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    Amy's sister's boy 

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=EU5MOewb2yQ

    碧昂絲執行“運行世界(女孩)”住在廣告牌獎(720p高清)不要忘記認購更多!碧昂斯-誰運行世界(女孩),公告牌音樂獎現場性能2011碧昂斯-運行世界 ( 女孩)公告牌音樂獎現場性能2011碧昂斯-運行世界(女孩)公告牌音樂獎現場演出2011碧昂斯-運行世界(女孩)公告牌音樂獎現場性能2011碧昂斯-運行世界(女孩)的公告牌音樂獎實時性能2011碧昂斯-運行世界(女孩)公告牌音樂獎現場演出2011碧昂斯-運行世界(女孩)公告牌音樂獎現場演出2011碧昂斯-運行公告牌音樂獎現場演出2011碧昂斯世界(女孩) -誰運行世界(女孩)公告牌音樂獎現場性能2011碧昂斯-運行世界(女孩)的公告牌音樂獎現場性能2011高品質的高清晰度高清 720p
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  2. Christine Cheng 分享了一條連結
    碧昂絲在2011年的廣告牌音樂獎頒獎典禮在拉斯維加斯與靈感來自意大利歌手Lorella Cuccarini性能的歷史

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    1. Amy Chen 透過 Ashley Chen 分享了一條連結

      video be copied from 來自 Ashley Chen
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    2. 美麗新世界, 把愛傳出去!把愛收進來! 把愛傳出去!美麗新世界! 把愛傳出去!美麗心世界! 把愛傳出去! vidoe :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uzVPsLG8tk&feature=related
       video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCf0FHk1B-o&feature=related
       video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uzVPsLG8tk&feature=related
       video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjsA0O0UCs0&feat⋯⋯
      粉絲專頁: 5 人說讚
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    3. http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/08/typhoon_morakot.html 


      YOU CAN SEE THE PICTURES ON http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/08/typhoon_morakot.html 

      August 10, 2009 (Use j/k keys to navigate) Email to a friend Permalink 

      Yahoo! BuzzShareThisTyphoon Morakot 
      After forming as a tropical depression over the Pacific Ocean about 1,000 km east of the Philippines on August 2nd, Typhoon Morakot built in power and moved quickly west. Over the past several days, the storm has passed over the Philippines, Taiwan and Mainland China, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage due to high winds, flooding and mudslides. Southeast China evacuated nearly 1 million people ahead of the storm, after Morakot broke many records in Taiwan, dumping a total of 2.5 meters (100 inches) of rain on the island. At least 40 people are known to have died so far, but hundreds remain missing - many from one village in Taiwan, reportedly engulfed by a mudslide during the storm. (36 photos total) 

      A woman watches waves triggered by Typhoon Morakot batter the shore in Wenling, Zhejiang Province August 7, 2009. (REUTERS/China Daily) 

      2A fisherman paddles his canoe past a fishing vessel during sunrise as the weather clears after continued rain brought by Typhoon Morakot stopped in the central Philippine island of Cebu August 9, 2009. (REUTERS/Victor Kintanar) # 

      3Two villagers walk in a flooded village in Cangnan county, eastern China Sunday Aug. 9, 2009. (AP Photo) # 

      4Flood waters brought by Typhoon Morakot submerge a house in Chiatung, Pingtung county, in southern Taiwan, on August 9, 2009. (SAM YEH/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      5Residents gather to remove a fallen tree blocking a road in Changle, in southeast China's Fujian province on August 8, 2009 as Typhoon Morakot hits mainland China. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      6An elderly man is carried from a helicopter to a high school in Chishan, in Taiwan's Kaohsiung county on August 10, 2009 after being airlifted from the southern village of Shiao Lin. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      7Water flows past a severely eroded embankment near a damaged bridge that previously linked Pingtung and Kaohsiung, in southern Taiwan on August 9, 2009. (SAM YEH/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      8A man stands on a roof as he awaits rescue in heavy flooding in Taimali, south-eastern Taiwan's Taitung county on August 8, 2009 during Typhoon Morakot. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      9A hotel building leans before falling in a heavily flooded river after Typhoon Morakot hit Taitung county, Taiwan, Sunday, Aug. 9, 2009. The six-story hotel collapsed and plunged into the river Sunday morning after floodwaters eroded its base - all 300 people in the hotel had been evacuated and uninjured, officials said. (AP Photo / AP Photo/ETTV Television) # 

      10Paramilitary policemen stand on a pile of sandbags at a section of Yangjia Stream of Xiapu county in Ningde, Fujian province August 10, 2009. (REUTERS/Stringer) # 

      11A flooded area of Cangnan county of Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, China after Typhoon Morakot passed by, on August 10, 2009. (REUTERS/Lang Lang) # 

      12A resident pulls a box of groceries across a flooded street after Typhoon Morakot hit parts of Zhejiang province in China on August 10, 2009. (REUTERS/Lang Lang) # 

      13A resident pulls a makeshift raft to transport two girls across a flooded street after Typhoon Morakot struck Cangnan county, in China's Zhejiang province, August 10, 2009. (REUTERS/Lang Lang) # 

      14A woman, taking shelter from Typhoon Morakot, rests in a temporary evacuation centre in Chiatung, in southern Taiwan's Pingtung county on August 9, 2009. (PATRICK LIN/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      15Rescuers are seen before a Taoist temple inundated in floodwaters brought by Typhoon Morakot in Chiatung, southern Taiwan, on August 9, 2009. (SAM YEH/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      16A girl is carried out from mudslide caused by Typhoon Morakot in Chiashien, Kaohsiung county, in southern Taiwan, on August 10, 2009. (PATRICK LIN/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      17A massive landslide is seen across a mountain road in Pingtung county, southern Taiwan, Monday, Aug. 10, 2009. (AP Photo) # 

      18A storm-damaged bridge in Chiashien, southern Taiwan's Kaohsiung county, seen on August 10, 2009. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      19Rescuers try to reach a man who is stranded by floods as Typhoon Morakot approaches in Shanghai, China on August 9, 2009. (REUTERS/Stringer) # 

      20A Philippine Coastguard rescuer helps a colleague while crossing a flooded area with strong current in Botolan town in northern Philippines August 7, 2009. The town of Botolan was submerged in floodwaters on Friday after a dike collapsed at the height of Typhoon Morakot. (REUTERS/Erik de Castro) # 

      21Evacuees sit on top of a military vehicle as rescuers search the flooded area for people after rains brought by Typhoon Morakot inundated the area in Chiatung, Pingtung county, in southern Taiwan, on August 9, 2009. (PATRICK LIN/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      22Residents make their way across a flooded street on a makeshift raft after Typhoon Morakot hit Cangnan county of Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, China on August 10, 2009. (REUTERS/Lang Lang) # 

      23An aerial view of flooding caused by Typhoon Morakot in Chiatung, Taiwan. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      24A distraught woman waits for word of her missing father from Shiao Lin village, which was covered in a landslide from Typhoon Morakot in Kaohsiung county, southern Taiwan, at a rescue landing zone on Monday, Aug. 10, 2009. (AP Photo) # 

      25People row a dragon boat to commute through a flooded area in Cangnan county, in east China's Zhejiang province, Monday Aug. 10, 2009. (AP Photo) # 

      26A railroad bridge damaged by Typhoon Morakot is seen in Taitung, eastern Taiwan August 8, 2009. (REUTERS/Stringer) # 

      27Rescuers try to pull a stranded car out of floodwater in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, China on August 9, 2009. (REUTERS/China Daily) # 

      28Driftwood and debris fills Fugang Harbor after Typhoon Morakot hit Taitung county, eastern Taiwan, Sunday, Aug. 9, 2009. (AP Photo) # 

      29A man carries a baby as a family is rescued from flooding brought by Typhoon Morakot in Chiatung, Pingtung county, in southern Taiwan, on August 9, 2009. (PATRICK LIN/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      30Paramilitary policemen pilot a motorboat through a flooded village in Cangnan county, eastern China Sunday Aug. 9, 2009. (AP Photo) # 

      31A man trapped by floods gestures at rescuers delivering food and drinking water after Typhoon Morakot hit Pingtung county, southern Taiwan August 9, 2009. (REUTERS/Pichi Chuang) # 

      32A collapsed apartment block lies on a river bed in Taimali, in southeast Taiwan's Taitung county on August 10, 2009. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images) # 

      33A worker sits behind a pile of sandbags as pumps empty floodwater from a workshop after Typhoon Morakot hit Fuzhou, Fujian province August 9, 2009. (REUTERS/Kong Nong) # 

      34Local residents try to catch fish at a flooded fish pond as Typhoon Morakot approaches in Xiapu county of Ningde, Fujian province, China on August 9, 2009. (REUTERS/Stringer) # 

      35A man walks on sandbags used to patch a damaged dike holding back a rising river in a flooded village in Cangnan county, eastern China Sunday Aug. 9, 2009. (AP Photo) # 

      36Two women hold each other in a local emergency room after being rescued by helicopter from a village covered in a landslide from Typhoon Morakot in Kaohsiung county, southern Taiwan, Monday. Aug. 10, 2009. (AP Photo) #

      好東西要和好朋友一起互相分享 (分享好的人/事/物/好書的資訊.)
      粉絲專頁: 10 人說讚
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    4. 海峽兩岸綠色大學研討會

      北京清華大學環境學院杜鵬飛院長、北京師範大學地理與遙感學院王民教授、香港浸會大學黃煥忠教授等,說明中國大陸與香港的綠色大學實務最新狀況,7 Green university 精彩.

      all picures : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1322662529

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    5. Amy Chen 分享了一條連結

在 facebook 弄的, 你也可 make your book.

有 Dr. Peng & Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh


  1. 老師去年有類似此圖是 picture 簡報靜態, 可能是時候關係, 若像 關鍵時刻 放影片動態讓人很了解和影片和聲音& pictures & 形像型態 & video 有實證可顯示效果感染力和不忍北極雄因人類對環境的破壞而亡..............etc. 較有更深的感觸 & 說服力 和對環教可能更有幫助吧! 


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  2. 使用 Windows Live Movie Maker 製作 (http://download.live.com/
    使用 Windows Live Movie Maker 製作 (http://download.live.com/
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    使用 Windows Live Movie Maker 製作 (http://download.live.com/
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    3. Amy Chen 分享了一條連結

      我隨喜請師兄師姐(2 teachers) 幫我畫的美麗扇子, 心寬念純是我請師兄寫的 (他會先問我要提什麼字), 美善人生是師兄 teacher 幫我改的 (本來下聯我用心開運來), 師兄改的好, 師兄說上人說 心寬 就是美! 念純就是善! 書法絕美有韻味 有 Fu. very beautiful. 寫得真好! 好有感覺喔!

      (竹筒歲月 / 存錢筒 : 以前從來沒人發或送過我. ) 要拿都沒地方拿. 那天也有人不拿. 結果有3 種不同的版本外包裝圖文, 各有特色所以我特別拿數位相機照下來.

      我的慈濟大愛福慧紅包比他們以前的更漂亮更美更精緻莊重, 小麥穗是醫生黏的, 都好感動喔!

      1 ·  · 

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