謝林醫師抱著病體仍不斷地為我們的健康努努把關,您一定累壞了。從昨日起,您終於不再有病痛,請您好好休息,您的叮嚀是您留下的最大資產,我們會謹記並努力做到。真心地謝謝您,R.I.P.

Kelven Wu 接下棒子的何人?臺灣還有良醫嗎?悲!

姚雪梅 我們永遠懷念您啊!一路好走!!!!!!

簡逸塵 用千言萬語也道不出所有,只能說感謝您, 林醫師。

簡維恭 正義珍貴的良醫謝謝您紀念您願您安息!

Cherie Yu 感謝您対台灣人民的愛護與貢獻!一路好走!

Vincent Jan 他的偉大情操及精神將永世長存在我們的心海裡~ 

空間湛藍 勇於說實話的醫師

戴黑妞 林醫師:一路好走,感謝有您

林泓毅 台灣唯一的醫生 走了

魏薇菁 失去良醫的台灣人真是福薄,面對新血不願進來,大家儘量勸身邊的家人不要浪費醫療資源,好好愛護這群資深的好醫生。
16 小時前來自手機 · 讚 · 1

姚皓斌 唉〜英才早逝
16 小時前來自手機 · 讚

段聰蒂 他關注天下人卻忽略了自己。永遠懷念這位有善心有道德勇氣的專家醫生

孫玉香 我不想缺席對您的祝禱,祈願您上品上生,感謝!

陳雅君 台灣缺少的就是你這樣的人,敢說敢做不怕惡勢力,不怕強權。反之台灣還剩下幾個這樣的人?

Amy Chen 痛失良醫!

張瓊月 願你趁願再來守護台灣

吳羚慧 為林醫生祈福

Hạnh Nguyên Hồ ông này nhìn giống nghệ sỹ văn hiệp gê

彭寗寗 感恩你為我們的健康付出

張于子 謝謝您!感恩您!

黃俶姿 感恩你無私的付出.謝謝你

麗莎 我的心好難過!

Lisa Wang 好人不長命嗎? 林醫師一路好走~

Calvin Hsu 他也辛苦/付出這麼多年,該是讓他好好的休息!!!!

鄭秀娥 蒼海一聲笑,看盡世間苦,回頭揮揮手,佛前做弟子

鄭秀娥 蒼海一聲笑,看盡世間苦 ,回頭揮揮手,佛前做弟子˙
11小時前來自手機 · 讚

劉茱比 不必相送....

游惠玲 林醫生,您辛苦了、一路好走!

蔡淑惠 認真珍惜照顧自己的健康,對林醫師是最好的祝福!心安靈就安。

Johnson Niu 真正的台灣之子!

劉璇 林醫師謝謝您,一直為台灣人著想,我們會記住您對我們的好。

侯露青 永別了敬愛的林醫師

Joy Kao 台灣醫界之寶~~~精神永存~~~典範常在~~~

劉碧玉 台灣就希望多ㄧ些像林醫師這樣的醫生,少點政治醫生。

Judy Lu 我們真的好愛你,台灣欠你太多了!累了,請安心的休息吧!


林杰樑妻淚崩「願折壽救夫」 | 蘋果日報



為你祈福~~God Bless You相片:三聚氰胺風暴時,你在


為你祈福~~God Bless You
8,678讚 · · 分享

醫勞盟分享了 1 條連結。

解毒高手 林杰樑屢擊敗死神 | 蘋果日報

1,766 個人都說讚。


醫勞盟 write: 


【短片】【林杰樑病逝】林杰樑死因:不明病毒釀肺炎感染 | 即時新聞 | 20130805 | 蘋果日報

【陳嘉恩/台北報導】毒物科權威醫師林杰樑今天中午辭世,長庚醫院下午2時30分舉行記者會說明,副院長葉森洲一開始就哀慟表示:「我要宣告一件不幸的消息,本院林口長庚醫院臨床毒物科主任林杰樑教授,在8月5日 : 8/5/2013


Lin Kuan Chih 謝謝您,林醫師!

劉惠文 醫者典範 上醫醫國

Jing Ying Chou 誰來告訴我們?生活上的毒物真實面?

Zhang You Jie 有點難過...

蘇宗偉 一路好走,老師。
讚 · 回覆 · 星期一 16:13

Gillian Lo 這麼突然! 働!!!

吳政岳 歷經毒奶,瘦肉精,塑化劑,毒澱粉一路走來為國家人民解惑政府真該頒發醫療貢獻獎給他

劉福元 哀傷!

章伶 良醫難尋,偏偏生命短暫。

Chun-Yi Ho 醫者典範 R.I.P

古玉貞 好難過

黃淑娟 祝福你!一路好走

陳宜歆 祝福你到另一個幸福的世界~

莊元芳 台灣人的福氣用完了!活菩薩回天堂了。

李官方 write: 專業不再...哀!!!

Ying-chu Lin 真可惜啊 台灣人真是福薄啊

陳柏瑜 台灣又失去了,一位好醫生

舞實力 感念您菩薩心腸,願您跟隨佛祖修行,一路好走,萬緣放下

詹秀美 林醫生是台灣醫生的好榜樣

Selina Lin 天嫉英才!

劉榮滿 好醫師:一路好走!到另一空間再濟世救人,延續您的職責!

翁桑 感謝你為了人們的健康所做的努力,願您在天堂無憂無慮

Sf Leu 謝謝您的正義直言,天堂路上一路好走!

Wedy Wang 好人不寂寞,我相信會有奇蹟!

Jimmy B. Wang 良醫救世救民,好醫師,大家都忘不了你!阿彌陀佛!

蕭喬絲 人間菩薩,功德圓滿!您的話我一直記在心裏,謝謝您為台灣所做的一切!

永鑫宏宏 雖然非親非故,但從電視上看到林醫師給人印象不做作,今天從電視上看到你離開了,無法形容心情真的很難過...........大家失去一個好醫生,再見了林醫生! = . =

邱美玲 大家又失去一個好醫生〜〜〜祝他一路〜〜〜〜〜

烏真 願你在另一個世界裡,也像你在世的時候那樣行醫救世

陳潔怡 雖然你離開了!為我們所做的一切我們都會記住~一 路好走

萧国维 天国里没有毒物,您可以放下了 ~>_<~

Frank Yang 现在大家赶快再找一个毒物专家接替!!!!急

陳美妙 很清廉的人.也很自律,林醫師一路好走

江佳燕 我們都住長庚社區.晚上我們一家散步總能與他們一家相遇.見他們常快步走.而且談笑不斷.總鼓勵我們"家人要珍惜相處時光.父母要做孩子的榜樣.營造溫馨快樂的氣氛"我們好幸福.有這樣的好鄰居當榜樣!當名醫的太太很辛苦.成全丈夫的使命感.撥出很多家庭時間給他造福人群.一肩扛下家庭.真的要有捨己的愛!夫人的默默付出.造福國人的貢獻.真的不亞於名醫老公!林夫人~真心感謝您!!

陳麗惠 唉!剛走一個洪仲丘,又走位林醫師,心裹,,這就是人生。(唉出去走走吧)

陳美好 台灣都人才倍出

藍月娥 沒有妳,是台灣人的最大損失

Vicky Chen 最近,好多 有義的人回天國了

Vicente Tan write: God bless you

陳嘉昕 林醫生希望你在天上能夠很開心

吳金源 不捨....台灣的良心,一路好走.

貴族床殿 這社會真的太需要像林醫師這類型的人了

吳明真 謝謝您為台灣所做的一切,您已做得太好了,請您放心地去吧...祝您一路好走....

Mary Chang 向你致敬

郭楨 真的可惜、台灣少一個棟梁~~~~可惜

邱萍 希望,臺灣還有第二個林杰樑醫師...!

林天法 期望再有一位林醫師出現,為全民把關。

Shu-Fen Lu 哎,淚水就這樣流了下來,有好多的不捨!全台灣能有幾個這樣值得大家尊敬的典範呢?恐怕沒了!

Wang Jie 為什麼好人都不長命呢?

洪幸如 我們會懷念你的.一路好走!!

陸秀枝 人的性命真是脆弱!林醫師一路

林麗琴 林醫師今生佈施眾生無數,定將乘願再來!

李麗卿 林醫師一路好走

Su Sei 你是台灣人的驕傲

劉長青 金典名言笑傲江湖陪他一路好走!

陳威志 超想哭

張茲君 謝謝你!一路好走!

Joy Chang 「幹嘛生氣呢?我們是最親近的人。」 <<<< 讚


林杰樑醫師是台灣的良心,台灣人的驕傲, 台灣有你,真好!




number one wirte:



Fionana Wu 一位醫師,在有生之年的所為,得到全民的敬重,離開人世時,不管認識的,不認識的,連採訪記者都忍不住哽咽流淚,林教授應該是前無古人後無來者了。林醫師,是大家的林醫師。
讚 · 回覆 · 29 · 9小時前

Casey Chao 仁心仁術
讚 · 回覆 · 8 · 10小時前來自手機

Ying-Hsiu Chang "救命器"謝謝搶救急診室回答http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

要命的閃燃 燒融勇消「救命器」 | 消防員火場殉職 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網


8/7/2013 15:30 /////


慟!林杰樑病逝!林杰樑生前依然神采奕奕, 解毒之王 實至名歸~ 醫德永留世!仁醫望有志之士能傳承他<義行> 




林杰樑病逝 靈堂、追思會時間明宣布 - 自由電子報 即時新聞


慟!林杰樑病逝 7月底最後一次錄影仍擔心食品安全

林杰樑最後一次錄東森《現在才知道》,依舊笑容滿面。(圖/東森 …

林杰樑 8/5/2013 因敗血性休克併發多重器官衰竭不幸病逝。他7月底最後一次上東森綜合台《現在才知道》談食物相剋,剛好於5日晚間播出。當天錄影時,林杰樑仍神采奕奕,絲毫不覺他身體有異狀,但2日一早,他突然喘不過氣,送醫緊急搶救,4天來,病情一度趨穩,但最終還是抵抗不了病魔辭世,得年55歲。





台灣缺少的就是 林杰樑 這樣的人,敢說敢做不怕惡勢力,不怕強


我們會記得 林杰樑 寫下的每一字來紀念您,願您安息:


from: 林杰樑醫師的粉絲專頁https://www.facebook.com/pages/林杰樑/112269112124206相片:林杰樑醫師-台灣最珍貴的良醫




This below birthday cake for Dr. Lin.


圖片引用自 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=409420359167238&set=a.319286624847279.68953.233742886734987&type=1&theater






北市消弔林杰樑 感念捐救命器 | 社會新聞 | 中央社即時新聞 CNA NEWS

Fionana Wu 一位醫師,在有生之年的所為,得到全民的敬重,離開人世時,不管認識的,不認識的,連採訪記者都忍不住哽咽流淚,林教授應該是前無古人後無來者了。林醫師,是大家的林醫師。
讚 · 回覆 · 29 · 9小時前

Casey Chao 仁心仁術
讚 · 回覆 · 8 · 10小時前來自手機

Ying-Hsiu Chang "救命器"謝謝搶救急診室回答http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

要命的閃燃 燒融勇消「救命器」 | 消防員火場殉職


8/7/2013 15:30 ///// 

舉國悲慟哀悼! 解毒權威林杰樑辭世: "痛失樑醫"! 痛失俠醫英才! 國失棟樑! 落淚, 好心善心的 解毒專家林杰粱 醫生8/5 12:42 病逝, 享年55歲.


天啊! 痛失樑師! 我也想大哭! 解毒權威林杰粱 醫生, 社會良心, 永遠俠客辭世, 真的好心痛 ,蒼生笑, 不再寂寥! 活得令國人欽佩的55年. 我們敬佩 偉大的「國民良醫」解毒俠客 林杰粱 醫生好菩薩, 一路好走! 杰粱 醫生 出錢 出力 又 出心(力),醫德永留世! 綠十字健康網是杰樑的毒物知識網站! 


林杰樑 成立「綠十字」, 杰樑以前每年自付20萬研究毒和助人及下鄉義診20年 令人敬佩的鐵漢英雄!


謝謝為人民健康把關的林醫師的 仁醫貢獻! 我們永遠懷念林醫生! 


FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/林杰樑/112269112124206

OMG R.I.P. 慟!

video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

看到棺材, 淚決堤! 難過呀!心痛! 最不想看到的結果,慟! (;_;) 心酸 令人哀傷哀慟不已, 少了對國家有貢獻的英才! 杰樑是正直骨氣英雄生前自許俠客 妻哽咽謝關心. 
淚崩! 台灣少了有醫德的醫生, 讓多人感念就是有意義的一生. 林醫師 一路好走~泣! 好難過! 林杰粱 醫師是位令人尊重的好大夫。

林口長庚臨床毒物科主任林杰樑住院,傳不幸消息 = 我最擔心和最不想聽到不幸消息 : 不治.

台灣的良心,一個都不能少! 台灣的黑心,一個都不留! 願上天留下這一顆良心! 名醫辭世/食品安全無役不與  仁民愛物 台灣之光 智仁勇 不怕惡勢力 的 林杰樑良心俠客, 仁者俠客良心醫生,直言敢作,英姿典範永留人心! 長子追隨遺志/綠十字健康網 

成仙成佛 捨不得,難過, 痛失良才

天啊! 痛失樑師! 晴天霹靂! 我想哭! 解毒專家仁民愛物的 人間菩薩 林杰粱 醫生 社會良心 永遠偉人俠客辭世, 真的好心痛 ,蒼生笑, 不再寂寥! 活得令國人欽佩的55年. 我們敬佩 國民良醫 林杰粱 醫生, 一路好走! 杰粱 醫生 解毒之王 實至名歸~義行可風, 醫德永留世! 林杰樑兩袖清, 行得正, 真君子, 清廉正直的俠客良醫.學者風範, 錚錚鐵骨! 鞠躬盡瘁,感人肺腑!


6張相片 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater


哀! 好人不長命, 混蛋永留存, 洪案壞人禍害逍遙法外, 禍害遺千年, 真不公平, 沒了林醫師,該怎麼辦! , 好醫生走了. 



天妒棟樑! 解毒俠客 林醫師不敵病魔, 病逝,嗚嗚,走了!


無私精神奉獻,為後世子孫留下最佳典範,辛苦了,, 感謝林醫師對臺灣的付出!台灣毒害太多太強,林醫師修煉,盼快投胎轉世,再當活菩薩。真很需要您!真不捨,台灣失去一位好醫生

VIDEO : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIMkYOmyYbM

6相片 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater



林杰粱 社會的良心



痛失 良心活菩薩!

南無 大慈大悲 救苦救難 阿彌陀佛 觀世音菩薩...


於 8/5 12:42離開了我們






蒼生笑 不再寂寥





林醫師走了,他建議勿使用 6號毒杯蓋, 星巴克、摩斯等7家 還在用

很多照片: http://images.search.conduit.com/search?q=林+杰粱&ctid=CT2233703&searchsource=1&CUI=UN60988449424776776&UM=UM_ID



外表斯文,戴黑框眼鏡的林杰樑風範深植人心,出身中醫世家,讀 臺北醫學大學)。感染腎炎,長期洗腎,鑽研腎臟醫學,為腎臟毒物專家的基礎。

美牛&塑化劑&食品安全: 林醫師在媒體上宣導飲食安全與環境毒物,至四湖、麥寮、台西多處義診。



昏迷4日後,家屬不忍其受苦,同意拔管,8/5 林杰樑醫師因敗血性休克,器官衰竭,病逝於林口長庚醫院。

姚皓斌 唉〜英才早逝
16 小時前來自手機 · 讚

段聰蒂 他關注天下人卻忽略了自己。永遠懷念這位有善心有道德勇氣的專家醫生

孫玉香 我不想缺席對您的祝禱,祈願您上品上生,感謝!

陳雅君 台灣缺少的就是你這樣的人,敢說敢做不怕惡勢力,不怕強權。反之台灣還剩下幾個這樣的人?

Amy Chen 痛失良醫!

張瓊月 願你趁願再來守護台灣

吳羚慧 為林醫生祈福

Hạnh Nguyên Hồ ông này nhìn giống nghệ sỹ văn hiệp gê

彭寗寗 感恩你為我們的健康付出

張于子 謝謝您!感恩您!

黃俶姿 感恩你無私的付出.謝謝你

麗莎 我的心好難過!

Lisa Wang 好人不長命嗎? 林醫師一路好走~

Calvin Hsu 他也辛苦/付出這麼多年,該是讓他好好的休息!!!!

鄭秀娥 蒼海一聲笑,看盡世間苦,回頭揮揮手,佛前做弟子

鄭秀娥 蒼海一聲笑,看盡世間苦 ,回頭揮揮手,佛前做弟子˙
11小時前來自手機 · 讚

劉茱比 不必相送....

游惠玲 林醫生,您辛苦了、一路好走!

蔡淑惠 認真珍惜照顧自己的健康,對林醫師是最好的祝福!心安靈就安。

Johnson Niu 真正的台灣之子!

劉璇 林醫師謝謝您,一直為台灣人著想,我們會記住您對我們的好。

侯露青 永別了敬愛的林醫師

Joy Kao 台灣醫界之寶~~~精神永存~~~典範常在~~~

劉碧玉 台灣就希望多ㄧ些像林醫師這樣的醫生,少點政治醫生。

Judy Lu 我們真的好愛你,台灣欠你太多了!累了,請安心的休息吧!


林杰樑妻淚崩「願折壽救夫」 | 蘋果日報



為你祈福~~God Bless You相片:三聚氰胺風暴時,你在


為你祈福~~God Bless You
8,678讚 · · 分享

醫勞盟分享了 1 條連結。

解毒高手 林杰樑屢擊敗死神 | 蘋果日報
35讚 · · 分享
1,766 個人都說讚。

醫勞盟 write: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20130805/237150/

【短片】【林杰樑病逝】林杰樑死因:不明病毒釀肺炎感染 | 即時新聞 | 20130805 | 蘋果日報


【陳嘉恩/台北報導】毒物科權威醫師林杰樑今天中午辭世,長庚醫院下午2時30分舉行記者會說明,副院長葉森洲一開始就哀慟表示:「我要宣告一件不幸的消息,本院林口長庚醫院臨床毒物科主任林杰樑教授,在8月5日 : 8/5/2013


Lin Kuan Chih 謝謝您,林醫師!


天高雲淡,放飛心靈,自然率真,慈眉淺笑,憑風臨海,看水天一色,思緒漸漸飄遠,自我悄悄隱沒,水養其身,水潤其魂,此時此刻,我們只想靜靜地守著您,為您心瘁,為您祈禱 ------【林杰樑醫師】----- 我們懷念您 ----相片:天高雲淡,放飛心靈,自然率真,慈眉淺笑,憑風臨海,看水天一色,思緒漸漸飄遠,自我悄悄隱沒,水養其身,水潤其魂,此時此刻,我們只想靜靜地守著您,為您心瘁,為您祈禱 ------【林杰樑醫師】----- 我們懷念您 -----

116 個人都說讚。

周美華 好人不長命(林醫生) 
8月5日 19:37來自手機 · 2

Serena Chiu 吳海峰你道盡我們的心聲
8月5日 19:37來自手機 · 3

Joey Lee 或許離開了 反而是一種解脫 好人真的不長命
8月5日 19:50 · 2

吳海峰 有一種緣,放手後成為風景;有一顆心,堅持中方現真誠。世界上,沒有一個人的機緣與別人是完全相同的,所以活著一天,就是有福氣,就該珍惜。
8月5日 20:15 · 12

Sharon Tseng 台灣又少了一位有"良心"的人了!!
8月5日 20:48 · 2

吳海峰 風歌頌著高揚的曲調,月顯露出含淚的倒影,我們用寂寞的笑聲,蒼白的笑容祝福林醫師一路好走。
8月5日 21:07 · 5

吳海峰 我留意著夕陽斜照的我,再深深地看了它一眼,希冀著能留住些許清香。每憶起林醫師,感覺時空借走了熟悉,從此再不歸還。
8月5日 22:44 · 7

蘇懷德 慟!救人無數ㄉ好人走ㄌ~~.
8月6日 6:53

Yee Nyuk Fang 基督耶稣里,我们天堂再见!哈利路亚!
8月6日 8:11 · 2

吳海峰 感同身受,謝謝大家。
8月6日 19:22 · 3

瑪莉 昨天看著報導林醫師跟家人互動
8月8日 10:24 · 1

吳海峰 健康是自己的,除了自己,別人誰能那麼隨時隨地細緻的關心呢?林杰樑醫師,我們感謝您
8月8日 20:33 · 8


林杰樑醫師敢說敢做不怕惡勢力,不怕強權的俠義精神!滄海一聲笑!解毒俠客林杰樑仁心仁術「綠十字」網站,下鄉義診20年!心繫食品安全! (100 張相片)
(103張照片如下) 舉國悲慟哀悼! 解毒權威林杰樑辭世: "痛失樑醫"! 痛失俠醫英才! 國失棟樑! 落淚, 好心善心的 解毒專家林杰粱 醫生8/5 12:42 病逝, 享年55歲.

林杰樑醫師敢說敢做不怕惡勢力,不怕強權的俠義精神!滄海一聲笑!解毒俠客林杰樑仁心仁術「綠十字」網站,下鄉義診20年!心繫食品安全! (100 張相片)
(103張照片如下) 舉國悲慟哀悼! 解毒權威林杰樑辭世: "痛失樑醫"! 痛失俠醫英才! 國失棟樑! 落淚, 好心善心的 解毒專家林杰粱 醫生8/5 12:42 病逝, 享年55歲.



【健康】林杰樑醫生 最後的叮嚀


林杰樑醫師是台灣的良心,台灣人的驕傲=正直有骨氣的英雄照顧百姓的仁、對抗奸商的勇,智仁勇兼備 R.I.P. ;願您安息!

103 photos : https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.559192887449475.1073741835.100000763055653&type=1

video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

林杰樑醫師, 台灣以前有你,真好!




His son's words :



或於 8/23/2013 上午於臺北市第二殯儀館參加告別式



天啊! 痛失樑師! 我也想大哭! 解毒之王 仁心仁術 林杰粱 醫生, 社會良心, 永遠俠客辭世, 真的好心痛 ,蒼生笑, 不再寂寥! 活得令國人欽佩的55年. 我們敬佩 偉大的「國民良醫」解毒俠客 林杰粱 醫生好菩薩, 一路好走! 杰粱 醫生 出錢 出力 又 出心(力),醫德永留世! 綠十字健康網是杰樑的毒物知識網站! http://www.greencross.org.tw/

SONG : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j0K27MndYBk#at=52

林杰樑 成立「綠十字」, 杰樑以前每年自付20萬研究毒和助人及下鄉義診20年 令人敬佩的鐵漢英雄! 林杰樑 7/30自付21萬 捐48個救命器




【林杰樑兩袖清 拒代言捍衛食安】




=================== ================

FROM: 林杰樑 FB



或於 8/23/2013 上午於臺北市第二殯儀館參加告別式


【壹電視報導】敢言又耿直的良醫林杰樑驟逝讓人不捨,妻子譚敦慈最後更是含淚 同意讓丈夫在滄海一聲笑,這首歌伴隨下,走完五十五年的人生;接下來帶您回顧這位樸實又偉大的良醫。







北市消弔林杰樑 感念捐救命器 | 社會新聞 | 中央社即時新聞 CNA NEWS









NOWnews.com 今日新聞網

請點【名醫辭世/食品安全無役不與 林杰樑良心俠客】



請點【名醫辭世/食品安全無役不與 林杰樑良心俠客】




蘋果:林杰樑病逝 僅55歲痛失俠醫


《滄海一聲笑! 「健康俠客」林杰樑走了》

《林杰樑成立「綠十字」 下鄉義診20年》

《專精毒物研究 林杰樑心繫食品安全》

【林杰樑醫師 RIP願您安息】






林杰樑醫師是台灣的良心,台灣人的驕傲, 台灣有你,真好!




number one wirte:



◎醫生該做的事 林杰樑


每 張照片裡都布滿污穢油漬,焦黑的廢電纜、五金,堆積成一座座如煉獄中猙獰的刺山與蠕動的蛇山,黑水流淌,毒煙冉冉,不知可怕或被窮困逼得顧不得性命的工 人,在山中挑撿特殊金屬,加工賣給國防部做子彈;孩童在這片邪惡商人布置的金屬毒場中對著相機露出無邪笑容,幾年後他們將嘗盡從骨髓深處發出的切齒痛楚, 或被洗腎、肝病、癌症所折磨,臨死前只天真地怨嘆此生歹命,卻不知自己其實身染劇毒。

【毒素 無所不在 】
五 十一歲的林杰樑是長庚醫院腎臟科醫生,也是台灣唯一毒物學教授,他從電腦叫出這些舊檔案,裡面有他在學生時期參加學校義診團的污染調查,也有他二十年前成 立,由醫生與醫學院學生組成的「綠十字醫療服務團隊」,他們查出高雄縣後勁地區的中油煉油廠造成當地嚴重污染,許多人罹患慢性肺部疾病;下一頁是高雄縣大 寮鄉廢五金,滑鼠再點,是二仁溪畔焚燒廢電纜…




【家人 無價之寶】 
對於污染,二十多年來,林杰樑該 氣的都氣過了,他年輕時對工廠毒害居民無比氣憤,開記者會揭發惡行,每次都引起社會的震撼,民眾才知道,台灣已中毒極深,大家吃的、喝的、呼吸的,都受到 毒素污染,也進一步反省,台灣在短時間內靠破壞環境、犧牲人命攢出世界第一的外匯存底,這些污染卻要花許多倍的時間與金錢拯救,還不一定能恢復原本的青山 綠水。

然而一九九一年,綠十字和中研院合作,進行核電廠的染色體突變調查,由於預算低,在有限調查範本中沒發現問題,「結果當時某環保團體打電話 來威脅說,你們學生上課要小心。這些學生都是家長的寶貝,怎麼能害人家?所以就不再做污染調查。」他微微一笑,嘴角推擠削瘦臉龐一道道皺摺說;「我們就去 最貧窮的地方義診,都是救人嘛。」

林杰樑至今每年寒暑假都會排出時間 下鄉義診,他說大概他在鄉下長大,喜歡鄉下。他生在嘉義朴子這個小鄉鎮,祖上四代中醫,他父親則經營中藥行,他排行老三,五個兄弟姊妹中有三個醫生。父母 忙著做生意,他從小由祖母帶大,「國中之後我就離家讀書,越讀離家越遠,所以我很注重家庭。」 



【固執 一路吃苦】 





【大病 改變人生 】



【救人 永不放棄】 
林杰樑說: 「我常告訴年輕醫生,當醫生放棄的時候,病人就永無希望。我當總醫師時,有一個年輕醫生吃中藥結果鉀離子中毒,要洗腎時心臟麻痺倒下去,急救一個小時也無 效,就叫其他醫師繼續壓心臟,我給他接機器,把血壓進洗腎機,結果洗了二十分鐘有血壓,五十分鐘後就醒過來了。」他發明的這個方法,也發表在世界知名的醫 療期刊上,如今成為醫學院教材。 

這時有報社打電話問林杰樑一些毒物的問題,他走到陽台上答覆,掛電話後,我走出去,林杰樑說: 「這幾年黑心食品問題這麼嚴重,今年食品衛生的預算只有八千萬元,全國每人分不到四元,農委會管飼料的一百多人,管食品衛生的只有二十幾個。去年我參加衛 生署全國戴奧辛食品調查的會議,食品管理處長說,戴奧辛調查花了很多錢,到此為止,我說這對老百姓這麼重要的事,你憑什麼到此為止?」

他露出無奈 的苦笑,然而工作上遭遇的不公、死亡、灰心都該阻絕在家門外,於是我們一起看著樓下的綠地公園,他說:「我很喜歡這裡,十多年前我們搬來時,我大兒子說, 我們不要搬家了好不好?呵呵…」然後他有感而發地說:「我大兒子也想當醫生,但是我跟他說,要當好醫生很辛苦…」接著他望著灰濛濛的天空,頭也沒回地說: 「醫生應該對生命不輕言放棄,我做的這些只是醫生該做的,不是嗎?」

【後記 】採訪林杰樑前,聽同事說,林口長庚醫院後門有一家雞排攤,肉厚汁多香噴噴,我的口水滴滿襟,暗暗發誓採訪後一定要咬它一大口。



Box:【林杰樑怎麼吃 】





(撰文:周家睿 攝影:鄺頌廉、王禹仁)






對不起, 請原諒我, 謝謝你, 我愛你 !!!

感謝林杰樑醫師的努力奉獻 !!!



林杰樑病逝 長庚:找不到感染源

將成立 "林杰樑教授研究基金"

林杰樑病逝 讓不少人不捨(林杰樑生前照取自臉書)












不捨!良醫林杰樑驟逝 「滄海一聲笑」伴隨

牛樟芝疑毒 「死前還在等報告」妻哽咽
2013-08-06 18:40
為全民健康把關 林杰樑「最後叮嚀」




● 毒物權威林杰樑醫師 12:42病逝長庚醫院
( http://tinyurl.com/otlsdqr )

● 疑染棘手病毒 林杰樑病逝
( http://tinyurl.com/motnsgq )

● 林杰樑:再忙,也要陪寶貝一起長大
( http://tinyurl.com/kymcz2t ) (2 張相片)






林杰樑醫師因為敗血性休克,引發器官衰竭,不敵病魔病逝於長庚醫院,這也是他努力工作奉獻所學的地方,非常難過。「心痛,不捨,是台灣的huge loss」

林杰樑兩袖清,行得正,真君子,好典範,真不捨.清廉正直的俠客良醫.學者風範 錚錚鐵骨!


主播 黃文華 write: 


恩文的快樂廚房 write: 







蕭彤雯 write: 



謝謝你面對我總是臨時一通電話-- "林醫師, 拜託你一定要接受我採訪, 即使五分鐘都好"的要求, 從來沒有拒絕過我.



憾!林杰樑醫師12:42病逝 享年55歲 | 生活 | 即時新聞 | 2013/08/05 | 新聞 | 壹電視 NextTV


《請你跟我這樣過 給林杰樑醫師的信》



您喜愛的那首歌寫著:「蒼天笑, 紛紛世上潮,誰負誰勝出,天知曉...」

給永遠的俠客Rest In The Peace


【壹電視報導】敢言又耿直的良醫林杰樑驟逝讓人不捨,妻子譚敦慈最後更是含淚 同意讓丈夫在滄海一聲笑,這首歌伴隨下,走完五十五年的人生;接下來帶您回顧這位樸實又偉大的良醫。






周s. WRITE: 








晴天霹靂!解毒權威林杰樑辭世!滄海一聲笑!「解毒俠客」成立綠十字,下鄉義診20年, 心繫食品安全 



林杰樑器官衰竭 病逝長庚

林杰樑生前身影 暢談飲食危機

林杰樑病倒前 研究狂犬病文件
(中央社記者邱俊欽桃園3日電) 林口長庚醫院臨床毒物科主任林杰樑的兒子林泓楨今天感謝各界關心,他說,父親病倒前還在查閱狂犬病疫苗相關的研究文件...

林杰樑致力解毒 農藥致死率降

談林杰樑 妻:俠客與解毒之王

俠醫拒毒護食安 林杰樑樹典範

林杰樑解惑細心 名句成絕響

全民醫師林杰樑逝 醫界感念

林杰樑辭世 家屬:不忍他痛苦

感佩林杰樑 長庚成立研究基金 http://www.cna.com.tw/Topic/Popular/3889-2.aspx

林杰樑無毒養生 不吃大魚生菜

Articles & words all on http://www.cna.com.tw/Topic/Popular/3889-2.aspx


Fionana Wu 一位醫師,在有生之年的所為,得到全民的敬重,離開人世時,不管認識的,不認識的,連採訪記者都忍不住哽咽流淚,林教授應該是前無古人後無來者了。林醫師,是大家的林醫師。
讚 · 回覆 · 29 · 9小時前

Casey Chao 仁心仁術
讚 · 回覆 · 8 · 10小時前來自手機

Ying-Hsiu Chang "救命器"謝謝搶救急診室回答http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

要命的閃燃 燒融勇消「救命器」 | 消防員火場殉職 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網


8/7/2013 15:30 /////


慟!林杰樑病逝!林杰樑生前依然神采奕奕, 解毒之王 實至名歸~ 醫德永留世!仁醫望有志之士能傳承他<義行> 




林杰樑病逝 靈堂、追思會時間明宣布 - 自由電子報 即時新聞


慟!林杰樑病逝 7月底最後一次錄影仍擔心食品安全

林杰樑最後一次錄東森《現在才知道》,依舊笑容滿面。(圖/東森 …

林杰樑 8/5/2013 因敗血性休克併發多重器官衰竭不幸病逝。他7月底最後一次上東森綜合台《現在才知道》談食物相剋,剛好於5日晚間播出。當天錄影時,林杰樑仍神采奕奕,絲毫不覺他身體有異狀,但2日一早,他突然喘不過氣,送醫緊急搶救,4天來,病情一度趨穩,但最終還是抵抗不了病魔辭世,得年55歲。





台灣缺少的就是 林杰樑 這樣的人,敢說敢做不怕惡勢力,不怕強


我們會記得 林杰樑 寫下的每一字來紀念您,願您安息:


from: 林杰樑醫師的粉絲專頁https://www.facebook.com/pages/林杰樑/112269112124206相片:林杰樑醫師-台灣最珍貴的良醫




This below birthday cake for Dr. Lin.


圖片引用自 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=409420359167238&set=a.319286624847279.68953.233742886734987&type=1&theater






北市消弔林杰樑 感念捐救命器 | 社會新聞 | 中央社即時新聞 CNA NEWS

Fionana Wu 一位醫師,在有生之年的所為,得到全民的敬重,離開人世時,不管認識的,不認識的,連採訪記者都忍不住哽咽流淚,林教授應該是前無古人後無來者了。林醫師,是大家的林醫師。
讚 · 回覆 · 29 · 9小時前

Casey Chao 仁心仁術
讚 · 回覆 · 8 · 10小時前來自手機

Ying-Hsiu Chang "救命器"謝謝搶救急診室回答http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

要命的閃燃 燒融勇消「救命器」 | 消防員火場殉職


8/7/2013 15:30 ///// 

舉國悲慟哀悼! 解毒權威林杰樑辭世: "痛失樑醫"! 痛失俠醫英才! 國失棟樑! 落淚, 好心善心的 解毒專家林杰粱 醫生8/5 12:42 病逝, 享年55歲.


天啊! 痛失樑師! 我也想大哭! 解毒權威林杰粱 醫生, 社會良心, 永遠俠客辭世, 真的好心痛 ,蒼生笑, 不再寂寥! 活得令國人欽佩的55年. 我們敬佩 偉大的「國民良醫」解毒俠客 林杰粱 醫生好菩薩, 一路好走! 杰粱 醫生 出錢 出力 又 出心(力),醫德永留世! 綠十字健康網是杰樑的毒物知識網站! 


林杰樑 成立「綠十字」, 杰樑以前每年自付20萬研究毒和助人及下鄉義診20年 令人敬佩的鐵漢英雄!


謝謝為人民健康把關的林醫師的 仁醫貢獻! 我們永遠懷念林醫生! 


FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/林杰樑/112269112124206

OMG R.I.P. 慟!

video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

看到棺材, 淚決堤! 難過呀!心痛! 最不想看到的結果,慟! (;_;) 心酸 令人哀傷哀慟不已, 少了對國家有貢獻的英才! 杰樑是正直骨氣英雄生前自許俠客 妻哽咽謝關心.
淚崩! 台灣少了有醫德的醫生, 讓多人感念就是有意義的一生. 林醫師 一路好走~泣! 好難過! 林杰粱 醫師是位令人尊重的好大夫。

林口長庚臨床毒物科主任林杰樑住院,傳不幸消息 = 我最擔心和最不想聽到不幸消息 : 不治.

台灣的良心,一個都不能少! 台灣的黑心,一個都不留! 願上天留下這一顆良心! 名醫辭世/食品安全無役不與  仁民愛物 台灣之光 智仁勇 不怕惡勢力 的 林杰樑良心俠客, 仁者俠客良心醫生,直言敢作,英姿典範永留人心! 長子追隨遺志/綠十字健康網 

成仙成佛 捨不得,難過, 痛失良才

天啊! 痛失樑師! 晴天霹靂! 我想哭! 解毒專家仁民愛物的 人間菩薩 林杰粱 醫生 社會良心 永遠偉人俠客辭世, 真的好心痛 ,蒼生笑, 不再寂寥! 活得令國人欽佩的55年. 我們敬佩 國民良醫 林杰粱 醫生, 一路好走! 杰粱 醫生 解毒之王 實至名歸~義行可風, 醫德永留世! 林杰樑兩袖清, 行得正, 真君子, 清廉正直的俠客良醫.學者風範, 錚錚鐵骨! 鞠躬盡瘁,感人肺腑!


6張相片 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater


哀! 好人不長命, 混蛋永留存, 洪案壞人禍害逍遙法外, 禍害遺千年, 真不公平, 沒了林醫師,該怎麼辦! , 好醫生走了. 



天妒棟樑! 解毒俠客 林醫師不敵病魔, 病逝,嗚嗚,走了!


無私精神奉獻,為後世子孫留下最佳典範,辛苦了,, 感謝林醫師對臺灣的付出!台灣毒害太多太強,林醫師修煉,盼快投胎轉世,再當活菩薩。真很需要您!真不捨,台灣失去一位好醫生

VIDEO : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIMkYOmyYbM

6相片 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater



林杰粱 社會的良心



痛失 良心活菩薩!

南無 大慈大悲 救苦救難 阿彌陀佛 觀世音菩薩...


於 8/5 12:42離開了我們






蒼生笑 不再寂寥





林醫師走了,他建議勿使用 6號毒杯蓋, 星巴克、摩斯等7家 還在用

很多照片: http://images.search.conduit.com/search?q=林+杰粱&ctid=CT2233703&searchsource=1&CUI=UN60988449424776776&UM=UM_ID



外表斯文,戴黑框眼鏡的林杰樑風範深植人心,出身中醫世家,讀 臺北醫學大學)。感染腎炎,長期洗腎,鑽研腎臟醫學,為腎臟毒物專家的基礎。

美牛&塑化劑&食品安全: 林醫師在媒體上宣導飲食安全與環境毒物,至四湖、麥寮、台西多處義診。



昏迷4日後,家屬不忍其受苦,同意拔管,8/5 林杰樑醫師因敗血性休克,器官衰竭,病逝於林口長庚醫院。



吃出健康 專家心得




勿吃生菜,以防吃進蟲卵細菌;勿在颱風前搶購蔬菜,以防買到農民因搶收、還殘留有過多農藥的蔬菜。早餐豆漿、饅頭、麥片、白煮蛋,勿吃麵包,麵包太多油脂,有害人體的反式脂肪。林傑樑認為任何種籽油都不錯,葡萄籽油,水煮、清蒸或微波,少油。吃當令食物不會有農藥殘留,青菜先用流動的清水浸泡, 有皮的橘子、香蕉、龍眼、荔枝,都得先洗過再剝皮,柳丁洗過才能切,棗子、蓮霧削掉皮才吃到菜價飆漲,冷凍蔬菜代替。吃當季盛產小型魚,鯖魚、花飛魚、四破魚、竹筴魚與秋刀魚都是不錯的選擇。海水魚優於淡水魚,愛吃鮭魚的人擇體型較小的野生鮭,大型深海魚太多毒素。 


2).魚要吃巴掌以下的小型魚,因大魚吃多了小魚,也會在體內累積毒素。盡量吃海魚,不吃魚頭及內臟,每週吃四兩 。


6).購買最便宜的當季時蔬,因生長迅速、價格低廉,農人不用也不願多花錢灑農藥。不吃生菜,! 避免蟲卵細菌寄生。 


何美玉 您活在大衆心中,慈愛菩薩,感恩…………

峻吉廖 身為一位在地的台灣人 容許我向您說一聲:一路好走 ,我們會照顧好自己 。台灣有您是我們的榮耀與榮幸 。珍重再見 。


VIDEO. 8/23/2013 Memorial Medical Correspondent Home Video Xuanhujishi good doctor paladin Liang Lin Jie physician! Transit and TTV has .......8/23 TV NEWS ......... Different video coverage.

(More than 103 photos below) nationwide mourning mourning! Detoxification authority Liang Lin Jie died: "lost Liang doctor"! Hulk lost excellence! Country lost pillars! Tears, kind hearted detoxification expert & Xuanhujishi good doctor Challenger Liang Doctor 8/5 12:42 died at the age of 55 years.

Taiwan's medical community spirit forever treasure ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Farewell paradigm often Liang Lin Jie beloved physician, you would like to take advantage of Taiwan's willing to come back guard!

[Liang Lin Jie children dismay knight away, pain Taiwan lost a good doctor]

Farewell Good Doctor] [8/31 9:00 to 11:00 true hero Dr. Lin Jieliang commemorative memorial

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital will also be in the 31st 8/31/2013 9:00 to 11:00, in the hospital rehabilitation building first conference hall, holding commemorative memorial, open to the public to participate, along with gratitude for his contribution to the community in Taiwan Liang Lin Jie.

8/31/2013 a.m. 9:00 ~ a.m. 11:00


超过 103 photos Liang Lin Jie physicians color (map / paste gradually increase the growth posted in the photo.): Https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.559192887449475.1073741835.100000763055653&type=1

-------------------------------------------------- ---

8/23 photo about Liang Lin Jie physician's farewell ceremony, wish you a good journey!
We take a look at the last ten physicians Liang Lin Jie food safety advice!

TV NEWS 8/23/2013 medical correspondent collapse crying tears of homemade videos sent Liang Lin Jie VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B-to78BvMU&feature=youtu.be

Dr Liang Lin Jie died, farewell ceremony, the main line running medical correspondent, a special memorial service for his production of films, dozens of television medical reporter comments miss him, let his eyes red from crying widow Tan Dunci, frequently wiping away his tears, and even the scene also forget to put on, Liang Lin Jie physician last ten food safety advice, even the memorial did not forget to remind you, pay attention to food safety issues.

Liang Lin Jie physician group of fans will continue to operate by the wife and student ↓

Medical Correspondent homemade videos sent Liang Lin Jie crying tears collapse
PHOTOS: http://youtu.be/0B-to78BvMU


8/23 photo about Liang Lin Jie physician farewell formula:


http://ppt.cc/HPyM (Hulk Liang Lin Jie Soul Chiayi hometown)

Dr. Lin good to go, your family members to help you put ashes on the third floor sitting East location, good lighting. I hope you continue to look after Taiwan passed away food safety.

Thanks for sharing. Liang Lin Jie, Chinese food safety physician's contribution worthy of admiration and recollections.
The final top ten food safety advice, we will remember in our hearts and good practice. :-)


[Health] Dr. Lin Jieliang final caution

Even the experts do not dare eat poison the food you dare eat it? Liang Lin Jie and what regimen Tip? What are the principles of healthy eating? Daily diet, and what potential poisoning risk? Liang Lin Jie to take his life with us spy on diet, how to implement the anti-virus vulnerable to the attack of the Road!

Liang Lin Jie physician is Taiwan's conscience, Taiwanese pride = upright spineless hero to take care of people's benevolence, against profiteers Yong Zhi Renyong both RIP; May you rest in peace!


Farewell Hulk Liang Lin Jie! Wife choked: Thank you, afterlife do couples

Liang Lin Jie good doctor = Lide, meritorious service, Liyan Xinglin scholar = light of Taiwan!

Good Doctor "beam" Heart! Worry firefighter safety equipment donated 200,000 / Hulk Liang Lin Jie died young friends dismay Farewell / Liang Lin Jie Wife: He better be worth it raw!

My God! Lost beam division! Thunderbolt! I want to cry! Detoxification expert Jen Ai matter Bodhisattva Dr. Lin Jieliang great social conscience forever knight died, really upset, and the common people laugh, no longer lonely! Live 55 years to make people admire and we admire the good doctor Dr. Lin Jieliang nationals, a good journey! Jieliang doctors detoxification king deserved ~ Yoshiyuki the wind, ethics stay forever in the world! Liang Lin Jie sleeves clear, done nothing wrong, really gentleman, honest honest knight good doctor. scholarly, clank Strong! spared no efforts touching!

Dr Liang Lin Jie messenger of justice true hero! Praise 1314. Really everything go impermanence, Unforgettable! Farewell to the Masters always admired your

Wing Huailin Jie Liang physician! Imminent demise detoxification authority! I'm so sad Oh! Whining! Admiration Liang Lin Jie physician immortal!

Fallen detoxification authority! I'm so sad Oh! Hum ~! Admiration Liang Lin Jie physician immortal! Commendation +1: We Thank You! Taiwan moral courage and imminent demise of one.

Liang Lin Jie courtly love shy unassuming temper, looks gentle inner strength really afraid of offending the ruling authorities Man who donated "life-saving device."

Giants medical community Rende & benevolence. Doctor father Liang Lin Jie physician! Defying consortium stick professional hard! So sad, thank you for your selfless giving, forever remember you!

Praise the wind singing the praises of the tunes, month reveal tearful reflection = Liang Lin Jie physicians spirit Shengyuanzailai ~ Liang Lin Jie hold what children say Happy Father's Day physician gowns

Dr. Lin Jieliang: Integrity + sleeves clear, done nothing wrong, true gentleman, a good example of true dismay. Incorruptible integrity knight good doctor. Scholarly clank Strong!

The sky was clear, flying hearts, naturally straightforward, Cimei shallow water to keep their body, their soul laughs Liang Lin Jie Hydra physician extraordinary spirit of the people, reborn Chengyuanzailai ~

2,790 pen Hulk Liang Lin Jie VIDEOS ON http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query = & oq = TTV TTV Liang Lin Jie Liang Lin Jie & gs_l = youtube.3 ... 33308.52566.0.58008. -2j0j7j7.17.0 ... 0.0 ... 1ac.1.11.youtube.ALyOJoqV9wU


video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

Liang Lin Jie, MD, Taiwan used to have you, nice!

Melamine storm & plasticizer storm events when & toxic soy sauce, you are. Admirable hero hero!

Taiwan's missing is people like you, dare say not afraid of evil, not afraid of power. Instead Taiwan was left with several such people?


My God! Lost beam division! I also want to cry! Detoxification Wang Ren Ren heart surgery Dr. Lin Jieliang, social conscience, forever knight died, really upset, and the common people laugh, no longer lonely! Live to make people admire 55 years and we admire the great "national good doctor," Dr. Lin Jieliang good knight detoxification Bodhisattva, a good journey! Jieliang doctors donated money and out of the heart (force), medical ethics stay forever in the world! Green Cross's Health Network is Jieliang Toxicological Knowledge Website!


SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j0K27MndYBk # at = 52

Liang Lin Jie set up a "Green Cross" Jieliang pays 200,000 per year before study drug and 20 years of helping others and the countryside clinic admirable hero hero! Liang Lin Jie, 7/30 pays 210,000 donated 48 life-saving devices



Liang Lin Jie, a simple "this understanding, ㄏ ㄡ?", With his sudden death of a famous classic vanish ..... medical community lost a giant with a conscience

[Liang Lin Jie Qing refused to speak to defend sleeves Food Safety]

"To walk upright and uncorrupted in principle, because you go to speak, to take advantage of others, how to say bad people?"

Read the news "http://bit.ly/15z70Jb


"Era News Mr. Li Yu Rong" write:
Aug. 5
Is a very sad news,
Dr. Lin left the people.
Each time recording,
Have learned a lot in him.


[Next TV News] writ:
The good doctor outspoken and upright sudden death Liang Lin Jie people sad, tearful wife Tan Dunci finally agreed to let her husband is in Canghaiyiqingxiao, accompanied by the song, the end of fifty-five years of life; Next takes you review The simple, yet great good doctor.


En text Happy Kitchen write:

Evening as well, because Liang Lin Jie physician left.

Taiwan has many outstanding elite, but good social conscience, but there are countable Laos and Laos. Dr. Lin is definitely the era of the model.

Dr. Lin once and the same stage several times, also visited Dr. Lin, regardless of whether other people disagreed with him, he always bland, clear argument was clear, both by the research cited. In today's full of conflicts of interest, hatred and prejudice in society, he fortitude and calm, focused and passionate.

Compared to other experts on television commentator, and talk about the North Korean crisis will analyze the typhoon dynamics, but also understands familiar shady military nuclear power, we can say the survival of polar bears, it is the British royal analyst. Dr. Lin 55 years of his life, only know, like, poison research, but he calm and quiet, and professional and modestly. He traveled alone figure, compared to another group of guilty but claws, but nothing of this man singing is superb, as if his departure was to give Taiwan a rethink of righteousness and truth opportunities.

Dr. Lin died, of course, sad sad, but in fact even more sad is that this piece of land that most people may not know what they really lost.


"Transit Hurry TV" write:
August 7
Crackers says: really thank you that Taiwan's conscience "Liang Lin Jie" physician! Thank you for your pay!

Gratitude to send life-saving device! Ignition brothers farewell Liang Lin Jie



Wish him a good journey .. photo: is a very sad news,
Dr. Lin left the people.
Each time recording,
Have learned a lot in him.
May good journey ..
Dr. Lin Xiao Anbang alas ..... good journey ...: * (
Shen Ling great doctor> <

Blue sky and wind sad ......

Chien-Bang Hsu I just heard him say, "high fructose syrup" on the human body injury, so now rarely touched sugary drinks a ~

Lin Feng children very sad, there is no salvaged! Great doctor

Wayne Chang RIP food safety but also the future of Taiwan by Who?

Anchor Huang Wenhua write:
Liang Lin Jie, MD, will meet weekly video expert, always serious and professional, I did not expect Wednesday recording, and everything was good, but suddenly fell ill on Friday.


En text Happy Kitchen write:

Evening as well, because Liang Lin Jie physician left.

Taiwan has many outstanding elite, but good social conscience, but there are countable Laos and Laos. Dr. Lin is definitely the era of the model.

Zeng and Dr. Lin on the same stage several times, also visited Dr. Lin, regardless of whether other people disagreed with him, he always bland, clear argument was clear, both by the research cited. In today's full of conflicts of interest, hatred and prejudice in society, he fortitude and calm, focused and passionate.

Compared to other experts on television commentator, and talk about the North Korean crisis will analyze the typhoon dynamics, but also understands familiar shady military nuclear power, we can say the survival of polar bears, it is the British royal analyst. Dr. Lin 55 years of his life, only know, like, poison research, but he calm and quiet, and professional and modestly. He traveled alone figure, compared to another group of guilty but claws, but nothing of this man singing is superb, as if his departure was to give Taiwan a rethink of righteousness and truth opportunities.

Dr. Lin died, of course, sad sad, but in fact even more sad is that this piece of land that most people may not know what they really lost. http://www.nexttv.com.tw/news/realtime/lifestyle/10791033/


Ms. Xiaotong Wen write:

Tomorrow and impermanence, you never know which will go first.

Director Lin, thank you in 13 years ago, I was just a rookie just take medicine line, the answer to my call patiently for me to explain a variety of heavy metals on the human body.

Thank you face I always temporary one phone - "Lin, MD, please you have to accept my interview, even five minutes is good" requirement, never refused me.

Although the news has not run for years, but I still remember, as long as there is any follow-toxic and food safety-related news, I always far away, say what should be racing to the Chang Gung Memorial, just to make you a visit, for you are my mind, the most trusted poison physicians.

Xiexie Lin Director bless you a good journey.


"Please tell me you had such a letter to physicians Liang Lin Jie" write:

I believe people are always forgetful
And you always take the trouble
Whenever food hygiene problems again
People on the gorgeous packaging and in advertisements languages
Mountain Mungo inspection certificate has repeatedly disappointed
See your fearless stand in front of the camera
Softly exhort people in every palpitation
Enron also many Huangkong

Once you are not afraid to ask privately maker attack?
Your gentle and firm, said: "Just do the right thing, do not be afraid."
The record before the opening, you are always the first sitting position,
Next to supplement the data with dense handwriting research data supporting
Q. Did you have a problem data content?
You said: "We say on television to be held responsible, we can not talk nonsense, the audience is ... trust us."
Each thematic content, and because you are richer and have informative

Your favorite song reads: "Heaven laughs, have the world tide, who bear who wins, the day known ..."
In these troubled times in succession in Taiwan, who is a hero long remains to be seen
Always leave the studio waving at us with a smile
This time, really no way to tell you "goodbye" a
Dr. Lin ...
But still want to tell you - Taiwan have you, really good!
Please bring your physician Liang Lin Jie chivalrous spirit, to continue with my life.

To forever knight Rest In The Peace


Lin Jie Liang Yisheng committed to food safety hesitate doubts, after his death, people have been mourning. Shaw remembers that it was a novice when Liang Lin Jie always patiently answered every question, "despite not run news for years, but as long as there is any poisons and food safety issues, I always far away, say what should be racing to the Chang Gung Memorial, only to do you visit, because you are my mind, the most trusted poison physicians. "

Lin Yi as also said that although Dr. Lin to leave, but he left Taiwan, conscience and courage, will be able to continue to give us the courage to confront those who for their own gain spoof ingredients industry. "Thank you always earnestly remind everyone away from the poison; Thank you prefer when crows, point out that many people do not want to face the truth." While Huang Wenhua presided STV "Please tell me so, after" ˙ 7/31 only on invitation of Liang Lin Jie program, the sudden bad news for her heavy heart.


"NTDfilm-embracing moral courage series of films" write:
7 hours ago
Dr Liang Lin Jie moral courage people miss!
Poison expert Liang Lin Jie, last November for the annual meeting of the Taiwan Medical lecture. Site medical community initiated petition, anti-CCP and living Falun Gong prisoners of conscience organs, as nephrologists Liang Lin Jie, also publicly called on the Taiwan people, do not go to mainland China organ transplant trade.

Chang Gung Memorial Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology (2012.11.11): "Now for once to two million price, the price is enough to ruin, I was opposed to the mainland transplant, the first one, the Chinese mainland is not fair, and you tantamount to use the money to buy, and the second one, even if you have money to buy a kidney, the kidney does not fit you, you want to eat a very large number of anti-rejection drugs, a large number of anti-rejection medicine is easy to infection, easy get cancer. "

From the university during the period of dialysis, Liang Lin Jie sense for patients with deeply, in 2003 he pioneered the research team to lead antidote treatment of chronic kidney disease, published in leading journals. For Taiwan, 90% of transplant patients to go abroad to the mainland, he believes that the government has the responsibility to prevent transplant chaos.

Chang Gung Memorial Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology (2012.11.11): "Because lucrative, in fact, there are people to do, in fact, the public authority should be strictly adhered to, because this level is really too much influence."



Zhao Ting write:
August 5 from cell phones in the vicinity Hsinchuang

R.I.P. Liang Lin Jie physician, we will always remember you!


Xiang Lin Yuhui Wen shared photos.
August 7

Mr. Xiang Lin write:
His wife does not know the nest at night in the pen before power draw is ... what ... the original homage! Gratitude!

PICTURE FROM FB: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1401217413433622&set=a.1401217556766941.1073741833.100006361295535&type=1&theater


Mr. Zhuo Yaxiong write:
Aug. 5
There are back together with Liang Lin Jie physician on talk shows, talking about food safety,
Impressed, he said, bananas should first wash before peeling skin,
The reason is the growth of the skin may be left when spraying pesticides.
I was very surprised, but Dr. Lin is toxicology authority, are bound to be present;
However, such standards may be ninety percent of people are at risk,
So much food restaurants, where possible to do? Even if only one tenth.
Zhuo Yaxiong dialysis for 20 years, he put his life and death leave.


Mr. Liming Zhang write:
Aug. 5


Eastern weather anchor Wang Shuli shared a link.

Ms. Wang Shuli write:
Aug. 5
Before the interview on behalf of classes, the number side of the edge, Xiexie Lin MD contribution good journey ....

Jieliang died physician 12:42


Brave, serious and great physician Liang Lin Jie = head to toe full upright man. Dr. Lin reluctant to go everyone!

Ms. Liu Yu Peng write:

August 6
Dr. Lin everyone was reluctant to go
Recall the days of the past Alumni Association
Surprisingly not many times we work
He was a man from head to toe full of righteousness
Occasionally a little little humor hearty laughter

Today not take the opportunity to consume the light of the late Kyorin
Just to think of all the past
Everyone must take good care of your body
Love others again have spare capacity to take care of others

This is just entered the television that half
Very youthful appearance
Asked me not pregnant I do not deny that miss
So how will it sentimental tear drops fall
I do not know

Had very passionate to help the team record
Many photos Behind the Scenes
Whether Alumni Unit
Or with the production and broadcast partners
Eloquent one album ......
Since leaving after the update did not seem to
Personnel has not inevitable
Everyone will go forward
Only this is dedicated to my mind you
We have to get together or to free health
^ ^ - And Zhang jumping with other 7 people

************************************************** **

Dr Liang Lin Jie toxicology research paradigm away, the hearts of infinite regret! Green Cross Health Network is finishing his lifetime knowledge of poisons site! Information to help everyday life antivirus. "Come in, have to" plan will continue to send Young his spirit.


I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you!!!
Thanks to the efforts of Dr Liang Lin Jie dedication!!!



Liang Lin Jie died Venus: Can not find the source of infection

The establishment of "Professor Lin Jieliang Research Fund"

Liang Lin Jie died so many people give up (Liang Lin Jie lifetime photo taken from face book)
WASHINGTON August 5, 2013 Reuters (Epoch Times reporter Xu Naiyi Taiwan Taoyuan reports) have domestic "poison expert" reputation of the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, 5th appear multiple organ failure complicated by septic shock, Venus Jessen Island Hospital, vice president, said Liang Lin Jie sign of life has been quite weak, and the family continue to suffer because of a reluctance to Liang Lin Jie decided to extubation, because no bacteria, analyzing viral infections, but also because no source of infection, treatment is difficult.

http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/8/5/n3933852.htm Liang Lin Jie died - Venus - can not find the source of infection -. html

Liang Lin Jie son on Facebook at noon, "said the Canghaiyiqingxiao anthem, the father Liang Lin Jie, leaving at 12:42. Good father, good doctors, good teachers, social conscience, forever knight, left, really so sad, common people laugh, no longer lonely, really is a portrayal of my father's life. "
Medical team, said Liang Lin Jie 2, ED visits, hospital care, medical team have formed, the continued use of extracorporeal membrane and high antibiotic active treatment, however, Liang Lin Jie is still due to lung infection complicated by multiple organ failure, unfortunately, in at 12:42 on the 5th died at the age of 55 years.

Past domestic outbreak of food safety, toxic events, must have seen slim physique, speaking slowly, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, resounding exposition from tainted milk, U.S. beef, plasticizing agent, poison to poison sauce starch , almost no labor not associated with, more often Kangshang government, Liang Lin Jie said that "his talk the talk, worthy of conscience, do your best," says like Taiwan's social conscience.
Liang Lin Jie itself nephrologist, professor of toxicology wealth of knowledge, his outspoken, blunt personality, coupled with often face the media, very patient, always like a teacher to teach students in general, answered every question patiently, mantra "This Son, you have to understand, "friendly attitude is 箇中 key.

Liang Lin Jie 2 morning by ambulance sent to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital emergency room that afternoon dress ECMO in critical condition, lung infection complicated by systemic multiple organ failure, to the 5th at noon in the family dismay him suffer and extubation, just four days that forever.
Medical team, said Liang Lin Jie Chang Gung Memorial Hospital admiration major long-term concern the public food safety issues in clinical toxicology studies with kidney Acclaimed hospital will plan established Professor Lin Jieliang Research Fund, so that the spirit of backward renewable Liang Lin Jie, guard public health.
(Editor: Lvmei Qi)
But he left Taiwan, conscience and courage, will be able to continue to give us the courage to confront those who self-interest spoof ingredients industry


[Next TV News] write:

Domestic Toxicology authority poison physicians Liang Lin Jie Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, got up this morning, I feel difficulty in breathing, seven thirteen rushed to Chang Gung Memorial emergency, after chest X-rays and found that pulmonary edema, pulmonary water phenomenon, medical team immediately arranged for dialysis treatment, the disease has gradually improved, noon turn ordinary ward, but three in the afternoon disease progression, sub-ICU, emergency put on ECMO, the current unstable vital signs.
Dismay! Good doctor Liang Lin Jie sudden death "Canghaiyiqingxiao" accompanied
Niuchangchih suspected poison "died waiting Report" choking wife
2013-08-06 18:40
The National Health checks Liang Lin Jie "Final Reminder"


[Next TV News] write:

Poison authority Liang Lin Jie ends 55 years of life, but he left the contribution of the people, but how would not be enough, because he was a universal health checks to shoulder the heavy responsibility, as he always earnestly wants everyone to a balanced diet, "Do not eat processed foods, pickled foods "," buy seasonal fruits and vegetables, "buy back" ingredients must be cleaned, "Now we come to the final review these physicians Liang Lin Jie exhort.
Liang Lin Jie Tan Dunci widow said, the younger son most sticky Dad, go home yesterday, his head buried in the pillow Wen Liang Lin Jie's father's taste, the younger son said, feeling my father did not leave, so the cry ... (Xiaobian burst feel sad .. .)


[Next TV News] write: outspoken and forthright good doctor Liang Lin Jie sudden death of people sad, tearful wife Tan Dunci is finally agreed to let her husband Canghaiyiqingxiao, accompanied by the song, the end of 55 years life; Then you review the simple, yet with great good doctor.


HEARTLAND Liang Lin Jie poison knight set up a "Green Cross" poison knowledge sites, countryside clinic 20 years!

Venus physician Liang Lin Jie died, Taipei City Fire Chief Liu Mao et al today to offer condolences to the spirit before, thanks to Liang Lin Jie donated lifesaving device. Widow Tan Dunci the laptops come with ice and worship.

Liu Mao, who is mourning today is to thank Liang Lin Jie lifetime care for firefighters and donated 48 life-saving devices available to the Taipei City Fire Department Second Brigade of the players, firefighters, said Liang Lin Jie on July 30 after their consultation. Also arriving by car send "life-saving device" to the second brigade, but less than a few days, he died, people could not believe it.

Liu Mao as saying, the eldest son of Liang Lin Jie Lin Wang Zhen worked in Taipei City Fire Department Fire Substitute Ann points jersey, has been very concerned about the fire services, Liang Lin Jie also believe that during his lifetime as firefighters and doctors are life-saving work is very important, so When Lin Wang Zhen see Xinbei two brothers killed in the disaster relief, just discuss Liang Lin Jie, hoping to provide fire brigade to help. And Liang Lin Jie decided to donate 48 life-saving device to the second brigade, spent more than NT $ 200,000, the people moved.

In addition, today there are many doctors and nurses to worship before reborn chamber Liang Lin Jie Ling, Tan Duici also with a lifetime Liang Lin Jie common cup and laptop, because her husband love the work, but also love ice add water, bring Liang Lin Jie accustomed to using the cup, seems Liang Lin Jie did not leave.

Taipei eliminate hanging Liang Lin Jie gratitude to donate life-saving device | Social News | CNA CNA NEWS news

(Central News Agency reporter Bian Jinfeng Taoyuan County 7 (Xinhua)) Venus physician Liang Lin Jie died, Taipei City Fire Chief Liu Mao et al today to offer condolences to the spirit before, thanks to Liang Lin Jie donated lifesaving device. Widow Tan Dunci the laptops come with ice and worship.


◎ doctors should do Liang Lin Jie

This wave of melamine storm, Liang Lin Jie media commentary on almost every day, to make recommendations on policy, because he is a nephrologist, is the only professor of toxicology.
Practice twenty years, he faced numerous poison. He founded Green Cross medical teams, in addition to the countryside clinic, but also exposed that many factories pollute the environment, often against toxic products manufacturers.

As a nephrologist, they actually dialysis patients, almost killed when a serious illness that field, so that he was pressing for life, he did not stop to see the doctor, research, and writing a book promotion antivirus common sense, because life is priceless insight .

Every picture are covered with filth grease, charred scrap cable, hardware, piled into a seat as purgatory hideous capers and writhing snakes Hill, Blackwater flowing, toxic smoke slowly, forcing the poor do not know or refused to take a terrible the lives of workers, in the mountains of picking a special metal processing DoD do sell bullets; Children in this arrangement of metal toxicity evil businessman facing the camera field exposed innocent smile, after a few years they will be tasted from the depths of the bone marrow issued teeth pain, or dialysis, liver disease, cancer of the tortured, dying just naively complain Daiming this life, but I do not know his body was in fact toxic.

】 【Toxins everywhere
Fifty-one old Liang Lin Jie Chang Gung Memorial Hospital is a nephrologist, is unique in Taiwan toxicology professor, he called out those old files from the computer, which has participated in the school he was a student volunteer teams pollution survey, there he established 20 years ago by doctors and medical students consisting of "Green Cross Medical Services team," they detect potential areas of Kaohsiung County Local serious pollution caused by oil refineries, many people suffer from chronic lung disease; Next Township, Kaohsiung County is scrap metal, and then point the mouse is Erren River burning scrap cable ...

"Ignorance behind boss sacrifice the health of workers, to make a fortune selling our environment have a factory, blue and green parties are money, reporters, temples, village officers, all packed up, the people become the victims who did not sound entirely, only silently accept the crippling government for economic, pollution is always an eye, close one eye. "

His thin lips gently said, calm tone of pity mingled with frustration interest, but less angry.

This wave of melamine storm, Liang Lin Jie media commentary on almost every day, this is not the first time, every time there is poison events, ranging from the environment, food contamination and drug problems, small snake bites, bee stings, and even hit the headlines of Chen Hung Chen Li Taian brothers suspected of being poisoned murder, will ask his analysis.

[Family] priceless
For pollution, twenty years, Liang Lin Jie, the gas is gas too, when he was young residents of the plant poison extremely angry, open press conference expose evil, and every time aroused shock, people know that Taiwan has been poisoned deep, we eat, drink, breathe, are subject to aflatoxin contamination, but also further reflection, Taiwan in a short time by destroying the environment, save the world's first human lives sacrificed in foreign exchange reserves, they have to spend many times more pollution save time and money, not necessarily to restore the original mountains.

However, in 1991, Green Cross and Academia Sinica cooperation, nuclear power plant chromosomal mutation investigation, because the budget is low, in a limited survey template did not find the problem, "The result was a threat of environmental groups called to say that you want to class, the students Be careful of these students are the parents of the baby, how can harm home? pollution investigation so I will not do. "He smiled, mouth pushing slim face a pleated said;" We went to the poorest regions clinic, are saving thing. "

Liang Lin Jie has summer vacations will discharge time countryside clinic, he said he probably grew up in the countryside, like the country. He was born in Chiayi Puzih this small town, ancestors four generations of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine operate his father, but he is the third of five brothers and sisters, there are three doctors. Parents are busy doing business, and he was brought up by her grandmother, "junior high school after I left home, the more read farther from home, so I am very family oriented."

Speaking of family, his face soft as silk on the line, Oh laughs his wife only a little old, but looks young and beautiful. Weekend afternoon, for us to visit, he postponed a week with his family hiking activities, in the past I always thought that doctors have high salaries, live in luxury, did not think he was very frugal home furnishings, everything looks have spent many years, Only the children of each unit was awarded a certificate and a medal or appreciation Liang Lin Jie is gradually added. He did not study, on the living room next to the desk, he can work, while his family.

Liang Lin Jie is a nephrologist, a lot of people who have poisoned dialysis, he began to learn poison. Toxicology in the domestic health care system is unpopular subjects, but in the eyes of Liang Lin Jie, but it is important to be able to save countless subjects: "I'm a professor of nephrology, only to take care of kidney patients, but as soon as I find a toxin that affects the health and salvation tens of thousands of people, even healthy people can take care of. "

[Hardship] stubborn way
Who knows which door unpopular research, trouble less than pollution survey, if Liang Lin Jie announced a product harmful, is not accompanied by vendors sent letters as evidence that intimidation and inducements; also often manufacturers or government departments looking for him to give a speech or meeting, in fact, to his policy or product endorsement.

"Two years ago, there are some cosmetic chromium, are not allowed to contain this substance United States, Taiwan, said no rules, we go to the meeting, I said that even if industrial pollution is not highly toxic chromium, chromium can lead to allergies general, to plus warnings on the packaging, Pharmaceutical Affairs is not. "Later Liang Lin Jie locate a document CLA found chromium content of cement required actually is lower than the cosmetics, angrily complained to the Department of Health.

Whether pollution investigation or blew the whistle black heart products, are working to offend people, but opponents are powerful and influential vendors, Liang Lin Jie stubbornly fight, to provoke a lot of trouble, which he said dismissively: "These products threaten public health This is a doctor should do. "

His wife was a nurse, she recalled the first time Liang Lin Jie impression was: "When he became resident physicians, nurses are afraid of him to the emergency room duty, because generally speaking, first aid thirty minutes invalid, the death sentence, But he has done more than one hour, unless the patient's family to give up his only stop, nurses are very tired, he because dialysis, arms buried a fistula, can not contribute, but he was desperate to do cardio massage. "

I looked at Liang Lin Jie traces left arm surgery, doctors do not guess maybe he had been to save abandon, so he is also the case save, or maybe he would tell me: "Life is full of miracles." But when he Yue Fang he said, in order to let his children be treated with a disapproving eye, do not want to openly talk about his illness, only vaguely said: "I read the medical school suddenly have nephritis, the cause is not clear up to now."

[Ill] change your life
He was not even around during the past very few people mention that his wife is also from him in order to encourage dialysis patients, particularly in the dual role of doctors and patients is written in the book that vague outline: "He was very ill, a attack soon suffocate his mother told me that when he made a wish and hope the gods to give him a little more time, let him do more to save things. probably gods heard his prayer. "

This disease not only let Liang Lin Jie decided to delve into the kidneys, but also prompted him to accelerate the pace of the impermanence of life, put their knowledge to the world to save all know, in addition to outpatient clinic, he also conducted many studies, but also teach people to write a book Avoid toxic life. One doctor said: "Many doctors write papers as the promotion pipeline, once rose high, do not do research, but Liang Lin Jie been working very hard, which is very rare in the medical community."

Liang Lin Jie published many important medical papers, including a lead on human impact research papers, had boarded the internationally renowned clinical journal "New England Journal of Medicine," Taiwan has only eight medical papers were published. And his thesis is not only statistical data, there are ways to save last year, an Indian doctor wrote to him, and said 100,000 people a year in India Paraguay pesticide poisoning, he looked Liang Lin Jie, a survival rate of four percent will be raised to eighty percent of the papers, the saved a lot of people.

Never give up [rescue]
Liang Lin Jie said: "I often tell young doctor, when doctors give up, the patients will never hope I when the total physicians, there is a young doctor eat Chinese Results potassium poisoning, should fall to a heart attack during dialysis, a first aid hour is also invalid, called other physicians continue to pressure the heart, I give him access machine, the blood into the dialysis machine, the results have twenty minutes to wash the blood pressure, fifty minutes after waking up. "he invented this method, also published in the world's leading medical journals, has now become a medical textbook.

Then there are a number of toxic Liang Lin Jie newspaper called to ask the question, he went to the balcony reply, hang up the phone, I go out, Liang Lin Jie said: "In recent years the black heart of the food problem so serious that this year's budget is only food hygiene eighty million yuan , the country is less than four yuan per minute, more than a hundred COA feed tube, pipe, only two dozen food hygiene and last year I attended the Department of Health, the National Food Survey dioxin conference, food management, the Commissioner said dioxin survey spent a lot of money, so far, I say this to the people such an important matter, how can you stop here? "

He bared his helpless smile, but the work suffered injustice, death, and despair are the denial of the door at home, so we were watching downstairs green park, he said: "I like it here, ten years ago when we moved , my big son said, we do not move, okay? Oh ... "and then he says with feeling:" I also want to be the eldest son of a doctor, but I told him to be a good doctor is very hard ... "Then he Looking at the gray sky, Touyemeihui said: "Doctors should not give up on life, I'm doing these only the doctors to do, is not it?"

Postscript】 【interview before Liang Lin Jie, listen to colleagues, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital has a backdoor chicken stalls, juicy flesh delicious, my mouth full of tears drop, vowed after the interview must bite a big mouth.

But listen Lim couple said, our most favorite fast food, barbecue, tofu are harmful to health, hear my mouth bitter, photographers Ahhh called, so I secretly vowed never eat fried foods.

But on the way home, after a pool of fried chicken, chicken, squid, basil, fried Bobo beep sound of my oath to pieces fried pastry, and finally only chew chicken while singing: But how can Chennai, but why I still miss you; But how can Nye, who told me like you ...

Box: [Liang Lin Jie, how to eat]

1 Avoid pickles, fried and processed foods. Salt and less sugar, less oil.
(2) The following fish eat small fish slap, because the big fish and more fish will accumulate toxins in the body. Try to eat fish, eat fish heads and guts, eat four a week or two.
3 boiled or steamed foods to cook, microwave oven can also be used so that food does not degenerate, minimal loss of nutrients.

4 Try to avoid using soy sauce, soy sauce because of a few companies in the brewing process may produce aflatoxin contamination.
5 Taiwan humid and hot, the food is easy to mold and produce aflatoxin, whole grains, noodles, glass noodles, Chinese need to save in the refrigerator once the moldy discarded immediately.
6 buy the cheapest season seasonal vegetables, due to rapid growth, low prices, many farmers do not want to spend the pesticide.
Do not eat lettuce, avoid eggs parasitic bacteria.

7 before the typhoon, buy leguminous vegetables easy to save, prices or tubers during buy frozen vegetables because farmers may be refused if the price has just spilled pesticides and eager to rush in the harvest.
8 homes have concerns about drinking water safety is best to install reverse osmosis machine, can be directly consumed, although the reverse osmosis water dispenser may be filtered out minerals, but by the food supplement.

9. Appropriate use MSG, without a large soup bone or visceral, because heavy metals and toxic substances, easy to accumulate in the bone or visceral.
10 more water can expel toxins.

(Author: Zhou Jiarui Photography: Kuang Chung Lim, Wang Yu Yan)

Why a doctor's death, to the evening news headlines? Maybe we mourn not only the world's less of a good physician, but trust in the bankruptcy of the experts, full of lies Taiwan's society, we have one less person to tell the truth. The following is two ○ ○ eight years, Liang Lin Jie physicians to accept our magazine Interview.


Dr Liang Lin Jie toxicology research paradigm away, the hearts of infinite regret! Green Cross Health Network is finishing his lifetime knowledge of poisons site! Information to help everyday life antivirus. "Come in, have to" plan will continue to send Young his spirit.


I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you!!!

Thanks to the efforts of Dr Liang Lin Jie dedication!!!



Liang Lin Jie died Venus: Can not find the source of infection

The establishment of "Professor Lin Jieliang Research Fund"

Liang Lin Jie died so many people give up (Liang Lin Jie lifetime photo taken from face book)

WASHINGTON August 5, 2013 Reuters (Epoch Times reporter Xu Naiyi Taiwan Taoyuan reports) have domestic "poison expert" reputation of the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, 5th appear multiple organ failure complicated by septic shock, Venus Jessen Island Hospital, vice president, said Liang Lin Jie sign of life has been quite weak, and the family continue to suffer because of a reluctance to Liang Lin Jie decided to extubation, because no bacteria, analyzing viral infections, but also because no source of infection, treatment is difficult.

http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/8/5/n3933852.htm Liang Lin Jie died - Venus - can not find the source of infection -. html

Liang Lin Jie son on Facebook at noon, "said the Canghaiyiqingxiao anthem, the father Liang Lin Jie, leaving at 12:42. Good father, good doctors, good teachers, social conscience, forever knight, left, really so sad, common people laugh, no longer lonely, really is a portrayal of my father's life. "

Medical team, said Liang Lin Jie 2, ED visits, hospital care, medical team have formed, the continued use of extracorporeal membrane and high antibiotic active treatment, however, Liang Lin Jie is still due to lung infection complicated by multiple organ failure, unfortunately, in at 12:42 on the 5th died at the age of 55 years.

Past domestic outbreak of food safety, toxic events, must have seen slim physique, speaking slowly, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, resounding exposition from tainted milk, U.S. beef, plasticizing agent, poison to poison sauce starch , almost no labor not associated with, more often Kangshang government, Liang Lin Jie said that "his talk the talk, worthy of conscience, do your best," says like Taiwan's social conscience.

Liang Lin Jie itself nephrologist, professor of toxicology wealth of knowledge, his outspoken, blunt personality, coupled with often face the media, very patient, always like a teacher to teach students in general, answered every question patiently, mantra "This Son, you have to understand, "friendly attitude is 箇中 key.
Liang Lin Jie 2 morning by ambulance sent to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital emergency room that afternoon dress ECMO in critical condition, lung infection complicated by systemic multiple organ failure, to the 5th at noon in the family dismay him suffer and extubation, just four days that forever.

Medical team, said Liang Lin Jie Chang Gung Memorial Hospital admiration major long-term concern the public food safety issues in clinical toxicology studies with kidney Acclaimed hospital will plan established Professor Lin Jieliang Research Fund, so that the spirit of backward renewable Liang Lin Jie, guard public health.

(Editor: Lvmei Qi)

But he left Taiwan, conscience and courage, will be able to continue to give us the courage to confront those who self-interest spoof ingredients industry


[Next TV News]
Domestic Toxicology authority poison physicians Liang Lin Jie Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, got up this morning, I feel difficulty in breathing, seven thirteen rushed to Chang Gung Memorial emergency, after chest X-rays and found that pulmonary edema, pulmonary water phenomenon, medical team immediately arranged for dialysis treatment, the disease has gradually improved, noon turn ordinary ward, but three in the afternoon disease progression, sub-ICU, emergency put on ECMO, the current unstable vital signs.

Dismay! Good doctor Liang Lin Jie sudden death "Canghaiyiqingxiao" accompanied

The National Health checks Liang Lin Jie "Final Reminder"

************************************************** ***

[Next TV News]
Poison authority Liang Lin Jie ends 55 years of life, but he left the contribution of the people, but how would not be enough, because he was a universal health checks to shoulder the heavy responsibility, as he always earnestly wants everyone to a balanced diet, "Do not eat processed foods, pickled foods "," buy seasonal fruits and vegetables, "buy back" ingredients must be cleaned, "Now we come to the final review these physicians Liang Lin Jie exhort.
Liang Lin Jie Tan Dunci widow said, the younger son most sticky Dad, go home yesterday, his head buried in the pillow Wen Liang Lin Jie's father's taste, the younger son said, feeling my father did not leave, so the cry ... (Xiaobian burst feel sad .. .)


● died of poison authority Liang Lin Jie Chang Gung Memorial Hospital physician 12:42

● suspected virus infected tricky died Liang Lin Jie

● Liang Lin Jie: no matter how busy, but also to accompany the baby grow up together
(Http://tinyurl.com/kymcz2t) (2 photos)

Liang Lin Jie, the doctor of your child's education wisdom, it is rewarding!
1 Dr. Lin home without TV, which allows children to find fun books.
(2) do not have the money to meet the children, accompanied them sports, hiking, kite flying is the best entertainment.
3 let the child eat hamburgers and cola, because caffeine is not good for kids.

And Dr. Lin's children is very good, two children were 3 years old learn on their own literacy, reading. One admitted to medical radioactive series, a tutorial but it is not first class ~

See full udn-http :/ / mag.udn.com / mag / people / printpage.jsp? F_ART_ID = 469507

People always cherish the memory of Dr Liang Lin Jie


Liang Lin Jie physician because of septic shock, causing organ failure, lost to the disease died at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, which is his dedication to what they have learned to work hard place, very sad. "Heartache, sadness, is Taiwan's huge loss."

Liang Lin Jie sleeves clear, done nothing wrong, true gentleman, a good example of true dismay. Incorruptible integrity knight good doctor. Scholarly clank Strong!



Anchor Huang Wenhua write:

Liang Lin Jie, MD, will meet weekly video expert, always serious and professional, I did not expect Wednesday recording, and everything was good, but suddenly fell ill on Friday.


Liang Lin Jie, the doctor of your child's education wisdom, it is rewarding!

1 Dr. Lin home without TV, which allows children to find fun books.
(2) do not have the money to meet the children, accompanied them sports, hiking, kite flying is the best entertainment.
3 let the child eat hamburgers and cola, because caffeine is not good for kids.
And Dr. Lin's children is very good, two children were 3 years old learn on their own literacy, reading. One admitted to medical radioactive series, a tutorial but it is not first class ~
See full udn-http :/ / mag.udn.com / mag / people / printpage.jsp? F_ART_ID = 469507
People always cherish the memory of Dr Liang Lin Jie


Week s. WRITE:

Dr Liang Lin Jie died just learned the news, there are many mixed feelings:

2011, Beijing tour ends after returning to Taiwan, and for my friend to ask Dr. Lin times. Beijing's friends suffering from extremely rare allergies, even if we have enormously wealthy man can not live a normal life, you can not stay in the general renovated interior, even with my dinner to be in the big club on the grass outside the branch tables, almost desperate.

My mother and I helped a friend in the United States, Taiwan, multi-questioning. Because I have interviewed Dr. Lin, know that he is an expert study of toxic substances through the innocent sister contacted many times your hospitality. For this special and well-known cases, Dr. Lin is also very enthusiastic, although the last is not actually give my friend help, which had been in existence of karma so grateful hearts.

No one thought ...... Beijing's friends met wonderful healing, and now has returned to normal life, this year I saw him in Beijing, has Woon new. And earlier today, Dr. Lin was a step away.

Life is like a play, surprise twist really makes interesting!

Because fickle, gain their valuable.


Bolt from the blue! Detoxification authority Liang Lin Jie died! Canghaiyiqingxiao! "Detoxification knight" founded Green Cross, the countryside clinic 20 years, the heart of food safety


Articles & words all on http://www.cna.com.tw/Topic/Popular/3889-2.aspx


Fionana Wu a physician, in his lifetime by it, to get the people's respect, leave this world, regardless of knowledge, do not know, and even an interview with reporters could not help choking back tears, Professor Lin should be before or since by it. Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin is everyone's.
Like · Reply · 29 · 9 hours ago


Ying-Hsiu Chang "life-saving device" Thank rescue emergency room to answer http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

Terrible burning melting Yong eliminate flashover "life-saving device."

New Taipei City Fire Department firefighters allotment "life-saving device," as long as the firefighter in the fire does not move, it will send out a distress loud, tied for self-rescue equipment into the fire, so to hear the sound of firefighters help the trapped Expand colleagues' immediate relief. " Unfortunately, yesterday Taishan factory fire flashover, instant six Baidu burning melting temperatures above two firefighters lifesaving device, so that other players hard to rescue.

8/7/2013 15:30 / / / / /


Grief! Liang Lin Jie died! Liang Lin Jie alive still sparkle, detoxification of the King deserved to stay forever in the world of medical ethics ~! Compassionate doctors with lofty ideals hope he can pass <Yoshiyuki>

Liang Lin Jie, sudden death, widows Tan Dunci evening holding two son's hand, expressed his appreciation to the community.

Dr. Lin ......

Good journey ......
You really are a good good good good good doctor! ! !

Liang Lin Jie died mourning, memorial time Ming announced - free newsletter news

[WASHINGTON] toxicants authority said the Chang Gung Memorial today Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology (5) lost to illness, died Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie Tan Duici evening's widow holding two son's hand, expressed his appreciation to the community, also said

Grief! Liang Lin Jie died by the end of July last video still worried about food safety

Liang Lin Jie, the last recorded Eastern "now I know", still smiling. (Map / Eastern ...
Reporter Huang Ziwei / Taipei

Liang Lin Jie 8/5/2013 due to septic shock complicated by multiple organ failure unfortunately died. The last time he was by the end of July on the Eastern Consolidated Taiwan, "now I know" to talk about food phase, just on the 5th evening broadcast. Day of recording, Liang Lin Jie still his voice, his body did not feel there is anything abnormal, but the 2nd morning, he suddenly breathless, hospital emergency rescue, four days, the condition was stabilized, but eventually resigned not resist disease world, was aged 55.

Lin Jie Liang Yisheng committed to food safety hesitate to public doubts, after news of his death, all walks of life have expressed their condolence. Including anchor Xiaotong Wen, Lin Yi-Ru, HUANG Wen-hua et al, Xiao remembers that it is still a rookie when Liang Lin Jie always patiently answered every question, "Despite the news has not run for years, but as long as there is any poison and food safety issues, I always far away, say what should be racing to the Chang Gung Memorial, just to do one of your visit, because you are my mind, the most trusted poison physicians. "

Lin Yi as also said that although Dr. Lin to leave, but he left Taiwan, conscience and courage, will be able to continue to give us the courage to confront those who self-interest spoof ingredients industry. "Thank you for always earnestly remind everyone away from the poison; Thank you prefer when crows, point out that many people do not want to face the truth." While Huang Wenhua presided STV "Please tell me so, after" last Wednesday July 31 Liang Lin Jie was invited on the program, the sudden bad news for her heavy heart.


Taiwan's missing is the Liang Lin Jie such a person, not afraid of evil dare say, not afraid of strong

Right. Instead Taiwan was left with several such people?

Liang Lin Jie, MD - Taiwan's most precious good doctor
People who never miss a "knight"
Until the end, the heart is still tied to people's health
Thank Liang Lin Jie, exhort, your pay, your justice
We will remember every word written by Liang Lin Jie to commemorate You, May you rest in peace:

Use caution melamine tableware
Japan to play or eat Japanese food, do not forget to eat calcium
Eat corn fructose, reduce health damage
To drink more water, eat more high-fiber foods, eat high-fat foods
Prevention of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables ...

from: Dr Liang Lin Jie Liang Lin Jie fan page https://www.facebook.com/pages/ / 112269112124206 Photo: Liang Lin Jie, MD - Taiwan's most precious good doctor
People who never miss a "knight"

Until the end, the heart is still tied to people's health
Thank you for your caution, your pay, your justice
We will remember every word you wrote to commemorate you wish you rest in peace:
Use caution melamine tableware
Japan to play or eat Japanese food, do not forget to eat calcium
Eat corn fructose, reduce health damage
To drink more water, eat more high-fiber foods, eat high-fat foods
Prevention of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables ...

from physicians Liang Lin Jie Liang Lin Jie Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/ / 112269112124206


This below birthday cake for Dr. Lin.

[Foreign physicians good creative shape sponge cake

Image Quote from https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=409420359167238&set=a.319286624847279.68953.233742886734987&type=1&theater
Photo: [Foreign physicians good creative shape cake]


Venus physician Liang Lin Jie died, Taipei City Fire Chief Liu Mao et al today to offer condolences to the spirit before, thanks to Liang Lin Jie donated lifesaving device. Widow Tan Dunci the laptops come with ice and worship.

Liu Mao, who is mourning today is to thank Liang Lin Jie lifetime care for firefighters and donated 48 life-saving devices available to the Taipei City Fire Department Second Brigade of the players, firefighters, said Liang Lin Jie on July 30 after their consultation. Also arriving by car send "life-saving device" to the second brigade, but less than a few days, he died, people could not believe it.

Liu Mao as saying, the eldest son of Liang Lin Jie Lin Wang Zhen worked in Taipei City Fire Department Fire Substitute Ann points jersey, has been very concerned about the fire services, Liang Lin Jie also believe that during his lifetime as firefighters and doctors are life-saving work is very important, so When Lin Wang Zhen see Xinbei two brothers killed in the disaster relief, just discuss Liang Lin Jie, hoping to provide fire brigade to help. And Liang Lin Jie decided to donate 48 life-saving device to the second brigade, spent more than NT $ 200,000, the people moved.

Fionana Wu a physician, in his lifetime by it, to get the people's respect, leave this world, regardless of knowledge, do not know, and even an interview with reporters could not help choking back tears, Professor Lin should be before or since by it. Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin is everyone's.

Ying-Hsiu Chang "life-saving device" Thank rescue emergency room to answer http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

Terrible flash combustion financial Yong consumer "life-saving devices" | fireman fire killed

New Taipei City Fire Department firefighters allotment "life-saving device," as long as the firefighter in the fire does not move, it will send out a distress loud, tied for self-rescue equipment into the fire, so to hear the sound of firefighters help the trapped Expand colleagues' immediate relief. " Unfortunately, yesterday Taishan factory fire flashover, instant six Baidu burning melting temperatures above two firefighters lifesaving device, so that other players hard to rescue.

8/7/2013 15:30 / / / / /

Nationwide mourning mourning! Detoxification authority Liang Lin Jie died: "lost Liang doctor"! Hulk lost excellence! Country lost pillars! Tears, kind hearted detoxification specialist Dr. Lin Jieliang 8/5 12:42 died at the age of 55 .

[Liang Lin Jie children dismay knight away, pain Taiwan lost a good doctor]

My God! Lost beam division! I also want to cry! Detoxification rights Weilin Jie Liang doctors, social conscience, forever knight died, really upset, and the common people laugh, no longer lonely! Live to make people admire 55 years. We admire the great "national good doctor," Dr. Lin Jieliang good knight detoxification Bodhisattva, a good journey! Jieliang doctors donated money and out of the heart (force), medical ethics stay forever in the world! Green Cross Health Network is Jieliang poison knowledge website !


Liang Lin Jie set up a "Green Cross" Jieliang pays 200,000 per year before study drug and 20 years of helping others and the countryside clinic admirable hero hero!


Thank you for the people of the forest health checks compassionate doctors physicians contribution! We will always remember Dr. Lin!
Dr. Lin Lin Wang Zhen Yu eldest son after his father died, Liang Lin Jie face book: "My father Liang Lin Jie at 12:42 left us."

Domestic Toxicology authority, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology coma, and the family could not bear their suffering, agreed extubation, Liang Lin Jie physician due to septic shock, organ failure, and death of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ Liang Lin Jie / 112269112124206

OMG R.I.P. grief!

video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

See the coffin, tears burst! Sad ah! Heartache! Want to see the results of grief! (; _ ;) Endless mourning the sad sad, a little contribution to the country's excellence! Jieliang was just spineless knight hero during his lifetime vows wife choked Xie care.
Tears collapse! Taiwan fewer doctors are medical ethics, gratitude is meaningful to people's life. Dr. Lin good journey ~ weep! So sad! Challenger sorghum physician was a very well respected doctor.

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, pass bad news = I am most worried and want to hear the sad news: dead.

Taiwan's conscience, one less! Taiwan's black heart, one not to leave! May God left it a conscience! Doctors died / Food Safety Battle not with Jen Ai no matter the light Zhi Renyong afraid of evil forces in Taiwan The Liang Lin Jie conscience knight, knight conscience benevolent doctor bluntly dare, heroic paradigm stay forever in the hearts! eldest son to follow the behest / Green Cross Health Network

Immortal Buddha reluctant, sad, lost Yangjae

Quietly leave

In the face of serious illness
All are insignificant

Know do not know
Praying in help
Buddha God Allah
Have received the trust
Also wants to help

Nonetheless irreversible end of life
Let the trust of people praying
Tears fell wounded heart
Let it stains ruthless
Long long way heavy attack

In the Dark Ages
Sometimes forget there are bright
Turbid evil in the world
Often do not believe there really Buddha

Until knight quietly leave
Suddenly found all the talent
He often in the dark era
Follow through to a bright shine
He let this evil world wrapped cloudy
Pro-moxibustion great love of Buddha

Time really, really a bit short

Really really thank you for your
Linda MD
At 7:54 on August 6 from mobile · Like · 28

Dora Tsai Also, should also be grateful to the other half of his London Ci predecessors, she silently guarding the family, so that Dr. Lin to worry devotes herself to living beings!
At 8:36 on August 6 · Like · 15

Sek Kwong Poon professional approach! Other professional institutes may follow
At 8:38 on August 6 · Like · 3

Small world "common people laugh, no longer lonely. Hell is not empty, refusing to become a Buddha. "

Liang Lin Jie physicians follow eons degree of Earth Store Bodhisattva spirit beings,

"Hell is not empty, refusing to become a Buddha; beings degrees exhausted, square Bodhi." ...... See more

Chin Wang Pan tears watching the ...


Giddens shared the beat of life graphic photos.
Aug. 5

Giddens write:
When a person leaves this world, leaving things to continue benefiting all the time, this person's life, it is good to be rich enough. So now we are not sad, we are the contribution of Dr. Lin heartily admire in life, this is definitely yes, super handsome great life ah! ! !
Liang Lin Jie, MD, Taiwan, thank you.

www.wretch.cc/blog/beatlack/14580980 Photo: Liang Lin Jie, MD, Taiwan, thank you.


Tommy DengHong great people do not really die, will live in the hearts of the people ...

Sannysanny Sanny This is the real history of the so-called positioning it!

Zheng Jiaming Zhu Fulin physician

Thank you Dr. Lin Liu Zaixuan always the people of Taiwan and other aspects of diet sake of a good journey ..

Thank you ~ Liang Lin Jie Lin Xiangting physician, a good journey. . .

Franca Huang Thank you Dr. Lin, a good journey! We will always remember you, Taiwan, thank You so have a good doctor!

Dr. Lin Po Yu Chen ~ Thank You!! I really get a lot from your body of food safety concepts ~ ~ I wish you a good journey Taiwan have you as a good doctor, is our pleasure ~ ~

CHEN Zhen President awarded wrong! He is the man to get a certificate

Michael So Liang Lin Jie, MD, we thank you that I believe the people of Taiwan will also thank you for.

Lin Yu-zinc why good people can not live long point

Yuehhsiu Chang Jing Palin physician immortal
At 14:23 on August 6 · Like · 1

Huangxiong Yu Taiwan, moral courage, and imminent demise of one.
At 14:23 on August 6th from mobile · Like · 6

Danbing Xin Taiwanese talent A ...
At 15:38 on August 6 · Like · 2

Tour Xiang Qi Liang Lin Jie, MD, Taiwan, thank you .. you are good to go by road ....
At 15:39 on August 6 · Like · 1

Lvjian An good attractiveness
At 16:41 on August 6 · Like · 2

Zhanwan children Why! ~ God does not take care of a good man ...
At 16:45 on August 6 · Like · 1

Wu Kaiwen press the point, he was to pay a lot of Taiwanese
At 17:17 on August 6 · Like · 1

Licheng En medical community has lost a good talent
At 17:38 on August 6 · Like · 2

Alison is really a good doctor
At 18:14 on August 6 · Like · 1

Dr. Lin Zhuo Zhengnan thanks for everyone's safety checks. Hope that the future can train more doctors like you good you good we will learn and treasured in my heart ~ Thanksgiving
At 18:37 on August 6 · Like · 2

Xu Yuehua had so often see you on the TV commentary about poisonous things, and now ... no, a good journey
At 18:58 on August 6th from mobile · Like · 2

Although I am just a plume sophomore but really good worship Dr. Lin Jieliang
Before watching the news all think he is really good and strong now he's gone
Taiwan's less a great man I wish a good journey
At 19:06 on August 6 · Like · 4

Jing Wu Tsung before I saw him on the news was that Dr. Lin Jieliang good color not think so suddenly left ..
At 19:14 on August 6 · Like

Anoki Lin thank Dr. Lin's dedication, his life is worth.
At 19:40 on August 6th from mobile · Like · 1

That someone commendation +1
At 19:41 on August 6 · Like · Edited

Nobu Wu sad it is hard not to
At 19:56 on August 6 · Like · 1

Boice Lin Lin Although Taiwan still need you, but thank you
At 20:36 on August 6 · Like · 4

Although physicians Liang Lin Jie Wu Ai really sad but thank you wish you a good trip all the way ~ ~
At 20:56 on August 6 · Like · 1

Lin Zhiyong Liang Lin Jie is well known toxicology authority, not only attach importance to food safety, in fact, has exclusively developed pesticides "paraquat" poisoning antidote, boarded international journals into treatment guidelines physicians worldwide,
At 21:20 on August 6 · Like · 1

Selena Chen Lin, MD, heartfelt thank you to
At 21:31 on August 6 · Like · 1

Dr. Lin Wang Jianyu, thank you to accompany us for so many years, I will always remember you.
At 21:37 on August 6 · Like · 1

Yan Shao Valley Thank you Dr. Lin
At 21:40 on August 6 · Like · 1

Zeng Bin really a pity ~ ~ imminent demise of an authoritative
At 23:37 on August 6 · Like · 1

Ali Su Thank you for helping us health checks
At 14:53 on August 7th from mobile · Like

Cai Chang Lin, MD, heartfelt thank you to pay for all of Taiwan Dian Thank you
At 17:25 on August 7th from mobile · Like · 3

Chen Hongru Thank you for paying
At 19:51 on August 7 · Like · 1

Mego Wu Lin MD Thanksgiving good journey
At 7:41 on August 9 · Like

Do not punish the wicked Li Ming Tianduyingcai do? Dr. Lin Day Memorial underground deteriorated to the truth.

Chen Yijun ancients said okay ~ ~ everyone should "Rucker. Meritorious. Liyan," he are prepared


Shen Masao write:
Aug. 5
Dr Liang Lin Jie died.

Dr. Lin is a healer paradigm, not only pamper patient care, better care pamper this piece of land, all the time and effort dedicated to his patients with this piece of land.

Dr. Lin inherited Saving the world medical community in Taiwan, Fu-kuo righteous tradition for all younger Taiwanese doctors, doctors on the guidelines of a country, the medical world's Avenue.

Cherish the memory of Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin gratitude, but also to take over Dr. Lin left the glorious mission, love pamper patients had any energy, but also to care pamper this land. Photo: Liang Lin Jie physician died.

Dr. Lin is a healer paradigm, not only pamper patient care, better care pamper this piece of land, all the time and effort dedicated to his patients with this piece of land.

Dr. Lin inherited Saving the world medical community in Taiwan, Fu-kuo righteous tradition for all younger Taiwanese doctors, doctors on the guidelines of a country, the medical world's Avenue.

Cherish the memory of Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin gratitude, but also to take over Dr. Lin left the glorious mission, love pamper patients had any energy, but also to care pamper this land.

View another 30 comments

Lin Mei Chi distressed! Dismay! Admiration! Good doctor model! ~ ~
At 18:19 on August 5 · Like · 4

Xuesu Xia busy day, an on-line so people scared! Can not accept this sudden impermanence!
At 19:06 on August 5 · Like

Anny Lin so sad and shocked!

Dr Liang Lin Jie died.

Chang Gung Memorial Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology and death tug of war, to today, 12:42 Magic lost to disease Ma died at the age of 55 years
At 22:46 on August 5 · Like · Edited

Chen Chunqin gods love die young, should not go away, the walk and he's brave to go on ...... Oh! Sad!
At 18:45 on August 6th from mobile · Like


Wu Haifeng write:
Aug. 5
The sky was clear, flying hearts, naturally straightforward, Cimei smile, with the wind the sea, watching Shuitianyise, thoughts gradually Piaoyuan, self quietly disappearing, water to keep the body, Hydra its soul, at this moment, we only You want to quietly guarding for your weary heart, praying for you ------ [Liang Lin Jie physician] ----- We miss your ----

3 Share
116 individuals say praise.

Rosanna gods love die young (Dr. Lin)
Scourge left Millennium (State Housing cloth) days of man does not conform to A ......

Serena Chiu Wu Haifeng your way to make our voices
At 19:37 on August 5th from mobile · 3

Joey Lee may be a relief to leave but not really good longevity

Wu Haifeng have a margin to let go after a landscape; has a heart, insisted the Chinese are sincere. World, no one person is exactly the same opportunity with others, so alive, is lucky, on the treasure.

Sharon Tseng of Taiwan has one less a "conscience" of the people!!

Wu Haifeng wind singing the praises lifted tunes, revealing month tearful reflection, we lonely laughter, pale smile Zhu Fulin physician a good journey.
At 21:07 on August 5 · 5

Wu Haifeng I watch the sun shines for me, and then looked at it a deeply, Xi Jizhe to retain a little fragrance. Each recalled Dr. Lin, borrowed a familiar feeling of space and time, since we do not return.

Suhuai De grief! Saving countless lives ㄉ someone now ~ ~ good to go.

Yee Nyuk Fang Christ Jesus, our Heavenly goodbye! Hallelujah!

Wu Haifeng empathy, thank you.

Mary looked yesterday, Dr. Lin reported to interact with your family
The health of the people of Taiwan dedication. Endeavor
Even when faced with resistance Rao also insisted stance, very moved really sad
To dedicate his life to us
May God comfort his family greatly upon
At 10:24 on August 8 · 1

Wu Haifeng health is their own, in addition to themselves, other people who can do so anytime meticulous care? Liang Lin Jie, MD, we thank you for
At 20:33 on August 8 · 8

Taiwan's medical community spirit forever treasure ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Farewell paradigm often Liang Lin Jie beloved physician, you would like to take advantage of Taiwan's willing to come back guard!

[Liang Lin Jie children dismay knight away, pain Taiwan lost a good doctor]


Taiwan because of the light beam Challenger septic shock, organ failure, died Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, at the age of 55 years. Dr. Lin son dismay, thanks for concern.

6 photos https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater


Sad! Gods love die young, asshole forever retained, the scourge of impunity Hung case the bad guys, the scourge of left thousands of years, so unfair, not a forest physician, how to do!, The good doctor away.


With a conscience, deeply sad!

Days jealous pillars! Detoxification Dr. Lin lost to illness knight, died, whining, go!

From tainted milk, U.S. beef, plasticizing agent, poison to poison soy starch, Kangshang government, Liang Lin Jie worthy of conscience, do your best, like a social conscience. "This understanding, ㄏ ㄡ?" Devoted his life to food safety hesitate doubts, the most trusted poison physicians.

Selfless dedication, is the best example of leaving future generations, it is tough, thanks to Dr. Lin of Taiwan to pay! Too much poison in Taiwan, Lin practicing physician, I hope soon reincarnation, and then when the living Buddha. I am really requires you! Really sad, lost a good doctor in Taiwan

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIMkYOmyYbM

6 Photo https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater



Challenger beam social conscience

Forever Knight

Ultimately, we still lost the one good man, Liang Lin Jie died ~

Lost conscience living Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Bodhisattva mercy mercy ...


Liang Lin Jie

At 8/5 12:42 left us

The song in Canghaiyiqingxiao

Our good teachers good father a good physician conscience of society

Forever Knight

Left us

Really sad

Common people laugh no longer lonely
True portrayal of my father's life

Xiexie Lin health efforts with physicians for everyone!

Until the last

His heart is still in people's health


Dr. Lin is gone, he suggested not to use the 6th poison lid, Starbucks, etc. 7 still use Morse

Many photos: http://images.search.conduit.com/search?q = Lin + Jieliang & ctid = CT2233703 & searchsource = 1 & CUI = UN60988449424776776 & UM = UM_ID


He left Taiwan's conscience and courage to continue to give us the courage to fight against private interests spoof food industry

Gentle appearance, wearing black-rimmed glasses Challenger Liang Fengfan in people's minds, born Chinese family, reading Taipei Medical University). Infection nephritis, long-term dialysis, kidney study medicine, toxicology expert for the kidney foundation.

U.S. beef & plasticizing agent & food safety: Dr. Lin propaganda in the media food safety and environmental toxins, four lakes, Jimmy Liao, Taihsi multiple clinic.

Hammered poison authority, trying to save people, efforts to promote healthy eating concept, adhere less fat, salt, do not eat pickled, fermented, fried food, away from the poison.

Dr. Lin put incomprehensible medical knowledge for facile explanation, less rejected media, I hope to help people stay away from poison.

Coma four days later, his family could not bear to suffer, agreed extubation, 8/5 Liang Lin Jie physician due to septic shock, organ failure, died at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.


Look poison experts how to eat?

Expert tips eat healthy

Without superstition detoxification meal, macrobiotic diet

Life full of toxic pollution, eat, drink, use, toxins escape pollution, Venus nephrology clinical toxicology department director Liang Lin Jie, is the most authoritative experts in toxicology, implement antivirus everyday life of the road, really set! Puzih of Liang Lin Jie was born in Chiayi

Liang Lin Jie attended medical school suffering from nephritis almost cost him his life, thanks to rely on dialysis he returned, he was very cautious, almost nothing more than food!

Do not eat lettuce, avoid eating eggs bacteria; Do not rush to buy before the typhoon vegetables, to prevent farmers due to rush to buy, but also excessive pesticide residues in vegetables. Breakfast milk, bread, cereal, boiled eggs, do not eat bread, too much fat, trans fats are harmful to human. Liang Lin Jie believe that any kind of oil are good, grape seed oil, boiled, steamed or microwave, less oil. Eat foods in season there will be no pesticide residues, vegetables first with the flow of water immersion, has the skin of oranges, bananas, longan, litchi, had first washed and then peeled, washed in order to cut oranges, dates, wax apple cut off Paper only eat vegetables soaring, frozen vegetables instead. Eat rich seasonal small fish, mackerel, flying fish, flower, four broken fish, horse mackerel and saury are a good choice. Marine fish than freshwater fish, eat salmon anthropic smaller wild salmon, a large deep-sea fish too much toxins.

Eat chicken and chicken do not eat the skin, pork is an excellent choice with CAS mark meat. Do not eat raw food, do not eat offal, do not eat processed foods such as pickled sausage, fried chicken, buy fewer imports of fruits and vegetables, eat shelled seafood, eat more fruits and vegetables,

1) Avoid pickles, fried and processed foods. Salt and less sugar, less oil.
2) The fish eat small fish slap in the following, because big fish eat more fish, toxins will accumulate in the body. Try to eat fish, eat fish heads and guts, eat four a week or two.

3). Boiled or steamed foods to cook, the food is not bad, at least loss of nutrients.
4) Try to avoid the use of soy sauce, soy sauce because of a few companies in the brewing process may produce aflatoxin contamination.

5) Taiwan humid and hot, the food is easy to mold and produce aflatoxin, whole grains, noodles, glass noodles, Chinese need to save in the refrigerator once the moldy discarded immediately.
6) Buy the cheapest season seasonal vegetables, due to rapid growth, low prices, many farmers do not want to spend the pesticide. Do not eat lettuce,! Avoid eggs parasitic bacteria.

Liang Lin Jie, director of poison seems to have become safe to eat just defending angel waving a big sword expertise for public health checks.

HE Meiyu You live in the public mind, love Buddha, Thanksgiving ............

Jun Giglio to the ground as a Taiwanese allow me to say to you: good journey, we will take good care of yourself. Taiwan you are our glory and honor. Treasure goodbye.

Pan Maosheng good doctor? Knight? This is Taiwan's giant bar

Lillian Hsu Thank you, thank you, miss

Chieh Thank you for your selfless giving, a good journey! There is very kind of you.

Lin Li Namo Amitabha!

Amy Chang such good people, really sad, thank you so much for everyone to pay.

Thank you for your promise to pay the pilgrimage "thanksgiving" ㄧ good way to go. "We miss you" also asked the families of grief. "

Zhuangyou Li Dr. Lin Thank you for your dedication in Taiwan

Zhen Rong good journey ...... we thank you for your pay! !

SJ Lee I'm really sad

Cai Caijing Xiexie Lin physician holding ill still continue to provide our health Knut gatekeeper, you must be tired. Starting yesterday, you finally no longer have pain, you have a good rest, exhort that you leave your greatest asset, we will keep in mind and try to do it. I sincerely thank you for your, R.I.P.

Kelven Wu took the stick whom? Taiwan still has a good doctor do? Sad!

Yao Xuemei We will always remember you ah! A good journey! ! ! ! ! !

Jane Yi Chen also said not all with a thousand words, can only say thank you Dr. Lin.

Jane Victoria Christine Thank you for the good doctor just precious May you rest in peace commemoration You!

Thank you Cherie Yu Outward Taiwan people love and contribution! Good journey!

Vincent Jan greatness and his spirit will forever live on in our hearts the sea ~

Space blue courage to tell the truth physicians

Dr. Lin brunette wearing: a good journey, thank you for your

Lin Wang Yi, Taiwan's only doctor away

Weiwei Jing lost a good doctor's Taiwanese really Fubao, unwilling to face the new blood come in, we try to persuade their family members not to waste medical resources to take care of a good group of experienced doctors.
16 hours ago from mobile · Like · 1

Yao Haobin Oh ~ excellence premature death
16 hours ago from mobile · Like

Cong segment pedicle he was concerned people of the world while ignoring his own. There will always remember the kindness and moral courage of expert doctors

Sun Yuxiang I do not want the absence of your prayers, pray on your grade students, thanks!

CHEN Yajun Taiwan's missing is people like you, dare say not afraid of evil, not afraid of power. Instead Taiwan was left with several such people?

Amy Chen lost a good doctor!

Qiong Month May you willing to come back to take advantage of Taiwan's guardian

Dr. Lin Wu Ling Hui is praying

Hạnh Nguyên Hồ ông này nhìn giống nghệ sỹ văn hiệp gê

Peng Ning Ning grateful you pay for our health
Good journey

Zhang Yu Son Thank You! Thanksgiving You!

Huang Chu Zi Thanksgiving your selflessness. Thank you

Lisa my heart so sad!

Lisa Wang gods love die young do? Dr. Lin good journey ~

Calvin Hsu He also hard / pay for so many years, it is time to let him good rest!!!!

Zhengxiu E Aomi laugh, see everything worldly suffering, waved back, do the disciples of the Buddha

Zhengxiu E Aomi laugh, see everything worldly suffering, waved back, do the disciples of the Buddha ˙
11 hours ago from mobile · Like

Liu dogwood than having both hands ....

Tour Huiling Dr. Lin, you work hard, good journey!

TSAI SHUHUI carefully cherish their own health care, for Dr. Lin is the best blessing! Xinanling on safety.

Johnson Niu true Son of Taiwan!

Thank you to Dr. Lin Liu Xuan, has been Taiwanese sake, we will remember you for your good.

Hou Luqing Farewell Dear Dr. Lin

Joy Kao Taiwan's medical community spirit forever treasure ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ paradigm often

Liubi Yu Taiwan H.264/AVC SVC on hope that more doctors like Dr. Lin so, less political doctor.

Judy Lu we really love you, Taiwan owe you too much! Tired, please rest at ease now!

Husband and wife get along good and wise Dr. Lin, wish you a speedy recovery ~
Liang Lin Jie, MD, and his wife married for three years, Jian flounder Wife, she recalled yesterday whenever they have two little friction, Lin always said: "Why so angry? We are closest."

Liang Lin Jie Wife Tears collapse "May shortened to save her husband." | Apple Daily

Charles-Tsai ╱ 【Taipei】 domestic authority of toxicology, clinical toxicology Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, director Liang Lin Jie fell ill hospitalized on Friday, yesterday continued coma in the intensive care unit with ECMO (cardiopulmonary life-support systems), high antibiotic treatment. Lin's wife Tan Dunci guard three days, Qi Su husband yesterday for the first time appeared strong will to live, but could not bear to see him suffer again, "If you can, I would like to give him a life shortened." GCS Liang Lin Jie hospital revealed only three, the condition is not optimistic.

As the non-medical non-
August 2
Melamine turmoil, you
Plasticizer storm when you are in
Toxic soy event, you
Taiwan into a comprehensive food safety problem, you are

You are the conscience of Taiwan, Taiwanese pride
Pray for you ~ ~ God Bless You Photo: Melamine turmoil, you

Plasticizer storm when you are in
Toxic soy event, you
Taiwan into a comprehensive food safety problem, you are

You are the conscience of Taiwan, Taiwanese pride
Pray for you ~ ~ God Bless You
8,678 Like · · Share

Medical Labor Union shared a link.
Monday at the Taipei neighborhood
Liang Lin Jie, director of the domestic authority of toxicology at 12:42 today, died at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Healer model!

Detoxification expert Liang Lin Jie repeatedly beating death | Apple Daily
Whether illness and death, you and I had access to a doctor, "apple" Every Saturday, Sunday launched doctors column, major hospitals, recommended by the doctors in various fields, allowing readers a glimpse of their white robes under realistic life.

1,766 individuals say praise.


Medical Labor Union write:


[Video] [died] Liang Lin Jie Liang Lin Jie Cause of death: unknown virus stuffed pneumonia | news | 20130805 | Apple Daily

[Mrs Grace / Taipei】 toxicology authoritative physician Liang Lin Jie, died at noon today, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at 14:30 press conference stated Jessen Chau, vice president mourn the outset, said: "I want to declare a sad news, the Court Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, director of Clinical Toxicology Professor Lin Jieliang on August 5: 8/5/2013

Medical Labor Union http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/life/20130805/237180/

Lin Kuan Chih Thank you Dr. Lin!
"Good journey" I do not want to mention the words ... that Taiwan can not leave your blessing, Buddha, or put your away.
You really are the Buddha, I hope you can bless all the same with your "real" guardian of health care personnel to be healthy and safe.
Hear this news, the feeling is very intimate kind of sad to leave people suddenly. Less health checks you help everyone, how do?
You really are a "doctor", a good doctor, a good teacher ...
As your physician should how to do it, to do a perfect interpretation.
I hope you have a good rest, a good journey.

Liu Hui Wen doctor doctors on a model country

Jing Ying Chou Who will tell us? Poison real life face?
Dr. Lin: Thank you! !
A good journey!
Ready when the little angel! !
We must guard! !

Zhang You Jie little sad ...

Suzong Wei a good journey, sir.
Like · Reply · Monday 16:13

Gillian Lo so suddenly! Occupancy!!!

Wu Zheng Yue after tainted milk, clenbuterol, plasticizing agent, poison starch doubts along the way for the country people's true that the government awarded him issuing medical contribution

Liu Yuan sad!

Zhang Ling hard to find a good doctor, but why life is short.

Chun-Yi Ho healer model R.I.P

Ancient reliability assessment of earth so sad

Huang Shujuan bless you! Good journey

Chen Yixin bless you to another world of happiness ~

Zhuang Yuanfang Taiwanese run out of luck! Living Buddha back to heaven.

Lee Official write: Professional longer ... sad!!!

Ying-chu Lin Taiwanese pity ah ah really Fubao

Chen Baiyu Taiwan also lost, a good doctor

Strength of gratitude for your kind-heartedness dance, I wish you to follow the Buddha practice, a good journey, WAN edge down

Zhan beautiful Dr. Lin is a good example of Taiwanese doctors

Selina Lin day jealous of excellence!

Dennis full of good physicians: a good journey! Saving the world to another space and then, continuing your responsibility!

Aung Sang thank you for the efforts of people's health, I wish you in heaven carefree

Sf Leu Thank you just say so, paradise road a good journey!

Wedy Wang good not lonely, I believe there will be a miracle!

Jimmy B. Wang salvation of the country and people a good doctor, a good physician, everyone forget you! Amitabha!

Xiao Joss Bodhisattva, perfect virtue! You, I always keep in mind, thank you for everything in Taiwan!

Yong Xin Wang Wang While non-relative, but Dr. Lin saw on television gives the impression of not contrived, seen on television today, you leave, you can not describe the feeling really sad ......... .. we lost a good doctor, goodbye Dr. Lin! = .. =

Qiu Meiling we also lost a good doctor I wish him all the way ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ukraine really wish you in another world, like you did when alive practice Salvation

Chenjie Yi though you left! Everything we have done for us will remember - a good journey

Xiao Guowei heaven without poison, you can put down a ~> _ <~

Frank Yang now we quickly find a poison expert to succeed! ! ! ! Urgent

Chen wonderful very clean person. Also very self-discipline, Dr. Lin good journey

Jiangjia Yan We all live Venus community. Evening we a walk with them one can always meet. Saw them often trot. And laughing constantly. Always encouraged us to "get along with his family to cherish moments. Parents do children's example. Create a warm and happy atmosphere "so happy we have such good neighbors as a model! when doctors wife very hard. sake of her husband's mission. many families set aside time to give him benefit of all mankind. one shoulder and lower class families. really must have self-denial Love! Mrs. silence to pay. benefit people's contributions. really as much as doctors husband! Ms. Lin ~ sincerely thank you for!!

Li-Hui Chen Alas! Hung Chung had left a mound, and take place Dr. Lin, heart wrapped, which is life. (Alas go for a walk)

Chen OK Taiwan have talent times out

Blue Yuee without you, the maximum loss is Taiwanese

Vicky Chen recently, a lot of people back to heaven with the righteous

Vicente Tan write: God bless you

Dr. Lin Chen Jia Xin hope that you can be very happy in heaven

Wu Jinyuan dismay. . . . Taiwan's conscience, a good journey.

Nobility bed house too need this community really like this type of person I'm a physician
We thank Dr. Lin to pay
Good journey

Thank you for Taiwan's Wu really everything that you have done good, please rest assured to go ... I wish you a good journey ....

Mary Chang salute you

Guo Zhen is really a pity that at least one of the pillars of Taiwan ~ ~ ~ ~ Unfortunately,

Qiu Pingxi Wang, Taiwan, there is a second Liang Lin Jie physician ...!

Lin France expect again a Dr. Lin appeared as universal checks.

Shu-Fen Lu hey, tears streaming down this way, there are a lot of sadness! Taiwan can have several such respected model worth it? Probably gone!

Wang Jie Why do good people do not live to do?

Hung fortunate as we'll miss you. Good journey!!

Luxiu Zhi man's life is really fragile! Dr. Lin all the way

Linliqinlin physician Busch life countless sentient beings, given the Shengyuanzailai!

Dr. Lin Li Liqing good journey

Su Sei You are the pride of the people of Taiwan

Liu Changqing famous Golden Swordsman accompany him a good journey!

Chen Wei-Zhichao cry

Zhang Jun hereby thank you! A good journey!

Joy Chang "Why so angry? We are the closest people." <<<< Like


Liang Lin Jie physician is Taiwan's conscience, the pride of the people of Taiwan, Taiwan, have you, nice!

Melamine storm & plasticizer storm events when & toxic soy sauce, you are. Admirable hero hero!


Next Magazine shared the Next Magazine, One Person photos.

number one wirte:

Why a doctor's death, to the evening news headlines? Maybe we mourn not only the world's less of a good physician, but trust in the bankruptcy of the experts, full of lies Taiwan's society, we have one less person to tell the truth. The following is a 2008, Liang Lin Jie physicians to accept our magazine Interview.


Fionana Wu a physician, in his lifetime by it, to get the people's respect, leave this world, regardless of knowledge, do not know, and even an interview with reporters could not help choking back tears, Professor Lin should be before or since by it. Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin is everyone's.
Like · Reply · 29 · 9 hours ago

Like · Reply · 8 · 10 hours ago from Mobile

Ying-Hsiu Chang "life-saving device" Thank rescue emergency room to answer http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

Terrible flash combustion financial Yong consumer "life-saving devices" | fireman fire killed | Domestic News | BBC News

New Taipei City Fire Department firefighters allotment "life-saving device," as long as the firefighter in the fire does not move, it will send out a distress loud, tied for self-rescue equipment into the fire, so to hear the sound of firefighters help the trapped Expand colleagues' immediate relief. " Unfortunately, yesterday Taishan factory fire flashover, instant six Baidu burning melting temperatures above two firefighters lifesaving device, so that other players hard to rescue.

8/7/2013 15:30 / / / / /


Grief! Liang Lin Jie died! Liang Lin Jie alive still sparkle, detoxification of the King deserved to stay forever in the world of medical ethics ~! Compassionate doctors with lofty ideals hope he can pass <Yoshiyuki>

Liang Lin Jie, sudden death, widows Tan Dunci evening holding two son's hand, expressed his appreciation to the community.

Dr. Lin ......

Good journey ......
You really are a good good good good good doctor! ! !

Liang Lin Jie died mourning, memorial time Ming announced - free newsletter news

[WASHINGTON] toxicants authority said the Chang Gung Memorial today Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology (5) lost to illness, died Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie Tan Duici evening's widow holding two son's hand, expressed his appreciation to the community, also said

Grief! Liang Lin Jie died by the end of July last video still worried about food safety

Liang Lin Jie, the last recorded Eastern "now I know", still smiling. (Map / Eastern ...
Reporter Huang Ziwei / Taipei

Liang Lin Jie 8/5/2013 due to septic shock complicated by multiple organ failure unfortunately died. The last time he was by the end of July on the Eastern Consolidated Taiwan, "now I know" to talk about food phase, just on the 5th evening broadcast. Day of recording, Liang Lin Jie still his voice, his body did not feel there is anything abnormal, but the 2nd morning, he suddenly breathless, hospital emergency rescue, four days, the condition was stabilized, but eventually resigned not resist disease world, was aged 55.

Lin Jie Liang Yisheng committed to food safety hesitate to public doubts, after news of his death, all walks of life have expressed their condolence. Including anchor Xiaotong Wen, Lin Yi-Ru, HUANG Wen-hua et al, Xiao remembers that it is still a rookie when Liang Lin Jie always patiently answered every question, "Despite the news has not run for years, but as long as there is any poison and food safety issues, I always far away, say what should be racing to the Chang Gung Memorial, just to do one of your visit, because you are my mind, the most trusted poison physicians. "

Lin Yi as also said that although Dr. Lin to leave, but he left Taiwan, conscience and courage, will be able to continue to give us the courage to confront those who self-interest spoof ingredients industry. "Thank you for always earnestly remind everyone away from the poison; Thank you prefer when crows, point out that many people do not want to face the truth." While Huang Wenhua presided STV "Please tell me so, after" last Wednesday July 31 Liang Lin Jie was invited on the program, the sudden bad news for her heavy heart.

"Now I know," the 5th night 9-demand a "food with mistakes, physical injuries abounded?!" Liang Lin Jie mentioned, chocolate and milk recommended one hour before eating to be separated, or affect calcium absorption. Recording the day after the end of production units habits to help guests take pictures, who knows just as Liang Lin Jie, the last figure.


Taiwan's missing is the Liang Lin Jie such a person, not afraid of evil dare say, not afraid of strong

Right. Instead Taiwan was left with several such people?

Liang Lin Jie, MD - Taiwan's most precious good doctor
People who never miss a "knight"
Until the end, the heart is still tied to people's health
Thank Liang Lin Jie, exhort, your pay, your justice
We will remember every word written by Liang Lin Jie to commemorate You, May you rest in peace:

Use caution melamine tableware
Japan to play or eat Japanese food, do not forget to eat calcium
Eat corn fructose, reduce health damage
To drink more water, eat more high-fiber foods, eat high-fat foods
Prevention of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables ...

from: Dr Liang Lin Jie Liang Lin Jie fan page https://www.facebook.com/pages/ / 112269112124206 Photo: Liang Lin Jie, MD - Taiwan's most precious good doctor
People who never miss a "knight"

Until the end, the heart is still tied to people's health
Thank you for your caution, your pay, your justice
We will remember every word you wrote to commemorate you wish you rest in peace:
Use caution melamine tableware
Japan to play or eat Japanese food, do not forget to eat calcium
Eat corn fructose, reduce health damage
To drink more water, eat more high-fiber foods, eat high-fat foods
Prevention of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables ...

from physicians Liang Lin Jie Liang Lin Jie Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/ / 112269112124206


This below birthday cake for Dr. Lin.

[Foreign physicians good creative shape sponge cake

Image Quote from https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=409420359167238&set=a.319286624847279.68953.233742886734987&type=1&theater
Photo: [Foreign physicians good creative shape cake]


Venus physician Liang Lin Jie died, Taipei City Fire Chief Liu Mao et al today to offer condolences to the spirit before, thanks to Liang Lin Jie donated lifesaving device. Widow Tan Dunci the laptops come with ice and worship.

Liu Mao, who is mourning today is to thank Liang Lin Jie lifetime care for firefighters and donated 48 life-saving devices available to the Taipei City Fire Department Second Brigade of the players, firefighters, said Liang Lin Jie on July 30 after their consultation. Also arriving by car send "life-saving device" to the second brigade, but less than a few days, he died, people could not believe it.

Liu Mao as saying, the eldest son of Liang Lin Jie Lin Wang Zhen worked in Taipei City Fire Department Fire Substitute Ann points jersey, has been very concerned about the fire services, Liang Lin Jie also believe that during his lifetime as firefighters and doctors are life-saving work is very important, so When Lin Wang Zhen see Xinbei two brothers killed in the disaster relief, just discuss Liang Lin Jie, hoping to provide fire brigade to help. And Liang Lin Jie decided to donate 48 life-saving device to the second brigade, spent more than NT $ 200,000, the people moved.

In addition, today there are many doctors and nurses to worship before reborn chamber Liang Lin Jie Ling, Tan Duici also with a lifetime Liang Lin Jie common cup and laptop, because her husband love the work, but also love ice add water, bring Liang Lin Jie accustomed to using the cup, seems Liang Lin Jie did not leave.

Taipei eliminate hanging Liang Lin Jie gratitude to donate life-saving device | Social News | CNA CNA NEWS news
(Central News Agency reporter Bian Jinfeng Taoyuan County 7 (Xinhua)) Venus physician Liang Lin Jie died, Taipei City Fire Chief Liu Mao et al today to offer condolences to the spirit before, thanks to Liang Lin Jie donated lifesaving device. Widow Tan Dunci the laptops come with ice and worship.

Fionana Wu a physician, in his lifetime by it, to get the people's respect, leave this world, regardless of knowledge, do not know, and even an interview with reporters could not help choking back tears, Professor Lin should be before or since by it. Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin is everyone's.
Like · Reply · 29 · 9 hours ago

Like · Reply · 8 · 10 hours ago from Mobile

Ying-Hsiu Chang "life-saving device" Thank rescue emergency room to answer http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

Terrible flash combustion financial Yong consumer "life-saving devices" | fireman fire killed

New Taipei City Fire Department firefighters allotment "life-saving device," as long as the firefighter in the fire does not move, it will send out a distress loud, tied for self-rescue equipment into the fire, so to hear the sound of firefighters help the trapped Expand colleagues' immediate relief. " Unfortunately, yesterday Taishan factory fire flashover, instant six Baidu burning melting temperatures above two firefighters lifesaving device, so that other players hard to rescue.

8/7/2013 15:30 / / / / /

Nationwide mourning mourning! Detoxification authority Liang Lin Jie died: "lost Liang doctor"! Hulk lost excellence! Country lost pillars! Tears, kind hearted detoxification specialist Dr. Lin Jieliang 8/5 12:42 died at the age of 55 .

[Liang Lin Jie children dismay knight away, pain Taiwan lost a good doctor]

My God! Lost beam division! I also want to cry! Detoxification rights Weilin Jie Liang doctors, social conscience, forever knight died, really upset, and the common people laugh, no longer lonely! Live to make people admire 55 years. We admire the great "national good doctor," Dr. Lin Jieliang good knight detoxification Bodhisattva, a good journey! Jieliang doctors donated money and out of the heart (force), medical ethics stay forever in the world! Green Cross Health Network is Jieliang poison knowledge website !


Liang Lin Jie set up a "Green Cross" Jieliang pays 200,000 per year before study drug and 20 years of helping others and the countryside clinic admirable hero hero!


Thank you for the people of the forest health checks compassionate doctors physicians contribution! We will always remember Dr. Lin!
Dr. Lin Lin Wang Zhen Yu eldest son after his father died, Liang Lin Jie face book: "My father Liang Lin Jie at 12:42 left us."

Domestic Toxicology authority, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology coma, and the family could not bear their suffering, agreed extubation, Liang Lin Jie physician due to septic shock, organ failure, and death of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ Liang Lin Jie / 112269112124206

OMG R.I.P. grief!

video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

See the coffin, tears burst! Sad ah! Heartache! Want to see the results of grief! (; _ ;) Endless mourning the sad sad, a little contribution to the country's excellence! Jieliang was just spineless knight hero during his lifetime vows wife choked Xie care.
Tears collapse! Taiwan fewer doctors are medical ethics, gratitude is meaningful to people's life. Dr. Lin good journey ~ weep! So sad! Challenger sorghum physician was a very well respected doctor.

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, pass bad news = I am most worried and want to hear the sad news: dead.

Taiwan's conscience, one less! Taiwan's black heart, one not to leave! May God left it a conscience! Doctors died / Food Safety Battle not with Jen Ai no matter the light Zhi Renyong afraid of evil forces in Taiwan The Liang Lin Jie conscience knight, knight conscience benevolent doctor bluntly dare, heroic paradigm stay forever in the hearts! eldest son to follow the behest / Green Cross Health Network

Immortal Buddha reluctant, sad, lost Yangjae

My God! Lost beam division! Thunderbolt! I want to cry! Detoxification expert Jen Ai matter Bodhisattva Dr. Lin Jieliang great social conscience forever knight died, really upset, and the common people laugh, no longer lonely! Live 55 years to make people admire and we admire the good doctor Dr. Lin Jieliang nationals, a good journey! Jieliang doctors detoxification king deserved ~ Yoshiyuki the wind, ethics stay forever in the world! Liang Lin Jie sleeves clear, done nothing wrong, really gentleman, honest honest knight good doctor. scholarly, clank Strong! spared no efforts touching!

Taiwan because of the light beam Challenger septic shock, organ failure, died Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, at the age of 55 years. Dr. Lin son dismay, thanks for concern.

6 photos https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater


Sad! Gods love die young, asshole forever retained, the scourge of impunity Hung case the bad guys, the scourge of left thousands of years, so unfair, not a forest physician, how to do!, The good doctor away.


With a conscience, deeply sad!

Days jealous pillars! Detoxification Dr. Lin lost to illness knight, died, whining, go!

From tainted milk, U.S. beef, plasticizing agent, poison to poison soy starch, Kangshang government, Liang Lin Jie worthy of conscience, do your best, like a social conscience. "This understanding, ㄏ ㄡ?" Devoted his life to food safety hesitate doubts, the most trusted poison physicians.

Selfless dedication, is the best example of leaving future generations, it is tough, thanks to Dr. Lin of Taiwan to pay! Too much poison in Taiwan, Lin practicing physician, I hope soon reincarnation, and then when the living Buddha. I am really requires you! Really sad, lost a good doctor in Taiwan

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIMkYOmyYbM

6 Photo https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater



Challenger beam social conscience

Forever Knight

Ultimately, we still lost the one good man, Liang Lin Jie died ~

Lost conscience living Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Bodhisattva mercy mercy ...

Liang Lin Jie

At 8/5 12:42 left us

The song in Canghaiyiqingxiao

Our good teachers good father a good physician conscience of society

Forever Knight

Left us

Really sad

Common people laugh no longer lonely
True portrayal of my father's life

Xiexie Lin health efforts with physicians for everyone!

Until the last

His heart is still in people's health


Dr. Lin is gone, he suggested not to use the 6th poison lid, Starbucks, etc. 7 still use Morse

Many photos: http://images.search.conduit.com/search?q = Lin + Jieliang & ctid = CT2233703 & searchsource = 1 & CUI = UN60988449424776776 & UM = UM_ID


He left Taiwan's conscience and courage to continue to give us the courage to fight against private interests spoof food industry

Gentle appearance, wearing black-rimmed glasses Challenger Liang Fengfan in people's minds, born Chinese family, reading Taipei Medical University). Infection nephritis, long-term dialysis, kidney study medicine, toxicology expert for the kidney foundation.

U.S. beef & plasticizing agent & food safety: Dr. Lin propaganda in the media food safety and environmental toxins, four lakes, Jimmy Liao, Taihsi multiple clinic.

Hammered poison authority, trying to save people, efforts to promote healthy eating concept, adhere less fat, salt, do not eat pickled, fermented, fried food, away from the poison.

Dr. Lin put incomprehensible medical knowledge for facile explanation, less rejected media, I hope to help people stay away from poison.

Coma four days later, his family could not bear to suffer, agreed extubation, 8/5 Liang Lin Jie physician due to septic shock, organ failure, died at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.

Yao Haobin Oh ~ excellence premature death
16 hours ago from mobile · Like

Cong segment pedicle he was concerned people of the world while ignoring his own. There will always remember the kindness and moral courage of expert doctors

Sun Yuxiang I do not want the absence of your prayers, pray on your grade students, thanks!

CHEN Yajun Taiwan's missing is people like you, dare say not afraid of evil, not afraid of power. Instead Taiwan was left with several such people?

Amy Chen lost a good doctor!

Qiong Month May you willing to come back to take advantage of Taiwan's guardian

Dr. Lin Wu Ling Hui is praying

Hạnh Nguyên Hồ ông này nhìn giống nghệ sỹ văn hiệp gê

Peng Ning Ning grateful you pay for our health
Good journey

Zhang Yu Son Thank You! Thanksgiving You!

Huang Chu Zi Thanksgiving your selflessness. Thank you

Lisa my heart so sad!

Lisa Wang gods love die young do? Dr. Lin good journey ~

Calvin Hsu He also hard / pay for so many years, it is time to let him good rest!!!!

Zhengxiu E Aomi laugh, see everything worldly suffering, waved back, do the disciples of the Buddha

Zhengxiu E Aomi laugh, see everything worldly suffering, waved back, do the disciples of the Buddha ˙
11 hours ago from mobile · Like

Liu dogwood than having both hands ....

Tour Huiling Dr. Lin, you work hard, good journey!

TSAI SHUHUI carefully cherish their own health care, for Dr. Lin is the best blessing! Xinanling on safety.

Johnson Niu true Son of Taiwan!

Thank you to Dr. Lin Liu Xuan, has been Taiwanese sake, we will remember you for your good.

Hou Luqing Farewell Dear Dr. Lin

Joy Kao Taiwan's medical community spirit forever treasure ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ paradigm often

Liubi Yu Taiwan H.264/AVC SVC on hope that more doctors like Dr. Lin so, less political doctor.

Judy Lu we really love you, Taiwan owe you too much! Tired, please rest at ease now!

Husband and wife get along good and wise Dr. Lin, wish you a speedy recovery ~
Liang Lin Jie, MD, and his wife married for three years, Jian flounder Wife, she recalled yesterday whenever they have two little friction, Lin always said: "Why so angry? We are closest."

Liang Lin Jie Wife Tears collapse "May shortened to save her husband." | Apple Daily

Charles-Tsai ╱ 【Taipei】 domestic authority of toxicology, clinical toxicology Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, director Liang Lin Jie fell ill hospitalized on Friday, yesterday continued coma in the intensive care unit with ECMO (cardiopulmonary life-support systems), high antibiotic treatment. Lin's wife Tan Dunci guard three days, Qi Su husband yesterday for the first time appeared strong will to live, but could not bear to see him suffer again, "If you can, I would like to give him a life shortened." GCS Liang Lin Jie hospital revealed only three, the condition is not optimistic.

As the non-medical non-
August 2
Melamine turmoil, you
Plasticizer storm when you are in
Toxic soy event, you
Taiwan into a comprehensive food safety problem, you are

You are the conscience of Taiwan, Taiwanese pride
Pray for you ~ ~ God Bless You Photo: Melamine turmoil, you

Plasticizer storm when you are in
Toxic soy event, you
Taiwan into a comprehensive food safety problem, you are

You are the conscience of Taiwan, Taiwanese pride
Pray for you ~ ~ God Bless You
8,678 Like · · Share

Medical Labor Union shared a link.
Monday at the Taipei neighborhood
Liang Lin Jie, director of the domestic authority of toxicology at 12:42 today, died at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Healer model!

Detoxification expert Liang Lin Jie repeatedly beating death | Apple Daily
Whether illness and death, you and I had access to a doctor, "apple" Every Saturday, Sunday launched doctors column, major hospitals, recommended by the doctors in various fields, allowing readers a glimpse of their white robes under realistic life.
35 Like · · Share
Popular Comments
1,766 individuals say praise.

Medical Labor Union write: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20130805/237150/

[Video] [died] Liang Lin Jie Liang Lin Jie Cause of death: unknown virus stuffed pneumonia | news | 20130805 | Apple Daily


[Mrs Grace / Taipei】 toxicology authoritative physician Liang Lin Jie, died at noon today, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at 14:30 press conference stated Jessen Chau, vice president mourn the outset, said: "I want to declare a sad news, the Court Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, director of Clinical Toxicology Professor Lin Jieliang on August 5: 8/5/2013

Medical Labor Union http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/life/20130805/237180/

Lin Kuan Chih Thank you Dr. Lin!
"Good journey" I do not want to mention the words ... that Taiwan can not leave your blessing, Buddha, or put your away.
You really are the Buddha, I hope you can bless all the same with your "real" guardian of health care personnel to be healthy and safe.


Wu Haifeng
Aug. 5
The sky was clear, flying hearts, naturally straightforward, Cimei smile, with the wind the sea, watching Shuitianyise, thoughts gradually Piaoyuan, self quietly disappearing, water to keep the body, Hydra its soul, at this moment, we only You want to quietly guarding for your weary heart, praying for you ------ [Liang Lin Jie] ----- We miss your physician ---- photo: The sky was clear, flying hearts, outspoken nature , Cimei smile, with the wind the sea, watching Shuitianyise, thoughts gradually Piaoyuan, self quietly disappearing, water to keep the body, Hydra its soul, at this moment, we just want to quietly guarding you for your No heart, praying for you ------ [Liang Lin Jie, we miss your physician] ----- -----

3 Share
116 individuals say praise.

Rosanna gods love die young (Dr. Lin)
Scourge left Millennium (State Housing cloth) days of man does not conform to A ......
At 19:37 on August 5th from mobile · 2

Serena Chiu Wu Haifeng your way to make our voices
At 19:37 on August 5th from mobile · 3

Joey Lee may be a relief to leave but not really good longevity
At 19:50 on August 5 · 2

Wu Haifeng have a margin to let go after a landscape; has a heart, insisted the Chinese are sincere. World, no one person is exactly the same opportunity with others, so alive, is lucky, on the treasure.
At 20:15 on August 5 · 12

Sharon Tseng of Taiwan has one less a "conscience" of the people!!
At 20:48 on August 5 · 2

Wu Haifeng wind singing the praises lifted tunes, revealing month tearful reflection, we lonely laughter, pale smile Zhu Fulin physician a good journey.
At 21:07 on August 5 · 5

Wu Haifeng I watch the sun shines for me, and then looked at it a deeply, Xi Jizhe to retain a little fragrance. Each recalled Dr. Lin, borrowed a familiar feeling of space and time, since we do not return.
At 22:44 on August 5 & 7

Suhuai De grief! Saving countless lives ㄉ someone now ~ ~ good to go.
At 6:53 on August 6

Yee Nyuk Fang Christ Jesus, our Heavenly goodbye! Hallelujah!
At 8:11 on August 6 · 2

Wu Haifeng empathy, thank you.
At 19:22 on August 6 · 3

Mary looked yesterday, Dr. Lin reported to interact with your family
The health of the people of Taiwan dedication. Endeavor
Even when faced with resistance Rao also insisted stance, very moved really sad
To dedicate his life to us
May God comfort his family greatly upon
At 10:24 on August 8 · 1

Wu Haifeng health is their own, in addition to themselves, other people who can do so anytime meticulous care? Liang Lin Jie, MD, we thank you for
At 20:33 on August 8 · 8

Taiwan's medical community spirit forever treasure ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Farewell paradigm often Liang Lin Jie beloved physician, you would like to take advantage of Taiwan's willing to come back guard!

[Liang Lin Jie children dismay knight away, pain Taiwan lost a good doctor]
Dr Liang Lin Jie dare say afraid of evil, not afraid of power of the chivalrous spirit! Canghaiyiqingxiao! Detoxification knight Liang Lin Jie HEARTLAND "Green Cross" website, the countryside clinic 20 years! Mindful of food safety! (100 photos)
(103 photos below) nationwide mourning mourning! Detoxification authority Liang Lin Jie died: "lost Liang doctor"! Hulk lost excellence! Country lost pillars! Tears, kind hearted detoxification specialist Dr. Lin Jieliang 8/512: 42, died at the age of 55 years.

Taiwan's medical community spirit forever treasure ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Farewell paradigm often Liang Lin Jie beloved physician, you would like to take advantage of Taiwan's willing to come back guard!
Dr Liang Lin Jie dare say afraid of evil, not afraid of power of the chivalrous spirit! Canghaiyiqingxiao! Detoxification knight Liang Lin Jie HEARTLAND "Green Cross" website, the countryside clinic 20 years! Mindful of food safety! (100 photos)
(103 photos below) nationwide mourning mourning! Detoxification authority Liang Lin Jie died: "lost Liang doctor"! Hulk lost excellence! Country lost pillars! Tears, kind hearted detoxification specialist Dr. Lin Jieliang 8/512: 42, died at the age of 55 years.

Taiwan's medical community spirit forever treasure ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Farewell paradigm often Liang Lin Jie beloved physician, you would like to take advantage of Taiwan's willing to come back guard!

[Liang Lin Jie children dismay knight away, pain Taiwan lost a good doctor]

[Health] Dr. Lin Jieliang final caution

Even the experts do not dare eat poison the food you dare eat it? Liang Lin Jie and what regimen Tip? What are the principles of healthy eating? Daily diet, and what potential poisoning risk? Liang Lin Jie to take his life with us spy on diet, how to implement the anti-virus vulnerable to the attack of the Road!

Liang Lin Jie physician is Taiwan's conscience, Taiwanese pride = upright spineless hero to take care of people's benevolence, against profiteers Yong Zhi Renyong both RIP; May you rest in peace!

103 photos: https://www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.559192887449475.1073741835.100000763055653&type=1

video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

Liang Lin Jie, MD, Taiwan used to have you, nice!

Melamine storm & plasticizer storm events when & toxic soy sauce, you are. Admirable hero hero!

Taiwan's missing is people like you, dare say not afraid of evil, not afraid of power. Instead Taiwan was left with several such people?

************************************************** ***

His son's words:

There are many people these days want to come to expressing condolences
But can not do so
Deeply grateful and sorry
Due to a small place and their emotional confusion
Please forgive me

Please Xianzhi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation Building, memorial district tribute to Dr. Lin

Or at 8/23/2013 morning in Taipei to participate in a second funeral parlor

Dr. Lin send with final journey

************************************************** ***************

My God! Lost beam division! I also want to cry! Detoxification Wang Ren Ren heart surgery Dr. Lin Jieliang, social conscience, forever knight died, really upset, and the common people laugh, no longer lonely! Live to make people admire 55 years and we admire the great "national good doctor," Dr. Lin Jieliang good knight detoxification Bodhisattva, a good journey! Jieliang doctors donated money and out of the heart (force), medical ethics stay forever in the world! Green Cross's Health Network is Jieliang Toxicological Knowledge Website! http://www.greencross.org.tw/

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j0K27MndYBk # at = 52

Liang Lin Jie set up a "Green Cross" Jieliang pays 200,000 per year before study drug and 20 years of helping others and the countryside clinic admirable hero hero! Liang Lin Jie, 7/30 pays 210,000 donated 48 life-saving devices


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Liang Lin Jie, a simple "this understanding, ㄏ ㄡ?", With his sudden death of a famous classic vanish ..... medical community lost a giant with a conscience

[Liang Lin Jie Qing refused to speak to defend sleeves Food Safety]

"To walk upright and uncorrupted in principle, because you go to speak, to take advantage of others, how to say bad people?"

Read the news "http://bit.ly/15z70Jb



FROM: Liang Lin Jie FB
6 hours ago from Mobile

There are many people these days want to come to expressing condolences
But can not do so

We are deeply grateful to the families and sorry
Due to a small place and their emotional confusion
Please forgive me!

Please Xianzhi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation Building, memorial district tribute to Dr. Lin
Or at 8/23/2013 morning in Taipei to participate in a second funeral parlor
Dr. Lin to send us the final leg!


[Next TV News] outspoken and forthright good doctor Liang Lin Jie sudden death people sad, tearful wife Tan Duici is finally agreed to let her husband Canghaiyiqingxiao, accompanied by the song, the end of fifty-five years of life; Then you review the simple, yet with great good doctor.


HEARTLAND Liang Lin Jie poison knight set up a "Green Cross" poison knowledge sites, countryside clinic 20 years!

Venus physician Liang Lin Jie died, Taipei City Fire Chief Liu Mao et al today to offer condolences to the spirit before, thanks to Liang Lin Jie donated lifesaving device. Widow Tan Dunci the laptops come with ice and worship.

Liu Mao, who is mourning today is to thank Liang Lin Jie lifetime care for firefighters and donated 48 life-saving devices available to the Taipei City Fire Department Second Brigade of the players, firefighters, said Liang Lin Jie on July 30 after their consultation. Also arriving by car send "life-saving device" to the second brigade, but less than a few days, he died, people could not believe it.

Liu Mao as saying, the eldest son of Liang Lin Jie Lin Wang Zhen worked in Taipei City Fire Department Fire Substitute Ann points jersey, has been very concerned about the fire services, Liang Lin Jie also believe that during his lifetime as firefighters and doctors are life-saving work is very important, so When Lin Wang Zhen see Xinbei two brothers killed in the disaster relief, just discuss Liang Lin Jie, hoping to provide fire brigade to help. And Liang Lin Jie decided to donate 48 life-saving device to the second brigade, spent more than NT $ 200,000, the people moved.

In addition, today there are many doctors and nurses to worship before reborn chamber Liang Lin Jie Ling, Tan Duici also with a lifetime Liang Lin Jie common cup and laptop, because her husband love the work, but also love ice add water, bring Liang Lin Jie accustomed to using the cup, seems Liang Lin Jie did not leave.

Taipei eliminate hanging Liang Lin Jie gratitude to donate life-saving device | Social News | CNA CNA NEWS news

(Central News Agency reporter Bian Jinfeng Taoyuan County 7 (Xinhua)) Venus physician Liang Lin Jie died, Taipei City Fire Chief Liu Mao et al today to offer condolences to the spirit before, thanks to Liang Lin Jie donated lifesaving device. Widow Tan Dunci the laptops come with ice and worship.


Liang Lin Jie college studying at the Taipei Medical College (now Taipei Medical University), nephritis infection during the study, and then requires long-term dialysis, and thus contributed to his subsequent study of Nephrology, and laid its foundation for a kidney poison expert. In recent years, long-term propaganda in the media food safety and environmental toxicology and clinic work, Yunlin County, Taiwan has to Four Lakes, Jimmy Liao, Taihsi multiple clinic ...

※ More Liang Lin Jie News: http://goo.gl/KWN9wz

※ Some information Source: Wikipedia
[Today's figures] Liang Lin Jie (June 30, 1958 - August 5, 2013)

Liang Lin Jie college studying at the Taipei Medical College (now Taipei Medical University), nephritis infection during the study, and then requires long-term dialysis, and thus contributed to his subsequent study of Nephrology, and laid its foundation for a kidney poison expert. In recent years, long-term propaganda in the media food safety and environmental toxicology and clinic work, Yunlin County, Taiwan has to Four Lakes, Jimmy Liao, Taihsi multiple clinic ...

※ More Liang Lin Jie News: http://goo.gl/KWN9wz

※ Some information Source: Wikipedia

NOWnews.com News Today
No battle is not with the food safety of Liang Lin Jie died, aged 55 years was
Taiwan society less a "conscience" knight ...

Please [doctors died / food safety battle is not with no conscience Liang Lin Jie knight]


No battle is not with the food safety of Liang Lin Jie died, aged 55 years was
Taiwan society less a "conscience" knight ...

Please [doctors died / food safety battle is not with no conscience Liang Lin Jie knight]



Photo: [Xiaobian newspaper headlines]

Apple: Liang Lin Jie died only 55 years old who have lost Hulk
→ http://www.cna.com.tw/Topic/Popular/3889-1.aspx

10 hours ago
In addition to sadness, there are more hearts sigh ....

"Canghaiyiqingxiao! "Health knight" Liang Lin Jie gone "

"Liang Lin Jie set up a" Green Cross "countryside clinic 20 years."

"Specialization Toxicology Liang Lin Jie heart food security"

[May you rest in peace RIP Dr Liang Lin Jie]

Domestic poison expert Liang Lin Jie Today 12:42 died at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, was 55 years old.

Dr. Lin, though not a soldier, but the wisdom to distinguish right and wrong, to take care of people's benevolence, courage against profiteers, Jhihren

Yong both, should enter Temple Shrine?

Taiwan lost an honest man of character heroes, thank you to all who pay in Taiwan, I wish you a good journey


Liang Lin Jie physician is Taiwan's conscience, the pride of the people of Taiwan, Taiwan, have you, nice!

Melamine storm & plasticizer storm events when & toxic soy sauce, you are. Admirable hero hero!


Next Magazine shared the Next Magazine, One Person photos.

number one wirte:

Why a doctor's death, to the evening news headlines? Maybe we mourn not only the world's less of a good physician, but trust in the bankruptcy of the experts, full of lies Taiwan's society, we have one less person to tell the truth. The following is a 2008, Liang Lin Jie physicians to accept our magazine Interview.


◎ doctors should do Liang Lin Jie

This wave of melamine storm, Liang Lin Jie media commentary on almost every day, to make recommendations on policy, because he is a nephrologist, is the only professor of toxicology.
Practice twenty years, he faced numerous poison. He founded Green Cross medical teams, in addition to the countryside clinic, but also exposed that many factories pollute the environment, often against toxic products manufacturers.
As a nephrologist, they actually dialysis patients, almost killed when a serious illness that field, so that he was pressing for life, he did not stop to see the doctor, research, and writing a book promotion antivirus common sense, because life is priceless insight .

Every picture are covered with filth grease, charred scrap cable, hardware, piled into a seat as purgatory hideous capers and writhing snakes Hill, Blackwater flowing, toxic smoke slowly, forcing the poor do not know or refused to take a terrible the lives of workers, in the mountains of picking a special metal processing DoD do sell bullets; Children in this arrangement of metal toxicity evil businessman facing the camera field exposed innocent smile, after a few years they will be tasted from the depths of the bone marrow issued teeth pain, or dialysis, liver disease, cancer of the tortured, dying just naively complain Daiming this life, but I do not know his body was in fact toxic.

】 【Toxins everywhere
Fifty-one old Liang Lin Jie Chang Gung Memorial Hospital is a nephrologist, is unique in Taiwan toxicology professor, he called out those old files from the computer, which has participated in the school he was a student volunteer teams pollution survey, there he established 20 years ago by doctors and medical students consisting of "Green Cross Medical Services team," they detect potential areas of Kaohsiung County Local serious pollution caused by oil refineries, many people suffer from chronic lung disease; Next Township, Kaohsiung County is scrap metal, and then point the mouse is Erren River burning scrap cable ...

"Ignorance behind boss sacrifice the health of workers, to make a fortune selling our environment have a factory, blue and green parties are money, reporters, temples, village officers, all packed up, the people become the victims who did not sound entirely, only silently accept the crippling government for economic, pollution is always an eye, close one eye. "

His thin lips gently said, calm tone of pity mingled with frustration interest, but less angry.

This wave of melamine storm, Liang Lin Jie media commentary on almost every day, this is not the first time, every time there is poison events, ranging from the environment, food contamination and drug problems, small snake bites, bee stings, and even hit the headlines of Chen Hung Chen Li Taian brothers suspected of being poisoned murder, will ask his analysis.

[Family] priceless
For pollution, twenty years, Liang Lin Jie, the gas is gas too, when he was young residents of the plant poison extremely angry, open press conference expose evil, and every time aroused shock, people know that Taiwan has been poisoned deep, we eat, drink, breathe, are subject to aflatoxin contamination, but also further reflection, Taiwan in a short time by destroying the environment, save the world's first human lives sacrificed in foreign exchange reserves, they have to spend many times more pollution save time and money, not necessarily to restore the original mountains.

However, in 1991, Green Cross and Academia Sinica cooperation, nuclear power plant chromosomal mutation investigation, because the budget is low, in a limited survey template did not find the problem, "The result was a threat of environmental groups called to say that you want to class, the students Be careful of these students are the parents of the baby, how can harm home? pollution investigation so I will not do. "He smiled, mouth pushing slim face a pleated said;" We went to the poorest regions clinic, are saving thing. "

Liang Lin Jie has summer vacations will discharge time countryside clinic, he said he probably grew up in the countryside, like the country. He was born in Chiayi Puzih this small town, ancestors four generations of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine operate his father, but he is the third of five brothers and sisters, there are three doctors. Parents are busy doing business, and he was brought up by her grandmother, "junior high school after I left home, the more read farther from home, so I am very family oriented."

Speaking of family, his face soft as silk on the line, Oh laughs his wife only a little old, but looks young and beautiful. Weekend afternoon, for us to visit, he postponed a week with his family hiking activities, in the past I always thought that doctors have high salaries, live in luxury, did not think he was very frugal home furnishings, everything looks have spent many years, Only the children of each unit was awarded a certificate and a medal or appreciation Liang Lin Jie is gradually added. He did not study, on the living room next to the desk, he can work, while his family.

Liang Lin Jie is a nephrologist, a lot of people who have poisoned dialysis, he began to learn poison. Toxicology in the domestic health care system is unpopular subjects, but in the eyes of Liang Lin Jie, but it is important to be able to save countless subjects: "I'm a professor of nephrology, only to take care of kidney patients, but as soon as I find a toxin that affects the health and salvation tens of thousands of people, even healthy people can take care of. "

[Hardship] stubborn way
Who knows which door unpopular research, trouble less than pollution survey, if Liang Lin Jie announced a product harmful, is not accompanied by vendors sent letters as evidence that intimidation and inducements; also often manufacturers or government departments looking for him to give a speech or meeting, in fact, to his policy or product endorsement.

"Two years ago, there are some cosmetic chromium, are not allowed to contain this substance United States, Taiwan, said no rules, we go to the meeting, I said that even if industrial pollution is not highly toxic chromium, chromium can lead to allergies general, to plus warnings on the packaging, Pharmaceutical Affairs is not. "Later Liang Lin Jie locate a document CLA found chromium content of cement required actually is lower than the cosmetics, angrily complained to the Department of Health.

Whether pollution investigation or blew the whistle black heart products, are working to offend people, but opponents are powerful and influential vendors, Liang Lin Jie stubbornly fight, to provoke a lot of trouble, which he said dismissively: "These products threaten public health This is a doctor should do. "

His wife was a nurse, she recalled the first time Liang Lin Jie impression was: "When he became resident physicians, nurses are afraid of him to the emergency room duty, because generally speaking, first aid thirty minutes invalid, the death sentence, But he has done more than one hour, unless the patient's family to give up his only stop, nurses are very tired, he because dialysis, arms buried a fistula, can not contribute, but he was desperate to do cardio massage. "

I looked at Liang Lin Jie traces left arm surgery, doctors do not guess maybe he had been to save abandon, so he is also the case save, or maybe he would tell me: "Life is full of miracles." But when he Yue Fang he said, in order to let his children be treated with a disapproving eye, do not want to openly talk about his illness, only vaguely said: "I read the medical school suddenly have nephritis, the cause is not clear up to now."

[Ill] change your life
He was not even around during the past very few people mention that his wife is also from him in order to encourage dialysis patients, particularly in the dual role of doctors and patients is written in the book that vague outline: "He was very ill, a attack soon suffocate his mother told me that when he made a wish and hope the gods to give him a little more time, let him do more to save things. probably gods heard his prayer. "

This disease not only let Liang Lin Jie decided to delve into the kidneys, but also prompted him to accelerate the pace of the impermanence of life, put their knowledge to the world to save all know, in addition to outpatient clinic, he also conducted many studies, but also teach people to write a book Avoid toxic life. One doctor said: "Many doctors write papers as the promotion pipeline, once rose high, do not do research, but Liang Lin Jie been working very hard, which is very rare in the medical community."

Liang Lin Jie published many important medical papers, including a lead on human impact research papers, had boarded the internationally renowned clinical journal "New England Journal of Medicine," Taiwan has only eight medical papers were published. And his thesis is not only statistical data, there are ways to save last year, an Indian doctor wrote to him, and said 100,000 people a year in India Paraguay pesticide poisoning, he looked Liang Lin Jie, a survival rate of four percent will be raised to eighty percent of the papers, the saved a lot of people.

Never give up [rescue]
Liang Lin Jie said: "I often tell young doctor, when doctors give up, the patients will never hope I when the total physicians, there is a young doctor eat Chinese Results potassium poisoning, should fall to a heart attack during dialysis, a first aid hour is also invalid, called other physicians continue to pressure the heart, I give him access machine, the blood into the dialysis machine, the results have twenty minutes to wash the blood pressure, fifty minutes after waking up. "he invented this method, also published in the world's leading medical journals, has now become a medical textbook.

Then there are a number of toxic Liang Lin Jie newspaper called to ask the question, he went to the balcony reply, hang up the phone, I go out, Liang Lin Jie said: "In recent years the black heart of the food problem so serious that this year's budget is only food hygiene eighty million yuan , the country is less than four yuan per minute, more than a hundred COA feed tube, pipe, only two dozen food hygiene and last year I attended the Department of Health, the National Food Survey dioxin conference, food management, the Commissioner said dioxin survey spent a lot of money, so far, I say this to the people such an important matter, how can you stop here? "

He bared his helpless smile, but the work suffered injustice, death, and despair are the denial of the door at home, so we were watching downstairs green park, he said: "I like it here, ten years ago when we moved , my big son said, we do not move, okay? Oh ... "and then he says with feeling:" I also want to be the eldest son of a doctor, but I told him to be a good doctor is very hard ... "Then he Looking at the gray sky, Touyemeihui said: "Doctors should not give up on life, I'm doing these only the doctors to do, is not it?"

Postscript】 【interview before Liang Lin Jie, listen to colleagues, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital has a backdoor chicken stalls, juicy flesh delicious, my mouth full of tears drop, vowed after the interview must bite a big mouth.

But listen Lim couple said, our most favorite fast food, barbecue, tofu are harmful to health, hear my mouth bitter, photographers Ahhh called, so I secretly vowed never eat fried foods.

But on the way home, after a pool of fried chicken, chicken, squid, basil, fried Bobo beep sound of my oath to pieces fried pastry, and finally only chew chicken while singing: But how can Chennai, but why I still miss you; But how can Nye, who told me like you ...

Box: [Liang Lin Jie, how to eat]

1 Avoid pickles, fried and processed foods. Salt and less sugar, less oil.
(2) The following fish eat small fish slap, because the big fish and more fish will accumulate toxins in the body. Try to eat fish, eat fish heads and guts, eat four a week or two.
3 boiled or steamed foods to cook, microwave oven can also be used so that food does not degenerate, minimal loss of nutrients.

4 Try to avoid using soy sauce, soy sauce because of a few companies in the brewing process may produce aflatoxin contamination.
5 Taiwan humid and hot, the food is easy to mold and produce aflatoxin, whole grains, noodles, glass noodles, Chinese need to save in the refrigerator once the moldy discarded immediately.
6 buy the cheapest season seasonal vegetables, due to rapid growth, low prices, many farmers do not want to spend the pesticide.
Do not eat lettuce, avoid eggs parasitic bacteria.

7 before the typhoon, buy leguminous vegetables easy to save, prices or tubers during buy frozen vegetables because farmers may be refused if the price has just spilled pesticides and eager to rush in the harvest.
8 homes have concerns about drinking water safety is best to install reverse osmosis machine, can be directly consumed, although the reverse osmosis water dispenser may be filtered out minerals, but by the food supplement.

9. Appropriate use MSG, without a large soup bone or visceral, because heavy metals and toxic substances, easy to accumulate in the bone or visceral.
10 more water can expel toxins.

(Author: Zhou Jiarui Photography: Kuang Chung Lim, Wang Yu Yan)

Why a doctor's death, to the evening news headlines? Maybe we mourn not only the world's less of a good physician, but trust in the bankruptcy of the experts, full of lies Taiwan's society, we have one less person to tell the truth. The following is two ○ ○ eight years, Liang Lin Jie physicians to accept our magazine Interview.



Dr Liang Lin Jie toxicology research paradigm away, the hearts of infinite regret! Green Cross Health Network is finishing his lifetime knowledge of poisons site! Information to help everyday life antivirus. "Come in, have to" plan will continue to send Young his spirit.


I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you!!!

Thanks to the efforts of Dr Liang Lin Jie dedication!!!



Liang Lin Jie died Venus: Can not find the source of infection

The establishment of "Professor Lin Jieliang Research Fund"

Liang Lin Jie died so many people give up (Liang Lin Jie lifetime photo taken from face book)

WASHINGTON August 5, 2013 Reuters (Epoch Times reporter Xu Naiyi Taiwan Taoyuan reports) have domestic "poison expert" reputation of the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, 5th appear multiple organ failure complicated by septic shock, Venus Jessen Island Hospital, vice president, said Liang Lin Jie sign of life has been quite weak, and the family continue to suffer because of a reluctance to Liang Lin Jie decided to extubation, because no bacteria, analyzing viral infections, but also because no source of infection, treatment is difficult.

http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/8/5/n3933852.htm Liang Lin Jie died - Venus - can not find the source of infection -. html

Liang Lin Jie son on Facebook at noon, "said the Canghaiyiqingxiao anthem, the father Liang Lin Jie, leaving at 12:42. Good father, good doctors, good teachers, social conscience, forever knight, left, really so sad, common people laugh, no longer lonely, really is a portrayal of my father's life. "

Medical team, said Liang Lin Jie 2, ED visits, hospital care, medical team have formed, the continued use of extracorporeal membrane and high antibiotic active treatment, however, Liang Lin Jie is still due to lung infection complicated by multiple organ failure, unfortunately, in at 12:42 on the 5th died at the age of 55 years.

Past domestic outbreak of food safety, toxic events, must have seen slim physique, speaking slowly, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, resounding exposition from tainted milk, U.S. beef, plasticizing agent, poison to poison sauce starch , almost no labor not associated with, more often Kangshang government, Liang Lin Jie said that "his talk the talk, worthy of conscience, do your best," says like Taiwan's social conscience.

Liang Lin Jie itself nephrologist, professor of toxicology wealth of knowledge, his outspoken, blunt personality, coupled with often face the media, very patient, always like a teacher to teach students in general, answered every question patiently, mantra "This Son, you have to understand, "friendly attitude is 箇中 key.
Liang Lin Jie 2 morning by ambulance sent to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital emergency room that afternoon dress ECMO in critical condition, lung infection complicated by systemic multiple organ failure, to the 5th at noon in the family dismay him suffer and extubation, just four days that forever.

Medical team, said Liang Lin Jie Chang Gung Memorial Hospital admiration major long-term concern the public food safety issues in clinical toxicology studies with kidney Acclaimed hospital will plan established Professor Lin Jieliang Research Fund, so that the spirit of backward renewable Liang Lin Jie, guard public health.

(Editor: Lvmei Qi)

But he left Taiwan, conscience and courage, will be able to continue to give us the courage to confront those who self-interest spoof ingredients industry


[Next TV News]
Domestic Toxicology authority poison physicians Liang Lin Jie Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, got up this morning, I feel difficulty in breathing, seven thirteen rushed to Chang Gung Memorial emergency, after chest X-rays and found that pulmonary edema, pulmonary water phenomenon, medical team immediately arranged for dialysis treatment, the disease has gradually improved, noon turn ordinary ward, but three in the afternoon disease progression, sub-ICU, emergency put on ECMO, the current unstable vital signs.

Dismay! Good doctor Liang Lin Jie sudden death "Canghaiyiqingxiao" accompanied

Niuchangchih suspected poison "died waiting Report" choking wife
2013-08-06 18:40
The National Health checks Liang Lin Jie "Final Reminder"

************************************************** *******

[Next TV News]
Poison authority Liang Lin Jie ends 55 years of life, but he left the contribution of the people, but how would not be enough, because he was a universal health checks to shoulder the heavy responsibility, as he always earnestly wants everyone to a balanced diet, "Do not eat processed foods, pickled foods "," buy seasonal fruits and vegetables, "buy back" ingredients must be cleaned, "Now we come to the final review these physicians Liang Lin Jie exhort.
Liang Lin Jie Tan Dunci widow said, the younger son most sticky Dad, go home yesterday, his head buried in the pillow Wen Liang Lin Jie's father's taste, the younger son said, feeling my father did not leave, so the cry ... (Xiaobian burst feel sad .. .)


● died of poison authority Liang Lin Jie Chang Gung Memorial Hospital physician 12:42

● suspected virus infected tricky died Liang Lin Jie

● Liang Lin Jie: no matter how busy, but also to accompany the baby grow up together
(Http://tinyurl.com/kymcz2t) (2 photos)

Liang Lin Jie, the doctor of your child's education wisdom, it is rewarding!
1 Dr. Lin home without TV, which allows children to find fun books.
(2) do not have the money to meet the children, accompanied them sports, hiking, kite flying is the best entertainment.
3 let the child eat hamburgers and cola, because caffeine is not good for kids.

And Dr. Lin's children is very good, two children were 3 years old learn on their own literacy, reading. One admitted to medical radioactive series, a tutorial but it is not first class ~

See full udn-http :/ / mag.udn.com / mag / people / printpage.jsp? F_ART_ID = 469507

People always cherish the memory of Dr Liang Lin Jie


Liang Lin Jie physician because of septic shock, causing organ failure, lost to the disease died at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, which is his dedication to what they have learned to work hard place, very sad. "Heartache, sadness, is Taiwan's huge loss."

Liang Lin Jie sleeves clear, done nothing wrong, true gentleman, a good example of true dismay. Incorruptible integrity knight good doctor. Scholarly clank Strong!


Anchor Huang Wenhua write:
Liang Lin Jie, MD, will meet weekly video expert, always serious and professional, I did not expect Wednesday recording, and everything was good, but suddenly fell ill on Friday.


En text Happy Kitchen write:

Evening as well, because Liang Lin Jie physician left.

Taiwan has many outstanding elite, but good social conscience, but there are countable Laos and Laos. Dr. Lin is definitely the era of the model.

Dr. Lin once and the same stage several times, also visited Dr. Lin, regardless of whether other people disagreed with him, he always bland, clear argument was clear, both by the research cited. In today's full of conflicts of interest, hatred and prejudice in society, he fortitude and calm, focused and passionate.

Compared to other experts on television commentator, and talk about the North Korean crisis will analyze the typhoon dynamics, but also understands familiar shady military nuclear power, we can say the survival of polar bears, it is the British royal analyst. Dr. Lin 55 years of his life, only know, like, poison research, but he calm and quiet, and professional and modestly. He traveled alone figure, compared to another group of guilty but claws, but nothing of this man singing is superb, as if his departure was to give Taiwan a rethink of righteousness and truth opportunities.

Dr. Lin died, of course, sad sad, but in fact even more sad is that this piece of land that most people may not know what they really lost.


Xiaotong Wen write:

Tomorrow and impermanence, you never know which will go first.

Director Lin, thank you in 13 years ago, I was just a rookie just take medicine line, the answer to my call patiently for me to explain a variety of heavy metals on the human body.

Thank you face I always temporary one phone - "Lin, MD, please you have to accept my interview, even five minutes is good" requirement, never refused me.

Although the news has not run for years, but I still remember, as long as there is any follow-toxic and food safety-related news, I always far away, say what should be racing to the Chang Gung Memorial, just to make you a visit, because you are my mind, the most trusted poison physicians.

Xiexie Lin Director bless you a good journey.

Regret! Liang Lin Jie, died at the age of 55 years old physician 12:42 | Life | news | 2013/08/05 | news | Next TV NextTV


"Please tell me this over to Liang Lin Jie physician's letter"

We believe that people are always forgetful
And you always take the trouble
Whenever food hygiene problems again
People on the gorgeous packaging and in advertisements languages
Mountain Mungo inspection certificate has repeatedly disappointed
See your fearless stand in front of the camera
Softly exhort people in every palpitation
Enron also many Huangkong

Once you are not afraid to ask privately maker attack?
Your gentle and firm, said: "Just do the right thing, do not be afraid."
The record before the opening, you are always the first sitting position,
Next to supplement the data with dense handwriting research data supporting
Q. Did you have a problem data content?
You said: "We say on television to be held responsible, we can not talk nonsense, the audience is ... trust us."
Each thematic content, and because you are richer and have informative

Your favorite song reads: "Heaven laughs, have the world tide, who bear who wins, the day known ..."
In these troubled times in succession in Taiwan, who is a hero long remains to be seen
Always leave the studio waving at us with a smile
This time, really no way to tell you "goodbye" a
Dr. Lin ...
But still want to tell you - Taiwan have you, really good!
Please bring your physician Liang Lin Jie chivalrous spirit, to continue with my life.

To forever knight Rest In The Peace


[Next TV News] outspoken and forthright good doctor Liang Lin Jie sudden death people sad, tearful wife Tan Duici is finally agreed to let her husband Canghaiyiqingxiao, accompanied by the song, the end of fifty-five years of life; Then you review the simple, yet with great good doctor.

Husband and wife get along good and wise Dr. Lin, wish you a speedy recovery ~
Liang Lin Jie, MD, and his wife married for three years, Jian flounder Wife, she recalled yesterday whenever they have two little friction, Lin always said: "Why so angry? We are closest."


Liang Lin Jie, the doctor of your child's education wisdom, it is rewarding!

1 Dr. Lin home without TV, which allows children to find fun books.
(2) do not have the money to meet the children, accompanied them sports, hiking, kite flying is the best entertainment.
3 let the child eat hamburgers and cola, because caffeine is not good for kids.
And Dr. Lin's children is very good, two children were 3 years old learn on their own literacy, reading. One admitted to medical radioactive series, a tutorial but it is not first class ~
See full udn-http :/ / mag.udn.com / mag / people / printpage.jsp? F_ART_ID = 469507
People always cherish the memory of Dr Liang Lin Jie


Week s. WRITE:

Dr Liang Lin Jie died just learned the news, there are many mixed feelings:

2011, Beijing tour ends after returning to Taiwan, and for my friend to ask Dr. Lin times. Beijing's friends suffering from extremely rare allergies, even if we have enormously wealthy man can not live a normal life, you can not stay in the general renovated interior, even with my dinner to be in the big club on the grass outside the branch tables, almost desperate.

My mother and I helped a friend in the United States, Taiwan, multi-questioning. Because I have interviewed Dr. Lin, know that he is an expert study of toxic substances through the innocent sister contacted many times your hospitality. For this special and well-known cases, Dr. Lin is also very enthusiastic, although the last is not actually give my friend help, which had been in existence of karma so grateful hearts.

No one thought ...... Beijing's friends met wonderful healing, and now has returned to normal life, this year I saw him in Beijing, has Woon new. And earlier today, Dr. Lin was a step away.

Life is like a play, surprise twist really makes interesting!

Because fickle, gain their valuable.


Bolt from the blue! Detoxification authority Liang Lin Jie died! Canghaiyiqingxiao! "Detoxification knight" founded Green Cross, the countryside clinic 20 years, the heart of food safety


Toxicology doctors Liang Lin Jie died
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, the 2nd delivery because of physical discomfort Chang Gung Memorial Hospital emergency room, then transferred to the intensive care unit, the use of extracorporeal membrane aortic pump rescue, but appeared in the 5th septic shock complicated by multiple organ failure at 12:42 pronounced dead.

Liang Lin Jie, organ failure and death Venus
(Central News Agency reporter Bian Jinfeng Taoyuan County 5 (Xinhua)) Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Clinical Toxicology appear Liang Lin Jie, director of septic shock complicated by multiple organ failure, at 12:42 today pronounced dead.

Liang Lin Jie figure during his lifetime diet crisis talk
(Central News Agency reporter Xu Hui Taipei 5 (Xinhua)) toxicology physician Liang Lin Jie, died today, his lifetime on the Eastern Consolidated Taiwan "now I know" about the "crisis of diet mix" will be aired tonight, leaving Liang Lin Jie serious body .. .

Liang Lin Jie became ill before the study of rabies file
(Central News Agency reporter Qiu Junqin Taoyuan on the 3rd power) Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, director of Clinical Toxicology son Liang Lin Jie Lin Wang Zhen today to thank all concerned, he said, his father fell ill before the rabies vaccine is also access relevant research papers ...

Liang Lin Jie committed to detoxify pesticides mortality reduction
(Central News Agency reporters Long Rui Yun, Bian Jinfeng Taoyuan 5 (Xinhua)) died Toxicology Branch authority Liang Lin Jie, Liang Lin Jie, last year published "paraquat poisoning treatment" of new therapies, so that death due to pesticide mortality rate from 90% down to 60%.

Tan Liang Lin Jie Wife: knight and king of detoxification
(Central News Agency reporters Long Rui Yun, Bian Jinfeng Taoyuan 5 (Xinhua)) toxicology authority Liang Lin Jie, died today, his widow Tan Dunci respondents said Liang Lin Jie vows knight, hope to become the king of detoxification so that people can live without fear.

Hulk Forbidding and Drug Rejecting protect food safety Challenger Liang Shudian Fan
(Central News Agency reporters Chen Qingfang Taipei 5 (Xinhua)) defend the food security of the knight, so officials headache physician, with a volunteer mentor students, medical reporter walking dictionary, each face is Liang Lin Jie, in his laboratory and the camera's ...

Liang Lin Jie doubts vanish into careful famous
(Central News Agency reporters Long Rui Yun, Chenqing Fang Taoyuan 5 (Xinhua)) doctors Liang Lin Jie answer poison of doubt, fear layman understand others, they will eventually ask, "so understanding, ㄏ ㄡ?", With his sudden death, the classic name. ..

Universal gratitude for the medical community physicians Liang Lin Jie death
(Central News Agency reporters Long Rui Yun, Bian Jinfeng Taoyuan 5 (Xinhua)) toxicology authority Liang Lin Jie died, Minister of Health and Welfare and Minister Lin Wen-Ta Chiu Yan played condolence visit, look dignified, gratitude and sadness universal physicians leave.

Liang Lin Jie died families: he could not bear the pain
(Central News Agency reporters Long Rui Yun, Bian Jinfeng Taoyuan 5 (Xinhua)) Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, passed away at the age of 55 years. The hospital said today that Liang Lin Jie unconscious for several days, and the family wants to reduce his pain.

Research Fund was established Peilin Jie Liang Zhanggeng sense http://www.cna.com.tw/Topic/Popular/3889-2.aspx
(Central News Agency reporters Long Rui Yun, Bian Jinfeng Taoyuan 5 (Xinhua)) Chang Gung Memorial Hospital held a news conference this afternoon, said toxicology physician Liang Lin Jie died, the hospital will be established Professor Lin Jieliang Research Foundation.

Liang Lin Jie toxic regimen eat fish lettuce
(Central News Agency reporters Chen Qingfang Taipei on the 30th power) Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, weekdays drinking water, eating fish, as well as visible prototype foods, rarely eat out, life is really simple.

Articles & words all on http://www.cna.com.tw/Topic/Popular/3889-2.aspx

************************************************** ********

Fionana Wu a physician, in his lifetime by it, to get the people's respect, leave this world, regardless of knowledge, do not know, and even an interview with reporters could not help choking back tears, Professor Lin should be before or since by it. Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin is everyone's.
Like · Reply · 29 · 9 hours ago

Like · Reply · 8 · 10 hours ago from Mobile

Ying-Hsiu Chang "life-saving device" Thank rescue emergency room to answer http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

Terrible flash combustion financial Yong consumer "life-saving devices" | fireman fire killed | Domestic News | BBC News

New Taipei City Fire Department firefighters allotment "life-saving device," as long as the firefighter in the fire does not move, it will send out a distress loud, tied for self-rescue equipment into the fire, so to hear the sound of firefighters help the trapped Expand colleagues' immediate relief. " Unfortunately, yesterday Taishan factory fire flashover, instant six Baidu burning melting temperatures above two firefighters lifesaving device, so that other players hard to rescue.

8/7/2013 15:30 / / / / /


Grief! Liang Lin Jie died! Liang Lin Jie alive still sparkle, detoxification of the King deserved to stay forever in the world of medical ethics ~! Compassionate doctors with lofty ideals hope he can pass <Yoshiyuki>

Liang Lin Jie, sudden death, widows Tan Dunci evening holding two son's hand, expressed his appreciation to the community.

Dr. Lin ......

Good journey ......
You really are a good good good good good doctor! ! !

Liang Lin Jie died mourning, memorial time Ming announced - free newsletter news

[WASHINGTON] toxicants authority said the Chang Gung Memorial today Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology (5) lost to illness, died Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie Tan Duici evening's widow holding two son's hand, expressed his appreciation to the community, also said

Grief! Liang Lin Jie died by the end of July last video still worried about food safety

Liang Lin Jie, the last recorded Eastern "now I know", still smiling. (Map / Eastern ...
Reporter Huang Ziwei / Taipei

Liang Lin Jie 8/5/2013 due to septic shock complicated by multiple organ failure unfortunately died. The last time he was by the end of July on the Eastern Consolidated Taiwan, "now I know" to talk about food phase, just on the 5th evening broadcast. Day of recording, Liang Lin Jie still his voice, his body did not feel there is anything abnormal, but the 2nd morning, he suddenly breathless, hospital emergency rescue, four days, the condition was stabilized, but eventually resigned not resist disease world, was aged 55.

Lin Jie Liang Yisheng committed to food safety hesitate to public doubts, after news of his death, all walks of life have expressed their condolence. Including anchor Xiaotong Wen, Lin Yi-Ru, HUANG Wen-hua et al, Xiao remembers that it is still a rookie when Liang Lin Jie always patiently answered every question, "Despite the news has not run for years, but as long as there is any poison and food safety issues, I always far away, say what should be racing to the Chang Gung Memorial, just to do one of your visit, because you are my mind, the most trusted poison physicians. "

Lin Yi as also said that although Dr. Lin to leave, but he left Taiwan, conscience and courage, will be able to continue to give us the courage to confront those who self-interest spoof ingredients industry. "Thank you for always earnestly remind everyone away from the poison; Thank you prefer when crows, point out that many people do not want to face the truth." While Huang Wenhua presided STV "Please tell me so, after" last Wednesday July 31 Liang Lin Jie was invited on the program, the sudden bad news for her heavy heart.

"Now I know," the 5th night 9-demand a "food with mistakes, physical injuries abounded?!" Liang Lin Jie mentioned, chocolate and milk recommended one hour before eating to be separated, or affect calcium absorption. Recording the day after the end of production units habits to help guests take pictures, who knows just as Liang Lin Jie, the last figure.


Taiwan's missing is the Liang Lin Jie such a person, not afraid of evil dare say, not afraid of strong

Right. Instead Taiwan was left with several such people?

Liang Lin Jie, MD - Taiwan's most precious good doctor
People who never miss a "knight"
Until the end, the heart is still tied to people's health
Thank Liang Lin Jie, exhort, your pay, your justice
We will remember every word written by Liang Lin Jie to commemorate You, May you rest in peace:

Use caution melamine tableware
Japan to play or eat Japanese food, do not forget to eat calcium
Eat corn fructose, reduce health damage
To drink more water, eat more high-fiber foods, eat high-fat foods
Prevention of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables ...

from: Dr Liang Lin Jie Liang Lin Jie fan page https://www.facebook.com/pages/ / 112269112124206 Photo: Liang Lin Jie, MD - Taiwan's most precious good doctor
People who never miss a "knight"

Until the end, the heart is still tied to people's health
Thank you for your caution, your pay, your justice
We will remember every word you wrote to commemorate you wish you rest in peace:
Use caution melamine tableware
Japan to play or eat Japanese food, do not forget to eat calcium
Eat corn fructose, reduce health damage
To drink more water, eat more high-fiber foods, eat high-fat foods
Prevention of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables ...

from physicians Liang Lin Jie Liang Lin Jie Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/ / 112269112124206


This below birthday cake for Dr. Lin.

[Foreign physicians good creative shape sponge cake

Image Quote from https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=409420359167238&set=a.319286624847279.68953.233742886734987&type=1&theater
Photo: [Foreign physicians good creative shape cake]


Venus physician Liang Lin Jie died, Taipei City Fire Chief Liu Mao et al today to offer condolences to the spirit before, thanks to Liang Lin Jie donated lifesaving device. Widow Tan Dunci the laptops come with ice and worship.

Liu Mao, who is mourning today is to thank Liang Lin Jie lifetime care for firefighters and donated 48 life-saving devices available to the Taipei City Fire Department Second Brigade of the players, firefighters, said Liang Lin Jie on July 30 after their consultation. Also arriving by car send "life-saving device" to the second brigade, but less than a few days, he died, people could not believe it.

Liu Mao as saying, the eldest son of Liang Lin Jie Lin Wang Zhen worked in Taipei City Fire Department Fire Substitute Ann points jersey, has been very concerned about the fire services, Liang Lin Jie also believe that during his lifetime as firefighters and doctors are life-saving work is very important, so When Lin Wang Zhen see Xinbei two brothers killed in the disaster relief, just discuss Liang Lin Jie, hoping to provide fire brigade to help. And Liang Lin Jie decided to donate 48 life-saving device to the second brigade, spent more than NT $ 200,000, the people moved.

In addition, today there are many doctors and nurses to worship before reborn chamber Liang Lin Jie Ling, Tan Duici also with a lifetime Liang Lin Jie common cup and laptop, because her husband love the work, but also love ice add water, bring Liang Lin Jie accustomed to using the cup, seems Liang Lin Jie did not leave.

Taipei eliminate hanging Liang Lin Jie gratitude to donate life-saving device | Social News | CNA CNA NEWS news
(Central News Agency reporter Bian Jinfeng Taoyuan County 7 (Xinhua)) Venus physician Liang Lin Jie died, Taipei City Fire Chief Liu Mao et al today to offer condolences to the spirit before, thanks to Liang Lin Jie donated lifesaving device. Widow Tan Dunci the laptops come with ice and worship.

Fionana Wu a physician, in his lifetime by it, to get the people's respect, leave this world, regardless of knowledge, do not know, and even an interview with reporters could not help choking back tears, Professor Lin should be before or since by it. Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin is everyone's.
Like · Reply · 29 · 9 hours ago

Like · Reply · 8 · 10 hours ago from Mobile

Ying-Hsiu Chang "life-saving device" Thank rescue emergency room to answer http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml

Terrible flash combustion financial Yong consumer "life-saving devices" | fireman fire killed

New Taipei City Fire Department firefighters allotment "life-saving device," as long as the firefighter in the fire does not move, it will send out a distress loud, tied for self-rescue equipment into the fire, so to hear the sound of firefighters help the trapped Expand colleagues' immediate relief. " Unfortunately, yesterday Taishan factory fire flashover, instant six Baidu burning melting temperatures above two firefighters lifesaving device, so that other players hard to rescue.

8/7/2013 15:30 / / / / /

Nationwide mourning mourning! Detoxification authority Liang Lin Jie died: "lost Liang doctor"! Hulk lost excellence! Country lost pillars! Tears, kind hearted detoxification specialist Dr. Lin Jieliang 8/5 12:42 died at the age of 55 .

[Liang Lin Jie children dismay knight away, pain Taiwan lost a good doctor]

My God! Lost beam division! I also want to cry! Detoxification rights Weilin Jie Liang doctors, social conscience, forever knight died, really upset, and the common people laugh, no longer lonely! Live to make people admire 55 years. We admire the great "national good doctor," Dr. Lin Jieliang good knight detoxification Bodhisattva, a good journey! Jieliang doctors donated money and out of the heart (force), medical ethics stay forever in the world! Green Cross Health Network is Jieliang poison knowledge website !


Liang Lin Jie set up a "Green Cross" Jieliang pays 200,000 per year before study drug and 20 years of helping others and the countryside clinic admirable hero hero!


Thank you for the people of the forest health checks compassionate doctors physicians contribution! We will always remember Dr. Lin!
Dr. Lin Lin Wang Zhen Yu eldest son after his father died, Liang Lin Jie face book: "My father Liang Lin Jie at 12:42 left us."

Domestic Toxicology authority, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology coma, and the family could not bear their suffering, agreed extubation, Liang Lin Jie physician due to septic shock, organ failure, and death of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ Liang Lin Jie / 112269112124206

OMG R.I.P. grief!

video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

See the coffin, tears burst! Sad ah! Heartache! Want to see the results of grief! (; _ ;) Endless mourning the sad sad, a little contribution to the country's excellence! Jieliang was just spineless knight hero during his lifetime vows wife choked Xie care.
Tears collapse! Taiwan fewer doctors are medical ethics, gratitude is meaningful to people's life. Dr. Lin good journey ~ weep! So sad! Challenger sorghum physician was a very well respected doctor.

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Liang Lin Jie, director of Clinical Toxicology, pass bad news = I am most worried and want to hear the sad news: dead.

Taiwan's conscience, one less! Taiwan's black heart, one not to leave! May God left it a conscience! Doctors died / Food Safety Battle not with Jen Ai no matter the light Zhi Renyong afraid of evil forces in Taiwan The Liang Lin Jie conscience knight, knight conscience benevolent doctor bluntly dare, heroic paradigm stay forever in the hearts! eldest son to follow the behest / Green Cross Health Network

Immortal Buddha reluctant, sad, lost Yangjae

My God! Lost beam division! Thunderbolt! I want to cry! Detoxification expert Jen Ai matter Bodhisattva Dr. Lin Jieliang great social conscience forever knight died, really upset, and the common people laugh, no longer lonely! Live 55 years to make people admire and we admire the good doctor Dr. Lin Jieliang nationals, a good journey! Jieliang doctors detoxification king deserved ~ Yoshiyuki the wind, ethics stay forever in the world! Liang Lin Jie sleeves clear, done nothing wrong, really gentleman, honest honest knight good doctor. scholarly, clank Strong! spared no efforts touching!

Taiwan because of the light beam Challenger septic shock, organ failure, died Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, at the age of 55 years. Dr. Lin son dismay, thanks for concern.

6 photos https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater


Sad! Gods love die young, asshole forever retained, the scourge of impunity Hung case the bad guys, the scourge of left thousands of years, so unfair, not a forest physician, how to do!, The good doctor away.


With a conscience, deeply sad!

Days jealous pillars! Detoxification Dr. Lin lost to illness knight, died, whining, go!

From tainted milk, U.S. beef, plasticizing agent, poison to poison soy starch, Kangshang government, Liang Lin Jie worthy of conscience, do your best, like a social conscience. "This understanding, ㄏ ㄡ?" Devoted his life to food safety hesitate doubts, the most trusted poison physicians.

Selfless dedication, is the best example of leaving future generations, it is tough, thanks to Dr. Lin of Taiwan to pay! Too much poison in Taiwan, Lin practicing physician, I hope soon reincarnation, and then when the living Buddha. I am really requires you! Really sad, lost a good doctor in Taiwan

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIMkYOmyYbM

6 Photo https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater



Challenger beam social conscience

Forever Knight

Ultimately, we still lost the one good man, Liang Lin Jie died ~

Lost conscience living Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Bodhisattva mercy mercy ...

Liang Lin Jie

At 8/5 12:42 left us

The song in Canghaiyiqingxiao

Our good teachers good father a good physician conscience of society

Forever Knight

Left us

Really sad

Common people laugh no longer lonely
True portrayal of my father's life

Xiexie Lin health efforts with physicians for everyone!

Until the last

His heart is still in people's health


Dr. Lin is gone, he suggested not to use the 6th poison lid, Starbucks, etc. 7 still use Morse

Many photos: http://images.search.conduit.com/search?q = Lin + Jieliang & ctid = CT2233703 & searchsource = 1 & CUI = UN60988449424776776 & UM = UM_ID


He left Taiwan's conscience and courage to continue to give us the courage to fight against private interests spoof food industry

Gentle appearance, wearing black-rimmed glasses Challenger Liang Fengfan in people's minds, born Chinese family, reading Taipei Medical University). Infection nephritis, long-term dialysis, kidney study medicine, toxicology expert for the kidney foundation.

U.S. beef & plasticizing agent & food safety: Dr. Lin propaganda in the media food safety and environmental toxins, four lakes, Jimmy Liao, Taihsi multiple clinic.

Hammered poison authority, trying to save people, efforts to promote healthy eating concept, adhere less fat, salt, do not eat pickled, fermented, fried food, away from the poison.

Dr. Lin put incomprehensible medical knowledge for facile explanation, less rejected media, I hope to help people stay away from poison.

Coma four days later, his family could not bear to suffer, agreed extubation, 8/5 Liang Lin Jie physician due to septic shock, organ failure, died at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.


Look poison experts how to eat?

Expert tips eat healthy

Without superstition detoxification meal, macrobiotic diet

Life full of toxic pollution, eat, drink, use, toxins escape pollution, Venus nephrology clinical toxicology department director Liang Lin Jie, is the most authoritative experts in toxicology, implement antivirus everyday life of the road, really set! Puzih of Liang Lin Jie was born in Chiayi

Liang Lin Jie attended medical school suffering from nephritis almost cost him his life, thanks to rely on dialysis he returned, he was very cautious, almost nothing more than food!

Do not eat lettuce, avoid eating eggs bacteria; Do not rush to buy before the typhoon vegetables, to prevent farmers due to rush to buy, but also excessive pesticide residues in vegetables. Breakfast milk, bread, cereal, boiled eggs, do not eat bread, too much fat, trans fats are harmful to human. Liang Lin Jie believe that any kind of oil are good, grape seed oil, boiled, steamed or microwave, less oil. Eat foods in season there will be no pesticide residues, vegetables first with the flow of water immersion, has the skin of oranges, bananas, longan, litchi, had first washed and then peeled, washed in order to cut oranges, dates, wax apple cut off Paper only eat vegetables soaring, frozen vegetables instead. Eat rich seasonal small fish, mackerel, flying fish, flower, four broken fish, horse mackerel and saury are a good choice. Marine fish than freshwater fish, eat salmon anthropic smaller wild salmon, a large deep-sea fish too much toxins.

Eat chicken and chicken do not eat the skin, pork is an excellent choice with CAS mark meat. Do not eat raw food, do not eat offal, do not eat processed foods such as pickled sausage, fried chicken, buy fewer imports of fruits and vegetables, eat shelled seafood, eat more fruits and vegetables,

1) Avoid pickles, fried and processed foods. Salt and less sugar, less oil.
2) The fish eat small fish slap in the following, because big fish eat more fish, toxins will accumulate in the body. Try to eat fish, eat fish heads and guts, eat four a week or two.

3). Boiled or steamed foods to cook, the food is not bad, at least loss of nutrients.
4) Try to avoid the use of soy sauce, soy sauce because of a few companies in the brewing process may produce aflatoxin contamination.

5) Taiwan humid and hot, the food is easy to mold and produce aflatoxin, whole grains, noodles, glass noodles, Chinese need to save in the refrigerator once the moldy discarded immediately.
6) Buy the cheapest season seasonal vegetables, due to rapid growth, low prices, many farmers do not want to spend the pesticide. Do not eat lettuce,! Avoid eggs parasitic bacteria.

Liang Lin Jie, director of poison seems to have become safe to eat just defending angel waving a big sword expertise for public health checks.

HE Meiyu You live in the public mind, love Buddha, Thanksgiving ............

Jun Giglio to the ground as a Taiwanese allow me to say to you: good journey, we will take good care of yourself. Taiwan you are our glory and honor. Treasure goodbye.
Dr Liang Lin Jie dare say afraid


VIDEO。2013年8月23日メモリアルメディカル特派ホームビデオXuanhujishi良い医者パラディン梁林傑医師!トランジットとTTVは....... 8月23日テレビのニュースを持っている.........異なるビデオカバレッジ。

(下記以上の103の写真)全国喪を喪解毒権威梁林傑は死ん:!ハルク卓越性を失った国失った柱 "梁医師は失われ、"涙、優しい心を持った解毒の専門家&Xuanhujishi良い医者チャレンジャーを!梁医者8月5日12:42 55歳で亡くなった。



さらば良い医者] [8月31日9:00〜11時00分真の英雄リン博士Jieliang記念記念




超过103写真梁林傑医師カラー(マップ/ペースト次第に写真に掲載され成長を増加させます。)HTTPSの:/ / www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.559192887449475.1073741835.100000763055653&type=1

-------------------------------------------------- ---











最後のトップ10食品の安全のアドバイスは、私たちは私たちの心と優れた実践で覚えているでしょう。 :-)








!良い医者 "ビーム"ハート心配消防安全装置200,000 /ハルクを寄付梁林傑は、若い友人狼狽さらば/梁林傑妻が死亡:彼は、より良い生のそれの価値がある!





梁林傑宮廷シャイ控えめな気性を愛し、寄贈与党当局マン問題の本当に恐れて優しい内面の強さに見える "救命デバイスを。"





http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query =&OQ = TTV TTV梁林傑梁林傑&gs_l = youtube.3 ... 33308.52566.0.58008. ON 2,790ペンハルク梁林傑VIDEOS -2j0j7j7.17.0 ... 0.0 ... 1ac.1.11.youtube.ALyOJoqV9wU







私の神は!ビーム部門を失った!私も泣きたい!解毒王漣漣心臓手術リン博士Jieliang、永遠に社会的良心、騎士は本当に動揺して、死亡し、一般の人々を笑わせ、もはや孤独では!人々が賞賛するようにライブ55年、我々は偉大な "国民良い医者、"リン博士Jieliang良い騎士解毒菩薩、良い旅を賞賛!心の医者寄付金と外(力)Jieliang、医療倫理は世界で永遠に滞在!グリーンクロスの健康ネットワークJieliangさ毒性知識ウェブサイト!


SONG:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j0K27MndYBk#= 52で

梁林傑は "グリーンクロス"を設定Jieliangは、治験薬と20他人を助けるの年と田舎の診療所立派な英雄の英雄の前に年間20万を支払う!梁林傑、7/30は210,000寄贈48救命デバイスを支払う



梁林傑、単純な "このような理解は、ㄏㄡ?"、有名な古典の彼の突然の死で消滅.....医学界では、良心と巨人を失った
















クラッカーは言う:本当に台湾の良心 "梁林傑"医師ありがとう!あなたの給料のためにありがとうございます!




シェン陵偉大医師> <


建バンスー私はただ、彼が言う人体傷害の "高果糖シロップ"ので、今はめったに触れない甘い飲み物を〜聞いた










リン博士は、悲しいが悲しいもちろん、死亡したが、実際にはさらに多くの悲しい、ほとんどの人は、彼らが本当に失わかわからないかもしれない土地のこの部分ということです。 http://www.nexttv.com.tw/news/realtime/lifestyle/10791033/





つの電話、私はいつも一時的に直面していただきありがとうございます - 要件 "林、MDにも、5分は良いですが、あなたが私のインタビューを受け入れるようにお召し上がりください"、私を拒否したことがない。




書き込み "あなたは医師梁林傑にこのような手紙を持っていた教えてください"


あなたの穏やかでしっかりした、言った: "ちょうど正しいことを行う、恐れることはありません。"
あなたは言った: "我々は責任を問われるようにテレビで言って、我々はナンセンスを話すことができない、観客は...私たちを信頼しています。"

あなたのお気に入りの曲は読む: "誰が勝つか耐える天笑、世界の流れを持っている、既知の日に..."
今回は、 "さよなら"を伝えるには本当に方法はありません
しかし、まだあなたに伝えたい - 台湾はあ​​なたを持っている、本当に良い!



食品の安全にコミット林傑梁Yishengは疑問を躊躇し、彼の死の後、人々は喪に服してきた。ショーは、それが梁林傑はいつも辛抱強く年間のニュースを実行しないにも関わらず、 "すべての質問に答えたが、どんな毒や食品の安全性の問題がある限り時、私はいつも遠くにのみ、長庚記念にレースをすべきかと言う初心者であったことを覚えてあなたが私の心に、最も信頼される毒医であるためには、訪問しないでください。 "

林毅はまたリン博士がままにあるがと言ったが、彼は、台湾、良心と勇気を残しくれた人々に立ち向かう勇気を与え続けることができるようになり、独自のゲインパロディー食材業界のため。 "あなたはいつも真剣に毒から離れて皆に思い出さありがとうございます、あなたが好むござい時カラス、多くの人々が真実に直面したくないことを指摘。"黄文華はSTVが "の後なので、教えてください"主宰ながら˙7月31日のみ梁林傑の招待でプログラムは、彼女の重い心のために突然の悪いニュース。



長庚記念梁林傑、臨床毒物学のディレクター(2012年11月11日): "今のために一度200万価格に、価格は、私が本土移植に反対していた、最初のものを台無しにするのに十分であり、中国本土ではありません公正で、かつ購入し、もう一つは、腎臓を買うためにお金を持っている場合でも、腎臓があなたに合わないためにお金を使うためにあなたが等しい、あなたは非常に大規模な抗拒絶反応薬、多数の抗拒絶反応薬の多くは感染しやすいが、簡単に食べたい癌を得る。 "


長庚記念梁林傑、臨床毒物学のディレクター(2012年11月11日)は、 "有利な、実際には、実行する人がいるので、このレベルは本当にあまりにも影響があるので、実際には、公的機関は、厳密に付着されるべきである。"























^ ^ - と張は、他の7人とジャンプ

************************************************** **

博士梁林傑毒性研究パラダイム離れて、無限の後悔の心!グリーンクロスの健康ネットワークは毒サイトの彼の生涯の知識を仕上げている!日常生活のウイルス対策を支援するための情報。計画 "を持っている、で来ては、"ヤング彼の精神を送信し続けます。







ワシントン8月5日、2013年ロイター(エポックタイムズ記者徐Naiyi台湾桃園レポート)は、長庚記念病院の国内の "毒の専門家"の評判、梁林傑、臨床毒物学のディレクター、敗血症性ショックを合併し5回現れる多臓器不全、金星を持ってジェッセン島病院、副社長は、人生の梁林傑記号はかなり弱くなっていると述べた、と家族が原因梁林傑に不本意の苦しみ続けるウイルス感染を分析、無細菌ので、抜管することを決めただけでなく、感染の源は、治療が困難ではありませんので。

http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/8/5/n3933852.htm梁林傑が死亡 - 金星 - 感染源を見つけることができません - 。HTML

正午Facebookで梁林傑息子、 "Canghaiyiqingxiao国歌、父梁林傑、12:42で残して、言った。本当に良い父親、良い医者、良い教師、社会的良心、永遠に騎士、左は、とても悲しい、一般の人々を笑わせ、もはや孤独で、本当に私の父の人生の描写である。 "
12時42分での医療チーム、梁林傑氏によると、第2 EDの訪問、病院でのケア、医療チーム、体外膜および高い抗生積極的な治療の継続的な使用を形成している、しかし、梁林傑は残念ながら、まだ多臓器不全を合併した肺感染症が原因で、5日55歳で亡くなった。

食品の安全性、毒性のイベント、過去の国内の流行は毒醤油澱粉に毒、梁林傑、臨床毒物学のディレクター、汚染された牛乳から鳴り響く博覧会、米国産牛肉は、エージェントを可塑化、長庚記念病院、ゆっくり話して、スリムな体格を見ている必要があります、ほとんどない労働が関連付けられていないではない、より頻繁にKangshang政府、梁林傑と言った "良心の価値が彼の話の話は、あなたの最善を尽くし、"台湾の社会的良心のように述べています。
梁林傑自体腎臓専門医、知識の毒物富の教授は、しばしばメディアに直面していると相まって、彼の率直な、鈍い性格は、非常に患者は、常に一般の学生を教える先生のように、 "、辛抱強くこれをマントラをすべての質問に答え息子は、あなたが理解する必要があり、 "友好的な態度は箇中キーです。




国内の毒性権限毒医師梁林傑長庚記念病院、今朝起きて、私は呼吸困難を感じ、7 13は、胸部X線や発見した肺水腫、肺水現象、後、長庚記念緊急に駆けつけ医療チームは、直ちに透析治療のために配置された、病気は徐々に改善しており、正午、午後の病気の進行に普通の病棟が、3つの電源を入れ、サブICU、救急はECMO、現在の不安定なバイタルサインの上に置く。
狼狽!良い医者梁林傑突然死 "Canghaiyiqingxiao"は同行
Niuchangchih疑い毒は窒息妻 "レポートを待って死んだ"
国民健康は梁林傑 "ファイナルリマインダー"をチェック



ポイズン権威梁林傑は人生の55年を終了したが、彼は人々の貢献を残したが、彼はいつも真剣に "食べてはいけない、バランスの取れた食事に誰を望んでいるように、彼は、重い責任を担うための普遍的な健康診断だったので、どのように、十分ではないでしょう加工食品、漬物食品は "、"季節の果物や野菜を買って、今、我々は最終的な見直し、これらの医師梁林傑熱心に勧めるに来て、 "成分は洗浄しなければならない"買い戻す "。




HEARTLAND梁林傑毒騎士は20年、 "グリーンクロス"毒の知識サイト、田舎の診療所をセットアップ!


今日は喪に服している劉真央は、消防士のために梁林傑生涯世話に感謝し、選手の台北市消防局第二隊、消防士が利用できる48救命機器を寄贈することで、7月30日梁林傑は、その協議後に語った。また、第二旅団に "救命装置"を送信しますが、数日未満のお車でお越しの、彼は人々がそれを信じることができなかった、死亡した。

劉真央は、梁林傑林王珍の長男が言うように、非常に消防が心配されており、台北市消防局消防代替アンポイントジャージで働いていた、梁林傑はまた、非常に重要であり、消防士、医師としての彼の一生の間に救命作業があることを信じて林王珍ときは助けるために消防隊を提供することを期待して、単に梁林傑を議論し、災害救援で殺さ新北二人の兄弟を参照してください。と梁林傑は、第二旅団に48救命機器を寄付することを決めたNT $ 20万人以上を費やし、人々は移動しました。


社会ニュース| | CNA CNAニュースニュース台北救命装置を寄付する梁林傑感謝をぶら下げなくす





腎臓専門医として、彼らは実際に透析分野、彼は生活のために押していたので、彼は医者を見て停止していないという深刻な病気はほとんど殺された患者、研究、書籍のプロモーションウイルス対策の常識を書いて、人生は貴重な洞察力であるため、 。


五十一歳の梁林傑長庚記念病院は腎臓専門医である、台湾の毒物学教授でユニークです、彼は学生ボランティアチーム汚染調査だった学校に参加しているコンピュータからこれらの古いファイルを呼ばれる、そこに彼は20年前に設立され医師とで構成される医学生による "グリーンクロスメディカルサービスチーム、"彼らは石油精製によって引き起こさ高雄県ローカル深刻な汚染の可能性のある領域を検出、多くの人々が慢性肺疾患に苦しむ;次に郷、高雄県ですスクラップ金属、次にマウスをポイントErren川燃焼スクラップケーブルです...

"ボスの後ろに無知は、すべて片付け、人々は完全に鳴りませんでした被害者になって、私たちの環境を売って大金は工場、青と緑の当事者お金ですが、記者、寺院、村の役員を持たせるために、労働者の健康を犠牲にだけ静かに経済のために壊滅的な政府を受け入れ、汚染が近く、常に片目目です。 "




しかし、1991年に、グリーンクロスと中央研究院の協力、原子力発電所の染色体変異の調査は、予算が低いため、限られた調査テンプレートで問題を見つけられませんでした、 "結果はクラスにしたいと言っていると呼ばれる環境保護団体の脅威は、学生だったこれらの学生のように注意してどのように害家ができます、赤ちゃんの親である汚染調査は致しませんので、 "彼は微笑んで、プリーツスリム顔を押し口が言った?"我々は、最も貧しい地域の診療所に行きました、ものを保存している。 "

梁林傑は、時間の田舎のクリニックを放電します、夏の休暇を持って、彼はおそらく国のように、田舎で育ったと述べた。彼は先祖漢方薬4世代、嘉義朴子でこの小さな町に生まれ、漢方薬は父親に動作しますが、彼は5人の兄弟姉妹の3番目、3医師がありました。親が事業をやって忙しくして、彼は彼女の祖母によって育てられた "私は家を出た後、中学校、より多くが自宅から遠い読み取るので、私は非常に家族向けです。"


梁林傑は腎臓専門医、透析を毒している多くの人々であり、彼は毒を学び始めた。国内のヘルスケア·システムの毒性は不人気科目ですが、梁林傑の目に、それは無数の科目を保存できるようにすることが重要である: "私は腎臓の教授だけど、唯一の腎臓病患者の世話をすることではなく、できるだけ早く私は健康と救いに影響を与える毒素を見つけるように何万人もの人々は、たとえ健康な人は、の世話をすることができます。 "


"二年前、いくつかの化粧品のクロムがあり、米国、台湾では、ルールが、我々は会議に行かないと言い、この物質を含むことが許可されていません、私は、産業公害は、毒性の高いクロムではない場合でも、クロムに、一般的なアレルギーにつながることができると言ったプラスパッケージに警告、薬事ではありません。 "後梁林傑が文書CLAを見つけ、実際に必要なセメントのクロム含有量は、化粧品よりも低い見つけ、怒って保健省に訴えた。

汚染調査や笛黒い心臓製品を吹いたが、人を怒らせるために働いているが、反対派は、強力で影響力のあるベンダーであり、梁林傑は頑固に戦う、多くのトラブルを誘発するために、彼は尊大言っているかどうか: "これらの製品は、公衆衛生を脅かすこれは、医師が行うべきである。 "

、 "一般的に言っているので、彼は、常駐の医師になったとき、看護師が、緊急治療室の義務に彼を恐れている、応急処置30分無効死刑判決を、:彼の妻は、彼女が初めて梁林傑印象があったリコール看護師だった患者の家族は、彼の唯一の停止を放棄しない限り、しかし、彼は、1時間以上行っている、看護師は、彼は、透析は、腕が瘻孔を埋め、貢献することができないので、非常に疲れているが、彼は心臓マッサージを行うために必死だった。 "

私は左腕の手術をトレースし、医師は彼が放棄保存することであったかもしれないと思いませんので、彼はまた、ある場合には、保存する、または多分彼が私を言うだろう梁林傑を見て: "人生は奇跡に満ちているの"しかし、ときに彼越牙彼は彼の子供が不賛成の目で治療することを可能にするために言った、公然と彼の病気の話をしたくない、だけで漠然と言った: "私は医学部が突然炎を持って読んで、原因は、これまで明らかではない。"

彼は漠然とした輪郭という本に書かれている彼の妻は、特に医師と患者の二重の役割では、透析患者を奨励するために、彼からもあることを言及し、過去非常に少数の人々の間にも、周りではなかった: "彼は非常に病気だった、彼の母親は、彼が願いを作り、神は彼にもう少し時間を与えることを願っていたとき、彼は物事を保存するために複数の操作を行いましょうと言ってくれました。おそらく、神が彼の祈りを聞いた。 "窒息間もなく攻撃

この病気は、のみ梁林傑は腎臓を掘り下げすることを決めただけでなく、人生の無常のペースを加速させるために彼を促し、外来診療に加えて、彼はまた、多くの研究を実施し、すべて知っているを救うために世界に彼らの知識を入れただけでなく、本を書くために人々を教えることはできませ有毒な生活を避けてください。 One医者は言った: "多くの医師は、かつて高い上昇、研究をしないが、梁林傑は医学界では非常にまれである、非常に一生懸命働いて、昇進のパイプラインとして論文を書く。"

人間の影響の研究論文に鉛を含む梁林傑公開、多くの重要な医学論文は、国際的に有名な臨床ジャーナルに乗っていた、 "ニューイングランドの医療ジャーナルが、"台湾はわずか8医学論文が出版されています。彼の論文が唯一の統計データではありませんが、昨年節約する方法がありますが、インドの医師は彼に手紙を書いた、とインドパラグアイ農薬中毒で年間10万人を言って、彼は梁林傑、四パーセントの生存率に引き上げられるに見えた論文の80%は、多くの人を救った。

梁林傑は言った: "私は、多くの場合、若い医師を教えて、時総医師医者があきらめたときに、患者は私を期待することはありません、若い医師は、中国の結果カリウム中毒を食べることがあり、透析中に心臓発作、応急処置に落ちるべき


韓文 :

VIDEO. 2013년 8월 23일 기념 의료 특파원 홈 비디오 Xuanhujishi 좋은 의사 성기사 리앙 린 지에 의사! 교통 및 TTV에는 ....... 23분의 8 TV 뉴스를 ......... 다른 비디오 범위.

! (아래 이상 103 사진) 전국 애도 애도 해독 기관 리앙 린 지에 사망 :! "손실 리앙 의사"헐크 우수성을 잃은 나라 잃은 기둥 눈물, 어떤 마음 해독 전문가 및 Xuanhujishi 좋은 의사 도전자 리앙 의사 5분의 8 12:42 오십오년 세의 나이로 사망.

대만의 의료 사회 정신 영원히 보물 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 자주 ~ 작별의 패러다임 리앙 린 지에 사랑하는 의사, 당신은 대만의 가드 돌아올 의향을 활용하고 싶습니다!

[리앙 린 지에 어린이 실망의 기사 거리, 고통 대만은 좋은 의사를 잃었]

작별 좋은 의사] [8 / 31 9시부터 11시까지 진정한 영웅 린 박사 Jieliang 기념 추모

장 궁 기념 병원은 대만 리앙 린 지에있는 지역 사회에 기여한 공로 감사와 함께 참여하는 공개 기념 기념을 들고 먼저 회의장 건물 병원 재활, 11:00 31 2013년 8월 31일 9:00에있을 것입니다.

2013년 8월 31일 오전 아홉 ~ 오전 11시


超过 103 사진 리앙 린 지에 의사 색 (지도 / 점차 사진에 게시 성장을 증가하여 붙여 넣습니다.) : HTTPS :/ / www.facebook.com/best.our.life/media_set?set=a.559192887449475.1073741835.100000763055653&type=1

-------------------------------------------------- ---

23분의 8 리앙 린 지에 의사의 고별 의식에 대한 사진, 당신에게 좋은 여행을 기원합니다!
우리는 지난 10 의사 리앙 린 지에 식품 안전 조언 좀 봐!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B-to78BvMU&feature=youtu.be : 집에서 만든 동영상의 눈물을 울고 TV 뉴스 2013년 8월 23일 의료 특파원 축소 리앙 린 지에 비디오를 전송

2013년 8월 23일
박사 리앙 린 지에는 작별 의식, 필름의 자신의 생산을위한 의료 특파원, 특별 기념 서비스를 실행하는 메인 라인을 사망, 텔레비전 의학 기자 댓글이 수십도 자주 그의 눈물을 닦아 우는 과부 탄 Dunci에서 그의 눈이 빨간색하자, 그를 그리워하고, 심지어 장면 리앙 린 지에 의사에 지난 10 식품 안전 조언을 넣어 잊어도 기념 식품 안전 문제에주의를 지불, 당신을 생각 나게하는 것을 잊지 않았다.

팬 리앙 린 지에 의사 그룹은 아내와 학생이 계속 작동합니다 ↓

의료 특파원 만든 동영상 리앙 린 지에 눈물 붕괴 울고 전송
사진 : http://youtu.be/0B-to78BvMU


8 / 리앙 린 지에 의사의 작별 식에 대해 총 23 개의 사진 :


http://ppt.cc/HPyM (헐크 리앙 린 지에 소울 자이 고향)

갈 수 린 박사는, 당신의 가족 구성원은 동 위치, 좋은 조명에 앉아 3 층에 재를 넣어 도움이됩니다. 난 당신이 대만 식품 안전 멀리 통과 후 볼을 계속하겠습니다.

공유를위한 감사합니다. 리앙 린 지에, 감탄과 추억의 가치 중국 음식 안전 의사의 기여.
최종 상위 열 식품 안전 조언, 우리는 우리의 마음과 좋은 습관으로 기억합니다. :-)


[건강] 린 박사 Jieliang 마지막주의

비록 전문가는 당신이 그것을 먹고 감히​​ 음식을 독살 먹고 감히​​하지? 리앙 린 지에 무엇 처방 팁? 건강한 식생활의 원칙은 무엇인가? 매일 식단, 어떤 잠재적 인 중독 위험? 우리와 함께 자신의 목숨을 취할 리앙 린 지에로드의 공격에 취약 안티 바이러스를 구현하는 방법, 다이어트에 스파이!

리앙 린 지에 의사는 대만의 양심, 대만 자랑 부당 이득 용인 다우 Renyong 모두 RIP에 대한 사람들의 자비를 돌봐 = 똑바로 척추 영웅, 당신은 평화에서 휴식 수 있습니다!


이별 헐크 리앙 린 지에! 아내가 질식 : 감사, 사후 커플은 이렇게

리앙 린 지에 좋은 의사 = LIDE, 공적 서비스, liyan의 Xinglin 학자 = 대만의 빛!

좋은 의사 "빔"심장 소방 안전 장비 리앙 린 지에 젊은 친구 실망 작별 / 리앙 린 지에 아내 사망 20 / 헐크를 기증 걱정! 그는 더 잘 원시 가치가!

세상에! 빔 분할을 잃었다! 벼락! 내가 울고 싶어! 해독 전문가 젠 아이의 문제 보살 린 박사 Jieliang 큰 사회 기사가 죽었을 영원히 양심, 정말 화가, 그리고 일반 대중 웃음, 더 이상 외로운! 라이브 오십오년 사람들이 존경하고 우리는 좋은 의사 린 박사 Jieliang 국민을 존경하기 위해, 좋은 여행을! Jieliang 의사 해독 왕 ~ 요시유키에게 바람 자격, 윤리은 세계에서 영원히 머물 수 없습니다 리앙 린 지에 소매는 분명 잘못한 것도 정말 신사, 정직 정직 기사 좋은 의사. 학술, 절거덕 강한이! 감동 아무 노력을 아끼지 않고!

정의 진정한 영웅 박사 리앙 린 지에 메신저! 찬양 1314. 정말 모든 것을 무상으로 가서 잊을! 석사 작별은 항상 당신을 존경

날개 Huailin 지에 리앙 의사! 임박한 죽음 해독 기관! 난 너무 슬퍼 해요 오! 징징! 동경 리앙 린 지에 의사 불멸!

타락한 해독 기관 I 아 너무 슬퍼 해요 흠 ~ 동경 리앙 린 지에 의사 불멸의 표창 +1 :! 우리는 당신을 감사합니다 대만 도덕적 용기와 하나의 임박한 죽음!.

리앙 린 지에는 공손한 수줍어 겸손한 성질을 사랑 기부 지배 당국의 남자 문제를 일으키는 정말 두려워 부드러운 내면의 힘 본다 "생명을 구하는 장치."

거인 의료 사회 렌데 & 자비. 의사 아버지 리앙 린 지에 의사! 파잉 컨소시엄 스틱 하드 전문! 그래서 슬픈,주는 당신의 사심 주셔서 감사합니다, 당신을 영원히 기억!

~ 리앙 린 지에 아이들이 행복한 아버지 날 의사 가운 무슨 말을 개최 = 리앙 린 지에 의사 정신 Shengyuanzailai 곡의 칭찬을 노래 바람의 찬양, 달 눈물을 흘리며 반사를 공개

린 박사 Jieliang :. 무결성 명확한 + 소매, 잘못한 아무것도 진정한 신사 참 실망의 좋은 예 썩지 무결성 기사 훌륭한 의사 학술 절거덕 강한.!

하늘이 자신의 몸을 유지하기 위해 자연적으로 간단 마음, Cimei 얕은 물 비행, 명확했다, 그들의 영혼은 사람들의 리앙 린 지에 히드라 의사 특별한 정신, 다시 태어난 Chengyuanzailai 웃음 ~

http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query ON 2,790 펜 헐크 리앙 린 지에 VIDEOS = & OQ = TTV TTV 리앙 린 지에 리앙 린 지에 & gs_l = youtube.3 ... 33308.52566.0.58008. - 2j0j7j7.17.0 ... 0.0 ... 1ac.1.11.youtube.ALyOJoqV9wU


비디오 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

대만을 가지고하는 데 사용 리앙 린 지에, MD는, 좋은!

멜라민 폭풍 및 가소제 폭풍 이벤트 및 독성 간장, 당신은 수 있습니다. 감탄 영웅 영웅!

대만의 실종은 당신 같은 사람이고, 힘의 악을 두려워하지 두려워하지 말 하다니. 대신 대만 같은 몇 사람이 남아 있었다?


나의 하나님! ​​빔 분할을 잃었다! 나는 또한 울고 싶다! 해독 왕 르네 르네 심장 수술 린 박사 Jieliang, 영원히 사회적 양심, 기사 정말 화가, 사망, 그리고 일반 대중 웃음, 더 이상 외로운! 사람들이 경탄하는 라이브 하는 55 세 우리 큰 존경 "국내 좋은 의사,"박사 린 Jieliang 좋은 기사 해독 보살, 좋은 여행이! Jieliang 의사는 심장 (힘)의 돈을 밖으로 기증, 의료 윤​​리은 세계에서 영원히! 녹십자의 건강 네트워크 Jieliang됩니다 독성에 관한 지식 웹 사이트!


SONG : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j0K27MndYBk # = 52시

리앙 린 지에 7 / 30 210,000를 지불 "녹십자"Jieliang는 연구 약물 및 다른 사람과 시골 진료소 훌륭한 영웅 영웅을 돕는 20 년 전에 연간 200,000를 지불! 리앙 린 지에 설정, 48 인명 구조 장비를 기증



리앙 린 지에, 간단한 "이러한 이해는 ㄏ ㄡ?"유명한 클래식 그의 갑작스런 죽음과 함께 사라 ..... 의료 사회 양심 거대한 손실

[리앙 린 지에 청나라 소매 식품 안전을 보호하기 위해 말을 거부]

"당신은 나쁜 사람을 말하는 방법, 말하는 다른 사람의 장점을 가지고 이동하기 때문에, 원칙적으로 직립하고 손상되지 않은 걸을 수 있겠어요?"

"http://bit.ly/15z70Jb를 뉴스를 읽을


"시대의 뉴스 미스터 리 유 룽은"쓰기 :
8월 5일
, 매우 슬픈 소식입니다
린 박사는 사람들을 떠났다.
각 시간 기록,
그에게 많은 것을 배웠습니다.


[다음 TV 뉴스] 영장 :
좋은 의사 거침과 수직 갑작스런 죽음 리앙 린 지에 사람들이 슬픈 눈물을 흘리며 아내 탄 Dunci는 마침내 그녀의 남편이 노래, 삶의 오십오년의 말과 함께 Canghaiyiqingxiao,에하자하기로 합의, 옆을 검토합니다 간단하면서도 훌륭한 좋은 의사.


욕실 텍스트 행복한 주방 쓰기 :

저녁뿐만 아니라, 리앙 린 지에 의사가 남아 있기 때문이다.

대만은 많은 뛰어난 엘리트, 그러나 좋은 사회적 양심을 가지고 있지만, 가산 라오스, 라오스가 있습니다. 린 박사는 확실히 모델의 시대이다.

한 닥터 린과 같은 단계 여러 번 관계없이 다른 사람이 그와 함께 동의 여부 린 박사를 방문, 그는 항상 개성이 명확 인수는 모두 인용 된 연구에 의해, 명확했다. 오늘날의 사회에 대한 관심, 증오와 편견의 충돌의 전체, 그는 불굴의 의지와 진정, 집중과 열정.

텔레비전 해설자의 다른 전문가들에 비해, 그리고 북한 위기에 대해 이야기하면 태풍 역학을 분석뿐만 아니라 익숙한 그늘 군사 원자력을 이해하고, 우리는 북극곰의 생존을 말할 수있는, 그것은 영국 왕실 분석이다. 린 박사는 그의 인생 55 년 만 좋아, 독 연구를 알고 있지만, 그는 침착하고 조용하고, 전문적이고 겸손. 그는 유죄 그러나 발톱의 또 다른 그룹에 비해, 그림 혼자 여행을하지만,이 사람 노래의 아무것도 그의 출발은 대만에게의와 진리의 기회 다시 생각을주고 있었다 것처럼, 훌륭한입니다.

린 박사는 슬픈 슬픈 물론, 사망, 그러나 실제로 더 슬픈은 대부분의 사람들이 정말 잃어버린 것을 알 수 없습니다 그 땅이 조각.


"교통 급함 TV"쓰기 :
8월 7일
크래커는 말합니다 : 정말 당신을 감사하는 대만의 양심 "리앙 린 지에"의사! 당신의 급여를 당신을 감사하십시오!

생명을 구하는 장치를 보내는 감사! 점화 형제 이별 리앙 린 지에



매우 슬픈 소식 : 그에게 좋은 여행 .. 사진을 기원합니다
린 박사는 사람들을 떠났다.
각 시간 기록,
그에게 많은 것을 배웠습니다.
좋은 여행이 될 수 있습니다 ..
린 박사 샤오 안방 아아 ..... 좋은 여행 ... : * (
쉔 링 훌륭한 의사> <

푸른 하늘과 바람 슬픈 ......

신 - 방 수의 난 그냥 그 말 인체 상해의 "높은 과당 시럽"이제 거의 건드리지 설탕 음료를 ~ 들어

린 펭 아이들을 매우 슬픈, 아니인양이 없습니다! 좋은 의사

웨인 장 R​​IP 식품 안전뿐만 아니라에 의해 대만의 미래?

앵커 황 문화로 쓴다 :
리앙 린 지에, MD는, 항상 진지하고 전문적인, 매주 비디오 전문가를 만나, 난 수요일 녹화를 기대하지 않았고, 모든 것이 좋았 습니다만, 갑자기 금요일에 병이 떨어졌다.


욕실 텍스트 행복한 주방 쓰기 :

저녁뿐만 아니라, 리앙 린 지에 의사가 남아 있기 때문이다.

대만은 많은 뛰어난 엘리트, 그러나 좋은 사회적 양심을 가지고 있지만, 가산 라오스, 라오스가 있습니다. 린 박사는 확실히 모델의 시대이다.

쩡 박사 린은 같은 무대에서 여러 번 관계없이 다른 사람이 그와 함께 동의 여부 린 박사를 방문, 그는 항상 개성이 명확 인수는 모두 인용 된 연구에 의해, 명확했다. 오늘날의 사회에 대한 관심, 증오와 편견의 충돌의 전체, 그는 불굴의 의지와 진정, 집중과 열정.

텔레비전 해설자의 다른 전문가들에 비해, 그리고 북한 위기에 대해 이야기하면 태풍 역학을 분석뿐만 아니라 익숙한 그늘 군사 원자력을 이해하고, 우리는 북극곰의 생존을 말할 수있는, 그것은 영국 왕실 분석이다. 린 박사는 그의 인생 55 년 만 좋아, 독 연구를 알고 있지만, 그는 침착하고 조용하고, 전문적이고 겸손. 그는 유죄 그러나 발톱의 또 다른 그룹에 비해, 그림 혼자 여행을하지만,이 사람 노래의 아무것도 그의 출발은 대만에게의와 진리의 기회 다시 생각을주고 있었다 것처럼, 훌륭한입니다.

린 박사는 슬픈 슬픈 물론, 사망, 그러나 실제로 더 슬픈은 대부분의 사람들이 정말 잃어버린 것을 알 수 없습니다 그 땅이 조각. http://www.nexttv.com.tw/news/realtime/lifestyle/10791033/


양 Xiaotong 총리는 쓰기 :

내일 무상, 당신은 먼저가되는 몰랐어.

감독 린, 전 십삼년에 감사, 난 그냥 신인 나 인체에 중금속의 종류를 설명하기 위해 인내만을위한 의학 라인 내 전화에 응답을했다.

전화 한 나는 항상 임시 직면 해 주셔서 감사합니다 - 요구 사항 "린, MD를,도 5 분 좋은, 당신이 내 인터뷰를 받아 들여야하십시오"저를 거부하지 않습니다.

뉴스 년 동안 실행되지 않은,하지만 난 여전히 긴 후속 독성 및 식품 안전 관련 뉴스가로 기억하지만, 난 항상 멀리, 당신은 무엇을, 당신을 방문하기 위해, 장 궁 기념으로 경주해야한다고 주장 내 마음, 가장 신뢰할 수있는 독 의사.

Xiexie 린 감독 당신에게 좋은 여행을 축복.


쓰기 "당신이 의사 리앙 린 지에에 같은 문자를 가지고 저에게 말하십시오"

나는 사람들이 항상 잊어 믿습니다
그리고 당신은 항상 고민을 가지고
할 때마다 식품 위생 문제가 다시
화려한 포장에 그리고 광고 언어에있는 사람들
산 먼고 검사 증명서를 반복 실망했다
카메라 앞에서의 두려움 스탠드를 참조하십시오
모든 심장의 고동에 부드럽게 권면 사람
엔론 많은 Huangkong

일단 당신이 개인적으로 메이커 공격을 두려워하지?
귀하의 온화하고 회사는, 말했다 : "그냥 옳은 일을 두려워하지 않습니다."
열기 전에 기록, 당신은 항상 첫 번째 위치에 앉아있다
다음 조밀 필기 연구 자료 지원으로 데이터를 보완하기 위해
Q. 당신은 문제가 데이터 내용을 했습니까?
당신은 말했다 : "우리는 책임이있을 텔레비전에 말, 우리는 말도 안되는 이야기 할 수, 관객은 ... 우리를 신뢰합니다."
각 주제별 내용, 그리고 당신이 풍부하고 정보를 가지고 있기 때문에

좋아하는 노래 읽습니다 : "누가이기 부담 천국 웃음, 세계의 조수를 가지고 알려진 날을 ..."
영웅 대만에서 연속이 어려운시기에 오래두고 볼 일이다
항상 미소로 우리를 스튜디오 흔들며를 남겨
이 시간, 정말 방법이 "안녕"당신을 말할하기
린 박사 ...
하지만 여전히 당신을 말하고 싶어 - 대만을 가지고, 정말 좋은!
내 인생을 계속할 의사 리앙 린 지에 기사도 정신을 지참 해주세요.

평화에서 영원히 기사 나머지


린 지에 리앙 Yisheng의는 의심을 주저 식품 안전에 최선을 다하고 그의 죽음 이후, 사람들은 애도하고 있습니다. 쇼 몇 년 동안 소식을 실행할 수 있으나만큼 모든 독극물과 식품 안전 문제가이기 때문에, 나는 항상 멀리, 장 궁 기념으로 경주해야 무슨 말을, 만하지에도 불구하고 ", 그것은 리앙 린 지에는 항상 참을성있게 모든 질문에 대답 초보자라고 기억 당신이 내 마음, 가장 신뢰할 수있는 독 의사이기 때문에 당신이 방문 않는다 "고 말했다.

린 이순신은 또한 린 박사가 떠나더라도 말했다, 그러나 그는, 대만, 양심과 용기를 떠난 우리에게 사람들을 직면하는 용기를주고 계속 할 수있을 것입니다 자신의 이득 스푸핑 재료 산업. "당신은 항상 진지 독에서 멀리 사람을 생각 나게 감사, 당신이 선호하는 감사 할 때 까마귀, 많은 사람들이 진실을 직면하지 않으려는 지적."후앙 문화로는 STV는 "후, 이렇게 말해주세요"관장 동안 ˙ 7 / 31 만 리앙 린 지에의 초대장 프로그램, 그녀의 무거운 마음 갑자기 나쁜 소식.


"영화의 도덕적 용기 시리즈 NTDfilm - 수용"쓰기 :
7시간 전
박사 리앙 린 지에 도덕적 용기 사람이 그리워!
독 전문가 리앙 린 지에, 대만 의학 강연의 연례 회의를 위해 지난 11 월. 현장 의료 커뮤니티는 공개적으로 대만 사람들이라고, 신장 내과 리앙 린 지에로 진정, 항 CCP와 양심 기관의 살아있는 파룬궁 수감자를 시작, 중국 본토 장기 이식 무역로 이동하지 않습니다.

장 궁 기념 리앙 린 지에 임상 독성의 이사 (2012년 11월 11일가) : "지금 한 번 이백 만 가격에 대해, 가격 파괴에 충분하다, 나는, 본토 이식에 처음에 반대했다, 중국 본토가 없습니다 공정하고, 구입하고, 두 번째, 당신은 신장을 살 돈이 있더라도, 신장이 당신을 적합하지 않는 위해 돈을 사용하는 당신은 마찬가지, 당신은 매우 큰 반대로 거절 약물의 수를 반대로 거절 약의 다수의 감염에 쉽게를 쉽게 먹고 싶다 암을 얻는다. "

깊이를 가진 환자를위한 투석, 리앙 린 지에 감각의 기간 동안 대학에서 2003 년에 그는 최고의 저널에 발표 된 만성 신장 질환의 해독제 치료를지도하는 연구팀을 개척했습니다. 대만, 본토로 해외로 갈 이식 환자의 90 %는, 그는 정부가 이식 혼란을 방지하기 위해 책임이 있다고 생각합니다.

장 궁 기념 리앙 린 지에 임상 독성의 이사 (2012년 11월 11일)는 "수익성, 사실, 할 수있는 사람이 있기 때문에이 수준은 정말 너무 많은 영향력 때문에 사실, 공공 기관은 엄격하게 준수해야한다."

뉴스 :


자오 팅 쓰기
부근의 Hsinchuang의 휴대 전화에서 8월 5일

R.I.P. 리앙 린 지에 의사, 우리는 항상 당신을 기억합니다!


시앙 린 YUHUI 총리는 사진을 공유했습니다.
8월 7일

씨 시앙 린 쓰기
전력 소모가되기 전에 그의 아내가 펜에서 밤에 둥지를 알고하지 않습니다 ... 어떤 ... 원래 경의를! 사은!

FB FROM 그림 : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1401217413433622&set=a.1401217556766941.1073741833.100006361295535&type=1&theater


씨 Zhuo의 Yaxiong 쓴다 :
8월 5일
식품 안전에 대한 이야기​​, 토크 쇼에 리앙 린 지에 의사와 다시 함께있다
감동, 그는 말했다, 바나나, 먼저 피부를 박리하기 전에 세척해야한다
그 이유는 농약을 살포 할 때 피부의 성장이 남아있을 수 있습니다.
나는 매우 놀랐습니다,하지만 린 박사는 독성 기관이며, 존재에 바인딩됩니다;
그러나 이러한 기준은 사람들이 위험의 90 % 수 있습니다
너무 많은 음식, 음식점, 여기서 할 수? 심지어 경우에만 십분.
20 년 Zhuo의 Yaxiong 투석, 그는 그의 삶과 죽음 휴가를 넣어.


씨 석회 장은 쓰기
8월 5일


동부 날씨 앵커 왕 Shuli이 링크를 공유했습니다.

양 왕 Shuli 쓴다 :
8월 5일
클래스 가장자리의 숫자 측면 Xiexie 린 MD 공헌 좋은 여행의 대신 인터뷰를하기 전에 ....

Jieliang는 의사 12:42 사망


용감 심각하고 중대한 의사 리앙 린 지에 = 머리 가득 차있는 사람을 정직하게 발끝까지. 모두 갈 린 박사가 꺼려!

양 리우 유 펭 쓰기

8월 6일
린 박사는 모두가 이동하기를 꺼려했다
지난 동창회의 일을 기억
우리가 작업을 의외로 많지 않아 시간
그는 정의의 전체 머리에서 발끝까지 사람이었다
가끔 조금씩 유머 왕성한 웃음

오늘은 늦게 교린의 빛을 소비 할 기회를 고려하지
그냥 과거의 생각
모든 사람은 몸을 잘 돌볼해야합니다
사랑의 사람은 다시 다른 사람을 돌보는 여분의 용량을 가지고

다만이 텔레비전을 입력 절반
아주 젊은 모습
내가 임신을 요구 한 나는 부정하지 않는 미스
그래서 감정 눈물 방울 얼마나 떨어질 것이다

팀 기록을하는 데 도움이 매우 열정적했습니다
장면 뒤에 많은 사진
동창 장치 여부
또는 생산 및 방송 파트너
웅변 한 앨범 ......
후 떠나는 때문에 업데이트에 보이지 않았다
인력이 피할 수없는
모두 앞으로 이동합니다
만 이것은 당신이 내 마음에 전념하고 있습니다
우리가 함께 얻을 또는 무료 건강해야
^ ^ - 그리고 장 다른 칠명 함께 점프

************************************************** *

박사 리앙 린 지에 독성 연구 패러다임 거리 무한 후회의 마음! 녹십자 건강 네트워크 독극물 사이트의 그의 일생 지식을 마무리합니다! 일상 생활 백신을 도울 수있는 정보를 제공합니다. 계획은 젊은 그의 정신을 보낼 것 "을 가지고 오세요."


미안 해요, 감사합니다, 용서해주십시오, 나는 당신을 사랑 해요!
박사 리앙 린 지에 헌신의 노력에 감사합니다!



리앙 린 지에 비너스 사망 : 감염의 근원을 찾을 수 없습니다

"교수 린 Jieliang 연구 기금"의 설립

리앙 린 지에는 많은 사람들이 (리앙 린 지에 평생 사진 얼굴 책에서 발췌) 포기 사망
워싱턴 8월 5일는 2013 년 로이터 (신기원 타임즈 기자 쑤 Naiyi 대만 타오 위안 보고서) 장 궁 기념 병원, 리앙 린 지에 임상 독성 이사의 국내 "독 전문가"명성을 가지고, 5는 패 혈성 쇼크, 금성에 의해 복잡하게 여러 장기 실패를 표시 Jessen 아일랜드 병원, 부사장, 삶의 리앙 린 지에 기호는 매우 약한왔다, 어떤 박테리아, 바이러스 성 감염을 분석뿐만 아니라 감염의 소스가 치료가 어렵 기 때문에 때문에 가족이 때문에 발관하기로 결정 리앙 린 지에에 대한 거부감의 고통을 계속했다.

http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/8/5/n3933852.htm 리앙 린 지에 사망 - 금성 - 감염의 근원을 찾을 수 없습니다 -. HTML

정오 북에 리앙 린 지에 아들, "Canghaiyiqingxiao 애국가, 아버지 리앙 린 지에는 12:42에 출발했다. 정말 좋은 아버지, 좋은 의사, 좋은 교사, 사회 양심, 영원 기사, 왼쪽, 너무 슬퍼, 일반 사람들 웃음, 더 이상 외로운, 정말 내 아버지의 삶의 묘사이다. "
, 리앙 린 지에, 2 ED 방문, 병원 치료는 의료 팀은 체외 막과 높은 항생제 적극적인 치료의 지속적인 사용은, 그러나, 리앙 린 지에는 여전히 5 일 12:42에 불행히도, 여러 기관 고장으로 복잡 폐 감염에 의한, 형성 의료 팀 말했다 오십오년 세의 나이로 사망.

식품 안전, 유해 사건, 과거의 국내 발생 천천히 말하기, 호리 호리한 체격을 볼 수 있어야합니다, 장 궁 기념 병원, 리앙 린 지에 임상 독성의 이사, 오염 된 우유, 미국산 쇠고기, 가소 제, 독에서 울려 퍼지는 박람회 소스 전분을 독살하기 와 관련이없는 거의 노동, 더 자주 Kangshang 정부가 리앙 린 지에는 것을 말했다 "그의 이야기는 양심의 가치 이야기, 최선을"대만의 사회적 양심과 같이 말한다.
리앙 린 지에 자체 신장병, 지식의 독성 부의 교수, 자신의 솔직한, 무뚝뚝한 성격은 종종 항상 일반적으로 학생들을 가르치는 교사와 같이 매우 환자 매체를 얼굴과 함께, "참을성이이 진언을 모든 질문에 대답 아들, 당신은 이해하고있다 "친절한 태도는 箇中 핵심입니다.

리앙 린 지에 2 아침 임계 조건에서 오후 복장 ECMO, 폐 감염이 전신 여러 장기의 장애에 의해 복잡하게하는 구급차 응급실에 장 궁 기념 병원에 입원, 그의 가족 정오 5 경악 단지 고통 발관 사일 영원히.
의료 팀은 교수 린 Jieliang 연구 기금을 설립, 그래서 뒤로 재생 리앙 린 지에, 경비 공중 보건의 정신. 요금제가 신장 명성 병원 임상 독성학 연구에서 리앙 린 지에 장 궁 기념 병원 감탄 주요 장기 우려 대중 식품 안전 문제를 말했다
(편집자 : Lvmei 치)
하지만 그는 대만, 양심과 용기를 왼쪽, 우리에게 그 자체이자 스푸핑 재료 산업 사람을 직면하는 용기를주고 계속 할 수있을 것


[다음 TV 뉴스] 작성 :

국내 독성 권한 독 의사 리앙 린 지에 장 궁 기념 병원, 오늘 아침에 일어나서 내가 호흡 곤란을 느끼고, 일곱 열세 가슴 X-선 후, 장 궁 기념 비상 사태에 돌진하고 발견 폐부종, 폐 물 현상, 의료 팀이 즉시 투석 치료를 배치, 질병이 점차 향상되었습니다, 정오 오후 질병의 진행에서 일반 병동 있지만, 세 가지를 설정, 하위 ICU, 긴급 ECMO, 현재의 불안정한 활력 징후를 입었다.
경악! 좋은 의사 리앙 린 지에 갑작스런 죽음 "Canghaiyiqingxiao는"함께
Niuchangchih 의심 독 질식 아내가 "대기 보고서 죽었다"
2013-08-06 18시 40분
국민 건강 리앙 린 지에 "마지막 신호"를 확인


[다음 TV 뉴스] 작성 :

독 기관 리앙 린 지에 생활 55 년 끝, 그러나 그는 사람들의 공헌을 왼쪽,하지만 그는 항상 진지하게 "먹지 마세요, 균형 잡힌 식단을 모두 원하는대로 그가 무거운 책임을 짊어 져야하는 보편적 인 건강 검진 때문에 어떻게 충분하지 가공 식품, 절임 식품 ","제철 과일과 야채를 구입, 지금 우리는 최종 검토 이러한 의사 리앙 린 지에 권면에 와서 "성분 청소해야합니다"매입 ".
리앙 린 지에 탄 Dunci 과부가 어린 아들을 가장 끈적 아빠 말, 어제 집에 가서, 그의 머리는 아버지 남기지 않았습니다 느낌, 어린 아들이 말했다, 베개 웬 리앙 린 지에의 아버지의 취향에 묻혀, 외침 ... (Xiaobian 버스트 슬픈 느낌이 너무 .. ).


[다음 TV 뉴스] 쓰기 솔직한 슬픈 사람들의 솔직한 좋은 의사 리앙 린 지에 갑작스런 죽음, 눈물을 흘리며 아내 탄 Dunci는 마지막 노래와 함께 그녀의 남편 Canghaiyiqingxiao, 55 년간의 끝을 수 있도록 합의 생활, 그럼 당신은 멋진 좋은 의사와 아직 간단한을 검토합니다.


HEARTLAND 리앙 린 지에 독 기사는 "녹십자"독 지식 사이트, 시골 진료소 20 년 설정!

금성 의사 리앙 린 지에 리앙 린 지에 기증 생명 구조 장치, 전에 정신 덕분에 애도를 제공하는 오늘날, 타이페이시 소방 최고 리우 마오 등 죽었다. 과부 탄 Dunci 노트북은 얼음과 예배를 갖추고 있습니다.

오늘 애도 리우 마오, 소방 리앙 린 지에 평생 치료를 감사하고 선수의 타이페이시 소방국 제 여단, 소방관 사용할 수 48 생명을 구하는 장비를 기증하는 것입니다, 7 월 30 일에 리앙 린 지에는 상담 후 말했다. 또한 두 번째 여단,하지만 몇 가지 일 이내 "에 인명 구조 장치"를 보내 차로 도착, 그가 죽은 사람들은 그것을 믿을 수 없었다.

리우 마오, 리앙 린 지에 린 왕 젠의 장남 말을 매우 소방 서비스에 대해 우려하고 있으며, 타이페이시 소방국 화재 대리 앤 포인트 뉴저지에서 근무 리앙 린 지에는 또한 매우 중요하다, 소방관 의사로서 자신의 평생 동안 생명을 구하는 일이 있다고 생각 언제 린 왕 젠 도우 소방대를 제공하기 위해 희망, 리앙 린 지에 대해 토론 재난 구호에 사망 타이베이 현의 두 형제를 참조하십시오. 그리고 리앙 린 지에는 NT 200,000달러 이상을 지출 번째 여단에 48 생명을 구하는 장치를 기부하기로 결정 사람들이 움직였다.

남편이 일을 사랑하지만, 또한 얼음 부가 물을 사랑하기 때문에 또한, 오늘날 평생 리앙 린 지에 일반적인 컵과 노트북도 함께 태어나 실 리앙 린 지에 링, 탄 Duici 전에 예배하는 많은 의사와 간호사가있다, 리앙 린 지에 가져 컵 사용에 익숙한, 리앙 린 지에는 남기지 않았습니다 보인다.

사회 뉴스 | | CNA CNA 뉴스 뉴스 타이베이 인명 구조 장비를 기증 리앙 린 지에 감사를 거는 제거

(중앙 통신사 기자 총통 Jinfeng 타오 유엔 7 (신화)) 금성 의사 리앙 린 지에 사망, 타이페이시 소방 최고 리우 마오 등 리앙 린 지에 기증 생명 구조 장치, 전에 정신 덕분에 애도를 제공하는 오늘. 과부 탄 Dunci 노트북은 얼음과 예배를 갖추고 있습니다.


◎ 의사 리앙 린 지에해야

소개 :
그는 신장병 때문에 멜라민 폭풍, 거의 매일에 리앙 린 지에 미디어 해설이 파도 정책에 대한 권장 사항을 만들기 위해, 독성학의 유일한 교수이다.
이십년 연습, 그는 수많은 독을 직면했다. 그는 시골 진료소 외에 녹십자 의료 팀을 설립하지만, 또한 많은 공장 독성 제품 제조에 주로, 환경을 오염하는 노출.

신장병으로, 그들은 죽을 뻔 실제로 투석 환자, 때 생활이 귀중한 통찰력 때문에 필드, 그는 삶 눌러 된, 그래서 그는 의사, 연구 및 도서 홍보 안티 바이러스 상식을 작성을 볼 멈추지 않은 심각한 질병 .

텍스트 :
모든 사진은 블랙 워터는 가난한 모르는 강제 천천히, 독성​​ 연기 흐르는 오물 그리스, 까맣게 스크랩 케이블, 하드웨어, 연옥 끔찍한 케이 퍼로 좌석에 쌓여 몸부림 뱀 언덕으로 덮여 또는 최악를 취할 거부됩니다 노동자의 삶, 특수 금속 가공 국방부 따기의 산에 판매 총알을, 카메라의 필드를 직면 금속 독성 나쁜 사업이 배열의 어린이는 무고한 미소 노출, 몇 년 후 그들은 골수의 깊이에서 맛볼 수 치아 통증, 또는 투석, 간 질환, 고문 암, 다만 순진이 생명을 Daiming 불평 죽어가는,하지만 난 그의 몸은 독성이 사실이었다 모르겠어요 발표했다.

】 【독소 사방
쉰한 오래된 리앙 린 지에 장 궁 기념 병원 신장 내과 전문의이며, 대만 독성학 교수 독특한이며, 그가 학생 자원 봉사 팀 오염 조사되었다 학교에 참가했다 컴퓨터에서 이러한 오래된 파일을 불러, 거기에 그는 20 년 전에 설립 의사로 구성된 의료 학생들이 "녹십자 의료 서비스 팀,"그들은 석유 정제에 의한 가오슝 현 지역 심각한 오염이 발생할 수있는 영역을 감지, 많은 사람들이 만성 폐 질환의 고통, 다음 타운십, 가오슝 현은 고철하고 마우스 포인트 Erren 강 연소 스크랩 케이블입니다 ...

"보스 뒤 무지는 우리의 환경을 판매하는 재산 파란색과 녹색 당사자 공장됩니다 돈, 기자, 사원, 마을 임원 모두 꾸려, 사람들은 완전히 소리가 나지 않았다 피해자가을 가지고 수 있도록 근로자의 건강을 희생 만 자동으로 경제에 대한 타격을 정부가 받아 오염 가까이 항상 한쪽 눈 눈이다. "

그의 얇은 입술을 부드럽게 진정 좌절 관심을 만나는 동정 톤 미만 화가 말했다.

멜라민 폭풍, 거의 매일에 리앙 린 지에 미디어 해설이 파,이, 독 이벤트가 환경에 이르기까지,이 모든 시간이 처음은 아니다, 심지어 식품 오염 및 약물 문제, 작은 뱀 물린, 꿀벌 독침, 그리고 웅 첸의 헤드 라인에 충돌 살인 중독이 의심 첸 리 태안 형제는 그의 분석을 요청합니다.

[가족] 귀중
그는 매우 화가 열린 기자 회견 악마 노출 식물 독, 모든 시간을 자극 충격의 젊은 거주자 때 오염 20 년, 리앙 린 지에 들어, 가스도 가스, 사람들은 대만이 독살되었다는 것을 알 수 깊이, 우리가 먹는, 환경을 파괴하여 짧은 시간도 더 반사, 대만, 마시는 숨, 아플라톡신 오염 될 수 있지만, 외환 보유고의 희생 세계 최초의 인간 생명을 구할, 그들은 많은 배 더 많은 오염을 지출해야 원래 산을 복원 할 필요는 없습니다, 시간과 돈을 절약 할 수 있습니다.

그러나 1991 년, 녹십자 중앙 연구원 협력, 원자력 발전소 염색체 돌연변이 조사, 예산이 낮기 때문에, 제한된 설문 조사 템플릿에서 문제를 발견하지 못했다 "결과는 클래스에 할 말라는 환경 단체의 위협, 학생들이었다 ?. 우리는 가난한 지역 병원에 가서,이 학생들의주의가 아기의 부모님이 될, 가정을 어떻게 해칠 수있는 오염 조사를 내가되지 않도록 "그는 입이 주름 말했다 슬림 얼굴을 밀어 미소" 일을 저장하고 있습니다. "

리앙 린 지에 시간 시골 진료소를 방전 여름 방학을 가지고, 그는 아마 나라처럼 시골에서 자랐 말했다. 그는이 작은 마을은 조상 중국 의학의 4 세대, 중국 의학은 그의 아버지를 운영 자이 Puzih에서 태어 났지만, 그는 다섯 형제 자매의 세 번째가되었습니다, 세 의사가 있습니다. 부모가 사업을하는 바쁜, 그는 그녀의 할머니에 의해 자랐다 "나는 집을 떠난 후, 고등학교, 더 많은 가정에서 멀리 읽고, 그래서 매우 가족 중심입니다."

가족의 말하기, 라인에 실크로 그의 얼굴에 부드러운 아, 그의 아내 만 조금 오래된 웃음,하지만 젊고 아름다운 보인다. 주말 오후에, 우리를 방문하려면, 그는 그의 가족 하이킹 활동과 주 연기 과거에 난 항상 의사가 높은 급여를 가지고 생각, 고급에 살고있는 그는 매우 검소한 집에 가구라고 생각하지 않았 다 외모는 몇 년 보냈다, 각 유닛 만 어린이 인증서를 수여하고 메달 또는 감사 리앙 린 지에 점차적으로 추가됩니다. 그는 공부를하지 않았다 책상 옆에​​ 거실에, 그는 작업 할 수 있습니다, 그의 가족 동안.

리앙 린 지에는 신장병 투석을 독살 한 많은 사람들이, 그는 독을 배우기 시작했다. 국내 보건 의료 시스템에 독성이 인기 과목이지만, 리앙 린 지에의 눈하지만 수많은 주제 저장할 수하는 것이 중요하다 : 만 신장 환자 돌봐 "나는 신장의 교수이야를,,하지만 최대한 빨리 건강과 구원에 영향을 미치는 독소를 발견하면 수만명의 사람들, 심지어 건강한 사람이 알아서 할 수 있습니다. "

[고난] 고집 방법
누가 리앙 린 지에는 유해한 제품을 발표하면 어떤 문 인기가 연구, 오염 조사보다 고생을 알고, 공급 업체 수반하지 않는 것이 증거로 편지를 보내 그 협박하고 유인, 또한 종종 제조 업체 또는 정부 자신의 정책이나 제품 보증에 대한 사실 연설이나 모임을,주는 사람을 찾고 부서.

"2 년 전, 어떤 화장품 크롬이, 미국, 대만, 어떤 규칙이, 우리는 회의에 가지 말이 물질을 포함 할 수 없습니다, 내가 산업 공해는 매우 독성이 크롬없는 경우에도 크롬으로, 일반적인 알레르기로 이어질 수 있다고 말했다 플러스 포장에 경고, 제약 업무는하지 않습니다. "나중에 리앙 린 지에는 CLA가 실제로 화장품보다 화가 보건부에 불만을 낮 필요한 시멘트의 크롬 함량을 발견하는 문서를 찾습니다.

"이 제품은 공중 보건을 위협 : 오염 조사 또는 휘파람 검은 심장의 제품을 불었다하든, 사람들의 기분을 상하게하기 위해 노력하지만, 상대는 강력하고 영향력있는 공급 업체입니다되며, 리앙 린 지에 고집 그는 dismissively 히 말했다 많은 문제를 야기하는 싸움 이것은 의사가해야합니다. "

그의 아내는 간호사였다, 그녀는 리앙 린 지에 인상 된 첫 번째 시간을 회상 "그는 상주 의사가되었을 때, 간호사가 응급실 의무에 그를 두려워하기 때문에 삼십분 잘못된 일반적으로, 응급 처치, 사형 선고, 환자의 가족이 그의 유일한 스톱을 포기하지 않는하지만 그는 한 시간 이상을했다, 간호사 그는 투석이, 팔 루를 묻혀, 공헌 할 수 있기 때문에 매우 피곤하지만, 그는 심장 마사지를 할 필사적이었다. "

나는 암 수술을 왼쪽으로 추적, 의사 어쩌면 그는 포기 저장할 수 있었다 생각하지 않습니다 리앙 린 지에 보았다, 그래서 그는 케이스, 저장 또는 어쩌면 그는 나에게 말해 줄수도있다. "인생은 기적으로 가득 차있다"그러나 때 그가 왕위 팡 그는 자신의 아이들이 비 승인의 눈으로 처리 할 수​​ 있도록하기 위해서라고 공개적으로 자신의 질병에 대해 얘기하고 싶지 않아요, 단지 막연하게 말했다 : "나는 의과 대학 갑자기 신장염을 읽고, 원인은 현재까지 명확하지 않습니다."

[악] 당신의 인생을 바꿀
"그는 매우 아픈했다 : 그는 그의 아내가 특히 의사와 환자의 이중 역할 투석 환자를 격려하기 위해 그에게서 또한 언급 과거 아주 몇몇 사람 중에도 주위 아니었다은 그 모호한 윤곽이 책에 기록 된 그의 어머니는 그가 소원을 만든 신들이 그에게 조금 더 시간을주고 희망 할 때, 그 물건을 저장하기 위해 더 많은 일을 할 수 있도록하는 내게 말했다. 아마 신이 그의기도를 들었다. "질식 곧 공격

이 질병은 리앙 린 지에는 신장으로 탐구하기로 결정뿐만 아니라, 삶의 무상의 속도를 가속하기 위해 그를 메시지, 외래 이외에, 그는 또한 많은 연구를 실시, 모두가 알고를 저장하는 세계에 대한 지식을 넣어뿐만 아니라 책을 쓸 사람을 가르치도록하지 독성 생활을 피하십시오. 한 의사가 말했다 : "많은 의사 한 번 높은 장미, 연구를하지 않지만, 리앙 린 지에는 의료 사회에서 매우 드문입니다, 열심히 일하고, 승진 파이프 라인 등의 서류를 작성합니다."

리앙 린 지에 인간의 영향 연구 논문에 대한 단서를 포함 게시 된 많은 중요한 의학 논문, 국제적으로 유명한 임상 저널에 승선했다 "의학의 뉴 잉글랜드 저널,"대만은 여덟 의학 논문이 발표되었다있다. 그의 논문은 통계 자료뿐만 아니라, 작년에 저장하는 방법이 있으며, 인도의 의사가 그에게 쓰고, 십만명 인도 파라과이 농약 중독 년 말, 그는 리앙 린 지에, 4 %의 생존율에 발생합니다 보았다 논문의 80 %는 많은 사람들을 구했습니다.

[복구]를 포기하지 마십시오
리앙 린 지에는 말했다 : "나는 종종 젊은 의사 이야기 의사가 줄 때, 환자가 전체 의사가, 젊은 의사가 중국의 결과보기 칼륨 중독을 먹고있을 때 나는 희망하지 않습니다, 투석, 응급 처치 도중 심장 마비로 하락할 전망 시간도 무효라는 다른 의사가 심장 압력을 계속, 난 그를 투석 기계로 기계, 혈액을 액세스 권한을 부여, 결과는 오십분 깨어 난 후, 혈압을 씻어 20 분있다. "그는이 방법을 발명, 또한 세계 유수의 의학 저널에 발표 된 지금, 의학 교과서가되었다.

다음 질문을 불리는 독성 리앙 린 지에 신문의 숫자가있다, 그는 발코니에 댓글을 가서 전화를 걸어, 외출, 리앙 린 지에는 말했다 : "최근 몇 년 동안 식량 문제의 검은 마음이 너무 심각 올해 예산은 식품 위생입니다 팔천만위안은 , 국가 분당 개 미만 위안 이상 백 COA 공급 튜브, 파이프, 나는 보건부에 참석 한 두 다스 식품 위생과 작년, 국가 식품 조사 다이옥신 회의, 음식 관리, 위원은 다이옥신했다 설문 조사는 많은 돈을 지출, 지금까지 이런 중요한 문제는, 당신은 여기에 어떻게 중지 할 수 있습니다 사람들에게이 말을? "

그는 자신의 무력 미소 쓰여지는하지만, 작품은 불의, 죽음과 절망 고통을 집에서 도어의 거부이다, 그래서 우리는 아래층 녹색 공원을보고 있었다, 그는 말했다 : "나는 여기가 좋아, 10 년 전 우리가 이사 왔을 때 내 큰 아들이 말했다, 우리는 ... 괜찮 아, 이동하지 마십시오 "하고 그는 느낌으로 말한다 :"매우 어렵 나는 또한 의사의 장남되고 싶어,하지만 난 좋은 의사가 그에게 말했다 ... "그럼 그 회색 하늘을보고, Touyemeihui는 말했다 : "의사는 그것을 삶, 내가 할 수있는 의사 이들 만하고 있어요하지 않습니다 포기하지해야합니까?"

인터뷰는 큰 입 물린해야합니다 후 포스트 스크립트】 리앙 린 지에 전에 【인터뷰, 동료에게 듣고, 장 궁 기념 병원 백도어 닭고기 포장 마차, 수분이 많은 고기 맛, 눈물 방울의 전체 내 입이 있고, 맹세.

그러나 수신 임 부부는 가장 좋아하는 패스트 푸드, 바베큐, 두부 건강에 해로운, 말, 내 입 쓴 소리, 사진 작가라고 아, 그래서 나는 비밀리에 튀긴 음식을 먹는 결코 맹세.

하지만 집에가는 길에, 닭 튀김, 닭고기, 오징어, 바 질, 조각에 맹세 튀김 보보 비프 음 튀김 과자, 그리고 마지막 동안에 만 노래 닭을 씹어의 풀 후 :하지만 어떻게 수 첸나이, 그런데 왜 난 여전히 당신을 그리워,하지만 어떻게 얘기 그런가, 당신을 좋아할 수 ...

상자 : [먹는 방법 리앙 린 지에]

1 피클, 튀긴 가공 식품을 피하십시오. 소금과 적은 설탕, 적은 오일입니다.
큰 물고기 많은 물고기 몸에 독소를 축적하기 때문에 (2) 다음 물고기, 작은 물고기 때리고을 먹는다. 생선 머리와 내장을 먹고, 생선을 먹을려고 네 두 주를 먹는다.
음식, 영양소의 손실을 최소화 퇴화하지 않도록 요리하는 3 삶은 찐 음식은 전자 레인지도 사용할 수 있습니다.

4 때문에 아플라톡신 오염을 생성 할 수 있습니다 양조 과정에있는 몇몇 회사의 간장, 간장을 사용하지 않도록하십시오.
5 대만 습기와 뜨거운 음식은 아플라톡신, 전체 곡물, 국수, 유리 국수를 성형 생산하기 쉽고, 중국 곰팡이 즉시 폐기 한 번 냉장고에 저장해야합니다.
6 급속한 성장, 낮은 가격으로 인해 가장 저렴한 계절 야채를 구입, 많은 농부들이 농약을 보내고 싶지 않아.
상추를 먹지 않아요, 계란 기생 세균을 피할 수 있습니다.

7 태풍 전에 농부 가격은 단지 살충제를 유출 한 경우 거부 수확에 돌진하는 열망 될 수 있기 때문에 구입 냉동 야채 중, 가격 또는 괴경을 저장하기 쉬운 콩과 야채를 구입할 수 있습니다.
8 가정은 역삼 투 물 분배기는 미네랄을 필터링 할 수 있지만, 식수 안전에 대한 우려 역삼 투 시스템을 설치하는 것이 가장 좋습니다 직접 소비 할 수 있지만, 음식 보충 교재 있습니다.

큰 수프 뼈나 내장하지 않고 9. 적절한 사용 MSG, 쉬운 중금속과 독성 물질이 뼈 또는 내장에 축적하기 때문이다.
10 더 많은 물은 독소를 추방 할 수 있습니다.

(저자 : 만주국 Jiarui 사진 : KUANG 정 임, 왕 유 연)

저녁 뉴스 헤드 라인에 왜 의사의 죽음? 어쩌면 우리는 좋은 의사의 세계 덜뿐만 아니라 슬퍼하지만 넘치는 전문가의 파산에 대한 신뢰가 대만의 사회에 자리 잡고, 우리는 진실을 말할 한 적은 사람이있다. 다음은 우리의 잡지 인터뷰를 수락하는 두 ○ ○ 팔년, 리앙 린 지에 의사입니다.


박사 리앙 린 지에 독성 연구 패러다임 거리 무한 후회의 마음! 녹십자 건강 네트워크 독극물 사이트의 그의 일생 지식을 마무리합니다! 일상 생활 백신을 도울 수있는 정보를 제공합니다. 계획은 젊은 그의 정신을 보낼 것 "을 가지고 오세요."


미안 해요, 감사합니다, 용서해주십시오, 나는 당신을 사랑 해요!

박사 리앙 린 지에 헌신의 노력에 감사합니다!



리앙 린 지에 비너스 사망 : 감염의 근원을 찾을 수 없습니다

"교수 린 Jieliang 연구 기금"의 설립

리앙 린 지에는 많은 사람들이 (리앙 린 지에 평생 사진 얼굴 책에서 발췌) 포기 사망

워싱턴 8월 5일는 2013 년 로이터 (신기원 타임즈 기자 쑤 Naiyi 대만 타오 위안 보고서) 장 궁 기념 병원, 리앙 린 지에 임상 독성 이사의 국내 "독 전문가"명성을 가지고, 5는 패 혈성 쇼크, 금성에 의해 복잡하게 여러 장기 실패를 표시 Jessen 아일랜드 병원, 부사장, 삶의 리앙 린 지에 기호는 매우 약한왔다, 어떤 박테리아, 바이러스 성 감염을 분석뿐만 아니라 감염의 소스가 치료가 어렵 기 때문에 때문에 가족이 때문에 발관하기로 결정 리앙 린 지에에 대한 거부감의 고통을 계속했다.

http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/8/5/n3933852.htm 리앙 린 지에 사망 - 금성 - 감염의 근원을 찾을 수 없습니다 -. HTML

정오 북에 리앙 린 지에 아들, "Canghaiyiqingxiao 애국가, 아버지 리앙 린 지에는 12:42에 출발했다. 정말 좋은 아버지, 좋은 의사, 좋은 교사, 사회 양심, 영원 기사, 왼쪽, 너무 슬퍼, 일반 사람들 웃음, 더 이상 외로운, 정말 내 아버지의 삶의 묘사이다. "

, 리앙 린 지에, 2 ED 방문, 병원 치료는 의료 팀은 체외 막과 높은 항생제 적극적인 치료의 지속적인 사용은, 그러나, 리앙 린 지에는 여전히 5 일 12:42에 불행히도, 여러 기관 고장으로 복잡 폐 감염에 의한, 형성 의료 팀 말했다 오십오년 세의 나이로 사망.

식품 안전, 유해 사건, 과거의 국내 발생 천천히 말하기, 호리 호리한 체격을 볼 수 있어야합니다, 장 궁 기념 병원, 리앙 린 지에 임상 독성의 이사, 오염 된 우유, 미국산 쇠고기, 가소 제, 독에서 울려 퍼지는 박람회 소스 전분을 독살하기 와 관련이없는 거의 노동, 더 자주 Kangshang 정부가 리앙 린 지에는 것을 말했다 "그의 이야기는 양심의 가치 이야기, 최선을"대만의 사회적 양심과 같이 말한다.

리앙 린 지에 자체 신장병, 지식의 독성 부의 교수, 자신의 솔직한, 무뚝뚝한 성격은 종종 항상 일반적으로 학생들을 가르치는 교사와 같이 매우 환자 매체를 얼굴과 함께, "참을성이이 진언을 모든 질문에 대답 아들, 당신은 이해하고있다 "친절한 태도는 箇中 핵심입니다.
리앙 린 지에 2 아침 임계 조건에서 오후 복장 ECMO, 폐 감염이 전신 여러 장기의 장애에 의해 복잡하게하는 구급차 응급실에 장 궁 기념 병원에 입원, 그의 가족 정오 5 경악 단지 고통 발관 사일 영원히.

의료 팀은 교수 린 Jieliang 연구 기금을 설립, 그래서 뒤로 재생 리앙 린 지에, 경비 공중 보건의 정신. 요금제가 신장 명성 병원 임상 독성학 연구에서 리앙 린 지에 장 궁 기념 병원 감탄 주요 장기 우려 대중 식품 안전 문제를 말했다

(편집자 : Lvmei 치)

하지만 그는 대만, 양심과 용기를 왼쪽, 우리에게 그 자체이자 스푸핑 재료 산업 사람을 직면하는 용기를주고 계속 할 수있을 것


[다음 TV 뉴스]
국내 독성 권한 독 의사 리앙 린 지에 장 궁 기념 병원, 오늘 아침에 일어나서 내가 호흡 곤란을 느끼고, 일곱 열세 가슴 X-선 후, 장 궁 기념 비상 사태에 돌진하고 발견 폐부종, 폐 물 현상, 의료 팀이 즉시 투석 치료를 배치, 질병이 점차 향상되었습니다, 정오 오후 질병의 진행에서 일반 병동 있지만, 세 가지를 설정, 하위 ICU, 긴급 ECMO, 현재의 불안정한 활력 징후를 입었다.

경악! 좋은 의사 리앙 린 지에 갑작스런 죽음 "Canghaiyiqingxiao는"함께

국민 건강 리앙 린 지에 "마지막 신호"를 확인

************************************************** ***

[다음 TV 뉴스]
독 기관 리앙 린 지에 생활 55 년 끝, 그러나 그는 사람들의 공헌을 왼쪽,하지만 그는 항상 진지하게 "먹지 마세요, 균형 잡힌 식단을 모두 원하는대로 그가 무거운 책임을 짊어 져야하는 보편적 인 건강 검진 때문에 어떻게 충분하지 가공 식품, 절임 식품 ","제철 과일과 야채를 구입, 지금 우리는 최종 검토 이러한 의사 리앙 린 지에 권면에 와서 "성분 청소해야합니다"매입 ".
리앙 린 지에 탄 Dunci 과부가 어린 아들을 가장 끈적 아빠 말, 어제 집에 가서, 그의 머리는 아버지 남기지 않았습니다 느낌, 어린 아들이 말했다, 베개 웬 리앙 린 지에의 아버지의 취향에 묻혀, 외침 ... (Xiaobian 버스트 슬픈 느낌이 너무 .. ).


● 독 기관 리앙 린 지에 장 궁 기념 병원 의사 12시 42분 사망
(HTTP :/ / tinyurl.com / otlsdqr)

까다로운 감염 ● 의심되는 바이러스는 리앙 린 지에 사망
(HTTP :/ / tinyurl.com / motnsgq)

● 리앙 린 지에 : 아무리 바쁜​​,하지만 아기가 함께 성장 동행
(HTTP :/ / tinyurl.com/kymcz2t) (사진 2)

리앙 린 지에, 자녀의 교육 지혜의 의사, 그것은 보람입니다!
아이들이 즐겁게 책을 찾을 수 있습니다 TV없이 1 린 박사 집.
(2) 스포츠, 하이킹, 연 날리기는 최고의 엔터테인먼트입니다 그들과 함께, 아이들을 만날 수있는 돈을 가지고 있지 않습니다.
카페인은 아이를 위해 좋은 없기 때문에 3, 아이는 햄버거와 콜라를 먹을 수 있습니다.

박사 린의 아이들은 아주 좋은, 두 아이들이 읽고 자신의 능력에 배우는 3 세이었다입니다. 하나는 의료 방사성 시리즈, 튜토리얼 인정하지만 첫 번째 클래스가 아닙니다 ~

전체 UDN-HTTP :/ / mag.udn.com / 잡지 / 인 / printpage.jsp? F_ART_ID가 = 469507를 참조하십시오

사람들은 항상 박사 리앙 린 지에의 기억을 소중히


때문에 패혈증에 의한 쇼크의 리앙 린 지에 의사가 기관 고장을 일으키는 원인이, 그들은 매우 슬픈 열심히 장소를 작동 배운 그의 헌신입니다 장 궁 기념 병원에서 사망 질병에 잃었다. "상심, 슬픔, 대만의 큰 손실이다."

분명 리앙 린 지에 소매, 잘못한 아무것도 진정한 신사 참 실망의 좋은 예. 썩지 무결성 기사 좋은 의사. 학술 절거덕 소리 강한!



앵커 황 문화로 쓴다 :

리앙 린 지에, MD는, 항상 진지하고 전문적인, 매주 비디오 전문가를 만나, 난 수요일 녹화를 기대하지 않았고, 모든 것이 좋았 습니다만, 갑자기 금요일에 병이 떨어졌다.


리앙 린 지에, 자녀의 교육 지혜의 의사, 그것은 보람입니다!

아이들이 즐겁게 책을 찾을 수 있습니다 TV없이 1 린 박사 집.
(2) 스포츠, 하이킹, 연 날리기는 최고의 엔터테인먼트입니다 그들과 함께, 아이들을 만날 수있는 돈을 가지고 있지 않습니다.
카페인은 아이를 위해 좋은 없기 때문에 3, 아이는 햄버거와 콜라를 먹을 수 있습니다.
박사 린의 아이들은 아주 좋은, 두 아이들이 읽고 자신의 능력에 배우는 3 세이었다입니다. 하나는 의료 방사성 시리즈, 튜토리얼 인정하지만 첫 번째 클래스가 아닙니다 ~
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사람들은 항상 박사 리앙 린 지에의 기억을 소중히


. 주들 쓰기

박사 리앙 린 지에 그냥 소식을 알게 사망, 많은 혼합 된 감정이있다 :

2011 년 베이징 투어 대만으로 귀국 후 종료, 그리고 내 친구를 위해 박사 린 시간을 요청할 수 있습니다. 우리는 엄청난 부자가 정상적인 삶을 살 수없는 경우에도 매우 드문 알레르기로 고통 베이징의 친구, 당신은 거의 필사적 분기 테이블 밖에 잔디에 큰 클럽에있을 나의 저녁 식사와 함께, 일반적으로 개조 내부에 머물 수 없습니다.

어머니와 나는 미국에있는 친구, 대만, 멀티 질문을 도왔다. 나는 린 박사를 인터뷰했기 때문에 그가 무죄 자매를 통해 독성 물질 전문 연구 것을 알고 여러 번 당신의 친절에 연락. 마지막으로 실제로 감사의 마음 그래서 카르마의 존재에 있었다 내 친구 도움을주지 않지만이 특별하고 잘 알려진 경우에, 린 박사도 매우 열성적이다.

아무도 생각이 ...... 베이징의 친구들이 멋진 치유를 만났고, 지금은 정상적인 생활로 돌아 왔습니다, 올해 내가 베이징에서 그를 보았다, 운 새로운있다. 그리고 오늘 아침, 박사 린은 멀리 단계이다.

인생은 연극처럼, 깜짝 트위스트 정말 재미있는!

변덕 때문에 자신의 가치를 얻을 수 있습니다.


블루! 해독 기관 리앙 린 지에에서 볼트 사망! Canghaiyiqingxiao! "해독 기사는"그린 크로스, 시골 병원 20 ​​년 식품 안전의 핵심은 설립


모든 http://www.cna.com.tw/Topic/Popular/3889-2.aspx 기사 및 단어


Fionana 우 그것에 의해 그의 일생에서 의사, 사람들의 존경을 얻을 수이 세상을 떠날 관계없이 지식을 몰라하는, 심지어 기자들과 인터뷰 눈물을 질식 도움이되지 수, 교수 린 전이나 그것에 의해 이후 여야합니다. 린 박사 박사 린은 모든 사람의 것입니다.
· 1 시간 전 · 댓글 달기 · 29와 같은

케이시 차오 하트 랜드

잉 문수 장 "인명 구조 장치"http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml 답변을 구조 응급실 감사

최악 연소 용융 용인 섬락 "생명을 구하는 장치를."제거

뉴 타이페이시 소방서 소방관 할당 "인명 구조 장치"만큼 화재 소방관이 이동하지 않기 때문에, 너무 소방관의 소리가 갇혀 도움 듣고, 불에 자기 구조 장비 공동 큰 고통을, 발송합니다 동료의 즉각적인 구제를 확장합니다. " 불행히도, 어제 대산 공장 화재 섬락, 두 소방관의 인명 구조 장치 위의 인스턴트 여섯 Baidu의 연소 용융 온도가 너무 힘들어 다른 플레이어가 구출합니다.

2013년 8월 7일 15시 반 / / / / /


슬픔! 리앙 린 지에 사망! 리앙 린 지에는 아직 살아 불꽃, 왕의 해독 의료 윤​​리의 세계에서 영원히 마땅 ~! 숭고한 이상과 자비로운 의사는 그가 <Yoshiyuki>를 전달할 수 있기를 바랍니다

리앙 린 지에, 갑작스런 죽음, 두 아들의 손을 잡고 과부 탄 Dunci 저녁은 지역 사회에 대한 그의 감사를 표현했다.

린 박사 ......

좋은 여행 ......
당신은 정말 좋은 좋은 좋은 좋은 좋은 의사이다! ! !

리앙 린 지에는 애도 사망 추모 시간 명나라 발표 - 무료 뉴스 레터 뉴스

[워싱턴] 독성 물질 당국은 장 궁 기념 리앙 린 지에, 질병에 손실 임상 독성학 오늘 (5 일)의 감독은, 장 궁 기념 병원, 두 아들의 손을 잡고 리앙 린 지에 탄 Duici 저녁의 미망인 사망 지역 사회에 대한 그의 감사를 표현했다 또한 말했다

슬픔! 리앙 린 지에 마지막 영상은 아직 식품의 안전성에 대해 걱정 7 월 말까지 사망

리앙 린 지에, 마지막으로 기록 된 동부는 여전히 미소를, "지금은 알고있다." (지도 / 동부 ...
기자 황 Ziwei / 타이페이

리앙 린 지에 여러 기관 고장으로 복잡 혈성 쇼크로 인해 2013년 8월 5일 불행하게도 사망했다. 그는 동부 연결 대만에서 7 월 말까지 있었던 마지막 시간은 단지 5 저녁 방송에, 음식 위상에 대해 얘기 "지금은 알고있다." 녹화 날, 리앙 린 지에는 여전히 그의 목소리, 그의 몸은 비정상적인 거기에 아무것도 생각하지 않았지만, 2 아침, 그는 갑자기 숨 병원 긴급 구조, 넷 일, 상태가 안정되고, 결국 질병을 저항하지 사임 세계 55 세되었다.

린 지에 리앙 Yisheng의 그의 사망 소식 이후,​​ 삶의 모든 산책들이 애도를 표명 한 식품 안전 공공 의심 주저 위해 최선을 다하고. 앵커 Xiaotong 총리, 린 이순신 루, 황 원자바오 - 후아 등을 포함, 샤오 난 항상이 뉴스는 동안 실행하지만 독과 식품 안전 문제가만큼되지에도 불구하고 "아직 리앙 린 지에는 항상 참을성있게 모든 질문에 대답 신인임을 기억 멀리, 당신은 내 마음, 가장 신뢰할 수있는 독 의사이기 때문에 무슨 일이 단지 방문 중 하나를 수행, 장 궁 기념으로 경주해야한다 말한다. "

린 이순신은 또한 린 박사가 떠나더라도 말했다, 그러나 그는, 대만, 양심과 용기를 떠난 우리에게 누가 자기 이익 스푸핑 재료 업계의 사람들을 직면하는 용기를주고 계속 할 수있을 것입니다. "항상 진지 독에서 멀리 사람을 생각 나게 해 주셔서 감사합니다, 당신이 선호하는 감사 할 때 까마귀, 많은 사람들이 진실을 직면하지 않으려는 지적."후앙 문화로는 STV이 지난 수요일 7 월 31 일 "후, 이렇게 말해주세요"관장 동안 리앙 린 지에는 프로그램에 그녀의 무거운 마음으로 갑자기 나쁜 소식을 초대되었다.


대만의 실종 강한 두려워하지 말 감히 악을 두려워하지 않는, 그런 사람 리앙 린 지에합니다

오른쪽. 대신 대만 같은 몇 사람이 남아 있었다?

리앙 린 지에, MD - 대만의 가장 소중한 좋은 의사
"기사"를 놓치지 않을 사람
끝날 때까지, 마음은 여전히​​ 사람들의 건강에 연결되어
리앙 린 지에, 권면, 당신의 지불의 정의를 주셔서 감사합니다
우리는 당신이 편안히 잠드소서, 당신을 기념하기 위해 리앙 린 지에 작성한 모든 단어를 기억합니다 :

주의 멜라민 식기를 사용
일본이 일본 음식을하거나 먹고, 칼슘을 먹는 것을 잊지 마세요
건강 피해를 줄이고, 옥수수 과당을 먹고
더 많은 물을 마시고, 더 높은 섬유 음식을 먹고 고지방 음식을 먹는
과일과 야채의 잔류 농약 방지 ...

에서 : 박사 리앙 린 지에 리앙 린 지에 팬 페이지 https://www.facebook.com/pages/ / 112269112124206 사진 : 리앙 린 지에, MD - 대만의 가장 소중한 좋은 의사
"기사"를 놓치지 않을 사람

끝날 때까지, 마음은 여전히​​ 사람들의 건강에 연결되어
당신의주의를 당신의 지불의 정의 주셔서 감사합니다
우리는 당신이 당신이 평화에서 휴식 할 기념하기 위해 쓴 모든 단어를 기억합니다 :
주의 멜라민 식기를 사용
일본이 일본 음식을하거나 먹고, 칼슘을 먹는 것을 잊지 마세요
건강 피해를 줄이고, 옥수수 과당을 먹고
더 많은 물을 마시고, 더 높은 섬유 음식을 먹고 고지방 음식을 먹는
과일과 야채의 잔류 농약 방지 ...

의사 리앙 린 지에 리앙 린 지에 팬 페이지 https://www.facebook.com/pages/ / 112269112124206에서


린 박사는이 아래 생일 케이크.

[외국 의사 좋은 창조적 인 모양 스폰지 케이크

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=409420359167238&set=a.319286624847279.68953.233742886734987&type=1&theater에서 이미지 인용
사진 : [외국인 의사 좋은 창조적 인 모양 케이크]


금성 의사 리앙 린 지에 리앙 린 지에 기증 생명 구조 장치, 전에 정신 덕분에 애도를 제공하는 오늘날, 타이페이시 소방 최고 리우 마오 등 죽었다. 과부 탄 Dunci 노트북은 얼음과 예배를 갖추고 있습니다.

오늘 애도 리우 마오, 소방 리앙 린 지에 평생 치료를 감사하고 선수의 타이페이시 소방국 제 여단, 소방관 사용할 수 48 생명을 구하는 장비를 기증하는 것입니다, 7 월 30 일에 리앙 린 지에는 상담 후 말했다. 또한 두 번째 여단,하지만 몇 가지 일 이내 "에 인명 구조 장치"를 보내 차로 도착, 그가 죽은 사람들은 그것을 믿을 수 없었다.

리우 마오, 리앙 린 지에 린 왕 젠의 장남 말을 매우 소방 서비스에 대해 우려하고 있으며, 타이페이시 소방국 화재 대리 앤 포인트 뉴저지에서 근무 리앙 린 지에는 또한 매우 중요하다, 소방관 의사로서 자신의 평생 동안 생명을 구하는 일이 있다고 생각 언제 린 왕 젠 도우 소방대를 제공하기 위해 희망, 리앙 린 지에 대해 토론 재난 구호에 사망 타이베이 현의 두 형제를 참조하십시오. 그리고 리앙 린 지에는 NT 200,000달러 이상을 지출 번째 여단에 48 생명을 구하는 장치를 기부하기로 결정 사람들이 움직였다.

Fionana 우 그것에 의해 그의 일생에서 의사, 사람들의 존경을 얻을 수이 세상을 떠날 관계없이 지식을 몰라하는, 심지어 기자들과 인터뷰 눈물을 질식 도움이되지 수, 교수 린 전이나 그것에 의해 이후 여야합니다. 린 박사 박사 린은 모든 사람의 것입니다.

잉 문수 장 "인명 구조 장치"http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/8012097.shtml 답변을 구조 응급실 감사

최악 플래시 연소 금융 용인 소비자 "인명 구조 장치"| 소방관 화재 사망

뉴 타이페이시 소방서 소방관 할당 "인명 구조 장치"만큼 화재 소방관이 이동하지 않기 때문에, 너무 소방관의 소리가 갇혀 도움 듣고, 불에 자기 구조 장비 공동 큰 고통을, 발송합니다 동료의 즉각적인 구제를 확장합니다. " 불행히도, 어제 대산 공장 화재 섬락, 두 소방관의 인명 구조 장치 위의 인스턴트 여섯 Baidu의 연소 용융 온도가 너무 힘들어 다른 플레이어가 구출합니다.

2013년 8월 7일 15시 반 / / / / /

! 전국 애도 애도 해독 기관 리앙 린 지에는 죽었다 : "잃어버린 리앙 의사"헐크 우수성을 잃은 국가 기둥을 잃은 눈물, 어떤 마음 해독 전문 박사 린 Jieliang 5분의 8 12:42 55 세의 나이로 사망! .

[리앙 린 지에 어린이 실망의 기사 거리, 고통 대만은 좋은 의사를 잃었]

세상에 빔 분할을 잃었다! 나는 또한 울고 싶다! 영원히 해독 권리 Weilin의 지에 리앙 의사, 사회 양심, 나이트, 정말 화가 죽고, 서민의 웃음, 더 이상 외로운! 사람들은 55 년 존경 할 살고 있습니다. 우리는 큰 존경 "국내 좋은 의사,"박사 린 Jieliang 좋은 기사 해독 보살, 좋은 여행! Jieliang 의사는 심장 (힘)의 돈을 밖으로 기증, 의료 윤​​리은 세계에서 영원히! 녹십자 건강 네트워크 Jieliang되는 독 지식 웹 사이트 !


리앙 린 지에는 "녹십자"Jieliang는 연구 약물 및 다른 사람과 시골 진료소 훌륭한 영웅 영웅을 돕는 20 년 전에 연간 200,000를 지불 설정!


동정 의사 의사 기여를 확인 산림 건강의 사람들 주셔서 감사합니다! 우리는 항상 닥터 린을 기억할 것이다!
린 박사 린 왕 젠 유 장남 그의 아버지가 죽은 후, 리앙 린 지에 얼굴 책 : "12:42 아버지 리앙 린 지에는 우리를 떠났다."

국내 독성 기관, 장 궁 기념 병원, 리앙 린 지에 임상 독성 혼수 이사, 가족들이 고통을 견딜 수는 발관, 패 혈성 쇼크, 장기 장애 및 장 궁 기념 병원의 사망으로 인해 리앙 린 지에 의사를 합의했다.

FB : https://www.facebook.com/pages/ 리앙 린 지에 / 112269112124206

OMG R.I.P. 슬픔!

비디오 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

관을 참조 눈물이 파열! 아 슬픈! 상심! 슬픔의 결과를보고 싶어! (; _ ;)가 슬픈 슬픈 애도 끝없는, 국가의 우수성에 작은 기여 Jieliang은 그의 일생 동안 단지 척추 기사 영웅 아내 질식시에 치료를 맹세!.
눈물 붕괴! 대만 적은 의사가 의료 윤​​리 있으며, 감사는 사람들의 생활에 의미가 있습니다. 린 박사 좋은 여행은 ~ 운다! 그래서 슬픈! 도전자 수수 의사는 아주 잘 존경받는 의사였다.

장 궁 기념 병원 리앙 린 지에 임상 독성의 이사는 나쁜 소식을 전달 = 내가 가장 걱정이고 슬픈 소식 듣고 싶어 : 죽은.

대만의 양심, 대만의 검은 마음 두지 않는 한! 월 하나님이 그에게 양심을 덜 하나! 왼쪽으로! 의사가없는 젠 인공 지능 / 식품 안전 배틀 대만에있는 악의 세력의 빛 다우 Renyong 두려워없이 사망 리앙 린 지에 양심의 기사, 기사 양심 자비로운 의사는 퉁명스럽게 영웅 패러다임의 마음에 영원히, 감히! 장남 명령으로 / 녹십자 건강 네트워크를 따라

불멸의 부처님 꺼려, 슬픈, 분실 양재동

조용히 떠나

심각한 질병의 얼굴
모두 무의미

알고 몰라
부처님 하나님 알라
또한 돕기를 원해요

생활 그럼에도 불구하고 돌이킬 수없는 말
사람들의 신뢰기도하자
눈물이 상처 입은 마음을 하락
그 얼룩은 무자비하게
오래 오래 방법은 무거운 공격

어둠의 시대에
때로는 밝은이 잊지
세계에서 혼탁 한 악
자주 부처님 거기에 정말 믿지 않는다

기사가 조용히 떠날 때까지
갑자기 모든 재능을 발견
어두운 시대에 종종 그
반짝 반짝 끝까지
그는이 악한 세상이 흐린 감싸 보자
부처님의 프로 뜸 큰 사랑

정말, 정말 조금 짧은 시간

정말 정말 주셔서 감사합니다
린다 MD
07:54 8 월 6 모바일에서 · · · 28처럼

도라 채구는 또한, 또한 그의 런던의 CI 전임자의 나머지 절반에 감사해야, 그녀는 조용히 걱정 린 박사는 살아있는 존재에 자신을 바친, 그래서 가족을 지키고!
8:36 년 8 월 6 일 · · · 15처럼

SEK Kwong의 풍 전문적인 접근 밖의 전문 기관은 다음과 같습니다 수 있습니다
8:38 년 8 월 6 일 · · · 3과

작은 세계 "일반 사람들 웃음, 더 이상 외로운. 지옥 부처가 거부, 비어 있지 않습니다. "

리앙 린 지에 의사는, 지구 스토어 보살 영적 존재의 옛날 학위를 따르십시오

"지옥 부처가 거부, 비어 있지 않은, 인간의도는 사각 보살님을 소진."...... 더보기

을보고 턱 왕 팬 눈물 ...


기든스는 삶 그래픽 사진의 비트를 공유했습니다.
8월 5일

기든스는 쓰기 :
사람이 일이,이 사람의 생명을 모든 시간을 혜택을 계속 남겨두고이 세상을 떠날 때, 충분히 부자가 될 것이 좋다. 그래서 지금 우리가 슬픈되지 않습니다, 우리는 진심으로 인생에서 존경 린 박사의 기여이며,이 아, 확실히 최고 잘 생긴 멋진 인생 '예'입니다! ! !
리앙 린 지에, MD, 대만, 감사합니다.

www.wretch.cc/blog/beatlack/14580980 사진 : 리앙 린 지에, MD, 대만, 감사합니다.


토미 DengHong 좋은 사람들이 정말 죽지​​ 않는, 사람들의 마음에 살고있는 것입니다 ...

Sannysanny SANNY 이것은 소위 위치 그것의 진정한 역사이다!

청 Jiaming 츄 푸린 의사

항상 린 박사 리우 Zaixuan 대만 사람과 좋은 여행의 다이어트 술의 다른 측면을 감사합니다 ..

당신에게 ~ 리앙 린 지에 린 Xiangting 의사, 좋은 여행을. 감사합니다 . .

프랑카 황 당신은 닥터 린, 좋은 여행 감사합니다! 우리는 항상, 대만, 당신을 기억합니다, 당신은 너무 훌륭한 의사가 감사합니다!

린 박사 포 유 첸 ~ 감사합니다! 정말 식품 안전 개념의 몸에서 많이 얻을 ~ ~ 나는 당신에게 대만하면 좋은 의사 등이 좋은 여행을 기원합니다, 우리의 기쁨입니다 ~ ~

CHEN 젠 대통령이 잘못 수상! 그는 인증서를 얻을 수있는 사람이다

마이클 그래서 리앙 린 지에, MD, 우리는 내가 대만 사람도 가져 주셔서 감사합니다 믿고 감사합니다.

린 유 - 아연 왜 좋은 사람들이 긴 점을 살 수 없다

Yuehhsiu 장 징 페일 린 의사 불멸의
14시 23분 8 월 6 일 · · · 1과

Huangxiong 유 대만, 도덕적 용기, 하나의 임박한 죽음.
14시 23분 8 월 6 일 모바일에서 · · 6과 같은

Danbing 신화 대만 재능 ...
15시 38분 8 월 6 일 · · 2처럼

투어 시앙 치 리앙 린 지에, MD, 대만, 감사합니다 .. 당신은 도로 갈 수 있습니다 ....
15시 39분 8 월 6 일 · · · 1과

좋은 매력을 Lvjian
16시 41분 8 월 6 일 · · 2처럼

Zhanwan 아이들 왜! ~ 하나님은 좋은 사람을 돌볼하지 않습니다 ...
16:45 8 월 6 일 · · · 1과

우 Kaiwen이 점을 누르면, 그는 대만을 많이 지불했다
17:17 8 월 6 · · · 1과

LICHENG 욕실 의료 사회는 좋은 재능을 잃었습니다
17시 38분 8 월 6 일 · · 2처럼

앨리슨은 정말 좋은 의사이다
18시 14분 8 월 6 일 · · · 1과

모두의 안전 점검을위한 린 박사 Zhuo의 Zhengnan의 감사. 미래가 좋은 당신이 좋은 우리가 배울 것입니다 당신 같은 더 많은 의사를 훈련하고 내 마음에 간직 할 수 있기를 바랍니다 ~ 감사
18시 37분 8 월 6 일 · · 2처럼

쑤 유에 후아 너무 자주 지금 유독 것들에 대한 TV 해설에 당신을보고, 한 ... 아니, 좋은 여행
8 월 6 일에 18:58에 모바일에서 · · 2처럼

난 그냥 깃털 학년이지만 정말 좋은 예배 린 박사 Jieliang 오전 있지만,
뉴스를보고하기 전에 그는이 사라 졌어요 지금은 정말 좋은 강한 생각
대만 덜 좋은 사람이야 나는 좋은 여행을 기원합니다
19시 6분 8 월 6 일 · · 4처럼

징 우 TSUNG 내가 뉴스에서 봤어요 전에 린 박사 Jieliang 좋은 색깔이 갑자기 왼쪽으로 생각이었다 ..
19시 14분 8 월 6 일 · 드

Anoki 린 린 박사의 헌신을 감사, 그의 인생은 가치가있다.
19:40 8 월 6 일 모바일에서 · · 1과

누군가 표창 +1
19시 41분 8 월 6 일 · · · 편집 됨처럼

노부 우 슬픈 그것은 어렵지 않다
19시 56분 8 월 6 일 · · · 1과

Boice 린 린은 대만 여전히 당신을 필요하지만, 당신을 감사하지만
20시 36분 8 월 6 일 · · 4처럼

의사 리앙 린 지에 우 정말 슬픈 아이 만 감사합니다하지만 당신은 좋은 여행을 당신에게 ~ ~ 모든 방법을 원하는
20:56 8 월 6 일 · · · 1과

린 Zhiyong 리앙 린 지에 잘 독극물 권한 알려져있다,,, 사실, 식품 안전에 대한 중요성을 첨부 전용 살충제 "제초제의 일종"중독 해독제를 개발, 세계적 치료 지침의 의사에 국제 저널 승선뿐만 아니라,
21:20 8 월 6 · · · 1과

셀레나 첸 린, MD는, 진심으로 감사합니다
21시 31분 8 월 6 일 · · · 1과

린 박사 왕 Jianyu는 그렇게 오랜 세월 동안 우리를 동반하는 감사, 난 항상 당신을 기억합니다.
21시 37분 8 월 6 일 · · · 1과

얀 샤오 밸리 당신에게 닥터 린 감사
21:40 8 월 6 · · · 1과

정말 빈을 쩡 연민 ~ 권위의 ~ 임박한 죽음
23시 37분 8 월 6 일 · · · 1과

알리 스와는 우리의 건강 검사를 도와 주셔서 감사합니다
모바일 가입일 August 7 일 14시 53분에 · 드

카이 장 린, MD는, 진심으로 감사 대만 다이애나의 지불을 부탁합니다
모바일 가입일 August 7 일 17시 25분에서 · · · 3과

첸 Hongru는 지불 주셔서 감사합니다
19시 51분 8 월 7 일에 · · · 1과

Mego 우 린 MD 추수 감사절 좋은 여행
7시 41분 8 월 9 일 · 드

악인 이명 Tianduyingcai 할 처벌하지 않습니까? 린 박사의 날 기념 지하 진실을 악화.

첸 Yijun 고대인 괜찮아요 ~ ~ 모두가 "러커. 공로. liyan의,"그는 준비가되어 있어야했다


쉔 마사오 쓰기
8월 5일
박사 리앙 린 지에 죽었다.

린 박사는 치료자의 패러다임 환자 치료, 더 손질이 땅이 조각하고 싶은대로하고 싶은대로뿐만 아니라 모든 시간과 노력 토지의 조각으로 자신의 환자에게 바쳤다.

린 박사는 대만에서 세계 의료 사회 저장 모든 젊은 대만 의사에 대한 푸 - 쿠오 의로운 전통, 국가의 지침에 의사, 의학 세계의 도로를 물려 받았다.

영광스러운 임무를 왼쪽으로 린 박사, 닥터 린 감사의 기억을 소중히뿐만 아니라, 린 박사 인계, 환자가 어떤 에너지를 가지고 애지중지 사랑뿐만 아니라,이 땅을 만족시켜 신경. 사진 : 리앙 린 지에 의사가 죽었다.

린 박사는 치료자의 패러다임 환자 치료, 더 손질이 땅이 조각하고 싶은대로하고 싶은대로뿐만 아니라 모든 시간과 노력 토지의 조각으로 자신의 환자에게 바쳤다.

린 박사는 대만에서 세계 의료 사회 저장 모든 젊은 대만 의사에 대한 푸 - 쿠오 의로운 전통, 국가의 지침에 의사, 의학 세계의 도로를 물려 받았다.

영광스러운 임무를 왼쪽으로 린 박사, 닥터 린 감사의 기억을 소중히뿐만 아니라, 린 박사 인계, 환자가 어떤 에너지를 가지고 애지중지 사랑뿐만 아니라,이 땅을 만족시켜 신경.

또 다른 30 ​​댓글보기

린 메이 치 고민! 경악! 감탄! 좋은 의사 모델! ~ ~
18:19 8 월 5 · · · 4처럼

Xuesu 쌰 바쁜 날에 선 사람들이 겁 이렇게! 이 갑자기 무상을 받아 들일 수 없다!
19시 6분 8 월 5 일 · 드

Anny의 린은 너무 슬프고 충격!

박사 리앙 린 지에 죽었다.

장 궁 기념 리앙 린 지에, 오늘 임상 독성과 전쟁의 죽음 예인선, 이사, 12:42 마법의 55 년 세의 나이로 사망 질병 엄마를 잃었다
22:46 8 월 5 일 · · · 편집 됨처럼

첸 Chunqin 신들 젊은 죽을 사랑, 멀리 걸어 가서 그가에 갈 용기의 안 ...... 아! 슬픈!
모바일에서 8월 6일에 18:45 · 드


우 펭이 작성 :
8월 5일
하늘은 우리가 단지이 순간에 몸 히드라의 영혼을 유지하기 위해, 생각 점차 Piaoyuan, 자기 조용히 사라지고, 물, 바람, 바다와 자연 간단 마음, Cimei 미소를 비행 Shuitianyise을보고, 명확했다 당신은 조용히 ------ [리앙 린 지에 의사] ----- 우리는 당신의 ----를 그리워 당신을 위해기도하고, 지친 마음 위해 지키고 싶어

3 공유하기
116 개인은 칭찬을 말한다.

로잔 신들 다이 영 (박사 린) 사랑
사람의 재앙 왼쪽 밀레니엄 (주 하우징 천) 일을 준수하지 않는 ......

세레나 애기 우 우리의 목소리를 만들기 위해 방법을 펭
모바일 가입일 August 5 일 19시 37분 · 3시

조이 리는 정말 좋은 장수 떠날 구제 할 수 있지만하지 않을 수 있습니다

, 마음을 가지고 중국 성실한 주장, 우 펭는 풍경 후 놓아 한계가 있습니다. 세계는, 어떤 한 사람이 보물에 이렇게 살아 다른 사람과 똑같은 기회, 행운,입니다.

대만 샤론 Tseng은이 사람 중 하나 적은 "양심"을 가지고!

칭찬을 노래 우 펭 바람 달 눈물을 흘리며 반사, 우리는 외로운 웃음, 옅은 미소 츄 푸린 의사 좋은 여행을 드러내는 곡을 해제.
21시 7분 8 월 5 일 · 5

우 펭 나는 태양이 나를 위해 빛나고보고, 다음, 깊이 그것을보고, 약간의 향기를 유지하는 사이에 Jizhe. 우리는 반환하지 않기 때문에 각각의 리콜 린 박사는 공간과 시간의 친숙한 느낌을 빌렸다.

Suhuai 드 슬픔! 수많은 생명을 저장 ㄉ 사람 지금 ~ ~ 갈 수.

유 Nyuk 팡 예수 그리스도, 하나님 안녕! 할렐루야!

우 펭 공감, 감사합니다.

메리 어제 보았다 박사 린은 가족과 함께 상호 작용하는 것으로보고
대만 헌신의 사람들의 건강. 노력
저항 라오에 직면하는 경우에도 또한 입장을 주장, 아주 정말 슬픈 이동
우리에게 목숨을 바치고
하나님에 크게 그의 가족을 위로 할 수
10:24 8 월 8 · 1

우 펭 건강은 자신 때문에 언제라도 세심한 배려를 할 수있는 다른 사람에게뿐만 아니라, 자신의 무엇입니까? 리앙 린 지에, MD, 우리는 당신을 감사하십시오
20시 33분 8 월 8 일 · 8

대만의 의료 사회 정신 영원히 보물 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 자주 ~ 작별의 패러다임 리앙 린 지에 사랑하는 의사, 당신은 대만의 가드 돌아올 의향을 활용하고 싶습니다!

[리앙 린 지에 어린이 실망의 기사 거리, 고통 대만은 좋은 의사를 잃었]


대만 때문에 광선 도전자 혈성 쇼크, 기관 실패의 55 년 세의 나이에, 장 궁 기념 병원 사망했다. 린 박사 아들 실망, 관심 주셔서 감사합니다.

6 사진 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater


슬픈! 하나님 죽을 사랑 젊은, 병신 영원히 유지, 처벌의 징계가 수행하는 방법 경우 나쁜 놈들을, 년의 좌측 수천 채찍질, 불공평, 아니 숲 의사!, 좋은 의사 떨어져 걸었다.


양심, 깊이 슬퍼!

일 질투 기둥! 해독 린 박사는 질병의 기사에 손실 사망, 징징, 가자!

오염 된 우유, 미국산 쇠고기는, 가소제, 간장 전분, Kangshang 정부, 양심의 가치 리앙 린 지에를 독살 독 사회적 양심처럼 최선을 다해. "이 이해가 ㄏ ㄡ?"의심, 가장 신뢰할 수있는 독의 의사를 주저 식품 안전에 자신의 삶을 헌신.

사심없는 헌신이 미래 세대를 떠나는 가장 좋은 예입니다, 그것은 지불하는 대만의 린 박사 덕분에 힘든! 대만에있는 너무 많은 독, 린은 의사 연습, 곧 환생 희망하고 때 살아있는 부처님입니다. 난 정말 당신을 필요로하고 있습니다! 정말 슬픈 일, 대만에서 좋은 의사를 잃었다

비디오 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIMkYOmyYbM

6 사진 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=557870970915000&set=pcb.557936550908442&type=1&theater



도전자 빔 사회적 양심

영원히 기사

궁극적으로, 우리는 여전히 하나의 좋은 사람을 잃은, 리앙 린 지에 죽었다 ~

양심 살아있는 부처를 잃었다!

나모 아미타 보살의 자비를 자비를 ...


리앙 린 지에

5분의 8 12:42 우리는 왼쪽으로

Canghaiyiqingxiao의 노래

우리의 좋은 선생님 좋은 아버지가 사회의 좋은 의사 양심

영원히 기사

우리를 떠났다

정말 슬픈

일반적으로 사람들은 외로운 더 이상 웃지
내 아버지의 삶의 진정한 묘사

모두 의사와 Xiexie 린 건강 노력!


그의 마음은 사람들의 건강에 아직도있다


린 박사는 사라지고, 그는 6 독 뚜껑, 스타 벅스를 사용하지 제안 등 7은 여전히​​ 모스를 사용

많은 사진 : http://images.search.conduit.com/search?q = 린 + Jieliang & CTID = CT2233703 & searchsource = 1 & CUI = UN60988449424776776 & UM = UM_ID


그는 우리에게 개인적인 관심 스푸핑 식품 산업에 맞서 싸울 용기를주고 계속 대만의 양심과 용기를 왼쪽으로

사람들의 마음에 검은 테가 달린 유리 도전자 리앙 FENGFAN을 입고 부드러운 외관, 중국 가족 타이페이 의과 대학을 읽고) 출생. 감염 신장염, 장기 투석, 신장 연구 의학, 신장 재단의 독성 전문가.

미국산 쇠고기 및 가소제 에이전트 및 식품 안전 : 미디어 식품 안전 및 환경 독소, 네 개의 호수, 지미 리아, Taihsi 여러 병원에서 닥터 린 선전.

멀리 독에서 절임, 발효, 튀긴 음식을 먹지 않는다, 적은 지방, 소금을 준수, 건강 한 먹는 개념을 촉진하는 사람, 노력을 절약하려고 독 권한을 망치.

린 박사는 손쉬운 설명 덜 거부 매체 이해할 의학 지식을 넣어, 나는 사람들이 독에서 멀리 유지하는 데 도움을 바랍니다.

혼수 사일 후, 그의 가족은 고통에 동의 발관, 패 혈성 쇼크로 인해 5분의 8 리앙 린 지에 의사를 견딜 수있는, 장기 장애, 장 궁 메모리얼 병원에서 사망했다.


먹는 방법 독약 전문가 봐?

전문가 팁 건강한 식사

미신 해독 식사, 장수식없이

독성 오염 물질의 전체 생활, 먹고, 마시고, 사용, 독소 탈출 오염, 금성 신장 임상 독성학 부서 책임자 리앙 린 지에는 독성학에서 가장 권위있는 전문가입니다, 정말 설정, 도로의 바이러스 백신 일상 생활을 구현! 리앙 린 지에의 Puzih은 자이에서 태어났다

리앙 린 지에는 신장염을 앓고 의과 대학은 거의 그가 돌아 투석에 의존하고, 그에게 감사 목숨을 비용에 참석, 그는 매우 신중했다, 음식보다 거의 아무것도!

구입 서두에 의한 농민을 방지하기 위해, 태풍 야채 전에 구입 돌진하지 마십시오, 또한 야채 과도한 잔류 농약, 상추를 먹지 않아요, 계란 세균을 먹는 피하십시오. 아침 식사 우유, 빵, 시리얼, 삶은 계란, 빵을 먹지 않아요, 너무 많은 지방, 트랜스 지방은 인체에 유해한 수 있습니다. 리앙 린 지에 기름의 종류, 좋은 포도 씨 오일, 삶은, 찐 또는 전자 렌지, 적은 기름 있다고 생각합니다. 계절 음식을 먹고 더 잔류 농약이 없을 것, 물 침수의 흐름 우선 야채, 오렌지, 바나나, 용안, 여주의 피부가 먼저 세척하고 거피했다, 오렌지, 날짜를 줄이기 위하여 세척, 왁스 애플 차단 종이는 대신에 야채 급증, 냉동 야채를 먹는다. 풍부한 계절의 작은 물고기, 고등어, 비행 물고기, 꽃, 네 개의 부서 물고기, 전갱이 꽁치는 좋은 선택입니다.을 먹고 민물 고기보다 바다 생선, 연어 인류 작은 야생 연어, 큰 심해 물고기 너무 많은 독소를 먹는다.

닭을 먹고 닭 피부를 먹지 않아요, 돼지 고기 CAS 마크 고기 탁월한 선택입니다. 원시 음식을 먹지 않는 찌꺼기를 먹지 않아요, 예 절인 소시지, 닭 튀김, 과일과 야채의 적은 수입을 살 가공 식품을 먹고 껍질 해산물을 먹고, 더 많은 과일과 야채를 먹지 않는다

1) 피클, 튀긴 가공 식품을 피하십시오. 소금과 적은 설탕, 적은 오일입니다.
큰 물고기보다 물고기를 먹고 있기 때문에 2) 물고기, 다음에 작은 물고기 때리고을 먹고, 독소가 체내에 축적됩니다. 생선 머리와 내장을 먹고, 생선을 먹을려고 네 두 주를 먹는다.

3). 삶은 음식을 요리하는 찐 음식은 영양소의 최소 손실, 나쁘지 않다.
4) 때문에 양조 과정에서 몇몇 회사는 아플라톡신 오염을 생산할 수의 간장, 간장의 사용을 피하기 위해보십시오.

5) 대만 습하고 뜨거운, 음식, 곰팡이 및 아플라톡신, 전체 곡물, 국수, 유리 국수를 생산하기 쉽고, 중국 곰팡이 즉시 폐기 후에 냉장고에 저장해야합니다.
6) 빠른 성장, 낮은 가격으로 인해 가장 저렴한 계절 야채, 구매, 많은 농부들은 농약을 보내고 싶지 않아. 상추를 먹지 않아요! 계란 기생 세균을 피하십시오.

리앙 린 지에, 독 감독은 공중 보건 검사에 큰 칼 전문 지식을 흔들며 천사를 방어 먹고 안전이 될 것으로 보인다.

그는 당신이 대중의 마음, 사랑 부처, 추수 감사절에 살고 Meiyu ............

대만은 내가 당신에게 말할 수로 지상 15:06 기글 리오 : 좋은 여행은, 우리는 자신을 잘 돌볼 것입니다. 대만 당신은 우리의 영광과 명예이다. 보물 안녕.

팬 Maosheng 좋은 의사? 기사?이 대만의 거대한 모음입니다

릴리안 수의, 놓치지, 감사, 감사

당신의 사심이 좋은 여행을 주셔서 감사 치에! 당신의 친절이 있습니다.

린 리 나모 아미타!

정말 슬픈 에이미 창 그런 좋은 사람들이 지불하는 모든 사람을 위해 당신을 순전히 감사하십시오.

순례 "감사"ㄧ 갈 수있는 좋은 방법을 지불하는 당신의 약속을 당신을 감사하십시오. 또한 슬픔의 가족에게 "우리는 당신이 그리워". "

Zhuangyou 리 박사 린은 대만에서 헌신 해 주셔서 감사합니다

젠 룽 좋은 여행 ...... 우리가 당신의 급료를 당신을 감사하십시오! !

SJ 리는 정말 슬프다

병 들고 카이 Caijing Xiexie 린 의사는 여전히 우리의 건강 누트 게이트 키퍼를 계속 제공하면 피곤해야합니다. 어제부터, 당신은 결국 더 이상 고통이 없다, 당신은 당신의 가장 큰 자산을 떠날 것을 권면, 좋은 휴식을 가지고, 우리는 명심하고 그것을하는 것을 시도 할 것이다. 나는 진심으로 당신, R.I.P. 주셔서 감사합니다

켈빈 우 스틱에게 누구를했다? 대만 여전히 좋은 의사가 있습니까? 슬픈!

야오 Xuemei 우리는 항상 당신 아 기억할 것이다! 좋은 여행! ! ! ! ! !

제인 이순신 첸은 천 단어 만 린 박사 고맙다는 말을 할 수 모든있다.

제인 빅토리아 크리스틴은 소중한 좋은 의사가 당신이 평화 기념 쉴 주셔서 감사합니다!

당신 쉐리 유 바깥 쪽 대만 사람들이 사랑과 기여! 좋은 여행 감사합니다!

빈센트 월 위대함과 그의 정신은 영원히 우리의 마음 바다에 사는 것입니다 ~

진실의 의사를 말할 공간이 파란색 용기

린 박사는 갈색 착용 : 좋은 여행, 당신을 당신을 감사하십시오

린 왕 이순신, 멀리 대만의 유일한 의사

웨이 웨이 징은 좋은 의사가 대만에 와서 새로운 혈액을 얼굴에 내키지 정말 Fubao, 우리는 경험이 풍부한 의사의 좋은 그룹을 돌보는 의료 자원을 낭비하지 않는 가족 구성원을 설득하려고 잃었다.
1 일 전 모바일에서 · · 1과

야오 Haobin 아 ~ 우수성 조기 사망
1 일 전 모바일에서 · 드

자신을 무시하고 세그먼트 콩은 경 그는 세상의 관심을 사람들이었다. 항상 친절하고 전문적인 의사의 도덕적 용기가 기억합니다

태양 YUXIANG 나는 당신의 학년, 덕분에기도 당신의기도의 부재를 싶지 않아!

CHEN Yajun 대만의 실종은 당신 같은 사람이고, 힘의 악을 두려워하지 두려워하지 말 하다니. 대신 대만 같은 몇 사람이 남아 있었다?

에이미 첸은 좋은 의사를 잃었다!

QIONG 월에는 대만의 후견인을 이용할 돌아올 의향 월

린 박사 우 링 후이기도

한은 NGUYEN Hồ 옹 아니 NHIN giống 응에 싸이 반 HIEP GE

펭 닝은 당신이 우리의 건강을 지불 감사 닝
좋은 여행

장 유 아들을 당신을 감사하십시오! 추수 감사절!

황 추 닫아 추수 감사절의 헌신은. 주셔서 감사합니다

리사 내 마음이 너무 슬퍼!

리사 왕의 신들 젊은 DO 죽을 좋아? 린 박사 좋은 여행 ~

칼빈 수의 그는 또한 하드 / 그렇게 오랜 세월 동안 지불, 그것은 그에게 좋은 휴식을!하게 시간입니다!

Zhengxiu E 아오 웃음, 모든 세상의 고통을 볼 다시 흔들었다 부처님의 제자를 수행

Zhengxiu E 아오 웃음은, 모든 세상의 고통을 볼 다시 흔들었다 부처님의 제자를 수행 ˙
10 시간 전 모바일에서 · 드

두 손을 가지고보다 리우 층층 ....

투어 Huiling 린 박사, 당신은 열심히, 좋은 여행을 작동!

TSAI SHUHUI주의 깊게 린 박사에 대한 자신의 건강 관리를 소중히하는 것은 최고의 축복이다! 안전에 Xinanling.

대만의 존슨 니우 진정한 아들!

린 박사 리우 법사에게 감사, 대만 위해서왔다, 우리는 당신의 좋은 당신을 기억합니다.

허우 Luqing 작별 친애하는 린 박사

기쁨 카오 대만의 의료 사회 정신 영원히 보물 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 패러다임 자주

희망에 Liubi 유 대만 H.264/AVC SVC 그 린 박사, 그래서 덜 정치적 의사처럼 의사.

주디 루 우리가 정말 당신을 사랑 해요, 대만, 너무 많이 신세! 피곤, 이제 안심하고 휴식하십시오!

남편과 아내가 좋은 현명한 린 박사에 따라 얻을 당신에게 빠른 회복을 기원합니다 ~


금성 의사 리앙 린 지에 리앙 린 지에 기증 생명 구조 장치, 전에 정신 덕분에 애도를 제공하는 오늘날, 타이페이시 소방 최고 리우 마오 등 죽었다. 과부 탄 Dunci 노트북은 얼음과 예배를 갖추고 있습니다.

오늘 애도 리우 마오, 소방 리앙 린 지에 평생 치료를 감사하고 선수의 타이페이시 소방국 제 여단, 소방관 사용할 수 48 생명을 구하는 장비를 기증하는 것입니다, 7 월 30 일에 리앙 린 지에는 상담 후 말했다. 또한 두 번째 여단,하지만 몇 가지 일 이내 "에 인명 구조 장치"를 보내 차로 도착, 그가 죽은 사람들은 그것을 믿을 수 없었다.

리우 마오, 리앙 린 지에 린 왕 젠의 장남 말을 매우 소방 서비스에 대해 우려하고 있으며, 타이페이시 소방국 화재 대리 앤 포인트 뉴저지에서 근무 리앙 린 지에는 또한 매우 중요하다, 소방관 의사로서 자신의 평생 동안 생명을 구하는 일이 있다고 생각 언제 린 왕 젠 도우 소방대를 제공하기 위해 희망, 리앙 린 지에 대해 토론 재난 구호에 사망 타이베이 현의 두 형제를 참조하십시오. 그리고 리앙 린 지에는 NT 200,000달러 이상을 지출 번째 여단에 48 생명을 구하는 장치를 기부하기로 결정 사람들이 움직였다.

남편이 일을 사랑하지만, 또한 얼음 부가 물을 사랑하기 때문에 또한, 오늘날 평생 리앙 린 지에 일반적인 컵과 노트북도 함께 태어나 실 리앙 린 지에 링, 탄 Duici 전에 예배하는 많은 의사와 간호사가있다, 리앙 린 지에 가져 컵 사용에 익숙한, 리앙 린 지에는 남기지 않았습니다 보인다.

사회 뉴스 | | CNA CNA 뉴스 뉴스 타이베이 인명 구조 장비를 기증 리앙 린 지에 감사를 거는 제거
(중앙 통신사 기자 총통 Jinfeng 타오 유엔 7 (신화)) 금성 의사 리앙 린 지에 사망, 타이페이시 소방 최고 리우 마오 등 리앙 린 지에 기증 생명 구조 장치, 전에 정신 덕분에 애도를 제공하는 오늘. 과부 탄 Dunci 노트북은 얼음과 예배를 갖추고 있습니다.

비디오 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cSmLnjCGfsQ

세상에! 빔 분할을 잃었다! 벼락! 내가 울고 싶어! 해독 전문가 젠 아이의 문제 보살 린 박사 Jieliang 큰 사회 기사가 죽었을 영원히 양심, 정말 화가, 그리고 일반 대중 웃음, 더 이상 외로운! 라이브 오십오년 사람들이 존경하고 우리는 좋은 의사 린 박사 Jieliang 국민을 존경하기 위해, 좋은 여행을! Jieliang 의사 해독 왕 ~ 요시유키에게 바람 자격, 윤리은 세계에서 영원히 머물 수 없습니다 리앙 린 지에 소매는 분명 잘못한 것도 정말 신사, 정직 정직 기사 좋은 의사. 학술, 절거덕 강한이! 감동 아무 노력을 아끼지 않고!


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