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暖化新世紀- 你一定要知道的6大核心知識與4大關鍵概念 : 65 張照片

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環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN

環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN

環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN

環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN

環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN



環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN


環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN

    1. ====================================
    2. EPA Deputy Minister Yeh Shin-cheng (葉欣誠) Ph. D. Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection, Administration, Taiwan / Agency

    3.  VIDEO : https://docs.google.com/previewtemplate?id=1PJCamIjd34TMEIFXND5uCi86d22fZ3VuhuTWl5OlFqc&mode=public

    4. Deputy Minister Shin-Cheng Yeh, Ph.D.(view the full size image in the new window)

    5. Administration (EPA) yesterdayintroduced a Web site aimed at providing Taiwanese businesspeople
        in China withinformation related to China’s environmental protection industry.

    6. EPA Deputy Minister Yeh Shin-Cheng Yeh(葉欣誠) Ph. D.

    7. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection, Agency

    Deputy Minister Shin-Cheng Yeh, Ph.D.(view the full size image in the new window)

    1. Shin-Cheng Yeh, DeputyMinister, Environmental Protection
      Administration, Taiwan

    2. 相片:環保署副署長葉欣誠:推動低碳永續家園 馬祖絕對有條件--2012-11-03 環保署副署長葉欣誠來馬訪視,拜訪縣府及縣議會,受到縣長楊綏生、議長陳貴忠的熱情歡迎,並就馬祖環保議題進行廣泛討論。(圖/文:曹重偉) 【記者曹重偉/南竿報導】為了解馬祖環保工作情形,行政院環保署副署長葉欣誠一行昨天抵馬訪視,受到府會首長、各級民代、環保工作人員及社區人士的熱情歡迎;葉欣誠特別與縣長楊綏生、議長陳貴忠共同研商海漂垃圾處理、垃圾運台、節約用水、用電及發展風力、再生能源等環保議題;葉欣誠表示,推動「低碳永續家園」是該署既定政策,也認為馬祖絕對有此條件,願與大家共同努力。 環保署副署長葉欣誠昨天(11月2日)專程前來地區視察,首站前往縣議會拜訪,議長陳貴忠、議員林惠萍都在場迎接,並接待參觀會史館,了解馬祖民主發展的艱辛歷程,也透過簡易座談,了解議會協助及監督環保現況,陳貴忠希望副署長葉欣誠能在馬祖留下好印象,多支持馬祖環保工作;之後轉往縣府拜訪並接受電子媒體訪問,與縣長楊綏生、環保局長陳玉利共同就環境影響評估規範、海漂垃圾處理、垃圾運台後續經費、推動節約用水用電、風力發電、海水淡化結合、發展再生能源與博弈專區開發及後續影響等議題,廣泛交換意見,葉欣誠也允諾會在能力範圍內全力支持馬祖環保工作。 特別的是環保署此次馬祖行成員之一的環境監測及資訊處處長朱雨其,他可是道地的馬祖人,家居仁愛村,民國86年調台之前在縣府建設局服務;他說這次回來看見許多老朋友是相當開心,而他也擔任此次政策座談會的簡報人。 中午稍事休息之後,葉欣誠下午巡視縣內環保業務推展之情形,首先拜訪南竿鄉介壽國中小,因為環保署要了解連江縣空氣品質狀況,於該校設置空氣品質監測站,以利監測懸浮微粒、臭氧、二氧化硫等空氣污染物濃度,第二站是拜訪聯勤馬祖地支部,了解仁愛村電池山的清除過程,並前往現地會勘,確定遭污染土石方均清運之後才放心,最後是前往位於勝利水庫的水質監測站,現場視察水質採樣作業,以確保該署執行水質監測數據之可信度;傍晚則在縣府會議室召開「環保業務暨政策座談會」,鼓勵鄉親一起動起來,落實環保工作。 葉欣誠一行今天上午9時將前往北竿地區繼續視察行程,預定視察該署補助之垃圾外運打包設施、風山衛生掩埋場等處,下午返回台北。此行成員還包括秘書林韋如、處長朱雨其、簡任技正王嶽斌、技士梁淑婷、技士李庭柱、環境技術師黃伊薇、技工蔡啟知。http://www.matsu-news.gov.tw/2010web/news_detail_101.php?UID=146114&fb_action_ids=2461601836402&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=246965925417366

    3. >============================

    Taipei Times
    1. EPA says Taiwan’s poor rank in climate 

    2. index due to criteria

    Dec. 5, 2012 write: 

    1. WRONG FOCUS:Taiwan’s climate protection efforts were ranked as ‘very poor,’ which the agency attributed to the index’s new evaluation method

      By Lee I-chia 李嘉I-/本報記者  /  Staff reporter
    2. Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Deputy Minister Yeh Shin-cheng (葉欣誠) yesterday said Taiwan’s drop in the Climate Change Performance Index 2013 (CCPI 2013) was mainly attributable to a change in the index’s evaluation criteria, adding that the government would continue its efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

    3. The CCPI is conducted annually by non-governmental organizations Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe to evaluate the climate protection performance of the 58 countries that are responsible for more than 90 percent of all carbon emissions. The assessment is based on emissions indicators, renewable energy, efficiency and the analyses of more than 230 climate experts from around the world.

    4. The CCPI 2013 report was published on Monday and although Taiwan’s score increased from 49.0 last year to 49.4 this year, it dropped four places in the index’s ranking to 52.

    5. Speaking to the EPA from Doha, Qatar, via the Internet, Yeh said the reason for the drop in ranking was because the index employed a revised methodology that placed a stronger emphasis on renewable energy and efficiency.

    6. Taiwan’s ranking remained in the “very poor” category as it has in previous years, Yeh said, adding that one reason could be that the NGOs may not have collected the most up to date information and progress in Taiwan, such as the promulgation of six types of greenhouse gases as regulated air pollutants in May.

    7. The EPA added that scores were evaluated on five aspects and a total of 15 indicators, on which Taiwan’s performance in emissions levels, emissions development and renewable energy was weak, and only moderately strong on efficiency and policy.

    8. In addition, the nation scored poorly on emissions levels target-performance comparison, share of renewable energy in total primary energy supply and carbon dioxide emissions per capita, the EPA said.

    9. Yeh said the government would continue its efforts to improve the nation’s performance, through measures such as the enforcement of the Renewable Energy Act (再生能源法), enactment of an energy management law and a gas reduction bill, and energy tax regulation.

    10. This story has been viewed 2021 times.
  1. FROM: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2012/12/05/2003549415

  1. =============

    1. Deputy Minister

    2. Deputy Minister Shin-Cheng Yeh, Ph.D.(view the full size image in the new window)

    3. EPA Deputy Minister  Shin-Cheng Yeh (葉欣誠) Ph. D. Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection, Administration, Taiwan / Agency

    1. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Ph.D. 


      Academic Background:

    2. Ph.D., Water Resources and Environmental Systems, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, 1996

    3. 1

      GREEN UNIVERSITY 七所優秀的"綠色大

      學" : 海峽兩岸綠色大學研討會

      建立者:Christine Cherng 觀看次數:41 次

      GREEN UNIVERSITY 七所優秀的"綠色大學" :

       海峽兩岸綠色大學研討會 : 12/15/2011 的影片…

    4. 縮圖
      I took pictures on Dec. 15, 2011. I made video.

      GREEN UNIVERSITY 七所優秀的"綠色大

      學" : 海峽兩岸綠色大學研討會

      建立者:Christine Cherng 觀看次數:41 次

      GREEN UNIVERSITY 七所優秀的"綠色大學" : 海峽兩岸綠色大學研討會 : 12/15/2011 的影片…

    5. Punch 

      EPA 環保署 葉欣誠副署長 Taiwan's EPA

       Deputy Minister, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Ph.


    VIDEO : https://docs.google.com/previewtemplate?id=1iXRtU_fmnAJ1ocv7Jii6WfCV2JssrOtqd7b7EqhpwN4&mode=public

    1. Master, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 1992

    1. Bachelor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 1987


    Professional Experiences:

    • Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 2009~2012 (also Director, 2010~2012) 

    • Professor and Director, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC, 2006~2009.

    • Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC, 2001~2006

    • Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Chi-Nan University, Puli, Nantou County, Taiwan, ROC

    • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 1997-1998.

    • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 1996-1997.

    • Member of National Environmental Education Examination Committee, 2011-2012.

    • Member of National Environmental Education Certification Committee, 2011-2012.

    • President, Chinese Society of Environmental Education, ROC, 2006-2008.
    • Board Member, ROC Consumers’ Foundation, 2010-2012. 


    1. Research Fields:

    2. Environmental Education 
    3. Environmental Engineering
    4. Environmental Planning and Management

    1. Environmental Systems Analysis
    2. Water Resources Planning and Management
    3. Sustainable Development Appraisal and Indicators

    1. Environmental Economics
    2. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Education
    3. Green University

  1. http://www.epa.gov.tw/en/epashow.aspx?busin=15702&path=15702&guid=5db376fc-4c98-4469-85cb-4c1ad404f2b6&lang=en-us

    1. RUO + 20 : Dr. S. C. Yeh
      > Forests, Livelihoods, and GreenEconomyThis event is organized by Environmental Quality Protection
      > Foundation andco-organized by The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China. It will underscore
      > theopportunities and challenges of forests and livelihoods in terms of sustainable development.
      > Well-managed forests can alleviate poverty, create green jobs, reduce disaster risk, buildup
      > resilience, conserve water, and further support sustainable livelihoods!Three yearsago, Taiwan
      > suffered from the havoc of the typhoon Morakot, but the people and theenvironment recovered with
      > the joint efforts by the civil societies and the government.With the successful experience, we
      > aim to identify the critical role forests play inclimate change and green economy at local,

      >   ■ Shin-Cheng Yeh, Ph.D., Deputy Minister, EnvironmentalProtection
      > Administration, Taiwan

      >   ■ Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister ofEnvironmental Protection
      > Administration, Taiwan
      >  Shin-Cheng Yeh, DeputyMinister, Environmental Protection
      Administration, Taiwan

      >   ■ Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, DeputyMinister of Environmental Protection Administration, Taiwan


    2. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2012/12/05/2003549415

2/23/2011 東森 CH51 攔

截新聞 剛才 16:00 ~

 17:00 剛出爐的新聞 : 燒


更新於 1 年前 · 攝於 Taiwan
2/23/2011 東森 CH51 攔截新聞 剛才 16:00 ~ 17:00 剛出爐的新聞 : 燒啊~!

攔截新聞 2/23/2011 : 談 溫室效應 & 太陽風暴 & 抗地震 & 海嘯 & 地震 & 地殼溫度................ 

原來 葉欣誠 教授 以前在台灣 921 的時候, 葉欣誠老師 他人當時正在 南投 濟南大學............., 談 溫室效應 & 地殼溫度 & Taiwan 921 當時 地震 從地上發出來的聲音....... & 海嘯 & 地震 ................ 

師大環教所所長 : 葉欣誠教授 (帶紅領帶的學者.) 

RE : 我剛在圖書館的 館藏查詢系統中看到 葉欣誠 老師精彩演講 的 video (URL), 實在太開心了!!!

暖化新世紀- 你一定要知道的6大核心知識與4大關鍵概念 : 43 張照片

2010/5/15 葉欣誠 師大環教所所長
May 15, 2010 的精彩演講 : 暖化新世紀- 你一定要知道的6大核心知識與4大關鍵概念 : 主講人 : 葉欣誠 師大環教所所長

我以前在網路上或 YouTube 上 一直都找不到 師大環教所教授 精彩演講 的 Videos, 剛在圖書館的 館藏查詢系統中看到 精彩演講 的 video (URL), 我實在太開心了, 因 Video 無法被存下來, 我只好用拍照的方式貼出來跟大家分享. 

想看或再聽此 精彩演講的朋友們 (臉友們) 可到圖書館的 館藏查詢系統中看到 此精彩演講 的 video (URL).
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  1. 演講 的 video (URL).
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    國民大會 來賓 : 葉欣誠 ,寫 "抗暖化 關鍵報告" 的作者: 葉欣誠 教授
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  • Christine Chen 說讚。
  • Christine Chen 〈分析〉巴西搖錢樹 REDD碳排放權交易發展優勢與困境
    節能減碳寫於 2012年6月26日 18:35 ·

    Rio+20 地球高峰會正在巴西里約熱內盧正式登場,此次聯合國環境永續發展大會,並未將環境永續發展這項議題列為大會主題,一項與環境永續發展相關的計畫 REDD ,卻一躍而上成了大會與媒體關注話題。REDD 是什麼?它遭遇的困境又有什麼?
    Rio+20 地球高峰會正在巴西里約熱內盧正式登場,此次聯合國環境永續發展大會,並未將環境永續發展這項議題列為大會主題,一項與環境永續發展相關的議題 REDD ,卻一躍而上成了大會與媒體關注話題。REDD 是什麼?它遭遇的困境又有什麼?,
  • Christine Chen 明道師生赴巴西參加「RIO+20」!師生興奮:新突破

    2012年6月27日 08:00



