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2013-02-16 02:17:32| 人氣1,595| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

2/23 淡水福佑宮又要舉辦元宵聯歡晚會暨發放燈籠活動/ 公部門把流浪狗當垃圾嗎????

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【祝賀與頌禱】- 春到福到,新年到!



【祝賀與頌禱】- 春到福到,新年到!


相片:【祝賀與頌禱】- 春到福到,新年到!



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2013年1月24日 21:28


阿Ben和我到艋舺找到一家蝴蝶大旅社,想安排遊民到此洗熱水澡,他們卻不願意賺這八千元。經過當地周威佑市議員協助,也不得要領 。只好接受建議購買一千個24小時的暖暖包,如果每位遊民分給五個,就可以讓200 位遊民受惠,暫時局部的溫暖五天。

VIDEO: http://www.peopo.org/news/106335

阿Ben和我到艋舺找到一家蝴蝶大旅社,想安排遊民到此洗熱水澡,他們卻不願意賺這八千元。經過當地周威佑市議員協助,也不得要領 。只好接受建議購買一千個24小時的暖暖包,如果每位遊民分給五個,就可以讓200 位遊民受惠,暫時局部的溫暖五天。



發完之後,我可以帶大家去瞭解一下萬華的社福機構,參觀剝皮寮、品嚐有名的艋舺周記鹹粥 、阿婆油飯、好味餛吞、華西街大鼎肉羹

公民記者 謝明海
 ·  · 推廣 · 

這首經典老歌Can't Take My Eyes Off You大家都不陌生吧?! 

原唱是著名的白人靈魂樂團:四季合唱團(The Four Seasons )成員當中一員大將 Frankie Valli 法蘭琪瓦利所唱,這首歌是他最暢銷的歌曲。

翻唱此曲有 Sheena Easton 席娜伊斯頓 、 Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯於1967年10月的MV亦翻唱過此歌等......




★【歌手名字】: Frankie Valli 法蘭琪瓦利

★【歌曲名稱】: Can't Take My Eyes Off You


Can't take my eyes off you

You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.

Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak,
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.

I love you, baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay
And let me love you, baby.
Let me love you.

You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.

I love you, baby, 
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby,
Now that I found you, stay

VIDEO -1 : 
Andy Williams - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Singing, Live! Year 1967)

VIDEO -2 :http://tw.videos.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A8tUwXH3wB1RgH8AqCiW1gt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBrc3VyamVwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQD?p=CAN+T+TAKE+MY+EYES+OF+YOU&vid=3f7c326e58f0297d9d07f046840035ca&l=3%3A27&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DV.4874174610211180%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DK_r_2KRUvis&tit=Can%26%2339%3Bt+Take+My+Eyes+Off+You&c=6&sigr=11ap3qd0p&fr=crmas
 ·  · 推廣 · 
  • 卓亞雄說讚。

  • BAD Dame British Mr. Zain Dean Drunk drive kill Taiwanese sentenced fled SWITERLAND & HIDE IN SWITERLAND. Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying = MR. Zain Dean request arresting wine fled to Switzerland

    Actually catch back again to escape the government's foreign and domestic. President also said to be retaken. / More he escaped the more people will believe him guilty!!

    To let foreigners bully Taiwanese. Gently bad British businessmen, judges on the Taiwanese not fair not hesitate! really outrageous! suck most of the civil servants!!! really did not the rotten justice and heartless people a lot!!! let it be true! Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying request arresting wine fled to Switzerland and France driving killed a dutiful son to send students reported that the unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying fled the country ‧ Foreign Ministry: do not rule out the "moral force" to Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences ‧ Lin Keying: I first left all the talent in Taiwan will listen to me ‧

    "no consultations would never return to the station" Lin Keying blew the slip Switzerland ‧ human rights groups the Jury before returning to Taiwan, Chu was: the true experts ‧ Linke Ying Lin Keying his mother: and David does not look like I sent Birth family collapse ‧ a missing British supplier Lin Keying the killed children Huangjun De parent claims 10 million ► ► more nice content "ETtoday News Cloud

    " let it be true! Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying fled to Switzerland and France to request the arresting Reviews: Jiaotusanku you too will be bypassed in a social center /

    roundup fled the country in February 8, 2013 British businessmen Lin Keying the past few days constantly put words to escape to neutral first Three Swiss Ministry of Justice confirmed that the news is true, Lin Keying in Switzerland on the evening of the 7th; related units have been requesting, hope and arresting Lin Keying, handed over to Taiwan and brought to justice.

    ▼ Lin Keying a bunk in the past six months, the Ministry of Justice confirmed that others in Switzerland. Taiwan Branch (NCL Media), the British supplier grace Jubilee CEO Lin Keying (Zain Dean) three years ago, wine driving killed to send reported raw Huangjun De, in July last year, has been sentenced to four years in prison is rendered,

    came out in August last year, the 29th 14th holding the British nationality whites passport from Taoyuan airport to fly to Bangkok, Thailand, the prosecution immediately issued arrest limitation to September 20, 120 years. Fled the country after Lin Keying across the sea facsimile published the three-point statement, said that the judicial authorities do 3:00 on the 1st of this month, he was willing to return to Taiwan. First of all, he wants to international human rights organizations as a trial observer; followed during the trial, in addition to human rights organizations, but also by the legitimate human rights units with hand-court; Finally, the time of the incident the key videotapes must be a court exhibit, because videotapes The content can prove that he is "innocent". But for Lin Keying out conditions, collected evidence to reject Lin Keying appealed his conviction to be followed the very appeal or retrial way to relief, rather than escape.

    The London representative also strict refused, and urged Lin Keying as soon as possible back to the station and brought to justice. According to the latest news of the Foreign Ministry, Lin Keying in Switzerland, the Ministry of Justice has been made to the Swiss judicial authorities of the request, hope and arresting Lin Keying sent to Taiwan justice. Taiwan and Switzerland signed a Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement, but in the past several specific examples of judicial cooperation. Original URL: let it be true! Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying fled to Switzerland and France the Ministry request arresting the | ETtoday Social News | ETtoday News Cloudhttp://www.ettoday.net/news/20130208/162966.htm # ixzz2Kahj07lR Follow us: @ ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook the http :/ /www.ettoday.net/news/20130208/162966.htm



    drunk driving killed dutiful son to deliver newspapers Health unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying abscond outbound social center / reports British supplier grace Jubilee Taiwan Branch (NCL Media) CEO Lin Keying (Zain Dean) 3 years ago for drunk driving killed newspaper delivery Health Huangjun De, in July last year, has been sentenced to four years in prison rendered, 29 Day outgoing white British nationals held on August 8 last year passport from Taoyuan airport to fly to Bangkok, Thailand, the prosecution immediately issued arrest aging to September 20, 120 years. Lin Keying Indian descent, dark complexion, that we should be able to holding whites passport departure,

    the prosecution questioned airport officials negligent, first described with a witness interviewed by airport customs officers; addition, Lin Keying British passport holders the others exit, the prosecution in The evening has also been summoned to the White British, questioning why the passport will flow into the hands of the forest.

    Lin Keying in the early hours of March 25, 2010, drunk driving killed the shoulder ends meet burden of dutiful son to deliver newspapers Health Huangjun De, results also commissioned surnamed Dong escape his girlfriend, Mercedes-Benz cars rushed to the accident Resource Recovery Park, exhibits attempt disintegration annihilation. North examination after death in accordance with the public danger, negligence, hit and run offenses he was charged, and has requested at 2 years and 6 months in prison, the court sentenced to four years' imprisonment sentence was Lin Keying, before the North seized winding execution,

    regardless of exit restrictions still holding the others passports to illegal immigrants. Original URL: drunk driving killed dutiful son delivering newspapers Health unscrupulous British merchant Linke Ying Lam the exit the | ETtoday Social News | ETtoday News Cloudhttp://www.ettoday.net/news/20130129/158749.htm # ixzz2KaiwBHM0 Follow us: @ ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook


    http://www.ettoday.net/news/20130207/162656.htm the political political focus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: let Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences with "moral force" does not exclude

    【sleep with precedent Experts: sleep quality affect work performance and promotion speed

    ▲ British businessmen Lin Keying holding others Passport "bunk" provoked outrage. Reporter Chen Jiawen / Taipei in Taiwan wine for British businessmen Lin Keying driving accident, was sentenced to determine, however, took the others passport case fled the country, Foreign Ministry spokesman Xia Jichang said, has been linked with all Overseas Missions, a Lin Keying transfer hideout, but we received the relevant message, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be let through a variety of ways Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences, does not rule out the use of the "moral force".

    ▼ Foreign Ministry spokesman Xia Jichang. (Figure / reporter Chen Jiawen photo) Original URL: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: do not rule out the "moral force" to let Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences the | ETtoday Political News | ETtoday News Cloudhttp://www.ettoday.net/news/20130207/162656.htm # ixzz2KajSyF00 Follow us: @ ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook 

    Photos on my blog in English :http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1323935267
     ·  · 
  • 初一到初八.


     ·  · 推廣 · 

VIDEO. 流浪者 和 流浪夠. VIDEO.


有多少人知道先進國家將犬隻稱為”同伴動物”而非 “畜牲”? 

歡慶春節同時,寶貝狗協會推出第一部公益微電影 [無家的孩子],給大家一個沉澱的機會,為生命加分; 

微電影 [無家的孩子] 預告片已上架,歡迎瀏覽《 寶貝狗協會 》


也許,一連串的 北中南高澎 救援任務,還是,有許多救不完的貓狗,出不完的任務,但七年來卻仍然澆不息我們的心,有時候在執勤任務中往往遇到許多無奈與抉擇,在經費不足人力不足的情況下,我們能做多少事情?


全台有100 多個一樣在收捐款的動保團體,可是全台卻只有我們一個願意24H在救,案子多到不能睡覺仍救不及...還要被人罵被人批、反之,不做24h救援,卻仍可收捐款,可以睡可以過節,最重要是不用被人罵被人批,所以


只好啟動籌募建蓋 大台南月華護生保育場 方案:http://www.lco.org.tw/forum/topic714?fp=12


100.07.02.高點育樂台 印象壹佰 - LCO 照生會 貓狗119 專訪

【華視新聞】L.C.O. 流浪狗變身捐血犬,救活無數同伴


【LCO 照生會】公視我們的島節目,介紹一套人與狗的TNR共存的友善社區機制

2012.03.28. 這裡遇到愛節目 專訪 照生會 貓狗119

TVBS 的 2100全民開講節目,特邀本會執行長虎哥上節目為流浪貓狗發聲,讓流浪貓狗議題,可以讓更多人聽到及注意到


101.04.07.[ 東森新聞 ] 台灣啟示錄台灣安樂死真相

捐 款:合作金庫 鶯歌分行《 銀行代號 006 》帳 號: 3373–7170–0715–0,戶 名:社團法人新北市照顧生命協會

捐 款:郵局劃撥捐款:5008 8068,戶名:社團法人臺灣照顧生命協會

捐 款:ATM 捐款:700 帳號:0001938 - 0384451,戶名:社團法人臺灣照顧生命協會




照生聯盟總部 電話:2670-7161 傳真:2670-9409
照生聯盟總部 會址:239 新北市 鶯歌區 尖山路 174 巷 35 弄 25 號 1F

==== 請轉貼分享給別人! 謝謝!! 免費大小碎布料50 公斤有哪裡的狗或貓或動物&毛小孩需要布??捐哪請你建議/大台北有愛心和好心的鄭R.可載送 

若你在 大台北區 , 有愛心和好心的鄭先生可
免費 載 免費的布給狗狗或貓或動物! 要給
狗 或貓的布 的人 : 動作要快喔! 可留言告知我
或鄭先生的手機或鄭先生的 facebook 喔!

或留言在我的facebook 也可以. 但要快喔. 布是免費的. 最多可拿50 公斤的免費大小碎布.

我的facebook https://www.facebook/.

我 Christine 的facebook https://www.facebook/.


若你在"非大台北區"但能吸收運費, 我猜鄭先生

MR. 鄭弘昌 WRITE: 

布要捐到哪里? 大家給建議好嗎?

有哪裡的毛小孩(=狗狗 或 貓咪......)
需要乾淨免費布料50 公斤/.要捐到哪里?
載去EXTRA!。 免費布料要捐到哪里?

需要乾淨免費布料50 公斤/大台北有人要,

50 公斤,天冷狗須穿布衣! 先搶先拿先贏! 
應是免費的吧! 你和鄭R. 確認一下. 可能過年
沒地方可放. 現在是 2/9/2013 中午12:00

MR. 鄭弘昌 2/9/2013 P.M. 1:31 WRITE: 

特急件!!! 有成衣公司又清出1大袋乾淨布料
( 50 公斤重),,有哪裡的毛小孩需要乾淨布料,
請快跟 MR. 鄭弘昌說 TEL: 0980-245-693!!

不然會被清潔阿姨丟掉(1大袋乾淨布料) : 50 公斤重, 也許可分成幾袋送同一人或好幾人(要
或 你有地方可先過年前乾淨布料暫借放你
那裡等愛狗需布人士來領, 功德一件! 需要毛
小孩的布料請速連絡 MR. 鄭弘昌 TEL: 0980-245-693 


拼速度, 機會難得, 天冷狗須穿布衣!)!!!
先搶先贏! 先拿走先贏! 因可能過年沒地方可
放貨耶!! 原來是 50 公斤. 拼時間 : 請分享詢
問和傳閱, THANK YOU. 

* 特特特急件!!! 請問誰住三重&台北市和新北市??   請傳給你住和工作在三重&台北市
和新北市的朋友們!! 過年會很冷 狗狗們一定
很需要!   你有地方可先過年前乾淨布料暫
借放你那裡等愛狗需布人士來領, 功德一件! 
拼速度, 機會難得, 天冷狗須穿布衣!)!!!    先搶先贏! 先拿走先贏! 因可能過年沒地方可

* 請"分享"此急訊和速轉貼給狗狗有溫暖的
布料的功德舉手幫助一下受寒的狗狗! 誰需
要毛小孩的布料?? (是 2/8/2013 下午5 :
26 ) 應是免費的吧! 你和鄭R. 確認一下.

需要毛小孩的布料請速連絡 MR. 鄭弘昌 TEL: 0980-245-693 FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=549656188391502&id=100000413782444
MR. 鄭弘昌 TEL: 0980-245-693

若不要 50 KGS. 可看你要拿幾公斤. 因可能
放布, 還是可先放你們那邊若你不須這麼多或
還有人想慢領, 一切(誰先到先拿布, 但不知會
不會全被 需要布的愛狗人士 拿走)現是未知數. 

拼速度, 不然會被清潔阿姨丟掉(1大袋乾淨布料)!!! 請要的人電話跟MR. 鄭弘昌連絡,0980245693 MR. 鄭弘昌WRITE: 應該超過

MR. 鄭弘昌 TEL: 0980-245-693 WRITE:

2 小時前來自手機 ·= 2/8/2013 P.M. 1:30

緊急!!哪裡有毛小孩需要布料的!! MR. 鄭
弘昌(我) 2/8/2013 現在人在湯臣值班,有成
狗& 毛小孩需要,請快跟我(MR. 鄭弘昌)說!! 不然會被清潔阿姨丟掉(1大袋乾淨布料)!!!

請分享詢問和傳閱, THANK YOU. P.S.真好心&有愛心的 MR.鄭弘昌! 本來(3大袋乾淨布料) MR.鄭弘昌 WRITE: 慘,,只救到一袋,,其他

請速連絡 MR. 鄭弘昌 TEL: 0980-245-693 FACEBOOK :https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=549656188391502&id=100000413782444

MR. 鄭弘昌 TEL: 0980-245-693 最新 NEWS (2/8 P.M. 4:16 鄭弘昌 應該超50公斤,,因為我提到袋子破底,,0。0
23分鐘前來自手機 · 讚 · 1

MR.鄭弘昌 WRITE: 請要的人電話跟我連絡,0980-245-693
21分鐘前來自手機 · 讚 · 2

MR. 鄭弘昌 WRITE: 呼,,用跑500的速度衝去垃圾場,又救回—大袋.—小袋..不過都是碎布,,應該能鋪在底下,一樣能保暖吧!
約於 1 分鐘前來自手機 · 讚 · 2

MR. 鄭弘昌 WRITE: 快喘死了,,真是老了,,,,
在幾秒鐘前來自手機 · 讚 · 1 

Christine Chen WRITE: 你好棒! 你好讚! 辛苦你了!
2分鐘前 · 讚 · 1

MR. 鄭弘昌: 要的人快跟我(鄭弘昌)連絡,,,TEL: 0980-245-693 
約於 1 分鐘前來自手機 · 讚

MR. 鄭弘昌 : 沒有啦,只是盡一份心力而已, 

Mr. 鄭弘昌 write: 現在不止20公斤了,至少有50以上了,,=.=
37分鐘前來自手機 · 收回讚 · 2

Christine Chen write: 鄭先生, 辛苦你了! 你太讚了!

要捐到哪里? 大家給建議好嗎?

MR. 鄭弘昌 2/9/2013 P.M. 1:31 WRITE: 我把布料先放在湯臣,如果大台北有人要,我可以借車載去。



To donate to? Give suggestions please?

EXTRA! EXTRA ! Special courier! Where gross child needs 50 kg clean free cloth, cold weather dog shall wear a commoner first come first get first win! Should be free! Zheng R. and you confirm. Might no place to put the New Year. 2/9/2013 at noon 12:00, the MR. Zhenghong Chang 2/9/2013 PM 1:31 WRITE: I put the fabric first on Tomson, if greater Taipei someone want, I can borrow the car to go. Special urgent! Clothing company and cleared a large bag of clean cloth (50-kilogram), where gross child needs a clean cloth, quick with MR. The Zhenghong Chang said TEL: 0980-245-693 ! Or will clean aunt lost (1 sack clean cloth):

50 kg in weight, permission divided into several bags sent to the same person or several people (pouch best to bring their own bags afraid Mr. Cheng there not small bag), or you have a place to first over a year ago the clean cloth DECANTING put you where the dog need cloth who collar, merit one! need fabrics of wool kids dashing contact the MR. Zhenghong Chang TEL: 0980-245-693 fight speed, 

a rare opportunity, cold dogs are required to wear a commoner!) ! ! First, the first to win! First took first win! May the New Year no place Fanghuo the yeah!! Turned out to be 50 kg fight time: Share inquiry and circulated, THANK YOU. * Tete Te urgent!!! Who lived triple & Taipei and New Taipei City? ? Please forward to you live and work in the triple &

Taipei and New Taipei City friends! Chinese New Year will be very cold the dogs must really need! Do you have a place to first over years ago the clean cloth DECANTING put you where dog need a cloth people come and take a merit! fight speed, the opportunity is rare, cold weather dog shall wear a commoner!) ! ! The first to win the first! First took first win! May not place can Fanghuo the yeah New Year!! * "Share" acute hearing and speed posted to the dogs the warm cloth merit a show of hands to help catch cold dog the dog! 

who need children fabric hair?? (2/8/2013 afternoon 5:26) should be free! Zheng R., and you confirm. need fabrics of wool kids dashing to contact the MR of Zhenghong Chang TEL: 0980-245-693 

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=549656188391502&id=100000413782444 

MR. Zhenghong Chang TEL: 0980-245-693 if you do not want 50 KGS. watching you going to take a few kilograms. may not be the place to put the cloth, or may be the first place you over there if you do not need so many others would like to slow collar,

all (whoever to acquire a cloth might these two days no one to pick up take dogfight , but I do not know will not all the cloth dog lovers away) is unknown. spell speed, or cleaning aunt lost (1 bag of clean cloth)! ! ! People phone with MR. Zheng Hongchang contact, 0980245693 MR. Zhenghong Chang WRITE: It should be more than 20 kg, 

because I mentioned the bag to break at the end, 0. 0 MR of Zhenghong Chang TEL: 0980-245-693 WRITE: 2 hours ago from mobile phone · = 2/8/2013 PM 1:30 Emergency! ! Where children need fabric hair! ! MR. Zhenghong Chang (me) 2/8/2013 person on duty at the Tomson, the clothing company has cleared a big bag of clean cloth, where the wool kids need,

please hurry (MR. Zhenghong Chang) told me that! ! Or clean aunt lost (1 bag of clean cloth)! ! ! Share the inquiry and circulated, THANK YOU. PS nice heart & love MR. Zhenghong Chang! Originally (3 large bags of clean cloth) MR. Zhenghong Chang WRITE: miserable, only save to a bag of throw to garbage dump ,

dashing Contact MR. Zhenghong Chang TEL: 0980-245-693 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=549656188391502&id=100000413782444 the 

MR. of Zhenghong Chang TEL: 0980-245-693 latest NEWS (2/8 PM 4:16 Zhenghong Chang should be over 50 kg, because I mentioned the bag to break at the end 0 0 23 minutes ago from phone · Like · the MR of Zhenghong Chang WRITE: Please To the phone with I contact ,0980-245-693 21 minutes ago from the phone · Like · the MR. Zhenghong Chang WRITE: 

call, rushed to the garbage dump, ran 500, another rescued - sacks - pouch .. but are broken cloth, and should be able to shop at the bottom, the same can warm it! about 1 minute ago from the phone · Like · the MR. Zhenghong Chang WRITE: fast asthma death is really old, and in a few seconds ago from Mobile · Like · 1 by Christine Chen WRITE: Terrific! 

Hello praise you've worked hard! 2 minutes ago · Like · 1 MR. Zhenghong Chang: people want faster with my contact (Zhenghong Chang),,,. TEL: 0980 -245-693 in about 1 minute ago from mobile phone · Like MR. Zhenghong Chang: No, contribute, Mr. Zheng Hongchang write: now more than 20 kilograms, at least above 50, =. = 37 minutes ago from mobile phone · Like recover · 2 by

Christine Chen, write: Mr. Cheng, hard-you! Fantastic! MR. Zhenghong Chang 2/9/2013 PM 1:31 WRITE: the cloth first on Tomson If the greater Taipei someone I can borrow the car to go.


2/15  認養會!
基隆林媽媽狗場愛心認養會~尊重生命愛延續 102/02/15
相片:基隆林媽媽狗場愛心認養會~尊重生命愛延續 102/02/15

  • 10 VIDEOS 在此.

    請轉貼分享給別人! 謝謝! 免費大小碎布料50 公斤有哪裡的狗或貓或動物&毛小孩需要布??捐哪請你建議/布有大有小,小碎布也可以拿來鋪床/大台北有愛心和好心的鄭R.可載送 ,若你在 大台北區 , 有愛心和好心的鄭先生可免費 載 免費的布給狗狗或貓或動物! 動作要快喔! 機會難得, 天冷狗須穿布衣!)
    先搶先贏! 先拿走先贏! 
    但要快喔. 布是免費的. 50 公斤的免費大小碎布.

    若你在"非大台北區"但能吸收運費, 但你要出運費喔.

    鄭弘昌 WRITE: 
    布要捐到哪里? 大家給建議好嗎?

    有哪裡的毛小孩(=狗狗 或 貓咪) 
    需要乾淨免費布料50 公斤/要捐到哪里?
    MR. 鄭弘昌 TEL: 0980-245-693 

    EXTRA ! Where dogs or cats or animales needs 50 kg clean free cloth, please contact with MR. Zhenghong Chang said TEL: 0980-245-693
    洛杉磯18.8頻道「愛犬廣場」Charlie 訓犬教室「幼犬便訓」單元youtube網路濃縮版


This video attaced 67 VIDEOS ATTACHED on right side of this video.
2010年10月02日 為流浪動物苦爬 蕭閎仁演唱 "我是一隻流浪狗"

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