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Christine 也推薦此書!! 很用心的一本環保&環教的書!! 珍藏中!! BOOK 寫的很好! 很精闢! BOOK 圖書館也借的到!! DVD 圖書館也借⋯⋯
繼續閱讀一片天 的 彩虹天空!!!





Christine 也推薦此書!! 很用心的一本環保&環教的書!! 珍藏中!! BOOK 寫的很好! 很精闢! BOOK 圖書館也借的到!! DVD 圖書館也借的到!! 我有買此書和葉老師另一本書並請帥作者親簽2本書!!! 請看我的 FB 相簿.........

我的 BLOG 在 2010, 2011 年有貼其他的介紹&資料..........

66張相片耶!! 我辛苦照的, 厲害吧!!!

還好有你! 欣誠 老師 精神!!

最近有特價比我以前買還便宜耶!! 抗暖化關鍵報告:台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵



FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/pages/抗暖化關鍵報告/110761798944536?fref=ts

66 photos : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.161841633851271.26420.100000763055653&type=3
抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵, 第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 (66 張相片)
"不只要用心做環保,還要用腦做環保" & " 抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵",


學歷: 國立台灣大學土木工程學系學士、國立台灣大學環境工程學研究所碩士、美國康乃爾大學水資源與環境系統博士


著作: 曾出版科普、環境、經濟等專書出版外,並發表國內外期刊與研討會論文數十篇,散見各主要學術期刊。2006年主編《地球暖化,怎麼辦?》(新自然主義出版),是台灣第一本以本土觀點討論地球暖化的科普暢銷書籍,引起廣大迴響。

please also read http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511



葉欣誠教授 l: http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748



【若地球繼續增溫2℃ 台灣怎麼辦?】省電節能抗暖化 

















PHOTO : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=538538462848251&set=a.538486032853494.1073741831.100000763055653&type=3&theater




  This clear and up to date account of the future impacts of global warming for the planet and Taiwan, written in Chinese and containing visually stunning graphics, is a long overdue and welcome addition. I hope all people looking for a Chinese language account of the climate change problem will read ’’The Key Report for Fighting Global Warming: 6 Things You Need to Know about Global Warming’’, by Shin-Cheng Yeh, PhD.--Stephen H. Schneider

收回讚 ·  · 推廣 · 




Normal ring Institution Director: Professor Sin-Cheng Yeh (with red tie scholar.)

RE: I just query system in the library's holdings to see Ye Xincheng wonderful speech teacher's video (URL), too happy!!!

Warming in the new century - you must know the six core knowledge and four major key concepts: 43 photos

2010/5/15 Ye Xincheng Normal University, director of environmental education
May 15, 2010 a wonderful speech: warming in the new century - you must know the six core knowledge and four major key concepts: Speaker: Ye Xincheng Normal University, director of environmental education

I used on the Internet or can not be found on YouTube has taught environmental education Normal wonderful speech Videos, just in the library's holdings query system see the wonderful lecture video (URL), I was so happy, because Video can not be kept down, I had to use photos posted out a way to share with you.

Want to watch or listen to this wonderful speech friends (face faithful) to the library's holdings can query the system to see this wonderful lecture video (URL).

難忘的回憶 - 1 (37 張相片)

5/10 & 5/11新聞面對面 Face to face 葉欣誠教授(台師大環境教所長: 葉欣誠教授 )

( 因 YouTube 上無此 video, 所以 Christine Cheng 翻照 Face NEWS 節目 )

"抗暖化關鍵報告" 一書的作者 : 環境教育專家葉欣誠教授



5/10 & 5/11新聞面對面 Face to face Dr. Yeh台師大環境教環育專家 : 葉欣誠教授

Face News




規格:平裝 / 256頁 / 25K / 普級 / 全彩 / 初版


Part One [暖化的現實與想像]

[末日景象] 充滿驚嘆號的氣候事件
極端氣候頻繁,荒蕪的大地不斷擴大 / 暖化不等人

[科學共識] 全球暖化,是真?是假?
全球暖化如何成為世人的共識? / 究竟什麼是全球暖化?成因又為何? / 暖化的誤解 / 暖化真假之辯 / 不要讓現在成為「愚蠢的年代」

[全面衝擊] 未來世界會變成什麼模樣?
全球暖化的連鎖效應 / 全面衝擊的序曲 / 一種緩慢卻永久的變遷! / 全球暖化到底會有多嚴重? / 走向全面衝擊的過程 / 升溫2℃是最後底線

[暖化警訊] 奮力一搏,還來得及嗎?
奮力一搏:調適與減緩 / 另類思考:拯救地球B計畫 / 布朗的拯救地球B計畫 / 拯救人類,刻不容緩

台灣暴熱、暴雨常態化 / 是誰發現地球正在暖化? / 現在是地球最熱的時候嗎? / 反對全球暖化的主要論述 / 北極海冰融化,海平面會上升? / 造成糧食危機的因素有哪些?

FB : https://www.facebook.com/pages/抗暖化關鍵報告/110761798944536?fref=ts

Part Two [抗暖化行動關鍵]

[光合作用] 先懂光合作用,抗暖化才奏效!
太陽,地球生命的源頭 / 光合作用,萬物初始的關鍵 / 碳與碳循環的奧妙 / 碳可以固定,也可以釋放 / 碳,左右地球的溫度 / 森林消失代表地球暖化與生態浩劫 / 「種樹減碳」有爭議!? / 不要糟蹋了老天給的禮物:光合作用

[能源供需] 高能源效益與低碳綠能要並進
驅動這個世界需要多少能源?/ 台灣無自產能源,碳排放量也驚人 / 抗暖化也須從提升能源效率著手 / 再生能源未來面臨的挑戰 / 發光又發熱的太陽電力公司 / 生質燃料,是寶藏或地雷? / 生質燃料隱憂多 / 認真面對能源供需的現實面

[綠色經濟] 綠色經濟是抗暖化的強心針
舊有經濟模式,有嚴重瑕疵 / 綠色經濟已是必然趨勢 / 要綠色經濟,戒掉化石燃料吧! / 暖化驅動綠色新政與綠色經濟 / 成為有遠見的企業 / 走在雲端的綠色經濟 / 北歐的再生能源島:珊索島的風車 / 台灣的綠色經濟落實中 / 海外台灣人的環保旅館:蓋婭那帕谷飯店 / 金融產業看見商機 / 哥本哈根會議後的綠色經濟前景 / 綠色新政百花齊放 / 共創台灣的綠色奇蹟

[調適作為] 抗暖化,我們準備好了嗎?
全球暖化概念地圖,看得更清楚 / 調適與減緩,熟輕?熟重? / 減碳不彰,採取調適作為做好萬全防範 / 持續暖化之下的調適策略 / 已開發國家的調適策略發展 / 面對暖化,台灣該怎麼調適?

[超越減碳] 愛地球,不是只有減碳
從碳足跡觀點看環境問題 / 暖化,讓環境問題提前到來 / 抗暖化並不是人類永續的唯一 / 暖化疑雲揮之不去 / 沒有暖化,就可不做改變? / 化石燃料的問題,不只有暖化 / 超越減碳,迎向永續

[馬上行動] 以知識和行動,抗暖化!
全球正暖化,「末日警鐘」滴答響 / 地球350 ppm,萬物共榮美麗再現 / 抗暖化,必須團結眾人生活實踐力 / 積極扮演減碳世界的公民角色

化石燃料?石化燃料?別再傻傻分不清楚!/ 樹種在那裡就可以減碳?NO!/ 國際防止森林濫墾的合作協議 / 什麼是初級能源、二級能源? / 1度電相當於多少二氧化碳排放?---台灣vs.冰島 / 從淨能源比例,得出能源投資報酬率 / 開發再生能源有疑慮! / 何謂全球暖化潛勢(GWP)? / 何謂雲端運算? / 由綠色經濟觀點,圖解世界減碳需求與減碳來源 / 台北市應邀出席哥本哈根的城市氣候論壇 / 什麼是「脆弱度」? /台灣正研擬暖化調適策略/ 打造一個「安全」的地球 / 屁稅」與「打嗝稅」 / 能量轉換率的考量 / 充分利用太陽能的整合設計:日本OM太陽能協會 / 電子書是減碳工具的新選擇? / 減碳數字的背後?

Part Three [暖化新世界]

[儉樸生活與科學精神] 低碳生活,可以聰明輕鬆過!
美式生活是天堂?還是地獄? / 儉樸生活如何聰明過? / 聰明使用溫室氣體計算器

[減碳革命不簡單] 挑戰抗暖化的不可能任務
國際社會抗暖化的艱辛歷程 / 台灣排碳量居高不下 / 人類的私心與惰性難以撼動?!

[天下沒有白吃的午餐] 減碳抗暖化,必須付出代價!
再生能源不便宜 / 碳補償不可靠 / 全球減碳熱潮中,台灣狀況特殊

[務實面對未來] 準備面對全然不同的未來
務實而從容地看待未來 / 企業與政府的低碳永續決策 / 讓成熟有智慧的公民主導未來 / 台灣2050,是真實?是狂想?

全球第一道曙光:吉里巴斯的美麗與哀愁 / 台灣家庭裝設太陽光電板的難處









  氣候變遷攸關各國永續發展和人類物種的存續,係邁入二十一世紀時所面臨之艱鉅挑戰,人類賴以生存的生態環境正急遽惡化,各國政治領袖均普遍意識到對抗全球暖化、水資源、環境污染、氣候變遷等議題的必要性和迫切性。我國極為重視此議題,除訂定「永續能源政策綱領」外,亦成立「行政院節能減碳推動會」,明示我國節能減碳之決心;2010年是 馬總統宣告的「節能減碳年」,我國推動節能減碳行動將優先建構法制基礎,輔以落實部門減量、善用市場機制、強化教育宣導、促進國際合作等作為主軸,結合跨部會力量,執行涉及能源、產業、運輸、住商及農業等多面向的具體行動,以滾動式追蹤管考,達到溫室氣體排放減量的目標,積極因應氣候變遷帶來的嚴峻挑戰,創造綠色商機及綠領就業機會,將危機化為轉機,達成環保救國的目標,形塑台灣特色的低碳社會。




  極端氣候已紛紛在世界各地出現,全球各國越來越正視全球暖化的問題,推出許多減緩及調適對策,使得暖化這個議題已不再只是新聞,而是每個人現實生活中的一部分,例如豪雨及乾旱的衝擊、節能減碳的要求;也因此,暖化的訊息經常在各種媒體上出現,但是也有大量似是而非、或綠色洗腦(green washing,或譯為漂綠,意即環保唬爛者)的資訊混亂著大家,讓很多人不知道全球暖化是真是假,也不知該如何對抗暖化這可怕的猛獸。

























  《抗暖化關鍵報告》這本書的寫作,過程從2008年下半年就啟動了。我與諸多研究室的學生、助理,一同蒐集資料、撰寫初稿,再反覆修訂。寫作的期間因為我在2009年初由高雄轉到台北工作,曾經中斷過幾個月,但隨後又在台師大重新安排章節後,繼續往下發展。直到2010年初,湯馬斯.佛里曼(Thomas L. Friedman)來到台北演講。在他的演講會上,我體會到應該由繁雜的訊息中歸納出幾個關鍵概念,讓讀者可以輕易地抓到本書的重點。於是,我在聽演講時,在一張紙上寫下了「光合作用、能源供需、綠色經濟、調適作為、超越減碳、馬上行動」六個概念,並且隨後回到辦公室進行整理時,加上了「儉樸生活與科學精神兼備、減碳革命不簡單、天下沒有白吃的午餐、準備面對全然不同的未來」四個基本態度。在後來的這一個多月,我以這些概念與態度為主軸,重新撰寫了整本書,希望讀者能夠更為輕鬆地理解這本書想要表達的想法,也更能夠輕鬆地查詢其中包括的資料。



Part Two [抗暖化行動關鍵]




2-1 光合作用



PHOTO : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=538538462848251&set=a.538486032853494.1073741831.100000763055653&type=3&theater










綠色洗腦(green washing,或譯為漂綠,意即環保唬爛者)的資訊混亂著大家,讓很多人不知道全球暖化是真是假,也不知該如何對抗暖化這可怕的猛獸。




















    • 收回讚 ·  · 
    • English : 

      EPA Chief Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh DEPUTY MINISTER SHIN-CHENG YEH PH. D. Carter voice to the UN climate conference in Taiwan

      EPA Chief Deputy MINISTER SHIN-CHENG YEH PH. D. Deputy Director

      EPA Chief Deputy Director: Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh Deputy Director (Environmental P. Ambassadors: Shin-Cheng Yeh teacher). 

      Green Elephant has also become one of Taiwan's animation circle works

      Green University 綠色大學 Videos & 用心愛地球 & 用心做環保,也要用腦做環保!
      丹麥環境教育分享(從小美人魚雕像談丹麥公共藝術保存)暨 綠島大象環境教育繪本新書發表會
      「綠島大象」5/19 (週六) 遊臺師大有空來找大象玩喔 & 共同合作推廣環境教育&「全國氣候變遷會議-公民咖啡館」


      Deputy Minister SC.Y Environmental Protection,Administration

      Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Shin-Cheng Yeh: Government Head Shin-Cheng Yeh: strengthening dialogue with civil society, implementation of international experience EPA Deputy Minister, TWN

      Name : Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh

      Office_Hour since 101/2/20 onwards, seconded to the EPA as Chief Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh:

      Government Head Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh: strengthening dialogue with civil society, implementation of international experience EPA Deputy Minister, TWN

      Title: Professor

      環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN

      Transfer Post:

      RE: Warming key reports Taiwan Faced with global warming the new world of six core key: Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh

      Green University Green University Videos & hard to do with the beloved earth & environmental protection, but also to do with the brain environmentally friendly!

      Good things should be good friends to share
      Danish environmental education share (from the Little Mermaid statue in Denmark about public art conservation) Green Elephant environmental education picture book cum book launch
      "Green Elephant" 5/19 (Sat) free to come visit Taiwan Normal Oh & elephants playing together to promote environmental education & "National Climate Change Conference - Citizens cafe"
      Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh's Videos

      Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh

      English : 438 張照片. 438 photos / 438 pictures attached.

      Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh

      Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh

      Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh

      Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh


      Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh

      There Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh was "green meritorious teacher award!" Ceremony video & picture: (17 minutes 28 seconds to 17 minutes and 31 seconds)

      a). 17 minutes 28 seconds to 17 minutes and 31 seconds: Yes Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh was "green meritorious teacher award!": 2007 11/6: awards ceremony. with song / music (and excellent teacher award is not the same .. .) This has finally found a picture!! but printscreen I always will not be used successfully. copy no less than coming!! ^ _ ^

      b). 24 minutes 58 seconds to 25 minutes 02 seconds are: Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh: 2011 5/19.

      c). the first 25 minutes 13 seconds - 25 minutes 17 seconds are: Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh: 2012 7/6

      EPA 25-year Anniversary Video (supervisor SFAA provide)
      EPA Executive Yuan

      video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=d-9vZftQ9lY #!

      EPA 25-year Anniversary Video ~
      video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-9vZftQ9lY&feature=share


      葉欣誠博士 (曾獲得教育部頒發環教有功和優良教師獎的葉欣誠 Dr. S. C. YEH). 葉欣誠 現為行政院政務環保署副署長
      由 Amy Chen 上傳
      438 張相片

      當時(2010年"之前") 還是師範大學環境教育所所長的葉欣誠所長(曾獲得教育部頒發環教有功和優良教師獎的葉欣誠 Dr. S. C. YEH)手上拿的就是向珍古德教授借來的希望之猴布偶.葉欣誠 現為行政院政務環保署副署長 : 葉欣誠副署長 PHOTOS : http://photo.pchome.com.tw/list_book.html?nickname=6665&StyleID=25 

      ◎節能減碳最主要的兩個重點: 1、簡樸生活 2、科學計算,要知道一天當中生活內容食、衣、住、行、育樂每一種活動排放多少二氧化碳,我們通通要去研究,仔細計算,找貢獻度最高的來減。


      葉欣誠教授演講的暖化新世界重點整理~轉貼 第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 RE : 抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵 作者:葉欣誠博士 VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE 

      西元2010年06月17日 — 台灣的碳息專訪:第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授



      That was my group of five stickers ~!! Each I like!! I spend a lot of time to get!! 4 (Gray) I've selected a ~ is the essence of photos (up sheets) paste!!!

      Actually, I like the first (left) more lively. Joe Joe for a long time because of my photos ㄋ ㄟ

      But also to the people and do not cover the word and paste birthday cake on TABLE. Changed for a long time and the idea which photos "finalists" selected very carefully .... since I do & self-selected photographs of .... & Ye, deputy ago and go before the TV respondents photo ..... very authoritative and important figures / heavyweight expert is not it!! I gave him a birthday cake photo someone now ㄟ .... I finally know his age the!

      Figure 4 = very understanding and very wonderful teacher leaves friends will appreciate my masterpiece composed photo album on the 4th figure!! (Originally also from other more and better teacher leaves multiple photos and then a new set of picture version, But for some reason pause.)

      That figure face book is also a bit special. Gather to focus on the face! Boys are welcomed with a palm I have formed the "face of that picture."

      (I specifically chose the book goes on teacher works with leaf ring character and his personal experiences to teach Introduction .....); "triple play: Super Special: Due lively decent money and formal synthesis of the orthodox version of a large sheet : Safe movement / movement Jieyou "

      4 people = 2 males and 2 females: choosing books: I think there will be no candidate NO.3 BOOK PHOTO: To my surprise it!!!

      There is a human face goes very LIKE Oh!

      There is a person like 4 No. Fig (gray bottoms ~)

      There are 3 people are very LIKE: the first (left) more lively: Many photos photos speckled table goes well. Actually I wanted to do a combination of other ideas photos and movie maker videos., But for some reason paused.


      I guess you have before & they would choose the 1st or the 4th photo puzzle: Ring teach life photos .. ha ha, I guessed wrong.

      The following diagram star star chart is "Ending" Honesty STAR teacher = Your boss your boss photo-inflicted: do not see is it!

      I also have to do DR. Peng Qiming combination chart: depends on FB posted before me, oh.


      Young love Number one: lively picture puzzles. (Including his daughter .... excellent) I was also doing other different sheets of miles!

      Know for a long time like number four formal rules are included in the Quartet Bureau board of the "classic" living according to! I was also doing other different sheets of miles!. (Including his excellent temperament & Taizuo / Madam, wife. .....)


      Secretly say:

      Mr. Rong Xiao write:
      I have regular contact with the Deputy Director leaves, he is a good teacher

      -------------------------------------------------- ---

      Secretly say:

      Ms. C Say:

      Dear Christine:
      This five picture is different, I think the first (left) more lively.
      Deputy Director Ye knowledgeable, humble low-key, is a rare Administrative Officer. Thank you for telling me his benevolence and generosity, so I admire him. Ye teacher really is a great idea for people who self-demands are high, it is worthy of respect!
      I wish you a nice weekend!

      -------------------------------------------------- -

      Mr. L reply me today.: Mr. L write: Christine Hello, I like books as well as the background that one, probably because there seems to contain some of his ideas feeling. In fact, I have a few and leaves the Deputy Director of the edge surface, also had eaten with him, ask him some questions. Ye teacher really is a great idea for people who self-demands are high, it is worthy of respect!

      6/30/2012 I saw Ye education university vice Shin-Cheng Yeh PD. Prof. Very close to the people together with the people eat "vegetarian lunch" and talk green ...,
      6/30/2012 I have the very police Zhang incomparable amateur paparazzi stealing meal according to Ye, deputy look ..... hope Dr. Yeh he did not find a ...... until I find my digital I posted the camera for you to see ...
      6/30/2012: your boss Dr. Peng has an entry, but early & matinee and no signature class pm 5:00 Dr. Peng did not see him = not see, not meet Dr. Peng, I guess Dr. CHI- MING PENG (something) did not come to listen to AM 9:30 ~ 17:00


      6/30 Director has to go oh. 6/30 that Taiwan Environmental Information Association do have the good you could not guess. Leaves deputy PM not sit "face everyone's Theme." He does not sit next to Jesus Director Ye, deputy We sat with his back to Jesus! I guess the reason to the leaf vice ....; 6/30/2012 THAT TIME & "wonderful AGAIN": a good laugh Oh .........


      6/30/2012 these (wonderful) picture I took a lot of Oh!!! (Include leaf Fushuai back .......) = I really wanted to tell him OS: Professor Ye ah! Do not back We sit in front ah ~!!! Professor Ye should see the "Director & female host's smile and facial expressions it ......."!!! that is good both heavyweights attended lectures and CEO ....

      Sponsor's FB fan group: Environmental Education ......: Yes writing. AND the contents of a book looking at FB, but did not take long to connect to the content to be seen. Information booklet may be inconvenient to open it, I guess. Cannian ㄋ ㄟ.

      Many people go oh. Someone to Tainan .........

      6/30/2013 also let me see one thing ........... lobular (child) to see things ....... big leaf


      President Ma taught most of the environmental education should be on the teacher leaves fishes it!

      Dr. Peng had a RADIO Talk show at Sat. 6/30/2012.

      Morning and do not want to or be okay. No early entry prize he said.

      There are three of many people speaches: optional their favorite topics and teachers:
      Listen = GREAT!!!!

      Ms. Kath.: USA environmental education curator; There Taiwan Female student interpreters = great.
      I have to help the Dr. Peng take a multi, but was later sent to Green Elephant (Mr. Lee Ah Huat.)

      6/29/2012 I see leaves in the education college vice. Christine very surprise ......
      There they also say the teacher leaves the deeds ......


      Ms. E don't know Dr. Yeh. But she like number 3: book photo.
      Just someone Ms. E: LIKE 3 photo #: Book.
      MS. E She said: the 3rd photo: Book: look more authoritative and knows what he is doing


      Christine I returned her Ms. E:

      Wow ~! You powerful & SMART & observant ........! + I have the intention and the origin of his deeds and 2 +1 DVD book teaches philosophy rings appeared .... His Chinese & English name show the book cover and critical discourse .... showing that he is a good teacher to see photos of students will know .....; 

      16 DVD he speaks best!! but strewn desk a few good puzzle is when a director leaves before the Deputy Director of the Foundation Board and on a large-scale environmental environmental education programs of talk photograph .... also be slightly obvious authority, he won only good environmental education teacher award His other books I read next go on.



      Professor Ye would like to tell you the kindness and charity (you probably do not know this.)

      Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh is the only 500 in the three units are willing to contribute to the environmental education is one of kindness and I am impressed Mile! So last time I donated 40 to 55 invoices to environmental education unit of the prize ........
      I have several invoices to donate 40 units of environmental education (= Chenrui Bin environmental units .....)

      ; I have donated 40 several invoices for "the Secretary-General Chen Ruibin environmental unit." (Because remember Professor Cheng Yan (was Yesuo Chang) have requested the environmental education unit mass transfer information to Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh donations; Professor Ye then donate money to the Secretary-General Chen Ruibin small ring of teaching units); Chen Ruibin environmental units issued 500 copies ...: Only three people support Chen Ruibin single paragraph ........ curtain for Xin Cheng, director of the first one to support, "the Secretary-General Chen Ruibin (Department of Environmental Protection)" people .... I was even more impressed miles!

      Christine so to donate to multiple invoices instead of supporting environmental education unit .....


      Ms. E don't know Dr. Yeh. But she like number 3: book photo.

      Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh : Citizen Cafe Taipei demonstration farm 2011/08/19 part 2

      video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=Yq8ObGjMJu0

      part II video: 2 minutes 2 seconds with great love Taiwan meteorological Daren Dr. Peng Qiming also attend.
      World Citizen Cafe - East Field (3 minutes short version) -04



      Normal environmental education was director of the Shin-Cheng Yeh Institute (Ministry of Education won the National Environmental Education Award for Excellence in Teaching & meritorious award of Shin-Cheng Yeh teacher). 

      Shin-Cheng Yeh is currently the Chief Executive Yuan, Deputy Director of EPD: Shin-Cheng Yeh Deputy Director PHOTOS: 

      http:/ / photo.pchome.com.tw / list_book.html? nickname = 6665 & StyleID = 25 

      reference: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=527731807238986&set=pcb.527731903905643&type=1&theater and http://www. facebook.com / photo.php? fbid = 527731807238986 & set = pcb.527731903905643 & type = 1 & theater

      ◎ carbon reduction two main points: 1, simple life 2, scientific computing, to know the contents of the day life food, clothing, shelter, , Yule how much carbon dioxide emissions of each activity, we all go to research, carefully calculated to find the highest contribution to the reduction.http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748 Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh warming speech focused finishing ~ posted first New World from the Taiwanese perspective of the anti-warming book Author: Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh RE: Key Reports Taiwan to fight global warming Faced with global warming the new world of six core key: Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh VIDEO:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE 

      AD June 17, 2010 - Taiwan's carbon-bearing Interview: first from Taiwanese perspective of anti-warming book author: Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh. 

      ps Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh EPA today is Deputy Director of Home Affairs: Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh 

      all picures: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662529

      All Pictures: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662663

      (Fruit cake catering I feel great! I thought only drink tea, I was surprised 2 times dessert snack pretty rich! & They offer "Huang Ping Yang," lunch, Thanksgiving! Eat is not the point.)




      My Videos
      Using Windows Live Movie Maker production (http://download.live.com/).
      Duration: 17:57

      issuu: www.issuu.com/ChristineCheng4

      my google reader: 700 Pen: www.google.com.tw/reader/view/ # overview-page

      my iGoogle: www.google.com.tw/

      my facebook: http://www.facebook.com/best.our.life

      my FB: http://goo.gl/Y0X2F & http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=21074970232646

      At that time (in 2010 the "before") or the director of the Institute of Environmental Education of Shin-Cheng Yeh director (issued by the Ministry of Education has received meritorious and excellent environmental education teacher award Shin-Cheng Yeh ) hands, is borrowed from Professor Jane Goodall of hope monkey puppet. Yexin Cheng is currently the Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan: Shin-Cheng Yeh Deputy Director PHOTOS:http://photo.pchome.com.tw/list_book.html?nickname=6665&StyleID=25

      BLOG: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511

      ◎ two most important carbon reduction focus: 1, simple life 2, scientific computing, to know the contents of the day life food, clothing, shelter, transportation, recreation how much carbon dioxide emissions of each activity, we all go to study carefully calculation to find the highest contribution to the reduction. http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh warming speech focused finishing ~ posted first New World from the Taiwanese perspective of the anti-warming book Author: Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh RE: Key Reports Taiwan to fight global warming Faced with global warming the new world of six core key: Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE

      AD June 17, 2010 - Taiwan's carbon-bearing Interview: first from Taiwanese perspective of anti-warming book author: Professor Shin-Cheng Yehhttp://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511


      "Green Elephant" Tour Taiwan Normal University Roots and Shoots club together to promote environmental education
      Roundtable on Sustainable Low Carbon Homes


      Roundtable means: everyone concerned about environmental issues discussed in "environmental issues" ....


      Shin-Cheng Yeh chaired by the Deputy Director: "low-carbon sustainable homes Cafe World" (World Cafe: EPA Deputy Director: Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh way ...... the proposed forum discussions, very successful!) Do very complete success!

      we are very satisfied, better than we imagined!!! efficiently! efficient! more experts and scholars to explain the answer is more like better place! [^ _ ^]


      ps Future Force Lab: Expert World Café (980907) video:


      World Citizen Cafe - East Field (3 minutes short version) -04



      A). Https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.465965326772232.95995.100000763055653&type

      A). Https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.465965326772232.95995.100000763055653&type
      fbid = 465778740124224 & set = a.465766580125440.95956.100000763055653 & type = 1 & theater

      C). Https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.465965326772232.95995.100000763055653&type

      D). Https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?
      fbid = 475331025835662 & set = a.475331005835664.97541.100000763055653 & type = 3 & theater

      E). Https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=475140182521413&set=pb.100000763055653.-2207520000.1362426104&type=3&theater

      My blog is: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511 "Good things should be shared with good friends."


      all are Dr. Yeh's faces. Dr. S.C. Yeh is a good teacher. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Director (teacher leaves): The Sound of Music. Zhi Renyong. affable. cordial treat Love Taiwan patriotic. Green Ring sustainability. outstanding temperament. innocence of a child. rare animals rare. knowledgeable. speech brilliantly. doing things harmony. realistic. restricted to the shoes. Oxfam environmental education. lot of advantages. excellent teachers. enthusiastic outstanding people to save the Earth one of enthusiasm and environmental protection. four vigorously promoted. endure toil low-key does not claim credit. efforts. Caring earth. 

      Kindly help others. thoughtful opinion. concern environmental education. Treasure ........... Green Elephant and Mr. Meng made Afa most grateful benefactors Enchongrushan : EPA Chief Deputy Director: Shin-Cheng Yeh Deputy Director (Environmental Ambassadors: Shin-Cheng Yeh teacher). Green Elephant has also become one of Taiwan's animation circle works, so full of meaning and dreams, while 100% authentic Taiwanese local stories, 

      Little Mermaid in Denmark for more links together for the public art and environmental education to make the most impressive demo, so that teaching is not just preach, but to let older friends, the kids personally go for, Rise Up! ~ ~ ~ Cute elephant gentle serene beauty Xuanliang cordial "Taiwan Green Elephant" first stop next year in 2013 to go to Denmark and the Little Mermaid environmental education advocacy friends!


      "Green Island Elephant animated story MV, finally completed": From now until mid-November, welcomed everyone can go to the province's "Eslite Bookstore" outlets (with TV wall outlets) or directly into the YOU Tube Hits Connect and enjoy this animated story MV. 

      This animated story mv, is our team after many days, the first shot of their own animated story MV. In the process of shooting this movie, although we encounter many difficulties and did not go well, but finally done, thank you very much "Kang Hsuan Educational," Taiwan Normal University Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh teachers and students, "Eslite bookstore," A student, a small Mo, who everyone's help, we will continue to fuel the future.



      Kang Hsuan Books - Green Elephant an abandoned elephant slides, one for the realization of Conservation is the dream of youth, they work together to allow more people to see, and waste recycling exciting journey. Detailed Product Information:

      http://www.k9books.com.tw/ec99/knsh/GoodsDescr.asp?category_id=269&parent_id=239&prod_id=50819 ...

      ================ =======

      Shin-Cheng Yeh Teacher: The Sound of Music. Zhi Renyong. Affable. Cordial treat Love Taiwan patriotic. Green Ring sustainability. Outstanding temperament. Innocence of a child. Rare animals rare. Knowledgeable. Speech brilliantly. Doing things harmony. Realistic. Restricted to sake. 

      Oxfam environmental education. lot of advantages. excellent teachers. enthusiastic outstanding people to save the Earth one of enthusiasm and environmental protection. four vigorously promoted. tirelessly low-key does not claim credit. efforts. Caring earth. kindly help others. thoughtful opinion. attention to environmental education . Treasure ........... Deputy Minister Shin-Cheng Yeh, Ph. D. Shin-Cheng Yeh Teacher: The Sound of Music. Zhi Renyong. affable. cordial others. person handsome heart beauty person good height. people like the sound bar Love Taiwan patriotic. Green Ring sustainability. compassion. strain properly. forthright mind clear. outstanding temperament. innocence of a child. rare animals rare. knowledgeable. speech brilliantly. doing things harmony. restricted to the shoes. Yue Shi environmental education. lot of advantages. excellent teachers. enthusiastic outstanding people to save the Earth one of enthusiasm and environmental protection. four vigorously promoted. tirelessly low-key does not claim credit. efforts. Caring earth. kindly help others. thoughtful opinion. attention to environmental education. Treasure ...........: 

      I hope the good people of such efforts in Taiwan Taiwan people can more ..... his good speach video: http://speech.ntu.edu.tw/ / sng / ci / index.php? c = User & m = vod_film & film_series = 40 & film_sn = 1413 other I forgot to write Shin-Cheng Yeh teacher last adjective. rare animals is a network paparazzi wrote. voice video please listen

      video: http:// speech.ntu.edu.tw / sng / ci / index.php? c = User & m = vod_film & film_series = 40 & film_sn = 1413

      ========================= =================

      CHRISTINE's "Shin-Cheng Yeh" posted: first students in Taipei successfully completed graduation task! By Shin-Cheng Yeh's Facebook posts Shin-Cheng Yeh significantly (dated 7/14/2011) 1980, the Republic of 69 years, the first time to Taipei to study; 1992, the Republic of 81 years, after graduating from the United States to study. Did not think, after returning to Taiwan in 1996, 

      is the great migration begins. 1997, taught at the University of Jinan Puli, Nantou; 2001, to teach in Kaohsiung Normal University, February 2009, returned to work leaving Taipei 11.5 years. Leaving Taipei 11.5 years, has experienced 921 earthquakes, typhoons Toraji, the second ruling parties, ...., and more importantly, re-learning to do a true Taiwanese, rather than Taipei Denon people.

      South Central State University and Taipei National University is indeed different, different students to lead in different ways. Back in Taipei, the Taipei students start with, really there is little maladaptive. Taipei students well qualified, independent and strong, but still need to force belt. When he arrived in Taiwan Normal University, 

      found that many graduate students read three still dangling, so I explained to the students view: just read a Masters two years, 2.5 years is acceptable three years is very bad, 3 years is unacceptable. However, I hope the students graduating in two drainage is not, nor is it as long as the students do research every day reading, other and consequently does not participate. Instead,

      ask them to others in two years, three years or more experience to go through life. When the teacher who was also forced to strip together. Finally, today, July 14, 2011, the first full four graduate students. Three are graduating two years, one is coming in already read, and now was forced to join with other school girl who graduated, are also considered touchdown! 

      Several students since 2002 thanks to the efforts of this, the final result, I hope you satisfied. Next, you will gradually return to normal life, not often stay up late Hello. However, our fate is not over Oh, your papers have published potential, the next step to see if we can hit another record: the same graduate thesis in a journal all officially released ..... bless you, After three not five o'clock always welcome to sit back, or anywhere Hangout chat. This is our life a rare fate, I cherish the hope that you also cherish. 7/14/2011 occupations dignity down by Shin-Cheng Yeh's Facebook posts Shin-Cheng Yeh significantly (dated 4/25/2011) Today, being a student is late to participate in symposia size of the sound, but also dig the two . 

      I was a little angry, but soon figured out. In fact, why bother? Now so many university professors are courting students to invite foreign guests to the seminar class, tardiness, absenteeism ... do not say anything even utter a word, lest students feel bad training, or who are not good enough. Finally hit scores without reference to the case of student attendance, in fact, the case of student attendance records and no real, scattered in the end regardless. Students now have more and can not manage it. Bimensiguo, all others wrong. What is more, direct to choke back.

      In fact, doing it? When a university teacher in this profession, the original is that the students should be responsible for the future, to train students to school during their professional and doing things the truth. So, with a fair, open and impartial manner with class and management groups. Students with problems, say so; students have the condition, direct help. However, 

      this is "original" think so. Such recognition for their career through this time of reflection and afternoon scene, has proven to be obsolete it. Since usually also do research, we must accept the fact that the evidence provided. University evaluation soon, the entire unit is not my own, although I was the poor performance review, but I can not change the objective situation. So Hello, put down the dignity of the profession to rethink "university professor," the significance of this career now! I am grateful to these constantly remind the students that sense, there are those who do not deal with student discipline university professors. From you, I learned an important lesson. 

      Posted: Thanks for all the students to help organize seminars with your friends! By Shin-Cheng Yeh's Facebook posts Shin-Cheng Yeh significantly (dated 3/26/2011) This mill's 2011 International Forum .... finally finishing up! Although research is still in I heard impassable state, but things basically come to an end. So many people to thank, including: 1. Obligation regulars:

      Lab members 2. Volunteer regulars: Other Lab members, assisted by three volunteers. Mercenary: time workers 4. Veteran guerrillas: before the old students 5. Pushing Hands Mission: Folk friend and chiefs 6 Executive Mission: Those have not forgotten in the course of the civil service system Guanzhen "big chief," who were regulars on the obligation: I guess the lab members students can feel a little unlucky encountered then a big event, and the laboratory conditions (size, number of people, resources, etc.) are still not excellent, but I do a lot of expectations ...... maybe some students will think: Zaozhidaojiu Do not look for this person When the advisor XD.

      However, the next step is I want to repay you for the hard work of the time! Objective: The two years to two years of graduate school, also has been dragged to graduate this semester. Regular army of volunteer citizens: it Thank you so much! Especially Yongxiang, Shao Mei, Han Yun, etc. accompanied all the way, and the students undertake a major task. During the event to come forward to help other students who are also very grateful. I will always remember! Believe me, or you can come back years later to ask me this is what your job?

      On mercenary students: although they are "part-time workers" to help you find the name, but you professionalism is very good! It seems, the country's future is very promising! Guerrillas who for veterans: Thank you graduated from Kaohsiung, is also staying in Taipei to help. Experienced and had also been drilled over you, do not bear grudges, but also to put out the fire! I had the hard work was worth it! Veteran promoter group for friends: kindness without saying thank! Self-evident! On the civil service system "big chief," Gentlemen: Thank you, let me once again experience the age of 46 years that what is called the "bureaucracy",

      giving me the opportunity to re-precipitate and reflection, decided to distance himself and the bureaucracy is the best policy. I would like to say is that I really appreciate all the assistance Luoyuan Zhang NTU, the process so that he can bear to some of the pressure, but I learned from his way of doing things to learn a lot. This process also reminds me: is getting older, and after less labor-intensive activities to do such a! 

      Have to see this small article of friends, thanks again thanks! Handsome man by the 6665 album (dated 4/21/2010) Warming key report The Key Report for Fighting Global Warming by 6665's album (dated 10/25/2011) Warming key report The Key Report for Fighting Global Warming Taiwan Faced with global warming the new world of six core key:

      Dr. SHIN-CHENG YEH : Institute for Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University professor PChome greeting albums through 6665 (dated 12/19/2011) carbon reduction & ; first from the perspective of Taiwanese books Warming Warming key reports : Shin-Cheng YehDirector


      120510 Green Green Green Elephant reproduce landmark opening: right side 8 VIDEOS automatic rotation player 8 Videos ON THIS video. 

      VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWkyM5IEKmA&playnext=1&list=PLEvXQmqWEg5xLvSBki0l67q8NPvHtec9t&feature=results_main 

      University Green environmental protection and green University albums through 6665 (the date of 12/27/2011) Environmental and Green University Green University strait Green University Seminar: 12/15/2011: Beijing Tsinghua University School of Environment Du Pengfei Dean, School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, King China Professor, Professor Jonathan Wong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Institute of Environmental Education Professor and Director Shin-Cheng Yeh his good speach video:

      http://speech.ntu.edu.tw/sng/ci/index.php?c=User&m=vod_film&film_series= 40 & film_sn = 1413 (title unknown) 

      via a long-term concern of environmental education specialist Shin-Cheng Yeh Taiwanese director Professor and Director, National Taiwan Normal University, often four lectures to promote the concept of environmental protection Christine Cherng (dated 2012/1/3) MY Facebook Facebook face friends face / cover Cover Avatar (la!) ^ _ ^http://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=100000864574422

      ================ =================

      EPA Chief Deputy Director SHIN-CHENG YEH DEPUTY MINISTER SHIN-CHENG YEH PH. D. Carter voice to the UN climate conference in Taiwan, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, being held in Qatar, global warming, rising sea levels, a direct threat to low-lying islands countries, the activities of the former player Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed, combat global warming documentary,

      but also the United Nations Mission in Taiwan surrounding the meeting, representatives and friends Palau and other countries to share the experience of fighting global warming, the EPA Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh, referring to the importance of global warming, President Ma Ying-jeou, TVBS is the only way to get the United Nations official accreditation of Taiwan's electronic media, see reporters Birch and Ye Junhong from the UN climate ... 2012/12/2 20:06: 18 Reporter: Birch Reading: 159 Photo

      EPA "Green 101 • Creative Broadwood Year" annual environmental levy election creative activities, today (10) at the National Science Education Center announced results from the EPA Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh went to the site for the award. Ceremony mining site announced results manner, the entire field is full of tension, won first prize in video group social work "dew point", 

      the second work "pregnant fishing" third work "Heaven reproduction sea Blue Sky, "two masterpieces are" their situation, the future of humanity "and" earth kidneys - the importance of wetland conservation "; student group first work" HELP "second work" fog reservoir "third work" cactus Rhapsody, 

      "two masterpieces are" disappearing Spa (Spa Goodbye) "and" green city plan "; lesson plans first type of social group work" with the action I love green environment travel ", the second work" end marine debris army ", the third work" sources such life into gold, "two works are" a proper way, guilty pleasure "and" environmental protection and new opportunities for a better life , "the first group of students to work" EAT easy low carb diet ", the second work" The Tao Island: latitude 22 degrees, the net figure is about to disappear, "the third work" from the English novel The star zoo departure to the environment conservation, 

      "two masterpieces are" we bought junk "and" warmhearted! fugue A Long One "; invented the first type of social group work" without the power consumption of the automatic door system, "second work" across cups heat sink, "the third work" planting water dish with green ideas, "two masterpieces are" edge suction side can reduce environmental portable cup "and" windows breathe ",

      the first group of students to work" for LED lighting The ultra-low-energy cooling module, "second work" Turn absolutely invincible power ball ", and the third work" M-brella green energy ecological mosquito umbrella, "two masterpieces are" clip-on lamp holder. " and "intuitive Tetra Pak I-Foldable Pack." Through work-site display, exchange and observe, so that participants share creative ideas and experiences, in order to draw the successful outcome of this event.

      EPA Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh at the awards ceremony, said that Taiwan lacks natural resources located in the case, people should have the insight and courage to face calmly, ignoring, fear attitude does not make slightly ease the looming environmental problems, and solutions to all problems are tied to the individual lifestyle changes, should further promote the long-term environmental education, Advocating for environmental protection, low-carbon life,

      to environmental sustainability. Ye explained Deputy Director of Environmental Education Act in particular, to (100) on June 5 after the implementation, in order to promote national awareness and the importance of environmental education, the Department organized the "Green 101 

      • Creative Broadwood Year" creative levy election campaign to raise environmental awareness, thereby strengthening the concept of environmental protection, green living together towards the goal, and to appreciate the environment could be so creative, so to daily life presents to people across the country.

      EPA in this environmental contest, the active process up to six months. Video category of "dialogue between man and the environment" as the theme, just a 45-day period, there are 489 total levy election to participate in writing the script, after the first stage of qualification for promotion with 453 works, namely student group 168, social group 285, followed by nearly three months filming the production period, at the first review meeting of social groups, student groups were selected 10 works competing for top spot. 

      In the lesson plans class section to "key four hours, green life" is the theme for almost three months of Collection period, from around the country to vote have 502 pieces of artwork, there are 35 not qualified to enter the primaries vote was 467, named after the book, after the trial of social groups, student groups were selected 15 works; invention categories namely 554 works, the first by a written examination elected 90 works were social groups, student groups of 45 works and through the northern, central, southern field selected social groups 15, 15 student groups work together to fight for championship glory.

      EPD, three series levy election activities related departments were invited domestic scholars, Professor, environmental organizations and other representatives of the patented invention professional and senior members 27 for up to nearly two months of judging, Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Leaf Special Thanks to everyone for each period of assessment in the evaluation of works of prudence and professionalism. Many jurors receive information, 

      they realized the organizer's environmental intentions, its accreditation process paperless, reduce waste of resources spirit, people moving, and appreciate each artist's creativity, the more feel Daochiganzhe, imagined think this is a sacred task, participants intentions let jurors remain serious attitude to review each one carefully created creators; invention class selection committee at the meeting also said that from more than 500 pieces works which, through northern, 

      central and southern areas of the site selection and creators discussions and exchanges, the creators of each piece so that they feel a deep passion, jurors said that some of the works from the subtle point cut, but to create a green life opportunity for change, the promotion of environmental education is a very important concept; lesson plans illustrate class jurors promotion of environmental education requires a lot of materials,

      but most lack is public and high school groups, hoping that through this levy election activities provide more valuable materials, is the second biggest harvest activities, but also off the prize consolation friends, a hundredfold. In this new generation, the EPD will be new ideas, new ideas, new initiatives, new attitude to accomplish environmental quality, create Broadwood Taiwan,

      more people need more participation and attention, brilliant works will be placed on environmental education information website let people watch on, interested people can track activities to EPA's official website (http / / eeis.epa.gov.tw) inspection.http://ivy5.epa.gov.tw/enews/fact_Newsdetail.asp?InputTime=1011110162345


      FROM: http://www.tvbs.com.tw/news/news_list.asp?no=nunumt198720121202200430

      Qatar UN climate conference in Taiwan to actively voice Reporter: Birch Photography: Ye Junhong Qatar Doha reported FacebookplurkGooglefunphemidemi United Nations Climate Change Conference, being Qatar held, global warming, rising sea levels, a direct threat to low-lying island nations, the activities of the former player Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed, combat global warming documentary, 

      but also the United Nations Mission in Taiwan surrounding the meeting, and AIA representative of Palau and other countries to share the experience of fighting global warming, the EPA Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh, referring to the importance of global warming, 

      President Ma Ying-jeou, TVBS is the only way to get the United Nations official accreditation of Taiwan's electronic media, see reporters Birch and Ye Junhong from the United Nations Climate Change site reports. Ji Green Chip Noise source: "only a little higher than sea level, the Maldives, in this corner we found that there are nearly five meters wide beach erosion, facing the threat of losing state."

      United Nations Climate Change Conference, played Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed, record against warming green sheet, a beautiful island in the face of rising sea levels subjugation crisis. President Nasheed: "If you can not resist the sea level rise, global warming, 

      we would lose the Maldives." Naked film super powers control environment described political reality, unable to keep a small country can only be appealed to the international community, attention environmental justice. Nasheed: "Some people tell us that it is impossible to solve the global warming thing, I'm here to tell you that we refuse to lose hope." Maldives is not the only warming forefront organized around the ITRI meeting, Taiwan, invited, also subject to the threat of global warming AIA representative of the Marshall Islands and Palau and other countries to share the experience of Taiwan against global warming. EPA Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh : "President Ma Ying-jeou announced before, the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas emissions at 2020 levels would drop back to 2005 levels." President Ma from Morakot to climate change policy, Taiwan's experience in the United Nations surrounding the conference adequately expressed. Marshall Representative: "Marshall continued to welcome Taiwan's leadership on climate change issues play an important role."

      TVBS reporter Birch: "Taiwan in climate change adaptation and mitigation, there are a wealth of experience, through the United Nations will be around, can share with friends and the world."


      Lienchiang County Government Environmental Protection Agency to help build a "low-carbon sustainable, Broadwood Matsu" EPA today (101) on November 5 at the International Conference Centre, NTU organized brainstorming "2012 Act accelerated weathering of limestone and mineralization sequestration International Forum" , University of California, Greg Rau invited professor at Columbia University Professor Alissa Park,

      the University of Newcastle in Australia, Professor Bogdan Dlugogorski on its method of accelerated weathering in limestone mineralization with carbon dioxide sequestration technologies and related research results and practical demonstration of experience, and Chinese experts and scholars , government departments, research institutes and industry, etc. information sharing and technology exchange.

      According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) recently published report, I want to reach a 2050 goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, carbon capture and sequestration technology (abbreviated CCS) contributed to the reduction of the need to increase the effectiveness of 20%, 

      so the technology has been become a national carbon reduction plan is one of the important options. EPA said that in order to promote the work of the greenhouse gas reduction has been fixed for the development of CCS technology as the key technologies through which technology can be major sources of emissions such as carbon dioxide from fossil fuel power plants, cement plants, chemical plants and steel mills manufacturing process trap down and inject into the atmosphere isolated storage deep underground structure, saline aquifers and sea formations,

      in order to achieve the effect of carbon reduction. Currently ministries have been actively involved in the development of CCS technology, including EPA established the "CCS strategic alliance" is responsible for communication with the public regulations, Ministry of Economic Affairs is responsible for technology to promote the establishment of "CCS R & D Alliance" and the National Science Council, 

      "National Energy Program "responsible for technology research and development, expected in 2020 to reach our goal of CCS operators to switch. The theme of the symposium is mainly exchange for many developing CCS technology law and mineralization accelerated weathering limestone storage technology, the invitation of foreign experts Greg Rau accelerated weathering limestone law professors as one of the founding patriarch, Park Professor mineralization archive prospective study with expertise catalysts used in the chemical and biological mineralization sequestration, while Dlugogorski professor expertise mineralization archive and promote global partnership with GreenMag first time mineralization sequestration pilot test plant.

      Three foreign experts in addition to bringing the latest technology trends, but also domestic scholars and experts to discuss the two-way exchange of views for the commercialization of CCS technology development in Taiwan has laid a good foundation, and thus accelerate our work to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction.

      EPA emphasized that the current international CCS technology has been incorporated into the UN's Clean Development Mechanism (abbreviated CDM) study and discussion, and the other because they involve a variety of professional and technical fields, except by government policies and related industries developed the first push, but also need the community understanding, participation and support. Believe that through this seminar with foreign exchange experts, can accelerate the weathering limestone storage technology law and mineralization in the domestic roots development, help improve China's green industry into the international visibility, can revel in our efforts to promote the development of low-carbon economy Transformation of determination and efforts.

      photo:http://ivy5.epa.gov.tw/enews/enews_ftp/101/1105/112847/DSC01748.JPGEPA Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh at the awards ceremony, said that Taiwan lacks natural resources located in the case of people There should be calmly faced insight and courage to ignore, do not let fear attitude slightly ease the looming environmental problems, and solutions to all the problems are tied to the individual lifestyle changes, promote environmental education should be long-term in-depth, Advocating for environmental protection, low-carbon life, to environmental sustainability. Ye explained Deputy Director of Environmental Education Act in particular, to (100) on June 5 after the implementation, in order to promote national awareness and the importance of environmental education, the Department organized the "Green 101 • Creative Broadwood Year" creative levy election campaign to raise environmental awareness, thereby strengthening the concept of environmental protection, green living together towards the goal, and to appreciate the environment could be so creative, so to daily life presents to people across the country.

      Date: EPA "Green 101 • Creative Broadwood Year" annual environmental levy election creative activities, today (10) at the National Science Education Center announced results from the EPA Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh went to the site for the award. Ceremony mining site announced results manner, the entire field is full of tension, won first prize in video group social work "dew point", the second work "pregnant fishing" third work "Heaven reproduction sea Blue Sky, "two masterpieces are" their situation, the future of humanity "and" earth kidneys - the importance of wetland conservation "; student group first work" HELP "second work" fog reservoir "third work" cactus Rhapsody, "two masterpieces are" disappearing Spa (Spa Goodbye) "and" green city plan "; lesson plans first type of social group work" with the action I love green environment travel ", the second work" end marine debris army ", the third work" sources such life into gold, "two works are" a proper way,

      guilty pleasure "and" environmental protection and new opportunities for a better life , "the first group of students to work" EAT easy low carb diet ", the second work" The Tao Island: latitude 22 degrees, the net figure is about to disappear, "the third work" from the English novel The star zoo departure to the environment conservation, "two masterpieces are" we bought junk "and" warmhearted! fugue A Long One "; invented the first type of social group work" without the power consumption of the automatic door system, "second work" across cups heat sink, "the third work" planting water dish with green ideas, "two masterpieces are" edge suction side can reduce environmental portable cup "and" windows breathe ", the first group of students to work" for LED lighting The ultra-low-energy cooling module, "second work" Turn absolutely invincible power ball ", and the third work" M-brella green energy ecological mosquito umbrella, 

      "two masterpieces are" clip-on lamp holder. " and "intuitive Tetra Pak I-Foldable Pack." Through work-site display, exchange and observe, so that participants share creative ideas and experiences, in order to draw the successful outcome of this event.

      EPA Environmental Protection Agency Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh at the awards ceremony, said that Taiwan lacks natural resources located in the case, people should have the insight and courage to face calmly, ignoring, fear attitude does not make slightly ease the looming environmental problems, The solution to all the problems are tied to the individual lifestyle change, promoting environmental education should be long-term in-depth, Advocating for environmental protection, low-carbon life, to environmental sustainability. 

      Ye explained Deputy Director of Environmental Education Act in particular, to (100) on June 5 after the implementation, in order to promote national awareness and the importance of environmental education, the Department organized the "Green 101 

      • Creative Broadwood Year" creative levy election campaign to raise environmental awareness, thereby strengthening the concept of environmental protection, green living together towards the goal, and to appreciate the environment could be so creative, so to daily life presents to people across the country. EPA in this environmental contest, the active process up to six months.

      Video category of "dialogue between man and the environment" as the theme, just a 45-day period, there are 489 total levy election to participate in writing the script, after the first stage of qualification for promotion with 453 works, namely student group 168, social group 285, followed by nearly three months filming the production period, at the first review meeting of social groups, student groups were selected 10 works competing for top spot. 

      In the lesson plans class section to "key four hours, green life" is the theme for almost three months of Collection period, from around the country to vote have 502 pieces of artwork, there are 35 not qualified to enter the primaries vote was 467, named after the book, after the trial of social groups, student groups were selected 15 works; invention categories namely 554 works, the first by a written examination elected 90 works were social groups, student groups of 45 works and through the northern, central, southern field selected social groups 15, 15 student groups work together to fight for championship glory.

      EPD, three series levy election activities related departments were invited domestic scholars, Professor, environmental organizations and other representatives of the patented invention professional and senior members 27 for up to nearly two months of judging, Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Leaf Special Thanks to everyone for each period of assessment in the evaluation of works of prudence and professionalism. Many jurors receive information,

      they realized the organizer's environmental intentions, its accreditation process paperless, reduce waste of resources spirit, people moving, and appreciate each artist's creativity, the more feel Daochiganzhe, imagined think this is a sacred task, participants intentions let jurors remain serious attitude to review each one carefully created creators; invention class selection committee at the meeting also said that from more than 500 pieces works which, through northern, central and southern areas of the site selection and creators discussions and exchanges, the creators of each piece so that they feel a deep passion, jurors said that some of the works from the subtle point cut, 

      but to create a green life opportunity for change, the promotion of environmental education is a very important concept; lesson plans illustrate class jurors promotion of environmental education requires a lot of materials, but most lack is public and high school groups, hoping that through this levy election activities provide more valuable materials, is the second biggest harvest activities, but also off the prize consolation friends, a hundredfold. 

      In this new generation, the EPD will be new ideas, new ideas, new initiatives, new attitude to accomplish environmental quality, create Broadwood Taiwan, more people need more participation and attention, brilliant works will be placed on environmental education information website let people watch on, interested people can track activities to EPA's official website 

      (http / / eeis.epa.gov.tw) inspection.



      Lienchiang County Government Environmental Protection Agency to help build a "low-carbon sustainable, Broadwood Matsu" Sponsor: EPA monitoring SFAA references | Forward | Print | Font Small Medium Large offers Date: 2012.11.03

      Promote environmental protection work, folks moving up! EPA Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh on November 2 special trip to Matsu, born and Yang Sui County, Lienchiang Chengui Zhong Speaker consultation of building homes for the low-carbon sustainable direction, and invited all units county supervisor, school Chancellor, 

      the village long, community development Association, more than 30 people, they refuse transfer, sea floating rubbish and discussion topics such as low-carbon life. Ye Lienchiang County Government, Deputy Director for the development of green tourism, low-carbon business district, creating Broadwood Matsu, confident.

      Deputy Director leaves Lienchiang environmental inspections in conjunction case of business expansion, first visited the country schools Chiehshou Nangan Township, Lienchiang EPA air quality conditions to understand, in the school setting air quality monitoring stations in order to facilitate monitoring of suspended particles , 

      ozone, sulfur dioxide and other air pollutants ......; Then go in Shengli Reservoir water quality monitoring points, water quality sampling inspection operations to ensure the reliability of water quality monitoring data.

      Lienchiang County because it is the island topography, the Macau population for many years by the continental drift rubbish sea intrusion, the EPA since March 31, 2011 onwards by the health plan to create a sustainable quality environment Lienchiang County Government subsidy of about 400 million yuan for beach cleaning activities,

      will address a letter to the MAC into the future cross-strait negotiations issues, I hope the opportunity by cross-strait exchanges, forcing the government to face Minjiang Estuary Sea continental drift caused by waste on the adverse effects of residents; another 96 years, EPA has also Lienchiang County Government grants 2,400 million or more, set the sanitary landfill, recycling games, food waste and bulk waste disposal and recycling equipment and assist in the proper combustible waste incineration plant incineration transported to Keelung to extend the useful life of the landfill, to solve garbage problem .

      Ye countersignature longer seminar that the EPD is promoting low-carbon sustainable homes carved, Lienchiang by starting low-carbon tourism, the development of low-carbon district, please respond to low-carb diet Lienchiang folks, environmentally friendly anti-warming concept, invited guests on the forum content much discussed and suggestions, Lienchiang County Government has also certified EPA rating and classification systems consider participating, so that the county government budget are used for the direction and sustainable low-carbon technologies, we can look forward to build Lienchiang become a low-carbon Broadwood Island!



      Shin-Cheng Yeh, "the executive and local sustainable development track", "Sustainable Development Newsletter" (National Science Council, Sustainable Development Research Council), Volume 5, No. 4, 2003. Shin-Cheng Yeh 


      Shin-Cheng Yeh , at the young Chinese, Guo Yanhong, "We are in a global village in which location? Environmental sustainability in Taiwan Index calculation and analysis "," urban and planning "on page 29 of Volume III, pp. 445 ~ 479, 2002 (TSSCI). Shin-Cheng YEH Papers Yeh, Shin-Cheng, Yun-Peng Chu, Chin-Wei Kuo, and Chia-Shan Chen, "Scenario Simulations of Air Pollution and Green GDP in Taiwan", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 12 (3 ), 2002, pp. 193 ~ 207.


      http://taiwantoday.tw/ct.asp?xItem=192326&CtNode=436 Taiwan stages lead-up seminar at Rio Earth Summit Taiwan stages lead-up seminar at Rio Earth SummitEPA Deputy Minister Yeh Shin-cheng (second left) leads a panel in discussing Taiwan's environmental sustainability policies June 16 in Rio de Janeiro.

      (Courtesy of EPA) 60 Pages Global Change and the Kyoto Protocol - Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh National Kaohsiung Normal University, Associate Professor and Director, Institute for Environmental Education What is the Kyoto Protocol in 1992, Rio, Brazil , for the prevention of climate change Earth Summit endanger ecology, through the establishment of "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" (United Nations Framework Convention on ... Top 0 | Upload by: nightmare a general 2010-08-07 00:40 | heat : | Format: ppt favorites to den 95 Pages 01_ ( Shin-Cheng Yeh )

      With literacy defined Shin-Cheng Yeh National Taiwan Normal University Professor and Director, Institute of Environmental Education read a story to tell a story to read to understand the story reading comprehension extended storytelling What is QuickView environmental education equation K EECS (K1): knowledge of environment, ecology, cultur ... Global Change and the Kyoto Protocol - Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh.

      power point: http://www.docin.com/p-69223627.html Global Change and the Kyoto Protocol - Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh (page no. 26) total: 60 pages: good presentation. power point: http://www.docin/ .com/p-69223627.html


      Citizens COFFEE Museum: GOOD Briefing: http://www.docin.com/p-486634113.html TOTAL: 95 PAGES


      Mang rounds / Taitung Green one hundred yuan "Green Elephant" start big dreams 100 yuan can buy what? Coffee? Lunch? Barely fill gasoline tank locomotive? Or do you have a more attractive choice? 100 yuan completely change the life path Mang hair, buy an elephant, leaving the 13-year work in the financial sector, but the dream of many children earned, during which tradeoffs,

      is the highest GIE guy who came to Denmark at the quarter Ann l long season right is EPA EPA Chief Commissioner, Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh countersign the right is a picture book published Green Kang Hsuan Tate Publishing handsome edition Mr. Li Wanji quarter left of course, is like a father to us all: Environmental Ambassador Mr. Li Mengfa Mr. Afa Lee


      all are Dr. Yeh's faces. Dr. SC Yeh is a good teacher. Yexin Cheng, Deputy Director (teacher leaves): The Sound of Music. Zhi Renyong. affable. cordial treat Love Taiwan patriotic. green ring forever continued. outstanding temperament. innocence of a child. rare animals rare.

      knowledgeable. speech brilliantly. doing things harmony. realistic. restricted to the shoes. Oxfam environmental education. lot of advantages. excellent teachers. enthusiastic one of those who save the Earth outstanding We warmly environmentally friendly. four vigorously promoted. tirelessly low-key does not claim credit. efforts. Caring earth. kindly help others. thoughtful opinion. attention to environmental education. Treasure ........... Green Elephant and Meng hair Mr Afa most grateful Enchongrushan benefactor: 

      EPA Chief Deputy Director: Shin-Cheng Yeh Deputy Director (Environmental Ambassadors: Shin-Cheng Yeh teacher). Green Elephant has also become one of Taiwan's animation circle works,

      so full of meaning and dreams, while one hundred of one hundred true story of Taiwan in the ground, but also to make links with Denmark's Little Mermaid, common for public art and environmental education to make the most impressive demo, so that teaching is not just preaching, but let great friends, personally go for the kids, Rise Up! ~ ~ ~ Cute elephant gentle serene beauty Xuanliang cordial "Taiwan Green Elephant" first stop next year in 2013 to go to Denmark and the Little Mermaid environmental education advocacy friends! ======= ==========================

      "Green Island Elephant animated story MV, finally completed": From now until mid-November, welcomed everyone can go to the province's "Eslite Bookstore" outlets (with TV wall outlets) or directly into the YOU Tube Hits Connect and enjoy this animated story MV. This animated story mv, is our team after many days, the fir
      當時(2010年"之前")是師範大學環教所所長的葉欣誠所長(得過教育部頒發全國環教有功獎&優良教師獎的葉欣誠老師)手上拿的希望之猴布偶也是跟珍古德博士借來拍照的小猩猩玩偶 (很帥吧!) 

      當時(2010年"之前") 還是師範大學環境教育所所長的葉欣誠所長(曾獲得教育部頒發環教有功和優良教師獎的葉欣誠 Dr. S. C. YEH)手上拿的就是向珍古德教授借來的希望之猴布偶.葉欣誠 現為行政院政務環保署副署長 : 葉欣誠副署長 PHOTOS : http://photo.pchome.com.tw/list_book.html?nickname=6665&StyleID=25 reference :http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=527731807238986&set=pcb.527731903905643&type=1&theater andhttp://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=527731807238986&set=pcb.527731903905643&type=1&theater ◎節能減碳最主要的兩個重點: 1、簡樸生活 2、科學計算,要知道一天當中生活內容食、衣、住、行、育樂每一種活動排放多少二氧化碳,我們通通要去研究,仔細計算,找貢獻度最高的來減。http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748 葉欣誠教授演講的暖化新世界重點整理~轉貼 第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 RE : 抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵 作者:葉欣誠博士 VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE 西元2010年06月17日 — 台灣的碳息專訪:第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 

      p.s. 葉欣誠教授現今是行政院環保署政務副署長 : 葉欣誠副署長

      all picures : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662529

      All Pictures :http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662663

      ( 水果蛋糕餐飲我覺得很棒! 我以為只喝茶, 我很意外 2 times 甜點小點心很漂亮豐盛! & 他們提供的"黃平洋"便當, 感恩! 吃不是重點.)




      使用 Windows Live Movie Maker 製作 (http://download.live.com/)。
      片長: 17:57

      issuu : www.issuu.com/ChristineCheng4

      my google reader : 700 筆 : www.google.com.tw/reader/view/#overview-page

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      當時(2010年"之前") 還是師範大學環境教育所所長的葉欣誠所長(曾獲得教育部頒發環教有功和優良教師獎的葉欣誠 Dr. S. C. YEH)手上拿的就是向珍古德教授借來的希望之猴布偶.葉欣誠 現為行政院政務環保署副署長 : 葉欣誠副署長 PHOTOS : http://photo.pchome.com.tw/list_book.html?nickname=6665&StyleID=25 

      BLOG : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511

      ◎節能減碳最主要的兩個重點: 1、簡樸生活 2、科學計算,要知道一天當中生活內容食、衣、住、行、育樂每一種活動排放多少二氧化碳,我們通通要去研究,仔細計算,找貢獻度最高的來減。http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748 葉欣誠教授演講的暖化新世界重點整理~轉貼 第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 RE : 抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵 作者:葉欣誠博士 VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE 西元2010年06月17日 — 台灣的碳息專訪:第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511
      相片:當時(2010年"之前")是師範大學環教所所長的葉欣誠所長(得過教育部頒發全國環教有功獎&優良教師獎的葉欣誠老師)手上拿的希望之猴布偶也是跟珍古德博士借來拍照的小猩猩玩偶  (很帥吧!) 

當時(2010年"之前") 還是師範大學環境教育所所長的葉欣誠所長(曾獲得教育部頒發環教有功和優良教師獎的葉欣誠 Dr. S. C. YEH)手上拿的就是向珍古德教授借來的希望之猴布偶.葉欣誠 現為行政院政務環保署副署長 :  葉欣誠副署長 PHOTOS : http://photo.pchome.com.tw/list_book.html?nickname=6665&StyleID=25  reference : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=527731807238986&set=pcb.527731903905643&type=1&theater      and    http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=527731807238986&set=pcb.527731903905643&type=1&theater   ◎節能減碳最主要的兩個重點: 1、簡樸生活 2、科學計算,要知道一天當中生活內容食、衣、住、行、育樂每一種活動排放多少二氧化碳,我們通通要去研究,仔細計算,找貢獻度最高的來減。 http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748 葉欣誠教授演講的暖化新世界重點整理~轉貼 第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 RE : 抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵 作者:葉欣誠博士 VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE 西元2010年06月17日 — 台灣的碳息專訪:第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 ^_^

p.s. 葉欣誠教授現今是行政院環保署政務副署長 : 葉欣誠副署長

all picures : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662529

All Pictures : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662663

( 水果蛋糕餐飲我覺得很棒! 我以為只喝茶, 我很意外 2 times 甜點小點心很漂亮豐盛! & 他們提供的"黃平洋"便當, 感恩! 吃不是重點.)




使用 Windows Live Movie Maker 製作 (http://download.live.com/)。
片長: 17:57

issuu : www.issuu.com/ChristineCheng4

my google reader : 700 筆 : www.google.com.tw/reader/view/#overview-page

my iGoogle : www.google.com.tw/

my facebook : http://www.facebook.com/best.our.life

my FB : http://goo.gl/Y0X2F & http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=21074970232646

當時(2010年"之前") 還是師範大學環境教育所所長的葉欣誠所長(曾獲得教育部頒發環教有功和優良教師獎的葉欣誠 Dr. S. C. YEH)手上拿的就是向珍古德教授借來的希望之猴布偶.葉欣誠 現為行政院政務環保署副署長 :  葉欣誠副署長 PHOTOS : http://photo.pchome.com.tw/list_book.html?nickname=6665&StyleID=25 

BLOG : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511

◎節能減碳最主要的兩個重點: 1、簡樸生活 2、科學計算,要知道一天當中生活內容食、衣、住、行、育樂每一種活動排放多少二氧化碳,我們通通要去研究,仔細計算,找貢獻度最高的來減。 http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748 葉欣誠教授演講的暖化新世界重點整理~轉貼 第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 RE : 抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵 作者:葉欣誠博士 VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE 西元2010年06月17日 — 台灣的碳息專訪:第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511
      相片:當時是師範大學環教所所長的葉欣誠所長(得過教育部頒發全國環教有功獎&優良教師獎的葉欣誠老師).  葉欣誠 現為行政院政務環保署副署長 :  葉欣誠副署長 PHOTOS : http://photo.pchome.com.tw/list_book.html?nickname=6665&StyleID=25  reference : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=527731807238986&set=pcb.527731903905643&type=1&theater      and    http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=527731807238986&set=pcb.527731903905643&type=1&theater   ◎節能減碳最主要的兩個重點: 1、簡樸生活 2、科學計算,要知道一天當中生活內容食、衣、住、行、育樂每一種活動排放多少二氧化碳,我們通通要去研究,仔細計算,找貢獻度最高的來減。 http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748 葉欣誠教授演講的暖化新世界重點整理~轉貼 第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 RE : 抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵 作者:葉欣誠博士 VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE 西元2010年06月17日 — 台灣的碳息專訪:第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 ^_^

p.s. 葉欣誠教授現今是行政院環保署政務副署長 : 葉欣誠副署長

all picures : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662529

All Pictures : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662663

( 水果蛋糕餐飲我覺得很棒! 我以為只喝茶, 我很意外 2 times 甜點小點心很漂亮豐盛! & 他們提供的"黃平洋"便當, 感恩! 吃不是重點.)




使用 Windows Live Movie Maker 製作 (http://download.live.com/)。
片長: 17:57

issuu : www.issuu.com/ChristineCheng4

my google reader : 700 筆 : www.google.com.tw/reader/view/#overview-page

my iGoogle : www.google.com.tw/

my facebook : http://www.facebook.com/best.our.life

my FB : http://goo.gl/Y0X2F & http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=21074970232646

當時(2010年"之前") 還是師範大學環境教育所所長的葉欣誠所長(曾獲得教育部頒發環教有功和優良教師獎的葉欣誠 Dr. S. C. YEH)手上拿的就是向珍古德教授借來的希望之猴布偶.葉欣誠 現為行政院政務環保署副署長 :  葉欣誠副署長 PHOTOS : http://photo.pchome.com.tw/list_book.html?nickname=6665&StyleID=25 

BLOG : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511

◎節能減碳最主要的兩個重點: 1、簡樸生活 2、科學計算,要知道一天當中生活內容食、衣、住、行、育樂每一種活動排放多少二氧化碳,我們通通要去研究,仔細計算,找貢獻度最高的來減。 http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748 葉欣誠教授演講的暖化新世界重點整理~轉貼 第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 RE : 抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵 作者:葉欣誠博士 VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE 西元2010年06月17日 — 台灣的碳息專訪:第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511
      相片:PHOTOS : http://photo.pchome.com.tw/list_book.html?nickname=6665&StyleID=25 ◎節能減碳最主要的兩個重點: 1、簡樸生活 2、科學計算,要知道一天當中生活內容食、衣、住、行、育樂每一種活動排放多少二氧化碳,我們通通要去研究,仔細計算,找貢獻度最高的來減。 http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748 葉欣誠教授演講的暖化新世界重點整理~轉貼 第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 RE : 抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵 作者:葉欣誠博士 VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE 西元2010年06月17日 — 台灣的碳息專訪:第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 ^_^

p.s. 葉欣誠教授現今是行政院環保署政務副署長 : 葉欣誠副署長

all picures : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662529

All Pictures : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662663

( 水果蛋糕餐飲我覺得很棒! 我以為只喝茶, 我很意外 2 times 甜點小點心很漂亮豐盛! & 他們提供的"黃平洋"便當, 感恩! 吃不是重點.)




使用 Windows Live Movie Maker 製作 (http://download.live.com/)。
片長: 17:57

issuu : www.issuu.com/ChristineCheng4

my google reader : 700 筆 : www.google.com.tw/reader/view/#overview-page

my iGoogle : www.google.com.tw/

my facebook : http://www.facebook.com/best.our.life

my FB : http://goo.gl/Y0X2F &  PHOTOS : http://photo.pchome.com.tw/list_book.html?nickname=6665&StyleID=25 

BLOG : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511

◎節能減碳最主要的兩個重點: 1、簡樸生活 2、科學計算,要知道一天當中生活內容食、衣、住、行、育樂每一種活動排放多少二氧化碳,我們通通要去研究,仔細計算,找貢獻度最高的來減。 http://blog.udn.com/yang0115/2944748 葉欣誠教授演講的暖化新世界重點整理~轉貼 第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 RE : 抗暖化關鍵報告台灣面對暖化新世界的6大核心關鍵 作者:葉欣誠博士 VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA6PIMzE8nE 西元2010年06月17日 — 台灣的碳息專訪:第一本從台灣本土角度出發的抗暖化專書作者 : 葉欣誠 教授
      相片:Dr. S. C. YEH write this book.
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