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520 // 抽煙的壞處有: 可能會讓男人 \"不舉\" 喔! (夠嚴重了吧!)// 揭穿菲國的謊言與暴力

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GOOD & SMART. LEARN IT.  利用廢紙板~自製「冰箱門簾」



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你及其他 41 人都說讚。

郭汶瑋 醬看起來 是有省電~
但 因為是紙板 所以看不到裡面 還有哪些東西~
而要一層 一層翻 反而增加了開冰箱的時間~
但如果 改成用透明的 袋子哩 就可一次看到 還有剩哪些東西了~
以上純屬 個人見解 如有更好的方法 歡迎大家一曲交流的v啦 ^^
1月31日20:21 · 讚 · 2

減碳台灣 補充說明:利用冷空氣往下降的原理,可以將冷藏庫分類保存,把需長時間冰存物置於下層,經常取用的冰存物(如牛奶、飲料…)放置於最上層,這樣拿取東西方便,也才能達到省電的效果。最後如汶瑋兄所言,大家集思廣益,一起來找尋生活中各種節能可能吧^^
1月31日21:10 · 讚

羅百順 這樣好像太克難了....看到就不想冰了...太麻煩...是要降低購物慾嗎....XD可以仿照生鮮超市倉儲區透明朔膠門簾會方便又實用....
1月31日21:27 · 讚 · 2

Discovery探索頻道雜誌 集思廣益~
2月18日16:23 · 讚


影片描述的是 1985年的﹝日本航空‧空難事件﹞,總共520人死亡,目前仍是航空史上第三大空難。

 ·  · 推廣 · 



影片描述的是 1985年的﹝日本航空‧空難事件﹞,總共520人死亡,目前仍是航空史上第三大空難。





對內容有任何想法 歡迎留言回應 有錢人這樣想

讚 ·  · 分享
6,271 個人都說讚。

周芸竹 當年我人在日本,隔天要搭機回台灣,我記憶猶新,永遠忘不了,我爸媽嚇到不肯讓我回來,機上524人520人罹難.遍地都是大阪遊客來東京迪士尼玩買回去的布偶娃娃,今天又看到這個影片,讓我所有記憶都浮上心頭,好感慨,真的~~人生無常,誰又知自己的下一秒會是如何??好好珍惜現在的一切,祝福大家~
讚 · 回覆 · 237 · 5月3日23:32

有錢人這樣想 感恩分享親身經歷
讚 · 3 · 5月5日14:06

Neuemla Anh cuoc song ma bt truoc ngay mai ra sao
讚 · 5月5日19:59

陳麗珍 世界上唯一不變的即是無常,在無常的面前,名利權勢都變得微不足道,做人不要有遺憾在人間,就要珍惜當下,把握今天,不然會隨時對我們的親情,感情,友情都沒有時間說一句,我愛你們,謝謝你們,對不起你們!時間是一種無可取代的寶藏,懂得珍惜才能享受到箇中三昧。謝謝分享給每一個珍愛生命的人。
讚 · 回覆 · 109 · 5月3日22:32來自手機

王蓬絮 無常即是常 這就是人生
讚 · 3 · 5月8日19:44

Sade Chen 人生看似很長,但卻人生無常.........
讚 · 回覆 · 42 · 5月3日21:28

游佳自 平凡是福 平淡是福 平安是福
讚 · 回覆 · 35 · 5月3日21:30

林克義 事情發生時我在日本,機上很多松下電機公司的研究員,只有二位存活。真的活著的每一天都要心存感恩。
讚 · 回覆 · 87 · 5月3日21:30來自手機

劉寒秋 阿彌陀佛!(合十)
讚 · 回覆 · 21 · 5月3日21:42來自手機

邱金玉 禎: 感謝妳的分享,人生本就非常地無常, 先前秀智阿姨 、前幾天陳武彥叔叔的突然離席,都令人深深地不捨,珍惜當下,那才是最實際的。人生最大的福報,不在擁有多少財富,而是過的平安,人生最大的成功,不是別人的掌聲,而是做什麼都心安。晚安!在忙碌的日子裡請照顧好自己,並願妳心情美麗無憂愁。
讚 · 回覆 · 11 · 5月4日1:06來自手機

蘆葦 人生無常,不要花太多時間在計較與比較,要好好的活在當下••••••借分享,感恩!
讚 · 回覆 · 10 · 5月5日7:59來自手機

Cindy Ma 其實這個月我將會交辭職信,用2至5年實現夢想.....
讚 · 回覆 · 10 · 5月4日22:37來自手機

Maegan Ku 把每一天都當成是生命的最後一天,努力過日子,做自己喜歡的事,才不會留有遺憾....
讚 · 回覆 · 10 · 5月4日7:59

陳維綋 人都死了,主有什麼用,人在死前,只有害怕,信主難道就可以不死,,不要把宗教的語言套在悲慘的事件止
讚 · 回覆 · 9 · 5月5日12:37來自手機

繽紛樂 以此告誡所有在修讀飛機工程/正從事飛機修護工作的人:如果你只是為了一份薪水而修飛機,那就請你們滾蛋!因為你們手上的工具及零件,不只是守護著機上那幾百人的生命,還包括幾百個家庭的完整性!
讚 · 回覆 · 7 · 5月4日21:58來自手機

Circle Liu 我們不能控制生命的長短 但可以掌握自己的人生
讚 · 回覆 · 7 · 5月3日21:46

小池功 日本人として未だ忘れる事が出来ない最大最悪な航空機事故でした。
讚 · 回覆 · 6 · 5月8日21:36來自手機

蕭士峰 影片原出處0.0

生命最後十分鐘 by 阿比
4/27 為了老公公司綠加利的大型活動,製作了很多影片,其中一部是壓軸用的省思影片。 這個事件是真實故事,1985年日本航空123班機的空難事件,520人死⋯⋯更多
片長: 6:15
讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 5月4日12:04

神鶴佐木 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBPfYGlTZsE

※以下內容主要來自網路文字,正確性待考,感謝不吝提出指正與資訊的各位朋友。 【簡介】 韓國歌手路易2001年底發行的專輯<淚>故事以1985年8月從日本東京羽田⋯⋯更多
讚 · 回覆 · 6 · 5月3日22:36

神鶴佐木 這MV是這起空難改編的嗎??
讚 · 1 · 5月3日22:37

許叁陸 這是共業。百善孝為先,雖是老話,却有很多事實
讚 · 5月4日11:43

Billing Wu 活著真好
讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 5月8日19:02來自手機

賴瓊芬 人生無常,世事難料,明天先到亦是無常先到,誰也不知道。珍惜,活在當下。
讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 5月5日20:50來自手機

賴燕曄 感恩
讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 5月5日9:03來自手機 · 已編輯

謝麗卿 平安就是福,尤其今日因女兒的車禍誏我再次感謝上天的眷顧。
讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 5月5日0:09來自手機

Wu Hyun 我決定天天寫遺書
讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 5月4日16:18來自手機

Lam Yi Lai 多謝分享!
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月9日5:45來自手機

黃 栄吉 認識自己的人生 多做好事 珍惜每一天每一時刻 感謝家人 親人 好友 謝謝神
讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 5月12日2:12來自手機

Lydia Kao 雖然很傷痛 但我有個疑問耶。飛機爆炸了 寫的紙條還能保留下來嗎?
讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 5月7日11:50來自手機

Venus Tong "未曾生我誰是我?生我之時我是誰?" 
讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 5月5日5:05來自手機

林育任 太感動了!久久不能回過神來,試問在面臨死亡的那一刻,沒有主的人,該怎麼辦?珍惜我們所擁有的人,請求主賜下恩典,使他們都得救,阿們
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月5日1:28來自手機

林芳齡 日常生活中被大家視為理所當然的事.看似平凡 一旦失去才知多珍貴看完影片好感慨~~把握當下 珍惜妳身邊的人事物常懷著感恩的心 ~~~因世間無常無人能預知下一步會如何~~~~感恩 !!!!!!!
讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 5月4日19:43

Fred Chin 剛從花蓮精舍參加慈濟活動回來,看到這段影片,感觸良多。正如上人所說一人生無常一確實無奈,只有恆持剎那,活好每分每秒,當無常到來時才不會驚慌失措含恨而去,同意嗎?
讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 5月4日15:05來自手機

林軒農 看完後,很複雜的心情, 心想我也有兩個可愛的雙胞兒子需要我,所以我一定要平安在每一次出國打拼時. 也願所有在外打拼的人每一次也都能平平安安的回家!
讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 5月4日11:55來自手機

Candy Lee 珍惜所有,把握當下,借分享,感恩
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月3日22:17

Kazuo Murakami このVTRの趣旨ではありませんが、 この事故は防げた! この数か月前に、当該機材は、大阪空港で、尻もち着地した。 それを、キチンと修理しなかったことを、政府は 不問にした。 僕は 敢て言う ! エリート という生き物は、 一般市民を 踏み台にして生きる悪魔だ!
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月6日11:35

康瑜 真的不喜歡"來不及"這三個字~~感謝分享..感恩在這樣ㄉ夜晚讓我看到這影片..謝謝您.
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日1:01

Nicole Peng 珍惜與家人任何有的時間吧。
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日13:30

楊俊義 真的要珍惜一切,感恩父母、感恩天地,人生真是無常,要多做一些有意義的事情。
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月12日1:55來自手機

曾瑞珍 爭甚麼?怨甚麼?凡事想開!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月10日13:59

陳姿穎 好感傷,人生無常,意外是無法 避免,要把握珼在。
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月8日16:43

宋正雄 無量壽彿.把握當下.謝謝.
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月8日15:10

Albie Ng 令人很不平安的一段片,但卻令人有很多很多的反省:要珍惜每一秒,因為下一刻如何,我們真的不知道!
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月7日22:46

Scott Huang 信耶穌,得永生!
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月5日9:36來自手機

Jen Shu Chen 惜福,知足,感恩我身邊所有的親朋好友跟您們說聲謝謝願大家都平安^_^
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月5日0:24來自手機

Tsang Erna 常存感恩, 平常心面對.....要來的要去的一切自有原因, 珍惜把握當下, 不要讓自己留下遺憾!
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月4日21:16

呂哲偉 真的要好好珍惜身邊所愛的人,人生無常,萬一來不及說,會終身抱憾難過至極............
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月4日20:36

吳宗華 要把握當下,珍惜我們還活著的人生,多陪陪家人,多陪陪父母,切記不要說【以後再說】,本身遇到時,那就真的是【來不及】。
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日18:59來自手機

王秀容 我哭了,感慨好深!覺得自己好幸福,謝謝所有我愛的家人及朋友,也珍惜所有愛我的家人及朋友對我的關懷!
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月4日16:21

Xueer Kang 看完淚流滿面,很感觸,珍惜眼前所有的一切感恩。
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月4日15:54來自手機

蔡依珊 謝謝分享,也謝謝此刻我們還活著。
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日13:54來自手機

彭妮解 感恩我還活著
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月4日13:28來自手機

Sam Liao 各位人生真的是無常,並不是只有坐飛機,當無常的人生來的時候沒有一個人是可以避免的,"活在當下"與各位共勉之!
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月4日12:16來自手機

Yc Chen 飆淚…
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月4日12:11來自手機

Steven Lv 感動〜
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月4日12:08來自手機

王喬麟 或許生命無常,但生靈是永無終止的,身體只是暫時借用的軀殼,所謂不停留一切,但也在一切之中,如果百年或千年之後自己還有感應,就會發現原來一切都是假的
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月4日1:41來自手機

Hua Lin Huang 活在當下心存感恩~
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月4日0:43

Sophia Chang Yes. Life is short and bitter. We never know what will happen of next minute or tomorrow?!! Do what you like to do! Say what you need to tell someone you loved deeply. And thank you for everything what we have NOW!!
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月3日23:51

Wai Lok 向當當時死難者R.I.P.
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月3日22:46來自手機

Ling Wang 無常是我們的老師,啟發智慧正視生命的價值所在……
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月3日22:14來自手機

Nakao Lin 祈願空難者家屬永遠平安喜樂!!!
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月3日21:57

Wee Min Low 谢谢分享,只是太哀伤。看了难过
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 5月3日21:30來自手機

艾筱佟 感觸很深。借分享,謝謝
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日18:53來自手機

B.b. Chan 感恩
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月15日17:34來自手機

蒲小言 看完感觸良多!借分享!謝謝!
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月11日1:03

任雅娟 活着真好.真的要珍惜身邊的親人.朋友.珍惜每一天.
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月10日11:50來自手機

Grace Lee 人生無常,珍惜現在
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月5日21:07來自手機

侯秀玲 珍惜當下人、事、物。要感恩、惜福。不要錯過再來感慨
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月5日10:44來自手機

呂政宏 借分享,感謝
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月5日7:58來自手機

Sam Liao 我曾經在電視笑話中看過,殯儀館的春聯是這樣寫的:右聯"今日何日君再來"左聯"總有一天等到您"上聯"歡迎大家來光臨"現在想想這都是真的,各位把遺書寫好,去完成還沒有完成的夢想,然後去過幸福滿足的人生,人生至此夫復何求!
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月5日6:11來自手機

Migo Shue 我想跟在台北的妳…說聲謝謝
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日14:53來自手機

Meihong Liang JinHong Liang珍惜现在!感恩每一天〜
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日14:28來自手機

Wing Lao 真的好感恩~~~
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日14:17來自手機

顏鳴玲 借分享!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日14:14來自手機

Ali Nk 流淚,,,
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日14:13來自手機

曉玉 看到這影片讓我們,深深體會到活在當下要每件事做的有意義。
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日13:58來自手機

Ernest Lee 活在當下,珍惜每一刻。
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日13:21來自手機

Ping Hsun Huang 珍惜身邊的人事物吧……
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日12:06來自手機

陳姵宇 以前我每次出國前一天,內心總有一股盼望,想與三個兒子,聚一聚,總覺得此去不知能不能活著回來?出國旅遊是一件快樂的事,我總快樂不起來。
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日10:50

Jennie Yau 一大早看我最怕的東西我真是手賤(所以我很少搭飛機) 
人生無常 活在當下
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日10:28來自手機

張淑惠 感動之後告知自己要立德立行立言
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日8:06來自手機

Ôo Siok-tsing 如果你是機上乘客,你會如何寫遺囑?
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日7:59來自手機

Yvonne Tai 心痛,但令人反思和珍惜。多謝你的分享。
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日7:17來自手機

孫彩玲 活在当下..珍惜当下!借分享..感謝!
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日7:12來自手機

青 蛙 後來有個廣告借用某空難乘客的紙條:

讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日6:50來自手機

Yaya Chang 珍惜現有的人事物,謝天謝地,心存感恩!
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日2:54來自手機

莎莉 人生無常〜珍惜生命把握當下〜借分享謝謝〜〜
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日1:57來自手機

Chung Tong This is sad even on a beautiful day
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月4日1:42來自手機

Lily Ip 要珍惜当下,多孝顺父母和陪伴孩子,每天每時每分每秒都要感恩!
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月3日23:27來自手機

林翌如 …平安就是最大的幸稫
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月3日22:44來自手機

Eblsmo Khaeldahei 520.....
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月3日22:12來自手機

張玉珍 好傷感!多多與家人好好相處吧 ~
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月3日21:35

Vivi Yang 把握當下,珍惜現在!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月3日21:26

潘一生 為什麼要賺我這麼多眼淚ㄚ
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5月3日21:16來自手機

王茂生 阿得..恐怖片來登點
讚 · 回覆 · 5月4日10:10

陳美君 人生真的無常,真的要記得感恩於珍惜才是福!
讚 · 回覆 · 5月4日23:59來自手機

陳梁堂 月有陰晴圓缺,人有悲歡離合,記取教訓,展望未來
讚 · 回覆 · 星期六11:45

Agnes Mak 哭了,心也表软了,淚也流了。
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 星期六8:00來自手機

Eduardo Chiu 日航機四生還者
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月16日23:00來自手機

陳懿芃 好多感觸喔!人生真的不知道意外先到還是明天先到~~
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月16日14:11來自手機

Josephine Tan 我哭了 ...
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月15日23:59來自手機

Sum Yeung 我懂珍惜但身邊人不懂珍惜我⋯奈何⋯
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月13日1:03來自手機

張玉定 所以每個人珍惜眼前所有一切“感恩“惜福。
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月12日18:27來自手機

Fee Sy Teoh Bj
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月12日2:22來自手機

Kevin Cheung Kwok Yin UM.... 最尾用Peral Harbor 的音樂....講日本空難....怪怪的
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月11日22:06

和紜 痾.....抑(亦)打錯字了= =(後面我哭了...
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月11日12:51

邱雅莉 心好酸啊!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月10日14:23

Ida Yeung 感動淚流滿面! 讓我們更學懂珍惜生命!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月8日19:52來自手機

Kitty Chan 感動淚流滿面,珍惜生命,感恩!借分享...
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月8日11:29

林志龍 拍的很棒,借分享
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月8日11:01來自手機

Ng KhayXiong 真的 人生无常 好好珍惜身边的朋友
讚 · 回覆 · 5月8日10:09

Hsin-Yi Wang Yu Lin Lung有什麼事是不是
讚 · 回覆 · 5月7日22:21來自手機

龍郁霖 Hsin-Yi Wang 快看這個快看!!!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月7日21:46來自手機

Hon Suen 把每天當成是末日來相愛
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月7日21:29

Vivian Kwok 喚醒了我們對眼前的人、事物的珍惜。
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月7日20:48來自手機

Momoko Suen 睇完後


讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月7日11:03來自手機

陳百合 人怎偉大?都逃不過上天的安排~~~~只有認命~~~多造福~~~
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月7日9:16

Yen Yu Hsieh 我哭了
讚 · 回覆 · 5月7日0:27來自手機

Happy Learning 深呼吸!mmmm!…Amen!
讚 · 回覆 · 5月6日22:44來自手機

胡伊茜 只要活這沒有什麼過不去來不及~
讚 · 回覆 · 5月6日10:54

葉國義 唉!活著時,忘了生命是短暫的。死時,才發現未曾好好地活著。願時刻提醒自己,凡事勿太執著。
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月6日10:26

黃玉碧 要珍惜擁有.感恩
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日22:17

Queenie Chu 因為氣壓
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日21:59來自手機

周健 看了這部影片感到人生無常要把當下每1刻時間善佳利用對人事物不可計較好好享受現在的生活吧、
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日20:04

惠梨香 把握生命的每一刻!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日19:58來自手機

蕭美淳 借分享,TKS!
讚 · 回覆 · 5月5日12:40來自手機

李惠珍 借分享,謝謝!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日9:27來自手機

修帆寶 手心向上溫柔伸開也是放手..
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日7:21

張晃銘 珍惜現在
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日6:56來自手機

鍾詩鳳 請隨時抱著人生無常的心態及觀想,遺書請寫好,靈骨塔請買好,交待好所有事後就好好珍惜及好好愛著週遭的人們吧!重要的是,請常做有益於社會的事,讓自己的生命充滿意義吧,不然,活著幹麻呢?
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日2:41來自手機

Kitty Chui 太心酸了 !! .... :(:( ... 說不出話 ....
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日0:30

蘇連興 此刻!將人生所有的經驗入籍在當下的族譜上。人生無常。使生命的燦爛可以空無一物。也可以創意在每一個當下因此更須珍惜。
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月5日0:13來自手機

呂翠華 感恩活在當下,人生無常,珍惜擁 有的一切。
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日23:31來自手機

黃康妮 珍惜現在。。把握當下。。。。
讚 · 回覆 · 5月4日23:23

吳宗華 珍惜當下活著的時間
讚 · 回覆 · 5月4日19:03來自手機

許姵萱 看完真的好可憐
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日15:42來自手機

趙偉裕 借分享
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日15:15來自手機

Burger Lee 願愛都能即時傳達
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日15:10

江江 為什麼決戰時刻6的開頭曲會在裡面出現?
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日14:16來自手機

謝慶璋 真的 , 即時行樂
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日12:59

顏小兔 感恩..分享
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日12:47

May Lu 珍惜身边的人,享受生命的每一秒。
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日12:34來自手機

緣份 借分
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日12:31

Ten Soo Ong 看了很难过人生本無常要珍惜,要惜福,阿弥陀佛!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日12:16來自手機

陳璐比 謝謝,借分享
讚 · 回覆 · 5月4日10:42來自手機

邱楷晴 借分享謝謝~
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日10:36來自手機

施秋妘 感恩您的分享, 珍惜当下。
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日9:45來自手機

林晉祿 世間無常,天道莫測,感恩珍惜當下擁有的幸福…
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日8:33來自手機

許志百 太感人了,
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日7:44來自手機

黃麗美 好棒!好棒!好棒哦!有喚醒內心的沈醉
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日7:19來自手機

Stella Hsin Chen 有誰知道影片後半段的背景音樂是哪首歌嗎? 聽過,似乎是某部電影的音樂..求高手<3
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日1:07

Snoopy Zeng 珍惜現在的每一分每一秒
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日0:36來自手機

Tina Huang 面對無常人真的渺小
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月4日0:05來自手機

廖芷欣 借分Q_Q
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月3日23:36來自手機

高志玲 不是要記住災難
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月3日23:15來自手機

張貝蒂 珍惜活在當下,感恩所有發生的事情!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月3日22:51來自手機

YKeung Au 感恩、珍惜!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月3日21:57來自手機

Ann Cheng 把握珍惜每個當下!!
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月3日21:57

Ninana Wu 借分享^
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月3日21:48來自手機

Wayne Tu 借分享感恩
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 5月3日21:38來自手機
影片描述的是 1985年的﹝日本航空‧空難事件﹞,總共520人死亡,目前仍是航空史上第三大空難。

  1. 夜色下的埃菲爾鐵塔、連空氣都變得浪漫起來~
     ·  · 推廣 · 
  2. 自信,
  3. 情在於愛的感動、緣在於心的真誠。

    相片:情在於愛的感動、緣在於心的真誠。珍惜生命中每一位有緣相遇的朋友!朋友的交往不在於距離的遙遠,情誼的感受也不在於物質的給予。只要用情呵護、用心經營; 有真情相伴的人生是一種幸福!
     ·  · 推廣 · 
  4. 自己,絕對可以做自己的公主。
     ·  · 推廣 · 
  5.  ·  · 推廣 · 
  6. 單身是山路,戀愛是大路,
     ·  · 推廣 · 
  7. 冰火五重天. 火是太陽. 冰是雨. 會有彩虹的!
    我不在意過去的你 , 我只在乎現在未來愛我的你。
    相片:我不在意過去的你 , 我只在乎現在未來愛我的你。
     ·  · 推廣 · 
  8. 有關心才是朋友人! 沒有關心就不是朋友!
  9. 我要改掉我這項.
     ·  · 推廣 · 

  10. 請大家拜託分享!! 發佈時間:2013-05-19

    We just ask for an apology from Philippines to the families of the deceased fishermen.
    Both Governments should work hard together in order to protect the rights and dignity of the people of both countries

    Friends around the world who see this video, no matter where are you from, please reproduce the voice of justice!
    Share this truth!
    Taiwan needs you all!

    PS: 呼籲國人理性
    PS: Rational people, we are looking for you!
    The Philippino workers come to Taiwan to do a hard work, let's not make things difficult for them
    1 ·  · 推廣 · 
  11. 好消息!健康同學會又要舉辦北中南巡迴演講及c囉! http://bit.ly/ZNFlf2
    主講:潘懷宗老師  主持人:隋安德、張雅芳


    博客來: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010579931

    誠品: http://www.eslite.com/product.aspx?pgid=1001182092219388

    金石堂: http://www.kingstone.com.tw/book/book_page.asp?kmcode=2014290263401&lid=book-class-editor-recommand&actid=NewBooks

    Yahoo!奇摩: http://buy.yahoo.com.tw/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=4200821

    PChome: http://shopping.pchome.com.tw/?mod=item&func=exhibit&IT_NO=DJAO0G-A74860324&SR_NO=DJAO06&searchkey=57健康同學會+加值限量版

    以上小編僅列出部分店家,更多請詢問估狗大神 XD
    P.S. 小叮嚀:如對網路交易有疑慮,建議各位同學還是可以到各大書局實體店面選購喔~ — 在 57東森財經新聞台
    主講:潘懷宗老師  主持人:隋安德、張雅芳

    相片:好消息!健康同學會又要舉辦北中南巡迴演講及簽書會囉! http://bit.ly/ZNFlf2時間:6/15(星期六)下午2點到5點地點:台北市政府二樓親子館主講:潘懷宗老師  主持人:隋安德、張雅芳題目:腸道益生菌對益生質的依存關係──腸道菌也挑食免費自由入場!歡迎大家一起來參加!新書《破除關鍵57健康迷思》還沒購買的同學,目前各大書局現正熱賣中喔!也歡迎大家到各網路書店或線上賣場搶購,詳細介紹請參考: http://bit.ly/ZNFlf2 博客來: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010579931誠品: http://www.eslite.com/product.aspx?pgid=1001182092219388金石堂: http://www.kingstone.com.tw/book/book_page.asp?kmcode=2014290263401&lid=book-class-editor-recommand&actid=NewBooksYahoo!奇摩: http://buy.yahoo.com.tw/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=4200821PChome: http://shopping.pchome.com.tw/?mod=item&func=exhibit&IT_NO=DJAO0G-A74860324&SR_NO=DJAO06&searchkey=57健康同學會+加值限量版以上小編僅列出部分店家,更多請詢問估狗大神 XDP.S. 小叮嚀:如對網路交易有疑慮,建議各位同學還是可以到各大書局實體店面選購喔~
     ·  · 推廣 · 
  12. 拉一下.



    ■ 網址: http://bingo.handlino.com/machines/50206

    ■ 網址: http://bingo.handlino.com/machines/50206
    相片:【總統字條產生器】這個好時事XDDD■ 網址: http://bingo.handlino.com/machines/50206
     ·  · 推廣 · 
  13. 我不太主動找人聊天。所以,我主動找的,都是我在乎的人。
    收回讚 ·  · 推廣 · 
    • 你覺得這真讚。
  14. 抽煙的壞處有: 可能會讓男人 "不舉" 喔!!! (夠嚴重了吧!)


    1. 吸菸會導致癌症:世界衛生組織證實30%的癌症和吸菸有關。
    2. 吸菸會導致心臟血管疾病、容易引起中風。
    3. 吸菸會導致肺癌、肺氣腫、慢性支氣管炎等疾病。

    4. 吸菸會導致男性失去性機能及生育能力的機會大增。
    5. 吸菸會導致更年期提早來臨並易換骨質疏鬆症。
    6. 吸菸會導致牙齒及手指變黃、口臭。
    7. 孕婦吸菸易導致胎兒早產及體重不足。

    8. 常抽菸的,菸中的尼古丁會造成長期抽菸者,使得血管末梢失去應有的彈性,造成肛門附近肌肉末端微血管缺血,肌肉無法鬆緊自如,如廁自然不能順利,因此,沒有補充尼古丁(一般是1至3根,因菸齡而定),使血管放鬆,就無法如廁,所以上廁所,抽根菸會順的原因也在此

    9. 菸草中的尼古丁具有高度的成癮性,吸了一根菸後,身體與大腦便想要獲得更多尼古丁,讓人不舒服的程度越來越明顯,必須等到吸下一支菸才減輕,其實吸菸的樂趣在於解除來自於尼古丁的戒斷(withdrawal)症狀。而戒菸,主要是戒斷造成令人上癮、危害人體健康的尼古丁。

    10. 顧人怨!!

    停止吸菸後 健康的恢復改變:

    20分鐘 血壓與心跳回復正常
    8小時 血液內尼古丁與一氧化碳的濃度減半.氧氣濃度回復正常
    24小時 一氧化碳從體內完全排除.肺部開始清除痰液與其他的菸品殘渣
    48小時 體內已無殘存的尼古丁.味覺與嗅覺獲得明顯改善

    72小時 呼吸會變得容易許多.呼吸道變得舒暢,體能獲得改善
    2-12週 血液循環功能大幅改善
    3-9月 咳嗽、哮喘與呼吸問題大幅減少,肺功能增加10%
    1年 心臟病發作的機會減少一半
    10年 肺癌發生的危險減少一半
    15年 心臟病發作的機會與非吸菸者相同
    1. 吸菸會導致癌症:世界衛生組織證實30%的癌症和吸菸有關。
    2. 吸菸會導致心臟血管疾病、容易引起中風。
    3. 吸菸會導致肺癌、肺氣腫、慢性支氣管炎等疾病。
    4. 吸菸會導致男性失去性機能及生育能力的機會大增。
    5. 吸菸會導致更年期提早來臨並易換骨質疏鬆症。
    6. 吸菸會導致牙齒及手指變黃、口臭。
    7. 孕婦吸菸易導致胎兒早產及體重不足。
    8. 常抽菸的,菸中的尼古丁會造成長期抽菸者,使得血管末梢失去應有的彈性,造成肛門附近肌肉末端微血管缺血,肌肉無法鬆緊自如,如廁自然不能順利,因此,沒有補充尼古丁(一般是1至3根,因菸齡而定),使血管放鬆,就無法如廁,所以上廁所,抽根菸會順的原因也在此
    9. 菸草中的尼古丁具有高度的成癮性,吸了一根菸後,身體與大腦便想要獲得更多尼古丁,讓人不舒服的程度越來越明顯,必須等到吸下一支菸才減輕,其實吸菸的樂趣在於解除來自於尼古丁的戒斷(withdrawal)症狀。而戒菸,主要是戒斷造成令人上癮、危害人體健康的尼古丁。
    10. 顧人怨!!
    停止吸菸後 健康的恢復改變:
    20分鐘 血壓與心跳回復正常
    8小時 血液內尼古丁與一氧化碳的濃度減半.氧氣濃度回復正常
    24小時 一氧化碳從體內完全排除.肺部開始清除痰液與其他的菸品殘渣
    48小時 體內已無殘存的尼古丁.味覺與嗅覺獲得明顯改善
    72小時 呼吸會變得容易許多.呼吸道變得舒暢,體能獲得改善
    2-12週 血液循環功能大幅改善
    3-9月 咳嗽、哮喘與呼吸問題大幅減少,肺功能增加10%
    1年 心臟病發作的機會減少一半
    10年 肺癌發生的危險減少一半
    15年 心臟病發作的機會與非吸菸者相同
    相片:抽煙的壞處有:1. 吸菸會導致癌症:世界衛生組織證實30%的癌症和吸菸有關。2. 吸菸會導致心臟血管疾病、容易引起中風。3. 吸菸會導致肺癌、肺氣腫、慢性支氣管炎等疾病。4. 吸菸會導致男性失去性機能及生育能力的機會大增。5. 吸菸會導致更年期提早來臨並易換骨質疏鬆症。6. 吸菸會導致牙齒及手指變黃、口臭。7. 孕婦吸菸易導致胎兒早產及體重不足。8. 常抽菸的,菸中的尼古丁會造成長期抽菸者,使得血管末梢失去應有的彈性,造成肛門附近肌肉末端微血管缺血,肌肉無法鬆緊自如,如廁自然不能順利,因此,沒有補充尼古丁(一般是1至3根,因菸齡而定),使血管放鬆,就無法如廁,所以上廁所,抽根菸會順的原因也在此9. 菸草中的尼古丁具有高度的成癮性,吸了一根菸後,身體與大腦便想要獲得更多尼古丁,讓人不舒服的程度越來越明顯,必須等到吸下一支菸才減輕,其實吸菸的樂趣在於解除來自於尼古丁的戒斷(withdrawal)症狀。而戒菸,主要是戒斷造成令人上癮、危害人體健康的尼古丁。10. 顧人怨!!<<補充>>停止吸菸後 健康的恢復改變:20分鐘 血壓與心跳回復正常8小時 血液內尼古丁與一氧化碳的濃度減半.氧氣濃度回復正常24小時 一氧化碳從體內完全排除.肺部開始清除痰液與其他的菸品殘渣48小時 體內已無殘存的尼古丁.味覺與嗅覺獲得明顯改善72小時 呼吸會變得容易許多.呼吸道變得舒暢,體能獲得改善2-12週 血液循環功能大幅改善3-9月 咳嗽、哮喘與呼吸問題大幅減少,肺功能增加10%1年 心臟病發作的機會減少一半10年 肺癌發生的危險減少一半15年 心臟病發作的機會與非吸菸者相同
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      3. 抽煙的壞處有: 可能會讓男人 "不舉" 喔!!! (夠嚴重了吧!)


        1. 吸菸會導致癌症:世界衛生組織證實30%的癌症和吸菸有關。
        2. 吸菸會導致心臟血管疾病、容易引起中風。
        3. 吸菸會導致肺癌、肺氣腫、慢性支氣管炎等疾病。

        4. 吸菸會導致男性失去性機能及生育能力的機會大增。
        5. 吸菸會導致更年期提早來臨並易換骨質疏鬆症。
        6. 吸菸會導致牙齒及手指變黃、口臭。
        7. 孕婦吸菸易導致胎兒早產及體重不足。

        8. 常抽菸的,菸中的尼古丁會造成長期抽菸者,使得血管末梢失去應有的彈性,造成肛門附近肌肉末端微血管缺血,肌肉無法鬆緊自如,如廁自然不能順利,因此,沒有補充尼古丁(一般是1至3根,因菸齡而定),使血管放鬆,就無法如廁,所以上廁所,抽根菸會順的原因也在此

        9. 菸草中的尼古丁具有高度的成癮性,吸了一根菸後,身體與大腦便想要獲得更多尼古丁,讓人不舒服的程度越來越明顯,必須等到吸下一支菸才減輕,其實吸菸的樂趣在於解除來自於尼古丁的戒斷(withdrawal)症狀。而戒菸,主要是戒斷造成令人上癮、危害人體健康的尼古丁。

        10. 顧人怨!!

        停止吸菸後 健康的恢復改變:

        20分鐘 血壓與心跳回復正常
        8小時 血液內尼古丁與一氧化碳的濃度減半.氧氣濃度回復正常
        24小時 一氧化碳從體內完全排除.肺部開始清除痰液與其他的菸品殘渣
        48小時 體內已無殘存的尼古丁.味覺與嗅覺獲得明顯改善

        72小時 呼吸會變得容易許多.呼吸道變得舒暢,體能獲得改善
        2-12週 血液循環功能大幅改善
        3-9月 咳嗽、哮喘與呼吸問題大幅減少,肺功能增加10%
        1年 心臟病發作的機會減少一半
        10年 肺癌發生的危險減少一半
        15年 心臟病發作的機會與非吸菸者相同
        1. 吸菸會導致癌症:世界衛生組織證實30%的癌症和吸菸有關。
        2. 吸菸會導致心臟血管疾病、容易引起中風。
        3. 吸菸會導致肺癌、肺氣腫、慢性支氣管炎等疾病。
        4. 吸菸會導致男性失去性機能及生育能力的機會大增。
        5. 吸菸會導致更年期提早來臨並易換骨質疏鬆症。
        6. 吸菸會導致牙齒及手指變黃、口臭。
        7. 孕婦吸菸易導致胎兒早產及體重不足。
        8. 常抽菸的,菸中的尼古丁會造成長期抽菸者,使得血管末梢失去應有的彈性,造成肛門附近肌肉末端微血管缺血,肌肉無法鬆緊自如,如廁自然不能順利,因此,沒有補充尼古丁(一般是1至3根,因菸齡而定),使血管放鬆,就無法如廁,所以上廁所,抽根菸會順的原因也在此
        9. 菸草中的尼古丁具有高度的成癮性,吸了一根菸後,身體與大腦便想要獲得更多尼古丁,讓人不舒服的程度越來越明顯,必須等到吸下一支菸才減輕,其實吸菸的樂趣在於解除來自於尼古丁的戒斷(withdrawal)症狀。而戒菸,主要是戒斷造成令人上癮、危害人體健康的尼古丁。
        10. 顧人怨!!
        停止吸菸後 健康的恢復改變:
        20分鐘 血壓與心跳回復正常
        8小時 血液內尼古丁與一氧化碳的濃度減半.氧氣濃度回復正常
        24小時 一氧化碳從體內完全排除.肺部開始清除痰液與其他的菸品殘渣
        48小時 體內已無殘存的尼古丁.味覺與嗅覺獲得明顯改善
        72小時 呼吸會變得容易許多.呼吸道變得舒暢,體能獲得改善
        2-12週 血液循環功能大幅改善
        3-9月 咳嗽、哮喘與呼吸問題大幅減少,肺功能增加10%
        1年 心臟病發作的機會減少一半
        10年 肺癌發生的危險減少一半
        15年 心臟病發作的機會與非吸菸者相同
        相片:抽煙的壞處有:1. 吸菸會導致癌症:世界衛生組織證實30%的癌症和吸菸有關。2. 吸菸會導致心臟血管疾病、容易引起中風。3. 吸菸會導致肺癌、肺氣腫、慢性支氣管炎等疾病。4. 吸菸會導致男性失去性機能及生育能力的機會大增。5. 吸菸會導致更年期提早來臨並易換骨質疏鬆症。6. 吸菸會導致牙齒及手指變黃、口臭。7. 孕婦吸菸易導致胎兒早產及體重不足。8. 常抽菸的,菸中的尼古丁會造成長期抽菸者,使得血管末梢失去應有的彈性,造成肛門附近肌肉末端微血管缺血,肌肉無法鬆緊自如,如廁自然不能順利,因此,沒有補充尼古丁(一般是1至3根,因菸齡而定),使血管放鬆,就無法如廁,所以上廁所,抽根菸會順的原因也在此9. 菸草中的尼古丁具有高度的成癮性,吸了一根菸後,身體與大腦便想要獲得更多尼古丁,讓人不舒服的程度越來越明顯,必須等到吸下一支菸才減輕,其實吸菸的樂趣在於解除來自於尼古丁的戒斷(withdrawal)症狀。而戒菸,主要是戒斷造成令人上癮、危害人體健康的尼古丁。10. 顧人怨!!<<補充>>停止吸菸後 健康的恢復改變:20分鐘 血壓與心跳回復正常8小時 血液內尼古丁與一氧化碳的濃度減半.氧氣濃度回復正常24小時 一氧化碳從體內完全排除.肺部開始清除痰液與其他的菸品殘渣48小時 體內已無殘存的尼古丁.味覺與嗅覺獲得明顯改善72小時 呼吸會變得容易許多.呼吸道變得舒暢,體能獲得改善2-12週 血液循環功能大幅改善3-9月 咳嗽、哮喘與呼吸問題大幅減少,肺功能增加10%1年 心臟病發作的機會減少一半10年 肺癌發生的危險減少一半15年 心臟病發作的機會與非吸菸者相同
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        • 你覺得這真讚。
      4. Share VIDEO. 【What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan?】

        【2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan】
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        9,393 個人都說讚。

        John Smith Why are Taiwanese being so emotional and hypocritical about this issue? From an international perspective, Taiwan looks irrational and petty. They say that the apology given is “insincere” at the same time that they hurl hundreds of insults at the Philippines. They question the integrity of the Coast Guard video at the same time that think nothing of the fact that the Taiwan government could’ve been adding more bullet holes to the fishing boat this past week. They say they are peace-loving people while mobs beat Filipinos walking down the streets of Taiwan, or refuse them service in restaurants and supermarkets out of spite. They snigger on their message boards about refusing a hotel room to a visiting Filipino dignitary. They confuse a “fine” for illegal fishing with a pirate ransom. They confuse “murder” with manslaughter. They believe that a shooter on a boat moving on the sea can accurately target the neck of a fisherman on a similar moving boat 100+ meters away. If a burglar runs from police, they shoot him in the leg. If a car speeds away from a traffic stop, police will often shoot out their tires. If a boat refuses to stop, police can attempt to incapacitate the engine. They don’t understand that international law allows law enforcement to board, detain and arrest these Taiwanese poachers. Further, they don’t understand that attempting to elude arrest while making dangerous maneuvers in their fishing boat can invoke the use of “deadly force.” Odd thing is that Taiwanese police do this often, as I’ll post a link to a video where the Taiwan police chase down a man who refused to stop at a checkpoint, and they shot at him 51 times, in heavy traffic, before killing him. Nobody outside of Taiwan (and a drooling Mainland China – they have their own bone to pick with Philippine waters) can look at the lines of latitude and longitude where this happened, and believe that those waters belong to Taiwan. Without any fishing treaty between you and the Philippines, you need to keep your fisherman in your legal fishing waters. Your EEZ means nothing, because when your EEZ crosses other countries’, you need to make a separate agreement to make the boundary clear. You didn’t do this, and so the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea clearly stipulates that those waters belong to the Philippines. So stop throwing eggs at Filipino buildings and people, or being childish Internet “warriors,” and go spend some time on introspection. Your media is just fanning the flames of your emotions and now your nationalistic dander is up. Think to yourselves, how many times has our Coast Guard caught Filipino poachers (zero)? How many times do our fishermen get caught by the Coast Guards of neighboring countries (many…Japan, every few months; Philippines, every few years; Vietnam, just the other day)? If China is really your friend in all of this, ask them if you can fish in the waters of your overlapping EEZs? Ha!
        Taiwan police shoot 51 times at unarmed motorist for failure to stop, killing him:
        Taiwanese poachers caught in Japan: 
        Taiwanese fisherman trespassing in Vietnam’s waters:
        More Taiwanese poaching in Japan: 
        More Taiwanese poachers in Philippine waters (this time it was a “fine” and not a “ransom”):
        A different Taiwanese poacher killed while trying to flee…this time only 500 meters offshore of a Philippine island, and using illegal fine-mesh nets:
        And finally, an internationally recognized map indicating the Philippines’ EEZ (Taiwan doesn’t have an official one because then the world would see how ridiculous their claims are):

        taiwan chase - copsatwork.com
        more at http://copsatwork.com/
        星期六17:34 · 讚 · 5

        Willie Booker John Smith. You say 'our' coast guard because you obviously live in Taiwan. Another expat giving Taiwanese shit when they live in Taiwan. Lets get the facts straight. 90% of expats in Taiwan are dumbass English teachers who can't get a proper job or get nearly the same living standard back at home, and that's why they stay in Taiwan. So really, they should just stay the fuck out of something which is clearly not their business. Or go back home and go back on welfare.
        星期六17:46來自手機 · 讚 · 5

        Luke Shika Chou I am Taiwanese, and I am /facepalm at the taiwanese's reaction. But then, i am also a Texan. These government need to be forced to sit down and figure out their boundaries. Too many unresolved problems in the Asian countries.
        星期六17:51來自手機 · 讚

        John Smith Willie, you think you're more Taiwanese than me? How so? Hong Kong...that'd make you an expat, too, right? You don't have any facts, kid. You put your dog in this fight...what's your angle then? Nevermind, go swallow more Dianabol and pump yourself.
        星期六17:54 · 讚 · 1

        Yu Wang John Smith is just a pseudonym, he is a liar.He can not take responsibility, just like his government: lack the moral.
        星期六17:55 · 讚 · 3

        Katy Liu First.....
        you guys come to our country to work....with a (small)?? money but we provide food and bed!

        You take care our old people and children is not voluntarily.

        Many of the news tell us how you guy take a "good" care of our grandparents and children...feed them cleaning liquid...etc.

        And now you said....you guys did a huge job for us.....Yes.....................

        Help us to see what is liar! What is cold bloods!!!

        I can clearly remember few years ago..when hk people get kidnapped inside a bus what did your government do. I remember what Filipino did. Take the bus that the people get kill as a tour attraction. 

        And this time when you guys shot a fisherman and didn't tell us true.....

        Maybe I should just say.....You are Liar country!!!
        星期六17:57 · 讚 · 9

        Katy Liu P.S That's bull SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        星期六17:58 · 讚 · 1

        Willie Booker John, as an expat I respect a place I'm a guest at. If I don't like the place I would leave, something you should do. I wouldn't stay like you because life is good here then complain about it. As for your police chase video. I just watched it. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? He rampaged around a city for almost 10 min, could have ran loads of people over and you're comparing that to fishermen trying to get away on an open sea? Are you that retarded? If anything, the video shows the cops were too easy on the guy or incompetent. If that was in the US they would have knocked him off the road or taken his tires out long ago. But back to the matter of Taiwan, seriosuly if you hate it so much get out. I know you stay because let's face it, you'll be on a welfare check back at home right? Expat trash like you make the rest of us expats look bad.
        星期六18:06 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 4

        John Smith Willie, I've been in Taiwan longer than you've been alive, son. My family is Taiwanese, and I love both them and this country. What I hate is hypocrisy. I hate media manipulation. I hate it when people promote vitriol over logic. Taiwan holds a big place in my heart, and I hope that it will continue to hold a place in this world...for my children's and grandchildren's sakes. But this...? This is not how to go about it. Apply the heart in matters of the heart; apply the brain in matters of intellect. Occam's razor, buddy. Which is more likely? The Philippines' Coast Guard just decided to start slaughtering fisherman indiscriminately, or a Taiwanese poacher decided to flee to avoid an NT$30,000 fine? The video is simply to show that Taiwan law enforcement isn't averse to shooting lots of rounds of ammunition at an unarmed man trying to flee.
        星期六18:13 · 讚 · 1

        Benny Lin John Smith fuck you and your angles. You are obviously delusional or you need to take some pills to pump your tiny brain. Whatever you just mentioned up there is a total bullshit and does not mean anything to us Taiwanese. You want to know my angle: You don't shoot 50 rounds of bullets to unarmed fishing boat. The poor fisherman was hiding under the dock and he got killed because of random shooting you stupid mother fucker!
        星期六18:14來自手機 · 讚 · 6

        Willie Booker LMAO when you talk about logic. You just compared a guy who could have run dozens of people over and a threat to others to a fishing boat. Don't talk about logic, and Occam's razor when clearly you don't get either. I know your story. Probably a backpacker traveling across Asia, came across Taiwan, loved it here and married a local woman. That doesn't make you Taiwanese nor qualified to talk about this incident, because you lack logic. I stated my stance earlier which is objective btw. Don't call me son when obviously you're a total dumbass.
        星期六18:21 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 1

        Nayuki Hsia Okay. No offence but this is just ridiculous. Who do they think they are?
        星期六18:21 · 讚

        John Smith This coming from a guy who said "the cops were too easy on the guy" that they'd just put a bullet in his head. Now THAT's retarded.
        星期六18:23 · 讚 · 1

        Benny Lin John Smith why don't you use your real Facebook account to post comments here you stupid dumbass?
        星期六18:26來自手機 · 讚 · 2

        Willie Booker Yeah, only a dumbass like you would misrepresent what I said by quoting half a sentence instead of the context in which it was used in. In the actualy context I said they should have knocked him off the road or taken his tires out. Obviously I wasn't refering to them shooting him. Do you understand the English word, CONTEXT? I seriously hope you're not another English teacher because you're hopeless.
        星期六18:34 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 4

        Benny Lin Matthew Ward: I totally disagree with you. We can tell any dumbass foreigner to go back to their country. If a foreigner is respectful open minded and eager to learn about Taiwan then we welcome him. If they are retards, disrespectful and dumbasses we have all the rights to tell them to go back to their country. This is not a red neck mind set as you claimed. This is just a common sense and we are Taiwanese in nature are friendly and welcoming people. To give you an example, Germany and UK are now limiting their immigrants and a lot of locals are very unhappy because some of the immigrants have formed criminal gangs. What would you say to those people if not go back to your country???
        星期六21:14來自手機 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 1

        John Smith Not an English teacher, but if I were--and since many of you refuse to be truly objective, or continue to be willfully obtuse fact-wise--here's what all your gibbering amounts to: "LOUD, ANGRY WORDS!" Now copy that 1000 times - good boy!
        星期六18:35 · 已編輯 · 讚

        林萬思 全民一致 ,新仇舊恨 ,全力討回 ,!
        星期六18:37 · 讚 · 1

        Benny Lin Use your real Facebook account retarded coward!!! Times that by 1000!!!
        星期六18:37來自手機 · 讚

        Willie Booker Very few people on this thread's objective because they're emotional or angry and have national pride involved. Notice I didn't give either the Taiwanese nor the Filipinos any crap. I just find it hilarious an expat comes in, too scared to show his identity and gets all critical about Taiwan. Plus you use words like logic, when you have none, and terms like Occam's razor, when you can't even figure out a driver on the run inside a city is a threat to other people and needs to be taken out. Let's stick you and your family on the road the next time a maniac's trying to get away from the cops, and compare that to a fishing boat in the open ocean. How's that?
        星期六18:43 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 4

        Arthur Gray it is not difficult to apolagise.nor would it be difficult to arrest the barbarians for this .what has happend is wrong even if the tawain boat is out off its terrotry there is no need for this to have happend there is laws that can deal with boats out off there territory no need for murder
        星期六18:43 · 讚 · 6

        John Smith Let's make this clear: When any law enforcement attempts to detain you, you should stop. The motorist didn't, and the fishing boat didn't. The motorist became a public threat after he began fleeing, not before. The police ended that threat (51 bullets later) with deliberate deadly force. Thus far, the Philippine Coast Guard claims that they attempted to detain and board the fishing boat. As the boats pulled alongside, and they prepared to board, the fishing boat suddenly gunned its engines in reverse and aimed the prow of their boat at the stern of the Coast Guard vessel, hitting it. Now this doesn't make the killing lawful, but it does threaten the safety of the law enforcement personnel on the Coast Guard ship. Again, we don't know exactly what happened...and we won't until the investigation(s) are complete. But it is interesting to see images of the fishing boat with paint freshly scraped off the upper port bow, which could be consistent with the Coast Guard's statements. Again, in both cases...a failure to stop provoked unnecessary violence.
        星期六18:54 · 讚 · 3

        張梅卿 分明就是強盜殺人還稱執法過當,上頭貪污下屬強盜,還死不認錯,菲常丟臉。
        星期六18:57來自手機 · 讚 · 4

        Terry Huang to 元迪大大 你說的這句話太好了 這真是我近日的心路歷程阿 請恕我借用 "Don't argue with idiots, they'll bring you down, and always beat you!
        Coz they're expert in idiot language!"
        星期六18:58 · 讚 · 1

        Abby Huang could the Philippine government be honest? just frauds!!!!
        星期六19:01 · 讚 · 3

        Willie Booker John, I mean seriously, every comment you make shows how retarded you are. Sure if the Taiwanese vessel did in fact ram the Filippino boat then it's in the wrong. The outrage right now is there's not even a scratch on the Taiwanese boat, which shows the coast guard and subsequent report presented by the Philippines is a fabrication. Why else would the Taiwanese be so upset? So when you say " and aimed the prow of their boat at the stern of the Coast Guard vessel, HITTING IT." That makes you either ignorant as to current developments or totally delusional as well as illogical.
        星期六19:04 · 讚 · 9

        Sabrina Yu 我贊成元迪大大的話,跟一個光會傻笑的爛國家講理只會氣死人,John Smith since u sya
        星期六19:11來自手機 · 讚

        Yi Cheng Fang 菲方應該公布影片。
        星期六19:13來自手機 · 讚

        Sabrina Yu since u stay Taiwan very long,why dont u speak chinese let us know u
        星期六19:14來自手機 · 讚

        Steve Sn Lin International social media can be a powerful tool. We shall give it a try.
        星期六19:19 · 讚

        Kena Suwadi Gombal.died all kkkwwwkkkk
        星期六19:22 · 讚

        Kena Suwadi nothing special for them....
        星期六19:22 · 讚

        Kena Suwadi dont care
        星期六19:22 · 讚

        Kena Suwadi Many other die also any country out there
        星期六19:23 · 讚

        Kena Suwadi Dont need speak Chinese .shit all
        星期六19:24 · 讚

        John Smith Willie, I don't think "anyone" has the full story right now. I mentioned what has been reported from the Philippines' BFAR investigation thus far. It could be true; it could be false. Who could know...yet? I think many Taiwanese are upset MOSTLY because sensationalist media have misreported a lot in a rush to get to "the story" first and outsell their media competitors. I understand that a fisherman lost his life, and that is a tragedy. But there is TOO MUCH outrage over this. For example, are you aware that a man in Yilan got angry with a scooter driver a few days ago, knocked him over with his car and drove over his head, killing him? Where's the outrage? And here's a photo of something, not sure if it's a scratch from a collision or a chunk of paint flecked off from gunfire:http://www.wantchinatimes.com/newsphoto/2013-05-14/450/C511C0003H_B54_2013資料照片_N71_copy1.JPG

        星期六19:27 · 已編輯 · 讚

        陳廷淑 政府無能
        星期六19:29 · 讚

        洪琉球 政府無能,國家的悲哀,菲常傲慢, 真的是人無可忍!!!
        星期六19:33 · 讚 · 4

        陳 大鼓 Please Phillipines government show the video record right now? Don't be a lier and cover up the true.
        星期六19:35來自手機 · 讚 · 6

        Willie Booker Yeah I heard about the driver from Yilan. That's not an international incident though. Whenever a foreign power fires on citizens of another country, if either sides wanted they could escalate it to a full scale war and it's been done before. To compare a murder to an international incident shows you don't get what you're talking about. As for the Filipino investigation, clearly it's a pile of crap, because there are no marks on the fishing boat. Just like their official investigation into the HK bus hostage crisis two years ago was a pile of fabricated crap, and it turned out the police snipers killed most of the passengers. This is what the outrage is about, their government lying about the incident instead of being frank about it.
        星期六19:35 · 讚 · 5

        陳 大鼓 真是囂張、傲慢、可恥與無賴的國家~ 殺了人還那麼理直氣壯,台灣人絕不退讓
        星期六19:40來自手機 · 讚 · 4

        Ken Hui John Smith, do give up and go spend more time with your family instead of making a fool out of yourself with your so called logics.
        星期六19:43來自手機 · 讚 · 2

        John Smith Sabrina, 你真的要那麼雞蛋裡挑骨頭嗎?Willie, a senseless loss of life is what makes me angry, foreign or domestic. I understand perfectly well that an international incident should be handled with great care and diplomacy. I don't think the Philippines has done so to the best of their ability. I also think Taiwan isn't doing so. I'm just trying to point that out, and hope that peace and common sense wins the day. Others seem determined to stir the pot, whether it be through ignorance or deliberate nastiness.
        星期六19:44 · 讚 · 1

        Fish Fish 加震撼的背景音樂比較好
        星期六19:44 · 讚 · 1

        陳古錐 真慘忍.把台灣人不當人看.台灣政府還能忍.讓菲對咱們人民履次糟蹋.
        星期六19:46 · 讚 · 4

        Tony Yang Don't blur the main point. We never forget. As we expected before, Philippine Government rejected cooperating investigation from Taiwan or any neutral country. They just want to hide the truth as usual. They will keep killing Taiwanese fisherman in the future and tell the world that's their rule, not their fault. Justice without force is powerless. I'll recommend all of you review the relative news from both countries and do the comparison. in addition, you can surf the website and track the history about how Philippines killed fisherman in the past. Why do we need to tolerate a country which is keeping killing our people? Those poor people have no weapon. I don't know if Philippines care their people's life, at least I appreciate how our Taiwanese Government starts fighting in order to save our life.
        星期六19:50 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 16

        尤紹合 We are not the people of the Philippines, but the Philippine Government's attitude.
        星期六20:17 · 讚 · 1

        邱台雄 讓悲劇不要再發生,你我共同努力將這信息發給你的任何親友,並按讚。
        星期六20:31來自手機 · 讚 · 2

        Sabrina Yu So kena suwadi ,if ur family even youself been shot to died is ok ,shit u
        星期六20:54來自手機 · 讚 · 2

        Weihsin Chao i think some of media or ppl get wrong with it. we dont hate all filipinos, we just wanna philippines government say the truth they killed a innocent fisherman who was without any threaten weapons n it is the truth. some of media is making wars n fights cause ppl fighting on purpose. but this is not what we want to see n it is not the point. pls try to think u r the innocent fisherman's family, n what do u want from this accident! be wise n dont fight for no reasons or stand up for government.
        星期六21:08 · 讚 · 5

        劉佳宸 Willie & Benny: I am proud of u!!!!!!
        星期六21:08來自手機 · 讚 · 3

        陳喬 對於~菲律賓的傲慢˙顛到是"菲"˙無理ㄉ國家˙我們無需容忍˙˙台灣人一向的謙卑和善此時會被當成懦弱˙
        星期六21:23 · 讚

        Raja Kumar @grace When Philippines demanded the pay of its maids be increased to 400$ a month and Saudi Arabia said no the same belief was "where will you get maids from?" the government of the Philippines ignored its people and stuck to its guns African and Indian maids were hired and Saudi didn't look back.
        星期六21:24 · 讚 · 1

        Raja Kumar Same thing now with taiwan there are plenty of people available especially those who speak English and although Filipinos have a softer tone when speaking it as compared to others if taiwan wanted to it can find workers anywhere else I am sure president Ma thought about it and in his war room analysed all this.
        星期六21:25 · 讚 · 2

        Raja Kumar @weihsin you have to see Philippines government reaction to the Hong Kong bus incident to really see where this arrogant prick stands they are trying everything to keep their pride so they are refusing to admit they were in the wrong.
        星期六21:27 · 讚 · 3

        Lian Mendoza to all of u people commenting here we can't do anything 8's almost done so instead of hurting's feeling here why not we do hand and hand prayers so that this problem will be solve coz f taiwan fight there on and so philippine and then war both in taiwan so many filipinos working here in philippines the same so many taiwanese people too,,so,hmm,we just help both government by praying coz God is the only powerfull,
        星期六21:38來自手機 · 讚 · 3

        Weihsin Chao we are here not cause any wars, if we do that, we are nothing wrong with the guy who shot the fisherman. we are here n speak for those innocent fishermen. as i already told what we really want is avoiding this happened again n philippines government apologizes to the family. i know most of us are angry cos philippines government tell a lie. we push this n spread the truth cos we wanna let ppl know they r lying n hiding the video or even the truth. but we have to be calm n wise,too. i dont wanna be a barbarian as the guy who shot the innocent ppl. n i honestly think everyone is mad at philippines government for the family with the same reason. so i wud think most of us dont wanna be a barbarian, due to that, we should be wise not being retarded governments, politicians or media which cause wars then more ppl get die for no reasons.
        星期六21:40 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 7

        龔奕安 http://youtu.be/q94etpfMB3A

        M1919 Browning Machine Gun
        a couple of the things that make these better then mg42's....its quicker to relo⋯⋯更多
        星期六21:55 · 讚

        龔奕安 http://udn.com/NEWS/MEDIA/7905494-3070006.jpg?sn=1368744158241

        星期六21:55 · 讚

        張進璋 台灣武力又不輸菲賊,給他丟幾顆炸彈過去看他還囂張,國防預算那麼多,該用的時候就要用
        星期六22:21 · 讚 · 5

        張進璋 番仔國家就必須用武力制裁,菲賊就是貪污習慣,那艘公務船就是拿槍的有牌流氓,根本就是想搶我漁民,搶不到就開槍,越看越氣,台灣馬政府實在太軟了,這次沒給菲國教訓那以後這些漁民就會任人濫殺
        星期六22:26 · 讚 · 9

        Romel Barbosa Lagasca Mistaken made by other person is not mistaken by all.if you guys have enough brain to think before you judge.you should not spreading or you must not make revenge to the innocent who are just working in to your country.you guys are really over act of what happened.i do understand if how hard and how to be upset if you lost your love one in those kind on incident.what you are doing right now to our fellow Filipino countryman in your country is really rising act like a war.why would you not shut up the fuck up and let the government will solve this ass holes..!!!
        星期六22:35來自手機 · 讚 · 3

        Momo Ana (To Romel)Your words are unkind. The truth is these fishermen died and killed by bad Filipinos, and that's the fact. It's about what's right and wrong, not about nationalities. The world is angry but people are not as blind as you think. I'm sure lots of Filipinos are also upset as the Taiwanese because whoever did this horrible things damage both nations, and the world. So be kind and pray for those who died innocently.
        星期六23:07 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 13

        真菸搗 幹你老母勒!你哪國ㄉ啦打一些英文ㄉ看不懂操你婆水雞
        星期六23:04 · 讚 · 2

        WeiKai Wang 其實轉給外國人才有用,轉給台灣人,只有台灣人才看的到
        星期六23:10 · 讚 · 5

        Jasmine Guo 菲国人性格残暴,野蛮不讲理,杀人不眨眼,杯葛这国家!
        星期六23:13 · 讚 · 3

        劉毓盛 我貼到很多 我按讚的 國外戰術臉書那邊了
        星期六23:20 · 讚 · 2

        Reann Lin 將影片重新上傳到自己的youtube上,並附上影片原址!希望更多國外的朋友看得到!
        昨天 0:55 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 1

        龔奕安 http://www.peopo.org/files/public/styles/large/public/images/6762/廣大興28號漁船事件示意圖.jpg

        星期六23:36 · 讚 · 2

        Eric Lee The Philippine government is a liar
        星期六23:45 · 讚 · 5

        Jennifer Liu Yup a true liar
        星期六23:58來自手機 · 讚 · 3

        Taylor Chen The Philippine is trying to hide the reality so afraid to have public investigation.
        星期六23:59 · 讚 · 4

        陳彥男 菲律賓政府口口聲聲說是我們非法捕魚而我們又試圖拒絕檢查, 開槍是正當防衛, 我想要問的是...... 為何開完槍就離開了, 而不試將漁船帶回偵訊, 我有個可能的懷疑, 菲律賓的公務船認為, 船上沒生還者了, 畢竟開了這麼多槍
        昨天 0:04 · 讚 · 5

        Taylor Chen 菲國總統怕公開調查後,丟人現眼, 狐狸般的栽髒.
        昨天 0:05 · 讚 · 6

        Ben Tuppurainen Benny Lin.. You are a horrible person. To take such a tragedy and use it as ammunition against entire races of people is disgusting. The loss of life and the abuse of power in this situation are a sad reflection of the state of humanity. Comments by Benny Lin and many others on here are and even sadder show of human nature. We should be praying to whatever gods or powers we believe in that this poor man's family can find some peace. We should NOT be hate mongering and hurling racial taunts. I only hope people who read these comments do not think that they are the feelings of the nation. Please don't think all Taiwanese are as rude, nasty, ignorant, self-important and PATHETIC as Benny Lin. Nor should all Filipinos be judged by the actions of the perpetrators of this crime. And all the other idiots sprouting political ideologies should learn some compassion.
        昨天 0:09 · 讚 · 8

        楊雅涵 長灘島的海膽妳還賣嗎?
        昨天 0:10 · 讚

        Angus Man-bunChan can't be more agree! Official apology, Compensation , Arrest the perpetrators!!! PH Government can't make more lies and hide!!
        昨天 0:11 · 讚 · 1

        Grace Ligasan your media is not fair,our coastguard shot your fisherman unintentionally bec.they actually disobeyed the boundary rules,in the first place why are they fishing there?if they dont want any trouble from the first shot warning they should have go back to your country,but do your media publish the counts of filipino workers who are maltreated and abused by their taiwanese employers?do you know in any of your local news that their are lots of taiwanese drug dealers and traffickers in our country who happens to destroy many life of our youths.but our government and the filipino people did not blame it to all taiwanese,we don't hurt the taiwanese which are living in our country.don't use this case to and don't make this a reason to beat all the filipino workers in your country.and STOP INSULTING US we are all not the same not all filipinos are bad and not all taiwanese are good!let's leave it to our government let them settle this case!!!be rational people..we are all humans here
        昨天 0:13 · 讚 · 3

        黃立欽 沒水準又沒素養的畸形垃圾國家,根本就是無政府狀態的國度!臺灣這次一定要徹底反擊這個爛到底的國家,絕對不要讓他們有下次!我只要看到那個『哀虧懦三是』那個只要面對媒體就一副嘻皮笑臉,屌兒啷噹的嘴臉,真想吐它口水!這個國家的人民真是悲哀,選出這種沒格的總統!
        昨天 0:29來自手機 · 讚 · 8

        Angel Fanghsien Lin john smith don't even waste your time commenting here. Your comments are pointless and very far from the truth. You don't even know what you are talking about, you ignorant! If you believe whatever is written in this 3-page report presented by the Philippine government then I will challenge you where are the proof of evidence? A picture is worth a thousand words. Up to date we have not seen any photos or videos proving what PH government has claimed is true. they are simply fabrications and lies. Based on the fact that 59 shots given to our fishboat (a photo can prove this) and the captain was killed by PH coastguard show enough about filippino barbaric act and their killing is definitely wrong. And only the retarded person wouldl believe those 59 shots were "unintended". You do not need a full story to condemn filippino's cruel and wrongful act. Killing a fisherman by fully armed coast guards is wrong and cannot be tolerated and JUSTICE needs to be served here!
        昨天 1:57 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 10

        Simon Lee Dear Filipino/Taiwanese,

        I'm a Singaporean...

        I do respect Filipino and Taiwanese with positive attitude working in Singapore and my country welcome you!

        Be it Taiwanese or Filipino, I strongly condemn people with negative and unfair thoughts going against people and NOT facts!!!

        Remember "Manila Hostage Crisis", Hong Kong Tourists were killed by PNP gunshot???

        Do you think PNP were professional in this rescue operation, imagine Filipinos were inside that bus, do Filipinos have confidence with PNP???

        This time round, PNP fired on a unarmed Taiwan fishing boat killing a crew member!!!

        If Filipino was shot by Taiwanese Coastguard, would you accept NO apology by the Taiwanese, and the poor Filipino fisherman's family losses their sole-breadwinner, THINK!!!

        I was a once a professional soldier and we DO NOT point our weapon to unarmed people unless the threat was deadly, Rules of Engagement!!!

        Do you know what's Geneva Convention, it defines the rights and protections afforded to non-combatants!!!

        Have you thought about why does US Marine were needed to train AFP???

        Is all about standard!!!

        I strongly condemn PNP act as a Police!!!

        I have to be fair to Taiwan and the Republic of the Philippines!!!

        And I personally agree that Taiwan deserve the following from the Republic of the Philippines...

        1. Issue a formal apology

        2. Speed up of the investigation into the fisherman's death, and PUNISH THE PERPETRATORS

        3. Compensate to the deceased fisherman's family

        4. Start talks over fishing rights in the overlapped EEZ area
        昨天 1:18 · 讚 · 20

        Shirley Kao 我發現有還有許多臺灣人是麻木不仁或是事不關已
        有的視而不見這發文, 有的只按讚卻不分享傳出去
        昨天 1:46 · 讚 · 10

        Angel Fanghsien Lin grace ligasan: 1) up to date your govenment has not provided any proof of evidence to show that our fisherman crossed your border; 2) only a savage country will allow their people to shoot others who disobey their authorities; 3) if you think your people come work here and are mistreated, then you should demand your president to create more jobs for your people and not let them suffer outside of Philippines. However I just happend to watch news on TV today that many of filippino workers say that they like to work here in Taiwan because Taiwanese people are friendly and kind and they are not afraid of going out late at night at this tension moment because they know Taiwanese people won't hurt the innocence. I take their words for real, or are you suggesting what they said is a lie?; 3) when one feels insulted she should go back and look inside herself how all this insulting came about. In my life I've witnessed some married filippino women living with Taiwanese husbands while having affairs with foreigne guys for money. I do not need to say more here but people like them contribute to the notoriety of the philippines. Before pointing your finger at others you think about what you have done to deserve respect and a good reputation.
        昨天 1:55 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 9

        陳秋鳳 to Romel,
        If the Philippine armed forces Coast Guard had a brain they should haven known better not to shoot and murder the innocent unarmed Taiwanese fisherman in the open sea. If your government coast guard had a brain they should know the consequence the Philippines will face only in Taiwan, but the world for this murderous act. If murder the innocent people should not react to anything. That tells me Philippine is a country that allow their government to murder their own. Please let me know how you would react when innocent Filipinos are murdered in the same manner. Your anger tells me how you would react the same way. AND......with do all the respect, to make you comfortable, copy your own words "why don't you shot the fuck up" because your worthless government not only twisted the truth and lied, they tried so hard to hide the murderers and not bring them to the justice. Your worthless, cowardice and shameful government let your people down by not facing the truth avoiding fair and public investigation. They have something to hide and they’re afraid to admit the murder of an innocent Taiwanese fisherman! Please tell your government to stand up for your people to arrest these murders and protect Filipinos from shame.
        Best Regards!
        昨天 2:04 · 讚 · 5

        Bing Jou After reading all these comments, I can fairly conclude the majority of Taiwanese comments are vulgar and angry to a point rationality and a desire to seek for truth have not yet entered their mind. It is as if louder makes it more right, angrier makes it truer. As a Taiwanese, I want to say to all who are concerned that what is important is not what the Philippines Government has done or said after the incident, it is more important to maintain our sanity and dignity in the contest of tragedy and putative injustice.
        昨天 2:18來自手機 · 讚 · 6

        Reynold E. Lariza As a Filipino, I strongly seek the truth as well. If the PCG did such a terrible act. I want them to take responsibility, along with an official apology, and compensation. Even I will gladly take a proper bow of apology. However, I seek your kindness from your people as well... you do not need to hurt or discriminate my fellow people working there in your nation. It doesn't make sense, and it won't help to solve the issue at all... We are being watched by other nations. How we solve this issue, how we talk this out, and how we deal with this properly, will determine how intelligent we are from the perspective of other nations... even so, despite all what I said, regardless of what is the truth, false and lies, a life has been taken, a family shed tears, it pains my heart when I heard and saw the news... I am a Filipino civilian, and can only hold my own opinion and thoughts... it may not be much, but I sincerely do apologize for what happened...
        昨天 2:38 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 8

        咘曉森 不道歉是殺小?幹!!!只會掰一堆廢話然後在等著被搓破?他媽的菲律賓政府都腦袋長蟲嗎?連老天都生氣瘋狂的打雷連老天都在為我們的漁民哭泣,馬水母你還要忍多久?什麼都做不好到底還能幹麻?馬水母能幹的就只會油電雙漲而已嗎?連菲律賓政府都笑你民調低,你面子放哪裡?阿我忘記,馬政府最強的地方除了油電雙漲,還會出國跟人比伏地挺身還比輸........別在做出會讓人笑掉大牙、丟台灣臉的事情了好嗎?
        昨天 3:27 · 讚 · 1

        Aki Low No point to talk these nonsense , Philippine government just like trash and no way for justice .The most importance is they think about U.S is behind them to stress China and about no fear , but this time is quite different since they shoot taiwanese and yet no regret and to publication such crab . Who is stupid enough to listen their lie ? This war can be start whenever depends on China want to start a war or not with this excuses .Dear Reynold , it is a perfect time to give Philippine government a lesson . U.S can no more back up this time , mostly fire arm support with high pricing but not military . But I agree this is no point to hurt philippine who work in Taiwan . I believe that Taiwan is not that rural to do such thing like philippine done .
        昨天 3:30 · 讚 · 1

        John Smith Angel, I understand that you’re upset, and I can empathize with the feelings of frustration that many Taiwanese are feeling. But I also would like to see people like you to slow down, take some deep breaths, and try to be patient. This tragedy occurred nine days ago. I don’t think that it is reasonable to expect an investigation to be completed so quickly. I am willing to be patient and to wait for the final report. I don’t have any firm opinions regarding this matter, except that 1. the death of the Taiwanese fisherman is a tragedy, and 2. that Taiwanese lashing out in this furious manner hurts your image internationally. Regardless of the final outcome of the investigation, I feel that a formal apology, full compensation for the fisherman’s family, and a fishing rights treaty are 100% necessary. Besides that, I’m just trying to get people to calm down and THINK. For example, you say it was 59 shots…but your own government’s report says it was 45 shots (14 of the shots had both an entry point and exit point, thus both holes were counted). Taiwanese also find it impossible to believe that an unarmed boat might try to ram an armed law enforcement boat…but it happens, more often than you think.
        US Coast Guard
        South Korean Coast Guard
        Japanese Coast Guard
        Finally, and probably most troublesome, is the issue of why the Taiwanese fishing boat was fishing in that particular place. Please understand that this doesn’t make shooting at your fishermen ok, but it is the cause of why Philippine Coast Guard boats might try to stop, board and inspect a Taiwanese boat. An EEZ is an Exclusive Economic Zone, the idea for which is stipulated in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). It says that a state has special rights over marine resources stretching out 200 nautical miles from their coast. The problem here is that it is only 196 nautical miles from the southernmost tip of Taiwan’s coast to the northernmost tip of Luzon (the largest island in the Philippines archipelago of over 7,000 islands. This means that Taiwan’s and the Philippines’ EEZs completely cover each other between the two islands mentioned. So, what does UNCLOS say to do in such a situation? They say the two states need to work out an agreement between themselves. Taiwan and the Philippines haven’t done this, for a number of reasons. For the Philippines, it’s difficult because they already have Mainland China trying to claim large parts of their EEZ; letting Taiwan take even more isn’t politically popular. For Taiwan, Mainland China has already basically stripped you of any other EEZ claims you have northwest, west, and southwest…and Japan has already stripped you of most of your EEZ claims north, northeast, and east. So where can Taiwanese exert their legal rights to their EEZs? The answer, sadly, is south…towards their weakest neighbor, the Philippines. Yes, Taiwan’s military is stronger than the Philippines, and you could probably seize what areas you want. But in the view of international law, the Philippines claim to a larger portion of the shared EEZ is much, much stronger than Taiwan’s. Your government hasn’t wanted to deal with this issue very much previously, because they know that, whichever of them (KMT or DPP) signs the treaty, will be coming back to tell the proud people (and angry fishermen) of Taiwan…that they have less legal areas in which to fish. The irony of this is that a fishing treaty will likely make it much, much safer for Taiwanese fisherman to work, but it will also stop their access to some very rich fishing grounds that they’ve been using up till now. Why is the Philippines’ claim stronger? Because right between Taiwan and Luzon are the Philippines’ Batanese and Balintang Island chains, from which UNCLOS does allow them to measure their EEZ, as well as their territorial waters.
        Take a close look at this map and see what we all need to resolve. Please keep in mind that the Philippines EEZ doesn’t include all the waters near Taiwan that they “could” claim. The northernmost line on the map is only 24 nautical miles north-northwest of the main Philippine island of Batan. 
        昨天 4:12 · 讚 · 1

        陳秋鳳 陳秋鳳 to Romel Barbosa Lagasca , The world may change, truth doesn't.

        If the Philippine armed forces Coast Guard had a brain they should haven known better not to shoot and murder the innocent unarmed Taiwanese fisherman in the open sea. If your government coast guard had a brain they should know the consequence the Philippines will face not only in Taiwan, but the world for this murderous act. If murder the innocent people should not react to anything, that tells me Philippine is a country that allow their government to murder their own. Please let me know how you would react when innocent Filipinos are murdered in the same manner. Your anger tells me how you would react the same way. AND......with do all the respect, to make you comfortable, copy your own words "why don't you shot the fuck up" because your worthless government not only twisted the truth and lied, they tried so hard to hide the murderers and not bring them to the justice. Your worthless, cowardice and shameful government let your people down by not facing the truth avoiding fair and public investigation. They have something to hide and they’re afraid to admit the murder of an innocent Taiwanese fisherman! Please tell your government to stand up for your people to arrest these murders and protect Filipinos from shame.
        Best Regards! 

        The world may change, truth doesn't.
        Lenward Houser
        昨天 5:29 · 讚 · 4

        Koti Harris Obama did it.
        昨天 5:45 · 讚 · 1

        Judy Lo 傷害許多無辜受害的性命,對方要把命賠給人家還要付賠償費,把槍當逼逼弾,令人不可原諒!我們以優質的台灣人為榮!Taiwan have excellent country and excellent people!台灣萬歲!
        昨天 7:25 · 讚 · 1

        Benny Lin ben tuppurainen to call me a horrible person just shows what kind of piece of shit you are. i have the right to feel angry and feel what i feel when my innocent and unarmed fellow countryman was tragically shot to death by heavily armed coast guard AND their government refused to do anything about it and lied about it too. they are fucking useless. i am from taiwan and i live in hong kong and i watched the hong kong bus hostage drama. until today do you know the victims have received no apology or any kind of assistance from useless benigno government?? you called yourself a traveller yet you know shit about the world. i would be ashamed if i were you. i have many filipino friends and as i said in my earlier posts that i do not hate philippine people and i feel strongly we taiwanese are better and we should not hurt filipinos in taiwan and for your information dumbass i will never hurt a filipino. for me to hate and dislike thier government does NOT make me a horrible person you piece of shit. even their own people dislike their government nonetheless to say a taiwanese who live in hong kong like me. i've been living in hong kong for a long time and part of me has rooted in hong kong so if you are a normal human being you would understand how i feel after watching the bus hostage and now the killing of unarmed and innocent fisherman who had to support his family. next time think with your tiny brain not with your ass before you write anything here. you should change your profile on your facebook from traveller to retarded. what are you trying to achieve here? be a hero to a useless philippine government??? fuck you retard.
        昨天 7:55 · 讚 · 4

        Bing Jou @ Koti Harris, No it is Obama. All evidences point at IRS. The killed fish man is confirmed by Russia's FSB to be a Tea Party Agent.
        昨天 8:01來自手機 · 讚

        Benny Lin John Smith: first of all why dont you just switch to your real facebook account? what's your deal? what's your problem? are you a filipino in disguise? what are you? what pathetic is you are trying to calm us down but in fact you make us more upset with your stupid logics and by not using your real account. i was wondering if you are going to change your name later from john smith to joe doe. enough already with your logic and explanation of let's wait for investigation and find out what really happened and other bla bla bla bullshit. all we need to know is one of us (innocent and unarmed) got murdered!!! that's all! what other evidence or investigation do you need? the poor guy is dead!! do you think after the investigation and let's say taiwan fishing boat did breach the philippine waters it will bring this guy back to life??? no matter what is the outcome of the investigation in my opinion it still does NOT justify the coast guard to coldly shoot and murder our fisherman. dude get a life or get the fuck out of here or reveal yourself coward. actually you and the philippine coast guard share a similar tread: you guys are mentally retarded cowards.
        昨天 8:12 · 讚 · 2

        培鑫陳 可惡的菲狗!!
        昨天 8:52 · 讚 · 2

        Lee SK They have state and Twn always double head, one minute state one minute Chn. U r small bro must hv a big bro.
        昨天 9:05 · 讚

        Anderson Hsu Taiwan Government GO GO GO !
        昨天 9:48 · 讚 · 4

        Christine Tambal Wereyou actually there to actually say that the fisherman died helplessly? And, in all honesty, do you think that is enough reason for you to abuse Filipinos working in your country? Deny them to buy their basic needs in your markets? In the first place, why are the Filipino workers there? They are working for your country helping you produce things in the factory. Most of all, they want to uplift the lives of their families because they're willing to go overseas and get homesick just to provide food on the plates of their loved ones. I just think it's unfair that many of you are thinking that Filipinos are killers just because of an incident you did not even see with your own eyes. Because in reality, Filipinos are one of the best people in the world. Just saying
        昨天 10:08 · 讚 · 1

        Taisin Wong They are just piracy...pirate philipiney....
        昨天 10:38 · 讚 · 5

        Benny Lin Christine Tambal you are just a stupid bitch aren't you? Do we have to be there to know what exactly happened? How could you say the fisherman didn't die helplessly? He was unarmed and was shot with 50 rounds of bullets you insensitive bitch!! We regret the incident with Filipinos working in Taiwan but no one died and no one got shot cold blooded by a Taiwanese. And FYI to your bird sized brain most of the Filipinos in Taiwan feel safe and they are still treated with respect!! There are over 80,000 Filipinos in Taiwan so ok a few we're treated disrespectly which I condemn but your stupid idiot coast guard shot dead - cold blooded murder one of our people. So shut the fuck up you uneducated bird brain bitch!
        昨天 15:10來自手機 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 8

        黃嘉宸 fuck
        昨天 12:09 · 讚 · 1

        廖敍鈞 The Philippines is a liar country
        昨天 12:13來自手機 · 讚 · 6

        Benny Lin Grace: be rational you say? Tell that to your fucking useless government! Our investigation revealed that our fishing boat was indeed in our own water, not in the Philippine waters when it was shot! And if your government has nothing to hide why they do not allow joint investigation? Joint investigation is much better for the Philippines anyway because your government has no experience, resources and man power to investigate accurately because everyone there is a dumb ass just like your Mr. President. Got it?
        昨天 12:17來自手機 · 讚 · 2

        Eva Lim Benny Lim may be rude but he has a point. This group is created for these people who shares the same view, regardless of right or wrong. For all who feels that we should not be angry, be patient and full of logics, there are many other " against Taiwanese" groups you can go to. You are certainly entitled to your opinion but here would be the wrong group.
        昨天 12:26來自手機 · 讚 · 3

        Syukue Liu 贊成樓上 Shirley Kao說的,我發現真的有很多台灣人覺得事不關已,很冷漠,明明看到這些文章卻不幫忙分享出去,甚至是跳過,反而很多國外朋友很熱心的轉貼
        昨天 12:34 · 讚 · 5

        李靜怡 "ㄘㄗㄟㄜ
        昨天 13:02來自手機 · 讚

        Fei Ling 政府應該把事實真相翻譯成各國版本發佈國際頭條新聞讓全世界人看清菲律賓人的菲人非語!菲常謊言!菲常殘忍!置無辜討生活的漁民於死地!還一再拖推~無恥厚顏地緋謗台灣~政府應把兩船實照上新聞表態~菲人惡狀!殺人的叫救命!毫無天理顛倒是非!無能政府還不正面反擊為民伸冤?還再等什麽~等給全世界人看台灣總統只會逞口舌無作為的天大笑話!還遭菲國誹謗?~三軍買槍炮!買假的~總統!民怨!民怒!~你了嗎?~
        昨天 13:24來自手機 · 讚 · 3

        Jsf Guo Romel Barbosa Lagasca , Over reacting? your country should take the responsibility of killing a fish man from Taiwan. if the labor of Phillin ( can't even spell the country name) are suffering from the unfair treatment in Taiwan, why don't your country terminate the contract? Honestly don't get me wrong,because you have done more than killing one fish men of Taiwan. then why dont you shut you asshole, more replying you make, more humiliated you are. BST!
        昨天 13:53 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 1

        Reynold E. Lariza I was looking over my fellow people over there in Taiwan, some incidents already occurred against my people, I won't re-post them as it would only like putting more coal on to the fire... Again, we need to stay calm, and I strongly seek for calm and peaceful resolution, hurting Filipinos there will not return the life of the poor fisherman, and no one will be happy or gain anything good from it, except regret...
        昨天 14:16 · 讚 · 2

        陳韋丞 菲律賓殺了台灣漁夫還不道歉,這就是事實
        昨天 14:23 · 讚 · 3

        Michael Chuah To "those" who had an empty skull, in only believe in what its own "uncivilized country" printed in just pure untrue words/text. Please provide solid evidence to back up your statement like Taiwan, and not lies and waiting for back up from "friendly country".
        昨天 14:30 · 讚 · 2

        王暐鴻 向白宮請願書

        Provide necessary assistance to prevent Taiwanese people from being murdered by Philippines and rebu
        As we know, Taiwan is an ally who shares the same values with us. It is sad to h⋯⋯更多
        昨天 14:58 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 9

        Chia Chia Support a comprehensive counter-attack
        昨天 15:35 · 讚

        Cyao Wu Based on lots of fact inside his own country in the past history, Philippine Government treats most of their people like Ants also! Only respect to his own relatives & so called friends, never to his own People in his country! Thus, to other foreign people of other countries, you think what he will think and what what he will do! Just like an Ant only! Absolute no respect to most human life!
        昨天 15:49 · 讚 · 3

        李敬安 Facts reflect Truth!
        昨天 16:13 · 讚 · 1

        金春梅 菲國殺人不公開道場,再把殺人的那些人交出來,菲狗快把人交出來
        昨天 16:27來自手機 · 讚 · 1

        金春梅 看我們台灣人好欺負,台灣人站起來
        昨天 16:28來自手機 · 讚 · 1

        Fei Ling 強盜殺人的是菲人(非人)公務船員!應償命!而不是在我們台彎討生活的菲人!我們是明事理高水準世界公民!只對事對人說清楚明白!不准被人抹黑!顛倒是非!謝謝在台灣打拼的菲律賓人!可惜你們有個海盜殺人'無賴政府令你們汗顏!~
        昨天 17:17來自手機 · 讚 · 1

        黃淑瑛 努力地傳出去,將真相與訴求傳給世界各地的友人。
        昨天 17:23 · 讚 · 3

        Jeremy Tan 本身經歷,菲利賓人都很下流和下賤,腦子裡都想著如何虧人,佔人便宜.而當發生任何事情就閃人或推卸責任,裝作毫不知情和驚訝的表情.實在太賤了!典型的寄生蟲人格和文化.本身現今認為,我不是什麼聖人,看到任何菲人有麻煩,遠而避之為上.幹嘛把"鼠放米倉".盡量不要跟他們有任何關係.祝各位安好!
        昨天 17:44 · 讚 · 2

        Joyce Hsu 應由政府開個國際記者會.或主勭投國際各大報吧.民間FB太慢了.[馬]的政府在幹什麼.
        昨天 18:15 · 讚 · 2

        Xin Xin https://www.facebook.com/kiko.baraquel?hc_location=stream <--请大家花点时间去看看他(菲人)分享的一篇有关于马英九的(在他页面的第四个),然后有个华侨就在那跟他争论不停,这里有很多英语很厉害的,帮忙一下那个华侨吧(看评论)

        Kiko Baraquel
        在 Ateneo Musicians' Pool 擔任 Band Artist Coordinator
        就讀 Ateneo de Manila UniversityLegal Management 科系
        現居 Quezon City, Philippines
        昨天 18:17 · 讚

        Emily Hsieh I can't even post on Kiko baraquel's wall ....
        23 小時前 · 讚

        Benny Lin this filipino writer talks some sense:http://www.philstar.com/opinion/2013/05/18/943467/asymmetrical

        Asymmetrical | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
        Perhaps Taipei wants our senior representatives to walk on their knees while delivering a letter of apology from our president.
        23 小時前 · 讚 · 1

        Emily Hsiao help for sharing
        22 小時前 · 讚 · 1

        蔡文娟 無心機台灣跟有心機菲律賓政府的鬥總是先吃悶虧,但公理總會一一呈現,壞是做多了總會有報應的.
        21 小時前 · 讚 · 3

        Wu Teng Yang Actually, Taiwanese fisher was killed by Philippine pirates.
        21 小時前 · 讚 · 2

        秦文鴻 上帝會彰顯公義的
        20 小時前 · 讚 · 1

        Xin Xin Emily Hsieh, but you can comment on what he shared on his timeline :)) (scroll down a little, you'll see the post with the picture of president Ma Ying Jiu, try to read those comments) :))
        20 小時前 · 讚

        想一想 其實在台灣有很多菲勞是真的很好的。錯的是他們政府,還掩蓋真相來誤導他們的人民。
        20 小時前 · 讚 · 1

        Joe Chien 借分享
        19 小時前 · 讚

        Syun Shih Jian 借分享
        18 小時前 · 讚

        Grace Ligasan feel free to look at my timeline too..there are still some intelligent,rational,kind,and civilized taiwanese who believes that the filipino workers should'nt be blamed for what happened.let the law and our government settle this matter,we too are sad for what has happened.thanks to those taiwanese who still believe in our filipino workers in taiwan we salute you!
        18 小時前 · 讚 · 1

        Grace Ligasan very well said mr.john smith!
        18 小時前 · 讚

        Li Lopop https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/provide-necessary-assistance-prevent-taiwanese-people-being-murdered-philippines-and-rebuild/NYw8cM4k

        Provide necessary assistance to prevent Taiwanese people from being murdered by Philippines and rebu
        As we know, Taiwan is an ally who shares the same values with us. It is sad to h⋯⋯更多
        18 小時前 · 讚 · 1

        劉童 現在不是罵總統或罵政府沒用的時候,全國人民人民應該暫時不分黨派,槍口對外才對啊~
        17 小時前 · 讚 · 6

        Angel Fanghsien Lin john smith, it doesn't matter 59 shots, 52 shots or 45 shots. There is only one truth: our unarmed fisherman was shot and killed by the fully armed PCG of the Philippine. Their barbaric shooting and cruelty are crystal clear. What is even shameful is that the Philippine government has tried to hide the truth, escaping their responsibility and keep lying to the international press with all the nonsense. It is no doubt that they are good at brainwashing their filippino fellows and manipulating their media. However any intelligent person can easily spot their cunning act with ridiculous excuses. Until the Philippine government tells the truth, gives an official apology, compensates the victim family, and arrests the perpetrators, our seeking for justice will never stop.
        16 小時前 · 讚 · 7

        Carol Lynch financial assistance wont bring him back, disciplinary action and a investigation and punishment is require.
        15 小時前 · 讚 · 2

        Carol Lynch that God give comfort to the family
        15 小時前 · 讚 · 3

        Kenneth Neal As Taiwan treats peelipino so poorly in that country..suggest they All return en masse to their blessed paradise in protest & not return until they are promised appropriately lower wages. Stay united in P.I. Never abandon your progressive Barangai System..always support your corrupt backwards Govt. Enjoy.
        15 小時前 · 讚

        Angel Fanghsien Lin Bing Jou, it's understandable you are unable to relate to the majority of Taiwanese regarding this issue. However I consider your views on reading our comments here as "vulgar" isn't quite appropriate and they are rather shallow in my opinion. You speak more like a journalist which I think a column commentary should be a more suitable place for you to be. I also think you are not in any position to tell us what we should think and how we should feel. This is a forum created for people who are concerned about the issue and who want the real truth and fair justice. There is a cause to our anger and as the fellows of the victim family we certainly have the right to be angry. Finally dignity should be maintained throughout in the course of life regardless being a victim or not. AND it is more important not to kill others than to maintain one's sanity after a tragedy. We are not God. We are human beings. Despite we all make mistakes, people have to be responsible for the consequence of their actions and then we can live safely and be in peace. So before the super power Americans have shown us their sanity and dignity after Boston Marathon bombings, you can tell the Taiwanese people to be so.
        14 小時前 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 3

        Tony Yang We don't need to tolerate a country which is keeping killing unarmed people. Those Philippines are attempting to blur what they did by mentioning food, salary, discrimination .....those irrelevant issues. Our Taiwanese President had informed that the Government needs to protect Philippines who are currently working in Taiwan. However, Philippines cited a wrong photo which referred to a violent event in China in order to sue that we are more violent than Philippines. Does it make sense?
        12 小時前 · 讚 · 3

        Vicky Chen AND how a country making up stories:http://manilatimes.net/index/index.php/news/headlines-mt/47700-resolve-dispute-us-urges-taiwan-philippines
        they made up stories and used an old picture from years ago the event happened in China, and the true is this:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/5769839/Eyewtiness-tensions-high-on-the-streets-of-Urumqi.html
        11小時前 · 讚 · 1

        Dominic Torreto all you taewanese people calm down dont overlooked your main problem which is your freaking PRESIDENT! he wants your attention and sympathy hes using you hes a loser listen to your heart dont he wants your approval the only thing he cares about is his OWN political motives he doesnt care for at ALL! if he does hes not gonna put up that NUCLEAR THING! imagine that loss of lives that might happen because of his crazy mind!
        11小時前 · 讚

        Tony Yang President is elected by people. Government serves people, not people serve Government. The reason why we are so angry is that this similar tragedy happened more than once and the previous Government just hided to pretend nothing happened. All of you please note March 2002, May 2005, Jan 2006. All of you just surf the website and you will find out that Philippines are teasing our unarmed fisherman step by step. At the beginning, they may follow the international standard, but thereafter they began to kill fisherman because our previous government only tried to look for the peace even though it's Philippines' fault. This time, Taiwanese should wake up and realize that Philippines are waiting our Government to sacrifice fisherman's life and look for what they called peace as usual. Don't expect to extort us again. Don't expect to kill our people again.
        10小時前 · 讚 · 2

        Hans Aries Fucking philipine government. U must pay for what u done. Asshole.
        10小時前來自手機 · 讚 · 2

        Benny Lin Dominic Torreto: are you an idiot or just plain dumb? First of all you don't tell us to calm down. We will calm down when we want to calm down. Secondly, the main problem is not our president the main problem and culprit is your government especially your dumb ass playboy president Benigno. Can't believe the guy is still single. He is either a sick pervert or plain faggot that no woman wants him. Your useless government has repeatedly told the international world that they are still investigating the shooting yet at the same time they are offering insincere apology to the victim family and the sad and sick thing is the letter was not even signed by your president. And offer financial assistance? Isn't it by offering financial assistance your fuck up government admitting they are wrong? But at the same time they keep telling everyone investigation is still ongoing?? What the fuck right? Lastly why not allowed joint investigation? That's because your piece of shit government has some big lie to hide. If not let's do an open and joint investigation and we can even call a third party. So shut the fuck up and get educated you mentally retarded insensitive asshole!
        8小時前來自手機 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 1

        Benny Lin finally "parallel investigation" was approved!
        7小時前 · 讚

        Ken Hui Dominic, there's a thing called AUTO CORRECT if you can't spell. But if it is your brain, I don't think anything can correct it
        7小時前來自手機 · 讚 · 1

        Toofat Li 有請各csi的鑑識小組成員們幫忙緝凶!!
        6小時前 · 讚 · 1

        Gaft Fs to (Benny Lin) // 罵的好 good job !!
        6小時前 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 2

        曉袋鼠 非故意 就可以撇得一乾二淨嗎
        3小時前 · 讚

        Mon Luo 我們也來非故意的占領菲律賓當殖民地 oops 不小心怒火之下就占領你們了~
        2小時前 · 讚 · 1

        鄭金青 菲.很可惡~台灣政府很無能><嘆~
        約 1 小時前 · 讚 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=201139416701686&set=vb.157809937730773&type=2&theater
        【2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan】
         ·  · 推廣 · 
      5. SONG 菲常火大!! FIRE. VIDEO.

        David WRITE: 
        讚 · · 追蹤貼文 · 分享 · 昨天 14:18 來自手機
        14 個人都說讚。
        查看另 1 則留言

        Justin WRITE: 中華民國本質算是中國,但獲得廣泛承認的中國是「中華人民共和國」,不是中華民國時,任何台灣人若出國自稱是(廣義的)中國人,大概也不會更安全,因爲當今狹義的中國人是大陸地區人民,而中共有時激怒他國。
        8小時前 · 讚

        David WRITE: 至少別國不敢惹中國,他國政府也會怕被中國報復真的會轉傳英文影音檔的臉友會有幾人??? =========== 

        MR. A WRITE: 馬總統真的要"硬"起來呀! 「冷血對待關廠勞工,軟弱對待菲律賓狗」這就是台灣政府,請問你還想繳稅嗎? TAIWANESE GOVEMENT TREAT TAIWANESE BAD. TREAT BAD 外國人 款待....

        歐雷媧 首先 台灣人給予菲律賓人的待遇 是全世界各國都比不上的 所以菲律賓人 根本就是搶破頭來台灣工作 另外因為台灣審核比其他國家更為嚴格 相對的菲律賓人就少很多 另外菲律賓人普遍教育程度不高 而台灣是唯一有讓菲律賓人接觸電子行業國家
        21 小時前 · 讚 · 1

        歐雷媧 100個旅客 台灣人4個 那美國10個 加拿大8個 日本7個 其他林林總總 台灣比率算是高的了
        21 小時前 · 讚

        Pjr Huang 比例有高ㄇ 100個少4個 他還有96個非台灣籍旅客,怎麼看都沒高啊 囧rz
        20 小時前 · 讚

        歐雷媧 全世界有多少國家??224個國家 難道真的就96個美國人 4個台灣人??? 這樣子說 了解嗎???
        20 小時前 · 讚

        Pjr Huang 好吧,就算比例高好了,但這種比例沒意義啊,對菲國而言,不管這96個分成幾組,怎麼組成,他只是少掉的4個台灣人不是嗎
        20 小時前 · 讚

        呂布 426喊著要打菲律賓 喊這麼久一個屁也沒放....426先去打完再來跟我說這個吧
        16 小時前 · 讚

        呂布 426在國際上名聲超差的 國民素質 禮儀 內政 外交..... ============== 台灣人要團結啊! 請你轉傳影片What happened?2 Minutes, One Fact菲常真相!宣傳不足! 菲常真相!憂國際宣傳不足,2分鐘1個事實影片2 Minutes, One Fact請大家幫忙轉傳影片,你愛台嗎台灣謝你! 讓我們告訴世界,菲律賓政府的殘暴和冷酷! (中英日韓多 國翻譯版本)

        菲律賓 又燒 中華民國的國旗! 台可燒菲律賓的紙钞嗎? 紙钞有菲律賓的偉人照片圖! E04 菲死不可! 菲欺人太甚! 菲常可惡不XFACE. 菲滾不可!菲常丟臉的海盜想擊沉滅蹟耍玩台灣人命! share videos to 外國人

        你有"正義感"嗎? 我們一定要儘快讓全世界和全部的外國人知道菲律賓人的所做所為和欺侮台灣人的惡劣行為

        菲民燒 台灣國旗 = 真過份的菲民! 以菲民觀點要燒五星旗才是阿~ / 菲民+菲國變相承認中華民國! 不要理菲律賓人!打人喊救人!神經病 XX臉 落後國家 就是這樣! 台灣人同仇敵慨~!團結一心!台灣真男人寶傑剛剛爆氣罵菲律賓幹 /

        part 2: English & Chinese as below : " Let the world know the Truth. "

        English & Chinese as below : RE: 2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan

        What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan?
        Show all the evidences to the world.
        Philippine Government Must Issue An Official Apology, Offer Just Compensation, Arrest the Perpetrators ForThis Fact of The Intentional Killing.


        ---As the attack was made by a Philippine government vessel, the government of the Philippines is responsible for the death of Mr. Hong. A public commitment to state compensation must be made by the Philippine government. 由於該起攻擊事件係菲律賓公務船所為,因此菲國政府應為洪石成先生的喪命負起責任。菲國政府必須公開承諾提供國家賠償。

        ---To date, the Philippine government has only expressed a willingness to offer "donations from its citizens" to the victim's family. It has not spoken of accepting full responsibility and providing official compensation. 菲國政府迄今僅表達願對罹難者家屬提供「菲國人民捐贈之慰問金」,並未提及將負起全部責任及提供官方賠償。


        ---ROC inspection of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 (G.D.X. 28) has found no evidence of ramming, claimed by the Philippines as their reasoning for shooting in self-defense. The Philippine government vessel involved is some six times the size of the G.D.X. 28, and thus that such an action would have occurred is scarcely conceivable. 中華民國勘驗廣大興28號未發現菲律賓所稱該船衝撞、導致菲方開槍自衛之事證。菲方公務船船隻總重約較廣大興28號大6倍,故指稱該漁船意圖衝撞,令人難以信服。


        ---The ROC has received five different versions of a response from the Philippine government. This shows an inconsistency in the Philippine position, and suggests a lack of sincerity. 中華民國已自菲律賓政府收到5種不同版本信函,說明菲方立場反覆不定,欠缺誠意。

        ---The ROC cannot accept such a perfunctory manner from the government of the Philippines. 中華民國無法接受菲國政府如此敷衍的回應。


        ---In its responses to the ROC, the Philippines has committed itself to a thorough, exhaustive, impartial, and expeditious investigation. 菲律賓曾回應承諾中華民國將就此事件進行徹底、完整、公平且迅速的調查。

        ---As per the provisions of the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters signed in April, the ROC urges the Philippine side to make arrangements for coordination between the Philippine investigation and the ROC investigation. 中華民國依據臺菲於上(4)月簽署之刑事司法互助協定,要求菲方協調安排雙方調查工作。


        --- The Philippine government should be held responsible for the death of Mr. Hong Shi-cheng, as the attack was carried out by a Philippine government vessel. 此次攻擊事件是菲律賓公務船所為,故菲國政府須負起洪石成先生喪命之責任。


        ---The Republic of China is a peace-loving nation and a responsible stakeholder. 中華民國是愛好和平國家及負責任之利害關係者。

        ---The ROC will protect its sovereignty, dignity, and overall interests, especially the fishing rights of our fishermen in overlapping EEZs. 中華民國將捍衛國家主權、尊嚴及整體利益,尤其是我國漁民在重疊專屬經濟海域的捕漁權。

        ---The ROC has initiated 11 countermeasures, and will maintain them until it receives a more positive, concrete, and adequate response from the Philippine government concerning the ROC's four demands. 中華民國政府已採取11項反制措施。該等措施將持續至菲律賓政府更正面、具體且充分回應中華民國4項要求為止。

        ---The ROC has urged the Philippine government to begin talks on a fishery arrangement that will allow for orderly fishing operations to take place in overlapping EEZs, ensure the safety of our fishermen, and maintain regional peace and security. 中華民國政府促請菲律賓政府儘速展開兩國漁業會談,以維護重疊專屬經濟海域之捕漁作業秩序,確保兩國漁民安全,及維持區域穩定與安全。


        ---We consider the Filipino people as our friends.

        ---There are 87,000 Filipinos working and living in Taiwan. We call on our people to treat them well.

        ---Our government will continue to provide a friendly environment for them.

        video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j5JzRUQZdwo


        [轉] 現在菲律賓利用其"英語English"優勢,在網路世界企圖主導國際輿論,


        但這件事一個人做只是小事,不會花你什麼時間資源,卻可能成為善的種子。 ==================== 反菲律賓 無理射殺台灣漁民 台灣人站出來
        東森新聞報導知名唱片製作人廖偉志發表抗菲歌曲 <菲常火大>

        TVBS新聞 報導知名唱片製作人廖偉志發表抗菲歌曲 <菲常火大>





        別被菲律賓的謊言矇騙!菲律賓與台灣漁船爭議的真相: 請分享出去讓全世界看到!

        2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan
        收回讚 ·  · 推廣 · 
        • 你覺得這真讚。
      6. 2013/05/20 新北市氣象 : weather video. 梅雨?沒雨?傻傻分不清楚!週二白天、週三下午新北市有強降雨潛勢... 


        Christine words : 講的好! 手勢帥! 白領好看! (白領會讓整身顏色亮起來, 白領讓臉看來更有朝氣. ) 上衣好看! 每次衣著的顏色都配的好! (JOKE : 可以看來往好帥嗎? ) 溢堤移車 : 提醒的好! 我要轉貼分享 above video 到我的 FB 喽!
        收回讚 ·  · 推廣 · 
      7. 菲人政府看到沒?? 台灣人愛好合平而且友善
        Friendly and peace-loving people of Taiwan
        This is college students in Taiwan and Filipino workers
        This is the real Taiwan

        分享 · 21 小時前
        26 個人都說讚。

        歐雷媧 圖片由東森新聞轉貼
        21 小時前

        歐雷媧 這個才是真正給予台灣社會 正面力量!!! 感謝這些大學生 你們才是台灣真英雄
        20 小時前 · 1

        Grace Lin 是國外人嗎?給他們100000000000個讚啦
        20 小時前

        歐雷媧 他們是台灣的大學生唷!! 他們提倡聲援在台菲勞 敵人是菲律賓政府 這張照片 比什麼董小姐便當文 張先生的便當文 好太多太多了!!!! 這個才是讓社會充滿正面能量!!!
        20 小時前 · 5

        Grace Lin 好棒喔!!馬政府也要加油啦,大學生都比他們好了!!
        20 小時前

        歐雷媧 最可恥的就是某董某張的灑狗血便當文了!! 沽名釣譽!!
        20 小時前 · 2

        葉柄璋 這才是台該多轉寄分享的 如果有菲勞工想在台工作不想回菲律賓的畫面影片文字資料更好
        19 小時前 · 2

        Chazen Lin 很棒的圖片
        17 小時前 · 2

        魯提轄 萬一台灣留學生還是僑人受害就不敢保證了
        Friendly and peace-loving people of Taiwan
        This is college students in Taiwan and Filipino workers
        This is the real Taiwan
        相片:台灣人愛好合平而且友善Friendly and peace-loving people of Taiwan台湾人は友好と平和を愛する這是台灣的大學生和菲律賓勞工們This is college students in Taiwan and Filipino workersこれは、台湾の大学生とフィリピン労働者です這是真實的台灣This is the real Taiwanこれは台湾です
         ·  · 推廣 · 
      8. B.P. 賤菲. 台灣曾幫過它老爸(老貝.)
        收回讚 ·  · 推廣 · 你覺得這真讚。
      9. 唯有真心能知心且用心是好友!!

        愛情&有愛之情 .
        讚 · 回覆 · 17 · 20分鐘前

        曾鴻 蒸的是這樣~
        讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 7分鐘前來自手機

        Angel Kuo 說的真好〜借分享謝謝
        讚 · 回覆 · 在幾秒鐘前來自手機

        賴弈蓁 唯有真心能知心且用心是好友
        讚 · 回覆 · 5分鐘前

        采蓉岳 是否可以走人了?
        讚 · 回覆 · 16分鐘前來自手機

        采蓉岳 如果不懂一直都是真心的那個朋友
        讚 · 回覆 · 16分鐘前來自手機

        Alice Chiu 日久見人心。
        讚 · 回覆 · 19分鐘前

        毛忠義 好,我這就不走了!
        讚 · 回覆 · 19分鐘前來自手機
        同意 = 按讚 ^ ^
        相片:同意 = 按讚 ^ ^
         ·  · 推廣 · 
      10. 【這些英文千萬別不懂裝懂】

        ◆Lover 情人(不是:愛人)
        ◆Sporting house 妓院(不是:體育室)
        ◆Dead president 美鈔(不是:死了的總統)
        ◆Service station 加油站(不是:服務站)

        ◆Lover 情人(不是:愛人)
        ◆Sporting house 妓院(不是:體育室)
        ◆Dead president 美鈔(不是:死了的總統)
        ◆Service station 加油站(不是:服務站)
        ◆Rest room 廁所(不是:休息室)
        ◆Busboy 餐館勤雜工(不是:公汽售票員)
        ◆Dry goods <美>紡織品 <英>穀物(不是:乾貨)
        ◆Heart man 換心人(不是:有心人)
        ◆Tea shop 茶館;小吃店(不是:茶葉店)
        ◆Senior citizen 老年人(不是:高級公民)
        ◆Wash one's hands 上廁所........

        ●詳文點我→http://goo.gl/JFtKY Fans News 社交剪報
        相片:【這些英文千萬別不懂裝懂】◆Lover 情人(不是:愛人)◆Sporting house 妓院(不是:體育室)◆Dead president 美鈔(不是:死了的總統)◆Service station 加油站(不是:服務站)◆Rest room 廁所(不是:休息室)◆Busboy 餐館勤雜工(不是:公汽售票員)◆Dry goods <美>紡織品 <英>穀物(不是:乾貨)◆Heart man 換心人(不是:有心人)◆Tea shop 茶館;小吃店(不是:茶葉店)◆Senior citizen 老年人(不是:高級公民)◆Wash one's hands 上廁所........●詳文點我→http://goo.gl/JFtKY     Fans News 社交剪報
         ·  · 推廣 · 
      11. 枉費和你為臉友已有超過兩年... ; 你連寫"保重"都沒有, 我好失望你沒關心我的傷勢.
         ·  · 推廣 · 
      12. 個子小, 志氣高.

        切記! 年長了善待自己,只要活著,就要有好的生活品質。 

        朋友們,切記! 我們都是孝順父母親的最後一代,
        相片:親朋您好,為了您好。請您坐好,用心聽好。 錢多錢少,夠吃就好。人醜人美,順眼就好。 人好人少,健康就好。家窮家富,和氣就好。 老公晚歸,有回就好。老婆嘮叨,顧家就好。 孩子從小,就要教好。博士也好,賣菜也好。 長大以後,乖乖就好。房屋大小,能住就好。 名不名牌,能穿就好。兩輪四輪,能駕就好。 老闆不好,能忍就好。一切煩惱,能解就好。 堅持執著,放下就好。人的一生,平安就好。 不是有錢,一定就好。心好行好,命能改好。 誰是誰非,天知就好。修福修慧,來世更好。 說這麼多,明白就好。天地萬物,隨緣就好。 很多事情,看開就好。人人都好,日日都好。 您好我好,世界更好。總而言之,知足就好。 這些道理,真的很好。不發給大家,是我不好。 發了給您,期待大家都好。轉發同好,能夠好上更好。 切記! 年長了善待自己,只要活著,就要有好的生活品質。 人生有限,想做甚麼趕快去做,這是一種生命品質的體現。 朋友們,切記! 我們都是孝順父母親的最後一代,也會是被兒女拋棄的第一代。 千萬不要人在天堂,錢在銀行,錢多錢少,夠用就好。
         ·  · 推廣 · 
      13. VIDEO. 幹麻請佣人!! 自己的嬰兒要自己帶和照顧!!! 你看可惡又可怕的佣人故意"重摔"主人的嬰兒好幾次....... 蛇蠍印傭恐步呀!!! 你看!!



        这件事就发生在马来西亚彭亨州关丹,母亲将孩子交托与刚聘请来的印尼女佣,怎知从手机观看家里闭路电视时,惊见女佣将自己孩子狂野的像Roti Canai 一样的翻来覆去!


        betapa ganasnya amah , pda smua yg mengambil org gaji, diharap siasat dan letakkan cctv, kita tak knal hati manusia ni.
        讚 · · 分享
        3,215 個人都說讚。

        Crystle D. Paraan Omg
        5月9日9:50來自手機 · 讚

        Lim Zi Heng 太可恶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        5月11日21:00 · 讚

        Lim Zi Heng 抓她吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        5月11日21:01 · 讚

        Junaidi Boyotz binatang betul maid ni
        5月13日11:52 · 讚

        Jofel Redona mppatay ko yang maid n yan kung anak ko lng ginanyan nia!
        5月15日8:20 · 讚

        Nanben Da maid ni dah gila???????????????????????
        5月16日17:39 · 讚

        这件事就发生在马来西亚彭亨州关丹,母亲将孩子交托与刚聘请来的印尼女佣,怎知从手机观看家里闭路电视时,惊见女佣将自己孩子狂野的像Roti Canai 一样的翻来覆去!


        betapa ganasnya amah , pda smua yg mengambil org gaji, diharap siasat dan letakkan cctv, kita tak knal hati manusia ni.
         ·  · 推廣 · 
      14. 很多暴力腦殘男都用(最狠的)暴力處理事情......和暴力女性..... : 暴力太可惡但是暴力最無敵有用的手段。暴力最贏. 暴力是贏家, 連大部份的不盡責任喪天良的法官們和警察們和律師們.......都因害怕恐懼被暴力或脅迫...... 而輕放或輕判或無視被害人或不保護被害人或報案人或不敢對暴力犯怎樣或反怪被害人不再忍耐.......................etc. 那被害人還有什麼希望和安全上的指望=無奈暗絕望和恐懼.......... ; 弱女子是無法以暴制暴保護自身安全! 

        暴力=可恨!! 暴力只有以暴制暴才有可能不輸!!! = 可悲呀!! 喪盡天良的暴力人(消搖法外.....)=不要臉壞透了!!!!! 可惜暴力者都無被天譴!!! 真沒天理!!!! 我再也不信任何可笑失信的(騙人)宗教!!!! 唉~! 好人沒好報! 壞人沒惡報! 但我還只能做好人, 不做壞惡人!

        p.s. Ms. S. E. 沒遇過武力和暴力嗎??
         ·  · 推廣 · 
      15. Christine Cheng 經由羅鴻龍分享了 1 則連結
        你有"正義感"嗎? 我們一定要儘快讓全世界和全部的外國人知道菲律賓人的所做所為和欺侮台灣人的惡劣行為............ 若你也是有正義感的人就也請你分享和轉傳此"貼文和影音檔 videos" 給你的親友和你的"外國朋友們" . Posting on FACEBOOK, GOOGLE + , Google Plus, Twitter............etc. 我們一定要儘快讓全世界和全部的外國人知道菲律賓人的所做所為和欺侮台灣人的惡劣行為............ English & Chinese as below : " Let the world know the Truth. "

        English & Chinese as below : RE: 2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan

        What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan?
        Show all the evidences to the world.
        Philippine Government Must Issue An Official Apology, Offer Just Compensation, Arrest the Perpetrators ForThis Fact of The Intentional Killing.

        [轉] 現在菲律賓利用其"英語English"優勢,在網路世界企圖主導國際輿論,





        別被菲律賓的謊言矇騙!菲律賓與台灣漁船爭議的真相: 請分享出去讓全世界看到!


        video. English & Chinese as below : 

        RE: 2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan

        別被菲律賓的謊言矇騙!菲律賓與台灣漁船爭議的真相: 請分享出去讓全世界看到!The truth about "unintended loss of life" Excuse making by the Philippines cannot hide the facts!Please help Taiwan share the truth to the world!


        ---Republic of China (Taiwan) fishing vessel Guang Da Xing No. 28 (GDX 28) was attacked May 9 by a Philippine government vessel, resulting in the killing of fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, serious damage to the boat, and engine failure. 中華民國籍漁船廣大興28號於5月9日遭菲律賓公務船攻擊,導致我國漁民洪石成先生身亡,漁船嚴重損害並失去動力。

        ---Contrary to the Philippine characterization, the GDX 28 did not ram its vessel and provoke the incident. 廣大興28號並未衝撞菲國公務船,亦未挑釁。菲國說法與事實不符。

        ---The Philippines used excessive force in carrying out law enforcement procedures, resulting in serious damage to the GDX 28, with 59 bullet holes found in the ship. Moreover, the Philippine vessel sailed away without offering assistance to the stricken boat, in violation of international law and a humanitarian duty. 菲國執法過程中過度使用武力,致廣大興28號嚴重受損,船體計有59處彈孔。此外,廣大興28號遭擊後,菲國公務船未提供受損船隻協助,逕自駛離,違反國際法及人道責任。

        ---The attack was carried out by a vessel belonging to the government of the Philippines. 此攻擊事件乃菲國政府所屬之公務船所為。


        ---The investigation of the shooting of the GDX 28, and the killing of crew member Hong Shi-cheng, is ongoing. Therefore, it is inappropriate for the Philippines to characterize Hong's death as "unintended." 槍擊廣大興28號致漁民洪石成先生亡故一事仍在調查中,菲方立即將洪石成先生之喪命定位為「非蓄意」,並不恰當。

        ---The ROC acknowledges the apology that the Philippines has made through Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, and through dispatching the personal representative of the Philippine President to convey an apology to the family of slai⋯⋯更多「非蓄意的人命損失」,我方無法接受。

        ---The Philippine government vessel's shooting of an unarmed fishing boat is an unconscionable, cold-blooded act of violence. No claim of self-defense can justifiably be made by the Philippines. -菲國公務船槍擊無武裝漁船是過度、冷血的暴力行為,「自衛」之說法無法成立。


        ---The Philippine claim that the incident occurred in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is unfounded. The incident occurred in the two countries' overlapping EEZs. -菲律賓宣稱事件發生在其專屬經濟海域內的說法毫無根據,該事件實則發生在兩國重疊專屬經濟海域內。

        ---The Philippine government vessel's excessive and unnecessary use of force in the overlapping EEZs violates international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by the international community. 菲國公務船於兩國重疊專屬經濟海域非必要地過度使用武力,已違反國際法及聯合國海洋法公約,此一暴行絕無法見容於國際社會。

        ---The aforementioned Convention and relevant case law from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea have laid out proper due process, that is, what actions may be taken by a state while enforcing the law in its EEZ. ---Paragraph 1 of Article 73 of the Convention states that these are limited to boarding, inspection, arrest, and judicial proceedings. 聯合國海洋法公約及國際海洋法仲裁法庭之有關判例已明列正當程序,指出一國在其專屬經濟海域執法時所能採取之作為。

        ---Paragraph 3 of that same Article states that coastal states may not undertake corporal punishment, of which killing is the most extreme type. Shooting and killing are not allowed under any circumstances. 聯合國海洋法公約第73條第3項規定,沿海國不能採取傷害人身的手段,而致人於死更為最極端之處置。在任何情況下,絕不允許槍擊與殺害。


        ---That law enforcement personnel on the Philippine government vessel opened fire with automatic weapons on an unarmed fishing vessel that was not provoking it is an unacceptable act of violence. 菲律賓公務船執法人員以自動武器向未挑釁之我國籍無武裝漁船開火,這是令人無法接受的暴行。

        ---The attack and the killing of Mr. Hong are not in keeping with principles of proportionality. 該起攻擊漁船及殺害洪石成先生的事件不符合「比例原則」。


        ---As the attack was made by a Philippine government vessel, the government of the Philippines is responsible for the death of Mr. Hong. A public commitment to state compensation must be made by the Philippine government. 由於該起攻擊事件係菲律賓公務船所為,因此菲國政府應為洪石成先生的喪命負起責任。菲國政府必須公開承諾提供國家賠償。

        ---To date, the Philippine government has only expressed a willingness to offer "donations from its citizens" to the victim's family. It has not spoken of accepting full responsibility and providing official compensation. 菲國政府迄今僅表達願對罹難者家屬提供「菲國人民捐贈之慰問金」,並未提及將負起全部責任及提供官方賠償。


        ---ROC inspection of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 (G.D.X. 28) has found no evidence of ramming, claimed by the Philippines as their reasoning for shooting in self-defense. The Philippine government vessel involved is some six times the size of the G.D.X. 28, and thus that such an action would have occurred is scarcely conceivable. 中華民國勘驗廣大興28號未發現菲律賓所稱該船衝撞、導致菲方開槍自衛之事證。菲方公務船船隻總重約較廣大興28號大6倍,故指稱該漁船意圖衝撞,令人難以信服。


        ---The ROC has received five different versions of a response from the Philippine government. This shows an inconsistency in the Philippine position, and suggests a lack of sincerity. 中華民國已自菲律賓政府收到5種不同版本信函,說明菲方立場反覆不定,欠缺誠意。

        ---The ROC cannot accept such a perfunctory manner from the government of the Philippines. 中華民國無法接受菲國政府如此敷衍的回應。


        ---In its responses to the ROC, the Philippines has committed itself to a thorough, exhaustive, impartial, and expeditious investigation. 菲律賓曾回應承諾中華民國將就此事件進行徹底、完整、公平且迅速的調查。

        ---As per the provisions of the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters signed in April, the ROC urges the Philippine side to make arrangements for coordination between the Philippine investigation and the ROC investigation. 中華民國依據臺菲於上(4)月簽署之刑事司法互助協定,要求菲方協調安排雙方調查工作。


        --- The Philippine government should be held responsible for the death of Mr. Hong Shi-cheng, as the attack was carried out by a Philippine government vessel. 此次攻擊事件是菲律賓公務船所為,故菲國政府須負起洪石成先生喪命之責任。


        ---The Republic of China is a peace-loving nation and a responsible stakeholder. 中華民國是愛好和平國家及負責任之利害關係者。

        ---The ROC will protect its sovereignty, dignity, and overall interests, especially the fishing rights of our fishermen in overlapping EEZs. 中華民國將捍衛國家主權、尊嚴及整體利益,尤其是我國漁民在重疊專屬經濟海域的捕漁權。

        ---The ROC has initiated 11 countermeasures, and will maintain them until it receives a more positive, concrete, and adequate response from the Philippine government concerning the ROC's four demands. 中華民國政府已採取11項反制措施。該等措施將持續至菲律賓政府更正面、具體且充分回應中華民國4項要求為止。

        ---The ROC has urged the Philippine government to begin talks on a fishery arrangement that will allow for orderly fishing operations to take place in overlapping EEZs, ensure the safety of our fishermen, and maintain regional peace and security. 中華民國政府促請菲律賓政府儘速展開兩國漁業會談,以維護重疊專屬經濟海域之捕漁作業秩序,確保兩國漁民安全,及維持區域穩定與安全。


        ---We consider the Filipino people as our friends.

        ---There are 87,000 Filipinos working and living in Taiwan. We call on our people to treat them well.

        ---Our government will continue to provide a friendly environment for them.

        video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j5JzRUQZdwo


        [轉] 現在菲律賓利用其"英語English"優勢,在網路世界企圖主導國際輿論,





        別被菲律賓的謊言矇騙!菲律賓與台灣漁船爭議的真相: 請分享出去讓全世界看到!
        3 ·  · 推廣 · 
        • 許尊堯陳慶安羅鴻龍都說讚。
        • 許尊堯 現在對菲國說要什麼制裁的~我認為都沒用啦,任何形式的譴責也已毫無意義!反正菲國的態度早就擺明了“不可能正式道歉”!我提議(私人意見):馬總統請拿出您勇敢的霸氣吧!真要“硬起來”的話,即刻下令海軍及空軍找個時間偷襲(正式宣戰也不錯)菲律賓,迅速得把菲國所有的“港口及機場”統統徹底炸毀(最好連軍事基地也炸掉);如此一來~便可以封鎖菲國極大多數的對外流通管道,如果這樣做~菲國還能保持“不理會我國”的輕鬆態度,那我也才算了(只要能狠狠得修理菲律賓就夠了);雖然我覺得任何人都不應該輕易開啟戰端,但這次菲國實在......查看更多
      16. 你是有"正義感"的人嗎? 若你也是有正義感的人就也請你分享和轉傳此貼文和影音檔 videos 給你的親友和你的外國朋友. post on FACEBOOK, GOOGLE + , Google Plus , Twitter............etc. " Let the world know the Truth. "

        English & Chinese as below : 

        RE: 2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan

        別被菲律賓的謊言矇騙!菲律賓與台灣漁船爭議的真相: 請分享出去讓全世界看到!The truth about "unintended loss of life" Excuse making by the Philippines cannot hide the facts!Please help Taiwan share the truth to the world!


        ---Republic of China (Taiwan) fishing vessel Guang Da Xing No. 28 (GDX 28) was attacked May 9 by a Philippine government vessel, resulting in the killing of fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, serious damage to the boat, and engine failure. 中華民國籍漁船廣大興28號於5月9日遭菲律賓公務船攻擊,導致我國漁民洪石成先生身亡,漁船嚴重損害並失去動力。

        ---Contrary to the Philippine characterization, the GDX 28 did not ram its vessel and provoke the incident. 廣大興28號並未衝撞菲國公務船,亦未挑釁。菲國說法與事實不符。

        ---The Philippines used excessive force in carrying out law enforcement procedures, resulting in serious damage to the GDX 28, with 59 bullet holes found in the ship. Moreover, the Philippine vessel sailed away without offering assistance to the stricken boat, in violation of international law and a humanitarian duty. 菲國執法過程中過度使用武力,致廣大興28號嚴重受損,船體計有59處彈孔。此外,廣大興28號遭擊後,菲國公務船未提供受損船隻協助,逕自駛離,違反國際法及人道責任。

        ---The attack was carried out by a vessel belonging to the government of the Philippines. 此攻擊事件乃菲國政府所屬之公務船所為。


        ---The investigation of the shooting of the GDX 28, and the killing of crew member Hong Shi-cheng, is ongoing. Therefore, it is inappropriate for the Philippines to characterize Hong's death as "unintended." 槍擊廣大興28號致漁民洪石成先生亡故一事仍在調查中,菲方立即將洪石成先生之喪命定位為「非蓄意」,並不恰當。

        ---The ROC acknowledges the apology that the Philippines has made through Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, and through dispatching the personal representative of the Philippine President to convey an apology to the family of slain fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, but the Philippine characterization of Mr. Hong's death as an "unintended" loss of life is unacceptable. -中華民國注及菲律賓已透過總統府發言人陳顯達先生公開道歉,並指派總統個人代表向罹難者洪石成先生的家屬道歉,惟菲方稱洪石成先生之喪命為「非蓄意的人命損失」,我方無法接受。

        ---The Philippine government vessel's shooting of an unarmed fishing boat is an unconscionable, cold-blooded act of violence. No claim of self-defense can justifiably be made by the Philippines. -菲國公務船槍擊無武裝漁船是過度、冷血的暴力行為,「自衛」之說法無法成立。


        ---The Philippine claim that the incident occurred in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is unfounded. The incident occurred in the two countries' overlapping EEZs. -菲律賓宣稱事件發生在其專屬經濟海域內的說法毫無根據,該事件實則發生在兩國重疊專屬經濟海域內。

        ---The Philippine government vessel's excessive and unnecessary use of force in the overlapping EEZs violates international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by the international community. 菲國公務船於兩國重疊專屬經濟海域非必要地過度使用武力,已違反國際法及聯合國海洋法公約,此一暴行絕無法見容於國際社會。

        ---The aforementioned Convention and relevant case law from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea have laid out proper due process, that is, what actions may be taken by a state while enforcing the law in its EEZ. ---Paragraph 1 of Article 73 of the Convention states that these are limited to boarding, inspection, arrest, and judicial proceedings. 聯合國海洋法公約及國際海洋法仲裁法庭之有關判例已明列正當程序,指出一國在其專屬經濟海域執法時所能採取之作為。

        ---Paragraph 3 of that same Article states that coastal states may not undertake corporal punishment, of which killing is the most extreme type. Shooting and killing are not allowed under any circumstances. 聯合國海洋法公約第73條第3項規定,沿海國不能採取傷害人身的手段,而致人於死更為最極端之處置。在任何情況下,絕不允許槍擊與殺害。


        ---That law enforcement personnel on the Philippine government vessel opened fire with automatic weapons on an unarmed fishing vessel that was not provoking it is an unacceptable act of violence. 菲律賓公務船執法人員以自動武器向未挑釁之我國籍無武裝漁船開火,這是令人無法接受的暴行。

        ---The attack and the killing of Mr. Hong are not in keeping with principles of proportionality. 該起攻擊漁船及殺害洪石成先生的事件不符合「比例原則」。


        ---As the attack was made by a Philippine government vessel, the government of the Philippines is responsible for the death of Mr. Hong. A public commitment to state compensation must be made by the Philippine government. 由於該起攻擊事件係菲律賓公務船所為,因此菲國政府應為洪石成先生的喪命負起責任。菲國政府必須公開承諾提供國家賠償。

        ---To date, the Philippine government has only expressed a willingness to offer "donations from its citizens" to the victim's family. It has not spoken of accepting full responsibility and providing official compensation. 菲國政府迄今僅表達願對罹難者家屬提供「菲國人民捐贈之慰問金」,並未提及將負起全部責任及提供官方賠償。


        ---ROC inspection of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 (G.D.X. 28) has found no evidence of ramming, claimed by the Philippines as their reasoning for shooting in self-defense. The Philippine government vessel involved is some six times the size of the G.D.X. 28, and thus that such an action would have occurred is scarcely conceivable. 中華民國勘驗廣大興28號未發現菲律賓所稱該船衝撞、導致菲方開槍自衛之事證。菲方公務船船隻總重約較廣大興28號大6倍,故指稱該漁船意圖衝撞,令人難以信服。


        ---The ROC has received five different versions of a response from the Philippine government. This shows an inconsistency in the Philippine position, and suggests a lack of sincerity. 中華民國已自菲律賓政府收到5種不同版本信函,說明菲方立場反覆不定,欠缺誠意。

        ---The ROC cannot accept such a perfunctory manner from the government of the Philippines. 中華民國無法接受菲國政府如此敷衍的回應。


        ---In its responses to the ROC, the Philippines has committed itself to a thorough, exhaustive, impartial, and expeditious investigation. 菲律賓曾回應承諾中華民國將就此事件進行徹底、完整、公平且迅速的調查。

        ---As per the provisions of the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters signed in April, the ROC urges the Philippine side to make arrangements for coordination between the Philippine investigation and the ROC investigation. 中華民國依據臺菲於上(4)月簽署之刑事司法互助協定,要求菲方協調安排雙方調查工作。


        --- The Philippine government should be held responsible for the death of Mr. Hong Shi-cheng, as the attack was carried out by a⋯⋯更多
        相片:別被菲律賓的謊言矇騙!菲律賓與台灣漁船爭議的真相: 請分享出去讓全世界看到!The truth about "unintended loss of life" Excuse making by the Philippines cannot hide the facts!Please help Taiwan share the truth to the world!I. OVERVIEW OF THE INCIDENT---Republic of China (Taiwan) fishing vessel Guang Da Xing No. 28 (GDX 28) was attacked May 9 by a Philippine government vessel, resulting in the killing of fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, serious damage to the boat, and engine failure. 中華民國籍漁船廣大興28號於5月9日遭菲律賓公務船攻擊,導致我國漁民洪石成先生身亡,漁船嚴重損害並失去動力。---Contrary to the Philippine characterization, the GDX 28 did not ram its vessel and provoke the incident. 廣大興28號並未衝撞菲國公務船,亦未挑釁。菲國說法與事實不符。---The Philippines used excessive force in carrying out law enforcement procedures, resulting in serious damage to the GDX 28, with 59 bullet holes found in the ship. Moreover, the Philippine vessel sailed away without offering assistance to the stricken boat, in violation of international law and a humanitarian duty. 菲國執法過程中過度使用武力,致廣大興28號嚴重受損,船體計有59處彈孔。此外,廣大興28號遭擊後,菲國公務船未提供受損船隻協助,逕自駛離,違反國際法及人道責任。---The attack was carried out by a vessel belonging to the government of the Philippines. 此攻擊事件乃菲國政府所屬之公務船所為。II. PHILIPPINE "UNITENDED LOSS OF LIFE" CHARACTERIZATION UNACCEPTABLE 中華民國無法接受菲律賓指稱「非蓄意」殺害之說法---The investigation of the shooting of the GDX 28, and the killing of crew member Hong Shi-cheng, is ongoing. Therefore, it is inappropriate for the Philippines to characterize Hong's death as "unintended." 槍擊廣大興28號致漁民洪石成先生亡故一事仍在調查中,菲方立即將洪石成先生之喪命定位為「非蓄意」,並不恰當。---The ROC acknowledges the apology that the Philippines has made through Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, and through dispatching the personal representative of the Philippine President to convey an apology to the family of slain fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, but the Philippine characterization of Mr. Hong's death as an "unintended" loss of life is unacceptable. -中華民國注及菲律賓已透過總統府發言人陳顯達先生公開道歉,並指派總統個人代表向罹難者洪石成先生的家屬道歉,惟菲方稱洪石成先生之喪命為「非蓄意的人命損失」,我方無法接受。---The Philippine government vessel's shooting of an unarmed fishing boat is an unconscionable, cold-blooded act of violence. No claim of self-defense can justifiably be made by the Philippines. -菲國公務船槍擊無武裝漁船是過度、冷血的暴力行為,「自衛」之說法無法成立。III. VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW---The Philippine claim that the incident occurred in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is unfounded. The incident occurred in the two countries' overlapping EEZs. -菲律賓宣稱事件發生在其專屬經濟海域內的說法毫無根據,該事件實則發生在兩國重疊專屬經濟海域內。---The Philippine government vessel's excessive and unnecessary use of force in the overlapping EEZs violates international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by the international community. 菲國公務船於兩國重疊專屬經濟海域非必要地過度使用武力,已違反國際法及聯合國海洋法公約,此一暴行絕無法見容於國際社會。---The aforementioned Convention and relevant case law from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea have laid out proper due process, that is, what actions may be taken by a state while enforcing the law in its EEZ. ---Paragraph 1 of Article 73 of the Convention states that these are limited to boarding, inspection, arrest, and judicial proceedings. 聯合國海洋法公約及國際海洋法仲裁法庭之有關判例已明列正當程序,指出一國在其專屬經濟海域執法時所能採取之作為。---Paragraph 3 of that same Article states that coastal states may not undertake corporal punishment, of which killing is the most extreme type. Shooting and killing are not allowed under any circumstances. 聯合國海洋法公約第73條第3項規定,沿海國不能採取傷害人身的手段,而致人於死更為最極端之處置。在任何情況下,絕不允許槍擊與殺害。IV. EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE---That law enforcement personnel on the Philippine government vessel opened fire with automatic weapons on an unarmed fishing vessel that was not provoking it is an unacceptable act of violence. 菲律賓公務船執法人員以自動武器向未挑釁之我國籍無武裝漁船開火,這是令人無法接受的暴行。---The attack and the killing of Mr. Hong are not in keeping with principles of proportionality. 該起攻擊漁船及殺害洪石成先生的事件不符合「比例原則」。V. COMPENSATION---As the attack was made by a Philippine government vessel, the government of the Philippines is responsible for the death of Mr. Hong. A public commitment to state compensation must be made by the Philippine government. 由於該起攻擊事件係菲律賓公務船所為,因此菲國政府應為洪石成先生的喪命負起責任。菲國政府必須公開承諾提供國家賠償。---To date, the Philippine government has only expressed a willingness to offer "donations from its citizens" to the victim's family. It has not spoken of accepting full responsibility and providing official compensation. 菲國政府迄今僅表達願對罹難者家屬提供「菲國人民捐贈之慰問金」,並未提及將負起全部責任及提供官方賠償。VI. CLAIMS OF RAMMING UNFOUNDED---ROC inspection of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 (G.D.X. 28) has found no evidence of ramming, claimed by the Philippines as their reasoning for shooting in self-defense. The Philippine government vessel involved is some six times the size of the G.D.X. 28, and thus that such an action would have occurred is scarcely conceivable. 中華民國勘驗廣大興28號未發現菲律賓所稱該船衝撞、導致菲方開槍自衛之事證。菲方公務船船隻總重約較廣大興28號大6倍,故指稱該漁船意圖衝撞,令人難以信服。VII. INCONSISTENCY IN PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT POSITION---The ROC has received five different versions of a response from the Philippine government. This shows an inconsistency in the Philippine position, and suggests a lack of sincerity. 中華民國已自菲律賓政府收到5種不同版本信函,說明菲方立場反覆不定,欠缺誠意。---The ROC cannot accept such a perfunctory manner from the government of the Philippines. 中華民國無法接受菲國政府如此敷衍的回應。VIII. MUTUAL LEGAL ASSISTANCE---In its responses to the ROC, the Philippines has committed itself to a thorough, exhaustive, impartial, and expeditious investigation. 菲律賓曾回應承諾中華民國將就此事件進行徹底、完整、公平且迅速的調查。---As per the provisions of the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters signed in April, the ROC urges the Philippine side to make arrangements for coordination between the Philippine investigation and the ROC investigation. 中華民國依據臺菲於上(4)月簽署之刑事司法互助協定,要求菲方協調安排雙方調查工作。IX. ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY LIES WITH THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT--- The Philippine government should be held responsible for the death of Mr. Hong Shi-cheng, as the attack was carried out by a Philippine government vessel. 此次攻擊事件是菲律賓公務船所為,故菲國政府須負起洪石成先生喪命之責任。X. POSITION AND GOALS---The Republic of China is a peace-loving nation and a responsible stakeholder. 中華民國是愛好和平國家及負責任之利害關係者。---The ROC will protect its sovereignty, dignity, and overall interests, especially the fishing rights of our fishermen in overlapping EEZs. 中華民國將捍衛國家主權、尊嚴及整體利益,尤其是我國漁民在重疊專屬經濟海域的捕漁權。---The ROC has initiated 11 countermeasures, and will maintain them until it receives a more positive, concrete, and adequate response from the Philippine government concerning the ROC's four demands. 中華民國政府已採取11項反制措施。該等措施將持續至菲律賓政府更正面、具體且充分回應中華民國4項要求為止。---The ROC has urged the Philippine government to begin talks on a fishery arrangement that will allow for orderly fishing operations to take place in overlapping EEZs, ensure the safety of our fishermen, and maintain regional peace and security. 中華民國政府促請菲律賓政府儘速展開兩國漁業會談,以維護重疊專屬經濟海域之捕漁作業秩序,確保兩國漁民安全,及維持區域穩定與安全。XI. ASSURANCES TO THE FILIPINO COMMUNITY IN TAIWAN 保證菲律賓人民在臺安全---We consider the Filipino people as our friends.我們視菲律賓人民為朋友。---There are 87,000 Filipinos working and living in Taiwan. We call on our people to treat them well.目前有8萬7千名菲律賓人民在臺工作及生活,外交部呼籲國人善待在臺之菲國朋友。---Our government will continue to provide a friendly environment for them.中華民國政府將持續提供菲國友人友善環境。
         ·  · 推廣 · 
      17. 收回讚 ·  · 推廣 · 
      18. Dr. 彭沒同情心&不夠朋友, 連"保重"都不願寫!! 唉~! 真失望(呀)!! p.s. 我之前寫的: 我頭受傷了! 還有為何有那麼多氣象報告總不也將日期寫表字和周幾一併列出. (ex. 5/9 (周六)), 並不會佔看板多大的面積..... ; 中央氣象局&東森卻有做到此點體貼觀眾, 這是很基本的, 為何很多台都做不到.... "這會很難嗎???" 很簡單的事吧! 東森最視觀眾, 我反應後隔天東森氣象覺得很有道理就馬上曾加日期列上....(東森得民心....; 我只跟東森說一次. 我跟 DR. 彭 反應很多次....), 大愛台應學東森, 大愛不體貼大眾嗎?? 我兩年來一直無法理解........, 很多台都這樣, 其實有點生氣.; acturall I am angry this matter.........又不姐為何這麼多台不幫觀眾想, 觀眾提出也不..... ; 當然這些台可以不採訥我的意見和建議, 我很無那又無言..... ; 不加日其的原因是怕佔空間或有人要其不要一併列上嗎?? 還有人將農曆也一併列進去.... 我看過每台 WEATHER REPORTS.... : 有的做的很好, 有的做的不好不想再看. 彭博士每件 WEATHER MATTERS & WEATHER REPORTS 都很棒以前 weather reports 看板都做的好&每過一陣子有翻 新和創新........ ; 就是不列日期這點很不好. 我不能報喜不報憂! 這半年來weather report 後段都有鳥和流水...(和公視 weather report 有點像.) : 其實那圖樣不夠漂亮耶. 我也不好說什麼. 之前後來看到後段會不看後段不美單調的鳥和流水圖. 其實我很意外. (以前大愛台weather report videos 連後段的圖文都抄有創意和漂亮的....)

        Christine Cheng
        東森最重視觀眾, Dr. Peng 環保&weather report.... & radio....都做的很棒, 就是不加國曆日期和周幾一併列出這點很不好!!! 就應是不須觀眾講就該主動知道的事不是嗎??? 我百思不得其解! 我反應這麼多次都不改, 我看是不會改的. 真的抄失望的! 又不是批評其它 weather report 的事..... ; 要是我我會替觀眾著想. 你們都會提醒觀眾要擦乳液. Dr. Peng 很為大家著想就這點不為觀眾著想我也百思不解.....你的執意! 不過你不想加日期我也只好扣分喽!!!

        Christine Cheng
        請問我們為何壹應要記得周六是明天,... ; 要是我們只記得明天是5/11, 後天是5/12. 還臨時想不起你寫的周六是明天, 我們會因而看錯和算錯日期和看錯晴雨. 若是林時才從中間看大愛weather report 遇此現象更慘, 因有時錯過時間開電視只看到周六下雨...沒幾秒就到下一看板, 我們連反應和想和換算的時間 都沒有當然也來不及轉念和換算哪一天是哪一天, 周幾是那一天.... 就算轉換成周幾是我想要知的氣候也忘了剛在中間是晴或雨=白看 weather reports..... ; 有時沒上電腦補看 your weather report videos (或沒電腦可用時).... 唉~!! 這麼多台weather report 怎麼都不會這樣想(呢?)??? 若工作很忙也不可能看第二遍. 有看=沒看!! 以上我這幾年的經驗談和困擾!!!

        Christine Cheng
        服務業為何不幫人(著)想哩?? 很早很早以前好像連三台都會日期和周幾一併寫出.

        Christine Cheng
        為何我們只有單一個"周幾表"可看. 為何我們一定要記得後天是周幾, 大後天是周幾來換算. 有時若6/6要參加登山或活動 , 不一定會記的是6/6周幾. 若日期也SHOW 便可一目看到6/6下雨機率多少, 6/6那一大格是否會下雨. 有時趕到家時只看到看板的2秒....連換算周幾是6/6 來看要看哪格天氣都來不及.... =我的經驗!! 好氣!!!!!!
        不記得明天是周己是我們觀眾的錯嗎??? 誰叫我們觀眾反應太慢和不馬上想起看板寫的周二是幾號...... : 可能一切要怪我們觀眾自己吧!! 因你們可能想那事你門的事你們自己的問題................
        很多台(ACTURALLY , IN FACT, 也不只是鼎鼎有名的大愛台會這樣......): 身為觀眾的我會想和說 : "真不可思議!!!"
        P.S. 我從不EXPLAIN 解釋這麼多(字)
        你們不體諒有些人WORK 到頭腦裝壹堆東西還要換算周幾. 遮大不便民, 此點居出縣在慈悲的"大愛台".......
        有人會換別台看..... FOR EXAMPLE : 東森 WEATHER REPORT.

        Christine Cheng
        個階層的人都在看. 連有些台都體貼只看台語的觀眾給他們報台語WEATHER REPORT 給他們聽. 加日期這種小事卻不想加, 做不到. 那是只給記的周幾是哪天的觀眾看嗎??看吧??? 那是只給會快束換算周幾是哪天的觀眾看嗎??看吧???我本不想打這麼多字在我縣還因頭傷頭痛中, 我以後再也不寫這件事了........
        I mean 大愛台WEATHER REPORT 那是只給記的周幾是哪天的觀眾看嗎??看吧??? 那是只給會快束換算周幾是哪天的觀眾看嗎??看吧???我本不想打這麼多字在我縣還因頭傷頭痛中, 我以後再也不寫這件事了........
        看 大愛台WEATHER REPORT前要先想好明天是周幾, 周幾是我最關賓想看到的下與機率和溫度....(哪一格), 若沒先換算好的那就看前段就好不然就不要看..... ; 不關心民意我只能說無奈和無言..... ^_^lll

        Christine Cheng
        好像沒有列表(以前有) for example:
        5/12 5/13 5/14
        周日 周一 周二
        北部 最高溫度 oo 00 00
        l l l
        最低溫度 oo 00 00
        降雨機率 80% 70% 65%
        南部 最高溫度 oo 00 00
        l l l
        最低溫度 oo 00 00
        降雨機率 50% 30% 20%
        後段是表示全部是5/12 的天氣. taipei : drawing 烏雨下雨 : 為何不寫 降雨機率 或加註 降雨機率. 因若 只有下一陣下上午, 5/12 下午沒下雨, 那不就會被罵或感覺失準 (尤其是以後氣候不定, 可能下可能不下, or 時下時不下雨), ex. 寫 降雨機率 60% or 70% 不會被罵, 這對報 weather report 的人有保障. 因若沒下雨是40% or 30% 不下雨的部份.
        for ex. 畫(5/12)烏雲下雨是整天或 "a.m. 6:00 ~ p.m. 18:00"都會下雨的意思嗎??? 吧! 那想爬山會想不要去好了. 若上午或下午放晴就鎚心肝!!! 以前有此現象.
        yahoo 一分鐘 weather report (videos) or 別台/別家 weather report 好像資料反倒最完整完善. 以前的大愛台 weather report 看板比較更完整(耶)! 不知為何一直會這樣???

        Christine Cheng
        原本不想告訴其他人, 但因你之故, 昨天半夜傳給超過14位臉友說我頭受傷了.
        我猜錯. 以前會寫的人沒寫. 以為不會寫的人有關心我!!!
        Dr. 彭沒關心我=我也很傷心..... =最感慨之2. , 沒回信. 有看文. 沒理我.....
        Dr.葉 隔天 a.m. 7:30 reply me.
        今早我收到14位臉友寫 3~21個字來關心我 = 加分.
        好感動喔! 感謝&謝謝你的(即刻)關心和關懷&"保重"...9個字!! 我的傷已好多了! 過一陣子應會康復吧! 過一陣子應臉不會破相&不留疤吧. 應會恢復跟以前一樣吧. 上天要保佑我喔. 看來我得唱保必歌, 保必.保必.保必. 阿哈. 開花. ^_&
        QQQ, 森Q. 三Q. Merci Beaucoup. Danke. 多謝&感謝&謝謝你的(即刻)關心和關懷!! (若想知My story 詳情, 請看下文"長串"貼文. 剛字不見, 我重打字.)
        我4/29/2013當時可能(有點) 冷到+肚子有點痛+晚上吃寒性高麗菜還加上冰箱極冰的醋 +沒喝熱水+暈眩+血壓低(但我當晚吃了半條的葡萄乾捲心蛋糕呀.)+(我猜我常低坐又常坐站坐站, 就已很暈頭我不以為意我還太快站起我進我乾淨的廁所後突然天昏暗地, 我居然昏倒撞到廁所的大理石門檻....., 進我乾淨的廁所時電燈居然還爆壞掉不亮, 建商為何大理石門檻不加泡棉片或"泡棉條", 半年前我也耽憂會不會撞到頭...., 但怕門關不起來和不可能撞到大理石門檻 & 怕泡綿沾到水會濕會......., 很後悔我以前沒黏"泡棉片" 要有黏的話也不會), 我居然昏倒! 我最近想到4/29的原因為何.
        (不知昏倒多久, 我還想不起我在哪, 我為何當時想不起剛或之前我在做些什麼. 我勉強自己醒醒, 這是什麼, 這是哪裡, 這是我家廁所乾淨的乾地板...我居然昏倒在廁所地上, 因我不想頭再仆在大理石門檻上, 我勉強醒來勉強用剩餘的小力氣搖搖擺擺小心走到床上躺在床上休息, 痛昏到不躺下不行, 用衛生紙擦掉血和血水..... ;
        我 4/29~ 沒力氣自行擦藥更沒力氣就醫 (4/30..... 下雨) "昏睡前我拿大鏡子一照臉部." oh, my God. 照了鏡子我又快昏倒=我腳軟手軟... 我臉上大破相!! 我不禁潸然淚下. 心哭哇哇哇. 心哭嗚嗚嗚. 我腳軟手軟還好我已躺在床上, 對我來說是很嚴重最嚴重的臉傷, 比多年前因地上有坑洞, 我穿高跟鞋被坑洞絆倒傷到下巴/忘了有無傷到嘴巴和額頭, 後來下巴等的傷口早就康復了,
        4/29/2013 事件 比 傷到下巴更嚴重, 是我最嚴重的一次吧! 大理石門檻尖條有磨掉沒那麼尖, 我昏倒一定砰一聲, 加上我重力加速度 頭向下撞到, 會更嚴重, 我這樣撞到: 臉上沒被像刀鋒般被深深砍到, 但卻變成臉上有比刀痕更"寬"的傷溝...... ),
        隔幾天才有力氣將泡棉黏住兩邊的銳利大理石尖條, 關的上廁所門且若以後泡棉髒了就換掉再貼新泡棉還是家中居家安全最重要, 不要像我以為絕不可能發生的事. 連桌邊和看來會危險的我也黏泡棉, 大家還是要加強家中安全會比較好!!! 是我經驗談啦!
        我自己不小心將我的頭部撞到大理石我的頭部(右眉處撞凹9~10公分 :我看到地上噴出的9滴血滴+右眉上一些凝結的血塊+眼鏡右片鏡片上的一堆血和血水, 哇! 我心想不妙我頭破血流了.....頭痛死了. 都快沒意識身心好難過喔! 本以為可能只是擦傷吧. 雖撞到頭好痛痛到快昏睡過去......) 受傷了還好應沒腦震盪沒忘我是誰, 沒忘誰是誰! 沒忘了你! 沒忘了我! 應沒有內有血塊吧.
        (4/30 "揉或是不揉"傷口不讓我頭部有瘀血塊......都傷腦筋, 揉會更痛會更弄破傷口.....) 過了好幾天也沒突然昏死! (有人車禍當時沒事但過幾小時或幾天或幾過月因腦中被撞到有血塊居然突然死了.) 對我來說是嚴重和很痛的傷, 前幾天傷口隱隱作痛&小暈, 那條傷口應該會自動慢慢馭合. 傷口比之前好多了. 有點癢有點痛有點暈啦! 還好當時沒撞破眼鏡, 要是破的鏡片插到眼睛瞎了或眼受傷會更慘! 還好平常善事和好事都有在做! 要是當時撞到我的太陽穴和額頭或下巴或鼻子 或嘴巴或眼睛......會更慘呀!!
        我5/5/2013才傳給我姐看受傷照片, 我姐說怎麼過那麼多天才告訴我姐. 我姐是第一個被告知的人. 我事前跟她說姐不要被我的傷口嚇到喔! 我姐說怎麼那麼嚴重. 我姐看了居然哭了. 我姐小哭一下. 我4/30~5/4 我好想學我以前幼稚園的小侄子撞傷就哭...... : 我哭在心裡. 當然不能哭出來呀! 但我有流淚. 過了幾天還好我沒被撞昏死.
        我的臉傷比起下列的狀況算small case, I guess.
        我又有這一種經歷.... 想起有人(嚴重)車禍或被k被打被揍或被棒球棒毆打頭或被暴力男打頭 或 家暴 或 被將頭撞牆或飛機失事有男人額頭被鐵片深割到額頭................. 會更是何等的痛呀!! 會是我的傷痛的好幾倍吧!! 想到有些好人和老實人被混蛋和壞人毆打和傷害就很為受害人不忍........ 身心是何等的痛和無奈啊!!
        像淡水百貨公司門口前有好幾個"大理石四角盆", 要是大人或小孩不小心跌倒或 奔跑(頭或手腳)撞到大理石尖角...., 不知要自認倒霉還是算在淡水百貨公司的責任上. 等一下來提醒淡水百貨公司. 結果看淡水捷運左處戶外外側也有很多尖角, 有的尖角被撞斷了, 一定被撞到. 我前幾天帶傷出門看到機車怕機車碰到我傷口....... ; 但到各地的大理石和尖角和大理石尖角更是害怕...........!!!
        很多商家也有很多尖角處. 經過都要很小心因受傷98%後果自負.
        看了我的故事, 你會更注意居家場所安全嗎?? 
        Merci Beaucoup. Danke. 多謝&感謝&謝謝你的(即刻)關心和關懷!!

        Christine Cheng
        連"保重"2字不願關心. 意外之至的慈濟人..... Dr. Peng is the second person 慈濟人 令我精訝的慈濟人.

        Christine Cheng
        DR. PENG,
        枉費我強力支持你兩年多.... ; 枉費我送過你小禮物.
        DR. PENG,
        之前本還以為你分數超高的. 但現 我對你好失望!!!
        人家都能將日期和周幾一併列出, 為何"那麼多台"的氣象台被反應6次還是不改??? 唉~!! 氣!! 多家氣象台硬不體貼觀眾!! 觀眾真無奈!! 真的要只看2台有列日期的那兩台氣象台 weather report.
         ·  · 推廣 · 

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