葉欣誠副署長環保大使,年輕有為,親近民意,赤子之心,守護環境資源! 丹麥商務辦事處季安昇=帥
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長 (右2):政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director:Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Dr. Shin-Cheng YehDr. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗 EPA Deputy Minister,TWNe my blog?
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環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN

環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN

*葉欣誠副署長玉樹臨風,學者風範! 環保署葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:葉欣誠 所長 : 教學、研究與服務得獎 : 原來葉欣誠 所長不只得一個獎項. EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
Deputy Minister S.C.Y Environmental Protection,Administration
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director:Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Dr. Shin-Cheng YehDr. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director:Dr. Shin-Cheng YehEPA : GOVEMENT DEPARTMENT IN TAIWAN : Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh

Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director:Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh

Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Dr. Shin-Cheng YehDr. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director:Dr. Shin-Cheng YehEPA : GOVEMENT DEPARTMENT IN TAIWAN : Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh

Deputy Minister SC.Y Environmental Protection,Administration
Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Shin-Cheng Yeh: Government Head Shin-Cheng Yeh: strengthening dialogue with civil society, implementation of international experience EPA Deputy Minister, TWN
Name : Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Office_Hour since 101/2/20 onwards, seconded to the EPA as Chief Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh:
Government Head Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh: strengthening dialogue with civil society, implementation of international experience EPA Deputy Minister, TWN
Title: Professor
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
Transfer Post:
RE: Warming key reports Taiwan Faced with global warming the new world of six core key: Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Green University Green University Videos & hard to do with the beloved earth & environmental protection, but also to do with the brain environmentally friendly!
Good things should be good friends to share
Danish environmental education share (from the Little Mermaid statue in Denmark about public art conservation) Green Elephant environmental education picture book cum book launch
"Green Elephant" 5/19 (Sat) free to come visit Taiwan Normal Oh & elephants playing together to promote environmental education & "National Climate Change Conference - Citizens cafe"
Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh's Videos
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh

EPA 環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:有獨到見解和精闢分析.S.C. YEH Deputy Minister,TWN 
EPA 環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:有獨到見解和精闢分析.
Shin-Cheng Yeh Ph. D. , Deputy Minister,TWN
EPA Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director
Shin-Cheng Yeh : There are insights and incisive analysis. S.C. YEH
Deputy Minister, TWN.
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query = Ye Xincheng
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGiAir_t5i8
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI5WXGbYySs
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/kang-nuan-hua-guan-jian-bao-gao/110761798944536
About the author: Shin-Cheng Yeh (Institute for Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Professor)
Education: Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Bachelor of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Master of Cornell University, Dr. Water Resources and Environment Systems
Experience: National Kaohsiung Normal University, Institute of Environmental Education, Environmental Education Society, chairman of Taiwan, Republic of China Pacific New Economic Association, member of the Republic of China Consumers' Foundation, Foundation Director of Environmental Quality Protection Foundation, "National Environmental meritorious Teacher "The excellent reward (95 years the country's only award-winning university teachers) and so on.
Publications: He has published scientific, environmental, economic and other books published outside, and published dozens of international journals and conference papers, scattered all major academic journals. 2006 Editor of "global warming, how to do? "(New naturalism Publishing), is Taiwan's first indigenous perspectives to discuss global warming science bestseller, causing tremendous response.
please also read :
Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh : http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748
Slide Show for album PICTURES :
Global warming, global warming is global warming continues in! Fight global warming without borders, Taiwan is high carbon emissions but should not stay out of the country! However, we have repeatedly missed the opportunity to solve the global warming problem, because:
● knowledge warming potential, are fragments of fragmented and wrong! That global warming is caused by the ozone hole; melting glaciers and polar bear extinction and human relationships very far; violent storm hot cold weather phenomenon is only temporary ......
● anti-warming action, ineffective and not comprehensive enough! That "carbon reduction" is equivalent to "global warming" issue is resolved; since trees are carbon reduction magic, you can continue to re-develop ......
● Anti-warming attitude, too fear, apathy and powerlessness grave! Climate disaster scenes too shocking, into a panic and worry; know climate anomalies is very serious, want to take action but do not know how to do ......
Now, we must thoroughly awakened, serious face "Warming World"!
When the global temperature warming of 2 degrees C, Taiwan to face a kind of warming the New World?
Taiwan now warming 0.8 degrees C, the world has seen many droughts, floods, ecology, agriculture and other issues, we have thought about it, the problem is getting worse after ....?
Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh's Videos
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query = Ye Xincheng
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGiAir_t5i8
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI5WXGbYySs
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/kang-nuan-hua-guan-jian-bao-gao/110761798944536
Carbon cycle diagram: Shin-Cheng Yeh teacher (anti-warming / key reports) book also goes on color chart. Via key Warming Report: Warming key reports: Although more and more people understand the importance of anti-global warming resistance, but the speed of global warming mitigation has become really have missed the phenomenon of climate change. More and more life experience than people climatic anomalies. So we fight global warming, the more urgent is considering "adaptation as."
If one day appear in Taipei May snow, or more than forty degrees heat, how we respond? The current fire rescue and health care system has the ability to withstand? Will not be paralyzed? Economic and political hub to how to ensure continued operation? Shin-Cheng Yeh teachers weekly anti-warming knowledge, teach you to understand environmental news! !

Green University Green University Videos & hard to do with the beloved earth & environmental protection, but also to do with the brain environmentally friendly!
Good things should be good friends to share
Danish environmental education share (from the Little Mermaid statue in Denmark about public art conservation) Green Elephant environmental education picture book cum book launch
"Green Elephant" 5/19 (Sat) free to come visit Taiwan Normal Oh & elephants playing together to promote environmental education & "National Climate Change Conference - Citizens cafe"
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWNDeputy Minister SC.Y Environmental Protection,Administration

Shin-Cheng Yeh, DeputyMinister, Environmental Protection
Administration, Taiwan

EPA says Taiwan’s poor rank in climate
index due to criteria
Dec. 5, 2012 write:
WRONG FOCUS:Taiwan’s climate protection efforts were ranked as ‘very poor,’ which the agency attributed to the index’s new evaluation method
By Lee I-chia 李嘉I-/本報記者 / Staff reporter
Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Deputy Minister Yeh Shin-cheng (葉欣誠) yesterday said Taiwan’s drop in the Climate Change Performance Index 2013 (CCPI 2013) was mainly attributable to a change in the index’s evaluation criteria, adding that the government would continue its efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
The CCPI is conducted annually by non-governmental organizations Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe to evaluate the climate protection performance of the 58 countries that are responsible for more than 90 percent of all carbon emissions. The assessment is based on emissions indicators, renewable energy, efficiency and the analyses of more than 230 climate experts from around the world.
The CCPI 2013 report was published on Monday and although Taiwan’s score increased from 49.0 last year to 49.4 this year, it dropped four places in the index’s ranking to 52.
Speaking to the EPA from Doha, Qatar, via the Internet, Yeh said the reason for the drop in ranking was because the index employed a revised methodology that placed a stronger emphasis on renewable energy and efficiency.
Taiwan’s ranking remained in the “very poor” category as it has in previous years, Yeh said, adding that one reason could be that the NGOs may not have collected the most up to date information and progress in Taiwan, such as the promulgation of six types of greenhouse gases as regulated air pollutants in May.
The EPA added that scores were evaluated on five aspects and a total of 15 indicators, on which Taiwan’s performance in emissions levels, emissions development and renewable energy was weak, and only moderately strong on efficiency and policy.
In addition, the nation scored poorly on emissions levels target-performance comparison, share of renewable energy in total primary energy supply and carbon dioxide emissions per capita, the EPA said.
Yeh said the government would continue its efforts to improve the nation’s performance, through measures such as the enforcement of the Renewable Energy Act (再生能源法), enactment of an energy management law and a gas reduction bill, and energy tax regulation.
This story has been viewed 2021 times.
- FROM: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2012/12/05/2003549415
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
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