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2007-06-26 11:17:43| 人氣162| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Cartoon Motion

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I wanna talk to you. / 我想和你聊聊

The last time we talked Mr. Smith, you reduced me to tears. /
史密斯先生 上一次我們聊到飆淚

I promise you, it won’t happen again. / 我保證沒有下次

Do I attract you? / 你在看我嗎?

Do I repulse you with my queasy smile? / 我的微笑讓你想吐嗎?

Am I too dirty? / 我太淫蕩?

Am I too flirty? / 我太賣騷?

Do I like what you like? / 我太投你所好?

I could be wholesome / 我可以很開朗

I could be loathsome / 我可以惹人厭

I guess I’m a little bit shy / 我大概太保守

Why don’t you like me? / 你怎麼不愛我?

Why don’t you like me without making me try? / 怎麼不聽完整首歌再討厭我?

I try to be like Grace Kelly / 我想模仿葛麗絲凱莉

But all her looks were too sad / 但她是一代苦情女

So I try a little Freddie / 所以我學皇后佛萊迪

I’ve gone identity mad! / 我已經人格分裂啦!


I could be brown / 我可以曬黑

I could be blue / 也能裝憂鬱

I could be violet sky / 也可以像花痴在飛舞

I could be hurtful / 我可以傷人

I could be purple / 也可以受傷

I could be anything you like / 完全如你所想

Gotta be green / 一定要自然

Gotta be mean / 不能不使壞

Gotta be everything more / 要比一切多更多

Why don’t you like me? / 你為何不愛我?

Why don’t you like me? / 你為何不愛我?

Why don’t you walk out the door! / 給我滾出家門!

Getting angry doesn’t solve anything. / 發脾氣不能解決任何事情。

How can I help it / 我能怎麼辦

How can I help it / 我不能怎麼辦

How can I help what you think? / 我怎麼能決定你的想法?

Hello my baby / 哈囉小寶貝

Hello my baby / 哈囉小寶貝

Putting my life on the brink / 活在邊緣才值得

Why don’t you like me / 你為何不愛我?

Why don’t you like me / 你為何不愛我?

Why don’t you like yourself? / 你為何不愛你自己?

Should I bend over? / 我要讓你羞辱?

Should I look older just to be put on your shelf? / 還是要裝成熟才能跟你回家?

I try to be like Grace Kelly / 我想模仿葛麗絲凱莉

But all her looks were too sad / 但她是一代苦情女

So I try a little Freddie / 所以我學皇后佛萊迪

I’ve gone identity mad! / 我已經人格分裂啦!

Say what you want to satisfy yourself / 不爽就說 你到底要怎樣

But you only want what everybody else says you should want / 但你只敢聽 大家都在聽的無聊音樂

[Chorus x 2]
Humphrey, We’re leaving! / 亨佛萊 我們該走了。
Ka-ching! / 買單



台長: BITCHER 國王
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