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2008-07-31 11:57:43| 人氣83| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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不想組織這篇網誌的文法 我想說什麼就說什麼 我現在要發洩 剛剛把 Princess 送出去時 他還想進來 我第一次忍痛關起門來不讓他進來 只是對著他說 You will be safe. 知道對方安全...真的才是最深的愛 剛剛忍不住又打開門出去看她一次 她正要離開 看到我開門又快速的衝向我 我討厭別離的感覺 真的很討厭 下午我哭到不行 抱著 Ken 和 Nora 我完全說不出一句話啦 連 Thank You 都說得斷斷續續 明天一早 David 和 Donna 要送我去機場 我真的能忍住不要哭嗎 我一定做不到啊 因為我不知道什麼時候會再回來 不管了啦 現在又流眼淚了 Princess 不管打雷、閃電、颳風、下雨 一定要發揮你的本性 好好照顧自己 我會在最短的時間內再回來看你 I Love You, Princess. 從來沒有忘記過家鄉在哪裡  黃色皮膚流的血液  象徵東方的榮譽 我獨自旅行來到換日線這端  找尋屬於我靈魂的答案 整個城市  漂蕩熟悉陌生的記憶  說著父母親敎的言語 每一雙眼睛  要我去跟隨命運  永遠不要放棄  要相信自己 如果今天我沒有選擇了回來  沒走的路不會明白  那裡才會是未來 也許庸庸碌碌過的幸福平凡  但我卻想要帶給你精彩 我越過世界回到這裡  我用我的聲音  請你  來讓我唱給你聽 就算要我吹風淋雨  這份心情  我願意  用我生命的旋律感動你 Another summer day Is come and gone away In Paris and Rome But I wanna go home Mmmmmmmm Maybe surrounded by A million people I Still feel all alone I just wanna go home Oh I miss you, you know And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you Each one a line or two “I’m fine baby, how are you?” Well I would send them but I know that it’s just not enough My words were cold and flat And you deserve more than that Another aerorplane Another sunny place I’m lucky I know But I wanna go home Mmmm, I’ve got to go home Let me go home I’m just too far from where you are I wanna come home And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life It’s like I just stepped outside When everything was going right And I know just why you could not Come along with me But this was not your dream But you always believe in me Another winter day has come And gone away And even Paris and Rome And I wanna go home Let me go home And I’m surrounded by A million people I Still feel alone Oh, let go home Oh, I miss you, you know Let me go home I’ve had my run Baby, I’m done I gotta go home Let me go home It will all right I’ll be home tonight I’m coming back home

台長: Chiou
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2008-08-02 14:46:07
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