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G.I.E. English words & Demark Works & Chinese words

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繪本 : 綠島大象 繪本 ! * 年代主播高文音 say :綠島大象 讚!!! 「綠島大象」出書了大家都說 : 讚! Good. Great.

Kindly please share this message for all your friends. Thank you! ^_^ Chinese words & English words all on this message for your reference.

原來阿發(Afa 叔叔)是昨夜"星"辰從銀河星海天上掉下來的一顆美麗閃亮的小星星變成的環保大使跟大家 Say 嗨 ~ Hi 打招呼要來幫小朋友們實現綺麗夢想和圈住愉悅美好回憶的親善守護天使 ~ "大象爸爸" ~ 阿發叔叔!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

( 環保署副署長 : Super 環保大使 葉"欣"誠 STAR 叔叔 / Prof. Star C. Yeh : 可能也是天邊另一顆璀璨閃耀的大星星 Super Star 落凡塵變成的另一位環保大使也要來幫可愛純真的小朋友們實現幸福美夢 Making the wonderful dreams come true 的守護天使!! ) ^_^

讓我想起印度得獎電影 : "心中的小星星"! ^_^

阿發叔叔就像神奇的夢幻魔術師一樣將腐朽廢棄物活化升級變成"人見人愛溫柔安詳炫亮親切的美麗樂活大象(環保大使 : 綠島大象 G.I.E.) "陪伴更多小朋友渡過無數歡笑快樂的美好時光!! ^_&

很令我驚豔喜愛的 綠島大象 "晚安! 晚安!" video :


Photos all on my blog :

photo onhttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456361677735981&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&permPage=1

綠島大象 好漂亮又可愛! 小朋友們都同聲齊說 : 綠島大象 ))))))) 我愛你 ((((((((((. 

photo onhttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456362191069263&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&permPage=1

綠島大象也跟妳說聲 : 晚安! 晚安喽~! 明天再見! 祝小朋友甜蜜好夢連連! 美夢成真! Make sweet dreams come true. Good night! Jolly night! Every night! 滿心喜安恬!

願明日的彩虹 Rainbow 也賜給你神奇的力量!

P.S. 我特別喜歡這支 Video & 聽這首歌. 此 video 可當兒歌教學唱遊. 算環保大使的主題歌吧! 很棒! 此 video 畫的真好, 很感動人心!! Good night! Jolly night! 我都要聽很多遍 (才要去睡! ) 滿心喜安恬~~~!

我也很喜歡綠島大象繪本中畫的人物和好可愛的小朋友喲~! 連校長和阿發都被畫的好像和傳神喲~! 綠島大象繪本是由得過獎的繪畫師創作團隊繪畫........, 綠島大象繪畫從發想到創作完成歷時近三年. 綠島大象感謝葉欣誠教授和李萬吉董事長和十位以上的長官和好朋友們的大力幫忙和協助是萬分感謝!!!

連繪本中的各頁顏色都好美好棒好漂亮和溫馨有吸引力栩栩如生和鮮明又柔和喔! 又讓我驚豔一次! 哇~! 是一本有感情有新生命力有魅力用心精心畫寫做出的令人讚歎剛仔細一看原來有位美女不但在反拍眾多攝影師帥哥們和美女們, 原來她之前是先趕緊捉到好時機和機會近距離先趕快拍兩大帥哥 ( No. 1帥的 "季帥" 和 No. 2帥的 "葉帥" ) 兩張清析照片留做珍貴紀念! 聰明啊! 

(p.s. 我們都不知有被影音錄影耶! ) 好多人跑到前面去幫大家拍合照, 場面也很壯觀!!! 還好主辦人和記者們聰慧過人, 事前有預告會有交換信物的儀式和長期關心環境教育的環保署葉副署長和季處長和康軒的大老板李萬吉老闆 Oct. 5, 2012 到場. 所有觀眾幾乎都是有備而來帶相機來照相和補捉這"歷史性的重要一刻". 加上美麗大方的翻譯解說小姐和貴賓們的參與, 整個綠島大象發表會和丹麥環教研討的過程非常溫馨圓滿成功! Perfect. Good job. Well done!

P.S. 丹麥季處長那天送大象的禮物"非常非常非常地美喔~!" 我有很近距離的欣賞!!! ^_^Smile.

綠島大象 Green Island Elephant 送季處長的是國內知名藝術家林冠廷所創作的無價墨寶! ^_^

人人愛大象! 大象愛地球!

著實使人感動的環保大使 : 守護神 ~ 綠島大象一連串的溫馨故事和點點滴滴及如何完成大家和小朋友 可愛純真的心願!! 

我超喜歡綠島大象 logo / mark 標誌, video 上還加上注音喔 和顏色尤其是臉上的紅色愛心 昨天我看完 "康軒 學習雜誌 TOP945 / 2012年7月1日 :第216期 : 哇~! 好好看喲~! 有綠島大象和阿發和欣誠叔叔......" 我又哇了一聲! 也很棒!     我又驚豔 SURPRISE 兩次! 那是更詳細導讀. 尤其我聽完那片聲音 CD 片配音員訴說綠島大象的傳奇故事後, 我鄭重地推薦書迷粉絲們閱讀此兩本. ^_^


因"綠島大象環境教育繪本"是由得過獎的繪畫創作團隊繪畫............, 且"綠島環境教育大象繪本"真的是中外我看過最漂亮的一本繪本,我鄭重地推薦繪本書迷粉絲們"綠島大象環境教育繪本"

人人愛大象! 大象愛地球!

綠島大象繪畫從發想到創作完成歷時近三年. 綠島大象感謝葉欣誠教授和李萬吉董事長和十位以上的長官和好朋友們的大力幫忙和協助是萬分感謝!!!

P.S. 丹麥季處長那天送大象的禮物"非常非常非常地美喔~!" 我有很近距離的欣賞!!! ^_^Smile.

綠島大象送季處長的是國內知名藝術家林冠廷所創作的無價墨寶! ^_^

人人愛大象! 大象愛地球!

綠島大象在台灣11個縣市舉辦60多場環教活動, 綠島大象去過總統府和中正紀念堂&故宮和花博及動物園和各地有名之處.........., 明年曜坐船出國宣揚環教喽~!!! youtube 查綠島大象可看到很多 "綠島大象 的 videos." ^_^


10月5日辦的很好, 很精彩, (還好我有去. 陣容不錯很好, 插話畫繪畫家和相關的很多朋友們還有請民視主播 :何文堯先生當主持人且還有多位名人送很多花藍致意. 坐無虛席還有追加席墊椅也有人站最後面, 也有人全程攝影錄影......, 有新聞台去採訪他們....)

參加的觀眾人數好像比別場多很多, 各主講人講的內容很豐富講的很好, 大家很踴躍發問還保問題, 當到了交換信物(如上圖)的重要時刻幾乎每位觀眾都拿著大小不一的相機向前爭先拍照, 綠島大象的粉絲們非常熱情和踴躍.... 感覺很成功和轟動.圓滿成功! 看的出主辦的用心! 大成功! ^_^

剛仔細一看原來有位美女不但在反拍眾多攝影師帥哥們和美女們, 原來她之前是先趕緊捉到好時機和機會近距離先趕快拍兩大帥哥 (季帥和葉帥) 兩張清析 Handsome 照片留做珍貴紀念! 聰明啊! Smart! (p.s. 我們都不知有被影音錄影耶! ) 好多人跑到前面去幫大家拍合照, 場面也很壯觀!!! 還好主辦人和記者們聰慧過人, 事前有預告會有交換信物的儀式和長期關心環境教育的環保署Star葉副署長和季處長 和 康軒的大老板李萬吉老闆 Oct. 5, 2012 到場. 所有觀眾幾乎都是有備而來帶相機來照相和補捉這"歷史性的重要一刻". 加上美麗大方的翻譯解說小姐和貴賓們的參與, 整個綠島大象發表會和丹麥環教研討的過程非常溫馨圓滿成功! Perfect. Good job. Well done!

2位穿淡粉色上衣+另2位穿白色上衣 : 畫面顏色非常協條(我猜是心有靈晰的默契.) 我最驚豔的事之一是丹麥將環境教育課程納入各小學各科的課程例如:自然課和國文課和英文課......等等由老師自行安排 這可心植人心, 面面俱到, 從小教起....., 繪本做的真好, 可在書店和金石堂買的到. 

(綠島大象繪本是由得過獎的繪畫師創作團隊繪畫........, 綠島大象繪畫從發想到創作完成歷時近三年. 綠島大象感謝葉欣誠教授和李萬吉董事長和十位以上的長官和好朋友們的大力幫忙和協助是萬分感謝!!!)

video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFdVDtgNkzo&continue_action=VUg9rDCdqoMU1_ld0323bMQeIYF6Za4Y9c3KWoLEMQsGd9FQs6kitoD7Tt9fmnF3F-3IkWEm7mgeQIiaHeqNvggSesFMg49TcWxiy3f2Mig%3D

綠島大象 FB :https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

p.s.-1 聽說此次發表會百忙之中抽空參加的葉欣誠老師 Dr. S. Cheng Yeh 也是大力支持和幫忙綠島大象的重要朋友們之一喔! 

p.s.-2 丹麥商務辦事處季安昇好帥喔~!!! 


* 年代主播高文音 say :綠島大象 讚!!!


「綠島大象」G.I.E. 出書了 大家都說:讚!!!


我以前去看過比利時尿尿小童&丹麥小美人魚, 以後"綠島大象也會去訪視交流比利時尿尿小童比利時" , 預計去國外六國熱心推動臺灣環境教育!

( Taiwan 人見人愛溫柔安詳的 綠島大象第一站明年先去丹麥和小美人魚交朋友宣導環教! )


6 photos on :https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1


photos :https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456362191069263&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&theater

Elephant photo on :https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456359801069502&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&theater


* 年代主播高文音 say :綠島大象 讚!!

Photos on my blog : 


綠島大象+李孟發Afa 感謝 聯合報記者李蕙君小姐, 熱心報導大象出版繪本的新聞。

綠島大象+李孟發 感謝 國立教育廣播電台胡美足小姐, 熱心報導大象出版繪本的新聞。


李孟發 Afa 說,最感謝環保署副署長葉欣誠 ( Shin C. Yeh ) 的協助,讓許多小朋友與綠島大象接觸,在它身上領略到環境與人的關係;丹麥商務辦事處長季安昇也為綠島大象的故事所動容,認為這與丹麥「小美人魚」銅像有異曲同工之妙。

李孟發 Afa 說,「小美人魚」的命運比「綠島大象」乖舛,歷經兩次的世界大戰、斷頭、斷腳,甚至被丟入河中,最後還是被拯救,如今已是丹麥象徵性的公共藝術與文化資產;明年綠島大象有機會前進丹麥,展現台灣另一層面的環境教育意涵。

Afa's mail box : afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

Afa is Elephant Deddy.

綠島大象 FB :https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts


作者:胡美足 | 國立教育廣播電台 – 2012年10月8日 上午11:31 「綠島大象」出書了 

「綠島大象」G.I.E.出書了 大家都說:讚!

」,與康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本,除了保留「綠島大象」廢棄物活化再利用及臺東縣公館國小師生夢想啟發的故事外,「綠島大象」爸爸李孟發Afa Deddy 更盼望藉由繪本書,鼓勵更多人重視臺灣環境教育,珍惜身邊萬事萬物,並能以行動一起來愛地球保護美麗大地!

10月5號「綠島大象」繪本書發表會,更牽起「綠島大象」與「小美人魚」情緣!在行政院環保署副署長葉"欣"誠 ( Children's Super "STAR Uncle" ) 與 Super Handsome 丹麥商務辦事處長季安昇等貴賓見證下,舉行了「丹麥小美人魚」與「綠島大象」互換信物儀式,明年(2013年)「小美人魚」100歲生日,2013年「綠島大象」除計畫前往祝壽外,還將與丹麥交流臺灣環境教育現況與今年底將出版的「綠島大象」環境教育教材。Wa! Great! ^_&

「綠島大象」今年27歲,原本是綠島小學裡的一座大象溜滑梯,因為年久失修成為廢棄物而遭上網拍賣,被臺東子弟李孟發 Afa 以 NTD100元標售下來,並且在"綠島公館國小校長姚麗吉"等當地文化環境工作者共同努力下,「綠島大象」重新擁有了新生命 New Life。 The special story is also reconded on a CD.

從2010年2月迄今,小巧可愛的「綠島大象」擔任環境教育大使,推動「綠島大象遊臺灣」,在臺灣本島11個縣市舉辦了60多場推廣環境教育活動 in Taiwan。






綠島大象宣導環保 到丹麥找「小美人魚」

2012.10.08 03:58 am

「綠島大象」出繪本,環保教育更進一步透過閱讀在大人、小孩心中扎根。 圖/李孟發提供

Green Island Elephant

從廢棄物變環保大使的「綠島大象」,它的故事最近 Oct. 5, 2012 出版繪本,讓更多人透過閱讀體會到愛與環境保護的重要性;這兩年,綠島大象環台宣導環保教育,明年也有機會到丹麥與「小美人魚」見面,分享相似的命運故事。

「綠島大象」原本是台東縣綠島鄉公館國小的大象溜滑梯,有近30年歷史,長久失修,且已逾安全使用期限;3年前校方報廢在網路拍賣,被台東子弟、文化工作者李孟發Afa Uncle 發現,想到自己幼年最喜歡躲在學校大象滑梯下發呆的回憶,以Ntd100元標購。



李孟發說,最感謝 "環保署副署長葉欣誠 (Prof. S. C. Yeh) 的協助,讓許多小朋友與綠島大象接觸,在它身上領略到環境與人的關係;丹麥商務辦事處長季安昇也為綠島大象的故事所動容,認為這與丹麥「小美人魚」銅像有異曲同工之妙。


全文網址: 綠島大象宣導環保 到丹麥找「小美人魚」 | 基宜花東 | 地方新聞 | 聯合新聞網 

Power By udn.com


Green Island Elephant

好棒 video, 歌真好聽. 



Green Island Elephant


大家感佩李孟發 Afa 活化了綠島大象的 New & Wonderful 生命力,且更擴大了它對環境的教育啟發,透過這項推廣活動,期望不論是學童或教師,尤其是日常生活中的食、衣、住、行、育、樂,都要仔細思考隨手丟的物品是否能再利用,讓資源展延壽命,減緩地球能源耗竭速度,致力低碳綠能目標。 

綠島大象G.I.E.透過實際運動表達理念,更以巡迴全國、校園方式,紮根學生心中,希望從新竹市的全力支持擴展到其他縣市,串起生活環境教育意識。 提出綠島大象活化計畫,經由島上的國小學生發揮創意,把破舊的大象大變身使其重生 & Change to New Life,成為廢棄物活化再利用的最佳代言者,舊社國小很開心播放綠島大象紀錄片、綠島大象動畫片、綠島大象DIY活動、綠島大象環境教育繪本故事等,啟發學童認識環境教育,並在生活中應用。

舊社國小很開心更以實際資源回收再利用的環境教育,由孩子們親手做禮物送給人見人愛溫柔安詳炫亮親切美麗的綠島大象,充份達到活動目的,寓教於樂成功圓滿。 Successful.


由國立臺灣師範大學、臺北市中山堂、臺北書院主辦「101年度環境教育講座」,於10月5日在台北書院發表深具環境教育意義的「綠島大象」繪本,並邀請丹麥商務辦事處處長­季安昇「從小美人魚雕像,談丹麥公共藝術保存」說明丹麥環境教育及環保概念。與會人士包括 "康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉" 、 "環教所教授暨環保署副署長葉欣誠 Dr. Star / Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh" 、 環境安全衛生中心主­任方偉達、臺北市文化局副局長林慧芬、臺北市中山堂管理所黃國琴主任,共同關注環境教育的重要。






朋友們 切記




與會人士包括康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉、環教所教授暨環保署副署長葉欣誠 STAR UNCLE 、環境安全衛生中心主­任方偉達、臺北市文化局副局長林慧芬、臺北市中山堂管理所黃國琴主任,共同關注環境教育的重要。

請看 video 報導 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

由國立臺灣師範大學、臺北市中山堂、臺北書院主辦「101年度環境教育講座」,於10月5日在台北書院發表深具環境教育意義的「綠島大象」繪本,並邀請丹麥商務辦事處處長­季安昇「從小美人魚雕像,談丹麥公共藝術保存」說明丹麥環境教育及環保概念。 與會人士包括康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉、環教所教授暨環保署副署長葉欣誠 Dr. S. Cheng Yeh、環境安全衛生中心主­任方偉達、臺北市文化局副局長林慧芬、臺北市中山堂管理所黃國琴主任,共同關注環境教育的重要。

請看 video 報導 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU


photo :https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456357197736429&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&theater


photo :https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456357077736441&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&theater

很令我驚豔的 video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PFdVDtgNkzo#! Wa. video : 綠島大象到舊社作客-精華版.avi /// 

VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=7ZMoFasMu_E

101/10/05廢棄物展現環境保育真諦 綠島大象往丹麥尋兒時夢.wmv


video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbMpW5IDI48&feature=plcp



video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tYZeXIN1cZA#!

13 years old good speach with Chinese words & with English for all people & men & women & child / children.


Taiwan綠島 2 view:

video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=2RQnJJ6vUcY&NR=1


我對綠島大象很感動! youtube 有很多綠島大象videos.


好棒 video, 歌真好聽. 


Green Island Elephant

請看 video 報導 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU



Wa. video : 綠島大象到舊社作客-精華版.avi /// 

VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=7ZMoFasMu_E

101/10/05廢棄物展現環境保育真諦 綠島大象往丹麥尋兒時夢.wmv

video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbMpW5IDI48&feature=plcp







許市長與學童一起戴上大象頭罩,與楊校長一同為綠島大象掛上用廢光碟串起的項鍊,學童們也一一秀出自己親手做的禮物,送給綠島大象,許市長還帶領大家爬上綠島大象玩溜滑梯,證明人見人愛溫柔安詳炫亮親切美麗的綠島大象還能陪伴許多童年,給孩子生活歡笑。 Smiling. ^_^

新聞資料聯絡人:城市行銷處公關與新聞科 / 張大勇 / 聯絡電話:5216121-470





*信物 丹麥小美人魚」: 超精緻漂亮的喔~~~!!!

台北/臺灣環教講座 發表「綠島大象」繪本

2012/10/05 19:17 



為了支持臺灣在地環境教育故事「綠島大象」及推動臺灣國際環境教育交流,Oct. 5 特於北市中山堂臺北書院安排「綠島大象」環境教育繪本新書發表會,同時並在丹麥商務辦事處季安昇、行政院環保署副署長葉欣誠 Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh 、康軒文教董事長李萬吉、綠島大象爸爸李孟發 Afa Daddy 等貴賓見證下完成「丹麥小美人魚」與「綠島大象」互換信物儀式,會中特別邀請丹麥商務辦事處季安昇處長,針對丹麥環境教育議題「從小美人魚雕像談丹麥公共藝術保存」發表演說。

今年 2012 年,「綠島大象」來到臺北,為鼓勵社會大眾重視環境教育,特別和"台灣師範大學"、台北市中山堂、中華民國水資源環境教育學會、 "康軒文教事業"、台北書院及「綠島大象」合作舉辦6場「101年度環境教育講座」。期盼透過輕鬆議題,分享綠色生活經驗,進而鼓勵大朋友小朋友一同以行動共同來推動臺灣的環境教育。

boss : video :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmENMTxuyxc&feature=player_embedded#!


P.S. 詳細商品資料:http://www.k9books.com.tw/ec99/knsh/GoodsDescr.asp?category_id=269&parent...p.s. video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MWfMw3C6nk&feature=plcp

「大象的繪本 10/5/2012 OCT. 5 終於上市了」:「綠島大象環境教育繪本新書發表會」於 (10/5) Oct. 5, 2012下午2點在台北市中山堂3樓 (台北書院)舉辦,歡迎大家有空來為我們加油及祝福。
I wnt there on Oct. 5, 2012.

Taiwan綠島 1video -1 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=6hq5EQAJ6LM

Taiwan綠島 3video -3 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYXbW6NxIHU&feature=relmfu%E7%B6%A0%E5%B3%B6%E5%A4%A7%E8%B1%A1%E5%88%B0%E8%88%8A%E7%A4%BE%E4%BD%9C%E5%AE%A2-%E7%B2%BE%E8%8F%AF%E7%89%88.avi /// 

VIDEO :https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=7ZMoFasMu_E

101/10/05廢棄物展現環境保育真諦 綠島大象往丹麥尋兒時夢.wmv

video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbMpW5IDI48&feature=plcp 康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉 

book boss story video :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmENMTxuyxc&feature=player_embedded#! 



與會人士包括康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉、環教所教授暨環保署副署長葉欣誠 Prof. Shin Cheng Yeh 、環境安全衛生中心主­任方偉達、臺北市文化局副局長林慧芬、臺北市中山堂管理所黃國琴主任,共同關注環境教育的重要。

* 感謝聯合報記者李蕙君小姐,


請看 video 報導 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

由國立臺灣師範大學、臺北市中山堂、臺北書院主辦「101年度環境教育講座」,於10月5日在台北書院發表深具環境教育意義的「綠島大象」繪本,並邀請丹麥商務辦事處處長­季安昇「從小美人魚雕像,談丹麥公共藝術保存」說明丹麥環境教育及環保概念。 與會人士包括康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉、環教所教授暨環保署副署長葉欣誠、環境安全衛生中心主­任方偉達、臺北市文化局副局長林慧芬、臺北市中山堂管理所黃國琴主任,共同關注環境教育的重要。

請看 video 報導 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU Taiwan綠島 2 view:

video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=2RQnJJ6vUcY&NR=1

Taiwan綠島 1
video -1 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=6hq5EQAJ6LM

Taiwan綠島 3
video -3 : 








新聞資料聯絡人:城市行銷處公關與新聞科 張大勇 


主講人:氣象達人 彭啟明博士 10/27, 10/28, 11/4/2012


2011開卷好書BV 《千里步道,環島慢行》千里步道籌畫中心X宥勝 / 
低碳旅遊達人 周聖心 老師
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=67PcDEHCyg0#!


節氣調適綠生活宣傳講座 主講人:氣象達人 彭啟明博士 10/27, 10/28, 11/4/2012





10/27 (六)



Map & Bus :http://www.tphcc.gov.tw/sitemap/map.asp

1.氣象達人 彭啟明 博士

2.風水達人 李咸陽 老師

3.低碳旅遊達人 周聖心 老師

線上報名 : 120 chairs.



10/28 (日)


1 氣象達人 彭啟明 博士

2.低碳飲食達人 張翡珊 老師

3.低碳達人 張楊乾 先生

線上報名 : 120 chairs.



11/4 (日)


1.氣象達人 彭啟明 博士

2.風水達人 李咸陽 老師

3.低碳飲食達人 張翡珊 老師

線上報名 : 120 chairs.


Lots of 比利時(Belgium) Photos : 認識比利時(Belgium)~


比利時照片—歐洲比利時精選照片 - TripAdvisor



Cut Co2 節能減碳教師研習會 speach :

報名 :http://ecolife.epa.gov.tw/cooler/project/Discussion/Teacher_Fairs.aspx


因此,行政院環境保護署特於本(101)年 10月24日 及 11月7日 舉辦2場次「節能減碳教師研習會」活動,透過環保教育師資培育,將節能減碳觀念導入校園,從小建立起學童日常生活節能減碳的習慣,並達到以學生為中心,進而帶動到家庭及社區,使全民都能具體落實節能減碳行動,並積極將節能減碳推展為全民運動,讓環保能成為一份共識、一種習慣、一個永續傳承之目標。

日期 場次 地點 地址



時間 課程內容


TOP945 Magize : 康軒學習雜誌




TOP945 Magize : 康軒學習雜誌





以「大手牽小手,一同獻愛心,一張畫紙捐一元」為宗旨,鼓勵親子一 同創作,請孩子以繪圖表現出「Happy彩繪動物園」,現在畫一張畫, 就幫您捐一元給財團法人羅慧夫顱顏基金會喔!

或可於規定時間內至網路下載A4尺寸後放大為B4張貼於8開圖畫紙 自行寄送至「231新北市新店區中興路二段218巷11號 『Happy彩繪動物園』繪圖活動專案小組收」



【第一名】 1名,獎金5,000元、六福村免費入園卷5張、獎狀乙只、Top945康軒學習雜誌24期(總價值16,410元)
【第二名】 1名,獎金4,000元、六福村免費入園卷5張、獎狀乙只、Top945康軒學習雜誌12期(總價值11,930元)
【第三名】 1名,獎金3,000元、六福村免費入園卷3張、獎狀乙只、Top945康軒學習雜誌6期(總價值7,410元)
【優等獎】 5名,六福村免費入園卷 1 張、獎狀乙只、Top945康軒學習雜誌6期(總價值2,630元)
【佳 作】 50名,獎狀乙只、六福村吉祥物玩偶一個
【入 選】 50名,獎狀乙只、2013羅慧夫公益年曆一本








康軒學習雜誌 :


【活動對象】 Top945現訂戶
【抽獎時間】 每季抽獎一次,固定於每年3月、6月、9月、12月的25號進行抽獎作業。

【獎項說明】 1.《Top945康軒學習雜誌》三個月共6期(價值1,740元)—1名

(1) 分享者上傳的文章及照片經系統確認後,將同步分享於「讀者分享區」,並享有抽獎資格。
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(3) 每季得獎名單公佈於Top945康軒學習雜誌網站「首頁活動快訊中」,本公司將主動以電話及e-mail通知中獎者,若未回覆將視同放棄得獎資格。
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(5) 感謝您參與本活動,未來您將不定期收到本公司相關資訊。








Top945康軒學習雜誌 :



Top945康軒學習雜誌 :









ON: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=128180267226636&set=a.128180263893303.13494.128161557228507&type=1&theater 康軒文教基金會101年度育幼院康軒版參考書寄贈活動持續進行中,謝謝受贈單位的謝據。(圖片為今年6月至今所收到的謝據)



及 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=257283804316281&set=a.128180263893303.13494.128161557228507&type=1&theater

和 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=244600692251259&set=a.145864035458259.28029.128161557228507&type=1&theater


good way for save money. 家有妙招-善用舊T恤巧變收納袋-只要用一點點小巧思,即省錢又耐用: http://youtu.be/whdsUuCMY-Q 

經由 @youtube 家有妙招-善用舊T恤巧變收納袋-只要用一點點小巧思,即省錢又耐用













手抄紙達人 陳淑燕老師,

10月27日(六) 環保手工皂專家 陳秋菊老師,

感謝 呂縉宇先生(山豬大哥)帶來精采的分享~

很感謝 呂縉宇先生(山豬大哥),


手抄紙達人 陳淑燕老師,

10月27日(六) 環保手工皂專家 陳秋菊老師,

很感謝 呂縉宇先生(山豬大哥),



張貼者: 知本自然教育中心 

張貼者: 知本自然教育中心 




恭賀!! 林務局自然教育中心8間全部通過『環境教育設施場所認證』~


Draws this:The Taiwan's Elephant : Green island elephant draws this! 康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本 * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say : The Green island big portrait inscription!!! 


Kindly please share this message for your friends. Tks. ^_^

There are English words & Chinese words for your reference. Please share it.

Taiwan's Elephant video. English words & Chinese words as below 

Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

(Environmental protection bureau vice superintendent : Environmental protection Ambassador Dr. S. C. Yeh : 
"joyful" honest STAR Uncle "Prof. Star C. Yeh" : Possibly also is the horizon another radiant sparkle big star falls environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream guardian angel in Taiwan!!! )

Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the liked at first sight gently to dazzle likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant to accompany serenely more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! 

video :


I also very much like the character who draws this picture becoming reconciled the lovable child yo! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo! 

“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!
Which original Arab League sends is which environmental protection ambassador who the space falls glistens the small star turns to have beautifully to come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ "elephant daddy" ~ Arab League to send uncle!! 

In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 

(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have the exchange faith token ceremony and to care about for a long time environment education environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji Oct. 5, 2012 arrived. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


[Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xincheng Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Lyu island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

Mr. Afa's mail box is afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

Afa is the elephant deddy.

In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

Is causing environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron God ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 

I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also adds on the phonetic notation oh and on the color in particular face red compassion. Yesterday I looked at Kang porch TOP945 I ha! wA! Also is very good! Also is startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two. P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “


On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

Mr. Afa can receive your messages if you post on his FB : 

p.s.-1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 



* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


Some 23 year historical elephant modelling abandonment slides the slide, Taitung juniors Li Meng Fa does not endure the Green island person childhood memory finally to walk into the tipping site, proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, old society country small today broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life. 


From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Lyu island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impels “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really! 


“The Green island elephant” has published book(s) 

Thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun,
reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

“the small mermaid”http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM7/7415430.shtml Lyu island elephant guidance environmental protection to "Denmark"


“The Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
Chart/Li Meng sends provides

Green Island Elephant

To change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Greenisland elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.

“The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

“The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

Two years ago “the Greenisland elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.


Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Taiwan's Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.

Full text website: Looks for “the small mermaid” the Green island elephant guidance environmental protection to Denmark

* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!

Photos on my blog: 


Green island elephant + Li Meng sends Afa thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

Green island elephant + Li Meng Fa thanks state-run education broadcasting station Miss Hu American foot, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

Attagirl video, the song is really pleasant to hear. 

The elephant which abandons is slid the slide, for the realization care environment dream youth, they hand in hand lets more people see, waste disposal again use splendid course.

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

p.s. - 1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able to pump out the participation leaf joyful honest Mr./Mrs. Dr. S. Cheng Yeh also is vigorously supports and helps Lyu island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


I before looks at Belgium to urinate young Tong the & Denmark small mermaid, later the "Green island elephant also will be able to make a house-call exchanges Belgium to urinate young Tong Belgian", estimated the overseas six countries will impel the Taiwan environment education warm-heartedly!

(Taiwan liked at first sight gentle serene Green island elephant first station first will Greennext year go to Denmark and the small mermaid becomes friends the guidance link to teach! )



Taiwan's Green Island Elephant

[United Daily News ╱ Reporter Li Huijun the/Taitung reported]
2012.10.08 03:58 am

“the Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
Chart/Li Meng sends provides

Green Island Elephant

to change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Green island elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.


“The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

“The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

Two years ago “the Green island elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.

Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.


From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impelled “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really!

In October 5 “the Green island elephant” draws this book to publish the meeting, pulls “the Green island elephant” and “the small mermaid” the sentiment reason! Honest (Children's Super “STAR Uncle”) Denmark commerce handles matters in Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye " joyful " with Super the Handsome distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Department Head Ji Ansheng, has held “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, next year (in 2013) “the small mermaid” the 100th birthday, in 2013 “the Green island elephant” will go besides the plan offers birthday congratulations, but also will exchange the Taiwan environment education present situation with Denmark and end of this year publishes “the Green island elephant” the environment education teaching material.Wa! Great! ^_&

As soon as just was careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the Handsome picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! Smart! 

(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Star Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Oct. 5, 2012 in Taiwan appearance. 

All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


2 put on pale pink color coat + another 2 to put on the white coat: The picture color cooperates the strip (I to guess extremely is heart has mystical powers clear tacit understanding.) One of I most startled matters is Denmark integrates the environment education curriculum various elementary schools various branches the curriculum for example: Nature study and Chinese class and English course ......And so on arranges this by teacher to plant the will of the people satisfyingly voluntarily, attends to every detail, teaches since childhood .....Draws this does really well, may buys in the bookstore and the inscription on stone tablet and bronze hall. 

(The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........ 

The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Yeh Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!)

P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “ I have very the short distance appreciation!!! ^_^ Smile.

The Green island elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates! ^_^

everybody loves the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

The Green island elephant conducts more than 60 links in the Taiwan 11 county cities to teach to move, the Green island elephant has gone to the presidential palace and the memorial hall & Imperial Palace and the flower abundant and the zoo and each place famous place ..........Will next year shine travels by boat the study abroad to publicize the link to teach ~!!!

youtube looks up the Green island elephant to be possible to see very many “Green island elephant's videos.” ^_^


On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

(Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph, Green island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! Big success! ^_^

The Green island elephant also to said the sound: Good night! Good night ~! Tomorrow goodbye! Wishes the child happy good dream again and again! Fond dream Cheng Zhen! Make sweet dreams come true. Good night! Jolly night! Every night! Is filled with happy An Tian!

Will be willing tomorrow rainbow Rainbow also to bestow your mysterious strength! 

P.S. I like this Video & listening to this first song specially. This video may work as the nursery song teaching sings swims. Calculates the environmental protection ambassador's theme song! Very good! This video picture really good, very affected will of the people!! Good night! Jolly night! I all must listen (only then to have very many to go to rest! ) Is filled with happy peaceful quiet ~~~!

I also very much like the character who the Green island elephant draws this picture becoming reconciled lovable child yo ~! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo ~! The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........ The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! 

As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the new vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (No. 1 Commander's “Mr. Ji = Handsome Shuai" and No. 2 Commander's “Mr. Yeh Handsome / Shuai") two analyze the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 


(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Li Wanji boss Oct. 5, 2012 appearances. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!

P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “ I have very the short distance appreciation!!! ^_^ Smiling.

Green island elephant Green Island Elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates! ^_^

everybody loves the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

Really causes environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron god ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 


I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also added on the phonetic notation oh and on the color face red compassion yesterday I looked in particular “Kang Xuan studied magazine TOP945/on July 1, 2012: 216th issue: Ha ~! Good attractive yo ~! Had the Green island elephant and Arab League sends with joyful honest Uncle ...... “I ha! Also is very good!    

I am startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two seriously. ^_^

Kang Xuanyou facebook.

Because the "Green island elephant environment education draws this" is by the drawing creation team drawing which overpraises ............Also the " Green island environment education elephant really draws this " is the Chinese and foreign I looks at most attractive one to draw this, I recommend seriously draw this bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles " Green island elephant environment education to draw this "

everybody to love the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

The Green island elephant good attractive also is lovable! The children all simultaneous together said that, Green island elephant))))))) I love you ((((((((((. 

Draws this: The Green island elephant draws this! * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!! “The Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that, Approve! Good. Great.

Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

(environmental protection bureau vice superintendent: Super environmental protection Ambassador Ye " joyful " honest STAR Uncle/Prof. Star C. Yeh: Possibly also is horizon another radiant sparkle big star Super Star falls another environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream Making the wonderful dreams come true guardian angel!! ) ^_^

Lets me remember India to win a prize the movie: “in heart small star”! ^_^

Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the " liked at first sight gently to dazzle serenely likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant (environmental protection ambassador: Green island elephant G.I.E.) “accompanies more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! ^_&

Makes my startled affection very much the Lyu island elephant “good night! Good night! “video:



“the Green island elephant” the this year 27 years old, are originally in a Green island elementary school's elephant slide the slide, because in disrepair after many years becomes the reject to suffer the surfer auction, is sent by Taitung juniors Li Meng Afa to get down by a NTD100 Yuan sale by sealed tender under, and in local culture environment workers and so on Green island mansion country young Principal Yao Liji joint effort, “the Green island elephant” had the new life. The special story is also reconded on a CD.


everybody gratitude and admiration Li Meng sent activated Green island elephant's New & the Wonderful vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaust the speed, devoted the low-carbon green to be able the goal. 

In Taiwan, Taiwan's Green island elephant G.I.E. penetrates the proper motion expression idea, tours the nation, the campus way, takes root in the student heart, hoped expands from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. Proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth & Change to New Life, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, the old society country small broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education very happy draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life.

Old society country small very happy by actual resources recycling again use environment education, makes the gift by the children to give the liked at first sight personally gently serenely to dazzle the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 


By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xincheng Dr. Star, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honest STAR UNCLE, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

Please look video reported:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

Descriptive note: “The Green island elephant” the environment education draws this new book to publish can hold in the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng (left two), Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xin honest (right two), Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji (right one), Green island elephant daddy Li Meng Fa (left one) and so on under the distinguished guest testimonies completes “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony.

Oct. 5, 2012 reject development environment care true meaning Green island elephant seeks childhood dream .wmv toward Denmark

The Green island elephant tours Taiwan to arrive at bamboo city Mayor Xu Mingcai to advocate the environment education encouragement resources recycling uses “

the liked at first sight gentle serene kind beautiful Green island elephant to tour again Taiwan” the now (2) date to accompany by elephant daddy Li Meng Fa comes to Xinzhu, happy crosses for a joyful morning with the Xinzhu municipally established old society country young schoolchildren, Li Meng ships to Hsinchu Mayor Mayor Xu Mingcai who participation together to express the heartfelt gratitude, gratitude and admiration Mayor Xu when receives him to consult the activity conducts the telephone, is without hesitation grants supports and unfolds the superelevation administrative efficiency, esteems Xinzhu is the place which the Green island elephant tour peach bamboo seedling area most receives inspires, but the today old society country is smallBy the actual resources recycling again use environment education, personally makes the gift by the children to give Green island the elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 

Xinzhu Mayor Xu Mingcai, environmental protection bureau chief secretary Fu Shuqiang, municipal government training office physically healthy Section Chief Xu Huiping and old society country young Principal Yang in and so on, today and the old society country young schoolchildren welcome the Green island elephant, Xu Mayor gratitude and admiration Li Meng to send together activated the Green island elephant's vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaustThe speed, he also points out Xinzhu to promote the residential free public vehicle, demonstrates the low floor electrically operated public vehicle, at present is national use electrically operated public vehicle most cities, hoped after trains the populace to transport travels by the population, reduces gradually uses for oneself the steam, locomotive quantity, devotes the low-carbon green to be able and the transportation smooth dual goal.


Environmental protection bureau host Peru Fu Shuqiang expressed last June 5 implemented the environment educational method, financial group legal person all staffs, the teacher and the student who the national various institutions, the high-quality medium below school and the government donated the being established, all participated in each kind of study, the multiplex way understanding environment, the Green island elephant penetration proper motion expression idea, toured the nation, the campus way, took root in the student heart, hoped expanded from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. 

Mayor Xu and the schoolchild puts on the elephant bow cap together, together hangs up the item with Principal Yang for the Taiwan's Green island elephant which gets up with the waste disc string, the schoolchildren also 11 are outstanding the gift which oneself does personally, gives Green island the elephant, Mayor Xu also leads everybody to climb up the Green island elephant to play slides the slide, proved the liked at first sight gentle serenely dazzles the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant also to be able to accompany many childhoods, lives for the child laughs heartily. Smiling. ^_^

By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept. The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin Cheng / Dr. Shin- Cheng Yeh, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.


[Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Xincheng Yeh = Dr. Shih-Cheng YEH, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Green island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Lyu island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

Lots of Belgian (Belgium) Photos: Knows Belgian (Belgium)~


Belgium picture - Europe Belgium selection picture - TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor member photography the Belgian picture: Explores the European Belgium terrestrial reference, the hotel and the scenic spot 110 brilliant pictures.


* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!! ^_^


“The GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!

Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

p.s.- 1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “2012 environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.


* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!



* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!! ^_^


“the GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


Draws this:The Taiwan's Elephant : Green island elephant draws this! 康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本 * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say : The Green island big portrait inscription!!! 


Kindly please share this message for your friends. Tks. ^_^

There are English words & Chinese words for your reference. Please share it.

Taiwan's Elephant video. English words & Chinese words as below 

Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

(Environmental protection bureau vice superintendent : Environmental protection Ambassador Dr. S. C. Yeh : 
"joyful" honest STAR Uncle "Prof. Star C. Yeh" : Possibly also is the horizon another radiant sparkle big star falls environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream guardian angel in Taiwan!!! )

Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the liked at first sight gently to dazzle likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant to accompany serenely more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! 

video :


I also very much like the character who draws this picture becoming reconciled the lovable child yo! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo! 

“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!
Which original Arab League sends is which environmental protection ambassador who the space falls glistens the small star turns to have beautifully to come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ "elephant daddy" ~ Arab League to send uncle!! 

In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 

(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have the exchange faith token ceremony and to care about for a long time environment education environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji Oct. 5, 2012 arrived. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


[Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xincheng Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Lyu island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

Mr. Afa's mail box is afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

Afa is the elephant deddy.

In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

Is causing environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron God ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 

I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also adds on the phonetic notation oh and on the color in particular face red compassion. Yesterday I looked at Kang porch TOP945 I ha! wA! Also is very good! Also is startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two. P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “


On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

Mr. Afa can receive your messages if you post on his FB : 

p.s.-1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 



* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


Some 23 year historical elephant modelling abandonment slides the slide, Taitung juniors Li Meng Fa does not endure the Green island person childhood memory finally to walk into the tipping site, proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, old society country small today broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life. 


From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Lyu island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impels “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really! 


“The Green island elephant” has published book(s) 

Thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun,
reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

“the small mermaid”http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM7/7415430.shtml Lyu island elephant guidance environmental protection to "Denmark"


“The Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
Chart/Li Meng sends provides

Green Island Elephant

To change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Greenisland elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.

“The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

“The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

Two years ago “the Greenisland elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.


Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Taiwan's Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.

Full text website: Looks for “the small mermaid” the Green island elephant guidance environmental protection to Denmark

* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!

Photos on my blog: 


Green island elephant + Li Meng sends Afa thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

Green island elephant + Li Meng Fa thanks state-run education broadcasting station Miss Hu American foot, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

Attagirl video, the song is really pleasant to hear. 

The elephant which abandons is slid the slide, for the realization care environment dream youth, they hand in hand lets more people see, waste disposal again use splendid course.

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

p.s. - 1 In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able to pump out the participation leaf joyful honest Mr./Mrs. Dr. S. Cheng Yeh also is vigorously supports and helps Lyu island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


I before looks at Belgium to urinate young Tong the & Denmark small mermaid, later the "Green island elephant also will be able to make a house-call exchanges Belgium to urinate young Tong Belgian", estimated the overseas six countries will impel the Taiwan environment education warm-heartedly!

(Taiwan liked at first sight gentle serene Green island elephant first station first will Greennext year go to Denmark and the small mermaid becomes friends the guidance link to teach! )



Taiwan's Green Island Elephant

[United Daily News ╱ Reporter Li Huijun the/Taitung reported]
2012.10.08 03:58 am

“the Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
Chart/Li Meng sends provides

Green Island Elephant

to change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Green island elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.


“The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

“The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

Two years ago “the Green island elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.

Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.


From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impelled “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really!

In October 5 “the Green island elephant” draws this book to publish the meeting, pulls “the Green island elephant” and “the small mermaid” the sentiment reason! Honest (Children's Super “STAR Uncle”) Denmark commerce handles matters in Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye " joyful " with Super the Handsome distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Department Head Ji Ansheng, has held “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, next year (in 2013) “the small mermaid” the 100th birthday, in 2013 “the Green island elephant” will go besides the plan offers birthday congratulations, but also will exchange the Taiwan environment education present situation with Denmark and end of this year publishes “the Green island elephant” the environment education teaching material.Wa! Great! ^_&

As soon as just was careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the Handsome picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! Smart! 

(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Star Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Oct. 5, 2012 in Taiwan appearance. 

All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


2 put on pale pink color coat + another 2 to put on the white coat: The picture color cooperates the strip (I to guess extremely is heart has mystical powers clear tacit understanding.) One of I most startled matters is Denmark integrates the environment education curriculum various elementary schools various branches the curriculum for example: Nature study and Chinese class and English course ......And so on arranges this by teacher to plant the will of the people satisfyingly voluntarily, attends to every detail, teaches since childhood .....Draws this does really well, may buys in the bookstore and the inscription on stone tablet and bronze hall. 

(The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........ 

The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Yeh Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!)

P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “ I have very the short distance appreciation!!! ^_^ Smile.

The Green island elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates! ^_^

everybody loves the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

The Green island elephant conducts more than 60 links in the Taiwan 11 county cities to teach to move, the Green island elephant has gone to the presidential palace and the memorial hall & Imperial Palace and the flower abundant and the zoo and each place famous place ..........Will next year shine travels by boat the study abroad to publicize the link to teach ~!!!

youtube looks up the Green island elephant to be possible to see very many “Green island elephant's videos.” ^_^


On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

(Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph, Green island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! Big success! ^_^

The Green island elephant also to said the sound: Good night! Good night ~! Tomorrow goodbye! Wishes the child happy good dream again and again! Fond dream Cheng Zhen! Make sweet dreams come true. Good night! Jolly night! Every night! Is filled with happy An Tian!

Will be willing tomorrow rainbow Rainbow also to bestow your mysterious strength! 

P.S. I like this Video & listening to this first song specially. This video may work as the nursery song teaching sings swims. Calculates the environmental protection ambassador's theme song! Very good! This video picture really good, very affected will of the people!! Good night! Jolly night! I all must listen (only then to have very many to go to rest! ) Is filled with happy peaceful quiet ~~~!

I also very much like the character who the Green island elephant draws this picture becoming reconciled lovable child yo ~! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo ~! The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........ The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! 

As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the new vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (No. 1 Commander's “Mr. Ji = Handsome Shuai" and No. 2 Commander's “Mr. Yeh Handsome / Shuai") two analyze the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 


(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Li Wanji boss Oct. 5, 2012 appearances. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!

P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “ I have very the short distance appreciation!!! ^_^ Smiling.

Green island elephant Green Island Elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates! ^_^

everybody loves the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

Really causes environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron god ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 


I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also added on the phonetic notation oh and on the color face red compassion yesterday I looked in particular “Kang Xuan studied magazine TOP945/on July 1, 2012: 216th issue: Ha ~! Good attractive yo ~! Had the Green island elephant and Arab League sends with joyful honest Uncle ...... “I ha! Also is very good!    

I am startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two seriously. ^_^

Kang Xuanyou facebook.

Because the "Green island elephant environment education draws this" is by the drawing creation team drawing which overpraises ............Also the " Green island environment education elephant really draws this " is the Chinese and foreign I looks at most attractive one to draw this, I recommend seriously draw this bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles " Green island elephant environment education to draw this "

everybody to love the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

The Green island elephant good attractive also is lovable! The children all simultaneous together said that, Green island elephant))))))) I love you ((((((((((. 

Draws this: The Green island elephant draws this! * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!! “The Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that, Approve! Good. Great.

Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

(environmental protection bureau vice superintendent: Super environmental protection Ambassador Ye " joyful " honest STAR Uncle/Prof. Star C. Yeh: Possibly also is horizon another radiant sparkle big star Super Star falls another environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream Making the wonderful dreams come true guardian angel!! ) ^_^

Lets me remember India to win a prize the movie: “in heart small star”! ^_^

Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the " liked at first sight gently to dazzle serenely likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant (environmental protection ambassador: Green island elephant G.I.E.) “accompanies more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! ^_&

Makes my startled affection very much the Lyu island elephant “good night! Good night! “video:



“the Green island elephant” the this year 27 years old, are originally in a Green island elementary school's elephant slide the slide, because in disrepair after many years becomes the reject to suffer the surfer auction, is sent by Taitung juniors Li Meng Afa to get down by a NTD100 Yuan sale by sealed tender under, and in local culture environment workers and so on Green island mansion country young Principal Yao Liji joint effort, “the Green island elephant” had the new life. The special story is also reconded on a CD.


everybody gratitude and admiration Li Meng sent activated Green island elephant's New & the Wonderful vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaust the speed, devoted the low-carbon green to be able the goal. 

In Taiwan, Taiwan's Green island elephant G.I.E. penetrates the proper motion expression idea, tours the nation, the campus way, takes root in the student heart, hoped expands from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. Proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth & Change to New Life, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, the old society country small broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education very happy draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life.

Old society country small very happy by actual resources recycling again use environment education, makes the gift by the children to give the liked at first sight personally gently serenely to dazzle the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 


By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xincheng Dr. Star, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honest STAR UNCLE, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

Please look video reported:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

Descriptive note: “The Green island elephant” the environment education draws this new book to publish can hold in the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng (left two), Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xin honest (right two), Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji (right one), Green island elephant daddy Li Meng Fa (left one) and so on under the distinguished guest testimonies completes “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony.

Oct. 5, 2012 reject development environment care true meaning Green island elephant seeks childhood dream .wmv toward Denmark

The Green island elephant tours Taiwan to arrive at bamboo city Mayor Xu Mingcai to advocate the environment education encouragement resources recycling uses “

the liked at first sight gentle serene kind beautiful Green island elephant to tour again Taiwan” the now (2) date to accompany by elephant daddy Li Meng Fa comes to Xinzhu, happy crosses for a joyful morning with the Xinzhu municipally established old society country young schoolchildren, Li Meng ships to Hsinchu Mayor Mayor Xu Mingcai who participation together to express the heartfelt gratitude, gratitude and admiration Mayor Xu when receives him to consult the activity conducts the telephone, is without hesitation grants supports and unfolds the superelevation administrative efficiency, esteems Xinzhu is the place which the Green island elephant tour peach bamboo seedling area most receives inspires, but the today old society country is smallBy the actual resources recycling again use environment education, personally makes the gift by the children to give Green island the elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 

Xinzhu Mayor Xu Mingcai, environmental protection bureau chief secretary Fu Shuqiang, municipal government training office physically healthy Section Chief Xu Huiping and old society country young Principal Yang in and so on, today and the old society country young schoolchildren welcome the Green island elephant, Xu Mayor gratitude and admiration Li Meng to send together activated the Green island elephant's vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaustThe speed, he also points out Xinzhu to promote the residential free public vehicle, demonstrates the low floor electrically operated public vehicle, at present is national use electrically operated public vehicle most cities, hoped after trains the populace to transport travels by the population, reduces gradually uses for oneself the steam, locomotive quantity, devotes the low-carbon green to be able and the transportation smooth dual goal.


Environmental protection bureau host Peru Fu Shuqiang expressed last June 5 implemented the environment educational method, financial group legal person all staffs, the teacher and the student who the national various institutions, the high-quality medium below school and the government donated the being established, all participated in each kind of study, the multiplex way understanding environment, the Green island elephant penetration proper motion expression idea, toured the nation, the campus way, took root in the student heart, hoped expanded from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. 

Mayor Xu and the schoolchild puts on the elephant bow cap together, together hangs up the item with Principal Yang for the Taiwan's Green island elephant which gets up with the waste disc string, the schoolchildren also 11 are outstanding the gift which oneself does personally, gives Green island the elephant, Mayor Xu also leads everybody to climb up the Green island elephant to play slides the slide, proved the liked at first sight gentle serenely dazzles the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant also to be able to accompany many childhoods, lives for the child laughs heartily. Smiling. ^_^

By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept. The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin Cheng / Dr. Shin- Cheng Yeh, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.


[Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Xincheng Yeh = Dr. Shih-Cheng YEH, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Green island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Lyu island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

Lots of Belgian (Belgium) Photos: Knows Belgian (Belgium)~


Belgium picture - Europe Belgium selection picture - TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor member photography the Belgian picture: Explores the European Belgium terrestrial reference, the hotel and the scenic spot 110 brilliant pictures.


* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!! ^_^


“The GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!

Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

p.s.- 1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “2012 environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.


* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!



* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!! ^_^


“the GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


Draws this:The Taiwan's Elephant : Green island elephant draws this! 康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本 * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say : The Green island big portrait inscription!!! 


Kindly please share this message for your friends. Tks. ^_^

There are English words & Chinese words for your reference. Please share it.

Taiwan's Elephant video. English words & Chinese words as below 

Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

(Environmental protection bureau vice superintendent : Environmental protection Ambassador Dr. S. C. Yeh : 
"joyful" honest STAR Uncle "Prof. Star C. Yeh" : Possibly also is the horizon another radiant sparkle big star falls environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream guardian angel in Taiwan!!! )

Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the liked at first sight gently to dazzle likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant to accompany serenely more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! 

video :


I also very much like the character who draws this picture becoming reconciled the lovable child yo! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo! 

“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!
Which original Arab League sends is which environmental protection ambassador who the space falls glistens the small star turns to have beautifully to come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ "elephant daddy" ~ Arab League to send uncle!! 

In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 

(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have the exchange faith token ceremony and to care about for a long time environment education environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji Oct. 5, 2012 arrived. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


[Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xincheng Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Lyu island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

Mr. Afa's mail box is afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

Afa is the elephant deddy.

In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

Is causing environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron God ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 

I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also adds on the phonetic notation oh and on the color in particular face red compassion. Yesterday I looked at Kang porch TOP945 I ha! wA! Also is very good! Also is startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two. P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “


On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

Mr. Afa can receive your messages if you post on his FB : 

p.s.-1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 



* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


Some 23 year historical elephant modelling abandonment slides the slide, Taitung juniors Li Meng Fa does not endure the Green island person childhood memory finally to walk into the tipping site, proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, old society country small today broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life. 


From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Lyu island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impels “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really! 


“The Green island elephant” has published book(s) 

Thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun,
reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

“the small mermaid”http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM7/7415430.shtml Lyu island elephant guidance environmental protection to "Denmark"


“The Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
Chart/Li Meng sends provides

Green Island Elephant

To change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Greenisland elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.

“The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

“The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

Two years ago “the Greenisland elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.


Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Taiwan's Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.

Full text website: Looks for “the small mermaid” the Green island elephant guidance environmental protection to Denmark

* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!

Photos on my blog: 


Green island elephant + Li Meng sends Afa thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

Green island elephant + Li Meng Fa thanks state-run education broadcasting station Miss Hu American foot, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

Attagirl video, the song is really pleasant to hear. 

The elephant which abandons is slid the slide, for the realization care environment dream youth, they hand in hand lets more people see, waste disposal again use splendid course.

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

p.s. - 1 In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able to pump out the participation leaf joyful honest Mr./Mrs. Dr. S. Cheng Yeh also is vigorously supports and helps Lyu island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


I before looks at Belgium to urinate young Tong the & Denmark small mermaid, later the "Green island elephant also will be able to make a house-call exchanges Belgium to urinate young Tong Belgian", estimated the overseas six countries will impel the Taiwan environment education warm-heartedly!

(Taiwan liked at first sight gentle serene Green island elephant first station first will Greennext year go to Denmark and the small mermaid becomes friends the guidance link to teach! )



Taiwan's Green Island Elephant

[United Daily News ╱ Reporter Li Huijun the/Taitung reported]
2012.10.08 03:58 am

“the Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
Chart/Li Meng sends provides

Green Island Elephant

to change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Green island elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.


“The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

“The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

Two years ago “the Green island elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.

Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.


From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impelled “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really!

In October 5 “the Green island elephant” draws this book to publish the meeting, pulls “the Green island elephant” and “the small mermaid” the sentiment reason! Honest (Children's Super “STAR Uncle”) Denmark commerce handles matters in Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye " joyful " with Super the Handsome distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Department Head Ji Ansheng, has held “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, next year (in 2013) “the small mermaid” the 100th birthday, in 2013 “the Green island elephant” will go besides the plan offers birthday congratulations, but also will exchange the Taiwan environment education present situation with Denmark and end of this year publishes “the Green island elephant” the environment education teaching material.Wa! Great! ^_&

As soon as just was careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the Handsome picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! Smart! 

(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Star Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Oct. 5, 2012 in Taiwan appearance. 

All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


2 put on pale pink color coat + another 2 to put on the white coat: The picture color cooperates the strip (I to guess extremely is heart has mystical powers clear tacit understanding.) One of I most startled matters is Denmark integrates the environment education curriculum various elementary schools various branches the curriculum for example: Nature study and Chinese class and English course ......And so on arranges this by teacher to plant the will of the people satisfyingly voluntarily, attends to every detail, teaches since childhood .....Draws this does really well, may buys in the bookstore and the inscription on stone tablet and bronze hall. 

(The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........ 

The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Yeh Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!)

P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “ I have very the short distance appreciation!!! ^_^ Smile.

The Green island elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates! ^_^

everybody loves the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

The Green island elephant conducts more than 60 links in the Taiwan 11 county cities to teach to move, the Green island elephant has gone to the presidential palace and the memorial hall & Imperial Palace and the flower abundant and the zoo and each place famous place ..........Will next year shine travels by boat the study abroad to publicize the link to teach ~!!!

youtube looks up the Green island elephant to be possible to see very many “Green island elephant's videos.” ^_^


On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

(Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph, Green island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! Big success! ^_^

The Green island elephant also to said the sound: Good night! Good night ~! Tomorrow goodbye! Wishes the child happy good dream again and again! Fond dream Cheng Zhen! Make sweet dreams come true. Good night! Jolly night! Every night! Is filled with happy An Tian!

Will be willing tomorrow rainbow Rainbow also to bestow your mysterious strength! 

P.S. I like this Video & listening to this first song specially. This video may work as the nursery song teaching sings swims. Calculates the environmental protection ambassador's theme song! Very good! This video picture really good, very affected will of the people!! Good night! Jolly night! I all must listen (only then to have very many to go to rest! ) Is filled with happy peaceful quiet ~~~!

I also very much like the character who the Green island elephant draws this picture becoming reconciled lovable child yo ~! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo ~! The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........ The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! 

As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the new vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (No. 1 Commander's “Mr. Ji = Handsome Shuai" and No. 2 Commander's “Mr. Yeh Handsome / Shuai") two analyze the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 


(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Li Wanji boss Oct. 5, 2012 appearances. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!

P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “ I have very the short distance appreciation!!! ^_^ Smiling.

Green island elephant Green Island Elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates! ^_^

everybody loves the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

Really causes environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron god ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 


I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also added on the phonetic notation oh and on the color face red compassion yesterday I looked in particular “Kang Xuan studied magazine TOP945/on July 1, 2012: 216th issue: Ha ~! Good attractive yo ~! Had the Green island elephant and Arab League sends with joyful honest Uncle ...... “I ha! Also is very good!    

I am startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two seriously. ^_^

Kang Xuanyou facebook.

Because the "Green island elephant environment education draws this" is by the drawing creation team drawing which overpraises ............Also the " Green island environment education elephant really draws this " is the Chinese and foreign I looks at most attractive one to draw this, I recommend seriously draw this bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles " Green island elephant environment education to draw this "

everybody to love the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

The Green island elephant good attractive also is lovable! The children all simultaneous together said that, Green island elephant))))))) I love you ((((((((((. 

Draws this: The Green island elephant draws this! * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!! “The Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that, Approve! Good. Great.

Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

(environmental protection bureau vice superintendent: Super environmental protection Ambassador Ye " joyful " honest STAR Uncle/Prof. Star C. Yeh: Possibly also is horizon another radiant sparkle big star Super Star falls another environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream Making the wonderful dreams come true guardian angel!! ) ^_^

Lets me remember India to win a prize the movie: “in heart small star”! ^_^

Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the " liked at first sight gently to dazzle serenely likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant (environmental protection ambassador: Green island elephant G.I.E.) “accompanies more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! ^_&

Makes my startled affection very much the Lyu island elephant “good night! Good night! “video:



“the Green island elephant” the this year 27 years old, are originally in a Green island elementary school's elephant slide the slide, because in disrepair after many years becomes the reject to suffer the surfer auction, is sent by Taitung juniors Li Meng Afa to get down by a NTD100 Yuan sale by sealed tender under, and in local culture environment workers and so on Green island mansion country young Principal Yao Liji joint effort, “the Green island elephant” had the new life. The special story is also reconded on a CD.


everybody gratitude and admiration Li Meng sent activated Green island elephant's New & the Wonderful vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaust the speed, devoted the low-carbon green to be able the goal. 

In Taiwan, Taiwan's Green island elephant G.I.E. penetrates the proper motion expression idea, tours the nation, the campus way, takes root in the student heart, hoped expands from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. Proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth & Change to New Life, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, the old society country small broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education very happy draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life.

Old society country small very happy by actual resources recycling again use environment education, makes the gift by the children to give the liked at first sight personally gently serenely to dazzle the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 


By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xincheng Dr. Star, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honest STAR UNCLE, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

Please look video reported:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

Descriptive note: “The Green island elephant” the environment education draws this new book to publish can hold in the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng (left two), Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xin honest (right two), Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji (right one), Green island elephant daddy Li Meng Fa (left one) and so on under the distinguished guest testimonies completes “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony.

Oct. 5, 2012 reject development environment care true meaning Green island elephant seeks childhood dream .wmv toward Denmark

The Green island elephant tours Taiwan to arrive at bamboo city Mayor Xu Mingcai to advocate the environment education encouragement resources recycling uses “

the liked at first sight gentle serene kind beautiful Green island elephant to tour again Taiwan” the now (2) date to accompany by elephant daddy Li Meng Fa comes to Xinzhu, happy crosses for a joyful morning with the Xinzhu municipally established old society country young schoolchildren, Li Meng ships to Hsinchu Mayor Mayor Xu Mingcai who participation together to express the heartfelt gratitude, gratitude and admiration Mayor Xu when receives him to consult the activity conducts the telephone, is without hesitation grants supports and unfolds the superelevation administrative efficiency, esteems Xinzhu is the place which the Green island elephant tour peach bamboo seedling area most receives inspires, but the today old society country is smallBy the actual resources recycling again use environment education, personally makes the gift by the children to give Green island the elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 

Xinzhu Mayor Xu Mingcai, environmental protection bureau chief secretary Fu Shuqiang, municipal government training office physically healthy Section Chief Xu Huiping and old society country young Principal Yang in and so on, today and the old society country young schoolchildren welcome the Green island elephant, Xu Mayor gratitude and admiration Li Meng to send together activated the Green island elephant's vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaustThe speed, he also points out Xinzhu to promote the residential free public vehicle, demonstrates the low floor electrically operated public vehicle, at present is national use electrically operated public vehicle most cities, hoped after trains the populace to transport travels by the population, reduces gradually uses for oneself the steam, locomotive quantity, devotes the low-carbon green to be able and the transportation smooth dual goal.


Environmental protection bureau host Peru Fu Shuqiang expressed last June 5 implemented the environment educational method, financial group legal person all staffs, the teacher and the student who the national various institutions, the high-quality medium below school and the government donated the being established, all participated in each kind of study, the multiplex way understanding environment, the Green island elephant penetration proper motion expression idea, toured the nation, the campus way, took root in the student heart, hoped expanded from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. 

Mayor Xu and the schoolchild puts on the elephant bow cap together, together hangs up the item with Principal Yang for the Taiwan's Green island elephant which gets up with the waste disc string, the schoolchildren also 11 are outstanding the gift which oneself does personally, gives Green island the elephant, Mayor Xu also leads everybody to climb up the Green island elephant to play slides the slide, proved the liked at first sight gentle serenely dazzles the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant also to be able to accompany many childhoods, lives for the child laughs heartily. Smiling. ^_^

By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept. The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin Cheng / Dr. Shin- Cheng Yeh, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.


[Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Xincheng Yeh = Dr. Shih-Cheng YEH, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Green island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Lyu island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

Lots of Belgian (Belgium) Photos: Knows Belgian (Belgium)~


Belgium picture - Europe Belgium selection picture - TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor member photography the Belgian picture: Explores the European Belgium terrestrial reference, the hotel and the scenic spot 110 brilliant pictures.


* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!! ^_^


“The GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!

Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

p.s.- 1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “2012 environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.


* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!



* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!! ^_^


“the GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


Draws this:The Taiwan's Elephant : Green island elephant draws this! 康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本 * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say : The Green island big portrait inscription!!! 


Kindly please share this message for your friends. Tks. ^_^

There are English words & Chinese words for your reference. Please share it.

Taiwan's Elephant video. English words & Chinese words as below 

Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

(Environmental protection bureau vice superintendent : Environmental protection Ambassador Dr. S. C. Yeh : 
"joyful" honest STAR Uncle "Prof. Star C. Yeh" : Possibly also is the horizon another radiant sparkle big star falls environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream guardian angel in Taiwan!!! )

Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the liked at first sight gently to dazzle likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant to accompany serenely more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! 

video :


I also very much like the character who draws this picture becoming reconciled the lovable child yo! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo! 

“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!
Which original Arab League sends is which environmental protection ambassador who the space falls glistens the small star turns to have beautifully to come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ "elephant daddy" ~ Arab League to send uncle!! 

In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 

(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have the exchange faith token ceremony and to care about for a long time environment education environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji Oct. 5, 2012 arrived. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


[Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xincheng Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Lyu island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

Mr. Afa's mail box is afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

Afa is the elephant deddy.

In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

Is causing environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron God ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 

I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also adds on the phonetic notation oh and on the color in particular face red compassion. Yesterday I looked at Kang porch TOP945 I ha! wA! Also is very good! Also is startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two. P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “


On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

Mr. Afa can receive your messages if you post on his FB : 

p.s.-1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 



* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


Some 23 year historical elephant modelling abandonment slides the slide, Taitung juniors Li Meng Fa does not endure the Green island person childhood memory finally to walk into the tipping site, proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, old society country small today broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life. 


From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Lyu island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impels “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really! 


“The Green island elephant” has published book(s) 

Thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun,
reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

“the small mermaid”http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM7/7415430.shtml Lyu island elephant guidance environmental protection to "Denmark"


“The Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
Chart/Li Meng sends provides

Green Island Elephant

To change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Greenisland elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.

“The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

“The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

Two years ago “the Greenisland elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.


Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Taiwan's Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.

Full text website: Looks for “the small mermaid” the Green island elephant guidance environmental protection to Denmark

* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!

Photos on my blog: 


Green island elephant + Li Meng sends Afa thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

Green island elephant + Li Meng Fa thanks state-run education broadcasting station Miss Hu American foot, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

Attagirl video, the song is really pleasant to hear. 

The elephant which abandons is slid the slide, for the realization care environment dream youth, they hand in hand lets more people see, waste disposal again use splendid course.

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

p.s. - 1 In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able to pump out the participation leaf joyful honest Mr./Mrs. Dr. S. Cheng Yeh also is vigorously supports and helps Lyu island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


I before looks at Belgium to urinate young Tong the & Denmark small mermaid, later the "Green island elephant also will be able to make a house-call exchanges Belgium to urinate young Tong Belgian", estimated the overseas six countries will impel the Taiwan environment education warm-heartedly!

(Taiwan liked at first sight gentle serene Green island elephant first station first will Greennext year go to Denmark and the small mermaid becomes friends the guidance link to teach! )



Taiwan's Green Island Elephant

[United Daily News ╱ Reporter Li Huijun the/Taitung reported]
2012.10.08 03:58 am

“the Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
Chart/Li Meng sends provides

Green Island Elephant

to change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Green island elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.


“The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

“The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

Two years ago “the Green island elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.

Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.


From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impelled “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really!

In October 5 “the Green island elephant” draws this book to publish the meeting, pulls “the Green island elephant” and “the small mermaid” the sentiment reason! Honest (Children's Super “STAR Uncle”) Denmark commerce handles matters in Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye " joyful " with Super the Handsome distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Department Head Ji Ansheng, has held “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, next year (in 2013) “the small mermaid” the 100th birthday, in 2013 “the Green island elephant” will go besides the plan offers birthday congratulations, but also will exchange the Taiwan environment education present situation with Denmark and end of this year publishes “the Green island elephant” the environment education teaching material.Wa! Great! ^_&

As soon as just was careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the Handsome picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! Smart! 

(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Star Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Oct. 5, 2012 in Taiwan appearance. 

All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


2 put on pale pink color coat + another 2 to put on the white coat: The picture color cooperates the strip (I to guess extremely is heart has mystical powers clear tacit understanding.) One of I most startled matters is Denmark integrates the environment education curriculum various elementary schools various branches the curriculum for example: Nature study and Chinese class and English course ......And so on arranges this by teacher to plant the will of the people satisfyingly voluntarily, attends to every detail, teaches since childhood .....Draws this does really well, may buys in the bookstore and the inscription on stone tablet and bronze hall. 

(The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........ 

The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Yeh Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!)

P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “ I have very the short distance appreciation!!! ^_^ Smile.

The Green island elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates! ^_^

everybody loves the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

The Green island elephant conducts more than 60 links in the Taiwan 11 county cities to teach to move, the Green island elephant has gone to the presidential palace and the memorial hall & Imperial Palace and the flower abundant and the zoo and each place famous place ..........Will next year shine travels by boat the study abroad to publicize the link to teach ~!!!

youtube looks up the Green island elephant to be possible to see very many “Green island elephant's videos.” ^_^


On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

(Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph, Green island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! Big success! ^_^

The Green island elephant also to said the sound: Good night! Good night ~! Tomorrow goodbye! Wishes the child happy good dream again and again! Fond dream Cheng Zhen! Make sweet dreams come true. Good night! Jolly night! Every night! Is filled with happy An Tian!

Will be willing tomorrow rainbow Rainbow also to bestow your mysterious strength! 

P.S. I like this Video & listening to this first song specially. This video may work as the nursery song teaching sings swims. Calculates the environmental protection ambassador's theme song! Very good! This video picture really good, very affected will of the people!! Good night! Jolly night! I all must listen (only then to have very many to go to rest! ) Is filled with happy peaceful quiet ~~~!

I also very much like the character who the Green island elephant draws this picture becoming reconciled lovable child yo ~! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo ~! The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........ The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! 

As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the new vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (No. 1 Commander's “Mr. Ji = Handsome Shuai" and No. 2 Commander's “Mr. Yeh Handsome / Shuai") two analyze the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 


(p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Li Wanji boss Oct. 5, 2012 appearances. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!

P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “ I have very the short distance appreciation!!! ^_^ Smiling.

Green island elephant Green Island Elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates! ^_^

everybody loves the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

Really causes environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron god ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 


I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also added on the phonetic notation oh and on the color face red compassion yesterday I looked in particular “Kang Xuan studied magazine TOP945/on July 1, 2012: 216th issue: Ha ~! Good attractive yo ~! Had the Green island elephant and Arab League sends with joyful honest Uncle ...... “I ha! Also is very good!    

I am startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two seriously. ^_^

Kang Xuanyou facebook.

Because the "Green island elephant environment education draws this" is by the drawing creation team drawing which overpraises ............Also the " Green island environment education elephant really draws this " is the Chinese and foreign I looks at most attractive one to draw this, I recommend seriously draw this bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles " Green island elephant environment education to draw this "

everybody to love the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

The Green island elephant good attractive also is lovable! The children all simultaneous together said that, Green island elephant))))))) I love you ((((((((((. 

Draws this: The Green island elephant draws this! * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!! “The Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that, Approve! Good. Great.

Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

(environmental protection bureau vice superintendent: Super environmental protection Ambassador Ye " joyful " honest STAR Uncle/Prof. Star C. Yeh: Possibly also is horizon another radiant sparkle big star Super Star falls another environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream Making the wonderful dreams come true guardian angel!! ) ^_^

Lets me remember India to win a prize the movie: “in heart small star”! ^_^

Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the " liked at first sight gently to dazzle serenely likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant (environmental protection ambassador: Green island elephant G.I.E.) “accompanies more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! ^_&

Makes my startled affection very much the Lyu island elephant “good night! Good night! “video:



“the Green island elephant” the this year 27 years old, are originally in a Green island elementary school's elephant slide the slide, because in disrepair after many years becomes the reject to suffer the surfer auction, is sent by Taitung juniors Li Meng Afa to get down by a NTD100 Yuan sale by sealed tender under, and in local culture environment workers and so on Green island mansion country young Principal Yao Liji joint effort, “the Green island elephant” had the new life. The special story is also reconded on a CD.


everybody gratitude and admiration Li Meng sent activated Green island elephant's New & the Wonderful vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaust the speed, devoted the low-carbon green to be able the goal. 

In Taiwan, Taiwan's Green island elephant G.I.E. penetrates the proper motion expression idea, tours the nation, the campus way, takes root in the student heart, hoped expands from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. Proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth & Change to New Life, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, the old society country small broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education very happy draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life.

Old society country small very happy by actual resources recycling again use environment education, makes the gift by the children to give the liked at first sight personally gently serenely to dazzle the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 


By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xincheng Dr. Star, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honest STAR UNCLE, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

Please look video reported:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

Descriptive note: “The Green island elephant” the environment education draws this new book to publish can hold in the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng (left two), Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xin honest (right two), Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji (right one), Green island elephant daddy Li Meng Fa (left one) and so on under the distinguished guest testimonies completes “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony.

Oct. 5, 2012 reject development environment care true meaning Green island elephant seeks childhood dream .wmv toward Denmark

The Green island elephant tours Taiwan to arrive at bamboo city Mayor Xu Mingcai to advocate the environment education encouragement resources recycling uses “

the liked at first sight gentle serene kind beautiful Green island elephant to tour again Taiwan” the now (2) date to accompany by elephant daddy Li Meng Fa comes to Xinzhu, happy crosses for a joyful morning with the Xinzhu municipally established old society country young schoolchildren, Li Meng ships to Hsinchu Mayor Mayor Xu Mingcai who participation together to express the heartfelt gratitude, gratitude and admiration Mayor Xu when receives him to consult the activity conducts the telephone, is without hesitation grants supports and unfolds the superelevation administrative efficiency, esteems Xinzhu is the place which the Green island elephant tour peach bamboo seedling area most receives inspires, but the today old society country is smallBy the actual resources recycling again use environment education, personally makes the gift by the children to give Green island the elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 

Xinzhu Mayor Xu Mingcai, environmental protection bureau chief secretary Fu Shuqiang, municipal government training office physically healthy Section Chief Xu Huiping and old society country young Principal Yang in and so on, today and the old society country young schoolchildren welcome the Green island elephant, Xu Mayor gratitude and admiration Li Meng to send together activated the Green island elephant's vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaustThe speed, he also points out Xinzhu to promote the residential free public vehicle, demonstrates the low floor electrically operated public vehicle, at present is national use electrically operated public vehicle most cities, hoped after trains the populace to transport travels by the population, reduces gradually uses for oneself the steam, locomotive quantity, devotes the low-carbon green to be able and the transportation smooth dual goal.


Environmental protection bureau host Peru Fu Shuqiang expressed last June 5 implemented the environment educational method, financial group legal person all staffs, the teacher and the student who the national various institutions, the high-quality medium below school and the government donated the being established, all participated in each kind of study, the multiplex way understanding environment, the Green island elephant penetration proper motion expression idea, toured the nation, the campus way, took root in the student heart, hoped expanded from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. 

Mayor Xu and the schoolchild puts on the elephant bow cap together, together hangs up the item with Principal Yang for the Taiwan's Green island elephant which gets up with the waste disc string, the schoolchildren also 11 are outstanding the gift which oneself does personally, gives Green island the elephant, Mayor Xu also leads everybody to climb up the Green island elephant to play slides the slide, proved the liked at first sight gentle serenely dazzles the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant also to be able to accompany many childhoods, lives for the child laughs heartily. Smiling. ^_^

By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept. The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin Cheng / Dr. Shin- Cheng Yeh, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.


[Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Xincheng Yeh = Dr. Shih-Cheng YEH, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Green island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Lyu island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

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* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!! ^_^


“The GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!

Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

Green island elephant FB:https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

p.s.- 1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “2012 environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.


* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


“the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!



* age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!! ^_^


“the GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!

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