從 Keflavik 機場歸還租車那一天起,直到返回台灣已經一個多星期了,始終沒有收到冰島租車公司的電子收據,因為收據裡除了要列出租金明細之外,也要註明車子是否有新的損傷、有否動用保險賠償,以及有否額外增加費用(例如:交通違規罰單)。
As a long-time and loyal SixT customer, I would like to express andrespond some issues which I had never encountered in my pass SixT car rentale xperiences until I had an unpleasant new one here at KEF Airport. I try to list these issues down below, hopefully they can be easier identified.
第一個狀況是差勁的GPS:許多鄉鎮、街道、景點...,都尋找不到,還要不時停車問路,甚至完全靠碰運氣,一邊開車一邊找路,歸還車子的時候,檢查車輛的技師也承認,GPS 確實功能不彰。
1. Poor Navigation system (GPS) function
When I travelled throughout the island, the GPS could merely indicate major cities or attractions, while those minor town sand their roads, sightseeing spots which are not so popular, even 3 of my entire hotels, couldn’t be found. I tried and used alternative methods such as asking local people in “i”, in shops or in gas stations to show me correct ways, somehow just drove on major routes then hoped to find some correct roadsigns. In such a big territory but less population of the country Iceland, it was difficult to travel and drive without GPS assistance. I stopped by a red SUV once and asked a lady for correct town and street of my hotel, she amazingly answered: “But you have GPS on board!” Was this ironic? On Feb 28 when I returned the car, the gentleman who served to examine the car admitted that the GPS did has poor function.
第二個狀況是車子遙控器的電池。取車的時候,車子幾乎是全新的,才開了2,500公里多一點點,應該也是剛剛環島一圈回來,哪裡曉得新車遙控器的電池這麼快就沒電?荒郊野外的,根本沒有商店可以買到電池,我直接用車鑰匙開車門,警報器大響,當然很糗,我幾乎問遍了現場其他遊客們是否有相同的電池?直到遇見一位開著四輪傳動小卡車的先生,他正好有一樣的電池,但向我要價 999 冰島克朗。
2. Low battery of remote control
The 3rd day after picking up the car, which was Feb 19, the remote control became “dull” and slow reacted at Seljalandsfoss. After I finished tour at Skogafoss, the remote control was “non responding” and I had to open the car door by the original key, thus caused a sudden siren alarm until Istarted the engine. When the alarm first burst, I was so embarrassed from those strange eyes of surrounding people but not yet realized it was the battery problem. By the time I finished tour at Reynisfjara, the remote control was totally “down”, of course I had to open the car door again with the original key and embarrassedly faced to people and the huge siren alarm one more time. Many other tourists came to ask “What’s going on?” and then they all believed that the battery was totally out of energy. What could I do at that moment? I could do nothing but randomly asking people if they had an extra battery just like the original one, for more than 30 minutes. Finally and fortunately a gentleman with a black 4x4 truck had a same model. He kindly and generously sold me the battery for 999 ISK (shown as photo), thus rescued me from out of battery, huge siren alarm, embarrassment, and could let me keep driving along. Dear host, how could an ordinary custom like me be able to anticipate that a brand new vehicle with only 2,500 more mileage possessed a remote control of very poor low baterry and I had to spend extra 999 ISK for a new one?

第三個狀況是櫃台服務小姐的態度很差。取車的時候,她並沒有註明車子左前方有一個因為前一位車主的碰撞造成的裂縫,使得我必須再開車跑回機場去詢問、確認。還車的時候,檢查車輛的技師承認 GPS 功能不彰,他問櫃台服務小姐應該怎麼樣辦理 GPS 退費,櫃台服務小姐很不耐煩的說 GPS 免費,但不願意解釋為何免費。當初透過網路租車訂車的時候,GPS 是額外加計費用的選項,由於取車當天額外增購一項「車體與擋風玻璃損害險」,GPS 才因此免費,這個差異,不耐煩的櫃台服務小姐不想多做解釋,就由我來向業務主管說明。
3. Unpleasant manner of service lady
In KEF Airport office a lady with an “A” tatoo on her right hand finger did not show proper manner - which she should have - toward me. Why do I say so? First of all, on Feb 17 when I picked up the car, I drove to Reykjavik city for tour and parked the car well in parking lot. After lunch I found a clear crack in the left front on the car just under left headlight. I thought the car was hit by an unknown vehicle, so I drove all the way back to SixT for help and would like to know if the damage insurance included in the contract. After a while the service gentleman and technician gentleman examined and told me that the crack was already there before I picked up the car. However, The lady who served in pick-up did not explain this crack to me and also she neglected to mark this crack on contract document. Secondly, by the time when I made the reservation I selected GPS option, which added €100.01 to the total rental. As I picked up the car she suggested me to buy an extra insurance -- €27.50 per day for protecting windshield and tires -- thus the €100.01 GPS would become no charge. However, on Feb 28 when the technician gentleman examined and admitted that the GPS did has poor function and sought to give me certain refund in compensation, the lady came and impatiently told him “It’s free!” then left, without any pleasant explanation. Dear host, let me clarify one thing: the GPS option was €100.01 in original, the reason why it became “free” was my extra purchasing insurance: €27.50 per day. I do not expect there will be any form of compensation, but I do agree her unpleasant manner and attitude.
4. Charged directly on pick-up day
When I received my monthly payable bank bill days ago, I found €973.10 -- toral rental amount -- was directly charged on Feb 17, not on car returning day Feb 28. Is this the SOP of SixT.is? Furthermore, why there is no formal E-receipt sent by E-mail from SixT.is? It totally does not like the formal invoice no. 9351115836, which I had received from SixT.fi sent by E-mail on Feb 17, juse one day after I returned the car at Helsinki Vantaa Airport.
First of all let me thank you for your business with Sixt Iceland. I would like to apologize for all inconveniences caused during your stay in Iceland. I would also like to note that I am very sorry you did not received the service you expected from us.
I would like to guide you through your email point by point in respective order.
1. Poor Navigation System
Unfortunately, we cannotf oresee problems that occur devices malfunctioning. We live in a very fast paced world where we rely on technology a lot. Sadly, electronic devices do not always act as we would like them to do so. I have personally had the misfortune to rely on a device that was not working properly and fully understand all the hassle it can cause. Therefore I can offer you a FULL REFUND on the price of the GPS device. (因為GPS 功能不彰,業務主管允諾這一項目全額退費。他的前兩句話,我不怎麼認同,畢竟這是你們租給顧客的電子設備,跟不上潮流或是有問題的設備,自己早就應該檢修)
2. Low Battery of Remote Control
As I have mentioned above electronic devices do go off without noticing us in advance. Mechanical problems can always arise. I shall of course refund you for the cost of the new battery which you had to purchase as well. (沒有人能夠預知電子設備何時故障,我同意,但是幾乎全新的車子,遙控器電池這麼快就沒電,實在不合常理,所以業務主管同意退還給我必須額外應急買來的電池費用)
3. Unpleasant service
Out of all the issues that you have mentioned, this is the one that struck me the most, as I trust my colleagues to be very well trained and represent international Sixt standards. I can guarantee you that I will look into this matter myself and provide training for the person in question on customer service. I, however would like to apologize again if not the right tone was used and an not an adequate answer was given to you on ongoing procedure. (櫃台服務小姐的疏忽與態度,是你們公司的教育訓練問題,你們自己處理)
4. Charged directly
I would like to call your attention on that Sixt Iceland is a franchise and we do have different payment policies. We do charge the card on the day of pick up and our front desk agents should always explain it to the customer in detail what they are being charged for. (所以,事後回想,早在取車的時候,櫃台小姐就已經疏於職責,沒有向我告知冰島這裡的 SOP 是租車費用會在取車當天就扣款,而不是歸還車子之後才扣款,而且還車之後,她當然也就順理成章再疏於寄出電子收據,是篤定我以後不會向來冰島租車旅行了嗎?或是,我一直很不願意扯到的話題:白種人的優越感,看輕東方人...)
The compensation I can offer you for all the inconveniences caused is a total amount of €150. I understand that money does not erase the unpleasant moments of your trip, however I truly hope that you will find the amount generous enough. (業務主管很乾脆,允諾退費150歐元做為補償,讓我相當訝異,這一筆金額也在三月底的信用卡帳單裡列計退款)
Let me apologize once again for all the mishaps. I always take pride in Sixt customer service and how our highly qualified, trained, esteemed colleagues deal with customers. We are always happy to provide premium service to everyone seeking for help or advice.
I can only hope that you have not lost absolute faith in Sixt and as a valued, returning customer you will once take our services again.
Should you have any further things to add, questions, or remarks, please do not hesitate to contact as I can guarantee that we will find the best solution whatever the matter is.
I wish you a pleasant day and a lovely weekend and also looking forward to your reply. (希望收到我回覆?好,我就回覆)
I appreciate your prompt reply as well as such a generous compesation of €150. You had mentioned two major points in the mail: “money does not erase the unpleasant moments of my trip”, and, “electronic devices do not always act as we would like them to do so”. I fully agree. However, if SixT might consider putting “remote control battery level check before pick-up” into worksheets in the future, more or less we might foresee and prevent tiny problems occur, especially when picking up a brand new car.
As a long-time SixT customer, I wish the company can keep thinking and finding potential problems which bother customers most. A tiny malfunction can cause customer annoyed, even lead to hazardous driving situations.