政府厚待英商罪人!!!!! 氣人!!!!!!!!!!!! 馬總統不是說要把他捉回台嗎??? 謊言嗎???
台灣人對台灣人都比較嚴厲 : 台灣公部門不會讓台灣罪犯遣逃出境, 卻可大方打膽縱放罪犯陰險奸詐沒良心的英商林克潁! = 氣死人!! 槍口不向外! = 很氣耶!! 台灣人不會捐公益或弱勢營養午餐... 好幾億, 但可捐日本311很多億元..... ; 台灣人常對外國人犯人或嫌疑犯"特優禮遇....." 以前看到單張照片, 今天看到以影音檔 VIDEO 呈現 : 海岸邊飛翔的信天翁,死後發現腹中全是塑膠垃圾...... BAD Dame British Mr. Zain Dean Drunk drive kill Taiwanese sentenced fled SWITERLAND & HIDE IN SWITERLAND. Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying = MR. Zain Dean request arresting wine fled to Switzerland
Actually catch back again to escape the government's foreign and domestic. President also said to be retaken. / More he escaped the more people will believe him guilty!!
To let foreigners bully Taiwanese. Gently bad British businessmen, judges on the Taiwanese not fair not hesitate! really outrageous! suck most of the civil servants!!! really did not the rotten justice and heartless people a lot!!! let it be true! Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying request arresting wine fled to Switzerland and France driving killed a dutiful son to send students reported that the unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying fled the country ‧ Foreign Ministry: do not rule out the "moral force" to Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences ‧ Lin Keying: I first left all the talent in Taiwan will listen to me ‧
"no consultations would never return to the station" Lin Keying blew the slip Switzerland ‧ human rights groups the Jury before returning to Taiwan, Chu was: the true experts ‧ Linke Ying Lin Keying his mother: and David does not look like I sent Birth family collapse ‧ a missing British supplier Lin Keying the killed children Huangjun De parent claims 10 million ► ► more nice content "ETtoday News Cloud
" let it be true! Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying fled to Switzerland and France to request the arresting Reviews: Jiaotusanku you too will be bypassed in a social center /
roundup fled the country in February 8, 2013 British businessmen Lin Keying the past few days constantly put words to escape to neutral first Three Swiss Ministry of Justice confirmed that the news is true, Lin Keying in Switzerland on the evening of the 7th; related units have been requesting, hope and arresting Lin Keying, handed over to Taiwan and brought to justice.
▼ Lin Keying a bunk in the past six months, the Ministry of Justice confirmed that others in Switzerland. Taiwan Branch (NCL Media), the British supplier grace Jubilee CEO Lin Keying (Zain Dean) three years ago, wine driving killed to send reported raw Huangjun De, in July last year, has been sentenced to four years in prison is rendered,
came out in August last year, the 29th 14th holding the British nationality whites passport from Taoyuan airport to fly to Bangkok, Thailand, the prosecution immediately issued arrest limitation to September 20, 120 years. Fled the country after Lin Keying across the sea facsimile published the three-point statement, said that the judicial authorities do 3:00 on the 1st of this month, he was willing to return to Taiwan. First of all, he wants to international human rights organizations as a trial observer; followed during the trial, in addition to human rights organizations, but also by the legitimate human rights units with hand-court; Finally, the time of the incident the key videotapes must be a court exhibit, because videotapes The content can prove that he is "innocent". But for Lin Keying out conditions, collected evidence to reject Lin Keying appealed his conviction to be followed the very appeal or retrial way to relief, rather than escape.
The London representative also strict refused, and urged Lin Keying as soon as possible back to the station and brought to justice. According to the latest news of the Foreign Ministry, Lin Keying in Switzerland, the Ministry of Justice has been made to the Swiss judicial authorities of the request, hope and arresting Lin Keying sent to Taiwan justice. Taiwan and Switzerland signed a Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement, but in the past several specific examples of judicial cooperation. Original URL: let it be true! Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying fled to Switzerland and France the Ministry request arresting the | ETtoday Social News | ETtoday News Cloud # ixzz2Kahj07lR Follow us: @ ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook the http :/ /
drunk driving killed dutiful son to deliver newspapers Health unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying abscond outbound social center / reports British supplier grace Jubilee Taiwan Branch (NCL Media) CEO Lin Keying (Zain Dean) 3 years ago for drunk driving killed newspaper delivery Health Huangjun De, in July last year, has been sentenced to four years in prison rendered, 29 Day outgoing white British nationals held on August 8 last year passport from Taoyuan airport to fly to Bangkok, Thailand, the prosecution immediately issued arrest aging to September 20, 120 years. Lin Keying Indian descent, dark complexion, that we should be able to holding whites passport departure,
the prosecution questioned airport officials negligent, first described with a witness interviewed by airport customs officers; addition, Lin Keying British passport holders the others exit, the prosecution in The evening has also been summoned to the White British, questioning why the passport will flow into the hands of the forest.
Lin Keying in the early hours of March 25, 2010, drunk driving killed the shoulder ends meet burden of dutiful son to deliver newspapers Health Huangjun De, results also commissioned surnamed Dong escape his girlfriend, Mercedes-Benz cars rushed to the accident Resource Recovery Park, exhibits attempt disintegration annihilation. North examination after death in accordance with the public danger, negligence, hit and run offenses he was charged, and has requested at 2 years and 6 months in prison, the court sentenced to four years' imprisonment sentence was Lin Keying, before the North seized winding execution,
regardless of exit restrictions still holding the others passports to illegal immigrants. Original URL: drunk driving killed dutiful son delivering newspapers Health unscrupulous British merchant Linke Ying Lam the exit the | ETtoday Social News | ETtoday News Cloud # ixzz2KaiwBHM0 Follow us: @ ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook
======== the political political focus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: let Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences with "moral force" does not exclude
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▲ British businessmen Lin Keying holding others Passport "bunk" provoked outrage. Reporter Chen Jiawen / Taipei in Taiwan wine for British businessmen Lin Keying driving accident, was sentenced to determine, however, took the others passport case fled the country, Foreign Ministry spokesman Xia Jichang said, has been linked with all Overseas Missions, a Lin Keying transfer hideout, but we received the relevant message, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be let through a variety of ways Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences, does not rule out the use of the "moral force".
▼ Foreign Ministry spokesman Xia Jichang. (Figure / reporter Chen Jiawen photo) Original URL: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: do not rule out the "moral force" to let Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences the | ETtoday Political News | ETtoday News Cloud # ixzz2KajSyF00 Follow us: @ ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook
Photos on my blog in English : OMG.Oh, my God!!! .海岸邊飛翔的信天翁,死後發現腹中全是塑膠垃圾...
Library of Most Controversial Files
This film should be seen by the entire world!
This video is about an island in the ocean at 2000 km from any other coast line. Nobody lives, only birds and yet, you will not believe what you will see here.
Please don't throw anything into the sea. Unbelievable, just look at the consequences.
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Hernando Espiritu WRITE: sad thing is that many of us will dismiss our participation in this by saying that we don't throw anything in the ocean. we dispose of our trash in the bin. Many wont see that the trash they throw in the bins indiscriminately will eventually find its way in the oceans because we do not really have the real consciousness of the impact of trash. Change must begin at home.
· 5324 · 2月17日17:29
Richard Macaraeg WRITE:PEOPLE are the most intelligent creatures here on Earth.... and the most STUPID.
263 · 2月18日20:01
Stevie Dee WRITE:This should be shown at schools around the world
· 344 · 2月18日16:19來自手機
Eric James WRITE: i will do my best to save the world... T_T kahit mag-isa lang ako..
1227 · 2月17日16:55
Graciacholo Pailonagoncero WRITE: No need to blame, do what u can and b a good example to your community. Start with your own home.