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2013-02-01 04:33:56| 人氣810| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Drunk driving kill man born British businessman Lin Keying

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我 最怕小人, 我最討厭小人, 對小人很無奈因黑心&自私小人世界各地處處在(無所不在 & 越來越多)!. 每個地方都有小人,通常,小人做人處事不太厚道,常以不良手段達成目的。與小人相處,稍不謹慎,會吃大虧;學會分辨小人,非常重要。他們言行有以下5大特 色:
http://blog.xuite.net/aceching/Alex/52362019?ref=rel 1.不要得罪小人 2.敬而遠之 3.說話謹慎⋯⋯更多

  1. 縱放英商林克穎 分隊長竟「表現良好」獲升官
    【集氣】用行動搶救林書豪 重登榮耀戰場!


    台 灣高等法院是在去年7月26日依酒駕、過失致死及肇事逃逸判林克穎4年有期徒刑,其中酒駕及過失致死部分確定,林克穎對肇逃部分提起上訴,案件還在最高法 院審理期間;林克穎卻在8月8日以友人名義購買8月14日從桃園機場起飛、行經泰國曼谷、目的地為英國倫敦的單程機票1張。
    檢 方傳喚當天查驗林克穎護照的移民署國境事務大隊游姓科員,他表示,因辨別能力差,「當下沒有認出來」。這名游姓科員不是菜鳥,是有20多年的證照查驗資歷 的移民官,會犯下這樣的錯誤,令人匪夷所思。離譜的是,縱放人犯當時的涂姓分隊長,去年12月還因為表現良好,升任國境隊副隊長。

    原文網址: 縱放英商林克穎 分隊長竟「表現良好」獲升官 | ETtoday社會新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲http://www.ettoday.net/news/20130130/159227.htm#ixzz2JTY66THn 
    Follow us: @ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook

    可惡!撞死送報生 英商發監前逃出境 | 撞死人英商落跑 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網 » 酒駕撞死送報生的英國商人林克穎遭判刑定讞.

    林R. WRITE: 台灣奇蹟
    昨天 19:25來自手機 · 讚 · 1
可惡!撞死送報生 英商發監前逃出境 | 撞死人英商落跑 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網 » 酒駕撞死送報生的英國商人林克穎遭判刑定讞.

林R. WRITE:  台灣奇蹟
昨天 19:25來自手機 · 讚 · 1

梁S. WRITE:  這種人怎沒給他限制出境呢?應有法條可以引渡回台吧?
昨天 19:32來自手機 · 讚

高R. WRITE:  黑的,白的,分不清?移民署出大包了。
昨天 19:32 · 讚

徐R. WRITE: 依我看又是一件台灣「懼外」案件,這應該是「有關單位」的背後「提點」後的結果,倒楣的被害人。大家都忘記多年前一個刑案,菲傭為錢把女主人殺了分屍,裝在垃圾袋丟棄路邊被發現。檢方查出她和男友涉重嫌,她男友是退伍的美軍波灣艇長,在台教英文,後來那美國人最後沒事回國了,菲傭被判刑,AIT沒「提點」嗎?我難信。

檢方和移民署,說法不一,漏洞百出!案情不單純!連Q比都分得出黑白,如果積極講習,連黑白都分不清,我們養這些官員做什? 只會說:歡迎出國??

陳S. WRITE:  請Q比出來協助辦案一下><"""
20 小時前 · 讚


English as below:

Drunk driving killed newspaper delivery born British businessman Lin Keying was rendered and sentence, collected evidence from previous the subpoena issued supervisors found his passport and exit holding a one Bairen You people, today issued arrest.
The prosecution pointed out that NIA officials may be involved in administrative negligence, criminal liability portion is still investigating, Lin Keying of friends involved in document forgery charges.

Immigration Department officials summoned the day checking passports collected evidence today as a witness, and a person who has summoned allegedly lent the passport to Lin Keying Bairen You the NIA officials telecommunications after being invited back.

Lin Keying British Indians, looks like blacks, even held in Taiwan to teach American English British Bairen You passports and exit from the Taoyuan International Airport on August 14 last year, and flew to Bangkok, Thailand, prosecution NIA can escape release feel surprised.

The British businessmen Lin Keying accused of 99 March, early morning drunk driving after four Zhongxiao East Road in Taipei, killed breadwinners newspaper delivery Health Huangjun De. Lin Keying denied the crime in the investigation, prosecution, and trial, argued that driving is the hotel's valet parking staff, he fell asleep in the car, do not know the accident.

The court summons witnesses and access to the monitoring video screen inquest, identified Lin Keying drunk driving car killed newspaper delivery Seng. But during the trial, Lin Keying look diffuse police gathering evidence untrue, alluding police officers conduct, but also to own foreigners identity to the media hype which were suppressed, has not reconciliation with the victims' families, vicious major.

Lin Keying in July last year, was sentenced to four years to determine summoned Lin Keying to the incident prison on September 21, collected evidence from last August, but the day Lin Keying yet reached the case, whereabouts unknown, during the prosecution commanding police summoned without forward. The prosecution today he issued arrest and the confiscation of NT $ 15 million premium.

The prosecution said that access to the monitor to the Taoyuan airport 11 than looks, Lin Keying held British passports friends outbound on August 14 last year, and found to Lin Keying booked tickets as early as August 8.

Full-text Web: Damn! Killed born British newspaper delivery hair prison escape exit | killed British business bunk | Domestic News | BBC News http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NATS10/7669747.shtml # ixzz2JSoKtqFs
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全文網址: 可惡!撞死送報生 英商發監前逃出境 | 撞死人英商落跑 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NATS10/7669747.shtml#ixzz2JSoKtqFs
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  3. 酒駕撞死送報生的英國商人林克穎遭判刑定讞,台北地檢署先前傳喚發監時,發現他持一名白人友人護照出境,今天發布通緝。







    全文網址: 可惡!撞死送報生 英商發監前逃出境 | 撞死人英商落跑 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NATS10/7669747.shtml#ixzz2JSoKtqFs 
    Power By udn.com

可惡!撞死送報生 英商發監前逃出境 | 撞死人英商落跑 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網 » 酒駕撞死送報生的英國商人林克穎遭判刑定讞.

林R. WRITE: 台灣奇蹟
昨天 19:25來自手機 · 讚 · 1

梁S. WRITE: 這種人怎沒給他限制出境呢?應有法條可以引渡回台吧?
昨天 19:32來自手機 · 讚

高R. WRITE: 黑的,白的,分不清?移民署出大包了。
昨天 19:32 · 讚

徐R. WRITE: 依我看又是一件台灣「懼外」案件,這應該是「有關單位」的背後「提點」後的結果,倒楣的被害人。大家都忘記多年前一個刑案,菲傭為錢把女主人殺了分屍,裝 在垃圾袋丟棄路邊被發現。檢方查出她和男友涉重嫌,她男友是退伍的美軍波灣艇長,在台教英文,後來那美國人最後沒事回國了,菲傭被判刑,AIT沒「提點」 嗎?我難信。

檢方和移民署,說法不一,漏洞百出!案情不單純!連Q比都分得出黑白,如果積極講習,連黑白都分不清,我們養這些官員做什? 只會說:歡迎出國??

陳S. WRITE: 請Q比出來協助辦案一下><"""
20 小時前 · 讚


English as below:

Drunk driving killed newspaper delivery born British businessman Lin Keying was rendered and sentence, collected evidence from previous the subpoena issued supervisors found his passport and exit holding a one Bairen You people, today issued arrest.
The prosecution pointed out that NIA officials may be involved in administrative negligence, criminal liability portion is still investigating, Lin Keying of friends involved in document forgery charges.

Immigration Department officials summoned the day checking passports collected evidence today as a witness, and a person who has summoned allegedly lent the passport to Lin Keying Bairen You the NIA officials telecommunications after being invited back.

Lin Keying British Indians, looks like blacks, even held in Taiwan to teach American English British Bairen You passports and exit from the Taoyuan International Airport on August 14 last year, and flew to Bangkok, Thailand, prosecution NIA can escape release feel surprised.

The British businessmen Lin Keying accused of 99 March, early morning drunk driving after four Zhongxiao East Road in Taipei, killed breadwinners newspaper delivery Health Huangjun De. Lin Keying denied the crime in the investigation, prosecution, and trial, argued that driving is the hotel's valet parking staff, he fell asleep in the car, do not know the accident.

The court summons witnesses and access to the monitoring video screen inquest, identified Lin Keying drunk driving car killed newspaper delivery Seng. But during the trial, Lin Keying look diffuse police gathering evidence untrue, alluding police officers conduct, but also to own foreigners identity to the media hype which were suppressed, has not reconciliation with the victims' families, vicious major.

Lin Keying in July last year, was sentenced to four years to determine summoned Lin Keying to the incident prison on September 21, collected evidence from last August, but the day Lin Keying yet reached the case, whereabouts unknown, during the prosecution commanding police summoned without forward. The prosecution today he issued arrest and the confiscation of NT $ 15 million premium.

The prosecution said that access to the monitor to the Taoyuan airport 11 than looks, Lin Keying held British passports friends outbound on August 14 last year, and found to Lin Keying booked tickets as early as August 8.

Full-text Web: Damn! Killed born British newspaper delivery hair prison escape exit | killed British business bunk | Domestic News | BBC Newshttp://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NATS10/7669747.shtml# ixzz2JSoKtqFs
Power By udn.com










全文網址: 可惡!撞死送報生 英商發監前逃出境 | 撞死人英商落跑 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NATS10/7669747.shtml#ixzz2JSoKtqFs
Power By udn.com
可惡!撞死送報生 英商發監前逃出境 | 撞死人英商落跑 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網 » 酒駕撞死送報生的英國商人林克穎遭判刑定讞.

林R. WRITE:  台灣奇蹟
昨天 19:25來自手機 · 讚 · 1

梁S. WRITE:  這種人怎沒給他限制出境呢?應有法條可以引渡回台吧?
昨天 19:32來自手機 · 讚

高R. WRITE:  黑的,白的,分不清?移民署出大包了。
昨天 19:32 · 讚

徐R. WRITE: 依我看又是一件台灣「懼外」案件,這應該是「有關單位」的背後「提點」後的結果,倒楣的被害人。大家都忘記多年前一個刑案,菲傭為錢把女主人殺了分屍,裝在垃圾袋丟棄路邊被發現。檢方查出她和男友涉重嫌,她男友是退伍的美軍波灣艇長,在台教英文,後來那美國人最後沒事回國了,菲傭被判刑,AIT沒「提點」嗎?我難信。

檢方和移民署,說法不一,漏洞百出!案情不單純!連Q比都分得出黑白,如果積極講習,連黑白都分不清,我們養這些官員做什? 只會說:歡迎出國??

陳S. WRITE:  請Q比出來協助辦案一下><"""
20 小時前 · 讚


English as below:

Drunk driving killed newspaper delivery born British businessman Lin Keying was rendered and sentence, collected evidence from previous the subpoena issued supervisors found his passport and exit holding a one Bairen You people, today issued arrest.
The prosecution pointed out that NIA officials may be involved in administrative negligence, criminal liability portion is still investigating, Lin Keying of friends involved in document forgery charges.

Immigration Department officials summoned the day checking passports collected evidence today as a witness, and a person who has summoned allegedly lent the passport to Lin Keying Bairen You the NIA officials telecommunications after being invited back.

Lin Keying British Indians, looks like blacks, even held in Taiwan to teach American English British Bairen You passports and exit from the Taoyuan International Airport on August 14 last year, and flew to Bangkok, Thailand, prosecution NIA can escape release feel surprised.

The British businessmen Lin Keying accused of 99 March, early morning drunk driving after four Zhongxiao East Road in Taipei, killed breadwinners newspaper delivery Health Huangjun De. Lin Keying denied the crime in the investigation, prosecution, and trial, argued that driving is the hotel's valet parking staff, he fell asleep in the car, do not know the accident.

The court summons witnesses and access to the monitoring video screen inquest, identified Lin Keying drunk driving car killed newspaper delivery Seng. But during the trial, Lin Keying look diffuse police gathering evidence untrue, alluding police officers conduct, but also to own foreigners identity to the media hype which were suppressed, has not reconciliation with the victims' families, vicious major.

Lin Keying in July last year, was sentenced to four years to determine summoned Lin Keying to the incident prison on September 21, collected evidence from last August, but the day Lin Keying yet reached the case, whereabouts unknown, during the prosecution commanding police summoned without forward. The prosecution today he issued arrest and the confiscation of NT $ 15 million premium.

The prosecution said that access to the monitor to the Taoyuan airport 11 than looks, Lin Keying held British passports friends outbound on August 14 last year, and found to Lin Keying booked tickets as early as August 8.

Full-text Web: Damn! Killed born British newspaper delivery hair prison escape exit | killed British business bunk | Domestic News | BBC News http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NATS10/7669747.shtml # ixzz2JSoKtqFs
Power By udn.com










全文網址: 可惡!撞死送報生 英商發監前逃出境 | 撞死人英商落跑 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NATS10/7669747.shtml#ixzz2JSoKtqFs
Power By udn.com

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