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Qué Gobierno filipino hizo y dijo a Taiwán? 寮國文

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2 Min.Fact-CRIME Filipinas quiso y dijo TWN. 

【Qué Gobierno filipino hizo y dijo a Taiwán?】. 

  • TAIWAN, R.O.C. FORMOSA  中華民國萬歲!!
    純音樂欣賞,勿討論政治或謾罵。以下為歌詞。 山川壯麗、物產豐隆, 炎黃世冑,東亞稱雄。 毋自暴自棄,毋故步自封, 光我民族,促進大同。 創業維艱,緬懷諸先烈, 守成不易,莫徒務近功。 同心同德,貫徹始終, 青天白日滿地紅。 同心同德,貫徹始終, 青天白日滿地紅。

2 Min.Fact-CRIME Filipinas quiso y dijo TWN. 

【Qué Gobierno filipino hizo y dijo a Taiwán?】. 

【2 Minutos, un hecho-lo que el gobierno de Filipinas hizo y dijo a Taiwán】.


  • 純 音樂欣賞,勿討論政治或謾罵。以下為歌詞。 山川壯麗、物產豐隆, 炎黃世冑,東亞稱雄。 毋自暴自棄,毋故步自封, 光我民族,促進大同。 創業維艱,緬懷諸先烈, 守成不易,莫徒務近功。 同心同德,貫徹始終, 青天白日滿地紅。 同心同德,貫徹始終, 青天白日滿地紅。


VIDEO. Bondadoso por favor ver y compartir este 2 min. VIDEO Y EVIDENCIAS Y LA VERDAD. Muchas gracias por tu justicia. 

INGLÉS Y JAPONÉS COREANO Y PALABRAS Y CHINO (traducción) de la siguiente manera: "Que el mundo sepa la verdad".: 2 Minutos, un hecho - lo que el gobierno de Filipinas hizo y dijo a Taiwán, República de China. Formosa / siguiente:. 
La verdad sobre "la pérdida no intencionada de la vida" Excuse hacer por Filipinas no puede ocultar los hechos! Por favor ayude a Taiwan comparten la verdad al mundo!

7年前漁民也遭菲國槍殺 死者姪女:起訴「好看的」

【2 Minutes, One

--- República de China (Taiwán) de buques pesqueros Guang Da Xing N º 28 (GDX 28) fue atacado 09 de mayo por un buque gobierno de Filipinas, lo que resulta en la muerte de pescadores Hong Shi-cheng, graves daños a la embarcación y el motor. fracaso.

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1. 美術設計專才 (急需)
2. 外語翻譯專才 (急需)
3. 各領域願意奉獻能力的夥伴



P.S 圖片版權聲明:此圖來源為網路,已無法找到原始出處,原創者不詳。圖上本無文字,文字是小編加上,此圖作者若侵犯到您的權益,先跟您說聲抱歉,再請跟本粉絲團聯繫。謝謝!




IX. المسؤولية النهائية تقع على عاتق الحكومة الفلبينية.

相片:【粉絲投稿】作者:@Laurence Shen

I am a Taiwanese National who has focus on this issue since the first instant,

I acknowledge the friendly-ness and hospitality of the people of Philippine, I also feel empathy for those migrant worker who is discriminated in my motherland.

For this tragic incident, we will have our governments sits face to face one day and draw a define boarder between our coasts.
However, we do not tolerate any shooting toward our fellow citizen in any condition unless obviously prior to a defined act of terrorism, in turns of that, I can assure you that no Taiwanese national in this world is to up to or in the process of committing any act of terrorism not now nor will it be in the future. Moreover, the hull of the incident fishing vessel does not have any scare mark or wound that is related to any collision to a different body, thus we can conclude that there is not process or any attempt that our fishing vessel is trying to ram you coast guard ship. 
(for us a fishing vessel try to ram a patrol ship is as ridiculous as a 3 years old kid try to fight a boxing champion)

I believe both of us knows the international accepted way to deal with intruder ships

(1) broadcasting warning signal
(2) firing warning shot into the air away form the ship
(3) catch it and arrest it

The ugly truth is that there are 52 gunshot wound found on the hull of our fishing vessel, such that one of the shot went trough the hall and killed one of the crew in the vessel.
what was the Philippine coast guard trying to do??

(1)has they broadcast any warning signal?? 
no, or otherwise the vessel would of left the water space.

(2)has they fired warning shot accordingly??
apparently not!! otherwise the shots will not have gone through the hull of the ship instead of gone through the air like it supposed to. Fishermen are not baseball players, they do not become MVP by catching anything that fly in the air, they don't have such mentality!! Therefore, the fishing boat is certainly fired upon ileagally instead of recieving the internationally accepted no contact warning shots.

(3) has the Patrol ship of the Philippine coast guard arrest them or even trying to do so?
well first of all let's go through the process of a ship arrest, the patrol ship will fired shots that disable the motor as what you officials has claimed, causing it to stop or the Patrol ship will ram into the intruder ship first, then the patrol ship will in a way dock on the the intruder ship then the officers on board the patrol ship will walk across and legally carry out the rest off the arresting process. Now lets look a the evidence...

since it was proven previously that the vessel does not have collision marks, we can assumed that a proper ramming or docking process never taken palce 

(please refer to figure [1] and figure [2] )

(the numbers indicates the amount of shot at each locations of the ship)
-the engine cabin received 2 shots
-the cockpit received 7 shots
-the read end received 8 shots
-the port side received 7 shots
-the front edge received 4 shots
-the starboard side received 4 shots

why does the cockpit received 7 shots and the engine cabin received only 2 shots? aren't they supposed to stop the engine? or does it proves the Philippine coast Guard are not familiar with the design of Taiwanese fishing vessel, if so, that would further proves that our ship rarely shows up at you horizon, because almost all fishing vessel in our nation have this or similar design(and this design hasn't change much for the past 50 years). Moreover, we can agree on the fact that there were successful arrest before and the vessel is confiscated and parked at your places I believe you must have send some engineers to check its internal design, and knows where the engines are. if that is truly the case we can only conclude that the coast guard did INDEED intended to slaughter the crew of that particular vessel, it was not an accident it was a intended second degree murder.

In the Taiwan strait we also have problems with Chinese fishing vessel gone over the boarder into our water space, however we do not shot them but arrested all of them with out firing a shot. shall one of the warning shot scratched one of the crew member on board the intruder ship the president would of make a formal apology representing the State to the victim and a gilt-admitting complication fund will be pay in the name of the state to the victim. Furthermore, we will sat the officials of both side discuss negotiate and finally draw a defined boarder between both sides to solve the problem once and for all.

As a fully aware member of the international community, we Taiwanese are aware the praetorianism and civil war suffer by the Philippines and her people, and we sympathize deeply for all of you, it is so that your coastguard had committed the crime of murder but this agency had decide to used the central government as its shield against condemnation, and thus finally the entire nation of Philippine has been put into shame by such coward and irresponsible military and coast guard branches.
Therefore, we as the Taiwanese nation demand an end of this coward and irresponsible behavior of the Philippine military an coast guard and finally bring those who commit such crime to Justice.
Once such is completed, we shall restore our valuable diplomatic relationship as usual and we Taiwanese is happy to see the Nation of the Philippine restoring her former glory.

Finally, I am a Orthodox christian myself and I am aware that most citizen of the Philippines are Catholic Christians, Therefore, let pray together for a peaceful solution to this matter and a refinement to our diplomatic relationship.


Mostrar todas las siguientes pruebas para el mundo. 
Gobierno de Filipinas debe emitir una disculpa oficial, ofrecer compensación justa, detener a los autores Forthis hecho de la muerte intencional. 

(* Inglés y palabras en japonés y coreanos y chinos (traducción) de la siguiente manera):. 

"Que el mundo sepa la verdad.". 

--- Al contrario de la caracterización de Filipinas, el 28 de GDX no ram su embarcación y provocar el incidente. 


--- Filipinas utilizó fuerza excesiva en la realización de procedimientos de aplicación de la ley, lo que resulta en un daño grave a la GDX 28, con 59 agujeros de bala encontrados en la nave. Por otra parte, el buque zarpó de Filipinas sin ofrecer asistencia a la embarcación afectada, en violación del derecho internacional y un deber humanitario. 

--- El ataque fue llevado a cabo por un buque perteneciente al gobierno de Filipinas.


--- La investigación del asesinato de la GDX 28, y el asesinato de miembro de la tripulación Hong Shi-cheng, está en curso. Por lo tanto, no es apropiado para las Filipinas para caracterizar la muerte de Hong como "no deseado".. 

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j5JzRUQZdwo. 


【2 Minutos, un hecho-lo que el gobierno de Filipinas hizo y dijo a Taiwán】. 

VIDEO: 2 Minutos, un hecho - lo que el gobierno de Filipinas hizo y dijo a Taiwán. 

  1. VIDEO Japonés e Inglés del vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=O90Cm-yn2BQ # at = 17. 


대만 에서 필리핀 현지 에 파견 한 조사팀 도 무시 하였다.



VIDEO Japonés e Inglés del vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=O90Cm-yn2BQ # at = 17. 

你 有 "正义感" 吗?若 你 也是 有 正义感 的 人 就 也 请 你 分享 和 转 传 此 "贴 文 和 影音 档 vídeos" 给 你 的 亲友 和 你 的 "外国 朋友 们". Había Publicado en FACEBOOK, GOOGLE +, Google Plus, Twitter, etc ............ Qué has hecho eso? 
EL DELITO DE FILIPINAS: Vídeo :2013-05-19.. 

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ. 

Ambos gobiernos deben trabajar duro juntos con el fin de proteger los derechos y la dignidad de los pueblos de ambos países. 

Amigos de todo el mundo que ven este video, no importa de dónde eres, por favor, reproducir la voz de la justicia! 
Comparte esta verdad! 
Taiwan necesita a todos! 

Vamos a decirle al mundo la brutalidad y la insensibilidad del Gobierno de Filipinas. 
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O90Cm-yn2BQ. 

フィリピン 政府 の こうい は 人道 に 背く, 不 正義 で ある. しかし,. 
今 まで フィリピン 政府 は まだ 正式 の 場所 に 台湾 に 向っ て 謝っ て い ない. 

필리핀 당국 은 대만 이 사건 조사 에 참여 하는 것을 거부 했으며. 
대만 에서 필리핀 현지 에 파견 한 조사팀 도 무시 하였다. 


La acción del Gobierno de Filipinas es inhumano y sin justicia. 

Hasta hoy, el Presidente de Filipinas todavía no ha emitido. 
una disculpa a Taiwan en todas las ocasiones públicas formales. 

El gobierno de Filipinas no admite el error en su informe. 
En este informe, que incluso utilizan palabras tales como "los malos" para describir a las víctimas inocentes. 

フィリピン 公 船 による 台湾 漁民 銃撃 事件 (2 分 で 説明 する). 
急い で 作っ た 動画 です ので 文法 的 に 錯誤 が いっぱい ある と 思い ます すみません でし た.一 人 で も, 台湾 を 支持 する 人 が 増え て ほしい です よろしく お願い いたし ます. 

フィリピン 政府 の こうい は 人道 に 背く, 不 正義 で ある. しかし,. 
相片:ㄏㄟ ~~版主 封面改用這一張吧.. 這張比較有魄力 也比較府和標題.. ("反菲律賓" )
 盡量讓大家 以及菲國知道 看到 我們台灣人~對牠們輕佻`隨便的態度感到憤怒!!


Vamos a decirle al mundo la brutalidad y la insensibilidad del Gobierno de Filipinas 今 まで フィリピン 政府 は まだ 正式 の 場所 に 台湾 に 向っ て 謝っ て い ない. 

Vamos a decirle al mundo la brutalidad y la insensibilidad del Gobierno de Filipinas. 

todas las palabras en:. 

La acción del Gobierno de Filipinas es inhumano y sin justicia. 

Hasta hoy, el Presidente de Filipinas todavía no ha emitido. 
una disculpa a Taiwan en todas las ocasiones públicas formales. 

El gobierno de Filipinas no admite el error en su informe. 
En este informe, que incluso utilizan palabras tales como "los malos" para describir a las víctimas inocentes. 

フィリピン 政府 の こうい は 人道 に 背く, 不 正義 で ある. しかし,. 

2 Minutos, un hecho-lo que el gobierno de Filipinas hizo y dijo a Taiwán. 
¿Qué Gobierno filipino hizo y dijo a Taiwán? Mostrar todas las evidencias a la ⋯ ⋯ 更多. 



Sólo pedimos una disculpa desde Filipinas a las familias de los pescadores fallecidos. 

Ambos gobiernos deben trabajar duro juntos con el fin de proteger los derechos y la dignidad de los pueblos de ambos países. 

VIDEO: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=202081509940810&set=vb.157809937730773&type=2&theater.
【揭穿 菲 国 的 谎言 与 暴力 EL DELITO DE FILIPINAS】. 

filipino es un mentiroso y cerró los pescadores taiwaneses sin razón. 
Plillipine mentir al mundo y no decir lo siento a Taiwán. 

Inglés y chino de la siguiente manera: RE: 2 Minutos, un hecho-lo que el gobierno de Filipinas hizo y dijo a Taiwán.
¿Qué Gobierno filipino hizo y dijo a Taiwán? 
Mostrar todas las evidencias para el mundo. 

Gobierno de Filipinas debe emitir una disculpa oficial, ofrecer compensación justa, detener a los autores Forthis hecho de la muerte intencional. 

VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=201139416701686&set=vb.157809937730773&type=2&theater.

相片:ㄏㄟ ~~版主 封面改用這一張吧.. 這張比較有魄力 也比較府和標題.. ("反菲律賓" )
 盡量讓大家 以及菲國知道 看到 我們台灣人~對牠們輕佻`隨便的態度感到憤怒!!

--------------------------------------------------. --------. 

vídeo. Inglés y chino de la siguiente manera:. 
RE: 2 Minutos, un hecho-lo que el gobierno de Filipinas hizo y dijo a Taiwán. 
La verdad sobre "la pérdida no intencionada de la vida" Excuse hacer por Filipinas no puede ocultar los hechos! Por favor ayude a Taiwan comparten la verdad al mundo! 

--- República de China (Taiwán) de buques pesqueros Guang Da Xing N º 28 (GDX 28) fue atacado 09 de mayo por un buque gobierno de Filipinas, lo que resulta en la muerte de pescadores Hong Shi-cheng, graves daños a la embarcación y el motor. fracaso. 
--- Al contrario de la caracterización de Filipinas, el 28 de GDX no ram su embarcación y provocar el incidente. . 

--- Filipinas utilizó fuerza excesiva en la realización de procedimientos de aplicación de la ley, lo que resulta en un daño grave a la GDX 28, con 59 agujeros de bala encontrados en la nave. Por otra parte, el buque zarpó de Filipinas sin ofrecer asistencia a la embarcación afectada, en violación del derecho internacional y un deber humanitario. 

--- El ataque fue llevado a cabo por un buque perteneciente al gobierno de Filipinas. 

--- La investigación del asesinato de la GDX 28, y el asesinato de miembro de la tripulación Hong Shi-cheng, está en curso. Por lo tanto, no es apropiado para las Filipinas para caracterizar la muerte de Hong como "no deseado".. 

--- La República de China reconoce la disculpa de que Filipinas ha hecho a través portavoz presidencial Edwin Lacierda, y mediante el envío de la representante personal del Presidente de Filipinas para transmitir una disculpa a la familia de Slai. 
--- Tiro del buque gobierno de Filipinas de un barco de pesca sin armas es un acto inmoral, a sangre fría de la violencia. Ninguna reclamación de legítima defensa con razón se puede hacer por las Filipinas. 

--- La afirmación de Filipinas de que el incidente se produjo en su zona económica exclusiva (ZEE) es infundado. El incidente ocurrió en las ZEE superposición de los dos países. 
--- El uso excesivo e innecesario de la embarcación gobierno filipino de la fuerza en las ZEE superpuestas viola el derecho internacional y la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar. Tal comportamiento c. 

Annot ser tolerado por la comunidad internacional. 
--- La Convención y la jurisprudencia pertinente del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar, han trazado el debido proceso, es decir, las acciones que puedan adoptar un estado, mientras que la aplicación de la ley en su ZEE. --- El párrafo 1 del artículo 73 de la Convención establece que éstas se limitan a embarque, inspección, arresto y procedimiento judicial. 

--- El apartado 3 del mismo artículo establece que los Estados costeros pueden no comprometen el castigo corporal, de la cual matar es la forma más extrema. Disparar y matar no pueden bajo ninguna circunstancia. 


--- Que las fuerzas del orden en el buque gobierno de Filipinas abrieron fuego con armas automáticas en un barco de pesca sin armas que no fue provocando es un acto inaceptable de violencia. 
--- El ataque y el asesinato del Sr. Hong no están en consonancia con los principios de proporcionalidad. 

--- Como el ataque fue realizado por un buque de gobierno de Filipinas, el gobierno de Filipinas es responsable de la muerte del Sr. Hong. Un compromiso público a la indemnización estatal debe ser hecha por el Gobierno de Filipinas. 
--- A la fecha, el gobierno de Filipinas sólo ha expresado su voluntad de ofrecer "las donaciones de los ciudadanos" a la familia de la víctima. No ha hablado de aceptar toda la responsabilidad e indemnizar oficial. 

VI. RECLAMOS DE embestir sin fundamento. 
--- ROC inspección de la Guang Da Xing N º 28 (GDX 28) no ha encontrado pruebas de la embestida, reclamado por las Filipinas como su razonamiento para disparar en defensa propia. El buque gobierno filipino en cuestión es unas seis veces el tamaño de la GDX. 28, y por lo tanto que se hubiera producido tal acción es apenas concebible. 

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1. 美術設計專才 (急需)
2. 外語翻譯專才 (急需)
3. 各領域願意奉獻能力的夥伴



P.S 圖片版權聲明:此圖來源為網路,已無法找到原始出處,原創者不詳。圖上本無文字,文字是小編加上,此圖作者若侵犯到您的權益,先跟您說聲抱歉,再請跟本粉絲團聯繫。謝謝!




IX. المسؤولية النهائية تقع على عاتق الحكومة الفلبينية.

相片:【粉絲投稿】作者:@Laurence Shen

I am a Taiwanese National who has focus on this issue since the first instant,

I acknowledge the friendly-ness and hospitality of the people of Philippine, I also feel empathy for those migrant worker who is discriminated in my motherland.

For this tragic incident, we will have our governments sits face to face one day and draw a define boarder between our coasts.
However, we do not tolerate any shooting toward our fellow citizen in any condition unless obviously prior to a defined act of terrorism, in turns of that, I can assure you that no Taiwanese national in this world is to up to or in the process of committing any act of terrorism not now nor will it be in the future. Moreover, the hull of the incident fishing vessel does not have any scare mark or wound that is related to any collision to a different body, thus we can conclude that there is not process or any attempt that our fishing vessel is trying to ram you coast guard ship. 
(for us a fishing vessel try to ram a patrol ship is as ridiculous as a 3 years old kid try to fight a boxing champion)

I believe both of us knows the international accepted way to deal with intruder ships

(1) broadcasting warning signal
(2) firing warning shot into the air away form the ship
(3) catch it and arrest it

The ugly truth is that there are 52 gunshot wound found on the hull of our fishing vessel, such that one of the shot went trough the hall and killed one of the crew in the vessel.
what was the Philippine coast guard trying to do??

(1)has they broadcast any warning signal?? 
no, or otherwise the vessel would of left the water space.

(2)has they fired warning shot accordingly??
apparently not!! otherwise the shots will not have gone through the hull of the ship instead of gone through the air like it supposed to. Fishermen are not baseball players, they do not become MVP by catching anything that fly in the air, they don't have such mentality!! Therefore, the fishing boat is certainly fired upon ileagally instead of recieving the internationally accepted no contact warning shots.

(3) has the Patrol ship of the Philippine coast guard arrest them or even trying to do so?
well first of all let's go through the process of a ship arrest, the patrol ship will fired shots that disable the motor as what you officials has claimed, causing it to stop or the Patrol ship will ram into the intruder ship first, then the patrol ship will in a way dock on the the intruder ship then the officers on board the patrol ship will walk across and legally carry out the rest off the arresting process. Now lets look a the evidence...

since it was proven previously that the vessel does not have collision marks, we can assumed that a proper ramming or docking process never taken palce 

(please refer to figure [1] and figure [2] )

(the numbers indicates the amount of shot at each locations of the ship)
-the engine cabin received 2 shots
-the cockpit received 7 shots
-the read end received 8 shots
-the port side received 7 shots
-the front edge received 4 shots
-the starboard side received 4 shots

why does the cockpit received 7 shots and the engine cabin received only 2 shots? aren't they supposed to stop the engine? or does it proves the Philippine coast Guard are not familiar with the design of Taiwanese fishing vessel, if so, that would further proves that our ship rarely shows up at you horizon, because almost all fishing vessel in our nation have this or similar design(and this design hasn't change much for the past 50 years). Moreover, we can agree on the fact that there were successful arrest before and the vessel is confiscated and parked at your places I believe you must have send some engineers to check its internal design, and knows where the engines are. if that is truly the case we can only conclude that the coast guard did INDEED intended to slaughter the crew of that particular vessel, it was not an accident it was a intended second degree murder.

In the Taiwan strait we also have problems with Chinese fishing vessel gone over the boarder into our water space, however we do not shot them but arrested all of them with out firing a shot. shall one of the warning shot scratched one of the crew member on board the intruder ship the president would of make a formal apology representing the State to the victim and a gilt-admitting complication fund will be pay in the name of the state to the victim. Furthermore, we will sat the officials of both side discuss negotiate and finally draw a defined boarder between both sides to solve the problem once and for all.

As a fully aware member of the international community, we Taiwanese are aware the praetorianism and civil war suffer by the Philippines and her people, and we sympathize deeply for all of you, it is so that your coastguard had committed the crime of murder but this agency had decide to used the central government as its shield against condemnation, and thus finally the entire nation of Philippine has been put into shame by such coward and irresponsible military and coast guard branches.
Therefore, we as the Taiwanese nation demand an end of this coward and irresponsible behavior of the Philippine military an coast guard and finally bring those who commit such crime to Justice.
Once such is completed, we shall restore our valuable diplomatic relationship as usual and we Taiwanese is happy to see the Nation of the Philippine restoring her former glory.

Finally, I am a Orthodox christian myself and I am aware that most citizen of the Philippines are Catholic Christians, Therefore, let pray together for a peaceful solution to this matter and a refinement to our diplomatic relationship.

--- La República de China ha recibido cinco versiones diferentes de una respuesta del Gobierno de Filipinas. Esto demuestra una falta de coherencia en la posición de Filipinas, y sugiere una falta de sinceridad. 
--- La República de China no puede aceptar de manera rutinaria por parte del gobierno de Filipinas. 

--- En sus respuestas a la República de China, las Filipinas se ha comprometido a una investigación completa, exhaustiva, imparcial y expedita. 

--- De acuerdo con las disposiciones del Acuerdo sobre Asistencia Judicial Mutua en Materia Penal, firmado en abril, la República de China insta a la parte filipina para hacer los arreglos para la coordinación entre la investigación de Filipinas y la investigación ROC. 
IX. La responsabilidad última recae en el Gobierno de Filipinas. 

--- El gobierno filipino debe ser responsable de la muerte del Sr. Hong Shi-cheng, ya que el ataque fue llevado a cabo por un buque gobierno filipino. 
--- La República de China es una nación amante de la paz y un actor responsable. 

--- La República de China protegerá su soberanía, la dignidad y los intereses generales, especialmente los derechos de pesca de los pescadores en las ZEE superpuestas. 

--- La República de China ha puesto en marcha 11 medidas, y los mantendrá hasta que reciba una respuesta más positiva, concreta y adecuada por parte del gobierno de Filipinas en relación cuatro demandas del ROC. 

--- La República de China ha instado al Gobierno de Filipinas a iniciar conversaciones sobre un acuerdo de pesca que permitan las operaciones de pesca ordenada que tendrá lugar en las ZEE superpuestas, garantizar la seguridad de los pescadores, y mantener la paz y la seguridad regional. 
XI. Garantías a la comunidad filipina en Taiwán. 

--- Consideramos que el pueblo filipino como nuestros amigos. 
Sólo pedimos una disculpa desde Filipinas a las familias de los pescadores fallecidos. 

Ambos gobiernos deben trabajar duro juntos con el fin de proteger los derechos y la dignidad de los pueblos de ambos países. 
--- Hay 87.000 filipinos que trabajan y viven en Taiwán. Hacemos un llamado a nuestro pueblo a tratarlos bien. 

Phillipine es un mentiroso y cerró pescador taiwanés sin razón. 
Plillipine mentir al mundo y no decir lo siento a Taiwán. 
--- Nuestro gobierno continuará proporcionando un ambiente agradable para ellos. 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/TaiwanUnite. 
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/TaiwanUnite. 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TaiwanUnite. 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TaiwanUnite. 
【Qué Gobierno filipino hizo y dijo a Taiwán?】. 

【2 Minutos, un hecho-lo que el gobierno de Filipinas hizo y dijo a Taiwán】. 

【Qué Gobierno filipino hizo y dijo a Taiwán?】. 
【2 Minutos, un hecho-lo que el gobierno de Filipinas hizo y dijo a Taiwán】. 
【What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan?】
【2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan】
片長: 2:00
 ·  · 取消追蹤 ·  · 星期日23:29 在Taipei附近


    • 【揭穿菲國的謊言與暴力 THE CRIME OF PHILIPPINES】
      We just ask for an apology from Philippines to the families of the deceased fishermen.
      Both Governments should work hard together in order to protect the rights and dignity of the people of both countries

      Friends around the world who see this video, no matter where are you from, please reproduce the voice of justice!
      Share this truth!
      Taiwan needs you all!

      PS: 呼籲國人理性。
      PS: Rational people, we are looking for you!
      The Philippino workers come to Taiwan to do a hard work, let's not make things difficult for them.

      片長: 3:16
       ·  · 取消追蹤 ·  · 星期日23:07 在 Taipei 附近

揣共. E04. E04. 卑鄙無恥的菲律賓. (跟日本一樣愛竄改....)

E04. E04. 可惡 殺洪石成影片 遭菲竄改 : 媒體為何不瘋傳&讓菲這事做為國際大事, 學菲律賓, 將軍 "將"回來. 



  1. 大似渲染國際媒體。

 Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan

Inglés y chino de la siguiente manera: RE: 2 Minutos, un hecho-lo que el gobierno de Filipinas hizo y dijo a Taiwán.
¿Qué Gobierno filipino hizo y dijo a Taiwán? 
Mostrar todas las evidencias para el mundo. 

Gobierno de Filipinas debe emitir una disculpa oficial, ofrecer compensación justa, detener a los autores Forthis hecho de la muerte intencional. 

请 大家 拜托 分享!揭穿 菲 国 的 谎言 与 暴力. 


P. F.
相片:ㄏㄟ ~~版主 封面改用這一張吧.. 這張比較有魄力 也比較府和標題.. ("反菲律賓" )
 盡量讓大家 以及菲國知道 看到 我們台灣人~對牠們輕佻`隨便的態度感到憤怒!!

y họ thậm chí còn sử dụng những từ như như "kẻ xấu" để mô tả các nạn nhân vô tội.


【What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan?】

  1. Posting auf Facebook, Google +, Google Plus, Twitter usw. ............ Englisch und Chinesisch als unten: "Lassen Sie die Welt wissen, die Wahrheit.".
    Englisch und Chinesisch als unten: RE: 2 Minuten, eine Fact-Was philippinische Regierung tat und sagte, nach Taiwan.
    发布 时间 :2013-05 bis 16.
    Was philippinische Regierung tat und sagte, nach Taiwan?
    Zeigen alle Beweise für die Welt.
    Philippinische Regierung muss eine offizielle Entschuldigung, Angebot angemessene Entlohnung, Festnahme der Täter Forthis Tatsache der vorsätzliche Tötung.
    拜托 分享 揭穿 菲 国 的 谎言 与 暴力 CRIME DER PHILIPPINEN;! 2 Minuten, eine Fact-Was philippinische Regierung Hat & Said TWN.

     google plus & twizzer & FB & Blogs & google blog, my space, youtube & FB 私 信 & 各大 FB 粉丝 团 & MY 外 国人 FB Freunde 'FB & 外国人 视讯 & 很多 不 认 视 的 外国人 FB & 贴 CNN /. BBC / NHK / 外国 政 至 人物 / RADIO / 篮 绿 两档 个 相关 人士 官员 和 机 官 和 阿马 和 阿扁 FB ..... ................上贴 "菲 欺 台" 的 四 国外 文 文章 和 外语 的 VIDEOS / 2 MIN. VIDEOS & 图文 / 照片 ............. 贴 给 全 WORLD 人们 看.菲律宾 年轻人 在 CNN FB 来 呛 骂 (台 不 嗜 像) 台 说 台湾 渔民 被 菲 杀死 是 "活该", 菲 说 台 是 海盗 ...... : 气死 人 了!我 要 更 加油, 做 更多, 非 贴 不可 ....... ; 别人 不做 我 无奈!不 爱 台 的 却又 赖 住 台湾 不 搬到 菲律宾 住!反 求 诸 己, 一切 靠 自己 和 有 正义感) 的 人们, 只好 这样, 不然 能 怎样 ......拜托 分享 揭穿 菲 国 谎言 暴力;! 2 Min.Fact-CRIME Philippine Hat & Said TWN.
  2.  Die philippinische Regierung Schiffes Erschießung eines unbewaffneten Fischerboot ist eine gewissenlose, kaltblütigen Akt der Gewalt. Kein Anspruch auf Selbstverteidigung kann mit Recht von den Philippinen hergestellt werden.

    2 Minuten, hat man Fact-Was philippinischen Regierung und sagte zu Taiwan.
  3. 【Was philippinische Regierung tat und sagte nach Taiwan?】.

    【2 Minuten, eine Fact-Was philippinische Regierung tat und sagte zu Taiwan】.


    【Was philippinische Regierung tat und sagte, nach Taiwan?】.

  4.  ·  · 推廣 · 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/TaiwanUnite.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TaiwanUnite.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TaiwanUnite.

【Che governo filippino ha fatto e detto a Taiwan?】.

-2 Min.Fact-CRIME Filippine Did & Detto TWN.

VIDEO. Si prega gentilmente di guardare e condividere questo 2 min. VIDEO & PROVE & LA VERITA '. Grazie mille per la tua giustizia.

7年前漁民也遭菲國槍殺 死者姪女:起訴「好看的」

【2 Minutes, One

Inglese & giapponese e coreano Parole e CINESI (traduzione) come di seguito: "Il mondo deve sapere la verità".: 2 minuti, un fatto - Che governo filippino ha fatto e detto a Taiwan, ROC. Formosa / seguente:.
La verità sulla "perdita involontaria di vita" Excuse rendendo dalle Filippine non può nascondere i fatti! Si prega di aiutare Taiwan condividono la verità al mondo!


(* Inglese & PAROLE giapponese e coreano e cinese (Traduzione) come sotto):.

"Il mondo deve sapere la verità.".

--- Contrariamente alla caratterizzazione delle Filippine, il GDX 28 non ha ram sua nave e provocare l'incidente.

--- Le Filippine uso eccessivo della forza nella realizzazione di procedure di applicazione della legge, con conseguente grave danno per il GDX 28, con 59 fori di proiettile trovato nella nave. Inoltre, la nave filippina salpò senza offrire assistenza alla barca colpita, in violazione del diritto internazionale e un dovere umanitario.


  • 純 音樂欣賞,勿討論政治或謾罵。以下為歌詞。 山川壯麗、物產豐隆, 炎黃世冑,東亞稱雄。 毋自暴自棄,毋故步自封, 光我民族,促進大同。 創業維艱,緬懷諸先烈, 守成不易,莫徒務近功。 同心同德,貫徹始終, 青天白日滿地紅。 同心同德,貫徹始終, 青天白日滿地紅。

--- L'attacco è stato effettuato da una nave appartenente al governo delle Filippine.


--- L'indagine della sparatoria del GDX 28, e l'uccisione di membro dell'equipaggio Hong Shi-cheng, è in corso. Pertanto, non è appropriato per le Filippine per caratterizzare la morte di Hong come "non intenzionale"..

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j5JzRUQZdwo.


【2 Minuti, un fatto-Cosa governo filippino ha fatto e detto a Taiwan】.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ.

Entrambi i governi dovrebbero lavorare sodo insieme al fine di proteggere i diritti e la dignità delle persone di entrambi i paesi.

Amici di tutto il mondo che vedono il video, non importa da dove vieni, prega di riprodurre la voce della giustizia!
Condividi questa verità!
Taiwan ha bisogno di tutti voi!

Cerchiamo di raccontare al mondo la brutalità e Callousness di governo filippino.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O90Cm-

相片:ㄏㄟ ~~版主 封面改用這一張吧.. 這張比較有魄力 也比較府和標題.. ("反菲律賓" )
 盡量讓大家 以及菲國知道 看到 我們台灣人~對牠們輕佻`隨便的態度感到憤怒!!

RE: 2 Minuti, un fatto-Cosa governo filippino ha fatto e detto a Taiwan.
La verità sulla "perdita involontaria di vita" Excuse rendendo dalle Filippine non può nascondere i fatti! Si prega di aiutare Taiwan condividono la verità al mondo!

I. PANORAMICA dell'incidente.
--- Repubblica di Cina (Taiwan) peschereccio Guang Da Xing No. 28 (GDX 28) è stato attaccato il 9 maggio da una nave del governo filippino, con la conseguente uccisione di pescatore Hong Shi-cheng, gravi danni alla barca e motore. guasto.
--- Contrariamente alla caratterizzazione delle Filippine, il GDX 28 non ha ram sua nave e provocare l'incidente. .

--- Le Filippine uso eccessivo della forza nella realizzazione di procedure di applicazione della legge, con conseguente grave danno per il GDX 28, con 59 fori di proiettile trovato nella nave. Inoltre, la nave filippina salpò senza offrire assistenza alla barca colpita, in violazione del diritto internazionale e un dovere umanitario.

--- L'attacco è stato effettuato da una nave appartenente al governo delle Filippine.

Avevo postato su Facebook, Google +, Google Plus, Twitter ecc ............ L'hai fatto??
IL REATO DI FILIPPINE: il video :2013-05-19..

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O90Cm-yn2BQ.

-2 Min.Fact-CRIME Filippine Did & Detto TWN.

【Che governo filippino ha fatto e detto a Taiwan?】.

VIDEO: 2 Minuti, un fatto - ciò che il governo filippino ha fatto e detto a Taiwan.



【2 Minuti, un fatto-Cosa governo filippino ha fatto e detto a Taiwan】.

VIDEO: 2 Minuti, un fatto - ciò che il governo filippino ha fatto e detto a Taiwan.

Cerchiamo di raccontare al mondo la brutalità e insensibilità filippino 今 Governo まで フィリピン 政府 は まだ 正式 の 場所 に 台湾 に 向っ て 謝っ て い ない.

相片:ㄏㄟ ~~版主 封面改用這一張吧.. 這張比較有魄力 也比較府和標題.. ("反菲律賓" )
 盡量讓大家 以及菲國知道 看到 我們台灣人~對牠們輕佻`隨便的態度感到憤怒!!
Phillipine SHIRT BAD FLAG AS ABOVE ist ein Lügner & heruntergefahren taiwanesische Fischer ohne Grund.

【2 minutos, usa ka Fact-Unsa ang Philippine Government ba ug si ngadto sa Taiwan】.


VIDEO. Malumo palihug motan-aw & sa pagpakigbahin niini nga 2 min. VIDEO & ebidensya & ANG KAMATUORAN. Salamat pag-ayo alang sa imong hustisya.

相片:ㄏㄟ ~~版主 封面改用這一張吧.. 這張比較有魄力 也比較府和標題.. ("反菲律賓" )(這張是本人我自己用軟體自己做的.. 各位大大鄉民們~~也歡迎大家有機會幫忙分享或轉貼出去吧!~~~~ 盡量讓大家 以及菲國知道 看到 我們台灣人~對牠們輕佻`隨便的態度感到憤怒!!
" rason sa paghimo sa Pilipinas nga dili itago sa mga ebidensiya? Palihug sa pagtabang sa Taiwan sa pagpakigbahin sa kamatuoran ngadto sa kalibutan!


7年前漁民也遭菲國槍殺 死者姪女:起訴「好看的」

【2 Minutes, One


VIDEO Japonés e Inglés del vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=O90Cm-yn2BQ # at = 17.

--------------------------------------------------. --------. 


相片:ㄏㄟ ~~版主 封面改用這一張吧.. 這張比較有魄力 也比較府和標題.. ("反菲律賓" )(這張是本人我自己用軟體自己做的.. 各位大大鄉民們~~也歡迎大家有機會幫忙分享或轉貼出去吧!~~~~ 盡量讓大家 以及菲國知道 看到 我們台灣人~對牠們輕佻`隨便的態度感到憤怒!!

--------------------------------------------------. --------.







1. 美術設計專才 (急需)
2. 外語翻譯專才 (急需)
3. 各領域願意奉獻能力的夥伴



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IX. المسؤولية النهائية تقع على عاتق الحكومة الفلبينية.

相片:【粉絲投稿】作者:@Laurence Shen

I am a Taiwanese National who has focus on this issue since the first instant,

I acknowledge the friendly-ness and hospitality of the people of Philippine, I also feel empathy for those migrant worker who is discriminated in my motherland.

For this tragic incident, we will have our governments sits face to face one day and draw a define boarder between our coasts.
However, we do not tolerate any shooting toward our fellow citizen in any condition unless obviously prior to a defined act of terrorism, in turns of that, I can assure you that no Taiwanese national in this world is to up to or in the process of committing any act of terrorism not now nor will it be in the future. Moreover, the hull of the incident fishing vessel does not have any scare mark or wound that is related to any collision to a different body, thus we can conclude that there is not process or any attempt that our fishing vessel is trying to ram you coast guard ship. 
(for us a fishing vessel try to ram a patrol ship is as ridiculous as a 3 years old kid try to fight a boxing champion)

I believe both of us knows the international accepted way to deal with intruder ships

(1) broadcasting warning signal
(2) firing warning shot into the air away form the ship
(3) catch it and arrest it

The ugly truth is that there are 52 gunshot wound found on the hull of our fishing vessel, such that one of the shot went trough the hall and killed one of the crew in the vessel.
what was the Philippine coast guard trying to do??

(1)has they broadcast any warning signal?? 
no, or otherwise the vessel would of left the water space.

(2)has they fired warning shot accordingly??
apparently not!! otherwise the shots will not have gone through the hull of the ship instead of gone through the air like it supposed to. Fishermen are not baseball players, they do not become MVP by catching anything that fly in the air, they don't have such mentality!! Therefore, the fishing boat is certainly fired upon ileagally instead of recieving the internationally accepted no contact warning shots.

(3) has the Patrol ship of the Philippine coast guard arrest them or even trying to do so?
well first of all let's go through the process of a ship arrest, the patrol ship will fired shots that disable the motor as what you officials has claimed, causing it to stop or the Patrol ship will ram into the intruder ship first, then the patrol ship will in a way dock on the the intruder ship then the officers on board the patrol ship will walk across and legally carry out the rest off the arresting process. Now lets look a the evidence...

since it was proven previously that the vessel does not have collision marks, we can assumed that a proper ramming or docking process never taken palce 

(please refer to figure [1] and figure [2] )

(the numbers indicates the amount of shot at each locations of the ship)
-the engine cabin received 2 shots
-the cockpit received 7 shots
-the read end received 8 shots
-the port side received 7 shots
-the front edge received 4 shots
-the starboard side received 4 shots

why does the cockpit received 7 shots and the engine cabin received only 2 shots? aren't they supposed to stop the engine? or does it proves the Philippine coast Guard are not familiar with the design of Taiwanese fishing vessel, if so, that would further proves that our ship rarely shows up at you horizon, because almost all fishing vessel in our nation have this or similar design(and this design hasn't change much for the past 50 years). Moreover, we can agree on the fact that there were successful arrest before and the vessel is confiscated and parked at your places I believe you must have send some engineers to check its internal design, and knows where the engines are. if that is truly the case we can only conclude that the coast guard did INDEED intended to slaughter the crew of that particular vessel, it was not an accident it was a intended second degree murder.

In the Taiwan strait we also have problems with Chinese fishing vessel gone over the boarder into our water space, however we do not shot them but arrested all of them with out firing a shot. shall one of the warning shot scratched one of the crew member on board the intruder ship the president would of make a formal apology representing the State to the victim and a gilt-admitting complication fund will be pay in the name of the state to the victim. Furthermore, we will sat the officials of both side discuss negotiate and finally draw a defined boarder between both sides to solve the problem once and for all.

As a fully aware member of the international community, we Taiwanese are aware the praetorianism and civil war suffer by the Philippines and her people, and we sympathize deeply for all of you, it is so that your coastguard had committed the crime of murder but this agency had decide to used the central government as its shield against condemnation, and thus finally the entire nation of Philippine has been put into shame by such coward and irresponsible military and coast guard branches.
Therefore, we as the Taiwanese nation demand an end of this coward and irresponsible behavior of the Philippine military an coast guard and finally bring those who commit such crime to Justice.
Once such is completed, we shall restore our valuable diplomatic relationship as usual and we Taiwanese is happy to see the Nation of the Philippine restoring her former glory.

Finally, I am a Orthodox christian myself and I am aware that most citizen of the Philippines are Catholic Christians, Therefore, let pray together for a peaceful solution to this matter and a refinement to our diplomatic relationship.


كريستين تشنغ الفلبيني هو الكذاب واغلاق فيشر التايوانية دون سبب.
Plillipine تكذب على العالم وليس أن أقول آسف لتايوان.

الانجليزية والصي

【ما الحكومة الفلبينية هل وسعيد الى تايوان؟】.




VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=201139416701686&set=vb.157809937730773&type=2&theater.

相片:ㄏㄟ ~~版主 封面改用這一張吧.. 這張比較有魄力 也比較府和標題.. ("反菲律賓" )(這張是本人我自己用軟體自己做的.. 各位大大鄉民們~~也歡迎大家有機會幫忙分享或轉貼出去吧!~~~~ 盡量讓大家 以及菲國知道 看到 我們台灣人~對牠們輕佻`隨便的態度感到憤怒!!


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