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2003-07-11 01:16:23| 人氣100| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Langkawi XI

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This is the toilet that I took in our room. Can you find out what’s the special?
Haha…let me tell you.
The 花灑 in black color is setting for the Malaysian to wash their “patpat” after toilet.
Interesting? I wonder how come they can wash their “pat” after XXX? You know, it’s so dirty. How come???? How about their hand? When they try to wash it used by their hand, 2……………………..terrible.

I was thinking to try it, finally, myself ask me don’t do that….
I won’t try it.

Photo: @toilet! Terrible design

台長: 莊秀男
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