ref from :此篇文章內容引用自 國網中心雲端技術研究小組之雲端資料庫(Cloud DB)研究人員之共同研究心得分享
- How to download and run HBase? in about 10 Minutes.
- 以下有幾個簡單的步驟:(包含了下載.安裝及配置HBase)
- 首先需要先下載HBase最新且穩定的版本Download
- 接著將下載的檔案移到你想要跑HBase的目錄下,如/home/user/hbase
- 移動到/home/user/hbase此目錄下
$ cd /home/user/hbase
- 編輯conf/hbase-env.sh檔案,加入以下這行 (需視使用者的JAVA路徑而定)
$ vi conf/hbase-env.shexport JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
- 啟動hbase
$ bin/
- 可以在預設的logs/目錄下看到不少logs檔案
- 可以執行以下指令進到HQL指令模式,可以試試看
$ bin/hbase shellHbase Shell, 0.0.2 version.Copyright (c) 2007 by udanax, licensed to Apache Software Foundation.Type 'help;' for usage.hql > help;Type 'help COMMAND;' to see command-specific usage.+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| Command | Description | Example |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| EXIT | Exit shell | EXIT; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| ALTER | Alter structure of table| ALTER TABLE table_name A|| | | DD column_spec | ADD (co|| | | lumn_spec, column_spec, || | | ...) | CHANGE column_fam|| | | ily column_spec | DROP c|| | | olumn_family_name | CHAN|| | | GE column_spec; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| CREATE | Create tables | CREATE TABLE table_name || | | (column_family_name [MAX|| | | _VERSIONS=n] [MAX_LENGTH|| | | =n] [COMPRESSION=NONE|RE|| | | CORD|BLOCK] [IN_MEMORY] || | | [BLOOMFILTER=NONE|BLOOMF|| | | ILTER|COUNTING_BLOOMFILT|| | | ER|RETOUCHED_BLOOMFILTER|| | | VECTOR_SIZE=n NUM_HASH=|| | | n], ...) |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| INSERT | Insert values into table| INSERT INTO table_name (|| | | column_name, ...) VALUES|| | | ('value', ...) WHERE ro|| | | w='row_key' [TIMESTAMP '|| | | timestamp']; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| DROP | Drop tables | DROP TABLE table_name [,|| | | table_name] ...; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| TRUNCATE | Truncate table is used t| TRUNCATE TABLE table_nam|| | o clean all data from a | e; || | table | |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| DESCRIBE | Print table information | [DESCRIBE|DESC] table_na|| | | me; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| JAR | Hadoop RunJar util | JAR jarFile [mainClass] || | | arguments...; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| FS | Hadoop FsShell; entering| FS [-option] arguments..|| | a lone 'FS;' will emit | ; || | usage | |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| DELETE | Delete table data | DELETE {column_name, [, || | | column_name] ... | *} FR|| | | OM table_name WHERE row=|| | | 'row-key'; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| SELECT | Select values from table| SELECT {column_name, [, || | | column_name] ... | expr[|| | | alias] | * } FROM table_|| | | name [WHERE row='row_key|| | | ' | STARTING FROM 'row-k|| | | ey' [UNTIL 'stop-key']] || | | [NUM_VERSIONS = version_|| | | count] [TIMESTAMP 'times|| | | tamp'] [LIMIT = row_coun|| | | t] [INTO FILE 'file_name|| | | ']; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| SHOW | Show information about s| SHOW TABLES [or substitu|| | elected title | tion variable name]; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| CLEAR | Clear the screen | CLEAR; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+hql > help;Type 'help COMMAND;' to see command-specific usage.+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| Command | Description | Example |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| EXIT | Exit shell | EXIT; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| ALTER | Alter structure of table| ALTER TABLE table_name A|| | | DD column_spec | ADD (co|| | | lumn_spec, column_spec, || | | ...) | CHANGE column_fam|| | | ily column_spec | DROP c|| | | olumn_family_name | CHAN|| | | GE column_spec; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| CREATE | Create tables | CREATE TABLE table_name || | | (column_family_name [MAX|| | | _VERSIONS=n] [MAX_LENGTH|| | | =n] [COMPRESSION=NONE|RE|| | | CORD|BLOCK] [IN_MEMORY] || | | [BLOOMFILTER=NONE|BLOOMF|| | | ILTER|COUNTING_BLOOMFILT|| | | ER|RETOUCHED_BLOOMFILTER|| | | VECTOR_SIZE=n NUM_HASH=|| | | n], ...) |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| INSERT | Insert values into table| INSERT INTO table_name (|| | | column_name, ...) VALUES|| | | ('value', ...) WHERE ro|| | | w='row_key' [TIMESTAMP '|| | | timestamp']; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| DROP | Drop tables | DROP TABLE table_name [,|| | | table_name] ...; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| TRUNCATE | Truncate table is used t| TRUNCATE TABLE table_nam|| | o clean all data from a | e; || | table | |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| DESCRIBE | Print table information | [DESCRIBE|DESC] table_na|| | | me; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| JAR | Hadoop RunJar util | JAR jarFile [mainClass] || | | arguments...; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| FS | Hadoop FsShell; entering| FS [-option] arguments..|| | a lone 'FS;' will emit | ; || | usage | |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| DELETE | Delete table data | DELETE {column_name, [, || | | column_name] ... | *} FR|| | | OM table_name WHERE row=|| | | 'row-key'; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| SELECT | Select values from table| SELECT {column_name, [, || | | column_name] ... | expr[|| | | alias] | * } FROM table_|| | | name [WHERE row='row_key|| | | ' | STARTING FROM 'row-k|| | | ey' [UNTIL 'stop-key']] || | | [NUM_VERSIONS = version_|| | | count] [TIMESTAMP 'times|| | | tamp'] [LIMIT = row_coun|| | | t] [INTO FILE 'file_name|| | | ']; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| SHOW | Show information about s| SHOW TABLES [or substitu|| | elected title | tion variable name]; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+| CLEAR | Clear the screen | CLEAR; |+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+hql >
- 要結束hbase server 可用以下指令,而避免使用kill pid指令來殺掉pid,尤其是恐怖的指令kill -9 pid
$ bin/
- 解釋: kill -9 是當 kill -15 砍不掉的時候 才用,kill -15 會去幫你注意檔案或裝置讀寫有沒有關起來,kill -9 就不管,直接停掉process (reference from sunny)
- 注意:如果有要跑一個遠端的HDFS,而希望可以用hbase連接,此時需要編輯conf/hbase-site.xml檔案,如下
$ vi conf/hbase-site.xml hbase.rootdirfile:///tmp/hbase-${user.home}/hbasehdfs://localhost:9000/hbaseThe directory shared by region servers.Should be fully-qualified to include the filesystem to use.
Ans: 在hbase/conf目錄裡有一個預設的組態檔hbase-default.xml,裡面的hbase.rootdir屬性預設值是"file:///tmp/hbase-${user.home}/hbase", 這表示hbase的檔案系統預設是掛載在使用本機的/tmp目錄底下,如果是沒有特別去備份/tmp目錄,或是把/tmp掛載到ram disc裡的情況下,裡面的資料庫資料會在重新啟動作業系統後被作業系統自動清空,因此,只要把hbase.rootdir指定到其他可以永續存放的磁碟空間,就可以解決資料表存放的問題。hbase.rootdir可以直接設定在hbase-default.xml裡或是hbase-site.xml,hbase系統讀取設定檔的優先權順序是hbase-site.xml高於hbase-default.xml,如果想保留原本的預設值,一般是建議直接放到hbase-site.xml就可以了。屬性內容如下:
value可以自由設定路徑,description非必填,name則是固定的屬性名稱hbase.rootdirfile:///${user.home}/hbase/dbstoredThe directory shared by region servers.Should be fully-qualified to include the filesystem to use.