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2010-08-04 17:08:44| 人氣126| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Love lost

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Our love was lost
But now we ve found it
Our love was lost, was lost
And hope was gone
Our love was lost
But now we ve found it
And if you flash your heart, your heart
I won t deny it
I promise

I promise

Your walls are up
Too cold to touch it
Your walls are up, are up
Too high to climb
I know it s hard
But I can still hear it beating
So if you flash your heart
I won t mistreat it
I promise
I promise

Our love was lost
In the rubble are all the things
That you ve, you ve been dreaming of
Keep me in mind
When you re ready
I am here
To take you every time
Oh, our love was lost
Lost, lost, lost, lost..
Our love was lost
But now its found

台長: 海安
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